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The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • 1

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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OTTAWA EVENING CITIZEN 86th YEAR, Ka. 105. OTTAWA, CANADA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 192828 Pages. PRICE TWO CENTS ANCE LT. ONALD ALIVE THE SLIM CH OMM MACD MISSING BRITISH FLYER AND HIS GYPSY-MOTH PLANE Hope for Safety of British Airman in Attempt to Cross Atlantic Almost Vanished Boy Is Found by Airmen After a 60 Mile Walk Holds Newspapers Best to Advertise Gty Water Scheme Newspaper publicity is advocated by Aid.

G. H. Dunbar ior the information on the water issue as being more effective and with a wider circulation than would be the results of a printed pamphlet distributed by mail to the electors. City Council has decided to issue circulars in both English and French to be mailed to all property owners, but Aid. Dunbar has filed a motion asking City Council to rescind this action and to publish the information in the daily newt-papers.

In addition to being more effective, the alderman points out that the newspaper publication would be more economical. Main Hope Based on Chance Lieut. MacDonald Might Have Conquered Sea and Landed on Some Isolated Spot on Irish or Scotch I ts I I i a 11 1 1 i-'VJ' i'-S' lfea At 1.21 o'clock Wednesday afternoon Commander H. C. MarDonald, former officer with the British navy, left Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, in a Gipsy Moth single water bound for the British Isles.

MarDonald, shown in (1) niade preparations quietly, and his departure was marked with no ceremony. Photos and (3) show the small size of the plane, it being a four-cylinder machine, developing 80 ta 90 horsepower. In (3), a picture taken from the air, the impromptu hangar Is shown, and the motor car shows how small the Moth machine really is. He was sighted at 1M the evening of Wednesday, but has not been reported since. Make Final Appeal for Patronage of Show jn Aid of Crippled Children A final appeal is being made today to the good people of Ottawa or those who have not already seen the performance of The Chocolate Soldier, to do so tomorrow, Saturday, which is the last day.

Apart from the fact that this is the best show of its kind ever put on in the city, there is also the deserving nature of the cause which is to benefit from the proceeds. Ottawa has never failed a worthy undertaking and this week's effort by the Rotary Club is a particularly meritorious one. At noon today there were still a few seats left for the matinee tomorrow and also for the final performance tomorrow night Rotarian Clare Brunton is the manager for the final performance and, along with a host of other willing workers, is doing his utmost to make Saturday night's show a banner affair. i Died in Attempts to Cross Atlantic Prrsa Drspatih. NEW YORK, Oct.

19. Prior to Lieut. Commander H. C. Mac-Donald's flight 18 persons lost their lives in attempts to cross the Atlantic ocean by air.

They were Capt. St. Roman, a French officer, and Commander Moun-evres started from St. Louis, Senegal, May 5. 1927, for Buenos Aires and were never heard from again.

Captains Charles Nungesser and Francois Coli lost their lives trying to fly from France to America the same month. On August 31, 1927, Captain Leslie Hamilton, Col. Frederick F. Minchen and Princess Loewen-stein-Wertheim took off from TJpavon, England, in the St. Raphael for Ottawa and disappeared.

Lloyd Bertaud, James Hill and Phillip Payne perished when they flew from Old Orchard, Maine, on Sept. 6, 1927, in an attempt to reach Rome. Captain Terry Tully and Lieut. James Medcalfe were lost after leaving London, Sept. 7, 1927, for London, Eng.

Captain Walter Hinchcliffe and the Hon. Elsie Mackay vanished after leaving England on a transatlantic flight on March 13, 1928. Mrs. Frances Grayson in "The Dawn" left Roosevelt Field, N.Y., with three companions Oskar Omdal, Brice Goldsborough and Fred Koehler for a flight to, Newfoundland en route across the Atlantic and were lost off Newfoundland. Restore Appeal of Preston and Wilson to List Decision Made Regarding Appeal from Judgment Awarding Sir Arthur Cur- rie $500 and Costs.

Canadian Press Despatch. TORONTO, Oct 19. The second divisonal court at Osgoode Hall today decided to restore to the fist of appeals the appeal of W. T. R.

Preston and W. F. Wilson, of Port Hope, from the judgment of Justice Rose and a jury at Cobourg in the action for libel brought by Sir Arthur awarding the former commander of the Canadian Corps in France $500 and costs. The appeal will come up for per emptory hearing on October 29. Argument this morning was on a motion to set aside notice oi tne discontinuance of the appeal T.

F. Hall, K.C., counsel for the appellants, read affidavit made by Preston and Wilson to the effect that they had not authorized the abandonment of the appeal and that while the notice of abandonment was said to have been signed by W. A. F. Campbell, I solicitor for the defendants, Mr.

Campbell assured them that he had. signed no such notice. Mr. Hall explained that apparently there had been some misunderstanding. Chief Justice Latchford said that the typewritten signature of W.

A. F. Campbell 'appeared on the notice. Justice Rlddell thought the court should require an affadivit from Campbell. His Lordship said it was possible that the lawyer did not sign the document and the matter ought to be Investigated.

W. N. Tilley, K.C., for Sir Arthur Currie, declared there was no question of a slip being made. There was nothing to show that the notice was unintentional. It was deliberately served on Instructions of counsel and in the Interests of his client.

Pardon Dr. Schumacker MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 19. Governor Ed. Jackson today issued a pardon for Dr.

E. S. Schumacker, superintendent of the Indiana Anti-Saloon League, who this morning was taken to the state penal farm to begin serving a sixty day sentence for contempt of the Indiana Supreme Court. Dr. Schumacker, however, will have to pay the $250 fine. OFFICIAL Dr. DesRosiers to Seek Off ice Eastview Mayor IVelve-year-oltl Indian Lal Had Strayed from School-house in Northern Manitoba. Principal Asked Fliers to Help in the Search Ottawa Officials-Think This Finest Story of Sean-h Work Yet Recorded. Lost for five days in the densely irr.bered wilderness surrounding the Joseph's Roman Catholic mis- ion school on Lake Manitoba, a welve year old Irldian boy who had over sixty miles in an en-eavor to find his way home again as found by two Royal Canadian Force fliers forty minutes after he order was issued for an aerial earch, according to a report just ent in to headquarters here. The boy strayed from the school lto the bush and failed to show up gain.

Search parties on the ground unted frantically for him while he, etting farther and farther away from ome. struggled through the thick nderbrush, tearing his clothing to ibbons and scratching his flesh as came In contact with thorns and ipplings which covered his path. Without food the lad was forced subsist on whatever he could find he strove to regain his bearings, ild berries, roots and bark were his aily fare until the fifth day when was found sleeping on a rocky oint jutting from the shores of ross Lake. (Continued on Page 2, Col. 4.) hink F.

D. Commission Will Bridge Rideau io Rebuilding of Temporary "Structure Planned The temporary footbridge from rathcona Park to the Rideau Ten-s Club, much used by tennis play-s and residents of Overbrook, which as washed away last night by the ver. will not be replaced, according officials of the Rideau Tennis Club id F. X. Laderoute, local real estate aler.

The bridge was first huilt in 1911 Mr Laderoute as part of the work developing Overbrook which was ien a subdivision, Later It was ashed away and, was rebuilt by the iginal builder and the residents of verbrook combined with the mem-rs of the Rideau Tennis Club. Now that it has gone again Mr. ideroute says that he will not at-mpt to rebuild or assist in rebuild-g it In his estimation, the ans of the Federal District Commls-on to build a bridge a that point a strip of park which will be es-blished on the other side of the ver, will be greatly accelerated if no mporary structure is available. Mr. Laderoute also pointed out that are 200 homes now in Overbrook id the temporary structure was not nger adequate.

Rideau Tennis offl-als also expressed the belief that a rmanent bridge will be erected lortly there under the plans of the -deral District Commission. )fficial Welcome to Eckener and Comrades Day in Washington for Europeans. usy Associated I'resa Despatch WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. rational capital today extended official welcome to Dr. Hugo Eck- -ier and three of his comrades oi ne transatlantic flight of the Graf eppelin.

Beginning with breakfast at the hite House as guests of the presi-ent and Mrs. Coolidge, a busy day as arranged for the European visits. In addition to Dr. Eckener, the arty consisted of Count Alexander nn Brandenstem-zenpeun, son-in- iw of the late Count Zeppelin; Staff aptain Ernst A. Lehmann, ana coi.

milio Herrera of the Spanish air orce. Current Events TODAY rohlbltlon Federation 01 canaoa. mew- arton Churcn. JO a.m., ana ana p.m.; banquet In McLeod St. Church it "led "Trades nd Labor, S3J Gloucester it.

Francalae. Museum, 8. SO pm. he Chocolate Soldier, under Ottawa Rotary Club auspices, Little Theater, 8 15 p.m. atlonal Art Gallery, open 10 a.m.

to 8 p.m. heater announcements on Page J8. TOMORKOW he Chocolate Soldier, Little Theater, 2. IS and it m. R1TISH MAILS FROM OTTAWA.

Letter mall will clone at 10 p.m. and news- aper and parcel poet nail at 8 p.m. Friday. 'dober 1. o.

itegina tii vucdvc. A ipeclal air mall deipatcn ww oe maae Saturday. Oct 30. 12S. In connection Ith the 8 8 "Regine." and any letter tall reaching the up to II clock am.

addressed to Great Britain Europe, will be carried by air to imouskl at which point connection will made with the outgoing eteamer. Let- rs addreed to pessengera In care ol Puraer of thli steamer will be at-vered to thrm provided they bear a ipeclal 'livery etamp In addition to the ordln- 'v postaae. First clans msll lor Montreal City, -pouted the Head Office up to 11 o'clock a ct. 30. will be carried by the same plant Montreal.

Want Ad. Pages, 6 and 7. (Phonet Q. 5500.) HAVE CITIZEN DELIVERED. Our route boy passes your home ich afternoon after school with The venlng Citizen for your neighbors.

lay he add you to his list of weekly ubscrlbers? Please phone Q. 5500, jtfrulaUon Department. One Steamer Sighted Flier's Moth Airplane Associated Prtsi Despatch. LONDON, Oct. 19 With every hour that psed today without news of Lieut.

Commander H. C. MacDonald, hope for the British airman's safety grew fainter until by mid-afternoon it had almost reached the vanishing point. The chief ground for what hope remained was that he might have conquered the Atlantic with his gypsy moth de Haviland, and may have landed at some isolated spot on the Irish or Scotch coast, but no word was received of him, although coastguards maintained a close lookout. Apparently the only other chance was that he might have been picked up by some small ocean craft unable to report the fact by wireless.

In this connection, the case of Harry Hawker was cited it being recalled (hat it was seven days after the beginning of his flight before It was learned that he had been rescued by a Danish steamer. No one cherished these hopes more strongly than Mrs. MacDonald, the flyer's wife, who was still doing her best to keep up courage, although worn by the long vigil of nearly 43 hours which she has maintained, broken by but a few brief Intervals of fitful sleep. No Sighting of Plane. The liners Paris and Muenchen arriving today, reported good weather at sea and excellent visibility, but no sighting of the plane was reported by any vessel since the message sent to the Associated Press Wednesday by the Dutch teamer Hardenberg, which caught a glimpse of MacDonald's plane at 7.30 Eastern Standard Time, 700 miles east of Newfoundland about 7 hour after the takeoff.

Another message reporting the pos sible sighting of MacDonald, was received from the steamship Mirach, but this 'was a full hour before the s'ghtmg by th Hardenberft. The message from thtMirach said that lights had been seen at a great distance "most probably resembling an explosion." The position was far to the west of that given by the Hardenberg, and the suggestion of a disaster seemed Improbable In view of the fact that the plane wu definitely reported going well an hour later. SHIP SIGHTS LIGHTS. STEAMSHIP MIRACH, Oct 19. The Mirach sighted at 11.30 a.m., Greenwich Meridian time, Wednesday (6.30 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time), at lititude 93.03 north, longitude 43.42 west in bearing 130 true at a big distance lights most probably resembling an explosion. The position given by the Mirach is about 550 miles east of Belle Isle, Newfoundland, and along the course which Lieut. Commander H. C. MacDonald was flying when sighted by the steamship Hardenberg at 7.30 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Wednesday, 150 miles farther east.

Since the Hardenberg reported that the airplane passed an hour later than the time given by the Mirach for sighting lights it seems improbable that the Mirach has evidence of a disaster to MacDonald's plane. TOO YOl'NG TO SHARE ANXIETY LONDON, Oct. 19. Ian MacDonald, 5 year old son of Lieut. Commander H.

C. MacDonald, happily played in his home today too young to share Jn the general anxiety concerning his father, long overdue on an attempt to fly from Newfoundland. "My Daddy's flying over the sea." the child said. "I am going to see him today." Hi, mother kept vigil throughout the night near the telephone hoping in vain of hearing some definite news of her husband, who is believed by many to have perished. "I heard that my husband was sighted by a steamer, but beyond that I have heard nothing." she said this morning.

"Many friends have been ringing me up during the n'rht to ask if I had any news." Friends soon persuaded her to lie down and she obtained the first real sleep she has had for 40 hours. WEATHER REPORTS winds; fair and cool. Western provinces: A few scattered showers but for the most part lair today and Saturday, statlpnry or a llttla higher temperature. TEMPER ATl'KE Highest Lowrat yester- during B'ntloir: Prince Rupert Victoria Kamloops Calnary Fdmonton Prince Albert Winnipeg Saskatoon Sauit Ste. Marie Toronto KitiiUnn OT's'tU'A Montreal Quehec St.

John, SB Hslllas St John Mid. Detroit New York Jasper Charlottttown Kenora Sam. Cay. night 44 43 4 4 31 .14 S3 Id i3 S3 .14 3 SO 14 43 18 41 it 10 S4 so 54 51 44 44 04 4S 44 44 44 43 4S S3 3 43 9S 53 S) 4 4 15 4 44 11 Former Chief Magistrate of East Side Town Announces He Will Be Candidate in December. flag Served 3S MflVOr Over Period Years Promises Tax Reduction and Better All.ArnllII,l huu uciier Administration.

Dr. Arthur DesRosiers has fired the first gun in the forthcoming mayoralty campaign in the town of Eastview by today announcing that Dry. Assn. Asks Changed Law on Drunken Driver Would Have Dominion Govt. Substitute "Under Influence of Liquor" for Word "Intoxicated." Say Private Brewing Is Doing Great Harm Also Decide to Take Necessary Steps to Get Decision on Right of With the object of overcoming the difficulty in convicting persons who drive an automobile while in an intoxicated state, the annual convention of the Canadian Temperance Federation voted at.

this morning's session to ask tUs Dominion government to amend the Criminal Code section which deals with this subject to read "under the influence of liquor," instead of driving while "intoxicated." The convention today also voted toj ask the Dominion authorities to prohibit the brewing of beer for private use. At present any person may make beer in his own home without, let or hindrance, so long as the liquid is for his own personal use. It is claimed that much harm results from this practice, especially in the rural districts. Regarding the. manufacture of liquor in general, the convention desires to secure an authoritative judgment on the question of whether the to prohibit manufacture rests with the federal or provincial governments.

The convention went on record as favorable to "take such steps as may necessary to secure such a decision." Increased attendance and animated discussion featured the second day's proceedings held at Stewarton United church. (Continued on 'Page Col. 3) St. Lawrence Route Is Sharply in Battle Middle West States Take Up 4, Question BY GEORGE HAMBLETON. Staff Correspondent of the Canadian Press.

WASHINGTON, Oct. 19. Through the crowded Loop district and the "Black Belt" over a route of thirty miles, Governor "Al" Smith. Democrat nominee for the presidency, rides in Chicago today. His automobile tour, which is scheduled to last three hours, Is preliminary to the speech he will make in Chicago tonight.

In the states of the middle west, where Governor Smith has been fighting hard for a foothold, the St. Lawrence waterway route has entered sharply into the battle. Republicans are presenting Herbert Hoover as the recognized leader and spokesman both of the movement to deepen the Mississippi river system through to the Gulf of Mexico and of the St. Lawrence route to the Atlantic. To Analyze Concrete Collapsed Build in 7 Dead and 12 Buried the Debris in VKNCENNES, France, Oct.

19. With seven persons dead and 12 others buried today In the debris of a building which collapsed, samples of the concrete used in the structure have been sent to Paris for analysis by the municipal laboratory. The disaster bore a close resemblance to the recent tragic collapse of an office building In Prague. The structure which collapsed here was a seven storey apartment building mostly made of concrete and partially occupied. Firemen soldiers worked all night trying to reach a dozen persons entombed in the ruins, but today they held little hope any one would be brought out alive.

Strike of rWaterside Workers Has Ended MELBOURNE, Australia. Oct 19. The waterside workers' strike which had been the occasion ot attacks on volunteer workers and bombings, wa ended throughout Australia today. The men had struck over the award of a board of arbitration which set up a system of hiring dockworkers twice a day while the men advocated a once dally hiring I i About $15,000 of $37,000 Recovered Guarantee Company Gets Cash and Jewelry Taken from Bennett anjl Loucks With the exception of the Jewelry which was' found In. the deposit box in Calgary, all the money and jewelry recovered by the police from Gerald W.

D. Bennett and William Loucks, sentenced for robbing the Standard Bank of $37,000, have been turned over to the representative of the Guaranteed Company of North America, which company had insured the bank against loss. The money, amounting to $11,510, was turned over today with a check and the jewelry. The representative of the guarantee company estimates; that about $15,000 of the $37,000 was recovered. The disposition of the jewelry found in Calgary has not been decided, as Loucks has denied ownership.

The money was taken In the special travelling bag, with combination lock, which was purchased by Bennett and Loucks to take the money from the bank. Bicycle Rider's Narrow Escape from Street Car Pedestrians on the Plaza witnessed a miraculous escape from death or serious injury about noon today when Gilbert Lafontaine, 97. York street, riding bis bicycle east on Rideau street and attempting to turn into Sussex was knocked down by a street car, operated by Motorman J. Jones, and dragged by the front fender a distance of several feet. Fortunately the car was going slowly.

With some- difficulty the bicycle was untangled from the front of the car and, mounting it, Mr. Lafontaine went on his way, apparently not even badly shaken up by his experience. PROPOSED NEW I i he would be a candidate. Dr. the Russell hotel and theater has Rosiers has served the town as chief been woefully slow.

The commission magistrate for five years, 1922-24-25-. wil1, undertake the work on the Approve Action Hon.PJ.Veniot in Simcoe Case Dominion Postal Clerks' Secretary Also Gives Complete O.K. to Administration Post Office Dept. TORONTO, Oct. 19.

Complete approval of the administration of the Post Office Department by Postmaster-General Hon. P. J. Veniot and of his action in respect to the postmas-tership at Simcoe was voiced by W. N.

Duncan, Dominion secretary of the Postal Clerks' organization in an interview here today. "In handling the Simcoe postmas-tership Mr. Veniot did exactly as he is required to do as postmaster-general." declared Mr. Duncan, "I have watched with interest the controversy in the press regarding his stand in connection with, that appointment. What has, impressed me most unfavorably is that a portion of the press ts bitter in the denunciation of a policy which would undoubtedly be followed by most business men.

"From the' legal aspect the decision not to appoint Whitaker was undoubtedly sound. The only argument used against it is the fact that the rejected applicant was a returned soldier. "Looking at the situation from a standpoint of a returned man it 'is difficult to see why the fuss is being made. Another returned man is appointed to the position and because of his lesser degree of disability he is not so favorably placed in the' matter of pension as the rejected applicant who receives 100 per cent pension." Referring to the postmaster-general himself as an outstanding example of the efficiency which he sought to obtain throughout his department. Mr.

Duncan stated: "The postal em-ployes as a whole have no criticism to offer on the administration of the present postmaster-general. He was evidently sincere and open with us in the matter of salary revision and placed the position squarely and fairly before us at our recent convention." Noted Educationist Passes at Pembroke Niles G. Ross, Former Principal of Hull Model School Niles G. Ross, for many years a noted educationist of this province, passed away today at the Cottage Hospital. Pembroke, in his 80th year, after an illness of some duration.

Mr. Ross wis born at Morrisburg, where he received his early education. He later entered the teaching profession, in which he made himself well known. Many years ago he was principal of the Hull Model School and at that time resided in Ottawa East. In the later part of his life he had taught at Forester's Falls, where he was still teaching when he was superannuated by the Ontario government some ten years ago.

Mr. Ross had also taught school in various points in the province of Quebec and his loss will be sincerely mourned by many -former pupils. Ever enthusiastic in all matters relating to his profession, Mr. Ross was himself an ardent scholar and took a great Interest in all phases of educational work, to which he had given his life. Predeceased by his wife about six years ago and by a son and daughter, ten and sixteen years previously, re spectively, Mr.

Ross is survived by inly one daughter, Mrs. Norman W. Campbell, 198 Wilbrod street. The funeral service will be held on SaturtVy afternoon at 12 o'clock, at the residence of Norman W. Campbell, and will be conducted by Rev.

W. H. Leathern, alter which interment will be made at Beechwood cemetery. The funeral will be held privately. Laurel Results First rare.

furlongs: Nellie Wood, 104. MMley, 8.15 80. SlifO, 86 40, won: xAll Blue, 118. Binita, 84.00, 8:) 00, afrr.nd: Scotland, 120, Morrla, 84 00, third, Tim 1.14 2-8. xEncainp, xTrue Lov, xTrappy, Btar Clold, Hypnotlnm, Bon Ami, MamiKcrlpt.

Red LathBr, Heartache, xHrdlord Toanna, xBouA 6iav aks tarn. For Eastview Mayoralty DR. ARTHUR DESROSIERS, who again will seek election to chief mag istrate's office. Birkett Build'g Down This Year But No More Contracts on Dpmnlif inn Wnrlc. Hon.

Mr. Alicarn. The Fedjral District Commission tL'ill talfP nvAr th ripmnlltfnn nf th old Birkett building on Canal street. to make way for the Plaza park area th. P.nrm imin but the work cannot be started until December.

Hon. Thomas Ahearn, P.C., chairman of the commission, made this announcement this morning, with the terse remark: "There will be no more contracts let by my commission for rTpmnlltinn nf hullrlinp. Thft work isirseu Duuamg, ana i can say mat come down in Jig time." This morning the contractors for the demolition of the old Russell block, were engaged in pulling down the walls of the theater. With the aid of steel cables and a Godfredson truck, whole sections were torn down at once. It is expected by Mr.

Bra-hinsky that the building will be levelled within a week, If working weather prevails. City's Appeal Allowed in Svvitzer Action Damages Had Been Awarded for $1,350. TORONTO, Oct. 19. The appeal of the City of Ottawa from the Judgment of Mr.

Justice McEvoy handed down on July 25, 1928, awarding Augustus Switaer $1,350 damages for injuries received while employed by the city was allowed by the second appellate division at Osgcode Hall today. Switzer was employed to drive a team of horses pulling a snow plow through the streets of Ottawa. While engaged at this task his leg was broken when the plow swung sideways and struck him. He alleged that this injury was occasioned through the negligence of another man who was guiding the plow. The court held that It could not uphold the judgment finding that Switzer has volunteered to drive the team for the man, Smith, actually employed by the city.

In the Judgment it states "we regret that the Workmen's Compensation Board has taken the narrow view that such a volunteer does not come within the provisions of the act." Sprague Cleghorn to Manage Newark Cluh NEWARK, NJ Oct. Newark club of the Canadian-American Hockey League today announced the purchase of Sprague Cleghorn from the Boston Bruins of the National Professional Hockey League. Cleghorn It was announced will manage and coach the Newark club. He Is a brother of Odie Cleghorn, man ager of the Pittsburgh sextet of the Leaf ua 1 1 26 and 27, and during his administration' the east side town's affairs were conducted in a businesslike manner. Dr.

DesRosiers did not seek election last December, and the mayoralty contest was won by Captain H. G. A. Collins, who defeated three opponents, Arthur Guilbault, J. B.

Charette and Herbert J. White by large margins. Many taxpayers of Eastview have urged upon Dr. DesRosiers to run this year and he has decided to do so. Dr.

DesRosiers points out that the tax rate in Eastview has been' increased six mills this year and, if elected, he promises tax reduction and a better all-around administration. HOTEL FOR HULL if IcKii Oir litiat.1 4 f'i ttrtnui Mostly Cloudy Today; Saturday, Mostly Fair and Cool. i -ft t. V' TORONTO, Oct. 19.

Pressure is low over the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Valley also over the northwestern portion of the continent and relatively high over the western half of the United 8tates. The weather has been unsettled with showers from Saskatchewan to the Maritime Provinces. FOE1XASTS Ottawa and I'pper St. Lawrtnre Vallryi: Moderate touthwtal wind; millr robihly a ttw maltprtd ihowari.

datur. dr, modtratr weitarlv wlndi; bmII fair and comparatively caol. Lawer Lkn and Orarflan Bar: Mod-irate to frrh outhwt to went wlnda; partly cloudv with a lew trattered how-era. Saturday, moderate weiterly winds; (air and comparatively cool Northern Ontario: Northwest wlnda; clrerlnn tonlsht. Saturday, lair and cool.

Lower St. Lawrence: Moderate wlnda; tnnatly cloudy today and Saturday with acattered ihowera. Oull and North Shore; Preah eoutheatt to routhweat wlnda: unaettled today and Saturday: oceaalonel Drawers. Mnrltlme: Moderate to treah aoulhweat wlnda; partlv cloudy today and Saturday with local ihowers and aome fog. Superior: Moderate northweat winds; mojtlv cloudv and cool: a lew scattered align era aalmd.

avadtrsM siteilr A i Mr. Henri Burger o' Hull proposes to spend In the neighborhood of $100,000 In the erection jf a modern hotel and cafe, equipped wllV forty apartments, ball room, main dining room and private rooms, starting on May 1ft next year. A new wln will be added ta the present building, which is to be remodelled and an additional storey built en It, The plana have been prepared by Messrs. Richards and Abra, loral architects, nd the building will be erected by Mayor Tbeo Lambert of Hail, Sunriae, 54; Sunaet, 8 11. Temperatures same day last year: SI; M.

At noon tndav The Cltlien thermometer on Spams street registered degree asovt sera. 1 I i.

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