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The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • 11

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGE ELEVEN TBTl CITIZEN, OTTAWA. PANADA. T.vs..av. July 2 1914. If HULL PGL1CE FORCE IS D1SM1S ARCHIBALD BLUE BEAD Funeral of Lats Government Officer Takes Place Wednesday.

i Lunch 6 kitchen. i I 50c. i titiiiilN U2-0-1. Corner Ridean and Nicholas Streets. seph Chevalier Is Summarily Discharged Following Investigation.

i Bid Meinill)e Tne funeral of the Ute Archibald Blue. LL.U. chief censua and ata- tistical officer of Canada, who died yeacerd ty morsir.g from heart failure fallowing an il.nes of three weeks Natural Linen Articles (Shown in OurArt Department.) Coaie. Tabk cvvers, We Urc. rW.

of fished artf-le. i -non rMbIv priced. oepa Chevalier, eh of the iie fore, aunrnanly dismissed the city caaeil Ust r-jlit -n ihe re if tie report ih? nmittee of iivt.g tU.n. The or-r of the i ouncii take effect im--liate'-y but ta wiil revive made UP ourtn.n, wiil be held tomorrow tern.H.n at o'cl. a from the fam-liiy -tnieni at the K.enti;ton apart-1 interns, Klgm street, to Beecawood Uemetrry.

ilr. liiue had been in poor ra.tive In natural of a S.od qualrty, emnro.urrr.. at In Sporting and Evening Coats call and look over our for many month but had been t. N-u-hola how window. ca.

confined to his home for only a few weeks. Hi death remove on of the best known and popular ofticia'. ary in i up to the IStH of AU- su the of hu f.j.Mtn la-on. wh." been tti. since 'is? aapen.

-n nitr, continue lifi- the I in tne civil service of tne iwiiimum. The Ue. eased leave a widow and -Now is the time re your utin? coatif you would have 01 tiic the Art count, r. NATURAL LINES CRASH TABLE SCARFS. Prices 50c and 85c each.

Puitble arfs ummer. are ma le of natural I'nen crash in im-h-a and it it fin.ahed with hem trhed and end. an i l.roiderel in Art Silk. tnree nuns, t'iPL Wni. of Ottawa; mspe'-tinrf engineer of the NVrURAL LINEN CRASH TAELE COVERS.

65c. 75c. $1.00 and $1.25. Prettv taW cover in natural linen crash. fntahTd with hen-Htrh.

hem, and neati in varmua bnht colour. 8-Ie 3 he and inches ayuarc. of tne orhce. Tfte report of th apecd chafoil to in-iuire the a --u- puoiio work deuariment at Sturgeon ex- all and Wilson editor of the first choice of the Very newest and i-to-date Made-up Jam s. dav's showins uf these (Vats will be found the trt'inelv innrtant von should by eans miss thi cut price aie, tremelv imiortant iws: the ancouver -Vf AUvertsser.

Tne Ute Mr. Uiue was in hi 75ll year and during hi long and useful career had served the public a a school teacher, a newspaperman, a writer and a civil servant. Born at oxford, Kent county, i in H40. tion trie no is signed Al-i-r i.en K. L-u u.

Xvt.3. An.lti' afford- l.tiri tne ni by and by h. urs, anl ring t.iken lnt. 4 mnt vi- nee a rued, the deeded it bv ifrtun a. tu r.s the chief InteresTi of tne h.l ir.jirumittd, irj th.t tre.urrr bo itn-r zcl iv his uliry in -h.

time aspepsi.m Aug-i-t lVh. There n- t'ro- oi.c..n to TEA COSIES OF NATURAL LINEN CRASH embroidered by hand in aeveral color and finished with cord and herriHtitc-hed hem. ITU TSo each. TEA COSIES in natural rash texture. friil of the eiubruider-eJ taatef uil" JtS WHITE EMBROIDERED COTTON TEA COSIES.

th -smbr-. i-ered h'" at the bottom, and embroidered In lar- r.Mth df-sign. ITIi-ei. 5iH- and rtu-tu si'ika. Only 3V nil.

of Scoiush parents, the late Jame H. Hiue, of ArgyUhire and Alary Jlac-Tavish. Archibald Blue waa educated in his native county, hi honorary degree of IJ I. b'ing bestowed upon him in lt)s by un-ivt-rity. Kor some years he tauKht school giving up thi occupation finally for newspaper work.

Fr-m lsi7 to 197S he served on the staff of the St. Thomas Journal, leaving that paper to become nlftht editor and editorial 3.V- 1 II In obloiur imtural lim-n 17. v1I IV KV HMMIr T1 iopt the md ih--- tote, favor is unanimous. TIIK CHAU'lKS. Some of the more of the, ea-1.

d.n plnU red- had targes to Ch ef Chv CLEARING SALE OF REGULAR $1950 COATS FOR $12 50. These cats are arranged In very smart and are a regular good snap for one is in urgent nd for the present season we ir They come in w)ft shades of grey, amethyst, fawn, China blue and also heavy tweed patterns in stripes, checks and mixture with attractive settings of velvet corduroy Suede toy broche and plain tin. day selling, regular $19.50. To clear $12.50 WHITE RATINE SKIRTS 1 an extra g.od quality, made up in long i writer on the Toronto Clone. In 1S Ik.

NATURAL CRASH LAUNDRY BAGS with word Linen" embroidered in red. green or gold, sine 32 inches by 1 Inches. ITk-e 25c. REGULAR $32.00 COATS AND WRAPS ON SALE AT $25.00. New assortnuiit of made up coats and wrap in a swell choice of matt-rials, such as new heavy weight ratines, five twill serges, wool corduroy, shepherd cheeks and plaids.

Soft finish velours, etc. Regular J1'" ing Wednesday LADLES' SPORT COATS, REGULAR $25, AT THE UTMOST CUT PRICES. An extensive range of grand made up wraps, which afford good comfort to the wearer. Arranged in the most modish styles Hid textiles in soft all wool creniii serses with swell collar and cutis. Fine diagonal serge, also the newest checks and plaids, in shades American Beauty, light, fawn, Copenhagen, green, navy, tango, flame, cream and white.

Regular $25.00. Clearing $1675 FINE CRASH LAUNDRY BaUS gixid 1'aij wtth word "Linen enibmid-red i mercerizod thread. 2 i-t S.V- and FINE CRASH CUSHION SLIPS finished w.tii hemt-fhed tr.u jnd prettily embroidered in color'. SIX- and ic j-'ineu me nun oi ic World. He extended hi activities and organized the ontar.o Bureau of Industries, beeominsi secretary of that NEW STAMPED CENTRES In natural l.nen i-ran Venetian relief stamued and tinted for braiding.

NEW STAMPED CUSHION SLIPS nf.ural linen crah. Mon aaape. t.m.hed nh frinK-d ends stami-ed in conventional or rose rleiens. work, rambler rose work. etc.

5ikr and --h. Prices 3-x' an" body in vi2. Two year later he was appointed deputy minister of agriculture for Ontario and wa a member of the royal commission which Inquired into the mineral resource of the province. The organization of the Hureau of was largely ne.J-esull of hi work and he was placed at Its head, where he remained for nine years until called to Ottawa in 1900 as chief census commissioner. In 1905 he was promoted to be chief officer for census and statistics for Canaaa.

He wa honored in 1S10 by the appointment as a Canadian -delegate to the tuic style, with large pearl button triuumng. $2.95 Regular $3.95. To clear or Ml I 1.7, 1 I A Uil BLUE R1BBGH UEET1KG OPENED AT DEW are unemployed In the Western citir. no easterners will be needed to help in the harvest. For this reason no excursion trains will be run." The crops in Saskatchewan, acronl-ins to Senator Davis, forcibly accentuate the aift'erence between ihe jroud and bad farmers.

"HiKht alongside of each other there are farms where the rrons chow as much as two feet Says His Bill Will Become Law in Canada. Snappy Chances from DrcssGoods Section Internationa! Congress on Agriculture In Rome. Italy, lie had previously nerved on the Iieep Waterways con vention. To It' INTO, July 2 It will not be will be re- pleasure, BeslJea beintf possessed of grea. executive ability, and being a man nuwanoe.

ins difference in their arowtn. -i nm is am? Walter Ccchato Won ra-e ueved St-natir T. o. Iavis. i to and bad farming.

The farm- who fairly revelled in figures anu atatistics, Mr. Blue was a lacue wri i'-. Three StraiQfit HeatSJ- rol Albert, who i in To-ier, are beKinninR to realhte this, and IlllCe OUi.iUii I ronto at the present time. rc.nsequenlly they will be educated to Our Dress Goods is an attraction proven for them-in introducing the good and successful career, which I perfection. Wednes- st-lf by their extremely good buying, which we have oro ilav'b'ulletin is as follows: Honev comb cloth, Striped Fine Serge in Paris' Fine Reseda Couch and t.r Hm.

anfl fUvit. Fine weave Broadcloth, Pastale cheviots DuiU -ial iO 0naula poplm ter and was the author or several books and pamphlets. Including "Resources nnd Progress of Ontario Rar.PC; Were tXCIIing. I navjS eaid lust niKht that he would n0 emM extent. I press torwara nis om uu u.

Western Ontario Cyclone. ST. THOMAS, unit. 27. A storm of almost cyclonh" proportion 'The Crowth of Cantda in the im Century." and 'Tnlon snd Disunion in the Christian Church." The late Mr.

Blue was a Baptist In religion. alM.lition of an tipi'tnts anu iv-TciT Mi. 1. Julv t-Mr. his opinion that the measure would 'a' tlinteet with little or no oPP'tion JOSI l-H fllKVAMKIl.

1 Vniii.a I nshmere tie i i-. ho whs cl as I lui-r oi i-ouce over the eastern Ptirtion or Tan, Mustard, urcj, ilmml Circuit uveniua lK. MCCOtair.f i inis I swept hv Hull Council. aua-ls S'lo-'a ns two receiving from classes inrousuouv runtv iate this aftern.on. A a Darts Of tne liomio.on r.n-..

hul'dirn wereVblOWn Wmo, Tango eil! i eacii answer were proteotina a rmuireu tra heat aua bill, there can i.e nine over uprooted and teWpbune vhere Ibiucr was aold without a n- WUB in stra-aht hei. i Canada wants such a rerorrn, 8nrl telegraph wire broken. A mtyn- ense, refusing to make arrests when tn bi, Mackay hail i senatur. "Large business con- the vicinity of tbe uii'-n to so; ss lulling na Ho.nter in. cprn3 and wholesale houses are whe the storm Mujur out.

nau ticularly lnteresieu. i o-j WH most severe suffered considerable Clearing of Odds. In Middy I'alle of i In Seli'i Kipt tney are aoit- loss to tneir orcnarus ami croi. ih. next llire-- Piques, i-ns: their travellers hich Major Cirnere of Hull and being for a suit for damages t-i $500 against the city; Miss IMr.idis of Ottawa: of hotels celling liquor on he Sabbath; and a loan who r.t trousers from a Hull In tn winners i rnnipn to tipping.

To clear 71k' Then tney musi Inrlionc nn Hilt ducks and crepes. had thin nis $7.50 Leather Club Bags On Sale at $4.95. Now the travelling season Is in full swing, we are putting on ale to your advantage a splendid stock of black leather travelling necessities. This is an ex-optional offering, clearing We Incs- iiuiano ljiiivj vui. FORT WILLIAM.

July 28. n.ver had inor. man a halt itw take tneir empioj In referring to tlu clauses of h.s Indian population in the district iii Eastview Presbyterians Have Fine Building. Through the efforts and generosity of a number of local chun-h goerp, the Frt-tbyterians of Kastview have been provided with a very commodious and comfortable Sunday school hall. It Is after praying and waiting for a considerable time lhat the Presbyterians of this prt of the city have at last seen the wishes realized.

Last fall two lots, centrally situated, were secured as a site -aw the contract wa let to Messrs, Cuthbertson and Clarke, who pushed the work so that the building was finished esrlier than many expected. he did right. th. heat th. for" any class or' classes of Thunder Bay Is decreasing as there A succrr to Chevalier will pro- f.

lor J.U tro.tera u.ok the nfst In no excep. ns i for has been only forty-two births com. ortolan Axorthy rniamn I bill, the senator inai fine pared with ninety-four deaths during not be appointed lit on-e out nn. drtving finish. livelihood.

"A substantia A substantial A Few Specials from Our Busy Wash Goods Dept. Clearing sale of Summer Novelty Wash Fabrics which undoubtedly will be a big attraction for Wednesday's program. 1 li comprises a very large range of dolly Varden Crepe and Voiles, Merceri ro'Ti check Ratines. India Heads RfPP- In shades Rose, Blue, Tan. Lavender, Light Greys.

Reseda, Green Fink also a few plain Whit' aid Black. Clearing Wednesday 19c yd. nur Camel n' day in ne council will take us me in Mlon. I WU1 be Imposed upon both parties who hoosmg a. man f.tlrd to r-nj Chamber of 'the law.

In other words, the SI special price of Couiniena Remnants of Embroideries at Cost Price. Figured Swiss Mufllin and Semi-Ready Corset Covers, in a host of Dainty Embroidered Pattern 0(, -m 23 tne pa.ui Agent W. It. Brown, who has returned from paying treaty money. Many deaths are due to tuberculosis and in some families several children had died.

One entire family of six had been frozen to death last. winter north of Lake Nipigon. he police force and who on various hr, having a valu. ot will continue to act in tnat ca- chief, Jl.o eavb Summary: 2 1j purf 1.0S0, 3 in FARM HELP NOT XKEDKD. When questioned regarding conditions in the West and the probable outcome of this year's crop.

Senator Davl emphatically stated that the rrnna would be below the average. Major iMaior Ong. Tie building stand at the corner of Olmstead and Hill streets in a fine, orouiinent Dosition. The base 2 111 More than 400 patents have been issued by the United States for devices intended to harness the power of the i iant2 (Munli 1 F.lia Ma- kay. blk.m.

View Pointer, b.h. (Slaightl 1 1 3 6 3 I I i ii Therefore, because of this fact, i Hen- J. c. Pat. hen.

blag ment which occupies the whole area of the building has been supplied with a good hot air furnace, large i nonirh to make the whole house New Assortment of Latest Style Collars. Lilv Novelty Collar wlih upstanding wine and fine Shadow and Broche Nets, with Pique edges 50u a'ltl Plain Net Collars and Collar Sets, in fine net Figure Luce, with Pique edging. o()c and 7.c gether with the fact that thousands sea waves. urhn.ll. m.

C.arri"nl Children's. Wear Effects. Little Director, br.g. iVal- 6 4 5 dis. 7 '1, v-j-iooacoaona cci.

icrH ona rr-'C cogo? ooropn OOP 50c pacitv. The only other matter of importance taken up bv the council was the letting of the contract for the extension to the waterworks of the city It -was awarded to Gendron and Wlison, who submitted the lowest tender. CIVIC HOLIDAY. The 'iraiul Trunk Uy. System will Jswite tickets.

simmI going returning Monday. VtiguM ril. lit Snisrle Fare'aml Sntiinlay, Siiminy mid Mmi-Iav, AuKH-t 1st, Snil, 3rd. grxid to return until Tiit'Mluy, August 4th. at I'are and Third.

entinfcl Kleeta Dillon, m. (Herseyl warm and comfortable even in the coldest weather For the establishment of the new hall the r.enn!e c-f Eastview are large- Ctf.tton Children's 2 0914; Trimmirit'. rom i Time. JOSlt. S.0S.

2 13 2.04 pace, pnrso tl.OiO, 2Sc win. 16 years. Clearing 3 In 5: Jy Indebted to the generosity of St. by Cochato Walter Cochato, YOUR 5UMMER VACATION THE SEASHORE LONG ISLAND SOUND RESORTS 1 1 Andrew rrestiyienan ciiuico. uuo the indfatigihle exertions of Mrs.

Tyndal. Mr. W. A. Mcl'hall and a number of other willing workers in Ottawa The following are the trus 1 Murphy 1 Flower Direct, m.

1 Whitehead) Pickles, ui 1 Jackson Harrv the cihost. g. (SlalghO ..222 ..43 ,.344 Misses' Drawers. ONE MGhT'S BUN FROM HCrtTREAL FIRST CLASS TRAIN SERVICE REDUCED FARES WARM SEA BATHING PEEP SEA FISHING Time: 2 2 02V: 2 04 2 0S trot, l-urit Sl.OaO. 3 in 5: Grand Marshall.

Uk g. by Kiss tees elected at a recent meeting at VI? Sup nmni mum NEW Pique and Otta-mandarded Vests. In Cream. While" Buff only: with Pearl Front HobespierreColla.0uual erintendent. Mr.

James Horley; trus with Embroidery Trimming. Sizes from 13 to 17 years. To clear Joe UI IlillkUl I I Tommy Horn, 1 1 2 3 5 1 Reuse lis. thf. ilteersi tees George I.

Dewar, j.imes W. A. Mcl'hall, Thomas Ferguson and Omar, iFK-yd, 2 2 o. Won Sandringham Handicap at William Stewart. These men aiso constituted the building committee.

ndy Grattan. eh. ii.oxi Round Trip Fare, from MONTREAL to New London $12.00 Fuher. $2.60 Watch Hill 12-60 Shelter Island 13.50 Blockliland 13.50 Narragaoaett Pier 14.15 FIRST-CLASS TRAIN SERVICE Leave Montreal f8.3l a m. t7.35 p.m.

nammon. iesieiuay. lOakdale. a r. 2 OS iv i 2 09; 2.14; 2.11; under whose direction tne wora carried on.

HAMILTON. July IT. The Sand- 2 12t4- rlngham Handicap, the fourth event. Three-year-old aweepstakes for 1.12 trot- Extra Heavy Quality Flannelette. This is a good 3 inches wide Flannelette and will give first rate satisfaction.

Very special Wednesday selling 12 1-2 yd. In fine English Nainsook, 06 Inches wide, soft silky quality, well laundry. Regular 2 5c yd. Wednesday a'. Duchess Teodale Satins.

A superior quality in a host of shades. Rose. Teffany, Helio. Amethyst, Orange, Brass. Cense.

Sky, Alice, Copenhagen, i'eacock. Apricot, Grey, Mole, Emerald, etc. 36 inches wide. Special S2.50 yard. Special Sale of Black Shantung.

Good wearing quality for matron and morning wear. Guaranteed fast black. 34 inches wide. Special $1-00 J81- Chiffon Taffeta Silk in shades of Pink, Sky, Reseda, Emerald, Tan. Beetroot.

Tango, Black, Ivory- inches wide. Prices from $1-50 to $2.50 yard. the feature or tne cara if New Kayser Silk GloV-gs. Ortolan Axworthy. n.c.

aecond day or me ineei.nK v. 1 1 In IMCLJOna.UI WD SAY1XG SHK WOULD NK'KR" I won't! I won a. person cried, ana nh' his atvle was blunt. iv (DeRyder) ..124 v.nt. Barnesat.

at to 1, captured tha Misa Perfection 12-Button length: shades oi i.tbnrn. br.c. (llccarinyi event. The attendance was good, despite Arrive New London 9.15 p.m. 5.W a.m.

Daily except Sunday Buffet Parlor Cars and Dining Can (service a la carte) on Day Trains. Broiler Buffet Sleeping Cars on Night Train nd the track was Hollyrood Ben, eh.c. luodgej the threatening weather. To farmers on the countryside He changed it, "I (Geera) Mt riaco. o.t.

Children's and Misses' White Skirts. Trimmed with Lace and Fine Embroiderv. From 2 to 12 years. Misses from 28 to 36. Special 2c, 6e and "5e Clearing Sale of Children's Night Dresses.

With Ribbon and Insertion b'irat r.c. a-year-olds ana up. lun'-ns" ivatnryn Tim: 2 0914: za; Each day the shout. 'I won't!" came out vt-m h' rfntiferous front. Yet while he tried our ears to All Tan, Black, White, Grey, Champagne and Navy t-25 pair Kayser' a Silk 12-Button length; Black, Tan, Grey, Cham-pasne and Navy 1 pair Frame Silk Gloves, 12-Button length; While, Black, Champagne, Grey and Cream $2.50 pair 2-Clasp Frame Silk Gloves; Champagne, Grey, Black and White 1 and 1.25 pair Mlramichi.

P)i Nathan 4 to l. 1 to 4. and out. won: Knights I-itfer, 109 iCiaverl. 12 to i.

12 to 20. and 1 to 4, second; Inkle. (Ward. 10 to t. 2 to 1.

and 7 to 10. third. Time. l.U 3-5. Martian and Farlor Bov ran.

Second race. 5-year-oMs. selling. ii, furlongsAunt Josie. 104 4 to E.

out. won: Zln Del. 109 (Keoghl, Cousin of Rie. Dead. WINNIPEG.

July 2" Maxim E. Dutnaia. an a'ced resident of 8t. Boniface, succumbed to the heat today, aged TS years. waa a first cousin of Louts Reil, and during the uprising of 18T9.

ha sarT- BEST SERVICE ARRANGED YET Get handsome illustrated booklet which contains full information free for the aikiog Apply to any Grand Trunk Agent lei MARCUS ALEXE Caaadiaa Paaenser Aeeat 122 Su Jamea Sc. MONTREAL On the 1. i to 2. and 6 to 6. aecond; Casaba, ed as one of RelCs lieutenants.

to mK, r.n i.e reriirnea to Trimmings. 2 to 16 years. Clear inS I Johnson), 7 to 1, li to o. aim 59o We heard a very rami "I will! Beseeching delegations came From good T)ld There-and-Here, And begged him not to queer game. (I'm sure the verb was queer.

But still his cry "I won't!" on high Hit every waiting ear. Well, no; not every Doug and Bill Are eure they heard a small "I will! ing at l4 third. Time, 108 iscli L.a Bibble. his farm. Ven Denirro, Jeft Roberts and Ainiee Lea- it aso ran Mrs.

Dan Cashman left last night Third race. 3 year-olds and up. selling, 4 ror Chicago to visit her aunt. Miss furlonga Astrologer. 114 (Teahan).

3 to I. vloloti wh0 jg seriously ill. Mrs. Cash- be iot eeverai WllUam. 4 to 1.

1 and ha 7T- ei Colored Wash Underskirts In excellent quality Print and Cambrics, Navy and White, and Mauve and White. Regular tl Sale price e9 Linen Pongee Wash Skirts. Fine quality Pongee. Regular $1 25. Wednesday Selling 98c Smart Silk Taffeta and Crepe de Chine Skirts, in shades Flame, Paddy, Cerise, Purple.

Navy, Nell Rose and Black with accordeon Wednesday's "Final. Our entire etock of Crex Rugs, Pelton Cottage Rugs; also Verandah and Porch Shades. At 20' discount. 40c English Chintz. Clearing wePk 19c per yard Clean sweep of English Chintz and Cretones in Floral Posy conventional Ribbon and Laticed designs in a splendid range of shades In Rose, Blue, Green Crimson and Pink Grounds with bright hues of flower for Comforters, Furniture covering and Draperies, etc.

Clearing Wednesday lc a yard Reporter came around in flocks And asked him, "1 it so?" He tossed his rather fading locka And killed another foe. And said, "By gol. You coddlemoll! When I say 'No' if NO! And yet his followers confess The "NO" had much the sound "Yea!" Toilet Specials. Rubber -lined Travelling Cases, with Tapestry covering. Regular 75c.

Clearing 3'Jc Woodbury's Facial Cream Purifiers and Skin Preservers. 25c- Tube "special line of strong Bristle Tooth Brushes. Regular 25c. To clear lc French Perfumes, in all the best odors 3c ox. Colgates Toilet Water in Violet, Lilac, imperial and cashmere bouquet.

Special 35c bottle Nennen's Shaving Cream, a splendid soft Lathery shavln? soap. Special 20c tube. of COWAN'S SOLID CHOCOLATE NAPLE BUDS The wholesome Confection. even, thlra. nine.

-v Bordello. Silk Pay. I.ihcrty Hall. Kamchatka. Galar, Broom's Edge, Flammarion and May also ran.

Fourth race, Sandringham Handicap. 3-yr-olda and up. 1 miles Tiarnegat. 104 (Matcatf), 5 to 1. to 2.

and 1 to 2. won; Tippecanoe. 10T lObert). 13 to even, and to 5 second; P.udolfo, lis (Rurns), to 2. even, and 2 to 5.

third. Time. 1,54. Done-rail and Pavld Craig also ran. Fifth race, maiden 2 year-olds.

5 furlongs Pollv Flinders. 112 i 4 to 1, 8 to 5, and 4 to 5, won: Itealgn, 115 (Keogh). to 5 to 5. and 3 to 6. second; Palermo.

106 (Ambrose). 20 to 1. 8 to 1. and 4 to 1. third Time, 1.02.

Clynta. King Hamburg. Proctor, Utehis. Blackthorn. Izzet Bey.

Carrie Ornie. Jack Winston and Argent also r8ixtli rnce, 4. year-olds and up, aelllng. 1 1-16 mllea-Oooil Day, 109 (Connolly), 6 i to 1 2 to 1. and even, won; Sherlock Holmes, 105 2 to 1.

to 1. and 4 to ,1 second; F.arly Light, 106 (Tapltn), in 5. even, and I to 2, third. Time. I frills 12 incnes ueeir.

Oh, mystic depths of human speech! Sometimes you daze us quite, When mighty prophets come to teach That black at times Is white, 0 $4.50 Special Sold Everywhere And A to And "Neln" is "Out," 347 If you pronounce 'em right! D'ye hear "I won't" in accents shrill? Hark! List again- nai uim. Special Price Item of Corsets Brassienes. Brassiere with short sleeve and hS front. White. Black.

Ifzes from 34 to Specie, Diamond and win: John O'Keefe. Drowned in the Gatineau. Samsons Celebrated Galateas. Absolutely fast colors in stripe checks Toy and plain shades, Suitable for children's Suits, Middy. Morning Dresses, etc, Wednesday only 19c yd.

Girl's Middy Blouses. In Copenhagen and white, navy and white, red and white and all white of splendid quality goods. Regular 1.25. Selling 9ftc Cornets or Qiiynmer 1 45 1-8. t-'-l oro, Lady Rankin, Captain Billot, Bepulveita, Noble Grand, and Bey also ran.

Heventh race, 3-year-olds nnd up. Belling, 1 mile on turf nndramlda. 96 (Coleman). 13 to 10. 2 to 5, and out, won; Maid of Fromo t0 iRmvth), to 5.

1 to 3, and out second: Caper Sauce. 109 (Teahan). 9 to 5. to 5, and to 3. third.

Time, 1.41 5 Our Mabeile and Leference also ran. The seventeen year old son of Mr. p.t.r Thibauit of Bouchette, and desiKned tn low Spe- enndinn of ex-Mayor Bauregard, of g.yleT Rcgur $2 and $3. cial $1.48 Paris Millinery Co. Cameron, was drowneu on aaiuruay In the Gatineau river In the rear of the Roman Catholic church.

He had bracelet Sale 3 Stone Diamond Rings, regular $50.00. Sale price $40.00 1 Stone Diamond Rings, regular $40.00. Sale price $25.00. Solid (Jold Watch Bracelets, regular $40. Sale price $25.20.

A line worth $32.00. Sale price $20.00. Gold Filled Watch Bracelets, worth $16. Sale price $10.50. Above fitted, with fine 15 jewel movements, all guaranteed.

A line worth $10.00, Our price $6.35. Another line regular $6.00. Our price See window for prices. gone bathing with several other boys and while playing on the logs two of them fell into the water. The other waa pulled out and revived but body has not yet been recov Special mokiDg Room 112-113 UNION BANK BUILDING.

Take Elevator 1st. Splendid prices now for a few numbers in stock from July 25th until August 8th. Pure ipring Water Supplied in The Tea Blocks Wetland Canal. ST. CATHERINES, July 27-Th steamer Sarnor of the Keystone Navigation Company bound up car-Tied awav two head gates of Lock No.

8 about 10:30 thin morning. It la eaid the engine centered as they were entering the lock and before the speed could be checked she had struck the rates The steamer waa no, injured and It Is expected that navigation will tie resumed early tomorrow morning. ered. Social at Manitock. 'nne-ed.

'oom. The ladies of St. James church, Manotick, will hold a social evening at the residence of Mrs. George Clarke, "The Locks," on Wednesday, August 5th Light refreshment will be served and a large attendance is expected. 82 SPARKS STREET.

JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. Making space tor ran t. P. Kirkpatrick, of Regina, -i, in the tuest of Mr. and Mrs.

A. B. McN'aughton, McLeod street.

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