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The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • 8

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


ABERDEEN'S MAY I JOIN THE O.H.A.I IN THE SPORTING WORLD WESTERN REFEREES NAMED TEAM" M'GIVERINCUP 'GYMNASIUM TO WAS PRESENTED! OPEN MONDAY! TO ENGINEERS plendid Program Axraneed NINETY GAMES ON SCHEDULE Printers" Bowlinz League fx FOR TOMORROWS GAME BETWEEN FOR SATURDAY for Civil Service Athletes at Q.A.A.C. This Fall. OTTAWA AND MONTREAL TEAMS evenlr-s rfT r.eadQuar'eTe a a the C.vU i OJl.A.C. These classes tr. will be sisail and Secretary Lane.

The aea-tr-i-i-ted by Mr. H. H- Ward, son wUl open on Tuesday, October tee usua! progratr. c' and wit! clrse on April 13, no k. eierctse together w.

-i iaeiei-: feer than eames being Frank Robbin and Billy Foulds Appointed for Local Opening of Interprovincial Football Union at Lans-dowue Park. Ottawas Held Fast Practice Yesterday With Nearly All Their Regulars in Attendance. The "Big Four" Governors May Reinstate George Bush in Time for Match. Soccer Men Held Enjoyable; Gathering Last Night to- Honor Winners of New Trophy. Between io r.ree hundred together r.e Engineers the officials Footbaii soldiers ani snth the officer Itfpoi iof the C-ty Am lesg ie.

gathered lining room Uf the Grand I'nfcii last niyht jto the foot, tail tesm on the McGiverln jtroby and to grace jreeaita-Joi) 'of the jaii by the donor, Mr. B. McGiver.n. Th- event took plate conj-icet-on whb a smomr -iven by the Csty league. jThe bead table was o'-cupied by Mr.

Hal M. McGiverin. f-resident Peter Ferguson of the City league ana (Major McKensa. Shaw, Capt, Fletcher, Ca Stewart, Lie K. Shore Lieu.

fcdwards of the Kogmeers Corns. The presentation was tbe first number on tle progiarn. In turntn? over the tropny Mr. not only ctKigra-'uiated the winning team but iso pra-sen one manner the tlity League ofTKiai? had brought -f sport to such a success- i ij I Jt. Tfitrvc 1 ni way the offi'vials had rough rp'ay from ih game and had made it a i-stn eKrt.

Vori. Ha nur. captain of the Kriinw tn' hr accepteU Kfte up on ihf- tfLm Mr. for the trophy anci railed f'-r ihre? which "were ariven a Hpt-eches were Tnade by Majrrt Mf Knua, com mandinj, efficer of ihe Kng.neera. and Capt.

A rmjiral and vhS irosram was arried out. Mr. Pat. KueeH, donor of the RuRseil trophy, i-rave a plction as an pentr to thes jof the envtfmainnim. Srirc.

Tucker. of th city poHce force, Mnt, for the first time in rawa. the I nJon 1 n.s song was written by J. A. Henory of Per.erboro, ana a splendid martial tv.t.

Iance Corp Marr rkp-d "THp Old Woman Fredcriokstown." and ma called up on for an encore, giving a nirnrr-x5; sea me, wrestling an nr. a jti danc.r.g. r.e fcas oeen renovated and the r.lower ar.d locker room overnaued that It wiii a flret class nerelse rem. The be open to nil atnletes and men of tbe c.

for tbe norrtinai fee of 13. Box.r.s and wrestlieg bouts will be ted tfcree ntgat a ee the gcn. Mr. Ward, wtu win have of cts-ses, is cnr.idor-ei one of t.e best physical ir.ttruc- the Eaet. Easitetba.l will receive a big boom I la i be e'ny as Mr.

P.e-j Sim org- anizlng an inter-departmenta! and a City league. t.te i in vogue 'a the United States! dancing will be Indulged in after a.i big btisketbali (ames. Indoor tennis which ia a biz- fea t.jre tfie program to be fol'owel bv Civil Service authorities in gymnasium, w'il be a areat draw- :r.jr card. Many Known 'ora-refin's c-ipen have their Intention of usintr The indoor court" to in condition for the fol- be charged a fe of fir member- hip. Iiuuri have already been loied so tna-i thoae who intend play- in? should get in touch with Secretary Artz at the eariiest moment.

I A lare attendance is expectei at the oreri'iig cUfs so that any who have made up minds to aif ni I soould get touch with any of the I foKowir.j? committee; H. H. Ward, Roy Anderson. Sims. J.

Hut-1 ton. J. R. O'Maiiey. J.

Dets.aur'erj, M. Goodwin, Frar.k Gnerson, Erne' Butterworth T. V. Do le. I New York Man Offers Silver Cup for Amateur International Series.

The admittance c-f art Ottawa ciub "to the Ontario Hockey Assoclat'on and the fcranatfron. of an Easiera ectioo of tne amateur league are suggetions eouodied in an application to be horny by Mr. Keg SIn, manager c-f the Aber 3 eens. Fee er a easo tne re feas been ta.fc of an Ottawa clSa joinfny tna O.H.A., and the latier will have an opportunity in the near future of decld r.g" as to the advis- of expanding as far aet a the CipitaL The Aberdeens have de- to apply do so at the annual meeting of tae O. A- in December.

Mr. Jim Sutherland, of Kingston, haa been in the on business ttcis week and bas reccmmecced to the Aberdeens tnat they enter a ffroup consisting Kingston. KrGck- villa acd Ottawa. The Brockvilie ic-I'j-b haa decided 10 resign from the and will also apply I to the O. H.

A. Queens will likely piay O. H. A. durirg the coming winter as there is little icssibility of the Intercollegiate resuming.

A Smith's Falls i likewise ready 1 to enter the O. H. A. Mr, believes that such an Eastern would undoubtedly prove success'uL The winners, of course, would off against the Western finaliets. Aberdeens made a good showing last year, beating Montreal in the fioss Cup Mr.

Sutherland has received from CorneXii of Xew York, a letter in which fce St. Xicholua rir.k manager offers to -put up a handsome silver trophy for annual competition between the champions of the United States and the Ontario Hockey Association. He proposes make it emblematic of the Eastern International amateur hockey championship and will lay his before the OH. A. executive at its next meeting.

Amateur hotkey slumped in the Capital last year, but It is believed that the entry of a local team in the biggest cf the amateur leagues would quickly revive it. Mr. Sutherland is enthusiastic concerning the prospects of Ottawa's addition to th O.H.A. He thinks the of the Capital C-ty representatives in the Interprovincial Football t'nion an Indication that amateur hockey wo'ild 'be received with favor, providing the opposing clubs were of merit. This probably true the local games and those against Ottawa Valley towns failed to arouse cn--thufiafim.

HOOPER'S HOMER COST MAGNATES JUST $80,000 They Would Have Cleaned Up on a Sixth Match. Eighty thousand ioiirs were rolled up In the ball that Harry Hooper-drove Into centre field bleachers and won the world's championship for the Red 8ox. The drive cost Hooper's employer. Joe Ianmn. $40,001.

nr. :1 Wm. F. Baker. owner, $40,000.

The money represents the receipts of what would have been yesterday's game in Boston, in which the magnates would have got all except ten per cent for the National Commission. BASEBALL. COAST TRFP CAXCBLLKD. PHILADELPHIA. Oct.

14. Th-proposed trip to the Pacific coast of the worlds champion Red Jsojt and the Philadelphia National league pennant wa declared off to day by Robert McRov. representing the National Baseball Commission. Eigiiteen Dollars We feave conoemratej our energy this aso on suits and coa. a $1S not chea but garments we are ro to have our name.

A w.d? arij varied fcsortmri: im por ted a 1 est; materials to tn-se from. Fisher lar test fnftkers ol witch cases ibe 3nt I3h Empire. illlfllllHlllllliiiilMifllW WHY SUFFER. teitt corns snd otbar loot i 'roubles when you cao I get Instant relief by i visiting riione 5 i i lie Shop of Ka-hlim Iran. I 134 hPAUliS STKKrTT.

I cositeot Specify a tandard case a "ell as a standard movement. Any i00 jtltf ik will till TO" i Wbccl' walcb cases have beea tbe staodard for lis 30 jctn. THE AMERICAN WATCH CASE gt CO. OF TORONTO Limited MATCH Irish iminojofrue. Sir.

Taylor gave two eoK. and the prosrram va hrotnrht to a doge a 'inmorou aketHi try Hrrgl. look. Mr. Attfleld a-ccrmpanied the voal nam- I ncn with their trick playe.

"" Mun-roe. mho injured a leg ear'y in the season, was out again, and gave a got-id account of himself -n the bsek division. Art Stalker and Constable Hill were among the absentees, while Fred Davtes was bark in the game. Oug Stalker received a good trial at outside wing and may be one of ttm flying tackier for tomorrow's match. Ferdie Dewhurst ws in uniform, also Jimirke Ingram.

Ceorge Rush. Lug Munro and Kddie Nag did the panting witb Dave MqCann at quarter. A water soaked field made footing treacherou. so fthaughnessy refused to take chances. Art Stalker will not be availaoie for tomorrow a he ha a very pa.n-fui ankle.

Tomorrows game may virtually reduce the Interprovincial rsre to a wo club affair. If the Ottawa trim Montreal and it cuuf.dently expected that they will do so and the Tigers repeat over the Argonauts at Hamilton, Argonaut and Montreal will be practically out of the fight for the honors and it will remain for the Ottawa and Tigers to fight it. There Is no doubt that the injury to 'Glad" Murphy affect ed tbe enthusissm of Argonauts, and it i Just possible that tney will not do more than fill in their dates, though the appearance of Knight and La wson would indicate other waae. It doubtful if they will again be able to turn the tablea on th Jungle Kings, though tney sue ceeded last yesr. Home teams ar called to win both matrhea tomorrow.

It now look as (f the Ottawa- Tiger matches on October SO and November would be the "crucial" affairs. The Ottawa go to Toronto to tackle the Argonauts next week, end if they can win there, their chances will be bright. President Church will have about twenty-five Ottawa players in uniform tomorrow. There exists a lot of hard feeling between the Ottawa and Montreal team and the events of last Saturday did not tend to smooth things over. Though 'TSlad" Murphy's condition remained unchanged yesterday, he wa cheerful and able to talk with several callers.

Murphy has not been Informed of the serious neture of his injuries. Two of his brothers were summoned yesterday, leading many to believ that the physicians held out little hope. Frank Foster, middle wing of the Argonaut, has been sected captain in succession to "Mac" Murray, who ha decided to devote all his time to aviation. In the event of Murphy recovering, a monster benefit will be held in his honor shortly. If there is any surplus at 'the close of the season It will also toe turned over to the unfortunate player.

llhe Toronto and Hamriitori Rowing Ohio meet tomorrow at Toronto in rhe second a time of line Un If the Queen City team repeats will bo ihard for Hamilton to re- TioveT NjmiKh (ground to figure as oon tenders. Ro OraJg may p4ay tomorrow. A teleifrBphic vote i axwxig teketi by c-he IHrprovinclal g-overnom wfth regartl fo the proponed reitimatemprit of Htarpy Benmn (treorge) HiMh. Mr. Hai B.

oGi vemwi was in touch wmh Cap. Joe Wrigtrt yesterday ami te expected that the Big Four board zU allow Btmn to play tomor row's They may alo b- to 4rivc a nHIng an to hw one lornTielly wtaunda. Frri of Hamilton. and Billy Foaidm. ot Toronto, wiR fc In the opening: same ef tb Interprovincial Union At Laaadosna Fa trawrmv between the Ottawa and Montreal teams.

Officer ot ths Ottawa srer notified last sfal thai Mr. Boyd, acting president of the IsterprovtoxrLal Union, bad appointed Boixbin and Foulds. Thee two ware to have acted last week a Montreal. Kobblna refereed and Mini of hia decisions Ji anythin- but tiesilw tbe Ottawas. f'oulda, wrro ia known a finst das official, found it impoairibie to act, owing to the times of wife, the baa recovered and be will be bere for tote or row.

One of the executive officer of tbe Ottawa was in favor wot Saturday ot notifying Interprovincial tfficmJ that would Dot again so on tbe cid witb Kobbin in charge, but they thought better ot it and decided not to make a proteal. They took exception to Koitbln's ruling In tbe laat quarter when be deprived f-eet-sNjoted Jteid Tubman of a try on the (round that be nad tailed to gits Fulterton yarda, though the bar! was rolling: looae when Tubman I up. Kob-tofna also penalized tbe Ottawa heavily for offside work. f'oulda fornteriy played quarterback for tbe Varalty team and baa been aaeicting wltb the coaching duties in connection witb tbe Argonauts. Both men sill arrive tomorrow morning.

There has tieen a steady demand for reserved aieats, which are on sale at Walter Nixon Spanka street, and it ia that 'here win be a crowd of three or four thousand in attendance, weather permitting. Ottawa i one of tbe best football towns on tbe map and tbe opening match never fail to prove a stellar attraction. There Is no doubt that Montreal will give the Ottawas a battle royal. The winged wheel club was very weak hut Saturday, but Coach Paialey ha strengthened with the addition of Joe Donnelly. Billy Hugkee sund others and is confident that tbe wearer of red and blue will tn fur mo the table on Ottawa, Thi would be a fatal blow to the championship hopes of the Benajtons.

so Frank Shaughneasy and men intend to 4aike no chances, ilontreal may also have Cyril Flan-aan. the crack center hakf of the West mount team. In uniform for tomorrow's game here. Flanagan starred for the Lrftwer Canada team In rhe Inter -wchoof series and is evidently the makings or a great back. Joe UithooJy will move to outside wing, and 'Montreal, accordingly, may present a dangerou front.

Backer of the Ottawa are offering odds that their favorites win and some of the optimist 'be Pi eve that they will doAib'e the score, but President Church and Manager Aekland look tor sv close game. Montreal has often proved a thorn in Ottawa's side and It wousd be a ore touch If they were to vanquish the i5en-auors on The plan of eats will be on aale at Nixon's until 1 otelodk Bwturday. That Ottawa will tackle Montreal witb a very formidable fourteen ws evident yesterday when the Senators held another good practice at Lans-downe Park. The majority of the men Injured In the opening matches were in uniform again, and while there were not sufficient players on the field to permit of a lineup. Coach Shauphnwsy kept the men on their toes for over an hour, kicking the ball about, racing up and down the fid un.icr punts and experimenting Men's IS EXPECTED Stewartona and the Thistles Meet Tomorrow for Russell Cup.

Tht team and the This-tie eleven will play in the im -final of the Ru8.e'l Cup series Saturday re-moon on Carter This the only match on this week-end's ce.r program ani has much trophy is the last on1 which has to be for in1 neither of the tams In the semifinal have et won a cup. game a repiay. the former maun naming 10 dp caiiea wun feverii min'Jle to on account cf drt- Oeorge Kirrcss handled 'ast encounter and will aEain be nn hand to take charge of The kick off wH! taiie olace at and a large crowd Is expected out to wit-j c.fjs the struggle. The survivors pa off with the Gas Vt'orks tram. The stewartons will use practical-) 'y the same tram as they di I in i tnelr conteat with the Engineers lasv Sativrday and the trioute paid them by the jldier team, that they ''were the spcrtlng team they had yet i met," haa boosted their popularity with the fans fifty per cent.

The; Thistle will be shy two of their best defence men, McGhie and Brown, but aj Manager Hrown has severil! Eiod utility men to spare their wiil not bo fe't af badly be expected. An officer of the Citv I-eague stated evening that there would n-ot be any further act on as regards the expulsion of McGhie and the suspension of Brown. Dates are Announced Be- i gins October 26th. i The the coming season in tie Printers Bowi.zg Leag-ie waa iaS'ied last Etgli; by Prc-stdent Mar- echeduled. Thev wtil all be played I.

the O.A-A.C, doutleneadere being dialed for Saturday afternoons. There will be a game at 2 and another at 4 each week-end. Other match take piare Tuesdays aad Thursday at o'clock, all games to be on alleys 3 and 4. Tea team compose the series, thi beinff tne nrst year in wmch nve ne-v- teams take part Tne ornciai caeaaie is a foiiowa: FIRST HALF Oct. 2 Droit Tnipa ys Back Sow.

So. I. T'i itlzer: Mtrtiiner- ii P-ps vi Bftfik Note. So. 1, 2 (irtni Trunk.

Bank Soie. No I 1 Droit- i Citizen Bank Sote, So. 2. Mortimer i- Krfce 11 Buj-ea-i a. 'o-rn: 1 ie Droit Mcrtimer.

13 jt Tenp? i 16 Bark St.e, Grand is Free frts Journal. Bank Note, No. 2 vs. Bureau. l'i -Otiztn Dioit.

22 t.rarvi Triisi l.e Terr.pS-2'. jr.Tinia! v3. ttfi'ik Note, So. 1 27 Mors Burta'i. 2T Bank So- I Droit.

1 Izn Hi r.d Ti nk 4 1- Tenij-f v. Murl Hin 4 Note. So 1- 7 Bunk Sou-. So- 2 a i a nd T-vnk. 9 Drou vs.

I.e Temps. II Citizen va. Journal. 11 Free Press v. Bureau.

14 Bunk Soie, So. I va. Mortimer. Free Pies vn. 'rand 15, Bank Note, So v.

Le Temps. Dec. Jan. i Drcit vs. Journal.

4 Citizen t. M'ireau. 6 Bank So.e, So. 1 v. Bank Kote, So.

2. i Mortimer g. Jvurnt 8 Free re a. Le Droit. 1 Grand Trunk v. Le Temp v. Free Press. i Citizen Psnk Sote, So. 1.

I Bank Sole, So. 2 i. Mortimer. 1 Ik Grand Trunk Bureau, jz Temps vs. Journal, 'it Krte Prfi vs.

P-ank Sote, So. Bank Sote. So. vs. Journal.

2: iand Trunk Le Droit. PECOS HALF. Bureau t. I Droit. Bank Sote, So.

I v. 1 Tempi. -S' Mortimer vs. Cltiztn. Feb.

1 Mark Sote. S'y. 2 vs. Free Press. 3 firan'j Trunk va.

Journal. 5 Irf vs. Bureau. 6 liroit vs. Bank Sote.

So. 1. Bank Sole, Su. vs. Citije--u- Journal vg.

Bureau. 12 Free Press Mortimer. 12 Citizen vs. Le Temps. ll Mortimer v.

Droit. 1" cirand Trunk vs. Bank Sote. So. 1.

Journal Free Preps. 19 Rurt-au s. Bank Sote, S'O- 3-" Vi I troi vs. Citizen. '14 Temps vs.

(JiantJ Trunk. Bank Sote. So. 1 vs. Journal-" 6 Burea vs.

Mortimer. 29 Droit Bank Sote, So. 2. Mar. 2 Citizen vs.

Fief presc. i MortiniT vs. Le Temps. 4 Bank Sote, So. 1 vs.

Bureau. 7 tirard Trunk vs. Citizen, if Temps vs. Le Droit. 11 Journal vs.

Citizen. 11 Bureau vs. Free Press. 1 4 Grand Trunk vs. Bank Note, So.

2. Temps vs. Hank Sote, No. 2. 1.

Mortimer vs. Bank Sote, No. 1. IS Journal v. Droit.

Grand Trunk s. Free Press. 1. Rure-au vs. Citizen.

35 Bank So' e. So. 2 vs. Bank Sole, St. I.

Mortim. v-. Journal. Ar Droit vs. Free Press.

30 Bank Sote, So. vs. Citizen. Apiil 1 Free Press vs. Le Temps.

1 Journal vs. Bank Sote, So. I. 4 -Mortimer vs. Grnd Trunk.

Journal vs. Le Temps. ri Mortimer vs. Bank Sote, No. 2.

5 Bank Note, So. v. Free Press. Bureau 's. Grand Trunk.

13 l. Droit vs. Grr.nd Trunk. BASEBALL. Iird and I-aly Aberdeen were amung the "fans" in the fourth game of the serie? at Boston.

They were guesi cf President banin. They will also eee an American football match before they return to England. i A ber. Every member of ihe F'TnIneprs tfam wC'I receive ba es ro r. Hal B.

These come unexpected additions to rhe tro.phy, bijtt Mr. McGiver'n announced last nijph.t. chat 'he would souvenirs. Rofore the happy Ka-tNTe-rinff disperafd, a voc of thanks wan passed to Mr. McGiv- ertn for his jrenerosi-ty.

Il undpr- stood that the McG-verln Cup competition will be made an annual affair. Only Eight Days More. There are leas than eight davs left during which the friends of tain-j perance in Ottawa, who are qualified ratepayera, may "do their bit" by signing the license reduction petitions in The CXtzen business office. The temperance forces of Ottawa are aiming to secure on these at least 3,500 names of voters men and women before the 20th ini. The petition-0, which have to be submitted to tne city council by Oct.

call for the submission of bylaws at the forthcoming civic election! nest January, wbich, if carried at the polls, will result in the cutting off of 28 tavern and 10 shop licenses. The petition committee ia asking for over 600 more names. Citizen readers who have not yet availed themselves of this opportunity are reminded that there are but a few days left in which they may do so. i Three Former McGill Stars! to Figure on Line Against Ottawa Club. fcfx4ai to The iiiwn.) MOXTKF.AU Oct.

1 4 That mere will be severs! changes in the lineup ot tbe Montreal Hugby squad when ttiey journey Onawa Saturday to play their return game wKh tbe Senators, was assured toman; When Coacb Paisiey announced bis probable team. Numerous new men were tried out during this week, three of whom are former McGill stars and are ijre to make good at tbe Capital. BiUy Hughes and Joe Donnelly who piayed with McGill when they won tiie cnamplonship on two occasions, wtil wear a wing wheel uniform and will f.ay the inside positions. Greenwood, who made good with McOiil in the scrimmage last season is another who will find a plac on the team. He will be played in the scrimmage.

Practically ths whole team baa been shifted about and will be much stronger than in tbe opening game last week. Fawcett or Oammetl wiii start out at quarter which will be a marked improvement. Kither of these lads should make good at tbe position. Sharpe and Barclay will be started at outside wings, Shsrpe being moved up from the half line to a position wbich be hue played wirti success in former seasons. Pottieary and Heath will remain at tsheir positions of middle wing while Wallace, O'Brien nd FuHerton will be played at iialf lak and Cains at flying wing.

Wallace is a new comer. He is a Wcstmount High School boy and is sure to make good. He has speed and ia a good punter. With rnette changes the Winged Wheel team will be at least fifty per cent, stronger than in their last game. The players put in taieir final hard workout tonight hut will bold a signal drill at the Westmount grounda tomorrow night at o'clock.

The club will be better supplied with good substitutes this week -than last. The following is the probable line-up and substitutes: Flying wing, Cains; halves. Fulierlon, O'Brien and Wallace: quarter. Oammell or Fawcett: scrimmage. Herscovitch, Greenwood end Abinovitch: outside wings.

Hharpe snd Barclay; middle wings, I'oitioary and Barclry; inside wings, Ixmnelly and Hughes; reserves. Williscroft, Gilhooley, Laurie, Ciilkins. Acheson, f.ariue. OFFICIALS CHOSEN FOR CITY LEAGUE GAME Dave Gill and Art Murphy Will Referee Tomorrow. The St.

Patrick -and Che 6necas fourteen will dash 1n tiie City Kuffby Football League fixture at Lane-downe park 'tomorrow, urn a curtain-raieer to the biic Montreal-Ottawa grime. The irishmen will Have a atronc team on the field for this frame. Manager Hubert Thebo taking no chances with the Glebe outht. Percy Fa hey, the fit. lat a.

trong kicking half, will be back In line, having entirely recovered from tie Injury he received to 'his knee In lasrt Monday's match. Warne and 'Dinny" Mnnnera will complete the back division with Steve Proulx at flying wing. The wneca wilt have trie wme br.c-k division in their game against Collegiate, namely, Crawley, Ritchie ind Wilaon. with tiooawin at Hying wing. President McCuaig picked hts olflciala yesterday and Art Murphy and Dave GUI will look at- ler the plav.

MELisE GOT DECISION, HALIFAX, N.S., Oct. 14. Johnny Melle, of Gloucester. waa awarded the decifdon on a foijl in the sevwt round over Neclly Mclnoyre of Glaxre Bay, in a boxing bout at the ATena tonight. The honors wre fairry even up to the seve-nth.

wihen Mclntyre struck i opjponent low. The blow is thoog'ht to hav been ac-i dental. The bout waa scheduled for fiPteen rund. A I lv mj Coat Sweaters The biggest stock in Ottawa. See our special Men's Coat Sweater with shawl collar, at $3.50 I 1 LET US STORE YOUR STORAGE BATTERY DURING THE WINTER MONTHS.

A little money spnt on your battery. ty providing proper care now, wiil save you dollars later on. diesqde your battery will be rea2y when you need it. KEYES SUPPLY 199 Albert Ottawa. Phone Queen 400.

$20 Fall Overcoats! A SPECIAL SHIPMENT OF 100 COATS SALE PRICE TOMORROW $14.95 Canadian-Made Holeproof Hosiery Six Pairs Are Guaranteed Six Months They are the last word in style including the very smartest models for young men and the more conservative designs for older men. Every new style is shown here. See them in our Bank Street window. Men's $22 Suits at Vou have your choice 3 Suits comprising a special purch purchase Millions of people in the States and Canada are wearing: Holeproof lightweight, comfortable stockings and socks wnica are guarantied to wear without holes (or six months. SucH a guarantee comes each box of six pairs, and if any of ttie pairs fail within that time you are given new hose to replace them tree.

These wonderful stockings are made for men, women and children. Sis. pair bought every six months by every member of the family will end darning for alf time ia any borne. No hosiery is better looking. There are 112 styles some are of cotton, some cashmere.

some silk and some faced with silk. We par the top market price for material, tbe strongest and best that's sold. But we can crier these better hose at the price of common kinds because we se.i so many pairs. Because of their comfort, and fine appearance, these bose are preferred by millions. You'll want your whole family to wear them as soon as you've tried a pair.

Note These Prices Men's. 25c pe pairand tip. Women's. 3c per pair and up. Children's.

35c per pair. The genuine Holeproof is sold in your town. Ask for dealers' names. We ship direct where jm. there's no dealer, charges prepaid Saturday of a great numlxr of we made of suits that at up to 22.00.

We are 14.95, and every man should Kee of all feature barsrains in Fall 1 Saturday of a great number of of all feature bargs ps would sell the regular wa IB sellingthem tomorrow at $14. them. They are the feature way 5 eg Clothes. Splendid Tweeds and Worsteds, in pleasing shades, carefully tailored, the very best, advanced styles. See them in our Bank Street window.

I Some Reminders for Fall Outfits ONE OF MANY NEW MODELS FOR FALL Price $15. to $35. Individual snap with each. Obtainable only Underwear have all th? better brands of ifen's and Boys' Underwear in either combinations or two-piece suits. Inspect our stocks.

on receipt of remittance. Made ia Canada fcy Msdss Canada sv I jUsaeaj) Ur I I vyjiy Helepreof Hosiery Ca. Ciaada, LisiiteJ 7 jj I If. Lsadoa, Osfari Heleprsof Heiiery Gs. Cauda, Lsadoa, Osfari LisiiteJ ff Shops or ftorirtn Brand (Cloth? Men's Fitwell Hats Both Hard and Soft Felts, imported and of superior quality.

The styles are thi best. They are Ottawa's most popular hats, at S2.00 We have complete stocks of Children's Hats, from 50c to $2.50. Boys' Clothes Our Boys' Department is fche largest in Eastern On-trk). Mothers should visit thas department before selecting outfits for their sons. They will at once be convinced that our stoeks are the largest, most varied, and vou get better values.

The 2 Macs, Ltd. SPARKS STREET BANK STREET QTJEEN STREET. -r Ij is'iMililli'iiJiwiliti? rfwrt'ajl'Tii r-i.

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