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Reading Times from Reading, Pennsylvania • Page 6

Reading Timesi
Reading, Pennsylvania
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7 THE READING NEWS TIMES, READING, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 13, 1916 Six News Times Times Established Established 1912 Published every morainp except Sunday. TEL.KGKXM AND XEWS T1MK3 Building, Sixth and Walnut Streets. ALEXANDER President WALTER V. and Treas. The READING XKWS TIMts hasfe full niht leased wire report of the ASSOCIATED PRESd received in the ecu lorial rooms.

WALTER F. DUlSER, Editor and Manager. The N5TWS TTME3 Invites letters to the Editor on topics of interest. All letters must be accompanied by names ana addresses, not necessarily for publication, but as an evidence of good faith. Advertising Representatives The E.

Katz Special Advertising Agency, ew York office 15 19 Madison Chicago office, 423 Harris Trust Bids. Kansas City office, t02 Walaheim Bids. The READING NEWS TIMES is served everywhere for 6 ceins a cents a month, 3 a year. Subscribers requested to inform the circulation department of any failure to receive the paper or delay in delivery. Subscribers ishin? to change their addresses must trive the old as well as the new address.

Subscribers leaving the city may have their paper forwarded by mail by informing th. circulation department. Change of addresses may be made as often as wifched. Tou can purchase merchandise advertised in he News Times with absolute safety tor if dissatisfaction results in any cast) The News Times guarantees to pay your monev back upon request. No red tape, no quibbling.

We make Rood promptly if the advertiser does rot. Entered In the post office at Reading, as second class mail matter. READING, JANUARY 18, 1916. Andil Bureau ol ClreulaHonH arm I fKvm r' AUTOMOBILES AND COURTESY At a meeting a few days ago of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce a movement was started to promote greater consideration for public safety and comfort. The courtesies of the road are to be emphasized and the effort made to create better standards of good manners on the public highways.

The automobile manufacturers who make up this organization evidently realize the difficulty of this problem of adjusting motor vehicles to conditions of traffic created Ions before the motor car came into existence. It has sometimes seemed as if the sentiment of the motorist was one of tolerance toward a slow, dull public, who were behind the times enough to walk or depend hordes. This is of course vinfair to the majority of motorists, who are 'careful and considerate. Hut no scatter how courteous the great majority may be. the reckless and ar ojrnnt minority give a bad name to the whole tribe, ilonrp.

It is refreshing? to read that this Chamber of Commerce is planning a campaien of education for such drivers as need It, to promote a greater degree of responsibility and a sense of the value of the rules and courtesies of the road. J. Drake, of Detroit, as chairman of the committee, has before him this task, to promote the growth of such a spirit of good manners that a breach of the same will bring contempt or. the discourteous driver. When the speeder and road hog will be considered just as boorish as the man who violates the laws cf table manners, something will be accomplished.

There are many people for whom bad form has more terrors than the law. There are many men Who would feel chagrined and even disgraced, were they to forget, on entering a room, to let the ladies pass first. Yet some of these same men wilt honking down through a busy street, twenty five miles an hour, abruptly ordering the public to watt until they pass. Thu kind of thing will some day be regarded in the same light as errors at table. MILITARY SERVICE AND BUSINESS When discussion began about the means by which the United States army could be strengthened, it was at once recognized that perhaps the greatest obstacle in the way lies i.i the difficulty of adjusting the demands of military training to business life.

Employers are loath to let their young men absent themselves from work to attend military camps. Young men are fearful that such absences would be an obstacle in the way of their business success. However, the young man who takes a course of training with a militia organization, or should take one with the proposed Continental army, would learn many things not taught in business Offices. If he devotes himself to inihtai work with energy aiij zeal, he' should in due course of time attain some promotion, where he would be placed in command of a small siiuad of men. Jle would then get practice in a very valuable art, that of commanding men.

Wanv are to ypensiw military schools1 and colleges for costly courses, largely to acquire just this valuable gift. The ability to di rect a body of men, command their respect, enforce prompt obedience and discipline, is a superb, training in leadership. It develops self confidence ability to think quickly, meet emergencies. Many men fail in life for lack of just this group of qualities. Whether or not a boy was promoted to any military command or not, he would find military service rewarding.

The out door life would give him physical vigor. The leadership of the alert and active men who come to the front in military life would be mentally stimulating. He would form pleasant associations and enjoy experiences far more interesting than those of ordinary town and business life. Business firms may at first be reluctant to see their young men absent on military duty. After they have seen how the fellows grow and develop under competent military training, they may conpete With each other to got boys that have been through this discipline.

To make military work popular with the business community, encampments must be strictly conducted. There must be no dissipation, liquor and other vices mufefee strictly banished, and the men must return showing in their physical vigor that the life has been wholesome in all respects. FIVE CENT MEALS la the real cost of living so high, after all? "We arc led to ask this question by the statement, recently published, setting forth that for a year past the cost of boarding the prisoners in tho Berks county jail amounted to fifteen cents a day, or to be more accurate, fourteen and six thirteenths of a cent, for each twenty four hours. This would seem to show that tha real trouble with our food bills is extravagance and waste. The hoarders in the ornate, castellated structure at the head of Penn street are practically all adults and on that account would be supposed to require the maximum of nourishment, but we are not informed that 'any of them become anaemic or are reduced to living skeletons on their nickel ration.

Most of them live out their terms of detention and not a few of them emerge from the county boarding house in better physical condition than when they enter. They are fed, we presume, on scientific principles, just as the boilers in well managed power plants are fed. The amount necessary to keep these human machines in going condition has been figured out, and that amount and no more is dished out. The theory that a man eats to live and does not live to eat is there fully applied. This showing cannot fail to delight some of those economists who arv constantly figuring how much wo might all become it we would only put a crimp in our appetites and forgot that we had stomachs and palates and other Innards that about three times a and sometimes more often, set up' a craving for provender.

No doubt we really ought to do this. By strenuously cultivating the habit of abstinence, we might even cut off a few cents from the jail allowance, for a man is permitted to be more severe w'th himself than with guests, and tho men in the Jail are the county's guests. It Is to be feared, however, tha' the economists will have a hard time in persuading us to such a course. The good Lord has filled the earth, hereabouts, with good things and we are possessed with the idea that we ought to enjoy them in reasonable way. and sometimes, perhaps, a little unreasonably.

We have an idea that there is more to eating than there is to feeding a boiler. We will live on five cent meals, if we ore compelled to, but if we have tin price, we wil lexceed that limit in varying degrees. Our training, ror generations, has been in the direction of good cheer, and though we re thrifty there is little hope of breaking us of the square meal habit. The same brokers who a few weeks ago were trying to put the market up on the ground of the profits that would acrue to this country on account of the war contracts, are now trying to put it down on account of the loss of business that will come When the wir stops. Just One Application and the Hairs Vanish (Modes of Today) A harmless, yet very effective, treatment is here given for the quick removal of hairy growths: Mix enough powdered delatone and water to cover the undesirable hairs, apply paste and after 2 or 3 minutes remove, wash the skin and the hairs have vanished.

One application usually is sufficient, but to be certain of results, buy the delatone in an original package. Adv. Voice of the Press In Short Measure Our New Battleship If 12 gun battleships will score 75 per cent more hits than battleships mounting only eight guns, as naval experts at Washington assert, it would be folly to sacrifice the certain advantage of numbers in a broadside to the problematical advantage of increased weight. Noticing would be gained by arming the new dreadnoughts to be authorized by Congress with a smallo number of lG inch guns if a vessel carrying a larger number of 14 inch guns is capable of doings more damage to an enemy, rne prooiem on iic and can be worked out by the rule of three. The effect of a hit wii4 a 16 lnrh shell is not much greater.

relatively, than that pi a single hit with a 14 inch shell; it is the number of strikes that makes effective. It is claimed for tine 16 inch gun that its execution at ranges of more than 15,000 yards would be greater, but this is merely a theoretical advantage. The naval battle in the North Sea, in which the German battle cruiser Blucher was sunk, was fought at ranges between 15,000 and 20.000 yards, and the heaviest guns carried by the British fleet on this occasion were 13 inch weapons. The Germans had nothing larger than 11 inch guns; yet their ships, it is said, did much damage to the super battle cruisers Tiger and Lion. One of the latter was even asserted to have been lost.

Anyhow, the superiority of guns of very large calibre over guns of somewhat less weight has not been demonstrated. In this connection the information of the Naval Intelligence Bureau, that neither side in the battle mentioned scored more than one per cent, of hits, is interesting. Gunfire in long range naval engagements being so wasteful, the larger the calibre of the guns the greater tho waste. In its recommendations with regard to the two super dreadnoughts to he authorized by Congress, the General Board of the Navy includes armaments of ten 16 inch guns for each. This increase in weight i armament involves an increase of the displacement of the vessels to 32,000 tons and, of course, a corresponding increase of their cost.

That these increases would result in such an increase of etiiciency as to justify putting so many eggs in one basket remains to be shown. There are no acjual lessons of experience to bach up the claim that such would be the result. Kxeprience has shown, however, that sliced in a battleship is a most important factor of efficiency; and in this respect the board gos only to the extent of recommending "the highest speed attainable without sacrificing armament, armor or fuel capacity." The fighting which have obtained most credit in this war, are the British super battle cruisers, capable of steaming at a rate of approximately 30 knots an hour. SCATTERING SHOTS Chambers of Commerce and as sociations of business men continue to invite the President, to address them just as if he had not ruined the country and all in dustry. New York World.

The question of how many terms a President should have is one which the people can be depended on to answer for themselves regardless of platform planks. Washington Star. The Chairman of the Military Committee of Congress opposes the President's army plan. The Naval Committees is not favorable to his navy plan. Mr.

Wilson's prepared ness program suiters from an apparent lack of preparedness. New York Evening Post. The prosperity of today may be, as Mr. Perkins declares, merely an accident bat it is delivering the same kind of goods as if somebody had done it on purpose. Indianapolis News.

tkicasukfs. I'm it miser, pree'ly fellow, llln. itinir oVr by so jvllow. Si.nnle iriviVhia li ail a toes, nit flics a'iiiyiiy shining dross, l'or my trcaVt. rich and rare, Is liis shining golden hair.

I'm a KHT'lPncr, weather wife. P.hiohollK thrive in eyes, (in his brow chaste biiov. drops grow in his lips red rosetnuls Mow. Knurr ant posies, pretty plot iKuldy sunshine, heavenly siiot! hn a shepherd, on my breast IJes a tire lamb at rept. Ttny though my burden be If is dearer far to Than lite or death or anything That tho aftenime may bring, Mary Davis.

NOTEI RILLPOSTF.K KILLED. FOIiT WAYNE, Jan. 17. A.9 the result of a fractured skull, sustained in a fall down the stair way at his home a few nights ago, William P. Merrill 55, a director of the National Association of Billposters died here early today.

lie was president of the Fort Wayne Billposting Company and formerly managed a theatre in Pittsburgh, Pa. OLD TIME REMEDY MAKES PURE BLOOD Hood's Rnrsaparilla has been and stiil is the people's medicine of its reliable character and its wot derful success in purifying, enriching and revitalizing the blood and relieving the common distasea and ailments scrofula, catarrh, rheumatism, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, that tiT feeling. debility. lirod's Sarsap.iriila purifies and enriches the blood, and in so doing renders the human system the greatest service possible. This medicine has been tested for years.

It)s perfectly pure, clean and absolutely safe, as well as of peculiar artd un eqtialed medicinal merit. Get Hood's, and get it now from any drug store. Adv. TO BRIGHTEN THE DAY Mrs. Newrich had been told by her caller that a certain dinner party had "wound up with great When her husband came home she asked him what "a kla" meant.

"Why, that's the dessert, I guess," said Newrich. "Didn't you ever cat chocolate a kla?" Boston Transcript. The wise wife will see that her hupband's life is well insured before she begins to practice economy by discharging' the cook. Indianapolis Star. "Did Crimson Gulch go dry last election?" replied Broncho Bob.

"The candidates treated till there wasn't a drop left jn the pace. gut the town's recov ering." Washington Star. All thoughts, all passions, all' delights Whatever stirs this mortal frame, All are but ministers of love, And feed his sacred flame. Coleridge. "I suppose it is hardly necessary for me to tell you, sir, that I am in love with your daughter," said the trembling suitor.

"Not at all, young man," replied her father. "And, furthermore, I've seen enough idiotic symptoms in the past month to convince me that your passion is reciprocated." Birmingham Age Herald. Our doubts are traitors. And make us lose the god we oft might win By fearing to attempt. Shakespeare.

"Y'ou didn't write your wife for five years and you express surprise that she got a divorce." "Well, I dunno as I oughter be surprised. She allers was hasty." Louisville Courier Journal. I may not to the world impart The secret of its power, But treasured in my inmost heart I kept my faded flower. "I suppose you have high amb ni tions for your boy?" "Well, I wouldn't say that exactly, but I do hope that he won't turn out to be the male assistant to a female dancing teacher." Detroit Free Press. Another thing on which the sexes probably will never come to full agreement Is the relative importance of a spoonful or so of stewed cherry juice on the tablecloth.

Ohio State Journal. The Tombstone Man (after several abortive suggestions) "How would simply 'Gone Home' do?" Mrs. New weeds "I Rues that would be all right. It was always the last place he ever thought of going." Puck. ST.

MARK REFORMED Sermon on Strange Texts Willi Plain Meanings The first of a special scries of sermons was preached on Sunday evening in the St. Mark's Reformed Church by the pastor, F. C. Nau. The series is classed under the title of "Strange Texts with Plain Meanings." The sermon on Sunday evening dealt with "The Christian Song." These sermons will continue until Lent, a space of seven weeks.

Last evening there was special music in the church by the male chorus. The choir furnished a number of splendid selections. On Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Nau preached on "The Grace of Humility." Mrs.

Alice Herbino led the Christian Endeavor class. On Wednesday evening, following prayer service, the teachers' training class will meet. On Thursday evening the Men's League will hold an old fashioned spelling match. At the meeting there will also be the annual election of officers and the annual roll call of the members of the league. On Friday evening there will be a meeting of the catechetical class.

On Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock the Indies' Auxiliary will meet. On Saturday afternoon at 2.30 the Mission Rand will hold its meeting, PROTEST BLASTING Ownoi of lYoporty Asks Council for Relief Blasting for the West Elm street sewer and damage which it is said to be causing to property resulted in the calling of a a informal meeting of Council in Mayor Filbert's office on Monday morning to hear the complaint of Miss Hannah Cottrell, a property owner in the vicinity. Ic was claimed that the blasting is affecting the houses and causing fear among the occupants. The West Elm street sewer is being built by the Cantrell Construction Company and Engineer Emil Nuebling of the water department, who attended the meeting will take the matter in hand. Finances were also discussed at the meeting and the Councilmen agreed to go slow on expenditures.

There will be hardly more than enough to pay the running expenses up to the time that the water rents and city taxes begin coming In in Aprila and June. DIVORCE CASE Emma Elizabeth Lutz, of Gouglers ville, through counsel O. M. Wolff, has started proceedings for divorce from Atkin F. Lutz, of Mohnton.

The couple were married Aug. 15, 1908 and Mr3. Lutz alleges that her husband deserted her Sept. 3, 1913. She alleges that he never supported her and that she Was compelled to work' in the hosiery mill at Gour leryllle.

The court granted a subpoena. DIVORCE CASE Annie May Doyan, of Spring street, has started divorce proceedings against Oscar H. of Moss strcc', and I he court on ''notion of William Rick granted a subpoena. Cruel treatment alK si'd. i DIFFICULT PLAY AT THE OBPHBDH 'Blindness of Virtue" Well Handled by Players of i Stock Company "The Blindness of pre sented by the Orpheum Players this week, is entirely different from any subject thus far offered at the Or pheum, and the production, the act ing and the problem presented is superior to anything produced by the popular stock company since the opening four weeks ago.

"The Blind ness of Virtue" is a beautiful phce of work, dealing with a stupendously difficult subject with the most dexterous blending of delicacy, dramatic strength and wholesome candor. Cosmo Hamilton, the author, has taken a very grave theme and makes a tremendous indictment against the modern fashion of bringing up children in ignorance of the meaning of a certain impulse, presenting a plea to mothers to tell their daughters frankly ail the laws of nature before they arrive at years of possible indiscretion through ignorance. Tho play, as presented by the Orpheum Players, is the biggest sermon on the subject that has ever been preached. Meliarry a Favorite The play is produced with the usual effectiveness that has characterized every play billed at Orpheum, and the parts are eastXespe cially well. Every one of the cast deserves praise for the careful in terpetation of the difficult roles assigned them with special mention to Sam Meharry, the leading man, who rises to big dramatic heights in the third act.

His scene with "the Vicar" is the best bit of work he has portrayed since the opening of the season. As Archibald Graham, the young man who has always been suspected and who was placed in a rather "risque" position through the ignorance of the vicar's daughter, his work could not be improved upon, and the many curtain calls that he was compelled to respond to signified the audience's praise of his excellent work. Each play finds S.tim Meharry's popularity growing, and the stock patronage at the Orpheum is a discriminating public. Blindness of Virtue Helen Meinken, In the role of Effie Pcmberton, who grew up without learning the truth from her parents, was, as usual, excellent. Miss Meinken is gifted with good looks and a most pleasing personality, and her youthful appearance was particularly suitable for the role.

In the third act, a rather difficult scene to handle, Miss Meinken was especially pleasing Effie Pemberton, as portrayed by Miss Helen Meinken, is a character that might have stepped out of real life, and her pleasing performance is one of the charming features in "The Blindness of Virtue." The supporting cast is very good indeed. The Rev. Harry Pemberton of William K. Blako is played with sincerity and the faithful Interpretation assures stock patrons of this sterling actor's ability as an excellent delineator of various types of life. William E.

Blake has been excellent in every role he has thus far given, but his "Vicar" in "The Blindness of Virtue" will be liked better than any character he has thus far portrayed. Helen Grayce, as Mrs. Pemberton, gave an excellent study of the unas sumed minister's wife. Naturalness and restraint are two qualifications that stand out prominently in Miss Grayce's ability, and she can always be relied upon to give a finished performance of every role she essays. Frances Vounge played a small character part of Cookie effectively.

Ninita Bristow was particularly good as Mary Ann, a rather new rolo for this popular actress, while John Mack's characterization of Lemming and Karl Ritche's Collins were typical roles well portrayed. "The Blindness of Virtue" Is a play that all mothers and daughters and fathers and sons should witness. This afternoon souvenir photographs of Ninita Bristow. Next Tuesday, "Dividend Day," when every patron will receive their share of the dividend declared at the Orpheum. CEMETERY COMPANY The stated annual meeting of the board of trustees of the Charles Evans Cemetery Company was held at the city office of the company, 520 Washington street.

The old officers were re elected as follows: President, General D. McM. Gregg, and secretary and treasurer, Louis Richards. Howard J. Potts was chosen a trustee, succeeding the late Dr.

William F. Muhlenberg. The meeting was followed by the annual dinner at the Mansion House. Be Healthy, Happy, Vigorous Vigorous Men and Women Are, In Demand In this strenuous age of competition you need a tonic to make you tit for the battles of life. If you feel tired out, out of sorts, mentally or physicallly depressed, try WENDELL'S AMBITION PILLS.

If you are dissatisfied W. H. Raser is authorized to refund the purchase price on the first box purchased. AMBITION PILLS have helped others who suffered from trembling and affections of the nervous system It is folly to suffer from loss of appetite, lack of sleeplessness, kidney or liver complaints without trying to conquer these afflictions. Marked benefit may be noted from the use of Ambition Pills.

Fifty cents at W. H. Raser and dealers everywhere. Mail orders filled, charges prepaid, by the Wendell Pharmacat Company, Syracuse, N. V.

Adv. THE NEWS TIMES THEATRICAL GUIDE What to Soo In the City Today DRAMATIC STOCK THE ORI'IIEI'M "The Blindness of Virtue," by the Orpheum Players, featuring Sam Meharry and Helen Meinken. VAUWKVILLE THXl IIIPl'ODROM "War Brides," "Pietro" and other Keith acts. MOTIOX PICTURES THE IiYKIC Six reel William Fox feature, "A Parisian Romance," featuring H. Cooper Cliffe and Dorothy Green.

THE PALACE Five reel Triangle feature, "Cross Currents," featuring Helen Ware and Courtenav Foote. PICTURELAXI) Two reel comedy, "Where the Heather Blooms," featuring Eddie Lyons and Betty Compson. THE PRIXCESS Six reel Parar mount feature, "The Foundling," with Mary Pickford. THE VICTOB Four reel Vita graph "On Her Wedding Night," with Edith Storey. THE EMPIRE Nine reel Vita graph special, "The Battle Cry of Peace," with Charles Rich man and all star cast THE GRAM) Five reel Broadway Universal feature, "The Primrose Path," featuring Gladys Hanson.

THE FAMILY Fourth episode "Neal of the Navy." featuring Lillian Iorraine and William Courtleigh, Jr. THE GEM Five reel Universal feature, "The White Scar," with Hobart Bosworth and Jane Novak. THE LAUREL Five reel Metro feature, "The Hong of the Wage Slave," with Edmund Breese. THE MAJESTIC Six reel Broadway star feature, "Tho Long Chance." with Frank Keenan. THE QUKEX Three reel Selig drama, "The Brides of Time." THE ROYAL Six reel L.

S. E. feature, "The Island of Regeneration," with Edith Storey and Antonio Moreno. SCHUYLKILL AVE. THEATRE Three reel Vitagraph star feature, "Cal Marvin's Wife," with Anne Rchaeffer.

THE SAN" TOY First episode Pathe serial, "The Red Circle," with Ruth Roland and Frank 'Mayo. THE SAVOY Three reel Es sanay feature, "The Iosing Game, featuring Darwin Kurr. THE STAR Nineteenth episode "The Broken Coin," featuring Grace Cunard and Francis Ford. EAST HIGHWAY ROUTES BY SPECIAL LEASED WIRE IIAIUUSBURG, Jan. 17.

State Highway Commissioner Cunningham today agreed to meet delegations from Chester and Delaware counties at the Capitol tomorrow to discuss state highway routes In the eastern part of the state. FIRE ALARM TESTS. Philip A. Weiler, chief of the bureau of electricity, is testing the following lire alarm boxes this week: Nos. 512, 521, 523, 531, 541 and 542.

raissza KL1 NE, VICTOR VICTROLAS AND RECORDS THSS IS FUR WEATHER AND HERE ARE THE FURS AT REDUCED PRICES I When Weather is Coldest Prices Are Lowest on WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS, in plaids, mixtures and plain zibeliiies; $13. So, $15.00 and $16.50 vallieM J5 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS, mostly black and blue, in very fine materials; ail sizes; $20 and $22.50 rk values, at WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS, in serge, corduroy, zibeline, boucle and other soft heavy materials; $25.00, and $29.50 values, 1 ET A A at Second Floor, In This Great January Clearance Sale EVERY DEPARTMENT PRESENTS VERY KLINE, EMPIRE "The Battle Cry of Peace" or "A Call to Arms Against 'War" the greatest motion picture of the year opened a week's engagement at the Empire Monday afternoon, and the terrific truth of America's unpro paredness was vividly and realistically driven home. The fall of our own nation is plainly portrayed before our eyes. Spies are seen working daily in our social and public gatherings, the complete fortification of our land, the strength of our army and navy ia studied by the enemy until the weakest points are carefully brought out, then amid all (: v. i ff 4 3 d4 Tv il CILMtLES RICUMAN At the Empire, This Week the glories of our great land, the signal Is given and the enemy almost immediately appears, and before we arc prepared or even have a chance to resist, the big guns from the battleships and the bombs from the aeroplanes are turned on New York, and the town is shelled.

The most beautiful sky line in the world is suddenly in flames and the citizens and their families flee for their lives. The American Navy is beaten and sunk, the invaders land, enter our homes, insult our families, and the death sentence of those of our citizens who survive is read by the commanding officers of the enemy and everyone finally pays the penalty. Statistics as pointed out by Hudson Maxim, an international authority on arms and ammunition, shows that bur nation Is in no position to resist such an invasion, and his endeavor to drive home the truth about "Pefenceless America" Is emphatically brought out in "The Battle Cry of Peace." An interesting story has been woven around this tremendous these, the principal characterizations are taken by Charles Richman. Mary Maurice, L. Rogers Lytton and many othVr regular Vitagraph favorites, while 5,000 people are used in the various scenes.

"The Battle Cry of Peace" Is a powerful call to the American Nation not to go to war but to be prepared that International Conflict will be averted. Even after the story has been concluded there are allegorical effects, showing the capltol in ruins, by means of double exposure, and various personages of history EPP1H1 MER CO, COLUMBIA A complete clearance of this season's entire stock of fine furs Muffs and Neck Pieces of Narobia Lynx, Silver Kit, Natural Raccoon, Cross Fox, Fitch, Black Fox, Beaver, Sable, Silver Fox, Badger, Lynx, Mink, Etc. $2.95 $3.95 $8.90 $10.00 $12.00 $13.50 Furs, at. Furs, at. Furs, at.

Furs, at. Furs, at. $1.19 $1.95 Furs, at $8.90 Furs, at $9.75 $15.00 $16.50 Furs, at $10.98 $17.50 Furs, at $11.25 Furs, at $12.49 Furs, at $14.49 $19.50 $22.50 FUR COAT PRICES DEEPLY CUT $37.50 Pony Coat, $100t)0 Hudson Seai Coat, $95.00 Biended Squirrel Coat, brought on the screen. Grant, Lincoln, Washington and Napoleor. all appear and in each instance point to America's upreparedness.

"Tne Battle Cry of Peace' 'is a. great picture one of the biggest ever seen in this city. GRAXD Today the Grand presents the popular Broadway dramatic star Glad3 Hanson In a superb film version the famous Broadway success "The Primrose Path," a five reel adaptation by M. B. Havey from the play by Bayard Veiller author of "Within the Law." Also a three reel Than Play "The Bubbles in the Glass" featuring Lorraine Huling and a good one reel Keystone will complete today's extraordinary show.

VETERAN SLAIN IX BARN B1" SPECIAL LEASED WIREJ NORRISTOWN, Jan. 17 Thomas Barrett, a Civil War veteran, was brutally murdered in the unoccupied barn on the Moyer farm near Souderton. The crime was committed with a heavy kingbolt which was found, covered with blood in a nearby field. Robbery apparently, was the motive. MULE BRFAKS SKULL BY SPECIAL LEASED WIRE LANCASTER, Jan.

17. Nelson Groff, 19 years old, son of Albert Groff, a farmer, near East Petersburg, was kicked by a mule and his skull fractured. He is a student of Franklin and Marshall Academy and was spending Sunday at home. W. S.

Troy, of Hazleton, has word that hip David Kramer, egei and Kramer's snn. Bert, aitd 35 yars oM, wfre killed by Mexican bandits between Guerro and Mimica. NO MORE NEED OF RASH OR ITCHING Simple Horn Kennedy To Clear tho Skin Anybody Can Use It. Apply antiseptic Ucanol night and morning to clear the skin of rash, itching, pimples, eczema, salt rheum and other afflictions. It should ho quickly and thoroughly relieve that torturing itching and begin its healing that you will wonder why you didn't use it before.

You can always get antiseptic Ucanol at J. R. Kennedy. It never costs more than 50 cents for a liberal supply, and to convince anyone who may be skeptical they 6ay that if Ucanol does not benefit you, or you are dissatisfied with the results, return the empty box and they will giy your money back without argument. Antiseptic Ucanol is the latest discovery for skin troubles, and the reason it is used so widely is that each person who tries It tells others and advises its use.

There are few. remedies possessing the same healing: powers, and the way it etops the itching and clears the skin in a re markably short time tells the etory of its unusual success. The boy or girl, man cr woman, who continues to go among friends with disfiguring and disgusting pimples and sores resulting from itching, eczema, when they can secure Ucanol so reasonably, and under' guarantee of results, have only themselves to blame if their trouble continues to grow worse. Adv. GRAFOXOLAS AND RECORDS $25.00 Furs, at $17.75 $27.50 Furs, at $18.75 $30.00 Furs, $19.50 $32.50 Furs, at $21.50 $35.00 Furs, at $23.50 $37.50 Furs, at $26.50 $42.50 Furs, at $29.50 $45.00 Furs, at $32.50 $47.50 Furs, at $35.00 $55.00 Furs, at $37.50 $65.00 Furs, at $43.50 $22 50 $65 00 6 2 50 These Winter Coats SCRIM AND LACE CURTAIN SPECIALS 100 Odd Half Pairs of Scrim, Irish Point, Arabian and Brussels Lace Curtains, 2 and 3 yards long especially good for narrow windows if sold by the pair would be $5.00 to choice, per PltJUV Upholstery Front, Elevator, UNUSUAL THRIFT OPPORTUNmES 9c worth from $7.00 your stnp Third Floor, Front, FJevator.


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