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The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • 4

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)



SITUATIONS VACANT. BOBV. EONXEVIIJ.E On Saturday, oca-ity. -s ffc EiL JSKbu in (eaUemeD. centra for a e.

D. r.j reSin ct AToCAR EXTRA HF.JVI Vv EiT- pocket boon. incer p.eae return to A WANTED, OFFICE APPLY i T-WKA-E. O'Connor. ifi'iry; tar reea i F.

O. Runneville. a -1 S5 NEWLY FURNISHED hours, a.m. to P-m la few days. Provender euaran- AND O.ST O.V TCESDAY.

ROLL OF MEI- MULL IN At Maiernliy Hospital, on letter, stating experience te pore srain; prices rig-nt Lawrence aewiy decorated. Apply 1' ia 1 or vr ivocaii, on Sparks, between to i.i tn i eoree fit. 65 tfl! f-'ifr- i i '1 i AUS. f. o'i J.

i-IOOK. Hotel. gin and St. Kinojy return to lin. a daugntr.

Til. HIGH CLA. rjR LARGE FRONT 55 pert Ottawa's Clean Home Newspaper SMALL AD. RATES. These rates, cash with order, are 1c Insertion: two cosecu tv Wellington Ottawa Ci.

A a nar ana rooms, suitable for gentiemen men; wasnstand. la per set; iBie bed. i I ar making, if ie. i.r;enevt--e, -vood woman to enable; references required and mattress. S4; toot curve-i rea- ppTVi rPFrrVT ptvTa' i GKAHAM-On Monday, Aut.

5. vvt of Bank and SD-ark Finder I ran am, of a so-. of Bar.H and riparks iits. Finder ijO NOT WOKRT punelied counter. fw; twelve bih iuncs e.v and won Apply Rathskeller, M'-tc-iiie -rjTjVlv'pfOTCRE MACHINE I Both tyrant- UN FUR pi'i'vrsHfn oh vc ean.

e''2 i.yon frvrr. 12 to 1 ii mserticns, lc a word; three in.ert.ons. 2c a word, when cnargei- -w. order, compiete, no please return to Caxii'iac Hotel, Sparks I oyer I.iko cost at Ifein tre Barter Trarie in a ir-t'.or. an-! -jod roofl Eitned rooms, IS.

Apply taerwooo -1 Vl'ANTErj. A fiOOD t-ie-tg-ement charged less than ie. BEDROOM SCITE. ALSO AN i. d.k.

Apply St. I OST BETWEEN SOMERSET AND i New Euinburffh. engraved heart TOVBLB PARLOR. NEWLY FUR A rr. prior.

-w v-ifcMiTH'fi PORTABLE BIJW- Independent and lawn at the Trusts- Ft'-ticuiftrs free. Moiw BarnW Coueste Oral Street East, Jfntreal. TTTTTT SVTi r- 5- rv.T.I.EOTUR15. niihed, with grate. 17 Gloucester -t.

locket. Kindly return to Citiz- n. 1 I in rfoi special or yean. All want advertisements from toiva patrons must be accompanied cash- to Innra Insertion. No Mv'n 54i- I LIGHT 1 JEWEL STOVfc FOK SALE, AS GOOD r.ew, lla.

Patterson Ave. "'OLLIK WATCHrCHEAPi female. Apply SsS Flora St. 64 m.tXDEft a FOOT Fill DA BL ACK POCKET OST -L salejimen and domeBtic t.eipof all -V'ICELY FURNISHED LOOMS, WITH lifc-ht housekeecina. e.l..

piano, phr.e. 1' launch, ready Aug. 11; tni' XJ book containing sum of money, tic- Otta a H. p. Toop, Kilialoe, Ont.

hot water, fl and pt per month, on Haw- nrim -ere. Liberal reward if JrirVIs for in and out of cSty. Kmploymfent Bureau, liiS Bank. re- mnt counted as less than ten words. OTHER AD.

RATES. Birth notices per insertion. sx' nnra nr ffrath nntlm lrer includ HOHSK. I'AKT SXIi HARNESS; AX-l wagon. Apply 26 GALES BURG MOTOR CYCLE.

ora Hotel, IBM "5 IVAKTEITA O'XD S.iLE-SLADY. AP-VV ply to A- McMUisn. hi Sparae fat; Ottawa. TAN TED, FOUR' tXPErcIC'CED waitresses. Apply New Cari.brir.?e Cafe.

rbCNOTR. FOR LIGHT HOTTSH work; may skp at fi'imo; no Sun-cay work. Apply iS it-rgset St. 'TxT'KiagTcCED, EDIJCATKD UDf Xi office m'JS be and I thorne across R.deau Canal. Apptv lurned 0 Bo3c jv Citizen.

No quest! two and hair r.orse pv- EOi Citlzen. Catheriie asked. A I2CTBLI.IGKNT PERSON MA? earn 5100 roonthty corrfcapondinff ifr nbat.r.arH- nr. r.anua'nf'. Hen Jr ing" funeral notice If desired).

6oc per sale M. J. itunn. u-. LAUP.IER WEST, BOOMS rktwf.F.N ST.

BRIDGET'S AY WAGON. 2(4 NEARLY WALTON To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walton, of 45 Third on Ana. at Maternity Hospital, a son.

weU. IT-. DIED. LABELLE On Aug. 6.

IU. at Paul Labeiie, in his slst year Funeral on Thursday, Aug. to LOr-ignal cemetery. McPHAIL On Aug. 5, 1912, Malcolm A4-amson.

onlv son of Mr. and Wb A. McPhail, Eastview, aged 1 yer, and J2 dayt. Funeral Wednesday at 2 p.m. t-, Beechwood cemetery.

53 ROBINSON At the Protestant General Hospital, on Monday, Aug. 5, If 12, Francis Lorne Robinson, aged S3 years, late of the Dominion Police Force. Funeral notice later. IX MEJiORIAM In loving memory of my darling JI' insertion. Lodge funeral notice f'1?" rut.

ft iA insertion. let, gentlemen only. church and By ward Market, silver Press Syndicate. Lockport. tew, with patent rack, also stone particulars.

GSXTii. pa T.TiI?.S a.VD purse, containins silver watch. Finder waor, and ruober tire humify, or will ex Transient -irv loc ir.ffe for iieavy iiore or dump wajjon BEDP.uOJI nana, jo. T1URNKHED LEAP. BTitONG BOYS LET.

please return Reward. Phone SV iiideau m. Phone Kideau 1- w. Hoy. Citizen.

Apply Slater St. of- imc a. 80 jOD WORK HORSE, CART AXE first class tinsmith. P. Lester -STfF NEW; ARGE "FRONT ROOM, HOUSEKEEP- i T'OUND AT EXHIBITION GROUNDS.

-aie line. Reading matter. UJ. black type, 25c per lir-e. Coreniercsai auvert sin? rates on application.

SlBSCKiraOS RATES. Delivered in Ottawa, suburbs or Hull. Te Kvnm i a month acl -V'T'AXDJ. TAYLOR Apply Citizen Of- arnfras, cheap. jarnes "a P- i- Scott St.

Pnone 1S. waterproof coat. refereneea. Apply Box citizen. 1 hi.VKHAf.

KEitVANT WANTED. ply a Florence Bt. 57 .1 right. Phone m. between JS and or after tr p.m.

64: ELGIN" FURNISHED BED- 400 Si. T-k PTit'KF TEACHERS WANTED. sitting room, small room, SAFE FOR SALE. Tne Morning Citizen is 6i)c a jntmta, the 67 i XJ ivy" to the C. P.

R. station, Hull. TTOOU GEXEIlAfJ" SERVANT FOK VT email family. Cartier St. M-4 weekly WITH i the sum of $50.

Please remit to N. Royer. payaole In advance. TEI.r.HHO.V ICS. i.TWO NICE FRONT ROOMS, HELP TO STAY TJKOTESTANT TJEACHEIt FOR PUB-j 5iJw St.

-Sparks oliiv with nirlU Main HUil. KCW aru r.r.r.-viii. i ice kc ool No. art nrj i. i r' Queen 600 Private branch, connection all Gordon Edward Humphrey, who departed VJ at nisrht.

Apply 19 Adeiine St, OiVS SAFE IN GOOD 4 4S, inid -u Box Citizen X.GG1ES, DELIVERY EXPRESS, i all conveniences; very central. jbj OST, SUNDAY, JILt itn, rL, 6. 1911. aged 13 vea: binder twine, fccaies. Louden stable Department.

IWkIi. Cli 41 pan. to 8 as. l- Bay St. f2 tween uity view anu i months.

6 days. any one of the thre filowin-? rfrtifi-catefc; Norm, j4--, $iTij; Third lAtnttea, Apply Willie T. Muie. U'endov-r, "Jnt Ti1, FRONT BED-SITTING lady hand bag containing hutn oi TEAUTIFUL Queen fcouO Reporters and News 1ITANTKD, WOMAN" TO DO WAhHIN'J and ironing; rearer. cess.

Apply Carlirt-? Ave. 5J sccXleYiy maid. tV Apply PratcteRt JAfjital. 55 PERSONAL room. Apply liH Rideau St, fixtures.

W. D. Kippen, 60 Xork St. Phone KMeau 1S7. 23Tc i ONE ORIENT MOTOR-C YCT.E, 1 i one ft.

Hpeed boat. Htott's. i ev ana glasses, nnuci picc Mrs. John Flann, Manotiek, Ont. a- Editors.

Queen 6S0S Deli, err ana One year has passed, our hearts still scr. As time goes on we miss him more; Kit lovin-r smiles, his welcome face, No one on earth can fill his place. -Mother and Fathei. SLATER LARGE FRONT ON FRIDAY, ON BANK OR OST. Mali Departments.

parlor. nicely furmsned; also LADY WOULD LIKE TO let. furnished front room to Phono I "ooper gold brooch, house ol com OF 'HOUSEHOLD TEACHER WANTED FOR SEPARATE S. S. No.

1 To.T. Papineau. capable of teaching French and English: BaSary per ar.r.crri. Duties to commence Ati. n.

with references. A. J. Fink, Mattawa, Ont. ot'rer rcoriii 541.

:3MAT.L,"i:f;NISHED ROOM, SLTT- A. E. REA CO. mons engraved. Kindly return citizen.

Reward. YESTERDAY'S REPLIES. furniture at 04 Gloucester St. 54 k3 able for lady. Apply 19 Waverle couple, with cooking privi- Apply Box 2rjr.

65 'iAKE 7OIXS AXD STAMPS FOR 1 t-fd'v; reasonable: owner retiring BETWEEN EI- BE TV, -VEftY FIXE SQL-ARK EXPKIOENCED SALESMEN' nrAXT 02 after p.m. The following replies to advertiucjecnts Station. r-haniie cash, for ifrniture department 54'i OST. ON MONDAY, I lj ffn St. and Hull Electric via P.O., lady's silver watch.

00MS. WITH OR WITHOUT Kindly re- iriesfc. 121 Laly. Xt good table, one minute from Broad 5 turn to Citizen. were received at The Citizen Office yesterday, but were uncalled for.

A number otneis were claimed during the uy. Advertisers to whom the following UNDERTAKERS. TIAM0lCSUCCES X4 "'Rogers Sons, Undertakers ai Embalmers. 221-233 Rideau. St.

Tel. Rideau "dS. Open day and mgnt. Personal attention. Only private parlor in Ottawa for funerals.

Ambulance service. W. Lindsay, 1'? rpWO KXPKEHS FOR SAL.E sound, uuiet. 15 Bank St, A. E.

REA CO. ri -KACHEJ! TO TEACH FRENCH AND KngiiHii, arid to it properly; rnall mention salary. Applv joKetih Lemieux. St. Charles, District of DERS" TAKEN FOR EMBROIDERY cd crocheting.

Box 'SI. 55 DIAMOND RING Be OOLITAIRE tween Water St. Hospital and ues- St. db2 Wellington fct, oi1 -P'K" LARGE FURNISHED ROOM. suitable married couple, housekeeping privileges.

6S2 Wellington St. 54l 8 auoreasea will confer a lavor EXPEFUKNCKD MEN FOR Nipl. sing, Ont. -tj-, a. aJ i t-iili IWLiiaj'.

OLTAtTr. i drssi oods and Riilc departrnt-nt. DON'T CONT1N TO 1, consult Booth, the Mechano-Tteinpitt He curesjt. WANTED ON FIRST MORT- XXX, FC, AB. ABT.

ABC. 2 4 9 15 17 27 HOLDIVG FIRST OP. "51 (). LIGHT AND ERNEST J. ra.

mum perfect order-So cash. COMFORTABLE FURNISHED chenes. Reward, Citizen. LOST OR STOLEN, CLEVELAND Bl-'cvcle. No.

3Ci53S; special frame, with name Billy Jones. Reward for information. Phone Queen 567. BURNETT. FUNERAL 1SS C-- TJC 2s 41 46 46 41 4i 69 64 69 To TX iSS Hi I 7 SS 1W 1 lu U7 US 13U Vi TST 1 H5 146 147 14 167 16 166 171 173 JK1 jvt its iw.

iia ii6 aw aos a a7 gage at per cent. Apply i 1, township of Pembroke: i Per week. C. W. Lindsay, in begin at the close- of the sum- "Parks St.

Xi Directors and Embalmers, 128 Bank 8-4C i MALE HELP WANTED. E41 j-'x 253 Citizen Office. Phone headquarters. rooms to let. Apply 34 Nepean St.

57. 'YURNISHEDROOM FIRST CLASS X. appointments. No. 6, The Edinbor-ough Apartments, 74 O'Connor St.

53'A St. Ambulance mer vacation. School Is one mile from i PAIR OF PIGEONS FOR SALE. AITNn. RAO (FULL).

OWNER MAY iF5 2W 21 2a4 Sil 28 J3 rmiir wiwrcn eii.nin itm Queen 1098. claim same at 164 Le Breton St. town. Protestant (male) preferred. "'-J Also ome .21 Sun rl lll TO LC1AN AT 7 PtK Cfc-M fj.s nysttie I flrt mortgage.

Apply Box 2- ill 4ii 1004. Salary or according to quannca- languaeoii; to the right person good 541. 'iTlzen. tions. BURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED Applicants Bww I CrY'-: FOR FINE 3USINESS CARDS.

'I A LS A 1 V11D LirJAtVL-lAlO salary wanted. -I- rooms to let: housekeeping privileges. -i; V' organ MACKENZIE BKua, r.i.j.u. -rectors and Embalmers. Parlors, oil Bank phone 4003; 407 Somere.t phone 7700.

Moderate charges. Personal attention. Motor and horse drawn ambulance service. Pembroke. 1 Armlv 242 Lyon St.

17i Co i Sparks St. rftLEJELP WANTED. 1 FTi3Ai.E COOkTseTRE ferred. Wedtsewjod Cafe, is; Queen. T-'f -L Miwriotr; VARNISH raining, an- nnnf 4I.0 board; K'K STIC 1'DPI' UT tJT Tn T-T'C! nnisr.m.

oauitiiiK oo able for beginners. John Raner CJVJt armlv 2fi3 SITUATIONS WANTED. 34 tique and office furniture cleaned and re home a specialty. upnoisterms. opening is offered; state qualifications, age, etc.

Address Box. K. Citizen Office. yANTED, "cTUiVOKR AND JOB pre feeders. Only the, fie with experience need apply.

The Mortimer Co. Ottawa. 55 NGB OY "FORKUF PING" itOOM. Eclip. Mfg.

Albert St. 83 GP.EENLFKSfi Sunday, Aug, 4, W12, to Dr. and Mrs. C. Greenleese, of Vara.

I'iano ns Sparks St. S94c NUMENTS. Mil ASON MAS' SERVANT GIRL WANTEU. APPLY ArOUNCr LADY ispEAKINO FRENCH i neatly done; most reasonable V--. polished, c.

Turner, Hyman, 35 Stewart St. Phone ADY COULD ACCOMMODATE COU- 54: JU pie; board if desired, or housekeep- niTgrr) FOR SLIGHLY USED' 'Ptf'J'J rtiwjh piano. John Rai i. 7 per Geo. Mulligan, Maple Grove, Aylraer.

and Engiish. wit knowledge of book-i attend office in no I7S Sparks St. 391c UMENTS FROM THIS PLACE ADIKS. JOE THE HATTER OOiNU keeping; vvouid like afternoons or evenu ing privileges; no objection to cnira. specialtv.

AjONL Waverley St. Finn, 1 Hilda Hintonburg. Jl tav always been admired tor tneir a. Box 270. PRICE -JTEINWAY SQUAltE PIANO, AS J1411; elegant tone.

John to New York selecting tne miesi for fall felt hats. P.S. White views in tneir aesign ami Raper Piano Rapi TlOOM IN NEW MODERN rtuco-. hone Oueen 7179. DRE.S3MAKE.RSANI A PPRENTI-ces; also trimmer, preparers and apprentices for millinery 4iS Somerset.

u3 rtHAMBEP.JIAID APPLY WANTS POSITION "OMAN cook, actilntnre. R. W. Brown. Launer good all round, would leave XI hot water year around, shower.

f.K CARPENTER, telephone, etc. 362 Cooper 11. e-ite foun- fl'CnnTior. 11 1 i- a Ttr "Phone 8a- Avft w. J73 Sparks Su COMBINATION writing de.

34c BOOKCASE ANT) oak, cheap, also sew- 548 Albert St. a daughter. S3 OI lets, and hand cigarmakers, by Montreal firm; good prices. Apply between city. FIRST.

ARE YOU rTAT.TTV IS hats Bank St, 854c ADA NEWS -THE leading Canadian dailies kept for Terence; searches made; certified copies supplied. Charges li Slater St. 52: PHONE QUEEN EWING WANTED qiswi: BATH i i FRONT ROOM; chine. rVJ RXISHED Bank St. 272" .3, between 12 arc o'.

i.jk. X' flat. Apply 74 VittoriaSt ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS IN 12.31.1 and 1.30 and 6 to 7.30. Room B. Windsor Hotel.

Ottawa. PAIR OF PICTURES FOR SALE i Box 414. uttawa. ii tr. mn 1ST miv next.

FURNISHED, --a carpenter work given prm. Ki looking for the best there is in monumental work? Ten to 15 per cent, off ail stock work. Robert Brown, 376 Sparss St Phone Queen 1S63. 74ic "VT75N OF ALL DESCEIP-iJL tions, lowest prices. Western Mon-j-mental Works, Gloucester and Bank Sis.

i tion: screening and weather i ELL BUILT, WELL APPEARING ILfT-'X-TiT. 1 tt I I. E. Cross. 64 First Ave, Phone man; one with adaptability towards SITUATION WANTED BY EXPER-ienced cook, female; city Box m.

-541 lARI'KNTER WANTS WORK BY THE vy hour or contract. 47 Giirnour St. Phone Queen Aitv. Bay St. or phone Queer in cases, cheap.

Apply after 6 p.m.. 2 Perkins St. 3 T.R1VATE SAl.F,"6F""H6uKlTm5Lf furnishings; party leaving town. 216 Bay St. 53 of piano and telephone, tiouiourn near Laurier: reasonable rent to careful; electrical apparatus preferred.

Apply Manager, D. M. and H. G. N.

W. Tel. Office. 55 DRILLING. person.

Box 229 Citizen. 56 rxj ELL Apply 362c Y'OUXG LADY FOR OFFICE WORK, with knowledge of shorthand, and typewriting Apply Box jm Cltiisen. 64i COOD PIilN-cSjk and "dining '1 room giri wanted. Apply Rideau Hotel, iio Rideau St. ftRL WANTED FOR ICE CREAM VJ" parlor.

167 Bank St. 64ii JXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID. AP-ply at once, Grand Union Hotel. iCDl A EL LAD TO AJSSIST O.N" lerrotype machine. Box 6.

51iA promptly attended to. i WORTH 11 douhie. Finn 1S6 Rideau. Phone Rideau 2a. 1CONOMY, WANTS OFFC'ES TO; ECOi TrO.VIAN J-hitJ-ftl i 1 l.ij, i v.

central: i Cambridge St. rOTtST CLASS HOT WATKR FITTER sonably. clean or work by the day. Apply gooo conoition; win sell reas (E. anil helper.

Ottawa Plumbing anil MISS DES- MISS Box 2M. ORIGINALITY OF DE-vt sign, high grade workmanship, lowest price are features of our monuments. Phone 1924. Jones Stevens, 277 Kideau St. Box 261.

4M, i PI'i u. I nttnwa Choice S3 WEEK AT P) lardins', 275 Dalhousie St. i ilinerv for all at moderatepric X'lCELY FURNISHED FRONT -i- LOT OF CHOICE DOORS, SJ Heating 813 Someret St. 8oc WANTED, TWO YOUNG MEN FOR VV light work. Family Theater; bring VANTBD.

SlfUATl'6NAS Biff LE 1 1 or waiter, English. Address Box 3i). nces.Js04c reasonable. Apply 276a BankSt AND and frames, at a bargain; must be' T. rr wnMpcnv rtttt.dfr PALMISTRY E.

CIENTIFIC THV'O WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS TO I Duke St. 4V. 'J fnnlracin. johhinir DromPtly at- sold at once. Apply to 313 Wellington.

references. -ii ft Laing, Canada's leading palmist. MARRIAGE LICENCES. let. with or without board.

11 Ne i tended to. Phone 962. 21 Thornton St. iic ntiininn is she is the queen all WOMAN WANTKI FOR KITCHEN TASTED, BREAD DRIVER. APPLY 3Ho pean St.

1 A GENTLEMAN'S RAIN COAT, IZE I Don't fail to call and consult work good wages. Apply Uwanta 70MAN REQUIRES ANY KIND OF II work, Apply 266 Laurler Ave. A. Slinn-Shouidis, 4oScatnariTie. aj CAR- MORRIS.

ISSUER OF MAR- VnCHOLT.K A JOWETT. 38, almost new; a bargain. Lunch, i Sparks St. Apply 434 i her Make appointments by Phone No. 521-2 I Oueen.

20 Pamilla off Rochester. lOOD SMART BOY. APPLY IMPER- ria renters and Builders. Repair: Gloucester St age licenses, uitice, ANTED BY MARRIED WOMAN ial Optical Room 6, 102 Dank 77c St. Phone 22SS.

specialty. 589 McLeod St. WA AND X-y, board. 55 F- iRONT BEDROOM, WELL FURNTSH- ed; also smaller room; phone; central. 310 Lisgar St.

MVs. Phone Queen S72c TOR SALE, REO 5 -PASSENGER I NO witnesses requirea. 384c St. 04.3 th one child, position as general i im. touring car, Al condition.

Aiignt servant at once. Box 240. w. AARTHiS HAVING AMOUNTS OF $250 to .1,000 to loan on best security at I AN FOit HOUSB TO HOUSE WORK. EXCAVATING S.

SHAW, ISSUER OF M. ROULEAU exchange for good real estate, Telephone J.1XPERIENCED SALl31LuDY FOR L. XJ cloak department. Apply 181 Bank St. TEQUlREd3 IMMEDIATEIY BY LE-gal liirn, competent stenographer; must have references.

Write Box No. 6314 DRESSMAKER DE -'X Apply 135 Elm St. foiinrtatinn Riihm.rinft diver, 1-7 t-e i -J marriage licenses, itoom jan i. Address i cinani. 62, per cent -VXPBRIENCED VfiEi "VM- i sires sewing by the Queen 63H3 evenings day.

Box 234 A PPLY PAL Breton St. Phone S392. 274a I A WANTICD. MATEliNTTY OOD'ISXPRESS HOIISE FOR SALE 53 i Citizen. J- er.

Clarella Park, Westboro. 54V. and other cases attended to. 60 Chambers, 102 BankSt. 4610 H.

C. S87 WELLINGTON watchmaker and jeweller; expert repairer. Issues marriage licenses. 73.0 Tobin cor. Bank ana innn Wniraavfi fe-RI NTS WORK 1 cneap.

XT FURNISHED ROOMS. X1 phone, shower bath, hot water year around, gentlemen only. 362 Cooper SL LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO ONE smaller, in new well furnished house. 61Q WHOLESALE i TO LEA UN Ottawa St. Strathcona.

IF 53 by the day. 216 Bay St. crockery business; must have knowl ABLE: ii-OR SALE, A B-EVV DRAFT HORSES, i T. Clarey. 63 Center St.

370e EO. H. WOODBURN, ISSUER OP -I AN REQUIRES POSITION; ry repaired at L. Gaulin's, 143 Rideau LATHAM, CONTRACTOR. CON-crete foundations, cellar tloors.

walks, broadways, reinforcing, etc. 333 BeH St Phone Queen J243. LET OUR EXPERT GIVE YOU Quotations on crating furniture and crockery. L. G.

Fournler Wellinj-ton St. Phone 2391. 239? edge of shorthand and typewriting. Par-eon and cor. Bank and Pretoria Ave.

marriage licenses, -O6V2 Bamc t. to run automobile and do; 111 Gloucester. '1HA PHOPHON SNAP-LA ROE ISC Phones 1453 4S17. SiSo repairs good references. Apply in 55 Vllltiv rriin Columbia graphophone, in first-class ROOMS; ALSO TA- 521 i OftQ ALBERT 'JO ble board.

YIELDING, ISSUER OF MAU-riage licenses, 16 Cliff off Kent. WITH PRIVATE -ittpoxt TT. H. FTPTTRTCAL CON -iN and Steam Cleaning Works. Upholstering done, down quilts re-covered, pillons steam cleaned, hair mattresses made uver.

Phone 7735. 518 Wellington q. 9380 ROOM fine: finest condition, with 50 records, $35; machine alone worth the money. Hiirteau-Wll-liams 131 Sparks St. Store open evenings until close of sale, August 3rd.

ssec X1 bathroom, The rpWO EXPERIENCED DINING ROOM girls. Apply Mrs. Ruddy, 21. Lisgar St. 61V4 "tVANTED, JADIES AKD SCHOOL girls for steady homework, decorating cushion tops; good pay.

Call 212 Slater St. 57 jTI BNiCRAL SERVANT WANTED. AP-VJr py9 Albert St. A4 TWO WAITRESSES; GOOD WAGES; steady position. Apply News Stand.

Central Depot. "V'olfNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE-X -work. Apply 91 Albert St. 64 XX tractor. Specialties: Bells, repairs.

ocality in citj Phone Queen locality in city. ISSUER 0- A NDREW G. ACRES. 926 Sifton, 215 Metcalfe, 6540 -IAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES-J tics, Scotch, English and Irish; party arrives about Aug. 5, Sept, 2 and weekly after.

The Guild, 71 Drummond Montreal, and 47 Pembroke Toronto. V3U etc. Phone 3154. 491 Metcalfe St. Queen St.

i- marriage licenses, 201 131c VrICKLAYERS WANTED FOR WIN-J nipeg City; work plentif no labor trouble; union wage 70 cents hour; hour day with half-day Saturdays during August. Apply Secretary, Bnldj s' Exchange, Winnipeg, Man. 60' TANTED, SALESMAN FOR CI.OTH- Ing and men's furnishings store. Apply, stating experience, salary expected, and giving references, to Box 256 Carle- ADEAluiSELLE GAlttiAU, 137 YORK NO. 1 "vATS.

RSfi PER BUSHEL: HAY. T0OM AND TABLE BOARD. Per- (opposite Family Theater). Residence. 4u0 O'Connor St.

Office phone. 4.77; res -dence phone. 3124. 2263 Dress and Mantle Maker. St.

APPLY 81c 175o "CAPITAL ROOFING slate, felt and gravel. Estimates. Repairs attended. 82 Arlington phone Queen 6920; 372 Bank St, phone Queen 7995. 434c 'faction guaranteed.

I ion! 675c ISIl zoo tjueen T. itiRMSHED ROOMS. SUIT ONE rAKDS CLEANED; ALSO ASHES OR taken out ot cellars; reasonable RIVING OUTFIT; HORSE, 5 two gentlemen. Apply 88 Vittoria, or or MEDICAL CAST-OFF CLOTHING. charges.

Phone Queen 8-2. oirl ifeic-bf fio. well hroken: a so 461o phone Queen 8022. ALFRED BRAD, FLOOR WAXING. TTcll -1.

T.v 11 CltV. new rubber-tired buggy and harness. Ap- I rANTBI IN BRITANNIA. GOOD F. C.

HAGAR, P.G. ID ND0N' ply at 271 Rideau St. 4 Ottawa. 93io fR- geneial servant, family or three; AGENTS WANTED. ton Place, Jnt.

I ARBER- WANTED," "STEADY JO B. Apply J. A. Patterson, 7xi Gladstone Ave. 4i3 Office, cor.

Elgin and Somerset Sis. IN GOOD CONDI- 1 TJHONE RIDEAU 393. HIGHEST prices for gent's and ladles' cast-off clothing. Your old buyer. Singer's.

33 William St 778c ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT board; charges moderate. 186 Queen St. M8c OPA SLATER ST. COMFORTABLY iOy furnished rooms, all conveniences: also table board. cash or easy terms.

Ofice hours. 11-12 a.m., 3-4 p.m., 7-S p.m. Phone Queen 2553. 47--- 1 PIANO. WANTED SEND I tion; cheap for ortraits fiat and Call evenings, 282 Alb.

HURTRAIT AGENTS bert St. 5340 AT ONCE. 10 CARPEN- TANTED ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS AND builders attention to "The Miracla Concrete with double air space, manufactured by Miracle Pressed Stone 623 Wellington St. Estimates free. for catalogue.

Por M.D., J. E. N. DE HAITRE. ters.

Apply O'Toole and MeGllllvray. 'onvex, frames and sheet pictures. post-graduate of Paris (France) hos -rICT01i, LATEST MODEL DOUBLE; motor, time regulator, mahogany 'The Plaza." "41. "tJliST BOARD AND ROOM IN CITY, liants Portrait Toronto. HORSE 8HOER AND A case; regular price $63, now $35.

no hignest wages; house all modern improvements. Telephone F21. iNING ROOM GIRL WANTED; ALSO scrub woman. Apply 49 Rideau St. PhoneR.94).

671 HOUSEKEEPER TO RESPECTABLE working man; good cook. A. care P. O-i Westboro jpttawa. IVANTEi-CTr'WO LUNCH COUNTER girls.

Apply Nelson S. Leduc, Dairy 'Lunch, Sussex SL 64 WANT CP', XJ minutes from post oince, JI; 394c PHONE RIDEAU 636. I BUY CAST-off clothing, furniture, stoves, highest prices paid. L. Miller, 47 William Bt.

To Ti'HONE RIDEAU 1430. HIGHEST prices paid for cast-off clothing, etc. Mrs. Kaminsky, 61 William St. 9320 blacksmith's helper. J. and T. irunkards wanted. US George St. Lindsay, 189 sparks H.

BERLIN, 89 CLARENCE ST. Repairing of watches and jewelry. AH pitals, Genito urinary, women's disease and sursery. Hours 2 to 5 p.m. anil 1 to.

p.m. 2.39 Laurier E. Phone R. 113. IS) Church hours from 8 to 10 a.m.; phone 11.

142. 4 760c AUTOMOBILE TUITION. Armstrong, Bridge at. -VTICELY FURNISHED ROOM. UKE, HANDSOME DAPPLE GRAY; work guaranteed.

1a vate family, use of balcony TJOY WANTED FOR PAPER ROUND is a Ot Phone 8520. WANTED FOR phone; gentlemen preterrecl. XJ between Cooper and Argyle Ave. M. H.

CHAPMAN, 384 METCALFE plumber, fitter, furnace repairer. INSTRUC-and TTIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR CAST P. DILLON. M.D.C.M.. L.R.C.P.

tion in automobile driving tawa Despatch Co. 2 T30OMS AND BOARD. APPLY MRS. Davis. J.

XX off clothing. Phone 8692. Es and S-, Edinburgh; L. F. P.

and S-. Li Baths, bowls, lavatories, locks, etc. tlmates free. Keia, namptun caamDBig, i.o iueen TE HAVE A GOOD OPENING FOR 4000 3190 475 Wellington St. BOOKKEEPER WHO CAN ADY st -OOe cross match pair and can't be beaten.

Ring, 5-year-old bay, fast driver; Brownie, 7-year-old brown, very fast; Bob, bay horse, general purpose; Kit, bay mare, handsome cob. Remember out special sales every Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. Stables. 336 Gladstone Ave. E.

bright young man with some of Giasgow, 72 Elgin St. Offke hours: 8-U a.m., 2-4 and 7-8 p.m. Phone Queen 1205. take charge of an office. Apply by i XJ ing.

Fun practical ami tneTticaI course. Special class for ladies. We also have automobiles to hire. Apply to The Cap-Hal Automobile School and Garage Albert or Phones Queen 15.2. 406.

-933. 64 letter, stating experience, references and fice experience. Apply Box 246 cuien. 64i. "LkARLORS, ALSO SINGLE ROOMS.

Apply 197 Gloucester near Bank. 2750 U. I. BOIS, 86 DUKE CHAU-X diere. Plumbing, heating and sheet metal worker.

Repairing kitchen utensils a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. 632o R. HERBERT B. MOFFATT, PHY- wages expected, A.

u. -are D1 4 siclan and Surgeon. Office hours LADIES' AND GENTS' CAST-OFF clothing bought; highest prices paLL Bercovitch, 48 Queen St. W. 16SO JOTONE '3336.

SECOND HAND FUR-niture and clothing bought; highest prices paid. M. Spector. 477 Wellington St. 726c PRACTICAL MAN' PAINTER M.

Engram. Proprietor. 401c APPLY GIRL WANTED. 8 to 10 a.m., 2 to 4 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m. Phone 4646.

486 Bank, cor. Flora St. 1. only Tr ITCH EN Apply 3.1 Laurier West. S2 BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED rooms, central; board if desired; splendid locality.

455 Cooper St. 537o MEN'S yard IV Savoy Hotel, Ridtau St. 19c. length rocks. 213 Rideau 782c tr.

a. f. mclaren, eye, ear. St. Phone 831 X-f nose and throat Office, 396 Somer- SHINGLERS WANTED; HIGH-X' est wages.

Apply 16 Elm St. 64 Oil TWO WEEKS FROM A L'i 1. AN 1' experienced nurse, capable of taking "MORTGAGE FOR im AT 7 DO NOT THROW YOUR OLD clothes away; send for J. Braver- ROOMS WANTED. Office hours, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

an! THIRST VA.NT iUOD SBCON HA set St. T. ETHERSTONHAUGH SMART, Apply to Miss per cent, on good property for sale. 1 canoe at Apply, p.m. Phone 1000 7 p.m.

fating pri BOY TO WASH DISHES AT Apply Bowers' New Lunch, i care of an mvana laoy. Conion, 229 St. man. DH William St. 62o Barristers and Counsel in Patent 63 ONCE, i and 55 64 particulars, H.

It. M. itizen BED- lURNITURE AND CAST-OFF CLOTH- flee. Metcalfe St. Causes.

Fred a. jcetnerstonhaugh, K.C.: Rtssel S. Smart. 53 Queen St. 024c OR TWO FURNISHED rooms in vicinity of Ayimer.

nyside. Reply 257. or un- ng bought, bend card. B. wolm- AT A ATA NT ED.

HOIST RUNNER CO. BE AT THE Phone 3429 Queen. FOR E- UPHOL-1 stering done by first class workman at reasonables prices. Repairs of ail kinds. Antique and modern furniture.

W. M. Brown, 516 Rideau St. Phone 580 Rideau. 396c nOfiSICS WANTED I WILL the New Arlington lintel, 1 once; must be first class.

Apply on sky. Easti'iew. 6830 QECOND HAND Fu'rN ITU Welling Patent Solici WANTED TO RENT, BY LADY clo esiannsnea nrm. tors, 53 Queen St. and 5 Elgin St.

550c clothing, bought and sold. S49o Welnstein. 410 Wellington St A GIRL FOR WASHING dishes at the Daffodil Tea Rooms, leii1, Sparks St. 54 GKNERAI. l-t no laundry work; city references.

Waverley St. WANTED, YOUNG- MI HIO TEACH KR. one who is patient and is willing to give long lessons for small sums. Apply Box 236. teacher.

one or two unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping: must be in central locality. Apply to Box 247, Citizen. 511-, job, Bank St. Bridge, or to Mrs. Arnott.

Almonte House, evenings. 64l4 STRONG BIG ROY WANT-io ed at once. Apply Circulation Manager. Citizen. tf ton Thursday and Friday, Aug.

and 9, to buy horses from 1,1.) to pounds weight; also a few de! ivory horses and a goud quiet driver for a lady, George Parker, Winnipeg. ,5 MACHINES REPAIRED QEWING also parts, shuttles and needles. 83 I L-URNTTURE, CAST-OFF CLOTHING. ladies' and gentlemen's. Highest prices paid.

Mail orders promptly to, Byer, 420 Sussex St. 291o O'Connor St 213c OFA BED WANTED, IN GOOdT'ON- CONCRETE BLOCKS, LINTELS AND dition, cheap. Apply Box 2'ii. 55 ADY WANTS BY OCT. 1, A LARGE XJ front room, with grate, or double parlor, furnished or unfurnished; private familv; must be centra and good locality.

Apply Box 241. 54 DR J. H. ALFORD, rUST gbauu-ate N. Y.

hospitals, 179 O'Connor cor. Nepean. Hours: 9-10, 2-4. 7-8. Telephone Queen 3807.

Jfc tSR. O. M. WILSON, POST GRADU-XJ ate New York hospitals. Specialr.

skin diseases. Office, 212 Laurier Are-W. Phone 3974. A. T.

SHILLINGTON. M.D., C.M.. Gllmour St Specialty, disease- ol women and surgery. Office hours, 9 loll and 3 to 4. Phone 1105.

C. J. McPHERSON, M.D., EX-house physician Water fat. General and Civic Isolation Hospitals. Office residence, 1147 Bank Ottawa Soatl Phone 347t TVIi.

E. G. QUESNEL. B.A., FHl-XJ sician, Surgeon and A-eoucheur. ei-consulting physician of St.

Joseph is General Hospital. Sudbury. Office, 3i4 Kideau St Telephone No. hest sills, price right, material thi 1 ESTABLISHED SINCE 1SS4. GENERAL i Patent and Trade Mark Practice.

A. B. Harvey. Telephone connection. 510c LLOYD BLACKMORE SUITE 706.

707, 708, 709, 710 and 711, Hope Building. Sparks Ottawa. Registered Patent Attorneys. We send our book. "Patent Protection," free, giving complete Information and advice on patents, trade marks, also patent office decisions and requirements.

Patentability opinion without charge 964c lUAN'TED NIGHT MAN. MUST BE steady. Also House Maid or Man and Wife. Apply Miuta Hotel. 63 rA-TED, A GOOD MACHINEMAN to take charge of matcher and tivo kN MONDAY.

WOMAN TO DO WASH- TED. NEW HOI's Eg TO BE MASSAGE. A. Orison, Fentlman Ave. Phone WANT 1 cleai 50.3.

35fio ing. 24 Arlington. aned. Communicate with 41 i-'In-t 'ANTED. FURNISHED ROOM WITH VEW AND SECOND HAND POOL -LN tables, billiard supplies.

Landrevilie. Box 237 piano. Please state price stickers. Apply James E. Wilson, Ottawa South Planing Mill.

52 54H 176-178 Rideau St 7i ENERAL SELVANT WANTED FOR VI family of three. Apply Laurier East. 53 "TT ONCE. A COMPETENT NURSE -V for infant. Apply, with references, Mrs.

Fred White, 368 Besserer St. 54 MASSAGE AT HOME WITH PAT-ented Venus Rejuvenator, operated on water faucet. Beautifier, health restorer, cures rheumatism. Distributors make big money. Bausch Company.

16 AN OR STRONG BOY TO DRIVE SANITARY BRUSH-COM- horse. Apply 442 Lewis St. 53 card to 138 Bank St Our demonstrator rpWO YOUNG MEN WANT TWO FUR-X nished rooms, witli bath, together in private family or bachelor apartments, vicinity Bank and Somerset. Apply Box 239. ISH WASHER WANTED.

APPLY Dalhousie oronto. ws St. iV-TVANTKD, TEN .8 TO "DRAW Vcoal. Apply 333 P.ioc iu St. 541-2 Tito" exchange, 'n e'" ii-" a 7.

and one 7-iassengcr car for real estate. Phone 5311. 188c oni'TH African Ci: hivkp, scrip. Malcolm Wiggins. 7li Sparks Ottaw-a.

376o iSUKNITURE. CAST -OFF CLOTHING. XI highest prices. Golt and 1093 Wellington St. Ph-inc Queen 154S.

4s4c will call. 109c SERVANT. NO HEAVY XJ Y. M. C.

A. Restaurant. 8H "I ENHILAL WELLINGTON ST. TREAT- 279 I work; good liomc. T7E HERS TUN 11A UGH SO-N, rAP JD ents and Trade Marks.

Inventors, write today for our most valuable book, "The Prospective Patentee," Patents, Their Meaning, and How To Obtain Them. Address 15 Elgin St. Ottawa. Canada 213o Apply Mrs. Bret- i A'aRTONTKR FOREMAN.

APPLY W. ments by appointment, naturo- Madame Childrose. 45Sc hoar, SWT Jamea St. Adamson, 126 Sparks St. Phones pa thy X.

VALADE, 142 ST. FAIKK-a Phone 1262. Office hours. 2 10 LET. DKstF' 'ANTED, AN EXPERIENCED COOK.

Queen 742S and Rideau 13.3. in 1 1 RS. DORA BEYEK, SWEDISH MAS. who if satisfactory may refer- (JTONEMASON'S WANTED, UNION g32o gaged for a term. Apply with ment.

Phone 26. ACHELOR APARTMENTS. ONE. 53: men. ppiy on jom, cui.

niiii-un MUSIC. enoes to Mrs. Hill, 211 Rrortson Ave. two and three rooms each, with pri- 4.30 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m.

peciaiiie. iimlHiil.i-pTi'i! diseases. T. W. BIRKETT, M.D., L.R-CP.

X. and S. (Edinburgh). L.F.P. ana Hours, 2-3, 7-8.

PM v. e-in Sta. 'ANTED, 25 OJt 30 ACHES OF GOOD nu iturier 01 ,1111111 c.i,c rpENTS, BOATS, CAMP FURNITURE sale or rent; live minnows. Henry. S2 Bank St Phone 749 615c 6 LIDS.

HOT' tachments. w-armlng closet: will sell cheap: 475 Wellington St. S99c TUST RECEI VED. NEW STOCK OF buggies and express wagons. I can save you 10 to 15 per cent, in buving your new buggy or express from 'me.

Some good second hand express wagons aud buggies. H. L. Jones, Bridge an Britannia St Phone 4S62. 1650 ate baths, furnished or unfurnished.

136 WO YOUNG LADIES WANTED AT hay tnear Ottawa), with use of mow once for clerical work in a large DAVID STRONG, OF H. M. TEAMSTER FOl! ONE Slater St. PhoneQueen6840 or S43. 510c ROOMS A NT.

BATH, -rR. ALc. Chapels Royal Buckingham and St. TtTlSS LEACH. GENERAL AND SSL facial massage and Swedish movements, 53 Sweetland Laurier Ave.

East DSo TRICTLY FIRST "CLASS MASSAGE," including electric treatments and baths, given at your own home. Phone 2346. 167c. lack hay. er and ijake.

Box 72 Citizen 66c "fEATKERS. "ANY QUANTITY. FOR casli. Canadian Featiier Mattress. 288Q Queen 2241.

oifice; must be ni-at, quick writers. Apply in own handwriting, toting all particulars, including age, experience if James Palaces and professor or sing- I water wagon; also men to Apply 30 orated, heated and very central. Ap 54 ing at the Guildhall School of Music, Lon- P. QUINN, M.D., CM. OFFICB and residence.

36 O'Connor St. ut- ply Kent. fan rec.eiv'A a Tew mini a any), salary expected, Box OCOMOTIVE FIREMEN AND Citizen. 60 1 I 1 hmkemen for railroads in Ottawa ONE CORONA, JAll rinr. 1.: one store.

Bank furnished apart. I for voice production and the art of smg- flee hours, 8 to 10, 2 to 4. 7 to ri.uj A NT I'j-NT ED." SALE WOM AI.1, "or ricinitv: pti-tM monthly; experience im ort rooms. 155 Laurier Ave. and i ing.

at his studio, lau cigm at. oi VUILl Sal, les Stables. Room for a few part of time; guud prupomtkin to no strike; promotion. engineer- Medford. cor.

Bank and Sparks. riss MURIEL GRILLS, A.T.C.M., ELIZABETH EMBURY. U.V..-XJ M.C.P. and S-, 125 Slater bt betwtej boarders. Horses bought, sold or ex class people.

Mrs. Rrouu. IP) 1 Connor I conductor. many positions Ltd. 3: jJJL Teacher of Piano, 183 Somerset chum CIVIL tNGINEERS.

T'IsLXiii-L" Civil Engineer. Ontario Land Sur- St. 181c -i I CiCnPetcnt tneil -m changed. Phone Queen 3S7. 111 Queen at.

740c Metcalfe and O'Connor, children and maternity VV UIlii PiiJM CORNER Phone Queen i.jj. BUS ESS CHAN CES. AN DON. MANITOBA. WESTFI? Vaniwiu A city now: grow in? will quickly reach rich, prospering area.

Brain-ion all lines uf iuvesnnfiit opportunint s. -Vm i-i-i in on ao well in i'oo- ciT AXLE State age. send stamp. Rail- 1 11: N. -tin and AVaverlev Sts.

Apply St. Callbetvveen 4 ana I wanted; steady worii Somerset. At A I Apply 25 H.P. CORLISS STEAM EN- evor. Boom 10, Sparks Chambers.

Phone gine. also 60 h.p. high speed. Get i st Queen 145. 693c TANADIAN CONSERVATORY OF Music, Bay and Slater Sts.

Piano, Puddicombe, principal. Violin, D. Heins, principal; many capable assistants. Vocal, Miss Ricardi, MIsa Brltton, Miss Bourne. Prospectus free.

yoc Association. Dept. Monroe Brooklvn. NewVork. st AUG 31 HIKK t.EPEli.

HAVING NOW 1 of stenography; young man iwenty-one years, speaking 1-rencu our prices. Machinery General 1.0. of Canada Ltd 5154c I'ANTKiJ. A nil ik DR. diseases, cancer anil mortH growth treated by homeopathy and wr man nature cure methods.

Office hotJt 1. 1, 7-S n.rn. 143 iV- I hoi! I i yo G. Stanley, 337 Elgm. mllE-GAINSBOROUGH, 285, 287, 289 Metcalfe St.

Best apartments in city One at S45 month, 1st September. 6 rooms and bathroom. Apply at once, Janitor, or Telephones Queen i2, 6115. 74a 68 VliU' AND SECOND HAND FURNT--ia ture bought and sold; all kinds fur- TVA-TEKSON iSt BYRNE, CIVIL EN-X gineers and Land Surveyors. Phone 6100.

711. Sparks. B92o "i NDREW CIVIL ENGINEER and Ontario Land Surveyor. 125 Albert St. 497c English.

Write, stating ase, BUSH. 558 BAY ST. pean near Bank. Phone Queen W. Apply 260 Daly Ave OOb GENERAL vJC laundry.

Com reaulred. Apply Mrs. I f-rionce and salary expectec, citcro repaired. upnoistered, polished, cheap. SMI Rideau St.

ijc Specialist in Voice Culture; teacher VANT. I 1 irti. 15o pianoforte and harmony. C.M, EW AND SECOND HAND FURNI- TpHE KENNTSTON BEAUTIFUL iK'ini- um suppluM bv KniT'c i.te toinv. 7 TANCl rv I SD f.

make you tut; monev on iui'r aiKi iois: wb tU it un i 1 1 1 1 1 tor-nation. V. us. -t pav v.n. it I 1 -t aiK-ouver.

B. TV rA3J QLfPiTXS Cins. 8U ture bought and sold. Repairing LAND SUS- 'HINIST TO RUN 51H.MTUK -it1'" Applv lo .1. H.

conn -r Son 7- RAZIADEI'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC XJ for balls, parties, receptions. 63 St. A ndrew St. Rideau 1441. 533o Phone S2.

Win3 veyors, Ontario and Quebec. Pr.ona suites 01 aiim 1111- no- vuij v- sultes left, five and seven rooms with Ahth partly furnished. Immediate pos a.m., p.m., pn and children. erset. DINING ROOMS Ol I 1 experience nut per month.

Alexandra HoU and GilmoMr. 7181. I''4 Sparks St. 6960 l-olstering ana repuo-runs. r.ronicK Sozemovsky, Rideau St.

Rideau 1562. 9220 EVER "CHEAP MARES, ALSO Phone 3184 session. Apply 35a Elgin st 1 Ail- or 3, Ate. CI.ASSR PLUMBHRS AND FIT-r. tor.

A- C. altz 7 Court M. oi-tn Port Arthur, lint. 3000 I HANSFERS. Queen or 7-o mieen STABLES TO ET.

TWO FOR BUSINESS AND express and driving horses. 564 FLATS "ITCHEN HELP WANT VtVKHTlSEU WOULD INVEST sno PIANO TUNING. TGt-lLJ3-tAn3sEl I 1 Promnt and satisfactor- K1 lor, flat for living purposes. H. Gladstone 362c WO 1-TltST- CLASS TEAMSTERS ATKI'S Alexandra Hotel, cor.

onsiness: proposirmn or a ORGAN'S LIVERY ttiv-t- 1C. CP Hobbs, 335 Wellington St Phone 695. 5i5c LT. IV -J" EW AND AND steady iv-uii tor men wno go YEW oECOND RAND EX- AND TRANS-Telephone 641 3S0C fs'ilenc'e- Give details, confl.lentiaL t.o Citizen. 53 .3 St i'-osn in Minti i.

3S1 Gloucester St. tic Queen vice guaranteed. Order by mall. 2S2o i fi' TJB-LET APART MENT, LISGAR oossession now; heated, every con- 'STABLE TO LET; LARGE" ENOl'SH for 2 teams. Apply 414 sut.ei A IN.

I I 1 .1 I NC MEN' TO LEARN LAKE. OFFICE MARTIN. MAHOS. I Alii ven'euce. janitor service.

Also central houses. 345 Laurier Ave. 600. uOtlW ill VA GU1FFIN, MOVING VANS AND general carting, successor to B. McFall, 560 Bronson Ave.

Phone Queen Orme Piano Co. Phone resi aiivl repairing We teach you this tast growing in dence 23. 2-366C Bank Sts. T'VNING ROOM GIRL AND 1TIAJ1-XJ bermaid wanted. andome Hotd.

Wellington st, --'c I THE NORTHWEST, WANTED. generals- chambermaids, waitresses, cooks, extra high wases. fares paid from Toronto; also help of all kinds tor To--onto and Ontario. No agency fees. m.

Kntt, si. Vonge. Toronto. 1 11M UKTABLE HUJMS, FURNISH ami pronertv ill. SSc ROOM ON on Hank St.

hers. 9i i. XPERT PIANO TUNING. IRVING x- ed. with board; aio table board.

373 2815 8840 kHONE 6796. CARRIAGES. CABS; TAILORS 1 I nil 1 Lanu XJ A. Mathews. 3i" Cumberland St 402c Uladstotie.

cor. Bank. S3c livery and transfer; night and day Great liernand lor e-xper-, i i ff 1 a 1 ill fi itll i'. ecial di-nmg clas for I'atuicoill Automobile School. U-o-i palks fit, Phones ill 1 1 1 1 i 1 46- Applv Bfink si.

A presses and ouggies; also 3, iroq cement wheelbarrows, in first class shape. 4Xi St. Patrick. ic CHOICE potatoes, flour and feed. Phone 6534.

L. Jardmsky, 524 Wellington St. lOOo COTTAGE. BRITANNIA, half rented, J75; other half furnished. 151 Riiieau St.

460c (ARUMPEl'S, "OATCAKES, SHOR'tT V- bread, fresh home-made bread daily. Miller's Scotch Bakery, 2s2 13-mk St 247a 7 toMl LETE edo scale, cash register and safe-il nearly new. -19 Somerset, after $. ervlce. Geo.

Latnarn, yueen -t. TTiVT-SxjrpRESSING. ladies' suits, 75c; VfATTHEW WEBSTER, PIANO TUN-Y- ing. Orders promptly attended to. 415 Laur'er West- Phone 4S44.

660 orr I ELECTRIC TRANSFER CO. ALL work promptly attended to; no de rUNlTY FOR BARBER shop, central 1-calitv. ess. Applv ix 245 suits made to Ui OITSE TABLE MAID WANTED. AP- 84 Queen St Phone piv.

witu rcierences. 10 nice husin r.JNhl IU LUAN. NTED. ASSISTANT ENGINEER 1 -trr- I lays, always on time. Night and day, Tr.

our livery. Horses bought, sold 01 i i-lSVi BANK FOR Kj Mi." 1 and Oct. 1. Duplex apartments, combining ilrst floor, large sitting room and dining room, hall, pantry and kitchen; second floor, four eurooms and bathroom; heat, ice ini telephone; price $io; yearly leases only Janitr.x. Mrs.

Peart. Phone 6S. Apply to J. M. Bate, care H.

N. Bate and auus canii Phone 766. RKleau ewei't, 6- 1-i Khirratf. M.n.o., city Hall. DENTAL exebansed.

Albert St Phone Queen 461. 613c -NEW DOUHI.E. ui exciuine. si 500 LOAN. 3.

lowe: lowest STOMED TO WAITRESS ONCE. MAM irOMii ll.lij UK JM. amall amounts, rates of ln- BELL Pnone Queen 5 CHAMBER- Mill A no maid and kltcneu lulp a. McLean. 51 Sparks St.

r. 597c terest 106c jljiug bed and Lime k. Aprlv I'ontlac Porlage uu 1-ort. 66 Marble eecoa Reid, 1S5 Queen jst. er.

AUTOS TO RENT. MAGEE LOANS ON OKES, WILL BUY, SELL OR EX horses, buggies, expresses A GOOD SMART KITCHEN Canada Lif Building. WARNE AND real estate. 75 Sparks St tlst 88 Vellln-to 81., door from Beattie Argue 1 8 to 6. Evening appointments.

oue. WANTED, Agiri, MATTRESS MAKER AND Laurier Ave. 8660 anytning connected with horse 70C AP- weaver; steady work. Appty IViSSENGER AUTOMOBILE TOURING car to rent; moderate prices. Phone SERVANT WANTED.

A I. ANl.FACTUHING BUSINESS FUR Vl -tie wei! eslahlished. doing pood t-ade: reason for seeing, ill Health. Box citizen. tvAc T'Uli ALL "KINDS GALVANIZED Iron work, roofing, hot air furnace work; also repairs.

Phono 75-17. J. Stewart. Sl'-- st -c Siter St AEimj TT'ANTED, HEATED ROOM APART- ment with bath; not to exceed $30. Apply Box: 265 6J WANTED, 5 ROOMED APARTMENT.

FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. Rideau 86-. JVL AGENTS Villi- lliu; ad MACHINERY LOCKSMITHS nes A food line of horses and rigs now I' want ,0 bus or se'l try Electric Transfer 63 Albert St-T H. B'ovsnlee, Mgr. Phone 851.

i "-irSsTlXRNlXCRli', SCRAP MET-S clothing. A. Caplin. Secoul L'TOMOBILES FOR HIRE, DAY OR salary 01 ccuiioi-mou. px A Phone Queen 1755, 17 77VT SHERWOOD, UPHOLSTERING, C5' polishing, repairing neatly done.

1(8 Star.ey N.E. Phone S4. 5n3c prlces on trip. 1 or 4T0o fu urmshed; beat, gas stove, etc. Bjx NE DOLLAR BUYS $2 WORTH IN I ADIt.S ilAKK S3 TO Hi AT 1 home decorating cushion tops.

Ap- ly 212 Slater 40 iifADE 550,000 IN FIVE YEARS with a small mail order business: began with S5. Send for free booklet: tells how. Heacock. 5149, Lockport. N.Y.

ax 0 mod Dealer, 12- Weilingtun St Phone Citizen. Phone Queen 8-l, I- Loridon. ci.U.ESMAN AN. io to 35 years, lor Ottawa and Eastern Ontario; "llleral income assured fiood live n.un Box 15. 54 watches, diamonds arvi jewelry at -TaRPETS CLEANED, FURNITURE 1 liniton St.

brass and -7, vault and safe repairs. bicycle repairs, automatic door Phone Queen vf" H- Sbakt's, Pawnbi er, Rideau St mi. sisS tic in SINGER SEWING MA SUMMER RESORTS. TABLE BOARD. upiioisteriMi and repaired.

Therlen. 107 Chapel St. 74o LI chine- McK een. 901 Bank St. Phone SXc W-5.


Bank and hair, bureaus and other articles. riOTTAGE TO RENT AT BRITANNIA. V. cheap for liie balance of the season. Apply 224 Bank St.


cor. uf O'Connor ft Board .3 per week. Prione Queen -s. 5m riVki: S-TERBaookE, slatf-T. 1 and O'Connor Sts.

Table board, Paone 1754- So 31 Bank St. 40 11INHEV CUSTOM HOUSE 4AAO MEN WANTED. APPLY A. Amour, 66S Sussex St. 32lo c-nie, xparnt noyai Phoenix.

PilNTINO. rrr.r.n.,."---- ing. Reynold-, Laurier JT broker forwaraing. export and cen- BUSINESS AGE Alliance Assurance 1. 0 Royal Lite Am ANTED, 300 BUSHMEN TO SHIP WOULD hop or S3uo make automoo repair erican Surety i-urwlar ply at once, H'H right away.

Apply l. Aluusou, T.OU11 YOUNG LADIES TO CANVASS 1 for high clai article; commission. Apply Capital Manuiactur.aj- Com. iuy Jy and iiarket. -4o Flat- (i.a&i 'kone Ii-.

ilBo garage. Bos 75 CitUen, 44 honji Jtaaa fliij.

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