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Abilene Reporter-News from Abilene, Texas • Page 4

Abilene, Texas
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PAGE FOUR THE ABILENE REPORTER-NEWS Mrs- Joyce Complimented At Tea In Snyder Home NYDER, Dec. Honoring her daughter, Mrs. 6am Joyce, who unlil her marriage Dec. 14 wu Florentz Winston, Mrs. Wade Winston entertained at tea this week.

One hundred, guests left their names In the bride's book. Four generations of Mrs. Joyce's family were in the receiving line with Mrs. J. R.

Joyce, her husband's mother. Mrs. Winston presented htr daughter, who in turn Introduced her grandmother, Mrt. R. M.

Stokes, and her great grandmother, Mrs. D. 8. Pearson, and the elder Joyce. Each representative of the four generations Is the eldest daughter of her Immediate family.

Mrs. Aubrey Stokes, the brlde'i aunt, greeted guests at the door, and Mrs. Maurice Brownfield, another aunt, also greeting callers In Ihe living room, which was graced with bwiuets of American Beauty rows, Besides members of the families and Mrs. Novis Rodgers, others In the house party were 1935 members of Lucky 13 Sports club, girls' so- group of the local high school, in which Mrs. Joyce held membership for several years and Mattle Boss Cunningham, of Naps, California, was then sponsor of the club.

Guests were: the honoree's skier. Dorothy Winston; Estine Dorn'ard and Mary Margaret Towle, Southwestern university, Qeorge- toim; Wynona Keller, Hockaday school, Dallas, laPrances Hamilton, McMurry college, Abilene; Evelyn wfn, Baylor university. Waco; pteka Ware and Mmes. Clemmons McCisland, Armor McFarland, Bernard Longbotham jr. and Vernon Stocomb.

THE PROGRAM Program for the tea was given by Estine Donvard, reader, who gave "Poem for Brides" by Dixie Wlllson, and Mrs, Novls Radgers, pltnlst, who played selections during the afternoon. The dining table was covered with beautiful madtera linen cloth, and ttie centerpiece was a mound of cut flowers--carnations and stock. Miss Cunningham and Dorothy Winstan poured coffee from the silver services at each end of the table. White tapers in silver candelabra and other cut flowers were on tho buffet. Heart-shaped sandwiches and fruit cake served with coffee.

Out of town guests registering included the honoree's sister-in-law, Mrs. Bee ton Temple ton of New York city, Mrs. L. Williams of Lcckhart, Maurice Cunningham of L-ubbock and Mrs. Bob Corley of Memphis.

Glorifying Yourself Holiday Reunion Held At Coahoma COAHOMA, Dec. 30-- Mr Mrs. Ira Mlnchev were hosts for a holiday reunion'at their home seven miles north of Coahoma. Those present were Mr. and Mrs.

Ira Minchew, and children, Rub.y American Preferred Dusolina Glannlni. Metropolitan opera soprano, arrived from Europe for another season, announced she Is weary of artistic life, would like a home and husband American pre-. BY ALICIA HART NEA Service Staff Writer The fact that your budget is ex- remely limited is no excuse at all lor not being well groomed day in and day out. As a matter of fact, one who has only a few beauty pre- aratkms and a rather skimpy Mrdrobe often can learn to use the reparatlons more carefully and to seep- her clothes In better order lan the woman who has a drawer full of creams and lotions, more dresses than she can count. Absolute cleanliness is the fundamental of perfect grooming, of course.

And, since soap 'and water cost very little, no one can offer o' funds as an excuse for not being quite clean, fresh and dainty. The price of a daily bath, shampoo and lukewarm soapsuds in which to wash underwear and stockings every night is so little ht it couldn't possibly make a noticeable dent in any budget. Diminutive, -too, Is the cost of enough electricity to heat an iron with which to press dresses and suits. And, though you may dread the initial expense, shoetrees and hat-stands arc not expensive in the Ions, run. Neither are tiny metal curlers with which to keep ends of hair neat and attractive or a few necessary manicure Implements to keep nails lovely.

When you think of beauty and grooming in terms of soap and water, you are less likely to make excuses for yourself on the days when you know you are not looking your best. It you think of it in terms of the most you can do with what you can" afford, the entire business of staying young-looking and attractive through the years seems less over-powering. If you have only one cream, use it regularly and carefully each night. Remember that homemadi masks (egg, almond meal and so on) really are efficacious, that ice cold water, while not a substitute for A good tonic really does tem to keep cheeks firm, skin glowing with color. Lemon juice is one the very best elbow bleaches brushing alone will keep the aver age hair lovely, olive oil Is won deriul for a dry scalp, chappc hands, rough ankles and heels.

An there are half a dozen more worth while Items right In your kttchei cupboard. CRUENS AS LOW AS 24" W. C. FISHER Jtwelfr IK Pine Optomtlrhl Abilene Ellen, Dclma. Paye, Jimmie Charley, Mr.

and Mrs. Ernes Rainey and daughter, Elsie Marti Mrs. Taylor Hopper and son, Ra Nolan, Junior Jones, all of Coa homa; Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Coo and son, Clifton, of Chcyimi Wyoming; Jim Davis, Caltpatrta Mr.

and Mrs. Jim p. Jone and children Otis, Truitt. Clarenc and Margaret from Abilene; and Mrs. Odls Wise and children Marvin Ernest.

DeMa and Wyli Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook and child ren. Beatrice and Jetty, sirs. Jo Cook, Levy Minchew, all of Bi Spring; Bennie, Minnie and Lavau Jones, Troy Wood, Jack Standan all of Abilene; Mr.

and Mrs. Pres ton Jones, Andrews; Mrs. R. Jonc Mrs. Jess Robinson, Mrs.

Bob and children, Estelle and Travis Bt; Spring, and Taylor Hopper Coahoma. expression, ''bald as a bad gcr," originated with early writer who thought the smooth white ha: on the head of the badger was bald spot. Sfew Year's festivities kgin Soon Today, as 1037 draws lo a close, bllenians arc planning festivities i welcome 1938. Dances are sched- led at llirce of the city's main while numerous private artles. Informal open house en- and oilier social af- ilrs are slated tomorrow and Sim- ay.

One of (he gayest of New Year's dances Is to be held at Hotel 'ooten. At the Hilton, the Khoda club Is presenting Bob Camp- ill and hts Campbell Caravan or- lestra for a dance. And the Abine Business and Professional en's club is sponsoring a New ear's eve carnival and dance at le Taylor county Veterans club ouse. Music will be by the Rhythm sckteeers. Choosing a point belwe'jn Chrlst- and New Year's Day, Abilene ountry club members held their nnual holiday ball.

House guests members from other towns ucsts. Dances of another day, the eel and Toe, Virginia reel, schot- xhe. and jquarc dance as well as ie Big Apple and other modern ances were danced. Out-of-town guests were compli- ented at a dinner for which Dr. id Mrs.

W. R. Snow were hosts ednseday evening. Twenty three uests from nine towns were pre- ent, First annual reception and dance ir Abilene students, former stii- and prospective students of he University of Texas was held at otel Hilton Wednesday evening, nc hundred and fifty guests from bilcne and the surrounding area ere present. Virginia Stewart of Waco was onored when her cousin, Margaret se Stewart entertained at Tea Vednesday afternoon, at the home her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. A. L. tea-art. Tlie honoree is a daughter Mr.

and Mrs. Morris Stewart of and is a senior at Baylor ntversity. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R.

Walker of Hencoe. were presented to roup of Abilenians when Mr and Irs. Vincent C. Perini, cn- ertalned at open house at their uburban Wednesday. Ma-jorie Pry was hostess for a uffet, supper Wednesday evening, honor her house guest, Virginia Harioun of Vernon.

Miss Harioun leave Saturday for Dcnton, she is a. senior student Texas atate College for Women. Well Known Scurry Cotinty Families United At Wedding Buffalo Gap Girl Is Married BUFFALO GAP, Dec. of Nadlnc Pursley, aughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Newt ursley, and John Lennox of Ft. orih was solemnized Sunday orning at the Nazarcne church ere. Nuptial music was given by Mary ouise Howard, vocalist, and Lola ate. pianist. The Rev, Walter atterson read the ring service.

The bride wore a suit of lieht blue ool with navy accessories. Orand- aughter of J. H. BraAerson, Mrs. iox is a graduate of Abilene school.

She has been employ- the past year by a clothing anufacturing firm at Ft. Worth. ir. Lennox is a department man- at Montgomery and Ward in t. Worth.

1. C. Flemings In Stamford After Wedding Trip STAMFORD, Dec. and Mrs. H.G.Fleming are living in Stamford after their marriage Albany Dec.

24 and after a weddini trip to Carlsbad Caverns, El Pnsc and Juarez, Mexico. The wedding took place at home of the Rev. J. Shepard Methodist pastor, Christmas The bride wore a black Jacket froc with matching accessories and lie flowers weie a corsage of red carna tions. Mrs.

Fleming is the former Susi Woolfoik, daughter of Mr. and Woolfolk of Albany. After her grati nation from Albany high schoo she enrolled In the Stamford Schoc Nursing at Stamford Sanitarium from which she was graduated August. Since that time she ha been office supervisor of the hosp tal clinic building. Mr.

Fleming is eider son of and Mrs. S. L. Fleming. He ha been employed as cashier of th Bule-Jayton Cotton Oil mill sim graduation from Stamford his school.

I I We have a complete stock of supplies for the modern office. Get Your Here and Save Printing AND Stationery Co. I5S Cjprcss St, High School Pupils Honored At Dance MIDLAND. Dec. lertaining, for the younger hig school crowd, Helen Armstron Catherine Blair, and Melba Schlo ser were hostesses for a dance a the Country club.

greenry gave a holida air lo the ballroom. Punch served throughout the evening fro a table decorated with holly ar mistletoe. A special attraction was fortun telling, with Mrs. Earl Griff reading the palms of (he gues during the evening. Chaperoncs for the group were the mothers of lh hostesses, Mrs.

Paul Schlosser, Mrs. Blair, Mrs. J. Armstrong. Mrs.

Armstrong's mother, Mrs. T. S. Galbraith and Mrs. M.

R. Hill. About 50 boys and girls attended. Friday December 31, "1937. SNYDEfl, Dec.

evening marriage of Webb, younger daughter of ir. and Mrs. John L. Webb, and oy Logan, son of Mr. and Mrs.

A. Logan, united two of Scurry ounly's best known families. The impressive ring ceremony was read by the Rev. H. C.

Gordon, pastor of (lie First Methodist cimrdi, at Ills home. Buster Stacy attended the bridegroom as best man. and Allene Curry was maid of honor. Dale of Hie marriage was especially because II marked the 30th wedding anniversary of the bride's parents. Mrs.

Logan wore a jacket frock of Windsor blue crepe fashioned with a lace collar and trimmed willi navy velvet bows with navy accessories. Her flowers, white chrysanthemums tied Mill stiver, were arranged In corsage and worn high at her throat Her attendant wore a black velvet frock, and white accessories and orchid chrysanthemums Members of the town's younger social set. both Mr. and Logan were born and irarcd in Scurry county, fathers of both are Scurry nd IJorden county land owners. The couple lett immediately aller lie service for a short wedding trip.

their return late this week they vlll live four miles southeast of unycler. ingagement Of Stamford Announced STAMFORD, Dec. 30 Irs. Sanford Hodge entertained this eek, lo announce the engagement nd approaching marriage of Melo- ese Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Irs.

Oscar Thomas, and Wilford iothern of Las Cnices. New Mex. Tiny party favors disclosing the date were distributed from small wagon by little Wayne Hob- rt Wash. The bridal couple will married in a home ceremony atiuary 8, with the Rev. H.

R. Vhatley. Baptist pastor of Haskcll, eading the service. Bridge and other games were vening diversions in a holiday sot- ing of blue and silver decorations the Hodge home. Guests were, Mrs.

Jeff Taylor, Irs. Haskell Barllelt, and Thelnia lolland; others, Mmes. Eugene Prewit, A. M. Otlinger, Oscar Thomas, Nat Wash, Howard Whatey, Dorothy Bob Swill, and Misses fargaret Ann Buster, Kathryn Mc- Virginia Bounds, Mary Alice Abbot.

Martha Jane Bryant. Doro- iy McCuistion, and the honoree. The bride-elect will be complimented by a hostess group Friday evening at a gift party in the A.M. Ottinger home. Eentertaining will Mines.

B. G. Martin, 'rewit, and Mrs. Ottinger. Dave Alabama's Choice Sfewlywcds AtSnyder SNYDER.

Dec. 30 nd IIrs, Jccl Hamlett, who were lanled Sunday, arrived lierc esctay and wilt live at 2012 Tweiity- eventji Mrs. HamletL is tlic ormcr Mary Jane BeaH of Snyder nd Ladonia, and her husband is a ocal business man. Miss Bcall became (he bride of lamlcU in a lioinc service held at lie home of the bride's mother, Irs. Emma BeaH, in Ladonia at o'clock Sunday afternoon.

The tev, Guy E. Perdue officiated for he ling ceremony in the presence members of the two families and ricnds. Given in marriage by her brother, oe BeaH, the bride trorc a tailored lark gray woolen suit. Her shoul- ier corsage was of yellow sweetheart oses. Attending her as maid and latrpn of honor were her sisters, Dorothy Anti BeaU of Ladonia and i Sidney Johnson of Snyder.

Beall wore a gray woolen frock rhododendron in a corsage, and Johnson was dressed in navy 3lue and wore gardenias. Sidney Johnson, Snyder, served is best man to the bridegroom. Mrs. Hamlett, who received her iducation in Ladonia and Abilene, as em ployed in Snyci EG vera 1 nonths as collector for the city vater department. The bridegroom, son of Mr.

and Mrs. J. H. Hamlett, attended Snyder schools, later tak- ng his bachelor's degree from Texas university. Ke is connected with a local tailor shop.

Margaret Early, above, has a job envied by other Hollywood staviets--she has been selected io terve ns Alabama Ums'er- slty's "luck star" mascot, in plain American, for the Rose Bowl football game at Pasadena on New Year's day. Miss Early is 17 and a mlire of New Or- McKcnneys Bridge Tips By- I A I K. Secretary, American Contract Bridge League Uridge players arc too prone, perhaps, lo lay their bad results lo the run of Hie cards, and when they lose, feel that it was Hie pasteboards and not the was they made of Ihem lhat was at fault. As a matter of fact, the good bridge ('layer is tested much more correctly with the breaks he makes in defiance of the cards. Team or four play, especially, shows up the; human element.

Take ns an example, today's hand, llayed 'ii the recent rational championship tournament held In Washington in which the team of diaries If. Ooren, Mrs. Ralph Young, Charles J. Solomon and John Crawford, all of Philadelphia. Ijpat out 24 of the nation's leading learns.

Tins was the bidding at the table where Jackson and Solomon Mere (he East ami West pair of Ihe new national championship (earn, and six clubs were marie. West opened on distribution, not quick tricks. bmpliment Guests With Holiday Party STAMFOP.D, Dec. 30--fSpU--In compliment to holiday guests, and Mrs. Byron Lewis were party hosts recently.

Games of bridge were diversion for the evening. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Nycum of Pharr; Mr. and Mrs Wayne Middleton, Amarillo; Mr and Mrs.

Emmett White, Lcta Mae Middleton, Graham; Mrs Smith Lewis. Memphis; Ruth Gain- mage, Memphis', Mrs. J. A. MtckHc- ton.

Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Phy, Mr and Mrs.

Reginald Kaird, and th( host and hostess. Mothers, Daughters Are Honored At Morning Coffee MIDLAND, Dec. unusual courtesy of the holidays wa. the "mother and daughter" coffei with which Mrs. Paul Osbome com plimentcd visiting mothers at he home Tuesday morning at o'clock.

Red Flowers and red candles in the entertaining rooms combina with Christinas decorations to glv a gala atmosphere to the gather ing. Presiding at the coffee table, which was covered with a lace cloth were Mrs. J. W. Rettig and Mrs.

R. C. Tucker. Mothers and daughters present were: Mrs. John Cornwall and i a of Abilene was elected presi mother.

Mrs. C. Littrcil. Mrs. .1.

Simmons and her husband's mother, Mrs. Simmons. Mrs. Paul OSes and her husband's mother, Mrs. Dies.

Mrs. J. M. Armstrong and her mother. Mrs.

T. S. Galbrailh. Mrs. Addilee and her mother, Mrs.

L. B. Lancaster. Mrs. Gary Butcher and her husband's mother Butcher and her husband's mother, Mrs.

Butcher, Mrs. Watson LaPorce and her mother, Mrs. the hostess and her mother. Mrs. Lloyd Morris.

Other guests were: Mmes. R. W. Hamilton, John Tucker. Rettig.

Allan Hargrove, David Dis't Nurses Elect Abilenian President In the regular bi-monthly business meeting of district 15, Graduate Nurses association a Stamford Wednesday. Virgie Holiday Guests HASKELU Dec. 30--Mr. and Mrs. J.

O. Stark of the Rose community have had as their guests during-the holidays Mr. and Mts. M. M.

Young of Spur, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. stark, Mallic Bell.

Patsy Nrll, Virginia, Francis and William W. A. Carlisle. Mr. and Mrs.

William Oiiphant. Mr. and Mrs. ii. Hiscy, Ruby, Bonnie Dell.

John H. and Doyl Hisey, Mr. and Mrs. chon G. Stark, Wallace Stark; J.

o. B. Smith, Stella Smith and James J. Smith of Dallas. S.

Young or Swenson, Joseph Gaines of Kilaore, Mr. and Mrs. Len Young of Cotton Boll; Mr. and Mrs. J.

P. Young Kay Young. Abemathy; Mr. and Mrs. M.


PER COUPLE AMERICAN LEGION CLUB HOUSE SPONSORED BY BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL WOMENS CLUB dent of the body. Other officers elected were Mil drcd Prucss of Ilrcckcnridge, firs vice rivciidcnt. Jewel Barton Spring, fccoml vice presidenl and Mrs. Ruth Mason of Abilene secretary-treasurer. New directors were Mrs H.

Kcll-T, 1 Snur anci Oncta. Catc both of Abilene. Motto!) lo JioM monthly meet ings instead of bi-monthly wa by niirse.v. irsf Quarterly Conference Set Dr. C.

A. Bichlcy, new presiding Ider cf the Abilene Methodist istrict, announced yesterday that he first quarterly conference in hts listrict would bcRan January 1 'ith the session at Anderson's hapel for the Anson circuit. The complete schedule for Ihe 0 charges of the district Is as ollows: Sunday, January 2, Blair circuit White church, 11 a. Trent, a. in.

January t. Hamlln Mission at 'lasterco, 7 p. m. January 8, Clyde circuit. Eula, 1 a.

m. Sunday, January 9, Moran, 11 a. Albany, 1 p. m. Sunday, January 16, Tye, 7 p.

in. January 19. Fairmont Methodist tiureh, Abilene, 7 p. in. January 22, Longworth at El aso ehurch, II a.

m. Sunday, January 23, Roby, 11 Rotan. 7 p. in. Jamwry 29, Hawiry.

11 a. m. Sunday, January 30, Ovalo, 11 a. Tuscola, 'I p. m.

Feb. 5. Caps at Wyllc, 11 a. in. Sunday, Feb.

6. Sylvester, 11 a. McCaulley, 7 p. m. On January 5, Dr.

Blcklcy is planning a retreat here for the pastors of his (listrict. TOWN NEWS IN BRIEF E. Dudley, city school super will speak on possibilities the coming year from the Rotar; viewpoint today at Ihe weekly uncheon of the club. Dr. T.

w. "'ill give the nvocatlon and Prosper Campbell serve as chairmen of Ihe day. High school boys quartet will sing Annual meeting of the board of lirectors of the West Texas Chll- vcn's Aid and Welfare association vlll meet In Abilene sometime In lid-January, the Rev. W. A.

Nlcho- as, superintendent, announced ycs- erday. Exact date will be set later Reports covering nil activities 937 will be presented to the board ay the Rev. Nicholas, L. A. Sadler nsisurcr and Mrs.

Lena Crash, ecretary. Officers and directors or the as- ociatlon will be named for the year. P. K. llutchkiH, airplane salesman if Fort Worth, landed at the Abi- ene municipal airport yesterday 01 i return flight from Midland to Port Worth He was flying a Fore Arrow Sport.

It. S. O'Brien, traveling super- of limekeppers out of the tat office of Works Progress administration, was a visitor In the Abilene aica office Thursday. T. N.

Carswnll, secretary 0 I the "harrobsr of commerce, will go vcck-cml to Lubboek and Plain- where he will study methods ised in producing fairs and live stock shows in those towns. nuin Johnston and R. V. Hard cgree of Winters were Abilene vis Thursday. at the Kinney Funeral home here.

Trie Rev. P. D. OBrlen, Castor of Ihe First Baptist rhurch, officiated. Burial followed In Highland cemetery.

Survivors include two oajghters, Mrs. H. of Stamford and Alma of mother Mrs. Traccy Wenet- schleger of Abilene; a brother, Charles, fisters, Including Mrs. W.

ft. Pollock of Abilene. New Home Agent Arrives Here Haiti? who Saturday will take over duties as home demonstration agent in Taylor arrived in Abilene Thursday. She succeeds Peggy Taylor, resigned. Thursday she and Miss Taylor were miking over plans i for 1MB.

Miss comes to Taylor county Horn CoUIe county. Ordinarily, babies do not rhccf tears until they are about threi months old. Funeral Held For Vicrim of Accident STAMFORD, Dec. for John Wenctsdileger, 49, victim of an auto wreck Christmas Eve. was held Thursday afternoon VAN HEFLJN MARION MARSH --PLUS-Comedy fc Act Man Falls 6 Floors, Strikes Pedestrian DALLAS, Dec.

Thompson. 39. a window washe fell six floors from a building today struck a guywire on his way down and landed on the head and should ers of a. pedestrian. His condition as described critical and hospital attendants sal he had little chance to survive.

The pedestrian, Joe Brcedlove, of Sulphur Springs, was not serious ly injured. At Ihe table where Goren and frs. Young were and South, cspcctlvely, Mrs. Young passed West also (Jorcn SOLUTION TO CONTHACT A 9 A 8 5 3 2 6 3 A 6 3 Duplicate-- All vulnerable. Soulli Pass Pass Double Pass Opening lead-- K.

West 1 A 5 North 4 Pass Puss East 5 4, 5 A Pass 31 ncd will, four hearts, which vas par-'ed all around, and four learls were made for a of SM. Thus each pall' of Ihe team vas plus on the same board The secret of (he result seemed be lhat the new champions arc lot tradition bound. West does lot have an opening bid, measur- by the 2 1-2 or three honor rick requirement and when West Jasicd Goren's table, lie bid lis hand to the limit and made a same a laytiown slam for and West, Contract Problem (Solution In next Issue) The contract is three no trump. Neither the clubs nor the diamonds will break, but still the contract can be made. A 1 0 8 7 4 2 8 3 2 A A (Blind) (Blind) A 9 4 4 3 2 Duplicate--All vulnerable.


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