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Fitchburg Sentinel from Fitchburg, Massachusetts • Page 17

Fitchburg, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS A Dog-Heeded MonW to UM aittfNr UM Oetf A wxw Bartering koDMag, beaily Hail 1st IsaaJal building. I lector of Amwlean ehurch on Bahator the In, naa Millie for general -far farm wark No eallKIag. AMe bey cM Telephone lltT-M, week 1 to 10 ta Ttie pMtcr now to ralM en-arch which tha vf American colony. Mary Ellaabeth Plcklnc of tJucyrys. Ohio.

an ac- eom'pUahto' hoiteM whose forma enter of American lite at capital UM4ABLIC eaergellc man wanted el well Vialklna run tplendld opening la fllchkyrj to 'amooe a Products to Mere, HI No II ptrtfnnr neteeaarr It Wet- I 4 1 JOhnaon New k. N- A a a i VAMILt WBLFAllB AHUGUTIttM Ktcbtrd c. roodlck. UM Itry. rvportM uFP punnirc will IP tbi Mau APPIIcanta mu to BmU4 and Mfflclent capital to flnjn btulaeaa li now well abllibt.l for wliB II fa Mlf-Klpiwctlnc 4.

Otvw la iba la B. HUH tin Vurrr CBILDUM'S AID (HKI SitiMtioni Wmnt-J--F A HIGH SI HOOh graduate deatree po.ltlon aa a stenographer, or office work Tel 181 AGBO Protwu nt poaliloo hottMn-oui- fur MM two family ot CUJ IAWTOUBO TH GIRL would hour Call 1117-J UIKL wo wort by hour. TcnerRenU for Rent Real Estate For Sale HIM lUrtoii H. BMI. be.

TuDparuF lef Jnvaalte or foeter 4. mad MAWACtHTSsTTI WT1 PKBJVKN- mttt ur TO Fvb (iteM Jbetanl T. OMWia. Anat Heftaam and Alma la bclplki MJw WUllaasa. fjapariauadeat.

itM. I It a. M. t41 p. aaaeetatioa CblM hrateaa 4V Maintains well 444 Water atreet, TaM t.

Frartdca food family fer eKMBMl. aad waywaftaV abU- oreo Loit and Found to a itst of on the street abd left I- May lilt: bracelet Raincoat Auto keti Eyeglaaeee Box opener Vanity Auto Lifting jack Clgaret case Roaary Lunch baakat Wedding; ring Ladles' gloves boiMt Shopping case with Co ef wteh bunch of In- LOST-- Small gnld rosary last week In tlclntty Plater 8t Tel 37J7 Reward Rooma and Board A LARGE FURNISHED front room All modern. IO CLEAN Jjhgle and dooble, la Crescent St yUKNtagEU BOOM. ii Blusjx.m SI FURVIBHKD H(JOMs-- Rent navuta- 44 ML Vernqn St Tel, ROOMS to let 81. Phone 1054-JK Rlv- WGH 8UHOOL, (JKADUATE wanU work Tel vou'ld like work earing- for tick people or Invalid! Tel Situationi Wanted--MaVe HIOH SCHOOL SENIOR wanta worK afternooni and t'all I31 UAJf (It) work driving car or truck or hdpvr will take of furnace, cardan, lawni of R-1T AUTOMOBILE license and automobile Dally neaaenger to Beaton Service for tOc TlcMeta for all Boston theaters, baseball garnea etc Service charge for Fairbanks Drag Btore, Mala St.

bulok Four Touring ChMrolrt US 00 Ford Sedan TO no ford Touring 100 Ford Beach OS Touring 0 0 0 Touring 15TVOO Jewvtt Touring: 17B.OO BHOLlLLtT MOTOR CO Corner Elm and Acajltinv Streets BOLDUC'B WOOD AND COAL BUJlXS --But iff hardwood, iplit. double baiketa altiba, 10 baakreta t3 0(1, real kndllnti 8 double baskets 1200 Lower prlcea for larger Beit coal lower CMB. onlr KOJ-W. Quick da- lliery CLT FLOWERS for alt occasions Geo L. Bice.

TM 116 $6 Lawrence St DRY HAHDWOOD nawttl in sawed and ipllt 114. O. L. Marble, Aabburntiom Tel 15-t TIRES and at who 318 Ktmball A. Me.mber»hlp call Seoit.

lil. FLBNJSH1.D BOOM? to rent all con- Tonlcncee The 13 Summer 6t TeL LIGHT HOCiEKEBPiNO room to a'jii single to rent 13 Jinrtwelj gt ROOM--Eight mloutes 81 Tel I6M-W NJbAVLT FLRMSHEn rooms for llshl NICE LARGE ROOM with (S double At Imperial ROOWB with or board. 1M Jal. MU-M. ROOMS with running water Tel.

lltt-M rnpy-iaMpn hounkf eplnc. with modern coax 14 Bt THREE FLnNISHBb rnumr wHH ilth OR 1 FOfR ROTJstfl ftf knuwikoaplnvi completely mrnUned J115-M atfer I clock, dayi M4i TWO FURNISH Efa ROOMS real with olnk, and stoxe, living with divan use of separate entrance 10 week 'TWO ROOMM furnlahed for llght'hoaea- with gat, eltttrlclty, eteara beat attd bath, Clinton Bl. WgUltell Qf Una. Taggart. IGatabUabed Mala Bt TeL HJ.

MAID HAJH killed by tie tea, Chi Ultra rtetol ray. eu bathf afttneata. all Karcaret R. Cenk. MABAAdE graduate maa- and Magnetic W.

CwUr, Pa. D. Milk ta KOW TIMB Ca boy real MAJUft Cifsi aaA Tl eWeejDt. III, Wanted FORD DUMP plattorji body and band hoist, a line condltloi dump Job Rto. Lunenburg Bt FORD SEDAN for sale clwdp taken at once 1C Cedar 81 after 6 P.

cr anytime Sunday 'ALB--Ford touring Wonoosnoc Rd Tel J38S-M, FOR ALE--Oldamoblle coach price raasonnble Call 1S89-W after 6 JO FOR Ftird 19I" Brnwrj 104 CS.B lean from to I or call 1521, Oarage 1M River St HEAVY DLTY J1EO Speed "dual 'if-flnlsliwr sjnl't-BHai- yuaranteed Terms tc 9t' LATB MODEL Ion truck pnetunaUca OB trsat, and la excellent shape I TOO inn terms 1121 HUDSON COACH U14 ALldt DQDUfe SKPAN II1I FOH0 COUPE 1111 REO REDAN 1KO FRANKLIN BHO1 OHAM FAANKL1.V I.ESI.KE MOTOK CO tllg rnune perfect i mea, prti-e litt Heo 1MI rti-e jilC Heo HI irtf Btudebaker Btwlebaker Berlin IflU BUIck 7-twen. fitrtan 'IT 'It 15 'IS trtMehaker ttl Vlllys-Knlght Cbevrnlet GOODS llcanaea Dally to Retr- Wtry Motor VcbhilM. tlcketa lor all Warwater at a. abevt 1 p. oxevpt Satnroay at I netomlng oooft Boston Room 1" Fond Bank Office hour! I a.

n. to I p. car In tbroachoat, wlnler enclomTM with this aaiomoblle, Reo, at 4 rrupr, iei4 fall Ull Main St. LmmlnMer Kt BTUDBBAKKR SPECIAL an rar reltnlshed end condltlimr 1, Roo. Lmnnbnrg HI Ctra rrtunt io at hvt of ran Is hat A had In our stork thla ear Borne of them Ix told tram fTlryirter TS Crnvrn Rrdan Hodge Senior Bfrclan Bttlck Pnntlac fjindau IM7 Cliryalrr Model 7ft Brourham 1117 Hflrirl CAWM 1114 Chri er Unlel TA Bertan UrtlM ta berefcy that rJisilFT 1 1 JIM aMi i Cewell 1144 1M7 Pinith paaa tadan Ruleh Bport 04 Spwlai i wndeMker Bport Biedaa ItH ItMn iltl Bpert type I fl I Ml Oarflner 11)4 Maafc IHI ItM Tearing I IM4 wM "eelan HARD til tli GO per cord 504 DKt HARD WOOD--Split tl banketa 13, or inlxcd vf It kuidunjr aoio by tee cord Tel; FISH WORMS-- 4( Clieatnut Bt TeL FISH WORMS FOB BALE jfK Place GOOD 1927 Fnim Tel for horsep i HAHtWOOlJ 1 cr com ft Jin is ol 112 Chestnut IS SU A Cr.

klrscli HEAVI TAN dog collar with plat, marjud with our name Price II UO Johnson spotting Co. 40t Main Be 4 a nt tmliment lor Ht price i nil Mm HeLlile '-v LIGHT BEDROOM SUITE and Rlmoiit new dlnmr rodin at a PBRENNIAL FLOWER planta Plant now Tor good 1(1 on Inc Geo L. niTlaiJ 1 6AI.E OF (jQOD 1.8ET'. recondlilnned slum mu ninfd. msiualni fucii lamoui as the GlennOIK'B Craw rorli and oihera atove and ottier repAlr for any prices, or call JTIO.

OKif.r Oliver-fit. Xbe store Mtn. low lent prlrea BtOVE FOJl HA LB--Gopd Hi One Jirll'l mie 1147, cue other Hi nd rana-am. In (xcellrnt condition OecMed a a In our trade-In depcrlment third floor Tartwi-Holbrook FurAJture Co, Si Main et WE NEW and 1 ur- (ll-ture prlcr-a Klkaa Furniture CO. North Si TH WOOD inijeri 111 ID, odeatnut 110 pried In Mm A FIVE AND SIX-ROOM aparUntat; heitted hot a janitor aw.lee.

Apply 1 The Bernann aurnroer Bt A FIVE A.D tenement, electricity snd t4 ml 68 aoddxru St Chestnut St A MCiDKRN SIX ROOM tenement, ft Maverick gt AN to' reat on hurnTner St. Tel. Itea-ft or unfur- rJabed Ont two or four loom suites at Die Imperil! 7 Lunantiurg Bt TrL A room rtcrlv cuuple or one or Til, 387S AULINGTCIN faT tu adult Aracflcan fahlity. IcnemeBt of BII en large room! hftth and loile 1 rooms, Klectriclty, hut mr lieater ItL anrl four roi tenements Culley I.lectrir hRJu painted i i fnr en Wren 111 I KOOH tenement. Cen- trttlly located FIVE on" SIX ItuijH mud'ein tenement heat repo.rat» tmiKr, gas heater hanlwood floor' I aun porch If Kent reaaonable.

In- rju re' f7 jBriutelle Pt I VPtMUl ctcgm tenement Apply llea'td Irat floor Ja st TlfNEMENT contl llonr ilorlerrr con-venjentei Hot tcr IIP it eltu.rii, HKh-tn riVL-KOCiU TLNL-iT-Cr Ba'tli gae i Crn i ft and Inquire Jl POIl 71KNT--Isew room laneinent nteaie. i if.beneue end bath 'tl Main The i i A i titcblirg a Fire I i i i I nrat floor tenement rent ftnf enrt rnld wntcr, eleurtdtv, ifarage 1ST Luntflburg 81 FARK of acrw, tillage Home wood, largo pasture, apple IJ700 00 s-ROOJI COTTAOE ftectririt- flush toilet, land, garage, IS700OB Terms, iinu ao dojicn a after for this room house on car line modern cantenJenfes I i steam heat tuts th und triclty la going at a bargain price to someone A It nicr St Tel ATT-J 7 HEAL ISTATE A A NBAHLV Lew strictly modern cottage roiiins, large room rtre- placa, flnely pn Sruih Side with price and thc THII Interest votj 5 ROOM CbTTAOR lath fit, elfrtrlr Hyhti- a i one i ills from Depot S'luara, on Dosioa fitnte Road 1:100 NEAR GREEN 8THEFT 1U- roptn fanlllv nouup, iifatt ill elcctrlrltv 14100 FIX'S MISVTBS frinn fjepr-t Rquare six riipm trir-r-, alt Jult oft Clasiom Street SLJtMBR STUEBT two family houne and elx room- 4 flU IS "03 ird and fruit, we HAVE A GOOD of a three rooms. UP. In. to rent, telephone Ice, low 17 PARK BL'ILDINU HHVA8 BHKAB BHEAB BHEAS BHEAB tt rtSALTT CO LOTS OFP1RTUNITIEB TFNEKSNTfl TO BENT fl OF ALL KHTOI 8 Musical Initrumenu FOR BALE-- Piano rtnuMhold jamni Alcot-k.

Tel M-ai LUnenliurg FOR BALK-rfprlght Ptsnrt In Icnt eooditlctn. be oeen hy appoint i KS.AI. BAHUAIN in and plaTirT Chaffln Co lit Mala Bt UB one flla-ht 13-1 VJOLJNS FOB J. 111 Snow Tel call Trier ft m. Dogt FOB BALK-- olle Males han eoma Trl i i FOR.

SALS --German (Xillre 4 intuits 19 Clinton Bt Flati For Rent ALL MODETIN flie-roon flat 117 B-ROCW npstaTra South at FOR RB.VtT-"-8ix room flat wHh e'ec- trlc llghxa, gas and bath 141 Mechanic Ht ii) FOUR ROOW4--Mea'm heated cnntmu- tint water Highland Tel Oarage if if MECHANIC Sf --s'd Sat FJTit W4M, all f-rtced IT FEAT" II1HW tl Wleiter 41 4.TM"?'.!""****'* modern tenement oa Arlington si FO' Il-HOi-'M balh gas snd i i or i niirage ln i i Ilui Mr). 1 Belni nt bt. nn i i I tenement, Inijuire Jatfp i ri et I-1 i i Tutill TCNEM1SM for rent at IM fct All ilern Jmt UK rTROnxi and Bnth JOI FOLK" ttOOU tenement, 1 Frank Dudley. II imUtey at 31 FULTON BT. tout-room tenement, apartrnente In The a i and Tbe Moran ateam baated nnil hot Appl) to Mre.

Bord, 7U Tel 1783 ft "JxHlAJi i Si or I room len- i All tncra xnd writ Incateu. I i i HI St Tul Men i Olt four room, tenement, modern linprovemenLa. A lioutclltf gmi ari'l electricity. I Franklin Ml City Jlall 9 IM MAfN BI.DO, Is TEL. 1431 BHEAB BHIAB BHEAB BHEAB BHEAP 4, nod T-rnom tentuient.

Apply trt I I jy i.wd Ml. All luwlera Una- nifnt. heat, jiepuata boiler. (J Tialile TJll uiiam Large rTMitn 4t Cedar Bt. Tel.

and a I TENRMCNT heat, net cnM eie. irli.ttv hath gaa, garagr FOLJl nWM fene- menl fnr reni Oarage, If lit i a reet Tr UEST AJipIT 14 Wt REAL and INSURANCB Insure In the Belt a Cos FOR BALL-- Lodging House one of the In this clti Alt high claw uest of 1 linear of present own- aca reana far ealHaei, Is for am POULTRT PLACE AN 8TO11E-- Thla I eonilder bent we have had I located on BootQB Road to eolrl at Inventory and an agreed pritt nn fixtures flet tm me earlv fnr WORKING MAN COTTAOK High school. 4 Else Llghta, M-aderq ptumtjlog Cash required, a hundred (1100 FAltM POtLTnT AND ItAnKEt (lAPDtN'ITxG Located In Townaend, 10 Call I4 for appolnunent WORCESTER RnA.D-- noarlalde Itind, good garage and afore i lunch counter doing a fiw huirneiu i for I.enmtnUer or Fltrhburf TMi ToL 444 Ptnl and Insurance WANTED Room Amtfioart nmily with two children. SM7-M. rent Call Hil-M Ti I MkUNT to reoi four, fire an9 rflflins fient III io 111 K'ndAll Apply Mr.

Qultfoll 1114 ROOM 4 Ml St 41" TllHtE fifvStl Blfld- KI 1 rimm trnrmeni tl Klmlvill aewn'rMtn modern Tenement ItU-W --A af tcloltf. Meant heiat, Merfera Wrfd ylasaaa, TO mnfl'ra Vow bor raiy be enjoy ing the tdvintapcj of an M-A-C Loan. SZ. TWM.A.C.PUn TON kttcfcaa. cacaJM eMIar.

H. (jaMa if reerirael. To KBKT-- -TeiMtAat ll modran with all Ofl-M Auction Sale laearioa. erlik er atall. 41 Myrila painted and nancrad, tml'T Atadetnt rent Bi 111 a month OM alee tnement at 111 Nerin i Ill montK A I.

Home, Mela Tel kv M. M. MANCUSO A SON LANOSCAPC OAHDININO fJiM Warfc How To Aniwer "BKnd" Clanifted Ads. For reaioTia aoma advertisers do not have, their own Da ma and o.ddraai en ads, but UM Sentinel addrMi (uch ai A 122 (n answering; these "blind" Sentinel Classified writ a letter, being; caraful to addreta It lo right letter and number da nat Blva out tha of adverdaerg, only war to get In touch with them It to write a letter Pot poslaara on your latter If by Lettpra brought to Boar tinet Office do not ttampg If tha advertlaer Mki for rettr- crnd copteg only--do not Mn4 original Buajnesi Opportnnitfei BtAL BeTATE--If 7011 want bur or sell renl eatata aea Realty Co. Park Bldr Main et SMALL LODGt.MI hnuntf for sale lace for an a i rnuple Apply 81 aj- 0treet between I and I ABOUT CLtCAHOTQ chimneys We da them right for II yearT eiperl- Co Tej.

llfl-M pnoDOgrapnj and eew- Ing nrpafred Work caftad to tnte, A Catef a ALL KINUB and delivered Walter 8 Goff, 111 Myrtle A Fltchhurg Tel IHI-W CHI Differs CLEANED and by autliorlud chimney Fltchourg and Tel. 3043-W. Geo TV. McNamara Co. UELORME--Duco raflnlshlng.

track and sica patrtlng. Auto waablnt, luio IQi Lunenburg Bt LBT Ui nSSURFAca" wltS our etietrle floor reaurfaslng machine nine experience In this Hat et wogk. Lnoma A Mlenvt. PAINTING AND PAPERING led eell- done. 1141'tt OBRANTB CO.

Stone terpreor Complete oarajte and Brick Worti Contract of all Realdence; or My "Work. Realdenc maa It. FUehBurg, Tel 41H IiHtrubtion Tel 4tt4-W. LEfSSONS given, attar ilz MRS, alngtng HETWOOD. teacher of Myrtle Ave, Tel PRIVATE DANUJNO LEBPONS Mrs M.

Mftwry, 31 Churlee St. Phooe 1111 COrfAQB. sisaro heat. bath, hot ter. lights, fmk lucatloo.

Price Tet. 41 after I in 8ALB--Collage Fan ma hath 41 yjieter tt M4I-W FOR SALK--Six-room an modern except gat- of lean, more or lets, with frail, and berriM of all kinds, garage and hen nouaa. It em Leom TeL 142-ft. 19-ROOM and But hnuw on r.lllott St Westralnater P. A.

Wenmlmttr TH COTTAGE for Lelghtoa Bt Tel 1573-W. Wanted--To Buy WANTED-- Old vewter and lth fancy or plcturti In top The Shop. 4S Mechanic Fitch 1U tniclntn food- condition 1-4 ton to I 1-1 ton Benry Doldsc, 127 Klmbtll St. For Sate 01 To FOR BALS T-Room cottage In Ajihburnham Barn, orchard rtot heat flreplsee, near good ttelKhhora Bos Hi Aahburnham HQTSES to rent or for ante BIi room bungalow -Connors 5t Tel 3111. There are leaders--and there are trailers In every gathering- you can pick them out--the people whose clothes are always in style, who drive smart cars, furnish their homes with taste, ehteTtain They are the leaders.

They don't seem to spend any more money than their neighbors and yet they undoubtedly set the pace. And at the other end of the line you can pick the trailers. They are the people who are always a little out of step. They are the last to hear that styles have changed--the lo learo of-a new housekeeping iwthoA or improve- nrc in latest $ong hit, and are planning to get "Main Street' 1 out of the library. What is it that the difference between and rear-rank families Temperament partly, of But the real answer ts that one group chooses to keep posted while the other is willing to remain in It is just as certain that the leaders in any social set' tdhrtrtsbinf and take advantage of theit; as it that taiUmim do net CW get Mt 1.

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