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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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TYRANT MASTER. Witt cheeks aglow from kisses of tbo frost, Blue laugMne eyes, and shining hair, wind tossed, Bhe In breathless, bright, a little late, as a dream, but pitiloss as Fate. straggles -with her rubbers on the mat, by her jacket and hangs up her hat, Palls off her gloves, and sweetly thoughtful stands Beside the register, to warm her bauds. I look up, at her soft "good morning;" then I mumble "morning," and lay down my pen. And tben her task begins, and.

like a Turk, I keep how work I She's my typewriter j-et, and I'm her "boss." I hear her loll the bookkeeper I'm "cross," And "hard to please." Great Scott! that isn't it. IT she oould only know how hard I'm hit! Oh, yes, I scold you. dear; I naff ana Only bcoaaso you please me far Coo well; Also, because I'd like to knock In two The tall young fellow who walks home with you. S. Bridges, in Puck.

THE TEST. Locating the Traitor in a Bussian Conspiracy. One bitterly cold -winter's evening fi-re men were seated tog-ether in a small room in a house situated in the Jewish quarter of a busy and largely populated Russian city. The appearance of the room was ns wretched as the external aspect of the house itself. The solitary window was totally concealed by a heavy faded curtain, depending- from the roof, and as the wind moaned dismally through the broken panes of glass its somber 'folds swayed to and fro.

The inmates of this mournful den were seated around the table, smoking- their pipes and talking-, as if furtively, in whispers. As the feeble rays of the candle fell fitfully upon the company they revealed the youthful faces of four students. The chief spokesman, however, was a much older man, apparently about fifty, with a short, pointed beard, shag-gy brows and keen, penetrating eyes of the darkest hue. The others deferentially the speaker as "professor," and such, indeed, he was at that time at a -well-known school of medicine in. Russia.

On the present occasion, however, ho was speaking', not of science, but of the terrible doctrine of assassination, was a nihilist, a reputed Colossus of-craft in the dissemination of revolutionary doctrines, and on the particular evening- in question he -was advocating- with fiery eloquence the assassination of a certain colonel who had lately been promoted to the rank of chief commissioner of the secret police. As the night wore on. their whispered conversation was suddenly interrupted by a low knocking afr the outer door. In a moment the conspirators sprang noiselessly to their feet and listened with bated "breath. The sound was peculiar whistle was heard from without, and the listeners exchanged significant glances and quietly resumed seats.

Presently cautious footsteps were heard in an outer room, the door was opened, and a young man hastily entered. His face was pale, his manner agitated, and as he returned his companions' salutations he regarded them with a fixed and angry stare. "You have kept us waiting-, comrade," exclaimed the professor, puffing calmly at his pipe. "Ugh! we are almost the air of this wretched apartment is quite Siberian. But now to business.

We will warm ourselves talk, and fire our minds with the prospect of revenge." There was a munmir of approval. It -was noticed, however, that the young- man whoMiad just appeared upon the scene took his seat in silence, and, resting his elbows upon the table, slowly the faces of his comrades. 'lly dear professor," he said at lengQij "we cannot possibly proceed at present with this business." "Why not?" was unanimously asked. "Because," replied the latest comer, as he quietly snuffed the one of us is a traitor." "A traitor!" exclaimed the men, starts ing to their feet. comrades, we are betrayed; and as no one knows of this plot of O'ors except ourselves, it is plain; I -think, that one of us has turned informant." "Yon are mad to say so," hoarsely exclaimed the professor; "but in heaven's name, what has happened? Come, us quickly.

This is no jesting matter." "Listen, then. On my way hither, comrades, I entered a cafe de Paris to sip a cnp of tea and smoke a cigarette. I happened to sit beside two officers of the secret police, and as one of them was somewhat tipsy, I could distinctly hear his conversation. I found it rather interesting. He told his companion that he was under orders to surround this old, deserted house at midnight was near eleven now and to arrest all persons found within.

He mentioned, moreover, all our names, and added, with a maudlin laugh, that a certain person, to whom the administration is eternally indebted, would be found in our midst playing the part of conspirator. Now, comrades, I have done. What shall we do?" The nien looked at each other in dismay. A dead silence filled the room, the mere suspicion of treachery among- the men who had solemnly dedicated their lives to the sacred cause of liberty seemed to hold them dumb. Such villainy in their very among men banded together in sacred a greater crime than -the merciless acts of a despot and his "If this is true," said the professor, In a voice of suppressed rage, "then I longer believe in human fidelity, or the future of our cause.

the story is true. Which of ns is the informer?" added the. speaker, staring flhflercely-atthe pale faces of his com-' -pardons. is useless to ask that, dear professor," exclaimed was the name of the youth who hac brought the strange he advanced to the door of the room locked it, and placed the key in his pocket. "Every one will assert his course.

But, comrades, suppose we endeavor to find him out? Let us search each other. The traitor, whoever he may be, must doubtless have in his possession some proof of his guilt. At least, the experiment i worth trying. What say you? "Agreed! agreed!" exclaimed the nihilists, as with one accord they sprang convulsively to their feet. One of the tall, lank youth, with a somewhat foppish appearance- objected, however, to the proposal.

"But why?" hotly demanded the professor, who seemed all eagerness to begin the investigation, "Because," was the hesitating rejoinder, "honor ought to be enough. Besides there is something- degrading in the idea of searching one another, as if, indeed, we were a lot of pickpockets. So let us break up the meeting. This excitement is absurd, and renders the discussion of our plot impossible. As for the story told by the drunken soldier in the cafe, I don't believe a word of it." These words produced an angry murmur among the excited conspirators.

The protest seemed so ridiculous; and as the clamor increased Ivan turned to the speaker and warmly exclaimed: "Very well; we shall abstain from searching you, since you wish it; but remember this, that if we fail to find a clew'to the informant among those who willingly submit to the we shall then know upon whom to fix our suspicions. Now, comrades, search me first; I am ready." In a moment the speaker's pockets were emptied their contents, and even the lining of his clothes was carefully searched, but beyond a few old love-letters, some political pamphlets and an English newspaper with a paragraph obliterated with lampblack nothing of an incriminating character was found. A second student readily submitted to the test it similar results. Then a third stepped; forward and placed himself in the of his companions. But at that moment a curious incident occurred.

An invisible liand suddenly extinguished the of'the candle, and in a second the room' was plunged in utter darkness. Whatdid itmean? Who'had quenched the light? For a moment the nihilists remained motionless, as if rooted to the spot. As they listened in alarm they heard a strange, creaking sound in the direction of the curtained window. Suddenly the voice of Ivan exclaimed in the' darkness: "Comrades, this is a trick! Listen! Some one is endeavoring to escape by the window! It is the traitor at last. His attempt to escape betrays his guilt.

Stand back! I know how to deal with him!" In an instant the reports of three revolver shots rang through the room and were followed by an agonizing yell as some one fell heavily upon the floor. A profound silence then ensued. It was an awful situation. At length Ivan spoke to his terrified companions. "Strike a light now," he said, in a trembling voice, "and let us look upon the face of a traitor.

Will no one move? Are you all afraid to gaze upon the dead body of a miscreant who has betrayed us to our enemies? Come, professor, where are the matches? You had them last. But hush! What sound is that? Listen! By heavens, comrades, the police are upon us already. The house is surrounded! Quick! here is a trap-door known only to myself. It leads to the mam sewer and is our only hope of escape. Follow me." Groping hand in hand in the dark, the affrighted men followed the speaker's directions, and after some momentary confusion disappeared into a noisome abyss.

None too soon. In another instant the door of the room was battered to pieces, and a company of gendarmes entered. Lights were now flashed in every direction, but it was obvious to all that the conspirators had escaped. The officer in charge swore long and deep, ordered the men to search the house from top to bottom. Then, advancing toward the window, he stumbled over a body.

"What's this?" he exclaimed, exam- inining the dead man's features with a lantern. "Ha! so they have caught you at last, my friend, have they? Well, you played the spy long and well, but it always come to this in the end." And tearing down the window curtain the officer threw it over the rigid body Mall Budget. Grip Wag a Real Bird. Every admirer of Charles Dickens will recall the remarkable attachment existing between half-witted Barnaby Budge and his raven. In a recently- published letter by the great novelist reference is made to this bird, which was "drawn from life," and not, as many may have imagined, a creation of ihe author's fancy.

In the letter Dickens says: "Grip is no more. He was only ill a day. I sent for the medical jentleman (a bird fancier in the New road) on the first appearance of his indisposition. He promptly attended and administered castor oil and warm grueL xt day the patient walked in a manner up and down the stable till the clock struck twelve at noon; then staggered twice, exclaimed: old as a remonstrance with his weakness or an apostrophe to death, I am not sure and expired." Patent Medicine Proprietor I'm very sorry you can't give us a testimonial for. our Anti-Fat.

We're willing to pay well; but I suppose you are opposed to recommending anything. Popular isn't that, my dear The trouble is that you ara ust a little too This very morning I wrote a man's THE' CHILD-KINGS A Quaint Old Kclicloas on th. Spanish Const. One of the most charming festival a religious character to be seen in Europe is that of the Three Kings, o- Magi, celebrated every winter on variable dates at St. Jean de Luz in Spain.

The church of St. Jean de Luz said to possess some relics of those wise men of the east who followed the sta until it lay over Bethlehem, and let them to the manger where the Christ child lay. In the old days this festival wa general in the country round about but it is now confined to a procession in ths town, in which all the religious civil and military authorities join. The chief feature of the procession is the trio of kings, represented bj three beautiful boys in fine orienta costumes, their long trains borne bj pages in costumes of the time of Franci: the First. The chronology is a little mixed, bu the intentions are excellent and tin effect of the whole is like that looking into some illuminated missa of the middle Y.

Journal. Tliti Management of Children. A mother should be careful to make only reasonable demands upon her child's obedience, but, when once made to enforce them implicitly. A thing cmce refused should never be yielded to teasing. When it is possible the rea son for the refusal should be explained to the child.

One should be very careful never to enter into a contest over a point that cannot be enforced. A child may be made to do certain things, bu' no power on earth can force him to do others, or to say words that he has made up his mind not to say. The prudent mother will enforce her authority and teach obedience on ground that she is sure of being able to hold. Points that she knows she cannot carry she will avoid until the habit of obedience is formed, and then there will be no Home Journal. Boai! Ere your wave-battered, dismasted hulk is dashed to pieces upon thai cruel reef by the resistless waves.

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One feature of the book must suggest itself to all is, the comprehen. sive manner in which the topics are presented. Instead of being obliged to read through a column of matter to get at the gist of the subject the latter is presented in detail in the most condensed, concise and presentable from the start. You cannot get up such a work as this too briefly. A child wants detail, an experienced man wants brevity.

You have it here without circumlocution or prolixity. Consider me an advocate for its extended circulation." On payment of $10.00 down and signlij contract to pay per month for eight months, we will deliver the complete work in ten volumes, cloth binding, and agree to send DAILY JOURNAL to you for one year FREE. Or cash for books and paper one year. In Sheep $12 down, $3 per month, or $33.50 cash. In Half Seal Morocco Bin $13 month, or $36 cash.

Books can be examined at our office, full information can be obtained. Or by dropping us a postal we will have our representative call on you with samples W. D. PRATT, Pub. Journal.

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