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Livingston County Daily Press and Argus from Howell, Michigan • 1

Howell, Michigan
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

COYS. IV ULIE." 5tAT( CsHTAat CtJaaWTTia IUm, I Biajnii BramwvAwfMi Citav two SalUrw ilMf ed HI 1 3 lit 3 Il il- it i IiilUked every Wednesday Morning, Eincell, LicigU ML I. 1 -1 HOWELLi WDNESDAYi ISGS. 7 18 VOL. XIV.

r.ii?r of a speech orrmzir- JiESTFAIRFlELV OF Fat tbt tfb.iia. OBITUARY. Died. la JVw York, on or x-fsm? July 4th, Sti3, A. Jolinmuiii, accidental rrfesideut of Uio United States.

The which yr fuegbt Is not jet -terw. The Va-4 Ur, the yoa buo-iiatii Irweinea to- lnterrutt. Yoa bar pprently neen nMkny j( tbm (kid" rebel Inaviert. UatH't convention wkU- ihtr Nonkrrn met wh iniataaaaeot a fire in the rear of our armies, to eMr 1 iaX' afk I kAall- jT Uvilst thni tbrr ty 9 lullot lr All tiiillot box all Ibirt your valor wrests ed from them Iu tlw nekl Thry propose te rUce political power onoa wore in tie IwikN of those, who furrwtiy nnl it ttxk'stroy tlu Union, and who now threaten to timHpitate autw conflict of arms up in the eoou- trv: and bthnislt. by vtoItHkeey friHU.

the soil watered by vottr Wootf, ahd- hallowed by tits- graves of youreoiu- true man who stood by the old flag or wore the Union blue. Tluey declare that tho trail or trfuetR, whose bands are still litnery witk. the Wud of Union soldiers, shall rule over the graves of your comrades" ill the South, And shait return to Ooa." gross and tho Cabinet to rulo over you. CotBrmlfsy altlrough net afraid of war, yim lo peace, Toiabava' nolrly liowi that yon love yottf vuttutry and her honor. You have eanredtlu? right to live and die in traiupulrtj iu the land preserved by yonr valor, and to bold aecurcly4 tiny dearly bought fruiU of your victories.

Tho glorious chief who led you to find triuinph, like yo, hmgs tor peace, and stauds uetoretne nation to tuaintaiu it, Iwer is entrusted to him, Nona know better than you that, there no sure guarantee of ieaco excent ustice, ami no security fox the. Uu'aiu except Right. (u tlie other hnnd, the candidates i of tlie party whicli opjiosed your, efforts to save the Union, nreirledg1 ed to a policy eert-iin to Bcsuit iui new conn let ot anus. They proposu to destroy, by violence, State Go vern-I incuts and Constitutions, lawfully Tliey propose to wrest the lkullot frcm the loyal menr of the South. They prfrtrose 6o per-' seen te and drive out Loin ono-tliii'd' of tlie States your ok' comrades, and your old friends, soldiers aud loyal meu who have settled there, whom they ainirriloiwly abuse as "capmet baggers" and "scaiawags." Thev offflJ-? tr8 A H'jSJ R- US' Fcra Cure of sn Ttraal sna Lusz Diseases tfciav traaapamti ail, ftuid.

Ktiaate4 bj cfaamtad rnnnain frsai juluaa of lb 01la and Pin. Tti. aiag aatifi ar aoaoentpotad caratir. povar esiatinf la SlaJfjid't Olira Tat MCjais a inaatalauoaa aad efflolftat Spaeiftc lor BKONCHITlll, CO0OHS, ASTHV CltOCP, wauopiM couon, asd all roHsia of CONSUMPTION, WHEN IT 19 TAKES, APPLIED, OK IDUALEO. KircCMATIO ao KEUBALOIU, any aUxK KSTEIiNAL PAISS mm vbta OUVIf TA tppliaA, Th aalnikhlsf una vUoa aa aaaacdai tha aai af Otlra Tar.

vkaa ita kaaUnt faaHtlat an arvnfhl ai aastoM with th ThraM and Bronafcial Tukaa, an aM Bit air aalli of tka Lntixa, anauartiooaaly a aBpaetfle lor all Pulatotutry Diaeaaaa. Bale an i lew af tha many dutucuiabam gmilmmm who sa aa4 raoomraand the OUra Tar i Oaoaoa Law, Fifth Atn T. B. Coi.kmak, k-q Anr llonna. If THvaiiw Albany, N.

T. U. Josavt Lkatitt, Kd. le lrwi4rtit, Km. r.n.

B.iowr. kd. Examiner, Y. kar. O.

A. F.riHNiRa, liuttnl' ta, ft. T. Kar. Wh.

D. CiuotUAatL 0. Kor. A. Llutb, Kkia, IU.

As auuiy oiiara. BOLD BT ALL DilTJOOISTS, fO Cruta prr Dottle. BBICB OF ISI1ALEK3 $1 BA.CH. HALL KUCKEL, Proprietors, SI 8 Orwmwlrli New York. USB MOREHEAD'S MAGNETIC PLASTER.

The Great Strengtlieiier and Pain 1 Destroyer of the World. BOLD BY DRUOfJISTB. Price, 2S Cent per Ban. HlLIjlirsJ'H PREPARED GLUE, USEFUL IS EVERT HOUSE Price, 35 eent per Bottle, with SruaX THE BSE AT BBMEBIES. WHICH HATE BBEM FAVORABLY KNOWN AND EXTENSIVELY USED Kcw Torlc City ani TrcMty.

Km ur wards op TWEHTY-FIVt YEARS. Madame zadoo poeter'S' CURATIVE COUGH -BALSAM. Price 25, 50 and 75 Cts. per Bottle. TUB BEST, tlUESl'EST.

AND MOST EFIXCTUAL llliHaiUl C3.GKS. COLDS, ETC. The tVtrld ha a ever rrmducea. PURELY VEGETABLE, CaaUlni bo MlnrraU or otbr ieic- veritfUB an ug Tut CrtJiTTTi BAt-, BAM ic Warranted, if v4 IMTAirf tO DllTOUOf.w.t euforreic maUeaaes, Cnuffbit, Ctl'lB, Wh-joprnr Ctfnht tfa ma, and an Bxr-'cunns lie Throat and Madima 'Atvoe btLHA a puraij VFftetabto Ki.Ttfvtaraot, prrparnt w.1 TTtat oara and icientiflc ikiil, tcom a at tha beflt rmnediea lha TegeLl kingdom affTda. 49 lu ivawdtol qnal.tiea.

baMd an ita power to atviat tha baltbf asd vigorouti circulatiun of ib Biod through the lun It en wen a the muxclea anl iwutw the ikin to perform tha dntwe of refni-lst mg the heat of the system, and in (rentljr throw-In off ih Wetata aubstnntw from jUia amiaee of the ke found VERY AGREEABLE TQ TUB TASTE. It i net Tlolenl remadT, but emolUent, warmtajr, and effMt-It. and can be taken by aha ldt parson or young- "ifyoa'har. a Cold, if ef tStM, do to atra tha ktlmm a trial, a. the ery low pnea at which ia aold bring, it within the reach of arary one, ial thar may alway.

keep it oonraaient lor uaa. Ttt timely aie ef a li cent kottl. will often yrera tt te be wartk hundred tiawa lu eoet. Tha cent bottle i more protttahl. to tn.

emrniaar, aa it eaataioi 10r time, the quantity ecntamed th. amall b-ittle. Sold by all Draggiatev PR. ZADOG POUTER'S drive Sunar Coated nr opposition to CASTOS OIL AUD EPSOM SALTS, ABE TOVVV TO BE JVBC TUB TH1NO WHJBBJ 1 KM PiirgaliTB ana Hesnlator i' or THE BOffEU J. 3 IB KBQU1BED.

BaM by att Dnvgaita, la bozaa, at 25 eenia per kdK. BtCUEL A UEXDtX, I III 15 1 JULIUS P. SMITH, Publisher. OFFICE OVER 3klLECKS STOKE. Jvh work, done to order.

CPElaiiV on -i 1 Business Directory. Thoma A. IVrsnsoti, a TTOKKXY aad Ooeeeelor lew and eotititer In XCheuewy. wuk M. B.

WJctl. Lowell, Itulcrt House, BIXJABIN BTBKRT I'KOPRl BTOK. Goad aeonm utUtiun lur ur tinuH fcearly )mmM Uio Court rrtHiee rqnefv. Mirk.

itt. W.KuUooU. OURVETINO, W. Bull, Fio-tm icu 0 kavinr timran4 Survcvori Tn.Vt ml ait mm vt fiU tHtlcra, eMtteeits recordaof murvmj 4 to auulY. tt pwmwea a hurveynw a4 mrunnrtfit trort rsimki am.

rtwouabi tortna. wi JrM4 I'lurknt? by mail or ervUr. juav br let. A. It.

IKvn A. X), wtti mat do tiy nurTeyiu si aid of UuuiIL a cakd TO SOLDIERS ASD SAIUr.S. A. eneemnmen- of tha Greed Armr of the KepaV lie hu brn wrganlwd to ltt viUaite of Lowell, eml-Uni Be. I ol JM.

Detriment Mich. All kmuMteA-lv ad eatliire Mr.lMI fM.kral 1 1 k.lni Wk frinhr rawetiaee the Aromiwl held en W.l4y of men at leuaer tempuu- uau. -Uowrtt, Unroll 8U, men. U' B. BLJCKalAJT.r.O, A.

F.C-tVhipphv i TTMiXIY AT LAW, SOMUTOJt IS CUAN ItY. slid .1 u.ttae ofnie 1 Wh. ruaOer tlie mora IfiMtonml buntniwM, will rtoive liiccmiTeailatiiMt, iitnrell, Oct linh, liT. Drniiis Shit Wl, TTORlfgr LAW ANB BOT.HTTOW IN Jri Ghnry. Offlr Ural 4oor EatLof.

1'ourt jnarcns U. Wilcox, TTOIIWEV A COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ni fl HuUsltor In ChMicirv. Otiioir tho uw Hank Ami row AVnddcll, TTORlf IT 'mt Lrw nd SoHcltor In TtinTirprv iulll. llii-p ovr J. It.

SkiUMfc 4t So1JNIlklr llreli Mich. House, JPj Rtp1 lf1r ffwotlte lh Court houe Uotll. T. "If fniili4 tn the heal ytm A Ivn Ht Mm 'fbt r'ubHn i'stwmcx re-polfolly lullcilea. IHIK, Ij.

11.1 IHH, TtAT.BIl lOrrrlii1lrirliilMii-0inftlonHfc lirli Oil, Woudvll wire, lantM Buuuu jyi, Wnn, fco Aifc, A fullyupply of ll rucl" nnualj'kept lnCrocfr ivu l.nHai,f1 fcir it! rhpAn. Ant -loor Ml ut U. 11. MllUj North iW Bninrt Klv.r Bt. MASniOSAm.B Mirier Prcoor, oyer Jp Wlilrrk" A miox-or1!,no doorwtil ur Tjnlon Hirli Unwell, Hn-h.

f-TT lUVHTIM 1K 0. nmun middwi. ILUtwycri H. H. MIHi'Btorr, llowell Mush.) r.

J. Wills rnmrritlliK, will Mtoiitl totloll In lh i.rjihmlrm with ini tin-Julk iiUk orfr Kfaterlil1'f CMMn ftlreAuulh tl.le dr.nd KLrw Birual, Uoweir.siii Andrew Uiniuk, PkfMMaMIMlMarcettfl. Will bt)tb dHT nd nltfht. lrwicl mid will fill nrUWr raIMo Iii to lu mmndj. I rltfl Troll plain or ivir fn th miMt h.

Kiu. b-Mi niMiMn mm: aIIpkaiiiI' alin at the Wntjlti arall. UlBoi unt oor bwVof gntuwii'i, llowell, imk. .7. 11 lit (on.

li. I. iniliMrSiirif. Kid IJ.f. AM Umi.itJ.

Mwliigsiu ill all. lu Kt. 1ieetM only. 11, MJI' Bw, nowtlb TIK0I8TEB Of DEKIW, itf dueranent of lh4JcHirtHrIlJwiill, Jilclf t. CUnrles 1 lleeox, TkKALBll fs lUll firl, Hje Pt'iT-J I u.i ttjur.

TanliM. NtilioDK. drc. Ac. nrt- W.

for-wediainal an purp.iK. Htore la Piaaknry. Ulela AniONAftf.B H.d TAIl-OK at llir Tilliiire of KaiomuN, Mich. All work wnrraiited te ault hi evary jr.liahr. Tvrma taaaouaWla.

I. Ilaiuberger, jNKALEB iif LI e. rJlnrr in hhm Bali loet. lloacll Mich. Bllllnrd tl a-p itiilrn, HOVSK, PIR, ORXAMK5TAL Palmer.

hp foreienw ereiipieil-by eon, in tha WpU- Mor.k Howell, ilicli, AH work waT-nati-JIff-' aatl.lBOtion. Te-m. rMimiahla. air H. ulU pie particular atlntit iar aiaaiing.tlrainfng, yy fca.

Notart Pdbuo and trkd lomlT ealln LlccllM. MorXkiHirnii, S5. IC. ncs, In Drot. If adlcHiM, Groceries, PMnta, AJ Ollr, Pertuniery, nouu BrfcV0tt, Mleev (jooaa aold cheap for ready pay.

John U. nnon, (ft RPENTKB It JOOfKB. Doora, 8ah, Rllnd" Ilk-Bafaa, rnm Gta, kepi on nana am i. All cda ot proauce, ana teeerred payment tor ora. cnor STat, BU, w.

Bd trf Tlllajfa, Howell Mich. IS. S. Mounlaiii, TTl'PBB, Btrn aa C.maee l-aiming "VP Plpr M.kei'. Wagoa Shop, Brighton, Miah- Arthur F.

Field, ATOTAirr Pml.rC, Oak Otor, WvingatonCoiiB 11 Will keep atampa ano Dianas an aunll an.aeiid.aad will do ooareyaatirirat all tluinx iYi.i.nir. dob reaaonaDie terwa 111 ibwv J. II. Skilbeck Sc Son. DEALERS IS (GROCERIES, BOOTS, fc BHO Boot at 8uas Mabotacturrrs.

'Uln la new Brick BoUdin. iral deor Kaat ot ei'heram at But, tttaio Kim on' 'Alexander NcPherosn BANKKKa' V- Bwy en aafl all Halted Mate. Bond. Pnailuia lb. very beet raaea.

i.iv.vj fM if. Fishtreek- T1CKSS ED AUCTlOlfKEfl, H1 t. ha the line of hu ptofeltr. Addm. awtt i-i i i i i i fir'V John V.

tjJilbert, aft 'g AvB3f KB3 MAKER ASD BADDtEK At the old aland of J.M. Gilbert, deoeaeed, aubth aide of Ornnd Kivar 8trwrepearlwtbeOeilrt Douae, aMlaVda klAMifg)4i aa a A raV4laa ahWP uC thia.Aldj 1 BepairiBf itmf a or4ert aud ouargcii riaaoi of this fforwrr work. I think tlie nork needs just a little management iiuimi ll prui-nj. a wnevr that we tinst still stand firmly aiul faitktuRv el ta the work, until tire re- ceustructiou acts ot Cougfe bhal. have been carried through to the end gloriously ami triumphantly, aud that by and 4y we can twig tlr sony: of ultimate victory, but not quite yet.

We are est ill to cirry. forward these measures. One again we must Join hands and push torwartl victory until there can Iw no question of the results in regard to thus maintaining tho unity ot the country on the basis of justice aud universal freedom. Standing iu front of the great Rome, you will see a tall obelisk, 3il feet high, cenp.VHis its jiosition htgli over all. Tlii'e huu-ilred years ago it erected, aud was ofli'red to Ik) paid to the roan w1k should contrive to m-rt tfie giant to its present owtUMi.

The work was undci'takeii, tlie day rrtim people gatVrcd to see tlie great statue raised its plaoo. 'J'lie muchinerj tdt arranged, and the work commoici'd, little by little the tall giant left its place, and was being earned slowly upward. From the bad gone forth an edict that whoever should utter a won! until the work waichieved, would do it at the peril of his life. It rose higlier and higher, and the 1j0000 people stood breathless as still higher and higlicr it nntil it was within 15 degrees of tho The. men at the niachiiiery toiled ami labored iu vain to get it higher, tho macJiinery trembled, aud quivered, and came to a dead halt.

If the silence bad licen breathless before, it was denthlea now. The peo pie stood holding tlieir breath, until the silence was IwoktHi by an old sailor, back iu tho crowd, who bad lieen on the sea 40 years. Said be to himself: It iftdeath to sjieak, Irut if 1 die for it I must say it." He knev what was the matter, and what to ap ply in" order to ellcet the aceoinpii.sti meut ut the Tlie interval on only a few setxmda seemed like hours, such was tlie. suspense, when he shouted at the toj of his voi. "wet the ropesf' The cry wasennght np by the immense tlirong, "wet tlw roms!" the the job caught the wlea ami iplied water to the rojes, which, iu consequence of the immense weight, hud stretcbtl lteyoud tl calculations of tito eugiueer.

The rojis were wet and began to shrink, and the tall column again moved on, and they continued wetting tho ropes and the' col oiii continued moving up ward t.util it was set upon its fouu-, dation, amid: the outbursts ot applause from that people. So it is with onr position today. The tall sbalt of freedom and justico in the American Uniou ifeenisi to halt within 15 degrees of the perpendicular. We are called to just such a The work may be finished by the com jug October withvon, and by the coming November in. sill the States.

I wonldjsay to you, in the name of freedom, just hold on to tl old flag, and see that you wet the roiws and the glorions principles of our free institutions shall rise aud srand upon the foundations where it shall remain tor centuries to come. Loud and long couHuud applause. "A LITTLE IXCIDEXT." "Bnrleigh," tho New York corres pondent ot the Boston Jourwd, relates the following: 'I was present at IiarrW on Safnf day, tho dining; place where merchants and lawyers congregate. There happened to bo quite a number ot active politicians, present, representing both sides. tho thermometer was above 90', thediseiis-siou.

was quite animated. Among the company was distinguished lawyer, was quite opposed to General Grant He addressed by a person present, who said: 'Yon take the stump for Seymour, I. sup posef nJso, I waa the response. you vill support the Democratic nominee; you are so bitter against Grantr 'I don't like' Grant, but I shall vote for lie added: Kxentlemen, 1 am the personal friend of Horace Greeley. the 10,000 strong, hooted ami howled, round the Tribune building, and threatened to tear it was inside prepared to defend.

1. considered one of tlie best rifle shots in America. I never miss my nrark. I saw Governor Seymour stand in the midst of that excited crowd addressing his friends. Icovered his heart with toy ritle.

I coahf bothjsee aud hear him from my I made np my mind that if that ciowd eamo lrom bis siech to attack the I would bring him to the ground Dd I should have done1 it, tor my ball hever misses. What I saw that day was quite enough for me; and he shall have no influence that I can bring to i The police of ilomo' have oiseover-ed a some oi the for-liflcations. about that ncda I number, of Garibaldian shirts ha ve been seizeu. The Intorvid (Clocks, WAT0HE3, JEWELRY, Yankee Notions iMTlnir jtMt ret timed from Ntw Tork wiih linvf tck of t)ixA trooela, purckMd ttif lowtwiL rat fir CMwh.mnd wtiic m-ill hpi4 at a entail advaiir and al Irnl twenl ar rt-nl eh-pr tttan tHt! tutiMc.iSri uf yeiMts ar now oM fur hi K' ol altftio-L. The gHKl eouitti in futrtiM fuiluxia LADIES' FIXE WOLD WATCHES! totting tntl GeEiiiemeii's 1.

1 A From tha.beattuf Kuropann aiakara, Jl I. 100 A2TEIIICAS' SILTET1 WATCHES From tho Vannfaclorie. at W.I. ham, Tiemnnt and i Kfln. full arid e.hninonwler I Khftn.

full ntd r.hmnoimttr balHiirm. A tMiieha't ltvn, ilfipifS ant, tylindnrp, wiib Miiwt Cttwca to uit, Ivru to uuitces iu wi(lit CLOCKS. A "aortmif I lmitre nd wood clock. JEWKLKY OF ALL Jewelry la fine gold; OeM rlin, plain and 4ko. Iu tin.

thur. larf. variety. Yankee Notions, A great Variety W.lletn, Port-WantM, Vlnllnalrinw. (Sheet ramie, Traveling- lla.keu, lie voliere, Ctiilvry.

Oiaaawma. Ac. CrF'Don't tail to call and this stock.aSJ examine Ti aw ik eeuaoA erMefie" trwuorTWfn tl irhkh hut crer been brought to hi mar let, find will he mid a the like good tan he purchoml in the Don't forget llttplu'-e, one door cast of Jew-citt Vtvuuiaiit H. BKIGGS. Howell, January 7, ISf.S.

Mcpherson sons- Sl'iaXO Clothing, Business Suits, 10 to 3o th. SntDTG Clothing, Business Knits, With NawMurket and Paletot Ueata. iiiiGrcloaiingTB Wtto and A'ack Cowl. SPUING Clothing, Business suits. Klk Mixed aaii othir Caa.lmerea, SPUING Clothing, Business suits, nine MeKen atiu 3PEING Clothing, riisiness suits, SPEING Clothing, Business suits, Terlect i Ltluig Ukaranteed.

SPRING Clothing, in Dress suits, From fM to AM the Suit. rEING Dress snita, Ever wartnent Warrantea. SPKLNG Clothing, in Dress suits, Jimif Miide and made, te order. SPEING Clothing, in Boys snits, Made to Meaaureat Short Katies. SPEING Clothing, in Boys suits, fancy Embroidered and Plain.

SPEING Clothing, in Boys suits, Srerj Garment W'arraated. SPEING Clothing, Matle to order, Fine Clothi md SPEING Clothing, Made to order, TtrMf FWIiif OneWBittet Wm. McPHEESON SONS. Howell, May 2oth, 18C8. Ice Cream Saloon BAKERYN TTK nhriberwri keep for tale Ice Cream yirough the warm weather, BMtde in the beet inner.

He will edntiwne to keep en will make to order Kre.h Wread, BiMiilt, Plea, etc. Al flranire. lemoiia, Mnti, Oaedlea, Craekeras,., tri. ate. Call at th.

Ilakary, on tee old public equare. OKO. How.H,Jonel,im la-Mi, XTTMBEE! LTTMBESM The Bubaorlborb and will keep on hand all kind rf nine LUMBER. i SASH, DOOES, ELINDS, FENCE PICKETS and MOLDINGS, and leniah La order all and everj kM of builder material kt factory price How. July Sib, 187.

13-lltf. In Xenia, Ohio, on Saturday e-ning last, animiueiHM irkkss nutting ot lpnblicntis was n.blteivtHl li Judge AVinaus, cauditUte for Con gress that district, and by Presi dent Fairtield of this State. From the report of Prasidcnt ixldretM we take the c-toskij; jtortiou: There are two great parties en gag ed iu the prexint political contest, the Republicans and the Democrats. I nee I not tell you who the Republicans are; you know they are tho men who stood by.tiie Government all through the ar; tlrey are tl uieu who n-joiecd at every Federal victory, and thanked God, and took courage when the Confederate armies were repulsed. I need not tell you who onr opponents are.

They are made up of several In the first place they are the men who led in the reUdlioil, and the men who fought during the four or live years of civil are found ou that side. The men who have so far failed to give ns the indication of penitence tor all their political Bins, are all on that side. I would certainly bo very reluctant if they were lound standing anywhere else. It they wanted to join the KnmMicnn pnity, I think it should be for treating them like a pious Deacon did a man iu Massachusetts There iis a certain man there who was iu the habit of drinking excessivelyI don't know that there is mvult thing as drinking litpior ithout drinking it excessive! iv' When lie was a little intoxicated ho was very pious. Ou one occasion having taken a little more Mian common, be came to the Deacon and proposed to oiiivuo cuurcu, Ane ueacou was reauy vitiea, aim says to mm, en, well, 1 most say to you that lust now our euurcn is tun.

hen there is a vacaucy I wilt let you know." Laughter. i need nut tell jou that tuere was another class of men I need not csill th by any naien, its no use; but we had class of men hero who, while our men were lighting rebels clown Bomb, kept hring lit Ukj rear. May ye vou did not have any down here. I think this would have been an unhealthy atmosphere for them to liave breathed. 1 remcmDer our utwaf; ltt-iublicnii cuuntyA I bail trom tlie Imnner.eiU'publican county of the State of Michigan that has electcdits Republican' Supervisor in every ono of its 18 townships for years, and expect to do it to the end of the chapter.

Laughter nnd ap plause. Hut even tliere, now and then, wo -touiHl a man win), when tlie new of some rrl nil tleteat was received, Vonld be seen with bis face an iuchor two- broader than it was before, and who would Ire oot earlier in the morning with Hie daily paper, and would bait those he met with, '-'didn't I tell yon so; didn't I tell yoti so. But whonever, on. the other baud, there was a Federal victory these men never found a morning pa per until a week after. Laughter.

They never knew when a victory came to the arms of nation until, by and by, they a waked, to the discovery of the lact that some days ago there had been a report of such a victory, but they would then denounce it as a lilaclc KepnWkran lie. llienewed laughter.J All the unrepentaut men of that kiud are on the other side. I know it is not very grateful to our Democratic friends to talk thus ot their party, for some of tliem are doubtless loyal, some were war who paid their money, and gave their sons and their prayers to the Union army, and went with tho party in favor of nprroiding the Union. Yet some of these; are to day walking with the' 'Derocratic party some of them have had their ryes an-nointed a littley titl they only' see mm as, trees walking. They need another annointing.

I don't know whose hands shall apply the salve and briug them to their 'eyesight-There is one thing sore, many of them don't like very well to face the music They have always, voted the Democratic ticket up to this time, but they don't think they will vote tor Seymour and Blair the plat form adopted at New York. Some of them do not enjoy much peace or conscience iu view of Thcyare som What like the Hiberiaa who was ruling si horse in fly time. The flies were ver? bad. and tte horse, in kick ing to get them off, caught his foot in 0 1 aw the stirup. jras uia not rancy me ideaef riding in such company, and saidt jabers, Tom, yon are iroinir to get on, I'll be setting off." "fLaughter.l Tbeso Democrats don'i like the ide'a of ridklg'with Forrest nnd Hamptod and Beauregard, Dick and man of tbat don't like to be lonnd in that sort of company, and I hope they will get their eyes clearly opened before the Sdos of 2J oTember, so tlmtthey will not have another politi-itisin to account for.

Bui are we going to come out right in this greac strnggiei a iniut yo of ftre. Itmnit your nearca the inspiration. of this. closing scene A taflor bom nmlbrod was litis, Who long had livfd iu TrniossH; i Whooft had sewed bot seam and giudi Aud fuid smart thugs as wt'll aiiaili. A self made iiuu a8 ho, withal, Who no no Inxiks iieu he was sraal Ambitions to le jyesit was he, "With miud tor ma nobility.

From rathmastcr to rresiiknt (-The latter by an accident,) He'd eflii held, but not content, -His "Southern brethren," all, lie sent Up to Jfew York, to work aud pray, To give the "doo" auotlrtT day. Horatio's, friends Uiey.tlieu laid low, Aud hoped 'twould never bo 'a go," Tliey cut and firured, Ions and well. Their dagger Lid tor quite a spell, TUl poor A. J. came near enough, So they could get him by tho eutt And drag him to them iu a trice; And then, as sty as two cute mice, They plunged the dagger in his breast, And then, ah, well, you know the rest, A.W.T.

Ay OLD STORY ffilTHA AW APPLICATION Tho following story is a very old one. old enoujrli to have Lai'. for its ilUtllOr, bllt it is WOl'lh reading ,4 1 i. et'ii ut mm iaiu uaie: Jlr. I'orcupino was gathering ild apples in the busk, when ue'beaul a quick noise iu the leaves, audtnruiug his Jiead Vie saw his oM enemy, Eos.

romingon in a limry, so he nsetl his old practice, viz: rolled himself in a balK presenting his thorns iroui all sides so that Mr. 1 ox could do no harm. I5nt Mr, Fox thought he would try it a little anyhow, and so they had the fullowing interesting dialogue: Sir. Fox How do you doTMr. l'or-enpine! glad Ur see you; have not seen vou in a coon's age; how do you do! Mr Porcupine I am wu'i aud Sir, do you say Mr.

PorcnpineT I don't understand you plainly; it surely is a bad habit of Vours to bury your noso right into vourbellv sonobodv hardly can derstand what Yqti.KMeiii aon'i you. come forward like a man, eye to eye, lace to facts and sluike Jiand with an old friend! Mr. roicnpine So you are indeed in a very great hurry to shake hands lint alter all, 1 like my position, and have a right to remain iu it. to. Fox Tint, Mr, Forcnpinr, it spems to mo as it yon had a very hard heart and never could forgive, a little I 'would say you are no good Christian, and if you would read the Bible like I do, you would see th At yon are wrong.

How long shall this enmity between you and me exist, how wtllVon olVend tho tenderest feel ings of a true heart by your distrust. Mr. Porcupine Was it not yon ho, a years since, killed my sons! Mr, Fox--Well, you ee that was done in a mistake; I was tinder the impression of having been entitled to do so, but since then I have become a very good friend of yours, i Mr. Forcnpine-r-A lew days since anotlier porcupine was killod in the woods. 1 looked alter tue traces; tuey were fox tracks, Mr.

Fox Not me; that was anoth er one. Mr. ForctiDine Two nights 8.ince 1 found the head of my friend Mr, Bab bit, aud the tracks were tox-tracKs again. Mr. Fox Not mine; that was sure ly another one.

I Mr. Forcumnc This morning i found tho feathers of my friend, the old black rooster and fox-tracks again. How is that? Mr. Jb'ox That must nave oeeu. an other one ajrain; 'twas not me.

Mr. l'orcupine Jow, see, my uear friend. I have come to the conclusion that every one of you most be the oth er one, and this little may excuse me in the eyes ot sucn a sincere friend as you arc, if I have my bayonets, as yon call them, ready for emergencies, and assure you tliey never 6hall interfere with, you if vou don't intenere witn tnem. Ana if. all those other ones, yoursclt in eluded, have such tender feelings as to take offense at it, I would advise them to apply those feeling to those whom yonintend to kill, bo, good bye, mj intimate, good friend, good bye.

Mr. Fox -d carpet-baggerl coiiteotible scalawag! i A Cestbal Pakk Scese-A countryman and bis Wife were: walk ing in Central '-Tark one day last week, when the lawex ai: f'Hnbandr fetch me a drink ot wan ter from that, "I woul3, my dear," said ho, but the cups are mv 'Well. sakea alivei I've beam monkevs bcin' chained, and of dogs bein" chained, and of bars and of oth er animals beta' but I never beam of tin cupsi beiu' chained afow" iee iw. nuu: uiiiti: AUrjr piu ptrse to ilt'slroy the tcnrple of. Uuiver-siil Lilerty, whose stones are covered with loyal blood; They declare that, they will do this, even if war shall follow; and you well know that tlto, war surely will follow any such mad attempt at fresh" revolution.

They tletare, moreover, that a aoUlior. -tie Kreatest eHJltlUT of the af is not; worthy ot the highest office in tlt Republic, but this great honorlinusf be reserved for politicians alone. These thieats ant! designs must bu defeated at the ballot box. WiiU-your old heroic leader GenGrant sustained Iry all your old commaihf-ers, Sherman, Thomas, Meade, Sher-' idan, aud all the grand roll of illit-trlou chiefs tinder whom you have serveil, followed by the great host of? Boys iu Blue, and, by all the loyal people of tlie lpublic, a crnshrUg; victory at the ballot box in Novc.n-' ber will compel the Unconditional Surrender of the plotters of fresh rev-olutioif? aui insure a lasting aihi prosiierous peace to the Rerub' ioiiiuieii upon tho enduring pnn.a-idesof Justice, Right aud Freedom. Will you protect the country you Itav Ijet ns, then, rally once more' under the old flag, around our old leader, and drive tlie-vaunting rebel iron and their Northern allies, iron thiur Works.

Victory for us. and peace for the whole country are-sure if you do vour duty with yoctr ballot im NovemlMjr, R. A. ALGER, 11 U. G.


DE LANC. GEO. State Central Committee. W. C.

HUM Seceetaey. A stirring atldree ha been- issuet by the Convention ot licpubficaa SV diers and Sailors to their late eecuV, rades in. arm oud-" tryj pointing out tit, good work winch habeen doae by the present congress, and urging: wnanimitj anci; rigor in tlie' fortlkWMivinff campaigni to rosare the eletrtio of Gen. that the restoration of an era of "peace, and prosiierity may not ha delayed. The Soldiers aud Sailors- are.

invited: to organize Uraut Clubs through the length and breadth'" of the Sub-Committoes will be apromtedfH each county? -SHd' Congressional Dis. trict in the State, at the next meeting of the Central Committee at Syracuse, on the 8th inst, with whom comma- nicationwiiioo lmmeuuHy'epetteu from the headquarters of the Oowwit tee. All existing orcajiizAtiooa ara requested to report to headquarters. where every aid and lntbrmauou vfiU be furnished then. Political trouble'sv are again 4n Bulgaria, and.

the, "Turkish government hak sent troops to quell the t-' u-i'i The ci vil war In Janrth is progress ing, wlthi no appareut radvafltS2w9 fained ou either.

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