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Reading Times from Reading, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Reading Timesi
Reading, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ESTABLISHED 1857. DYNAMITE THUGS. BBOINTHBIR WORK IN HBW YORK CITY A Dastard to Blew as Ike Dry ley A Bomb tUmm LMcn mini, Nsw Yobk, Fab. 1. The first criminal of dynamite im thie oily has greatly excited ths people here to day.

The sxplostoa took placa at a very lata boar laat night. Oae or two of lha moralag papers aiada sso ond aditlooa giving tha bows, Tha axploalos waa at Garry Brothers dry goods atora at Oraad and Allan atraoU, and that aaotion of tha eity waa orowdad to day with paraona who had baan attraotad by tha raport of th 1 at tempt to daatroy proparty with dynamite. Thara wara a number of paraona passlag tha apol at Ina time of tha txploaloa, but nona of them wu injured. Polioe Capt. Allaire and squad of offioera guarded the The goods in tha Allen street alda of tha tore of rry and also that of Bidley sk Bona, tha wlndowa of whieh bad also been mashed by the explosion, wara removed far aafety to the interior of tha atora.

Fear Meet Arrestee: oa eke Charge. Shortly after lha explosion four men wars foand by the polioe in the shadow of tha Riviogtoa street elation of tha elevated road one ot them, Charles Henry, a laborer, who aid he lived in Williamsburg, waa dieoovered to be severely out about tha head and feoe.and tha others, William Brit ton, a waiter; Jamea Daly, a elerk, and Joseph Lamb, a printer. 1 were binding up Henry's wounda. The quartette were aeized and looked np, and to day at the r.ssex moras pouoo court tney were remanded. To day a lad waa brought to the elation houee who waa ohargsd with experimenting with dynamite nt tha oornor of Grand ana Essex eireeis, wnere no euaoeeaea in dislodging a portion of a horse ear traok.

He could not bo oonneeted with the other exploaion The bomb or cartridge whieh caused tha ex plosion laat must hare been placed imme diately underneath the framework of tha window of Garry Bros' store. The window easing and sash and glassware were entirely demol ished. The shook waa felt several hundred feet away. A lamp on the shelf of an Etdridge auee, 300 feet away, was thrown to the floor. Dishes in tenement houses iu the neighbor' hood were rattled, and the iron etanohiono of the elevated road near the store look aa though they had received violent blows.

There ia no evidenoe that a oartridge waa applied to Bid' ley's atora. Had it not been for the heavy ele Tated rstirosa structure waioa rune np Allen street between the two atoree, however, the probability is that a good part of the west aide of Ridley's building would have suffered Many ot Bidley's employees came to the spot to guard the premises. Tha damage to both buildings will reaon az.uuu. TkeOateonae araBtrlke. The polioe are satisfied that the explosion ia the outcome of a strike of Garry olerke.

Burke, a olerk who was disoharged by the nrm ana wno was me cause ok ibi atnxe, waa diemiesed for failing ono night to properly ee oure the doore of the establishment Tha Dry Goods Clerks Union, of which ha 1 member, tried many methods to gain his re instatement, iney went ao far a to station men ia the vioinity of the etore to ash intending pur a seers to noyoot tne nrm. when tna atrike waa ordered by the union the firm Vas left without a elerk to transact business. The Bon union men who were eubiequently em ployed have been threatened in various ways. Garry Brothers have als received a number of threatening letters. Committees from ear oral trades unions called upon the firm but tha brothers assured them that they Intended to run their own business.

A rrssskle Csae. Tha persecution of the firm became ao per. elatant that steps were taken for their nrotee tion, and to this end a private meeting of dry goods dealers wee reoeatly held. What action waa taken haa not been divulged, but it ia thought that tha organisation of the deal ere mad. the Union men more desperate and impelled them to the una of dyaamite.

Tha Union or Equality Association waa formed a year ago, when the employees of the Grand street houeea endeavored to induoe the proprietors to oloee at o'el Jok. Bidley Sone were among the houses that refused to oloee at that hour. For some time they were persecuted aa tha Garry a have been reoantly. Laat Juae a huge atone shattered one of their plate glass show windows. Xhe perpetrator waa never discovered.

The anion has pass words, grips, to. The rrlaclsials to Ike aaeod. Naw Yobk, Feb. 1 Edward Bidley. Jr.

said during the day that hie firm had eooeded to the demands of tha Equality Association, and aad no in reeling against them, tie did not believe the explosion waa intended to damage their store, and was satisfied there would be no repetition of it. Thomas Garry, of Garry said i "Of course the Equality Association ia at tha bottom of the outrage. What surprises ma is that they have done nothing worse. They nava maae threats or au ktaas, out wa ware inolined to look for their execution upon our clerks rather than upon the premises." T. J.

Naughtoa, a delegate of the Equality Association, aeniea nil Knowledge or the affair, and elaimed that the outrage was not caused by any member of the organisation, although he says It might have been one of individual responsibility. He said ha thought arry own agents caused lbs explosion and that the object waa gratuitous advertising. The men arrested on suspicion of complicity in the explosion etoutiy deny all knowledge of it. Joeeph Lamb works for tha American Bank Note Company, where he hen been employed for years. Wm.

Biittsn is a waiter at 186 Broadway. He and James Dely, who is bookkeeper in his unelo'a plumbing establishment, board in tha aama booee. Brition aaya that when ha and Daly were going home Sunday morning they flaw tha fuse burning, aad before they knew anything it bad exploded. Polioe Captain Allaire had a long eonferenos with Inspectors Byrne and Murray to day In relation to tan Inspector Byrne refused to talk but it was intimated that mora arrests Will BOOk follow. Pallia Two Hostdred reel.

Pitts uuao, Feb. I While walking along the Peak arcane bluff, near Blxtaea'h etreet, yesterday morning two boys, Robert Sproull and John McGuigon, loet their foothold and fell to the bottom, a distance ef two hundred feet. Sproull's ekull was fractured, aad ho was hart internally. He is still living bnt there Is no hope of his recovery. McGuigon was terribly bruised end out, but his injuries ars not letal.

Doktst Vrwaa Blak Playlasr. Binohamtoh, N. Feb. 1. Chittenden Boyeran, expert bicyclist aad noted polo player, while engaged at a game ef polo at the Pionesr Rick in this city last evening fell with such fores that hs died, as Is supposed, from his Injuries before morning.

Hs was a yoaag man aad tha eoa ef a retired merchant and himself a promlasat manufacturer of this city. Vlwm mardereva Cteaviaiecl. BuiTH, Feb. 1. Sentence of death wee passed la ths Ualtsd Btstes Court oa Saturday upon Fred Ray, William Meadows, WUilaua Phlllipe, and Meooa Holoomb, while men, and William Nixon, negro, for murders committed ia the Indian Territory.

Ths condemned men will be executed at Fort emits, April 17. TO PAY IN CONGRESS. peelal easais Likely te we Called Up Oat er ike Regklar Order. Washiboto, Ftb. 1 In the House of Bspreeeatatlvee to morrow individual motions to suspend the rales will be in order and a number of member will sndsavor by means to Be on re tha immediate passage of epeolflod measures.

A two thirds vote will be necesssry to pass any bill that may be considered. loiuns will aak the Honee to the Bankruptcy Mil aad Representative Watson a blll providing for an increase of the pensions or aoiaiere wiaowe xrom ss 12 a month. Representative Beyne will an deavor to have passed a bill providing far ai inoreaee of aa appropriation of 9760,000 to S1.600 000 for the publio building at Pitts burg; Representative Springer a bill to pro vide aa appropriation for the publio building at Bpringfirld, 111 and Representative Mo Cord a similar bill for the building at Keo kuk. Ia. It Is the general cpinloa that the remainder of the week will be taken up oy tne oonetaer ntiOB of the Biver and Harbor bill and Poet Office Appropriations.

If opportunity otters however. Representative Henly will call up the bill providing for the forfeiture of the Northern Pad no land grant. Mr. Towaanead contemplates offering a resolution daring the wsek providing for night sections of the Hons or Ksoreeeniatives. ins consular ana uipio matlc appropriation bill Is before the bsnsts, and the District of Columbia.

The pension and tha asm outturn Bins are iiktiy to oe re ported back from the Appropriations Commit tee during the week. It is probable that bobs of these measures will give rise to any ex tended debate The Inter Stats Commerce bill Is still the unfinished business of the Senate after the morning hour, and the discussion ot the Paeifia Railroad bill has already been begun in ins morning honr. Senator Morrill gave notice last week that hs would eeek an opportunity oa next Tuesday to make some remarks upon tha Silver Coinage bill. Thia measure la likely to give rise to long debate, involving nearly every oranoa or national nnance. essbllen city t.sveatlos The Bepublioan City Convention will a ble to morrow evening, at half past o'clock la the Court Houas, and will be ealted ta order by Charles M.

Plank, Esq Chairman of the Bepublioan County Committee. The in' dictions are that the Convention will be of very ehort duration, and that all the nomina tions for the different oity omoes will be made on first ballot. Ex. Mayor Bowe 'has secured thirty of the thirty three delegates, and will probably be re nominated for Mayor by acclamation. For City Treasurer the following namea have been mentioned Jones, of the First ward; Charles B.

Well', of the Third ward; Martin Strang, ot the Eighth ward; and Edward W. DeHavea, ot tha Tenth word. Several wards have instructed their delegates to vote for Mr. Jonee, end lbs Third ward delegates have been committed by resolution to support Mr. Welle.

The only name mentioned fry the nomination for City Controller is that of William D. Beeaer. of the Eleventh ward, a clerk la the P. freight office. EdoealloaisU alters 1st Berks.

County Superintendent Keck visited the publio schools of Donglasp, Colebrookdale, Beholtiville, Washington and Boyertewn laat week. The enrollment and average attendance of pupils la each district is ee fallows DoasUn. 248; 184 ColebrookUI, 27 180 Schnlreville, 43; 3U Washington, 4lf; 334 Boyertown. 187; 131 The local teachers Institute held last rri day aad Saturday in Leeaport waa a grand iceee. Rev.

Dr. A. It. Home lectured on Friday evening, and Hon. Henry Hooch on Saturday aight xne next institute will tana piece at jsiraa boro on Friday and Saturday nex', the oth and 7th inats Hon.

Henry Honok, Deputy Superintendent of Public Inetroction, will lecture oa Friday evening, nnd Rev. Dr. N. C. Schaeffer, Principal of the Keystone Stats normal Bchool, on Bsturany evenirg.

CwMla Telepksae Wires. STAPLsToa. B. Fob. 1.

All the telephone wires oa Biaten island were cut last night. few daye ago tha aalariea of the employese of the eompany were largely reduced, when the Superintendent nnd other employees signed. The perpetrators of the misohief are unknown. Some of the old linemen hava been adjusting the wires to day. The cutting was dons ia several plaeee aad tha eade of the wires tied together.

The residence of George r. Bhaner, in Boutnneia, was burnsd this morning. Ths house was aa elegant ons Witt elaborate surroundings. It was originally wedding present from Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt to Daniel B. Allea when the latter married the oldeet daughter of the Commo dore.

The loee of the houee is S26.000 aad oa ths eoateats $40 O00. Scarcely anything was saved, ineuranee not Known. Tbe BaoaBera" Oely Await Harek a. Chioaoo, Feb. 1.

The Time has ths following special from Caldwell, Kansas: Ths decision of Captala Couob aad hie mea to re turn to Oklohama, March 6, has been i eelved by the boomers oa ths border with great pleasure, and unleea something unforeseen occurs movements will be mode Into the forbidden territory from a dosen different points. General Hatch said to day that ho had Information of movements among the boomers in Texas aad Arkansas, beeides Kansas. The general givee thie aa of hie most particular reasons for demanding tha immedlats cap itation of Conch. Ha says it is a waste of time to drive agitation out aad take ao steps to preven tneir return. A ajlrlke Pekdlksr alssstbeHsdisa KisflsTOH.

N. Feb. 1 Aa ex'saeive strike is expected amoag ths ice worksrs at the Rbinebeok, Klatbueh and others of ths Knickerbocker Ice Company to.morrow. Ths men say that lha Brewers' lee Compaay le paying tha same wages as last ssasoa, 92 psr day, while the Knickerbocker pays only tl 26 aad SI 60. The strikers will dsmaad ths sams wages as paid by the Brewers' com paay aad It is thought ths Kuioitarbosker win accede to the demaad owing to ths shortness or the eeasoB in wbion to gatner tna crop.

TlkEORAMB OPTHINIOHT. The Union Knlle Company's knits factory, at Ualoa City, burnsd yesterday. Loee 40,000, iasuranoe $20,000. Firs destroyed $18,000 worth of property at Harry Hill's Variety Theatre aad 161 Crosby aires t. New Tork, yesterday.

Thomas Mnllea. Patrich Kennedy, John Liugliaey and Thomae Hslsy, oa trial at Wilkeebarra for the murder of David J. WUIiame, were adjudged sot guilty by ths jury, ths verdict coming ia lata Saturday aight. Annual report of Commiseioaer of Patents for 1884, just out, says 20,897 pateats aad deelgae were issued, 116 pateats re issued, aad 1,021 trade marks aad 618 labels were registered. 1201 pateats expired daring ths year.

A prominent cattls man who arrived la Lawranoe, Kansas, yesterday, from Trego soaaty la ths western part of that Slats says that the ground ia oovsred with snow severe! laches deep aad that range cattle ars dying at a fearful rate. Henry Csleahonsea, living la Dnraad, Wisconsin, 26 miles weet of Ban Claire, kllisd his wife Isst Sunday while tha remainder of ths family wars at shureh. The crisis discovered yesterday. The deed grew cat of lafollelty pertaining to marital re lations. I READING, MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 1885.


A YowmaT Woaank of lopes Wltk BUSaatMBBBBtlOBl BrsNeksB, BoBAHToa, February 1. Tha elopement ot Miss Utile Bogart. the pretty aad accomplished daughter of Assistant Superintendent Began, of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railway, with a young brakemaa named George J. Fowler, employed oa a nas ssnger train between Buffalo and New York, has caused a social flatter la Soranton. Miss Bosart's father la reputed wealthy.

He spared ao cost ia scouring a first Bless education for his daughter, who ia just la her eighteoBth year, and laet summer gratified her desire ny taxing ner on a trip to Europe. Her first meeting with the brakemaa occurred a few mooths ago. Hie home was st BlaghamptoD, but ha secured board in Soranton aad frequeBtly escorted Ltssie to aad from the Lackawanna Skating Bink. Tha lovers knsw Superintendent Bogart would never concent to their marriage and so, accompanied by Fowler's sister, they went to the offiee of Alderman this oily, Saturday avenlng, ahorliy after 6 dock, and were married. Miss Bogart the Aldsrman she was Soperiat indent Bogait'e sister.

The ceremony over the party drove a short dis taues from tha station, where they waited for the train to Binghamton, The engineer, who was evidently in the asoret, stopped his en gins aad took thsm on board. After reaching Binghamton Fowler telegraphed the newe ef their marriage to BuperiBtendeot Bogart, who waa terribly ihooked, and is still very much distress in over tne oeoarrsnos. xoung rosier is ths hero of the hoar among the railroad en. FPU NO PBAD IM BSD. Jekai xftauaaere SaSdea Toklaar Away at isie atismeaooae.

John Conner, a man 68 years of age aad single, waa found dead ia his bed at the Poor Uoaseat 4.46 a. yesterday, by Billy Buek aa attache of ths institution. Danner was an Inmate of a room la which half a dozen others also had quarters. Hs waa ia remark ably good spirits before retiring to rest Satur day nlgbt. At tan p.

m. be aroae but went back to his cot egain without making nny com plaints as to his heal'h. Danner had been In the hospital oa several ooeeelone, a sufferer from dropsy. Coroner Sohoedler was promptly notified aad held aa iaqueat at 1.80 p. the nry returning a verdict of death rrom dropsy of the heart.

Deceased waa a native of Exeter towaehip aad feeble minded He waa ad mitted to lha Almshouse en Mny 10th. 1877. aad hae a sister who lives la Exeter. The Takers ef three Pltaes. The Children's Carnival was ths svent of Saturday on the Keyetone Roller Skating Rink, aad the atteadanoe waa very large.

probably four hundred. The prises were awarded by a Lady's Committee of Three to Mice Maggie Jaokeon, Miss ciarrie Jeokaon and the third was divided between Maater Willie Smith aad Miss MeFarlane. In the evening there were ao rollers to be had half an hour after opening. During tbe evening James tv. Aenney, Esq in a few happy remarke whioh brought forth thunders or applause, presented Mr.

Edward H. Gaiser, the champion roller of Reading, with a handeome gold badge, of beautiful design nnd elegant workmanship. The badge waa the remembrance of an admirer of Mr. Geieer, whoee pluck nnd skill as rink racer hava woa him many friends. This evening the Keystone Tug of War Team gives aa exhibition raos.

Ia response to a number or solicitations nr. wuntim aad nr. Curtis have put up bicycle to be ohanced off ehortly. The Bioyole Clnb'e bal me que next Friday is going to be a nage affair. rrnaaal.

Capt. W. Harry Boyd, of Pottaville, ths well kaowa Directory mea. was ia Readiag, stopping at the Graad Central, and ia mahing preparations for his now Direetory of Readiag ror toco. Harry W.

Hlnterlelter. of WUkesberre. spent Buadsy ia Readiag, the guest of Elton V. nickel, no. 152 north ninth etreet.

Mies Lillie Holloway, of Danville, le In the city, the guest of Jt.ha Bubp, No 2s North Ninth street. Col. A. J. Whit ier, of Philadelphia, la stop ping alius urana ueotral axel John B.

Mull, oonneoted wifh tfce cutting aepartmeat or jameeoa a doming es tablishment, has goaa to new rk lo remain aeveral daye Rove. LiinWh and K. Bunti inger, who are sow ia New Oi leans visiting the ex position, sre expected home by the latter part or this wees. J. Epeteia, of this el'y, has just returned from a bueinses aad pleasure trip through the Mouth, including a visit to the new urn exposition.

Hs brought with him many rsllea and curiosities, and waa la many clear. ant places, but says that Readiag beats them aiL Wklskal ky her Teaeker aad Mow Dead, The six year old daughter of Joeish Grelh, or xower Heidelberg township, was whipped ia school Isst Monday afteraooB. Three black aad bins welts were found on he back by the parents of the child, as also a mat oa bar shia. Ths following morning shs eomplained of internal pais, and Dr. Herbein, of Sinking Spring, erss summoned.

The child grew rapidly worse, aad oa Thursday died or in ternal mortification. Mr. Grelh was in Beading on Saturday aad mads arrangements for a psst mortem examination, which took place yesterday. KBYRTONB KERNELS. rrsm aaeaaiksr sss Wewa Ashland, Schuylkill oounty, has been di vtdsd into five wares.

Ths Altooaa Tribune celebrated the tenth anniversary of Ita birth oa Wednesday last. Neatly 26,000 tone of ioe ten Inohes in thlokaeee ia being eat from the Tumbling Ran im Bear rottsvtiie A committee of repreeentstivc business men ef Eastoa will sndsavor to hava the na tional gun foundry located at that place. The Enterprise Colliery, Bear Wilkes. barrs, which suddeuly caved in soma months einoe, le rapidly being put la a condltioa that will sdmlt of Its being worked. Mrs.

Niaa Williams, ths victim of her huebaad's salons rage, died at Cambridge, Kris eoaaty. Daturaay. novemoer az. at Kdiaboro. Mrs.

Williams was shot throe times. oaes each la ths neck, bowels aad arm by hsr husbaaa, was men enot nimseir and disd Ths annual conference of the Church of the Limited Msnnonite Brethren in Christ as sembled at Guehartown, Bueke oeunty. Satur day svsain opening with extensive religious services. rreeiding aidsr Hev. William Gehmaa, ef Reading, preached the oonferenoe sermon.

Ths business aoairs day. Washington experienced a severe shook Saturday morning, caused by the sxplosloa of dyaamite at Brady tonne). Fifty pounds of dyaamite had been stored la a twelve foot squnra house, to thaw cat by a stove. The roer eaagat, nrs rrom hi stove pips. sr soas easing ths firs nsd, aad soon ths sxplo elon took place, making kindling wood of the building.

Houssa ware damsgsd la Iowa. The shook waa felt three miles away aad the report was heard ten miles off. Ths TKusvtlls BeraUTa monthly report to bs Bubllehed to day, will ahsw that during January 67 walls wars completed, with a pro doetlen is oais si x.nvo oarreis, xek ary were drilled. Ths number of rigs building in ths region are 67, aad there are 98 wells drilling The above la an increase over December of 8 rigs building aad 20 wslls drilllaa and 1 wsll completed. The report ehews a deorsass of 8,819 barrels la saw pro.

notion aad a deereeee ef dry holes. EL MAHDI'S RESISTANCE. HI WILL FIGHT IT OUT AT MRTRMNBH. PressrlBf te SJIve Jokst Ball a Ntnb kora Tlaee of la Hsb or ihataisrs Haa sf BrlMsh Oporatioka De aosMlIM es sjeo. senea.

LosDon. Feb. 1. The diepatohes received from Kortt desortblng the situation of Gen. Stewart's forces at Gubat make it plain that ths Mshdl's men have arranged to make a stubborn staad la Metemaeh.

They ars so well situated there that it haa bssa deemed advisable to await reinforcements before assaulting tha stronghold. As soon as ths reinforcements aow on ths way reach Gubat Gaa. Stewart's army will endeavor to take Metemneh by storm. Ths notion of the troops after that will largely depend npoa Gen. Gordon.

Neither Gen. Stewart nor Gen. Woleeley has any idea of what he is likely to deoide. The plaa of action favored by Gen. Wolseley la to have the garrison at Khartoum brought down the Nile ia ateameis to Metemneh as soon aa the British have es cured its ocoupation.

This would practically effect ths object o. the expedition aad ead the war. But it is reared that Gea. Gordon, when suocees haa crowned ths hard work of ths expedition, may positively refuse to is relieved or to allow his faithful garrison to go. There ars reasons for believing that hs will insist on remaining at Khartoum aad establishing a Government there.

If he does, then Gen. Stewart's fores will be pushed forward aad will attack ths Mahdi at Umdarman. IM THI BVSNTOB BASLU'S SIT0OB3S. It is believed that Gea Earle's force will meet with battle at Abu Homed or a short distance bel jw it. The Mahdi has assembled a large fores at Acu Hamsd.

If battle be given here aad the British prove victorious ths result will likely be to indues ths enemy to evacuees fiercer, especially as taey that uen. Gordon's steamers oan be used to operate againat thsm from ths South. If Gea, carle euoceeds in sorely passing Abu named he will be sbls to make muob more rapid progress, aa his route oa the river will then be South Inetead of Eaat aa now, and he will have ths benent or the north winde. Adioes received from Korti etate that Gen. Earle's army, whieh is proceeding lo Boner Dy tne mie route, is experiencing muoh dif noulty In dragging its boats over the cataracts below Abu Homed.

This delays the nrosreaa or ibs expedition out otnerwiee It has thus far bssa snoosssrui. TBS SOYPTIAH UUBSTTOH. It Is BBBouaoed that ao complete an nnder atandlng has been arrived at by tbe powers concerning the settlement of the Egyptian financial question that the hole matter ia now resolved into a question of simple de tails. The basis of the settlement, it ie de clared, will be that furniebed by Eocland'a reply to the counter proposals made by Franoe to jsogiand a nret propositions. Ae soon the different Cabinets have eettled ihe details of the accepted arrangement the powers will slga a eol'eotive treaty to guarantee the new Egyptian loan aa a collective obligation not oasca oa tne separate Interest or each power.

Italy's scobb or allotmkitt. Boms, Feb. 1. The newspapers here state that Sigaor Manolni, Italian Minister for oreiga ADairs, will not aak tbe Chamber of Deputies for a credit en nooount of the Bed Sea expedltloa, beoenee Italy before sending the expedition had secured from England an agreement providing that ths entire ooet of the expedition should bo ohnrged againat tne cgypuan treasury. The ktery or Draerier freaa ihe Hahll'i tam.

London, Feb. 1. The following dispatoh waa received to day from Gan. Lord Woleeley: From Korti, Feb. 1, 1886: Gen.

Eerie haa advanced his troops to within 7 miles of Birti, bnt will be unable to oonoentrate thsm ia readiness for aa attack upon that placa nntll tha 8rd Inst, owing to the difficulty expo rienesd in navigatlag the river The enemy hold a etrong position at Birti. A deserter from the rebel ranks aays the oommander at Birti haa received a letter from the Emir of Berber stating that ths British bavs captured Metemaeh aad ssat steamers to Khartoum with troops and stores for ths gsr nson there, me Emir etrongly advised tbe oommnnaer a xtiroer to not oppose uen. Earle's advanoe, as ths British were sending troops across tne assert to ttarosko to Aba Lamed to suppress ths rebels. The letter eleo reported ths aamee of Sheiks killed at the Battle of Aba Klea Walla, aad stated that a rumor was current that Mussein Paaha Kha lifa had died in the Mahdi's camp. Tha de serter reoantly left Berber where he says there are 26 survivors of the massacre of Col onel Stewart's party who were wrecked in oae of Gordon's at earners.

The survivors consist of Syrlnaa aad Greeks. The deserters tbsy say ars aot imprisoasd. but ars act al lowed to leave Berber. COURT HOUSE GLBANINGS. eelisasforcakri aana.M sue aXesTla i.r wusee, eve.

There will bs a asssioa of Court to day. Tha County Commlasioasrs will Irenes ot im portant business this morning. The Sheriff sold the furniture stook cf George E. Wsls, North Eighth street, oa Set day afternoon. Letters testamentary upon the sststs of Jacob Deck, dee of Bethel, have beea granted to Adam Gerhard eUo upon the es tate of Charles W.

Msnsoh, dee of Hereford, to James W. Measeh. iiCttera of administration upon the estate of Chariea pting, dec'd, or upper rsern, nave been granted to David Seaman also upon the of Christiana oohwelisar, dec or Brecknock, to Jacob Schwaitser, aad Jacob Sehwei'xer. The letters of ndmlnl tratioa granted on the estate of Jacob B. Biegsl, deo'd, this oity, to Alderman Den hard, have bssa revoked by Register Btrunk and granted to Wm.

Biegel, a sob. It is understood that an appeal will be takea from thia dedaioo. Messrs. Ermsntrout aad Sehrsdsr represented Mrs. Blegel aad Alderman Denhnrd Isaac mooter was coun sel for Charles Biegel, aad Bland Dettra for wm.

Biegel. The petitloa to mortgage the real ealats of Curl st Ian Kueekert, dsosassd, was presented at the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' court, aad the prayer or tas petitioner, Ferdinand Goals, was granted. Adiudioatioa npoa the aooouat or James A. O'Reilly, trueteeof Elisabeth Smith, waa filed. Adjudication upon the account of Michael Goodman, whs wss ths guardian of usorge f.

Auienbaon, was also oisa. Arrested mm Alleged False Ps etease. A yousg man aamsd Schuyler Parlsmaa. was arrested oa Saturday erasing oa infor mation of Pater Btrunk, liveryman, ohargsd with falsa pretence. It is aliased that hs hired a team osteaelbly to go to a fuasral, aad that the horse waa iaataad need la a huokstsr wagon aad drlvaa about.

aaaawar ess Vlltk Street. Yesterday morning ths milk team of Mr. Stockier, tenant oa lha Bnebong farm across ths rivsr, ran away oa South Fifth street. The horse proceeded at a break seek pace up Fifth etreet aaa aieeppearea out ventre Avenue. OoBsidsrable milk wss spillsd.

Wko ereateel Masleal Bveas of the season will bs ths Cantata of Joseph's Beadsas. at ths Graad upera Mouse, wedaes day aad Thursday evenings, Februsry 4 aad 6. Diagram sow opaa at F. G. Bona' hi store, 460 Pean street.

1 ai atfp JOSEPH'S BONDAGE. re eamtloa of the Cantata "ad thaie se are ssss.a aa as user aw ate servea sssib Ssold. The cantata of "Jossph'a Boadags," under ths dlraotlon of Mr. Walter A Boas aad as a benefit for Immanual Churoh of ths Fvangelt sal Association, will bs presented In all full' ness of detail aad finish at the Grand Opera House on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of thie week. The author of the cantata, Mr.

J. M. Chadwiok, of Boston, will be hers to rsndsr any asslstanoe la his power, The final rehearsal, which tcok piece yesterday afterooia, ae the culmlnetion cf over three months of arduous and assiduous preparation The choir com prises voioee aad the chorus ovor two hundred, in them le some of the ben of Read lng's musloil talent. A large orchestra will lead aad intone the variois paeaagea. As to Ihe decorations they eompriss all that is Egyptiaa, obf lisk.

palm aad pyramid From tha number of reserved seats cold, over six hundred for eeeh night, the Cantata oaanet fail of being, what It eminently deserves to be, a grand suocees. The east of eharaetsrs has bssa revised es follows: Israelites Jacob, the Patriarch, Charles w. uoarad; Joseph, young mis, uritl. a. Jones; rteuosn, judah, Jacob eons, John Horaberger, Keaaey; Zilpah, Jacob's wife.

Miss 811 A. Shsarsr: Bilhah. Lh, Jacob's wives, Mrs. Sallls Mangel Scull, Meggie Stelnmetx; Benjamin, Flmson, Jacob's sou, G. Joase, D.

C. Roland Egyptians King Pharaoh, C. Fetter, Joseph la Bondage, Edward Pea gelly Joeeph aa Ruler, Miss Lillie C. Koealg; Potiphar, Captain of King's Guard, I. C.

Fetter. Esq Butler, Griffith L. Jones Baker, Walter Prutzmeo Lava, Potiphar's wifa and Pri noose, Miss Sallls A. Shearer. Tha nation of the Cantata opene in the land of Canaan where Jacob, the Patriaroh, lives and haa twelve eons, who ars shepherde.

Joaeph, one of the youngest of these (age nearly elxteea years), Is a dreamer of wonderful things, and for his interpretations ia hated by hie brethren aad the wives of Jacob, Zilp th and Bilhah, who laugh at him ia seorn when he tells to them hie dream, and when before hie father he rcpeate other dreams, whioh Jacob partially eepte as truth, his sons and conspire to 11 Joseph the next time that he Is sions with them. They go lo feed their nooks in a place oelled "Skeoham," and Jacob, wishing to know how they are. eends Joeeph to Inquire of them if all la well He is sssn afar off, and' Zilpah tauntingly tells than to kill him. On his meeting Inem, he is seised, bound and etripped of his coat of many colore. and is cast in a pit, whea Reuben, one of joeepn hair brotnere, lo order to aave life, proposes to cell him to some idianltee who are paaslng at that moment.

The brethren draw Joeeph out and do thia that Reuben suggests. They take Joeeph'e coat of away colore, dip it la blood, aad return to their tether Jacob with a plausible story of having fonnd It on the plain Jacob recognizes ths coat as Joseph's, snd oonoludss that by "wild beasts hs's been olain," nnd mourns for his son many daye. A'l hie ether children endeavor to comfort him, but he refuses, aad I will go down unto my grave mourning for my son." Tne story le the old familiar oae of child. hcod, aad followe oa with Joseph's lifs ia gypi aaa ia the courts or rnaroah. OBITUART.

Death of In, Faiher Chsrlei Bekeld. hbsmvss Btokaanea, resreae wrlsjki. anal waaiere. Rev. Chsrlee Soheld, assistant pastor at St Peter's C.

ohurch. South Fifth etreet, died at two o'elock yesterday afternoon. Ths de ceased priest was etrickea with apoplexy last Thursday, and remaiaed in aa anoonsoious condition until his death. His health had beea failing aince he me to Reading laet spring. In the beginning of last week he complained of severe psln in his hssd, whioh continued until Thursday afternoon, whea ehortly after oae o'clock be was found in stupor aa if tna deep eleep.

Hie parents reside ia Philadel phia, to wnicn eity tne remains will bs taken for interment. A Bister, wko is a member of the convent at York, arrived ia Beading last Friday, nnd was st his bedside at tbe time of hie death. Guatavua Rommel, No. 117 Reed street. died at neir paat Tour clock on Saturday morning after a liageriag illaees with dropsy.

sged 68 years. Ha was bora in Welmer. Saxony, and came to this country forty ears ago. lis had beea employed by the Philadel phia and Beading Railroad Compaay as a look smith aad safe repairer for the past thirty six years. He was a mam be if Salome Lodge No.

106, I O. O. aad of tha Mutual lief Association. Three eons aad ons daughter survive. Peaross Wright, a well known farmsr of MaideBcreek township, residing near ths Half Wey House, died oa Saturday after ooa or typooia pneumonia, agss scout years lie was only 111 about a week Deceased wss at oob time a member of the Republioaa Coun ty commutes ror his district, aad was prominent member of ths Society of Friends lis leaves a widow sad rour oniidrsa.

Mrs. Susanna Himmelreicb. of Fleetwood. widow of Benjamta xttmmelrelch, died, aged 78 years. Ths funeral will lake place to row morning.

Mrs. Catherine Hunger, widow or the late Samuel Klinger, died at ths residence of Fred. Ulmer, 927 Chestnut street, yesterday mora. ing, from complication of diseases. She was about 76 years of sgs.

Readiag ladoetrial Skalre. Ths Reading cotton mill Is still everything ie in readiness to start at a mo ment's notion. Ths molders in ths smploy of ths Readiag hardware worse wre idle last Saturday. John K. Millar Co.

a hat factory, Fourth and Laurel streets, will be la operation only rour aaya per week aerearter, owiag to a lack 01 orders. The trimming department of Hendel'a factory. South Fifth street, will be in opera tion only five days psr week hereafter. Molivaina' rolling mill will rasums operi tlons in nil departments to day, after having been idle for one week, during whioh time rs pat re were made. Turn old louBory or tne jseiien iron works was closed oa Saturday evenins for ons wssk.

throwing about forty men temporarily out of employment. AU depanmeaia or ruok Bros, hardware works. North Third street, are bow running nve days a weak, raeteaa or rour aays as here tofore. The employees of ths P. R.

ear shopee will work nine hours per day eommsasiag with this date, aad the employes or ths Iron foundry at Seven I aaa Sprues streets ght hours. Six oarpsBtsrs at ths lower ehope were euepeaded for aa Indefinite period last Saturday. The Colonnade Hotel, cornsr cf Cheetnut aad Fifteen th streets, ea aooouat of its excel lent loostioa, is rsosivtag a large share of the patroaage of our ottlsens whsa visiting Phila delphia. Pennsylvania depot wlthla two blocks of 7 9 tfd The Caaraeaatter Bal Buaaejae To Wlsrkt. Ths Ibird annuel bal masque of the Caa Volkfeet vsreln will asks plaoe this evening la Deppsn's Excelsior Hail, Tenth nnd Chestnut streete.

Jobs Weiler, of the Pott, will be msstsr of oeremoBlee, aad John Albreoht floor maaager. The Commutes sf ArrsBgamsBta consists sf Messrs Rudolph jsnsRtsr, tionn vreiivr, w. ttsteer, ajoarea Kaltaabaeh. U. r.

Marts. Chlistlaa kasoht aad Henry Kelssr. Rink Lubricant for roller skates, ths onlv oil that will not gum, used by sll professioBar skstsrs. For sals by Hoff 408 Psaa etreet. 1 ao fptf I MATTERS AT FOTTSTOWN.

wees Klaltteea A dote Kenset's Reals a.n.a iMaa BreasB UosiSBIlaa. esvaktleak special Correspondence of the Tlmaa. Pottstowx, Feb. 1. There was a largs gatharlng of young lad lea and gentlemen at the reeldeacs of Dr.

John Todd, corner of Cheetnut and Charlotte streets, oa Saturday evening, In honor of ths sighteenth annfver slary of his dsns, liter Miss Sallls Todd's birth, day. Ths pleseant pastimes of suoh a party, Including rsoltatioas, gamee, eiaaias. followed by a sumptuoue eupper, consisting chiefly of oysters, were upon the order of things indulged In that evening. Several presents were alee made and the young lady was accordingly congratulated. Mr.

Irvln R. Sejbold, of thia borough, left for Harriaburg oa Saturday morning ia response to a summons aa a witness in the divorce oaee of Charles Fregh vs. Blisabeth Fregh, hie wife, to be tried in the Dauphia county court. Henry Solomon, gate keeper for the Perkt omen and Reading turnpike oomoanv at Limerick Square, hae resigned that nositlon. nnd will remove to Pottetown.

John Aeh has beea appointed to auooeed him. On Saturday morning Abraham Menoh. aged 76 yeare, died of paralysis at his horn. ia Pott grove township. His wire aad two bobs, Adam and Rev.

Jacob Menoh, of Sohwenkaville. and oae daughter snreim. him. Oa Saturday evening. February 7th.

tha Republicans of Pottetown, will hold conven tion In the Council Chamber, aad aomiaats tbe borough onioera for ths ooming spring. Ir. Stephen Binder, baggage maater at the Pcttstowa elation of Ihe P. 8. V.

waa married on Saturday to Miss Mary Raysor, daughter of Joeiah Raysor, of Potlegrove. On Monday, February 9th, Wallace Bruce will lecture in the Market Opera House oa Native Mettle." Mr. Bruce, it is said, is a very fine orator, aad there can be ao doubt ot a full house. A diagram of. seals is to be opeaed at Custer' bookstore.

Xhe regular meeting of the Boye Literary Society of the M. C. A. waa held ia the rooms of the Association laat evening, and regular business transacted There were several select readings by different members and short spssohes, but ths principal avsnt of ths evening waa a debate oa tha eubjeot. "Re solved, that Generals have done more for the welfare of our country than This was debated upon with much apirit by some of the good talkers of Ihe Braooh and many good points brought forward, until finally a committee ot three decided from the arguments put forward in favor or the Generals.

A roller skating rink waa opened in Boyer's nan, at uoyertown, on Daturaay evening, bv partiee from Stroudsburg, Pa The hall was filled, snd ths opening was a euooeee. Mr. John Gilbert, Pottetosa'e ehampion trick aad roller skater, gavs a fins exhibition of his skill on ths rollers, and haa been engaged to appear at ruture dates at tha at me place Oa Saturday forenoon, while Benjamin Deyeher, a laborer employed by the Pottetown Iron Company, was aasisting In hoiating a boiler, it clipped and the edge of It struck him a severe blow on the head, infUoting a painful gash thereon and fraoturing the outer cover ing of his skull. He waa taken to his resi dence below Keim'e nursery. It waa a very Barrow escape from death, aaya aa eye witnees.

Mrs. nor a Hahn, wire of George Kahn, died on Saturday morning at tbe roeidehoe of Wm Gellar, on Maiia etreet, neat Washington, of consumption, aged 22. She leaves a babe of aix weeks. The deceased was a very reepeot BDie and amiable lady. Mr.

Harry K. Bertolette. who hes ocoupisd ths position at the S. V. Railroad depot at Pottetown as telegrath operator, haa resigned that office and will aooept a position as a brakemaa on one of the passenger traina on that road.

8. A. Wood, of Philadelphia, will succeed him. The oy Under head of one of the largs en gines In the nail plate mill of the Potlatown iron uompeny waa broken on Saturday, xnis will cause a oeesatioa cf work ia that depart ment tor at leaet a week. Abbie W.

Eagle, the ponderous man who for yeare has acted aa baggage master of ths 1. B. at rottetowa, haa resigned that posi tion, and wilt be succeeded by Elmer Britton, formerly night clerk at the P. R. depot at fottetowa.

Six persons were baptised at the Baptist church this evening by the pastor, Rev. B. Parker. TWIN CHARITIES. of EmBlOTianal aad ska aroy xsossery Ths following coatributloas for ths Bureau of Employment are gratefully acknowledged High Geiger, half a ton of coal; Mrs.

Wootsn, $6. Seventy two women were sup plied with work on Thursday, Jsa. 29th Owiag to ths number of men out of employ ment sppiicstions tor work are very ous. Persons who wish lo reader aid to tha Sooiety at this Urns, eaa do ao by purchasing oiotnmg, aimer irom tae women wno go rrom nouse to nouee, or at the Employment Room 2nd floor of Reading Relief Sooiety building, corner of rium and Franklin streets. Persons who would like to havs olothins brought to their houses, oan do so by Bending their addresses nnd a request to that effect, lo miss Emma ueiee, s54 Booth Fifth etreet.

or Mies Fannie Hunter, 243 South Fifth etreet. The following contributions for ths Day Nursery are gratefully acknowledged: Mrs. Nagel, 12 loavee of bread: Mrs. Aaron Ziagler, basket of apples; Mr. A.

Ziegler, two pence of glass aad fitting tbem in windows; inenas, per miss Emily nuts, si zo, C'kkksfO sf sehelele, Philadelphia aad Readiag Railroad. Oa and after February 2nd, 1885, train No. 1 for Pottaville will leave Reading at 11.60 s. instead of 11.66 a. and train No.

4 for Philadelphia win leave at a.oo p. instead or s.ou p. train no. win eommoooe on the above data to run a through coach from Philadelphia to Pbillipsburg, Clearfield county, via Sbamokia, Williameport, aad thenoe over the iseeon iTeex, uiearoeid ana Boatnweetsra railroad, the coach returning oa no 4 Caamie el Jsaesa's Boi sore throat. bottle.

bites. i su otrp Diagram aow open at F. G. Boss' hat si ore. sou reaa street.

i at otrp laeremeS eoalal Facilities. Postmaster Whitaer requests the announcs meat that ea and after Mooday, Febrnaay znd, tnere win be two naaitionei way malls put on ths road between Allentown nnd Har riaburg, In addition to ins morning way matt Ths additional train over the Leosnoa val ley road will stop at all stations on the line. leaving Harriaburg at 4 p. arriving in this eity at 6 p. aad at Allentown at 7.85 P.

xae aaaitioaai train over tne East rena railroad will leave Allentown at 4 30 p. arriving la thia oity at 6 p. m. aad in Harris burg at a zu Tkal rakUe BalMl.s. It la not likely that anything will be done at Waahlngton thie winter with the bill for the erection of a publio buil! Ing In thia city.

An effort was contemplated to have the Beaate bill reported, bat tha Interposition of the treat1 as nnd the lateneeo of the asssioa will prevent aay further notion nt this time. The Senate Committee la favoranle to aa lasrsass of ihe amount to $100,000, but as the bill le likely lo go over until next session it Is pro posed le ask ror aiou uuu Salvation remedy, Is Oil, ths celebrated Amerioaa guaranteed to cure rheumatism, swellings, brnisee, burns, aad only twenty five oeata a PLAYING CABINET CARDS. PRESIDENT CLEVELAND'S PLANS. Carlisle, Headrleke aaa Ike eadera ajoaeraliy so Oa ao Albany so Cosmo 1 1 KMeaeisr Davie Owe of ike Race a wains CsniM Waihixutom, d. February 1 Dispatch ae from Albany to ths Star say that ths viiils whioh hava thus far beea paid to Presidentelect Cleveland bavs aeoempllshsd aothiag ds Halts so far as tha persoaasl or bla administration la concerned.

The Presldent xlsot'e original plaa waa to Invito to Albaay in torn perhaps a doasa of ths mors prominent men ia ths party. However, after the visits of Sons tors Bayard aad Garland, who cams oa their owa motion, It waa decided to ehaage that plaa. Speaker Carlisle was invited aa ths highest offioisl representative of ths Dsmo oratio party. Mr. Randall Was Invited because Preeldeat eleot Cleveland recognized that hs represented a large element In the party opposed to Spsaker Carlisle.

These two ievitations then wars ia leaded as tributes to the position of Ihs two men In the party, and ars aot to be oonstrned as svldence that either will have a pereonel Influence in the deelgnntion of the Cabinet. Mr. Cleveland waa also guided ta part In tha selection of these two geailsmsa by ths well known fact that neither would aooept a Cabinet otfloc. Headrleka Ok a secret lee too. vios rreeiaent eieot uendrlcks arrived at Albany laat evening.

He did not rssriatar at hie hotel, aad haa endeavored to keen hi. prssenoe in Albany a secret. He epeat the tatter poruoB ox tne evening with Presidentelect Cleveland aad Spee ker Carlisle. Early this morning Mr. nnd Mrs.

Carliale paid a social call oa Mr. Cleveland. Shortly after their departure, about 11 o'clock, Mr. Head rleke drove to Mr. Ldeveland'eresidenoe, and was oloseted with htm until 1 o'oloek.

Messrs. Hendricks aad Carliale left for New York this afternoon. Aa Inaporlakl COkfereaee. Mr. Hendrioke wss summoned to Albaay by telegraph yesterday by Governor Cleveland, in order that the three offioial repreeentatives of Demooraay might consult before the oonferenoe at New York next week.

The conference promises to be the. moat important gathering of Demcorata held einoe the Pl. 1 1 1 I 1 until Tuesday morning. Mr. Hendricks left ror New York at 6 thie eveoing.

ExJBsaler Davla Wltkdrawa. A. rrvara a rA rawr xsaviB, OI IV est Virginia, has voluntarily removed hie name from all consideration la oonneotion with the Cabinet by advieing his friends that he could not and would aot aooept aay publio poeitioa. Mr. Davie eaye that he deoliaed re to the Senate in order that he might givs his attention to hie private business, and he could not now return lo publio life without too great a eaorifice of h'e property interests.

Cards ars out for the wedding of Lieutenant William E. Almy, of the army, eon of Admiral Almy, of this oity, and Miss daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sellers, of Philadelphia, the ceremony to take plaoe In that oity oa the evening of February 11. Tke awatm Case Voaeialad.

It is learned at Ihe War Department that the pending oftheSwaim court martial had not been reoeived by the Secretary of War. It waa farther learned from unquestioned authority that up to yesterday morning ths oourt had aot evea voted upoa the oaee. It is reported that but three of the offioera of the oourt ars la favor of aa acquittal. But nothing definite eaa be kaowa ia the matter, ae all ctHcers oonneoted with the oourt are ewora to secrecy, anl would aot be likely to endenger their commissions by violating their oaths. Those who have watched the oroessd ings cf the trial are of the Arm belief that General Swaim will bs severely dealt with.

Oornaam aseia Thsre Too. A lran N. Feb. 1 Senator Gorman, of Maryland, called on President elect Cleveland to day and gsvs him a detailed account of the arrangements made for tbe inaugural ceiemoaiee at Waehiagton, March 4th. Preei dent eleot Cleveland waa Informed fully of the part the Committee of Arrangements Intended that hs should perform from his arrival in Waahlngton, March znd, to bis departure from the Arlington Hotel for the Caplicl oa Maroh 4th, tho reading of his inaugural from ths east front of ths Cspitol, sad ths subaequeat pro oessioa to the White House.

Senator Gorman left for New York in the evening. ABtTHBaiBaTS. dramd Opera Hans. George. 8.

Knight's play, "Over the Garden Wsll," which attracted grt at houses all laet week at ths Arch Street Theatre, Philadel phia, will be presented this svenlng at the Grand Opera House by Mr. aad Mrs. Gsorgs 8. Knight and thslr oomnaay of comedians. Over tha Garden Wall" la a funny piece la whioh ihe versatile powers of Mr.

and Mrs. George Knight hnve full play. The plot ia light aad brimful of foa from beginning to snd. Ths latest lueoees, ''Ths Private Secretary," is dowa oa ths boards for ths 8 Tuesday svsning. "Ths Private Secretary'' Is a faros ia three acu, abounding In oompltoattoaa which arise from ths desire of Mr.

Cattermola to have hie nephew, Douglaae, sow his wild oats. Thie he at onoe pretends to do. Hs Is inspired with the hsppy thought of entering the hones of Mr. Mareland. where he imper sonates ths private secretary trendy engaged.

He makes It his business to accidentally fall in lova with the flrat pretty girl he finds in the establishment. In sowing his wild oats, hs oomee ia coatsot with various female members of Ihs family, ons of whom, is a spinster, whose ssasttlvs sool yearns tor sptritosl manifestations. Whea ths private secretary arrives, he ia forced to perform ths part ef a medium, aot however, with aay clearness as to his function. The ex alternant and absurdities of this particular eeeae set the houee In great turmoil. The privets secretary doubts his owa aaalty, Everytbiag Is at or oss purposes, all ars draws into the whirlpool of eoniradiotioas aad mlsoadsr standings.

Aeaaemr or amis. Coming Saturday next, Tony Denier aad Hnmpty Dumpty. Everybody knows them. Monday, Tueaday, Wednesday, Fab. 8 aad 4, Harry Montague's Comedy Compaay.

The Buffalo Time eaye "Laugh aad grew fat," ie the motto at the Adelphl, aad waa fully sustatnsd by Harry Moatagas's Comedy Company In the production of their musical absurdity, satlllsd "Astlos." This per formsaos was excellent, the singing aad sthsr parts of Ihe estertaisment rsadersd ia a charming manner. The beet time ia the year to buy ovsroosts aad warm winter clothing cheap ia now. Tha oest piece Is at Myers it Helm's, 608 Psaa street, where a large aaeortmsat aaa bs seen teadlsta sum Cms Ex Senator BllUsgfsIt, of fv rpu In the eity oa Saturday, aad reported that a oorps ef civil OBgiaeers will eommeaee tha survey far ths proposed Readiag aad Chesa peake ratiroaa, aswaa ans miaais sr taw msnth. Bs maintains that ths read wiU surely bs built, bat that unavoidable delays havs occurred to prsvsat Ihs beginning sf opsra Closing out Lsdisa' Satchels 2 bo. np.

424 Psaa St. also 1 80 fptf.

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