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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 10

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

KtlJTIT ITayli MlKM Rutti Cunningham and Jimnltn Cliisin were hostesses lo ths Women's Auxiliary or DnplLst Cluircli Tuesday 'nius, with twelve members pi-jwnt nnd one visitor, Mi's Helen Ilnm- ra. The meeting; was opcncrl by nnd the devotional was icad by Miss Fiova Busch. Tlie subject the lesson was "J.inm. Island of Mornlnc" with Clniidta Mnr- shall as Icirier. Miss Marshall was with the program by Clnra OUIeni, Juanita Chlsm Tlielma Alcxanrtir.

Juanltn Provov, Mnljle Alexander, ami Edna Klionrle. The business was conducted by Fdra Klinurle at which time it was decided that the Y. W. A will jell cnndy next Saliirclny. afternoon Mrs.

II. B. Mnsterson was hostew to Mlsttotnry Society of llro Mdhodlsl Church nt her home, Indies present. Mrs. J.

Rhodes offered prayer and conducted the devotional services. J. R. niillinglnn pivsmited a Inlercsllne tall: on "Missions" 'after which followed the business session. Mrs.

Mattip Mifflln was hoMc.u jtn the Womans Mlsifonarv Union of the BintW Chinch Ihc homo of her clnujjlitrr. Mrs. Floyd Ncely nflernoon. There were fourteen members present anil one new Mrs. H.

L. McClnna- jolwd the Union. The inect- Ine was by prayer by Mrs. Buncss aftei- which Mrs. 'B.

I. Allen read the devotional. Tho business session was leil by if is. R. 1..

Gllterb ntul Mrs. J. W. dismissed with pray- 'cr. Nexu.

Wednesday afternoon Mrs be hostess (o the W. M. U. at her Tlie boat excursion at Cnrulli- 'ersville Monday evening attracted from Haytl, who enjoyed pleasant evening of danclnR. TlicM enjoying Ilic evening's cn- from Hayll were: Mr.

'nnd Mrs. C. L. Whltncr, T. Lnmnr Thompson, C.

O. Rnlne. Houston Buckley, n. L. Gilbert.

Rcnnlc Grraiwcll, W. P. Mrsdamcs IT. n. Masterson, Fred Messrs.

Cecil Brnn- nu'm, Hugh Dorris, Willinm Khour- John D. Fields, Teddy Martin, 1 Luther Williams, Charles A. Mor- orm, Barney Blnck.ird, Rotol lircoks, W.iyinon Miller, Sliarran Croiuineoui's, Erpftil 1-ellr-r, Byron llrynm. WrmU-ll Hull. Misses Mai- tlia lioynolds, Mildred Olalmn.

Grace Rovvo. Tholma Former. Christine and Agues Or.iciy. Eill- i Oates, Sadie Milclu-11, Gi.ula Ma" linrjium, Alui'i Ji Monjun, Crnnford, Nnomn Ifnilic-U. Mable llalhawny.

Jessie Hcnenii, linrcss. Ernestine Sidle MitchMl. Irene Warlli, Chri.sllne Itcmcr, I.oulsn loldcn. Mat-caret Myrkk, Mr. nnd Mrs.

Ernesl Ltlcs, S. P. Dales. Dr. ind Mrs.

J. V. Moore. Dan IXiilrb. who hns IHTM o-i an visit til Tlinyer, rc- iti'tied home Tuesday.

Eduin cm-in. who Is employed In i WahTi'on driiK More nl HI. Louis in-lved here Tuesday for vnca- ion bis ijarcnts, Mr. uml Mrs. VinuV- Ciivlsi of this city.

Hfirley Milk nnd family liivr moved lo Braggadocio. Mr. who laucht In our hlRh sc-hnol the past leitn, will be eiiiplnvi-(t In tin- iih Itra'iRiulncU), 1). who lias Ix-en In Ht. I.iniis for the sins', vr-ek rrnbluyinent, htniii' Tuesday.

I.iltlc Donald Wiison Is quite ill wrt-k with Ihc meas'-'-s. MLss 1'rovow hail het cuesls Sinidiiy nnd Monday. Mr.s Wesley Williams and on l.ullier Paul of Rt. Louis, Mo. T.

P. Gillns Ind ns lie' Knntlny her sl.slrr-ln-l:uv Mrs. K. K. Moody and 1'or aunt Mrs.

Snly Dli-kley, of I'oltC Pien.sant, and Mrs. New.som of Mlcola, Mo. Aiiynst Rlrleff of Los Angeles. and hh slslor, Miss Kulli- ryn Strleff of St. Louis, are lien: visiting in the liotne of ll'olr par- enLs, Mr.

nml Mrs. Peler W. Allen lias been vl.sll- iHK Ills father at Doll, relum- ed home Wednesday. Mr. nnd Mis.

Find LiEan Mrs. Howard of Blytlicvlllc were 1 Simd'w, vlsUlntj Mrs. Jack nmhtim of San Antonio, who are here vlr.HSnir Mr. Durham's sister, Mrs. Elhel Dorris.

Mr. nml M'rs. M. L. i'lke anc 'uinlly spent the past week-end in MisM.ssionl visiting rclntives.

A party comptjscil of Mr. nm: f'Uffrml niekovsoii, Mr. nml Mrs. Charles Stanflll, Mr. i.ns.

del Ccilemtin, iinr Mrs. Herbert Henderson. Mr. niu Mr.s. Emerson Otlinger, Mrs.

W. I. Sicwart, and Dr. and Mrs. Tucker, anil Miss Kva Harris Cinironl cnjoyi-il a pleasant niter-1 of suimmintf at Wolf Bayou, fiimday.

llryan! lift Wednesday i for fit. l.ouis. re he will spend. I a few iliiy.s v.icallon. Mr.

am! Mr-. Ham Penderurnss Wist tsV.v Jersey, who liave brcn visiiiiiij In the home of; Mr. iiarcnls nf nils' rlty, di-parli-d Moiiduy for Chalfce itu'V visit rolallviis. Mr. aiiil Mr.s Fnd filiiplnn, were ralli-d In because I In- dentil of Mr.

Shinton's bLiter-' In-law, Mis. Kil Slilplon. Tho bur-, lat at Wodnos- i itay. Mr. nm! Mrs.

home by Kij ant! hi.s two I and Mis. Neltli- Klyi-rs of Turn, Ivrc Saturday vlslllnu; hi the home ul her tlsler-ln-luw, Mrs. T. I-'. Gillns.

Mr.s. C. 1). Hutiler accompanied by her dinghlir l.oiinellu.aiid Marrene Walker, dciiaitcd Monday for St. Louk l.nin-.'lle and Marcene filter a school there.

Mr. nnil Oabiiurne departed for Pine liiulf, Tuesday t'j atli'iHl ttic cf Onljinirnc'ii Mrs. Utllc Huff. Mi.i. Huff war; Lit time a resident of Ihis city.

Rules Co-Eds McMULLIN'S CASH GROCERY Bargains For Saturday SUGAR Limit 48c BANANAS I'otintl 5c BEETS Hume Groivn Ktim-h NEW POTATOES rnnnd 3c MILK Alon-is Hiipri'int; Kvaporulfd .1 Tall Ciins HBAUT Stoklcy'ii 1 1 No. Can JL li PEARS Ricltfielil No. 2 Can 20c Crisco 3-Lh. Pail Mixing Howl FRKK 70c XX Cream Hcnnolt's 1'inls COFFEE Hulk I'wibcrrv 2 I'ounds 2Sc VINEGAR Gold'Dollar Quarts 15c 30c PINEAPPLE Hroken Slices Nu. 2 Can MATCHES 2 Hoxes 5c PRESERVES Monarch Whole Strawberry.

Can NOODLES Colophane Wrapped lOc SOAP White 10 IJars 20c Fryers -Full Dressed Pound 45c Pork Chops Nice and Lean Pound 18Jc SALT MEAT Host Nellies Pound PORK LIVER Fresh Pound Tic VEAL CHOPS Pound 14c BACON lilackhawk Sliced Luxora Socicly- Persona! ami Mis, Kiess arc making liicir home In the. Tiiwcal reskinnue. Mrs. J. M.

l.andrum will leave Monday for an extended visit with fiiends In Atlanta. Ga. The Luxora Home Demonstration club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Hldmtd Hevcrie. The house was beautifully decorated wlih.ros- es and iioiK'ysiinklL 1 After a short business M-ssIrm a social hour was i-njoycil.

The hostess served refreshments of Ice cream and cake. Mr. ami Mrs. B. W.

Thwenl attended to business in lllythcvllle Dr. ami Mrs. o. Howton spent Vcclnpsday in Memphis at Ihc bed- tdc of Mrs. L.

Ifowlun who is re- from an operation at the iaplisl A parly of business men nolorcil to PiBSOlt Weclutrsday lo their cUy-ownod power plan 1 a view of instnilini; a yslem here. Tlie follov.lm; were in he parly: Drown, J. Spann, K. A. Ten ford.

P. Ma- ors, n. W. Tiiomas. C.

O. Hall B. 0. Wllkins. The W.

M. U. of the Baptist met at the church Tuesday ifltrnoon. Mis. S.

J. Smith ron- lucted an Inteicstlm; Bible Mis. CTiarlrs Driver nnd son, Win of Little Rock, were guests if relatives here lilts Misses Elizabeth Davis and Milred Richards were Osceola visitors lunday. Miss Mnxlne Brown of Memphis pent the week-end with her par- nU. Mr.

ami Mr.s. Jesse Brown. Miss Rosa Lon Conke spent ral days tlih week In Blyihevillo. Vollmer and Mrs. Virile Bond were visitors in Oscela Saturday.

Mrs. Betty nenfro returned hour I'nday aftcmooni after everal months with relatives in Mesilames Clovls Crockett. H. S. Mrs.

of eola wore Luxora visitors day. Mr. and Mrs. W. Seatou ire now linking their home in Os- eoln where Mr.

Scalon ts ctnploy- in the post, office, Frank Vollmer transacted busl- less in Cape Olrnrdcnu Monday. Mr. nnd Mr.s. Oscar Wyntt and daughter Helen, of Bono, wen veck-end guests of Mrs. B.

O. Wii- kins and Mr. Wllkins. Miss Gray of Osecola the guest of Miss Esther Monday. Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Scolt and children of Wynne. were th trncsls of Mr. and Mrs. Charlc: this week.

Mr. and Mrs. George Worslcy BiythDvillc arc guests of aiv Mrs. Walter Denton. R.

C. Kingston was an Os cella visitor Wedncsdav. Huffman News Miss Ella Casslday. 1 Cnssidny and Gladys Olkii snn attended the ba'elwll g.imo Huflman Sunday. Mrs.

Gladys Adklnson and Mis Ollle Cnssiday attended Ihc excur sioii steamer "Cnpltol" a'. Cciruil; er.sville Monday nlchl. Tliov ner acromp.inicd by Ollie Santord Mr. and Mrs. T.

W. Haslett iioiiucc Hie birth of a May 20th at St. Bernard's l- at Jonesboro. Mr. and Mrs.

J. A. C.issld.iy as their guesls Sunday Mr! ti Mrs. W. H.

Cawidny Mla Casslday. Mrs. Hither Walker and Lois and Jewell Mick were cues of Mrs. Joe Cassiday Sunday T. W.

Hasleltt is In a sharl visit with Mrs. Il.islr-it. Miss Maxine Copclnnd MLss Martha Adams were 1 M'ss Bessie C.issid.-iy Sunday. STKAI.S HONKVJIOOX r.MU: TORONTO. Can.

Miss Muriel Alice Barret I comins Mrs. nc-jiiinld M.irk.u. a thief cnleivrt the vertry Church of the Redeemer ami jiole the bride's hand-bae. Kaij-oid cts to Montreal, a receipt foi sliip passaee to England, onci rnull were in tlln linn. power in siiulonl jiolltlcs oitii Carolina for at is pioliy Pansy cL'imnt-ll, aljovn.

who rcr-cnlly as ulecleit uresUlont of ent lioily. fibi' llvi-a 'In innl, S. U. Goddess A modern goddess ol agriculture Mis? C. Kowler, senior in homi economic; at the Louisiana State University, ivap chosen to over the third annual agricultural 'air al the university In May.

IB from Coushatta. Diplomas Given (looter Graduates Thursday Night COOTEIl. wcelc for the Couter schools endc-1 night with the graduating exercises of Hie senior clnsv Oiaduates of the eighth grade were also ntescnled diplomas during the program. Over 800 people the exercises. Thirteen students t'radimled from Cootor hlgli school and 40 from the grammar school.

A. S. Bouchar of the Slate Teachers colkij at Cape Girnrdcau, dc- the class address at the exercises last night. ast Sunday the baccaluuroato sermon was uivcn here by the Rov. Ebncr Peal of Cmuihcrsvlllc.

Tuesday night the alnmnl bamiuet was! held with the seniors as Wednesday was celebrated as class day with the class play that Veina McKay was valedictorian- of the class am! Nellie Simmons was salulatorian. Other members of the graduating class were: Evelyn BlggiirL. Mary Baker, Mary Ltt- lle, May Reddick, Eugone Colcman, Forrest While, Johnny Copeland, Nora Halford. lona Castman; Bessie Buys anu Huby Baker. The program of the graduating exercises Processional, or- cheslra; L.

Ball, presentation of diplomas to eighth grade, class. Prof. S. B. Myrant; sa- lutiitory address, Nellie presentation of graduating class, Mrs.

John Hose; vocal duet, Johnny Copeland and May Reddick; pre-' sentatlon of diplomas to senior Dr. L. E. Cooper; class address, Prof. A.

S. Boucliar; valedictory address, Verna McKay; song, "Goodbye," elass. The ex-Kaiser Is one the richest men In the world. More than 5,000.000,000 cifarcts. o.ual to 5000 for every man, woman nil child of the population, were onsumed In Canada during 1930.

Friday and Saturday See Jack PcrVin And the Wonder Horse "Starlight" in 'Phantom of the Desert' and 10 and 2uc. SPECIAL Saturday all children, under 5c. Adults 25c. R1TZ THEATER Friday and Saturday Seo Tracy in 'Quick Millions' and 'Me. and 35c.

Sunday and Monday All the World's Gone -Tallulah! She'll Get You, Too! CLIVE UROOK Sunday and Monday "NO" Would You Do If Your Husband Loved You Platon- irally? RTUOUJ mm screamingly funny comedy of a husband who said NO and wife who said. YES! The ravishing nijra of land lit her first- lalkle role r-n nnd hear tor yourself! Also Xcws awl Novelty IM i and -liv. Tuesday, j'iiiy and 'I'luirsday i.MI'lKON". in with Elliott NiiEctit, BtRy Ccmpson. Jean Arthur.

Tnlly Alar- c. Alli.son SkipiOrt.h. Directed uy i Moore. Also- Comedy nnd and N'ight- 10 and 2oc. I Coining Wcclncs ilriy and Thursday Bert iU'lierkn- and Robert Woosley j'n "IfOOK, LINK AND MAY'22, 1P31 Bargains for Saturday and Monday Pork Sausage IQc DRESSED HENS PIG LIVER PURE LARD Ld2 LK.

11 DRESSED FRYERS PIG RIBS 10 COMPOUND LARD or liei'f. Shoulder Thick Rib, 2 I'liite Rib or Hrisket Ib. 12c SALT MEAT Fl)r I5oi -'CHEESE Wisl )nsin I)ilis 9 1C 2 ic 2 SALT MEAT Si(1 1U COTTAGE CHEESE 1A Sliced, Genuine Black Hawk 10 All Flavors BLACKBERRIES 2N BREAD ROLLS School dav day 1AC No. 1 Can 1U Tomatoes No. 2 Standard 3 Cans IVORY SOAP- 1 PALMOLIVESOAP J5 FLOUR MEAL SI.

15 r(jc 21-IJi. Sack-Ji7 Hcst Cream AHC 2.1-1,1).' Oil Country PEACHK Courieror2G S35 PEARS Libb Be c.n25 in 25 CHERRIES Sugar Pure Cane Limit Ibs. 47c I APH Compound AHC 4-Kb. I'ail 4l APPLE SNOW DRIFT YM, 53 PIPKT FS Sw or Svv Mix 91 I Sour or Dill, Ql. Palmolise Beads 5c ADM Standard duality 1AC No.

2 Can 1U PORK BEANS 15 BEANS OLEO Standard Stringlcss 3 Cans Lt) Dot ore 2 I.lis. Ld -ff Bananas Goiden Ripe, the Energy Food POTATOES 3 UfAWC Fresh Tender String- less. Lh. 2 TOMATOES Firm Uipe 17'tl II 2 Sweet Juicy Fla. 200's.

BEETS 5 GRAPE FRUIT gc IS 8 CANTALOUPES Nice iS; 13 CORN lrcsh ROMIh Home Grown 6 1C Strawberries I5c 'V.

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