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Livingston County Daily Press and Argus from Howell, Michigan • 3

Howell, Michigan
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LIVINGSTON REPUBLICAN, DEC. 27. 1894. 3 THE CURRENCY BILL 111 Die Central Drug Store! Ih Still in the tend with Full Stock'. Every Dejutrtmeitt Comjilete.

TWO KINDS OF BAGGAGE FIEND Ooa Villaia Trawl lh Tntiu. Ib Otbrr K-aiaiua iu I be Depot. There are two ol tbem. the one wht flits from stati htutiou and dumps your poor dumb trunk with fore tnoun-li to drive piles in puverDnient breakwater, mid the one who loiters around the jxit watching fur Lis chance to chutu-r your tayt Tcxa SiftiiiT-. The depot ba-ira-re-nian is the most culpable of the tu-c t-pecirs lu his loujrund dark eareer of Miiashin? trunks lie has knocked the hoops off hi and Cu re i uo reiuorse liruve, f.mlhnrdy and rveU-Itss enough to tackle heart-strinrrs and plav mi them The i'iilmv ripe the Texas steer f.r full, but the Lair ymr for a tiu-ir-t-r a!:ir No nuMlcr your tri'iik be with DRUG- DEPARTMENT.

We jmy jieticuar attention in Sfuiiri the b- st atd luivst Drills in tin marker, wli liai pt-cuieii for 111 ilie largest Prescription Tral 111 the County. A curefully s-iecte 1 st'ick of Sundiins cheair than ever liefuiv, BOOK and STATIONARY DEPT. have a larjfe stock of new 1'uoks late TiuMiea-tiotis; line Stalionery. Family ami Teachers Hilde, Alhiinis, Tuilet S-ts, Collar nu CnJT Ihixe-i. Manicure Sis.

and a very nice nssoi -tinent I). Baldwin's New Odors the lest perfume in the tnaiket. All at ii jltuiii priets. 15e sure and at ihe CVntial lrng Store for ginnl goods I liottom O. J.

PARKER, Howell, Mich. 6 St Frank Leslie Popular Mm.tlily fi Jdnuary. jiibt yut, IS really a liuiitiuy lxlh to tie chiircivter of its rfadiiiff tuiitter and its rivKiiess in illustration. The leading article. -t.

Andrews and Andrew Lan jr. dy -iceiter Addis, is a cliaritiiitp accoimi of tiie university career am) I fe of this versatile aulln.r, also tit the quaint little SooU'h -ity nf las Alma iter, here th now laddi.ii ame tf ifolf has lieen played nn us native Ptiks ever since the tniildle aires. Fi-ancis nith (rives a nf (Joiild at Lydtiurst," illustrating the iwciijialiiins and uimist-im'Cts nf an Aiueriraii fhatelame; and Fiam-is Cniutiay Uayinr roiitrilintes three siiiveslive cit In lu the way (' iii'iiiiesiiue travel and'iin. there are "America's nt" i ViK utan i. hy Mine, l.e nii: "l'ltil ami the inns." ty Htiuian Mmitau'iie li innt-r: and "A Dash into l'meaiiple Land." hich is Siintheasleni Florida.

Lvdi.t Ilnyt Fanner enn'rihnte-i an interesUi'ij piper up in "Jerusalem in the first ('iitnry," and Charhitie Millvam Moure writes synipatheiically of '-Old Kentucky llnii'ie' t'himiu li-'ils." iiy S. il. lVnis, is seas dialily tn ated, and a full puire eiijiraviiij; nf 15-mti-fruyV picture nf the death nf irs'ial I. unties tit the hattlenf -Ssllliir nndsh-es the inulive for tsnine inleies' in historical paes alioiit Napoleon and Ah I'ult 1. of Kassi 8 in.

on Dy Fast. I saw that the TeYphotie pa'ent had expire. 1 and 1 thoo what a jrreat se'ier it would la- at a low price. I saw the advertisement of 1'. Harrison Cohimhiis, tihio, in your paia-r.

They had just what I wanted a Telephone just like the rich city business men have, and I have lieen selling them fur two mouths and have in nle as high as r0.H per day hen I took a larp-e contract, and never less than a day selling the telephones. I sell them outright, there is no rent, no royalty. Everybody wants them. Anyone can put them up, and I believe they are the greatest convenience and the liest seller on earth. Anyone can make big money ho can sell goods at all.

So many young men are nut of employment now. 1 feel it my duty to bring my experience before the world, so that this winter, with times as hard as they may be, money can be made by those who are now sore distressed. Write to the above lina for circulars. A 9 I Served Exclusively to the Over Twenty-One Million People admitted toWorld'5 Fair Grounds vji Universally accepted as the Leading Fine Coffee of the World. CHASE SANI3011N SEAL COFFEE, Sen Free a the Majestic Steel Range Exhibit, is kept for sale by Wm Mi PI1ERS0N SONS, Sole Agents in Howell.

Its Passage Loke4 lor liaaiiiai Matters. WSHiM.Toji, Dwciubcr si, 14. From our S-eil orrepideiit. Mr. Cleveland lus a Chisttnus pifi in the shape of a big disaijn lint ment awaiting liis mum to Washiiigl'iii.

When he left on hia feithered duck hiiiiiinjr trip he thmiplit that he had the democratic ducks, lame ainl othi wise, nf the llmise all cii'd. and that 'he currency hiulje-ptKlue proposed hy Sei-ietary Carlisle woiiid he passed the house he re'iin td. lie hud ai-arci ly pot away U-I'ise the revolt U-jran. and il quickly reat ln-ii Mich tlie House (-oiiiiiultee oil rules did not dare to repoit a rule limiting delute and seU iui a time to vine upon the currency .1 i. "so maiiV deiiKKTdls expressed their intention to vote against such ru'e that it wjs! made plain that with their voles and I he solid republican an I populist Vote I of the House ea-t against it the rule would hi1 repudiated by the ilmise, which would not only have killed the inencv bill but won! 1 also have jrivc 11 the committee on INIvs a bad black! eye.

'1 he debate on the ciinei.ey bill continued until ai'triionii. when a recess wi'l be until the of Jiimary, wh -n it uol 1-e resume 1 nd eoiitiiined until a -i'oi'ra'i'' 1 aueus decides what is to ia- wills he bi'l. Iti frii mis admit that of the lull by tin llo.ise is verv tloiihtful. and it is reardid as a certainty that it cannot pass the r-ena'e lii its present shape. 'J he siht men 111 the House are at work tryinr to secure pledges from a majority in favor of a suiisiitiite currency bill which ill include the free eoiuaire of silver.

They say they will nut make the attempt unless lliey are certain of success. The repuliiiciiis have (riven noti that ti.e wil Hot filibuster against the bill. I ut will be willing to have it voted 1 pon after a reasonable tune has been devoted to debate. II' 11. .1.

A. of low 1, thus de-lines National protection, which is now and has always la-en advocaled ly the republican party: means It'pis'ative encouragement to the employnieut of American capital and labor at home in the developement of ad our natural sources of wealth and osperity, instead of seiidine all our cu al abroad to aid in the production of foreign wealth and foreign labor. It means leirislalive security against the dependency of the Nation upon foieign countries for its means of de-fei se, and of our jieople for their ueiess.iries and comforts of iife. It mi am legislative barriers against the exl atn'ion of the wealth of the country by sending it abroad in exchange for peris' a le articles, instead of using it at home in exchange for the like articles produced by American labor from the earth or in the factory, lu the former case both moneyaud the articles it buys are lost to our country; in the latter. the money stays at home and goes on ouyiug." Tl long delayed report of Admiral Walker, made public only after it was demanded by a Senate resolution, exposes another disgraceful chapter in the administrations treatment of Hawaii.

Although Admiral Walker made it plain that an American war vessel should be kept in Hawaii waters to protect American interests and to counteract Kuglish iniluence, the ad ministration has tailed to do so, thus giving the Kuglish, who do keep a war vessel there, every opportunity to scheme against the new republic and to give secret support to the royalists on the Islands. Admiral Walker's report closes thusly: "Had the departments order's orders given me discretion in the matter, 1 should have left the Philadelphia at Honolulu ami returned to San Fiancisco, ith my staff, by mail steamer, failing the arrival of the CI arleston by the 1st but as they were entirely unqualified, I had no choice but to obey them at the earliest moment that such a course was justified by paramount public interests. I trust that another ship will be sent to Hono lulu at the earnest practical moment. THE FINAL COUNT. The state bonrd of canvassers have finished the otlicial count for utate 0 Dicers.

(iovemor John T. Rich, Spencer O. Fisher, UiO.NaiH; Alva W. Nichols, Albert M. Todd, llazen S.

Pingree, blanks, 142; John llaynes, illiam T.Lewis, Marion Kelson, 1. Mich's plurality. The pluralities for the various state ollicers areas follows: fiovernor. John T. Rich, lieutenant governor, Alfred Millies, secretary of state, Washington Uardner, state treasurer, James M.

Wilkinson, UO.lo'.i; auditor general, Stanley Turner I12.H4U; land commissioner. William A French. attorney general, Fred A. Maynard, superintendent of public instruction, II. It.

I'atteugill, member of board of education, I'erry F. Powers, Sixth district -David I. Aitken. 22.N1U; F.liiot K. AVilcox.

13.N13; Thomas Williams. Aariah S. Partridge, h.Vi. Aitken's plurality, SMxa. amendment relative to inmates of soldiers' home -Yes.

I27.7..H; no. 2C.M')07. Majority for, W.1M. 'onstitutioual amendment to qualifications of electors -Yes, no, 31,537. Majority for, K5.551.

The total vote cast for governor was In 1H2, the total vote was showing a falling off of 51,572 votes, which is not a large decrease fn. a presidential year. The difference between the vote of (off year) and the vote of 1W2 (presidential vear) was 70,751. In Uich had 221,22 votes, and in H'M, 237,215, 01 an increase of 15.W7. Fisher received 130.S23 votes, as against 205.13H cast for Morse in li2 -a falling off of 74,315 votes.

Two years ago the populists had i77 votes for governor, ami this year thev gave Nichols 30,012 a gaiu of 9,233 votes. The prohibitionists had 21,117 votes tn 1H2 tor Mr. Uussell. and cAiuld only give Todd this year is.788 a decrease of votes. IW-troit is makliiir war nmin son sational, tilthy Sunday papers, and it Is a just war, too.

The newspaper should be a power for good, not evil, In the RHinmunltv. Thn nnlille tnn chnnl.l carefully discriminate in the selection 01 papers. aveaiA, aod 1 rade-Mark beamed and all tl kuimam cottO ucied lor alaDcaaTK Ft cm. Ou WCt IS OWOSIT U. PATENT OfFICC ud uuk' ur paicia lu Ue luu Uiyw remote iron.

wanuiun. 5 Send otdcU drawing or with deaenp- oiiarsre. Cw Ice oh auc uii patent uicu. rnftl.iam Pi.m" WltVl iuiu: ia the LL S. and ioruku tcwintrtc C.A.SHOW&CO, It CTTK OK MI of l.iv!iti?si"i.

ss. At imi rf Ihf I'nrtml ur aid eotmiv, lit lit at tl- tli villain ol on Tii-Mla) 'lie -itli lNHH-mlwr in lit- vt-niutf IhmijiIhI Ini'iilni Kiiil IWiil. Ju.lKfi'f In the iiiuUit nl Hit- t-tatt of jusin I'atrirs .1. t.j,!iiitt-tl uml -i' kl. cii, aUmihis'riitori il It ill aiin'vil ol sil Iiiiviiiv rcnd.

ivii li tU wi'l 'lieir Hul a-limn-iM'HUuii ai '-ounl iti sa il TlieivtiiMm. II isonl. lint .11: ianl xt. al 11 o'. Im-a ti.iv-noon at I'mlijilf itrtico-.

l- I or the Inuring of in'i'oiiul II is liirlliiT onlf-l that a iy fif order be ullilitil I'l Oi" l.iiMiios Hu 11 1 A a llt'Vl lH I irllltHt Hllti VI It. Mid iNHiuty, til" -ini-issnf l.s i'Wors to said laj of ln-ai A trnr coii-. 1MI W. Ha; li Jii'luf ill I'rui atf, CTATKOT I iui.t..n. Hd.

Al a HI'-'M-HI "1 C.ilUl I'll Slid CiHIIitV. Ili-I'l Hi til I tt Hl.fv. Ill XilliMIfof II' on Ilif ol Novi-iulifr. hi lltt t-itr o.u' tli.Mi.r il lu.u tired ami niii' Iv lour. I'r 'srnl, ull' lijitjlfol 111 the iiitilrol Uir t-sl of 11KN K.tKMI M.

iliwasftl. Now coiii'-n "lansa mid vnt' stnt to llils four! III it sli Is iea.l to render her Hnal adiniiiistiMtloii a -eoniil in s.iid eMatn isuidereil Thiisda Hie day of Hi t'einlier next, al len o'elm-k lit I lie lore noon, al sa'd I'liili tie Olli. lie assigned lor lite iienriuu nf sniil And 11 Is further ordered tint a -onv of this order tie iitiilislie hi Hi" l.i lii ei l.irAV. a new (iifeT triuled a'nl in sitid i'iiiiiiIv Hilee sueeessive weeks ir vioiis In said UaV ii hearing. i A ue i JAMKS V.

I HUAIi. JudL'e ol Krtili do. OTATKOK Mli'llHi id Livingston. 3 At a of the riMieilet'oiii-t for ild county, lield at 111 I itliee. In I lie of Hii'ell, on Mondav, the dav of )ts the year one Imiidit ami liilietv-fonr.

I'resenl V. Kduar. of rroliate Hie inat'er of the eMHle ul IWea-etl. On reiidiiiij and IIMuv: Ihe urtinon. duly verified, of Kuireiie A.

Slowe. mlniiuislrator ol said estate, prayini! foe eertniu reasons sla'ed I liens In. thai lie inav lieelised to sell Hie real stateof shLI d'-eeased. Is oiden Ilial Tlimsdav, lie Sddav of next, al one u'eloek in I he Bllenioiiii.Ht said I'roh ile Olliee, he forthe hearii-L' of lid iM tiiiiin. And It Is further ordered that a copv of this order he imhlished in I he l.i I rn i- ri tu t-CAV, nesiiM'r lu inleil and eir.

ulalinL' in said eoillltv. Ilin-e slleeessive weeks IOUS to fcaiddavot heailic lA true eonv JAMKS W. KIM! All. 'ue of rroliate. CTATK OK MIC'llt; V.

Coiintv of l.lvliiusliin, k5 At session of the rroliati- UHld Miunlv. held Hi Hi" frohale OltUn- in thr Villat'f of Unwell on Tinsdiv the I'll dav ol llAeeinlu-r, III the venrone thousand el rht hundred Hlidiriietv-tour. I'resetit, .1 W.Kdtfar. Judxeol I'rohiile 111 I he nmtterol the Kstale ol JOHN leeesed. Tatriek J.

Ilanimell xnd Asa VanKleeek. Hie sueelal adinlnislrators of said estate. Iiavlnn n-ndered to this court tiieirlinal sjiecial admin (steal Ion Beeount ThereiiMin. It Is ordered that Friday, the 2sth dav of Deeemher next, leu oVliM'k in Hie forenoon, at ald Prolmte orth-e, lie assigned lor lite in-niiwy vny And It Is further ordered that aeopv of this order I imhlished in the I.ivivusmin a new-simper rinled and idrrulatiiig in said eomilv. three successive weeks prevou to said day ol tieariiiK.

A true eopyl Juditeof rroliate. CTATKOK l.lvlntslon, ss. At a session of Hie rroliate Court lor said County, held at the I'rohate Oftlee In Hie illaue ol Howell. on Monday, Nove.mber, In the vear one Hiousand eiuhl liiindred and ninety-four. Present.

James W. Kdiiar, of lrolite. In tlie matter of Hie K.slale of I'KTKK Ueeeased. Now comes tieoixe W. Knssi ll and Oordeha K.

Meyem and represent lo litis court that Ihey are ready to render their filial administration account In said estate. ThereuiMiii, It Is ordered that rrulay. the 21st day of Deceinlier, next, al ten o'clock In the forenoon, at said Prohale Otllce, he assigned lor the lu arliik' of said account. And it lit further ordered that a copy of this order be published lit the 1.ivis;ton Kki-i h-lioan, a newspaper priuted and clrculaliini in ald County, three auccesslve weeks prevl us to said day of hearing. 5514 Jud-of Probate.

QTATEOK MU'HHJAN. County of Livingston, s. In the mailer of the estate of THOMAS McKKEVKK. deceased. Notlc Is lierehv ulven, that in pursuance of an order irranted to the undersigned adniinlstralor -of the estate of said deceased, by the Hon.

Judveof Probate, for the Counlv of l.ivinirstoii. oiuheseventhdayof December, A. there will be sold at publle ven lue, to the holiest hid der. at the premises of said deceased hi the vlllajteof Harllaiiil in the County of I.IvIiil'sIiiii, tn said Ktate.ou Monday, the Twenty -filth day of January, A. I), at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortumte or otherwise xlstliiK al the time of the death of said deceased, or at the time of sale.

Hie follow-iiiK descrilied real estate, lo wit laniiinciiciiia ionj IXHis norlll of the southwest corner ol the south east tiuarier oi ine nuniiwrn vumn tlon nitmlier sixteen 0) In township number three (ai north of ramie number six (i rast. Michigan. mnnluK thence north to the halt ouarter lute, thence east ahniK said line to the northwest corner of a piece of land, heretofore sold to Joseph Wallace, thence M.UU lil.M i.f MMl.l i.U-i.ji III llllld tn the southwest comer of the aforesaid Wallace lauu. inence wesi aioua uir to tlie place of lieKlniilne. coiilalulnit four and one half acres of land, more oHess.

HTt" Adminisiralor of said estate OTATK Or MIClim AN, onniy oi i.iviiiksioh. ss At a session of the Probate Court for said County held at the Probate Olliee lu the lllaKe of Howell. on rrmav. uir on .4 uli.l.l IiiiII.ImuI In to ear one niousnuo. -in" ninety-lour.

Present; James W. Kditar. Judiw Ol rrOoaie. Ill nie umii. i PHII.ANPKK tlKKIHIRY.

Detvaswl. Onrevlltiltandflllnit the etlllon, duly verl' fled, of John allace, praynia that idiiiinlslra tlon of said estate may be itranled to tiilbert 1 tSHiveni or some ome. uot i- 1 ThereuiMiii. It Is ordered that etlm st ay, the dth day of January, next, at ten o'eha In the forenoon, be assluned for the hearlmt of said petition. Rim Iliaillie ncn-m in" ed.and all other persons Interested In said are required to apear at a session said I oitrt.

then to be holdeu at the Probate Otllce. In the fit ll I unaa if UltV tlmtfi why thprwonbpUtioiT slioulU uot iS3 orlrt that aWl petitioner a.1 tt.i. iiiiHiina I I usual Mil III ttM.Il1 IIHIO H'W itn'iin o( pmU'm'y Ul petition, riiu th nearinK infmi, vj rwnum vpi tO IW 111 HI" nn.) nlllttttlltf til (1 county, thrw wwks pluvious to saiU 34 Jtidtfe of Pisdiate. PATENTS I CittHiWMc 'lk ttetL Ittstruu- Tin von take the LtviNc.srox ItErunucAN? If Not Why Not? Leading Family Paper. Only tl.

00 ptr year. The Livingston Republican -AND- in and annvd eor-M-ts on the with a bv the riijie it ail the temiie all the pa him have hUim with te, rs. mid lii-ti li- t' r.i-,i eonilana- man we irl Kits letlinj! He yi.n Willi M.ulc, uway v. i1 a lit-, mid lies your "1 mid bait -ri'd wjt'a ri: i lie str. drummer, fie ft-yrile frame nf a-U einiiiO'ill lev -I.

llleet the splil ter- owner lilv whitt. iiiits a.n of hi. 11. id intotlto fraetiireil irtier-, lirum hut is usise the im tnid spirit mil hinjruie he ran eooiu Olid deiil of it. up with the ilnineiit bi-Hlftitiey of liiIis-Course.

As tlie pi the wiehed avail si neither do the of 'he belle nor the of the e-mnuer-eiul tnan. The time table of the railroad is el.iiii;;ed in the least, uml tils' sy iin-athi ie pus-etrers are oli'iijred to pi ubroud. The wcundeil trunks thrown into the timbuluiiec ear and whirled to the next slaughter him- farther the road. And the dear, sweet dude, and the stnrehy old deacon, and the frnind and impressive member of the legislature uro all iiliko powerless in the hands of the fiend of the cheek room. Tyre and Sidon have passed away, and so will our trunks.

The lint and Vandals swarmed down upon Uome and it fell. Verily, so tlo the Ooths and Viinihils of the modern railroad prey on our bagayu tnd it is all broke up. LONG-DISTANCE TALKING. Hon It 1'raetlrrtl by Hnuuin initio In AIIiauIa. The people of Albania are said to practice long-distance talking without the help of the electric current.

In their mountainous country they pass alontr tho wont from summit to summit by the unaided strength of their lungs. Regular relays uri said to be established for receiving and dispatching news. T'u is is patterned after the use of couriers in more level countries. The author of "The Cruise' of the K. Y.

S. la" speaks of thi habit of the Albanians as a peculiarity. They cannot wiv heir say when they are near each oiher. ut must always wait till they pet to the top of two hills tolH-g-in to talk. You march along after your Albanian and meet another; they may perhaps kiss, clasp hands, mutter it few words and pass on.

or. not uidihcly, they puss without the slightest notiee. On you go and forget that you met any-Unly, when suddenly, on at the top of a hill, your yaiilo turns round and sings out: (ieorgio, whatever his mtine may 1h spiuuing out the last svllable great length. The echo has hardly died away before you hear the uuswi r. Talk lias begun, und yoii luul ln-tter sit down, unless you do not mind proc.

ediiv alone, for move they will not until their say is! over, and you may have to exercise your patience for half an hour. There is no question that this long-talking propensity is a great lmre. not onlv for the loss of time it occasions, but because the noise Is enough to disturb every heai of game iu the country Thn Thjr Spilt. "Women play odd tricks on one another sometimes," said a smart American woman; "but tho queerest I ever heard of was perpetrated by one social leader iu a western city upon another. They were rivals, and hated each other accordingly, though outwardly they preserved the semblance of pleasuut rvlulious.

Every chance that either got to give a dig at the other was eagerly seized, but the filial and most effective stroke, after which no ealln were exchanged, was delivered by Mrs. L. Shu sent out cards fr a grand entertainment, and then took puitis to lind out what Mrs. her competitor, wasgoiug to wear. A gorgeous brocaded saliu was the material of Mrs.

it was ascertained. Accordingly Mrs. whose husband was in tho dry-goods business, obtained several hundred yards of the same Identical stuff and draped the walls of all the rooms ou the lower floor of her house with it. You may imagine the finding! of Mrs. F.

on arriving lu her superb new frock, which she expected to make a sensation. Naturally she ordered her carriage aud drove away in tears." Vrrvhlim Krgiill. The captain of a steamer that plies along the New Kngland coast and that was passing one of the rugged, lonely islands off the Maine shore, pointed to an enormous flock of gulls that whiteued the rocks, the surface of the sea. and the branches of the cellars that cling to the hard soil. "There," said he, "what do you think of that? Aud yet if you turn to a book ou natural history they'll tell you that gulls won't perch on trees.

Some fool sailors believe that the petrols, or Mother Carey's chickens, never alight even on the water, but are always ou the wing. They don't use their eyes. And some of those scientific fellows are as bad as the sailora. mti chest I.11 ri ten: ie th-u-rh S.ii-.i: i hen tiiey ih ai while the I i hei i I stray bit I irtl-eve linen New York Tribune! ONLY Sl.oO all orders to THE REPUBLICAN. Prices within the reach of all.

Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World' Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. Christmas Handkerchiefs. AT McI'HKUSON-S. We open this week direct from New York tlie greatest line of Cliristtnns Handkerchiefs we have ever exhibited and at some of the lowest prices ever known: 1 cent IJi lot at 1 each.

2 cents each 3 cents each 4 cents each CT cents liiir lot at Kit; lot at Kij; lot at Kig lot at each All extraordinary values, and you can take just what you want at ic, 2C, 3c, 4c and 5c each. These all the way up to a dollar each. Great choice of styles to select from. Nearly any style or price desired in Handkerchiefs can be found in our stock. Linen Scarfs, Lunch and Table Cloths.

All to match, in new styles fine pin dots. QUILTS. We shall offer a great line of Crochet and Marseilles (jmlts to make selection from, at extraordinary value. For 5150, $2, 82.50 and 8 we are showing some elegant guilts. Kut you can go higher or lower, as you like.

have them. You can find just what you want in our stock. Big lots of them, just opened for Christ mas trade. Just opened, fine line Sofa Pillows, Head Rests, Scarfs, Drapes, etc. Smyrma Rrcs We have a large line to select from, all very choice patterns, at 25 per cent discount for the Christmas trade.

Gloves for Gentlemen, Ladies, Bovs. Girls and Children. Fine Kids and Mocha dress Gloves. Warm lined Kid Gloves and Mit tens. Knit Wool Gloves and Mil tens.

Some elegant Lounging Coats for house wear, made of silk with rich trimmings and quilted linings. An elegant Christmas present to any gentleman. Dress Neckties in light and dark colors, in all styles and prices. ym. Mcpherson a sons.

Write for our Illustrated Catalogue. The Greatest Boon to Suffering Humanity. Don't Delay Write now. Dr. A.

Owen's ELECTRIC BELT and Appliance are Sjeci8c Cnre i without the use of drum) n- RHEUMATISM KIDNEY awq SCIATIC LIVER TROUBLES LUMBAGO NERVOUS CONSTIPATION PEBIIITY in INDIGESTION EITHER SEX FEMALE WEAKNESS and many other com mo. coaipiaial. You cu It-arti all about it pvttiiiir OUR LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE i-ootalnn pii-iure of the TWt and Appllam-on. ith pruvs of i-iM-a. mrnrn testimonlni kt(wr and purtnut of ptHiph? who hurr lw mrrd.

and trthnr nilnuMv information. Priuo-d la EnltiJi.irBa SwHltti and Norwwrlaa. Nailed tu a4ar. tor kix venta. AddrvM THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT And Appliance Co.

oi to til Stats CHICAGO, ILL. World. Mi-Btioa tbis p(r.

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