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The Daily Oklahoman du lieu suivant : Oklahoma City, Oklahoma • 78

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
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I I I I II "IBT' For Danny, Life's a trip Going East I 1 A person is expressing one side and the other person the other side. And neither one is real." He takes a practical view now: "The more hate mail you get the higher your ratings go." With ail the attention and publicity he gets, why didn't he move on from Oklahoma City? It's simple: "I've never had an opportunity to go anywhere. I had that one offer to go to NBC. I had an opportunity to program a radio station in New York City. We had one conversation and I never heard from them again.

I guess it doesn't speak very well of me." Danny would like to go to Hollywood and make movies. He believes he would make a good character actor. He says being a disc jockey is what he loves, although there are some things he'd like to change. "I don't select the music. I'd play a little different music if it were left up to me.

"I don't get to play any Elvis Presley. I think lo boa disc jockey and not be able to play Elvis Presley is ridiculous." Danny spends his spare time playing golf which he says relaxes him. When he's not on the links, he's working with his bird dogs.jTupting. fishing or practicing yoga. After his divorce, Danny bought a house in Quail Creek last December.

The only plans he has is to plant a garden and a "bunch" of flowers. But he's still in there pitching. This summer he's starting a new TV show, "Danny and Mary's Summer Show," which will be premiering soon on KTVY. So who Is Danny Williams? "I'm just a child of God. a free spirit.

"I assure you of this, in all my life I have fears like Enjoying a rare moment ol rest, Danny sits in the living room of the home he bought recently. everybody else. Up to this point, no matter how bad it ever looked (he snaps his fingers) it's always been there. Everything I needed. A line, (snap), money (snap), an opportunity (snap) whatever all my life.

I testify to you and I don't expect you to believe me, but I hope you believe that I believe. It's always been there." a ART SUPPLY r-PLASTER 9 ALE- GIRAFFE Appro. 30" Reg S26 00 "PsM 'em yoursell sa" Vz PRICE TIGERS i IE0PARDS (Appioi. Reg. $30.00 RrrSO" 29 rWrinkles are not sensual.

95 $14 NOW 51 ART SUPPLIEQ 100 parent p'cuctl with tnc fevJts of otc fldtruvJ-Line. tciis OVanced at me proper pH and formulated lo enhance tie P'ecious qua'it'M of the shin We be ry Tjrpriod you ore not o'eascd, out if not, return thi unused portion (or a lull refund Danny practices a yoga headsland on his living room rug. (Continued) and somebody asked me 'How do you get by with doing the things you do?" And I said just trying to be flip and entertaining 'I'm a member of the The next morning it was construed that I said I was married lo Gay lord's daughter. I didn't say any such thins. Sometimes I'll say something to be entertaining and people will take me dead serious.

Then when I say something serious, they think I'm hilarious." Then there's the public feuds. Danny savs all the people he kids on the air like Jerry Adam's, Ken Root, Ed Hardy arc really good friends. He says it's all just show business clone in (un to entertain the audience. Some of the phrases he uses each day on the radio have piqued curiosity "Today's my birthday." "traveling east" and "I love you pass it on." As Danny explains them: lay down at night, I don't know where I go. When the alarm clock goes off, I'm born again.

Everybody is traveling east that's the way the earth turns. When I say 'I love you pass it on' feel that. I don't hate anybody," But there arc people who "hate" Danny Williams. "I've been turned off by the people a lot. Some mornings 1 can hear the dial turn.

-When I first got in the business somebody threatened to kill me and that's happened a few times in my life. -Early in my career at WKY-TV, I got my first hate letter. It just crushed me. Hoyt Andres took me in his office and asked me if I liked all the good things that people wrote in. I said So he asked me why I was so upset about this.

He told me thev came from the same type person. One WEBER OILS 20 off STRETCH CANVAS 1 03 oa. Lilly Ann. in asso4a ton with CMemtlcs Law, presents our ne protein and vitamin emtdwd wrtnkltf cremo wnlch smooths aay trwse unsMly rmfcios tirttrt withm liv lo tout minutes and (aits up to ctght hours HftgardtMs of now much fun ou had qemng iricm, wnnWw don't look like rnucft ton the-neit morning Vry few. if any, sHn care preparations have ben as direct fJ immediate in perceptible cosmetic benefits as Our vitamin end protein enr(cnd BO OFF 20 OFF PICTURE FRAMES (now shipment) ALL ART SUPPLIES.

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SOUTH: 100 S.E.B9tll 631-2434 July 9: '1976 The OWahomans'' the.

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