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The Courier News du lieu suivant : Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 2

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PAGE; TWO BLYTHKV1LLE. COURIER NEWS KlilDAV, MAV U. A. Lynch entertained tfcc-'Mid-WecV Bridge club and Mrs. J.

H. Elklns, tor dinuer and an afternoon of cards yesterday. nnd California popples lor the centerpiece ol laid with an imported roses and other garden flows were placed in the living andj'sjyn rooms. Halites won pillow casts for the club Mrs. Elkins received handkerchief.

Chairmen for Ctutttl e. T. A. Aiuiouncfd chairmen of committees in the CenUa! Ward Parent-Teacher', were announced at ft Wednesday afteruoon. Mrv.C.

w. AJflk-k, recently ebei- cd appointed these Mrs. J. U. Criu, pro- gratntiMrs.

c. R. Biibcock, inem- Mrs. Howard li. 1'roclor, Jlnanct; Mis.

Ira Gray, publicity; Shousc, puMcatloiv, Mrs, 'Kodney L. Bannister, play- gioJrid; Mrs. Floyd A. While, child wclfilfe; Mrs, M. A.

Isaacs, lios- of the program was Ihe of the national meeting in liot Springs recently, given by c' Mrsl'pUo liochtitzky and Mrs, Alii. Helen Joseph, field representative ot the lied Cross temtxtfnrily in charge of the local office-was also a speaker. Miss Mary Outlaw's room won the prize for attendance. Delpbixns Study Eos-fish M(i-'J. H.

Stoadwan was loader of tie-Delphi on program this week, at the Hulel Noble, when English pointing was studied. Mfiujw. 1. Denton talked on "De- of Art In England" nnd "HojirUVs Work." Cunnlngleun'o cstlifetfl of Hogarlli and Ihe life of Sir'Joshua Reynolds were 'Mrs. Lloyd V.

Wise. and'Lesser Portrait-, Before ITurrfer and Turner" were discussed in by Mrs. U. S. Branson.

Foivlhe study of the pictures Mrs. Wr Amide was leader In which pieties by Hogarth, Reynolds, Gainsborough, Cromc and Wilson wereKyiiscussed. Mrs. Marion Wll- critic, gave a review of the recently. business session Mrs.

Jas. B. "announced Urs.i^O. W. McCutctien, Mrs.

Aff- llck Mrs. Stcadmau as rncm- ters.oJ-a nominating connnittce for the ttotion of officers at the next 1 meetjijg as officers in this group are elected-for but one year. Senior Class Officers Oftlccrs lor the graduating of, tlie city high school this year arc: (3oh Jhirns, president; peorgc 'Matthews, vice 'president; Miss RuIJi Butl; sec- Ktl.iry; Ml SB The I in a 'Worlh- Ington, treasurer. hero arc 07 members. J.

II. IJerry, of Memphis, who is llio guest ol lib sister, Mrs, Winford. Entertains Club Mrs. Jaiiws K. Bell entertained the members or the Thursday Luncheon club, ancU Mrs.

W. B. Tanner, with bridge luncheon yesterday, Her apartment hod garden flowers arranged In "rctly vases with low bowls ot pastel shadde blossoms for the centerpieces. A two course menu svas Mrs. P.

Klrslmcr won the prize, a double deck ol cards. Practice Place Changed. The choir, which Is to render music nt Uic baccalaureate sermon Sunday will practice tonight, 7:30 o'clock, at the First church, instead ol ttie city auditorium, ns announced. Members of the Night Bridge Miss Nell Harris were Mrs. Joo Clifton Watson at lipt-home in Canithcrsville last evening.

Mrs. Watson was a menfttcr ot the club when living herc.J. Inf.the card games Mrs. W. C.

Garrtgan won the club prize and MfsslrHarris received a deck of cards.4- Delicious refreshments were served. Miss Jamie Nichols to filter John Brown College KEiSEfi, Jamie Nidi- ols, attractive daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. L.

Nichols who fonncrcfy lived at. Blythevllle, will leave Sunday for SHonm Springs, where she will enter John Brown college. Sh is to be accompanied by Mr. ami Hurry- Weeclman, of Uly- tlicvillc, nnd Miss Aline Dowles, of Kciser. Miss Nichols, who graduated this year from (he- Kciser junior high school with high honors, will be a sophomore nt- John Brown.

She is a sister of Mrs. Harry Wecciumn, of Blythevillc. Bits of News Mostly Personal Osceola Charles Brough Will Address Shawnee Class marriage of Mrs. Ophelia Wllltanis, of this city, and Mr. W.

T., of Ncttleton, took plsce with the Rev. P. Q. Rone'-pcrforming the ceremony.

Enkftains Guild. Mrfcyil. J. Kleindienst was liost- ess of Iho Pilgrim Thursday afternoon. After' the devotional by the pns- tor, frVf Rev.

Mr. Kleindienst. plans 1 for the Sunday schooS-picnic, lo be given early in the E. S. Wlldy plantation iA Etovrnh.

Extensive arrange- being nmde for an for all numbers the school. This is to be sponsored by the guild. sensed delicious refreshments In the social hour. Roses, srjllbdragons and lovely baiiqucU Irom.iMrs. Wildy's Hower garden made dccorallons.

Hi-, flab. Thei Thursday Rook club nnd MesdMiies Ocorge R. Crockett, Margareti H. Minor and Ramsey Duncan were guests ot Mrs. S.

P. Martin afternoon. guests enjoyed several rook before being id cake topped wiih strawberries and whipped cream, and Coffee', JOINER, May Dr. Chns. Htllman Drough, former governor ot Arkansas, will deliver the commencement address to the graduating class ol Shawncc consolidated school here this evening.

He will be introduced by Miss Willie bawson, of Blythevillc, county superintendent of schools, who Dr. nnd Mrs. M. O. Usrey pending today in Memphis.

O. P. Moss and brother, Woodson Moss, arc In St. Louis for several duys on business. Mr.

find Mrs. Fred W. Sclmtz, of Helena, spent lust night here en- roiite- lo Cairo, 111., for a visit. C. W.

Afflick accompanied them to Cairo todny. Mcsdnmcs E. E. Alexander, Paul Tipton and Jtnnes Clark spent yesterday in Carulhcrsvillc. Mr.

nnd Mrs. Earnest Holt, ot St. Louis, have returned hume nf- te rspendlng several days with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W.

Holt. S. G. Siillba is expected to re- tur ntoday froin Memphis where he has been at the Baptist hospital for.treatment. Ho is unimproved.

J. C. Noah of SI. lauls is visiting hero. Mrs.

D. S. Lancy ot Osceola, and Miss Dorothy Brosui of Luxora, shopped here today. cHnry Humphreys is attending lo business in Little Rock. Mrs.

Cecil Shane and Mrs. J. H. 'Elklns are In Memphis todny. Miss Cora Lee and J.

E. Critz went, to Lone O.ik today a meeting of the boys and givls club. Mrs. J. C.

Noah has been call- 1 to Nashville. because ol ie illness of her brother. J. H. Berry of Memphis Is vis- ing his slsler, Mrs.

F. S. Winford, id family lor a few days. Mrs. S.

S. Stcrnberg nnd Mrs. ftilkev H. Baker spent yesterday i Memphis. Judge G.

E. Keck nnd his court onogrnplier, Charles Parllow, have cturncd from Hnrrisburg where ley were in court for ten days. hey will go to Osccola Monday. CIIEESE will ako present diplomas to the following graduates: Hussell Hughes Sam Badclour, Woodrow Mustek, Leslie Speck, Nina May McFat- rldge, Louise Talc, Melavcc Tate. Ora Hoscy, Carrie Ellen Burnett, Hazel Holt, Avis Newton, Katie Sue Sanders and Alma Slsk.

Leslie Speck will deliver Ihe valedictory nddrcss nnd Kutie Sue Sanders Ihc salutatory address. Tlie program will be intcrsiKrscd music. Miss Lawson Addresses Graduates at Yarbro MLw Willie A. Lawson, county su- pcrinjcndcnt, addressed studunt- nnd patrons ol the Yarbro lost cvciving in the exercises to rttic eighth grade grad ualcs. Tonight she wll latlend siniila at Shawncc.

Hospital Notes Howard McCain, city, was admit led to the Blylhcville liOKiiital to day. Will Hoid Class for Mid-Wives at Osceola Miss Mnry Moore, nurse of the ounty health unit, will conduct a Lnss for luki-wlves at Osccola. Sal- rday mornint'. Toxin anil-toxin'and typhoid scum will be administered In free llnic at the locnl office Saturday iftcrnoon. The Ycaman Class of the Meth odlst Sunday School cntcrtnliie in the church parlors Inst evcnln with social attended by seven teen members of the clnss an four visitors which Included Mrs.

Claude Thomnson nnd Mrs. C. L. DraRc of Osccola, Mrs. Jones of Marlnnim, who is visiting her son, Harry Jones and Mrs.

Jones here, and Mrs. Perkins of Indianapolis, In.d., who Is Ihe guest of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Eli Myers. were Mcsdames Ashmore, J.

T. Olsen, J. O. Rlchard- san and Paul Conway, who were assisted in receiving by Mrs. C.

H. Weathersby'. A delicious ice course was served following a delightful social hour. Mrs. C.

L. Moore Jr. is entertaining at her home this evening with 'dinner pnrly for members of the Osccola High School graduating class. Mrs. C.

13. Driver was hostess to the- two tables bridge club to which she belongs entertaining nt her honie here yesterday afternoon. Ohests besides the club members present were Mrs. Clarence Car- lysk. 1 and Mrs.

Milton Pope. Delicluus refreshments were served following tlie game nnd high score prize awarded Miss Mary Catherine Ward. Mrs. D. S.

Lanoy cut consolation favor. Mr. mid Mrs. Chns. ami small daughter, Bellie.

Jean accompanied by Mrs. J. W. Cartwright Sr. spent yesterday ir Memphis.

Chas. E. Sullenger Is Memphis visitor today. Mrs. R.

S. Wilson Jr. ol AVinfield and small daughter, Nancy Snow, arc guests ol Mrs. Wilson's irarcnts, M. and Mrs.

J. Will- lams this week. They were nc- companicd on motor trip to Osccola by Mis. H. L.

Quinn, who returned to her home here utter week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson in Winflcld. Mrs. L.

D. Mnsscy is shopping I Wisconsin No. 1 Pound Roast K. C. Heef Shoulders Mi.

1'Jc; Thick Kih, 2 Hriskvt Pound SLICED BACON 22ic PORK ROAST SolidLeiln Formerly Clarence Sauniters BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY and MONDAY Ctulaliys Gent in Piece, SwiftsShankless Picnic, Ib. Shoulders NECK HONES SPARE RIBS COTTAGE CHl'ISl! Salt Me SI Jowls, Pound 11ENS Full Dressed Pound FRYERS Tull Dressed PHICE Pound PIG LIVER Fresh Pound luc PIG BRAINS lidly Delicatassen Specials Hume Ham G5c Hoiled Hum '15c Deviled 50c All Chicken l.oaf 50c Deviled Veal I.ciaf Cotta Salami lac Small Lean Pound untplts. 5 Fine Lye Heads. Crisp, Firm Each CORN Fresh Roastinp; Eiirs Eath 5c QUARTS fli QUART: Strawberries i5c GREEN MANS Mr SS lie GRAPE FRUIT Fludtl lu 13c FillH'V A Full-0-Juice in Ulylheville todny. Bruce Ivy returned last night from a business trip to Little Rock and to Hot Springs where he attended the owning session of tlie Arkansas Slate Bar Association meeting.

SQUASH Tender White Puuntl 1'irm and Ripe PEANUT BUTTER Pet. 18c BANANAS Coldra Ril 0 Sr 4ic No. 2 Can Each 17c I VINEGAR Cold Dollar lliillon Jujc Butter Morris' Supreme or Brooklk'ld. Pound Minaret Limit Pound' VEGETABLES i4c Fancy ISluc Kosc Pi i unit 5c P1NPAPPTF 1 ILL 2f) 2U-, Small Can IVORY SOAP 3 liars PEAS Standard J. NIL Can CHUM SALMON i Birthday.

BobWe McHaney had a "cowboy and Ifldjan" parly yesterday attev- noon.ln iled ijlm, ele costumes. Aftir'. displaying the gifts prc- honored host, games were irtsyed and later in the af- birthday cake served with hot chocolate by the metier, Mrs 'J. C.tjrcHaney Jr. Clrt hfts Supper Panre i C.

McHaney and Mrs. I entertained incm- I bers o(4hc Kill Care clyb last cvc- supper nnd dancing ni l.j.Jlhc wtftnnls club. I 1 1 Af fTOithi! hie was I was dancing for scv- Iwrs "with music by j'lmmle 1 his orchestra. sy. tb' foe preient- was Half-Moon Mr.

and Mrs. T. W. Smith were Riicsts of Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. Porllock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

R. L. Hawkins and barn on Jim Bass's place, studies had lo be taken in his throat. Mr. and Mrs.

Hawkins and family and Mrs. Torllock and daughter attended the graduating exercises at Lone Oak Friday night. Mrs. T. J.

Bass of Dell was the guest of Mrs. Portlock Monday. Walpolc Electric Shop Fans Cleaned and Repaired Phone 314 FOROVER 40 YEAF ounces BAKINC POWDE DOUBLE. ACTING MILLIONS OF POUNDS USED OUR GOVERNMENT Pineapple (isilden. in -l-'ancy nip l.ur;;c (an NOODLES 1 SIS 25c LYE JELLO Ice Cream Powder 25c I LARD, Paii SHc Pail TOILET TISSUE Waldorf Koll Best Cane 10-lb.

limit BLACKBERRIES 25 PORK BEANS I5c SYRUP (Jallim Half Gallon 31c Nn. 2 3 Cans Crystal White or 10 Bars BEANS No. 2 Can 3 Cans Rft Chib 48-lb. sack $1.15 24-lb. sack.

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