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Abilene Reporter-News from Abilene, Texas • 2

Abilene, Texas
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THE ABILENE RETORTER-NEWS Tune on KRBC HITLER- In the end The Almighty will noti let down a man who wanted nothing rise throughout hla Die buto fate whlra save his people from a Reported Wed and Father ESCAPED BARKELEY CAMP HOOD GERMAN PRISONERS CAPTURED Wrinkle Funeral In Church Today Mineral for William A Wrinkle 31 who died Monday night will be WOOL GROWERS SUPPORT PARITY PRICE CHANGES JORT WORTH Jin 30 protested any OP A celling on coyote The National Wort Grower iMcvii- Jikinc tlon convention today commended Mm Wrdsw of Port Worth lta official for co-ordinating a elected president of the women- auxiliary to the association The auxiliary In 8th annual convention also elected Mrs Art Boyd of Baker Ore as first vice president Ml- Pan Hughes Montrose Colo aec- oitd vice president Mrs Elmira Menefee Del Rio Tex secretary- Mr KlMOnf oke City historian VU DIU lUjII continued from Page ONE) jntance Ore American corps officer waa Quoted aa saving "The attack ia go- the country On the way Cheek remembered that he had not locked truck and the rar returned to As he locked the door Cheek heard movements and reported to officers that he thought the prisoners were (till there The patrolmen searchod the truck and found the Germans on top lying a bale of hay They were Immediately brought to Abilene to the city police station Although the Germans apeak little English they spoke enough to convey to the Highway patrolmen that they wrre hungry that they had been going In circlet alnce leaving the camp Monday morning and that they siept in the brush last night "Texaa is a big state" they told Nall and Cearley Officials of the Federal Bureau of Investigation questioned them last night at the police station where the two prisoners looked tired young and unkempt and long way from being Hltler'a "supermen" The three German prisoners who escaped from Camp Hood while on work detail Monday were captured by two Brownwood police patrolmen The captives sere walking along street In a Mexican settlement They carried highway maps and a number of letters written in German They were Identified aa Johan Hummel Willie Lange and Heinz Bachman Earlier In the day the Department of Public safety In Austin had quoted the Camp Hood provost marshal as saying the prisoners were "considered Only slight difficulty was experienced In their capture so well that we are going to accomplish in one day what we had hoped to do in two" The action took place In the same area where two montha ago the Gormans had smashed two XT infantry divisions in some of ini Miller of Fort Worth heaviest fighting on the western front Today the doughboys encoun tered only reluctant enslve troops One Third Army division drove his mother Mrs Andy Green of Childress: and five brothers of Paso of Chiidress Pinas of Tell Vivian of Fort Worth and of and two sisters Mrs Bill Roark of Lubbock Winder Crsig Colo president Vice presidents include Sylvan Pauly Deer Lodge Mont Mac Hoke Pendleton Ore Bacon Twin Palls Idaho Ray Willough- br Sar Angelo ard Deveraux I TMkma 3 Rapld City South DaKota Jones Salt Lake City tah was re- appointed secretary manager 1 New shrinkage test which will be applied to the 1945 wool clip described by Alexander Johnson Washington chief division of the livestock ana mris branch of the War Food administra- tlon I The association urged continu- anre of the Commodity Credit corporation program asked for wool quota rytrm of Imports: urged establishment of a federal researrh laboratory on wools and usuacea and amendment of price parity pricing schedules Earlier in the dav leaders drafted a 1945 roiicy calling for abolmon of what it termed unnecessary government rules regulations and orders as soon as the war ends Another resolution also called for adherence to the Tydines amendment or drafting farm labor It said the intent of the amrrdmen hid 1 "been circumvented by recent selec- tlve service orders" the heavy Import of foreicr wools Also asked was continuance of the national wool rate commit -tee which has been seeking to adjust freight rate for wool Permanent continuation of he national livestock tax also was urged The predatory arura' control committee headed by Bryc Stringhmar of Vemor X'tah the WPS make available sufii'ier ammunition to srocknvn for preiv'w eradicanv The also BACK PAIN? HEAT-QUICK! Hnl fcirvn it-kIt rftc- rtrrlr g(! ufl-imc -nure reit ivlct for daya jit ire re iprt rr! one rc Jchric' I RED PLA 1 tR the heavier i-er Rik Piulrr The irld ifoe gemiv hail the hait iki-liton fchli r- in Warm rl-vh cotennr heat fated! hick aca inr rr "i -g r-' n-UOUI aurcort Trv thi 'r: nv ytoed it to heat treat'1 rrr-7 and other muic-iar TOP A5 In ml of chronic Cackache are d- --tor I Aluirt nn "He GENl INE mce John-on 1 Johnion fcW-s RED cross piaster Js I i Continued from Page One) the fuehrer sals He defied Allied efforts to break down German resistance psychologically declaring "let me tell the (Allied) statesmen once and for all that any attempts to make an Impression on Nazi Germany by using phrases of the kind used by (President Woodrow) Wilson presumes a simplicity of mind which is unknown in the Germany of The fuehrer contended that resistance the Reich la now offering waa made possible "only by the Internal transformation of the German people" by national socialism and added "if the spirit of Versaillr atilt prevailed In Germany today Europe would have been swept away by the Aslatie springtide long Hitler described himself as "a ruthless national socialist and warrior of my nation" as he defiantly cried that Germany would never go down "before the Bolshevists" Again as In previous dramatic utterances he declared that his own life mattered little "I do not want to leave any doubt about another matter on this day my present life la being determined solely by the duties which lie upon me xxx to work for my people and fight for them" he asserted Hitler claimed "The Almighty" had saved him from assassination last July and declared he would continue on my path of uncompromising representation of the interests of my people xxx Imbued with the sacred conviction that A verdict of not guilty waa rendered by a six-man jury yesterday in city court in a case charging disturbance of the peace and use of abusive language IN ABILENE DR CYRUS RAY Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Offico: 716 Mims Bldg Phonos: Offico Roi 6764 HlJTi'rnnd WEDNESDAY THURSDAY THE GREATEST GANGSTER THRILLER THAT EVER EXPLODED FH0 THE SCREEH! JOEL McCREA 1 Humphr) BOGART It kef a Yaur Name Got Selvaaa MAaWT'S HARNESS RACERS aaonwMV or Mcmcnll oeeovfe cure sr uNocaeots Today and Tomorrow Alfred Hitchcock'i Prndacllan Of John Steinbeck's "LIFEBOAT' Tallulah John IANKHEAD HODIAK WILLIAM BENDIX Socond Jack Carole BENNY LOMBARD In Tki Biminile Coiufir "TO BE OR NOT TO BE" Today's Schedule xirraoAT" mb si sta "TO HI" TRt'PRDAY'S tmL HE BEVE1SED wiped German wir were captured yesterday-three whfl from camp Hood in Brown wood and two missing from Camp Barkeley near Merkel Kurt Pn JTanken- berger the 19-year-old prisoner of war who escaped from Camp Barke ley Monday morning were picked up last night three miles west of Merkel by Texas Highway patrol officers A Nall and Crarley after they had been Identified by Roy Check 1050 Locust Check who was driving a truck stated that he thought the two boyi were soldiers and stopped to give them a lift When he realized that they could not speak English he inv mediately identified them as the escaped prisonrs and hailed the first car which came along which luckily was Nail and Cearlcy of the Highway patrol accompanied by Nail's uncle A A Barnes Camp Barkeley barber who were engaged In the hunt for the men By the time the officers got there the prisoners had again vanished and the group decided to go to Mer kel to get additional help In scour- INVASION- i Continued from Page One) Japanese by surprise "both strata gicully and tactically" MacArihur announced ai his Sixth Army apear head drove south from the Lln-gsyen gulf beachheads past 8an Fernando within 30 miles of Mi' nils At the new Invasion scene again in flat country suitable for me chantzed warfare the Yanks were due west of San Fernando which unlta of the Sixth Army captured Sunday morning From San Fernando the Sixth Army was driving between swamplands toward the commonwealth capital The 24th infantry division commanded by MaJ Gen Frederick A Irving took part in the campaign which conquered Leyte first major Philippine island to be liberated This waa the first mention of the Eighth Army in action in the war It is commanded by General Elchelberger who commended the Buna campaign on New Guinea's east coast Troops drove Inland through San Marcelino which has an airfield to Caolrllejos 11 mile beyond the beachhead and within 10 miles of Olongapo a port on Subic bay "This operation" MaeArthur triumphantly announced "is calculated to give us the great Subic bay base to threaten the western flank of any enrmy forces in the crntral (Luton) plain and to teal off Bataan" Meanwhile the Tokyo radio said 36 American Superfortresses attack northern Luzon while single B-29s raided Osaka and Kyoto on Japan's main Honshu island and reconnoitered Seoul Korea Such Superfort operations have not been reported by official American sources The Japanese radio was busy Tuesday moaning about plane production and war shirkers The chief of the Nippon aircraft bureau told the Diet "the existing rate of aircraft production la far from satisfactory" A Tokyo domestic broadcast castigated shirkers doubters and market operators and said slackness and Insincerity "makes one think that it Is because we are not fully conscious of the one question What If wc should be defeated?" The Japanese offensive In southeast China designed to close the last held-Chlnese section of the vital Canton-Hankow railway rolled Into new territory The Chinese high command said the Invaders stormed into Kukong provisional capital of Kwantung province and took Chen-shlen 80 miles south of Hergyang Only 20 miles of the railway remain in Chinese hands Control of that gap would give the Japanese a solid line of communications reaching from Manchuria to the Canton' Hongkong area Chinese official reports said the Japanese made new gains In the Swstow coastal sector Tokyo claim' ed Nippon forces now control the entire Kwangtung China sea coast nearest the Philippines and are for' tlfying the region against any invasion attempt by the Americana American fliers In China estah llshed a new record as they destroy ed 152 locomotives on Japanese-np crated Chinese railroads during the week ended Jan 25 The Yank air- men also bagged 19 Japanese fight 1 er planes 22 bombers and seven oth er aircraft during tha week I Baby Tenders Unite BURLEY Idaho Jan Newest organization to establish wage scales and adopt rules govnm-j lng working conditions la the Burley Baby Tendera association iun- affiliated i Heretofore complained the 183 boys and glrla who organized pay for ha by tendera depended entirely upon the parenta1 and the generoalty varied widely Mr Millard A Jenkena who entered Hendrick Memorial hospital several days ago waa reported to be progressing very well last night ing the it the on a they have not deserved' GMRAAfftflqapoPt NOW SHOWING ADULTS ONLY TN TRMJT94 AiOkJT 1 MARIJUANA "WHAT'S YOUR NAME?" Gov't Relcoa 3CB3S 'arMunuit NOW SHOWING RCTiOII! 1 RamancEiir mYibo-solowyn-matis ric BUGS BUNNY NEW! Unbelievable Advenfur la I South Sea Paradiial ivBRiU MEXICO CITY Jan 30 Errol Leslie Flynn Hollywood movie star today declined to discuss birth of a baby registered In the federal district vital statistic bureau aa that of Nora Eddington and of "Leslie Flynn" cinema actor of Hollywood' nynn gave out this signed state' ment No comment except to observe this makes the third or fourth time been reported married In the last couple of years At least this ought to cop me the bigamy award next year" The child waa rexsered aa born Jan 10 at the British hospital In Mexico City and under the name Diedri Flynn Eddington In official registrations in Mexico the father's name precedes that of the mother's At the Mexico c-ty address given by the mother at the vital statistics office It was reported that she had left lor Cuernavaca In Los Angeles today Jack Eddington a Navy chief yeoman said hla daughter Nora and Errol 1 Flynn were married In Acapulco Mex In July or August 1943 Miss Eddington went to Acapulco by plane In August 1943 to meet Flynn her mother told reporters at that time I waa asked not to reveal the marriage" Eddington told a reporter today "I didn't know the baby was on the way but I'm over' Joyed by the news of the birth" Er Frits' Von Mohr attending physician declined to discuss the case Vet Jobs Troubles Studied by Texas AUSTIN Jan 30 Several instances of alleged discrimination! in the employment of disabled veter- ana because of workmen's compen- I sat ion insurance complications have prompted a study of the situation In Texas the postwar economic plan-1 ning commmisslon has reported to I the legislature The report says the commission has been unable to fix responsibil-: ity thus far since both companies writing workmen's compensation Insurance and employers deny opposition to hiring disabled veterans legal opinion Is tentatively! thit no veteran can waive hla rights for compensation certainly not the i rights of beneficiaries In case of the report commented add- ing that further efforts will be made i to work the matter out Mr and Mrs A Saveli 2748 Simmons are the parent of a son Edward Lee born at 1:51 a yesterday at St Ann hospital FIRST CHOICE OF MILLIONS Nona fitter Nona mrer Nona better 8t JoMph worldi Urpeft tell- er it 10c Bive most in the large family hh You get 100 tablet only Sk hy if DenSand St Joteph Atptna 1 pay znorer DR JOE BUSBY CHIROPRACTOR 4th Floor mims bldg Phone 5709 Abilene Teies SPECIAL 8 inch Glass Salad Bowls 15c Set of 3 Glass Mixing Bowls 29c Metal Ash Trays 5c Heavy 12 Ounca Tea Glasses 2 for 15c SANDERS Appliance Co 309 Walnut Phono 4204 DANCE Every Thun and Sat Nighti Musk by thu Southonairos American Ltglen Clubhouse lost on So 1 1 Stroot LAST TIMES TODAY 97 FLICKER FLASHBACKS it 3 todav in the Temple Bap- 1 Rev ciauae tlst rhurch with the Harris officiating Assisting will be the Rev Smith and the Rev Taggart Burial Is to be dl- 1 rected by Elliott's funeral home Pallbearers will be Hitt Chde Alexander Way lord Martin Alexander Baxter and Trail Mr Wrinkle lived in Littlefield before moving to Abilene where he has boon a driver for the Abilene-View Bus Co His home was route 5 Buffalo Gap road Survivors Include his wife: six daughters Mrs Corbin of Rogers Mr A Banner of Waco Mrs Jimmy Sauiio of Abilene and Rachel Joan and Jape Wrinkle of Abilene four sons Sgt of Santa Ana Calif Cpl William Jr of Chanute field 111 of Port Worth and Biddy of Abilene: Continued from Page One) juicy editorial snowing his readers what misery Nnzism had brought to fr horland but as it had not ye: been shown to American authorities he desired to be correct ard n-Tt read me the advance copy H- gave a long recital on trade uni 't: leaders who have been executed bv the Nan In his opinion there are some Nazi sympathizers left in Aachen bur the great majority of the population declined to German orders for the evacua'ion because they were through with Hitler "We had iiterallv to gat our children or grandchildren during the hours when the gestapo searched fT citirens who were unwilling to leave so they would not betray us bv sveakire or crying" he said Aachen's arting rhief burgomaster whose every art of course Is supervised by American military authorities felt confident that all 14W0 Aarh-eners who have found their wav back to the city were throuqh with ariim and want some form of democratic regime He as well as the president of the handicrafts guild felt however that the military authorities must guide the country slowly and firmly into democracy since Germans hare been drprived of freedom for so long they don't know what to do with It At ore end of town in a large some 600 men women and children live in a sort of refugee camp I entered numerous rooms ard spoke to srarv famii! Thev wer practically all Cai holies and said they were cheered that the pries: had started relislou? Instruction for the children in this compound Ore rather porlv and rotund looked up from her sewing machine where she was making a dress for an girl and said: "Rather a Belgian concentration camp than another nightmare of gestapo that's how we felt wher Aachen for a while was threatened by the Rund-stedt offensive We were ready to take our few belorcirgs once again and move on" Other women who were standing around minding their children vigorously endorsed this woman 100 other HOMRCH Fsods-sW Just ss Good! PAINT WALLPAPER LINOLEUM 9 SHADES Abilene Builders Supply Co 1112 No -i (j IF YOUR CAR SHOULD CATCH FIRE What Would You Do? You con't op I your cor todoy thot's why i' Import-nt to toko every pro caution! Koop fir litinguiihor in your nt miqht Suva you diioitrous lots! MARK WOMACK'S 4th It Cyprm Phono S411 WANT Over Half of C-C Tickets Are Sold Reservations to the annual dinner meeting of Abilene chamber of commerce banquet may be obtained from the offices of the chamber Charlie Green acting manager said yesterday and urged that ticket be purchased as soon ss passible Over half of the available 300 reservations have already been made he said The main address will be presented by James Green of New Yoik on Feb 9 date of the banquet In the Wooten hotel Sandefer Invited To Address Solons Gib Sandefer of Abilene recently returned to this country from the Chinese-Burmese-Indian theater of war as a member of the American Red Cross has been invited to speak Feb 7 by vote of the House of rep sentatives In Austin Sandefer Is former business manager of the Hardin-5 1mm ona university Cowboy Band Real Estate Board Plans Ladies Night At Us semi-monthly meeting at the Hilton hotel yesterday at I the Abilene Real Estate board planned a dinner and ladle night soon Osborne is president of the group which has recently reorganized and conducted a membership campaign The organization ii now made up of 24 members and six as- aoclate members The assodate members are property owners or others Interested In real estate The board has been active in making up the proposed city plan for Abilene and aided In compiling the industrial survey which was recently completed Other officers are Free first vice-president A Millerman second vice-president: and Bond secretary-treasurer Cadet Killed WACO Jan 30 iAV- Aviation Cadet Tom Denison 31 of Boise Idaho was killed Instantly today when hla Waco Army Air Field training plane crashed south of here A Vital Message To Men Who Feel Old Why not rtgaln th vim and vitality you one a anjoyad life ipnirently hit loot Its Hitym agtia ay bsshlo to enjoy Ufa an you did io year routh If added ytars hiva ilnwid Saw yoar vim vitality and youthful pltnumi her is a ilmpl mithod that may ehango ynur whnl nutlnnk nn Ufa Juit oik your Jruggiit for CASELLA otimuliting lihltti Tako ai diraetid nn Inhei Don't fuel old ond worn nut it 4d SO or more Takrthem tiblita regularly until you feel that ynu tnv regained tha pleaura of livieg you one onjoyad Ihy diaeouraged Why not try CASHLIA tablet ond regain the verv and mat of a murh younger maaf Thar it nothing harmful in three tablet They contain Celery need Thiamin Chloridn Piaainu Flower iron Aik your doctor er druggiat about this formuls MrLamart-nai and all olkar druiiila Alv quarter of a mile east to a point three quarters of a mile from Wei-rhrnhausen which 1 miles south cf St Vith The drive put the doughboys three quarters of a mile division cast Just St Farther north they edged one-quarter of a mile east to Steffhausen is a mile west of the German berrier Fr rt dispatches said patrols of the 17th airborne division and elements cf the sixth armored division had reached the Our river In seven places over a six-mile front from points five miles northeast of Cler-vstix to points 5'a miles southeast of the town Associated Press Correspondent Edward Ball reported from the front that the 8 Ninth division had captured Rohren which Is just south of the Roer at the edge of the Monschau forest two mile south of the town of Monschau Other divisions occupied a string of villages In the last German-held strip of Belgian soil and smashed on to within sight of the Reich frontier So heavy wss the snow that bulldozer tanks in some cases had to break paths for the infantry PriS' mere were being taken In steady but undisclosed numbers The Berlin radio asrertirg that German western front lines were in several sectors aa a result of the new American attacks said all available reserves were be-1 mg thrown mto the fight to try to stabilize the front but that the Americans had advanced "several I kilometers'1 Men under II must hare minor' release signed by parents which can obtained at Employment Office Urgently Needed Now TO HELP BUILD NAVAL ORDNANCE PLANT AT CAMDEN ARKANSAS BY WINSTON HAGLIN MISSOURI VALLEY AND SOLLITT (Prime Contractor) GOOD PAY FREE TRANSPORTATION TO THE JOB Time and half for overtime Food and lodging available on the job for worker at 5100 per da1 Excellent working condition Help build this plant vitally needed by our fighting forces Hiring on the Spot and Free Transportation Furnished at UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Office in Texas mm DOUBLE FEATURE If you are nnw engaged In tn rwntiil activity at vour high-ret kill do not apply All hiring done in accordance with War Manpower Cntnmirelnn mtf CLAUDE RAINS WMTIR AIR IKHRRD WARING PHONE 6232 SOUTH TEXAS LUMBER CO SOI Sycon.

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