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Abilene Reporter-News from Abilene, Texas • 6

Abilene, Texas
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i Tune fn cn KRBC THE 'ABILENE REPORTER-NEWS Thursday Morning January 18 1943 PAGE SIX Says FD's Daughter Now Closest Confidante' Thought for Today And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying Behold the tahernarle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall he his people and God himself shall he with them and be their Revelation 21:3 Henceforth the Majesty of God revere Fear him and you have nothing else to fear Fordyce Ardennes It is too early however to say that tre Russian offensive is the great showdown the final blow that will knock Germany out of the war If it keeps right cn rolling day afttr day week after week with no more than an occasional slow-down here ard there it 11 be the end If the western allies chime soon with a big-time smash along tne Rhine and if this offensive develops great momentum then it is altogether possible that the melting snows of spring will firi Hitlers dream of world conquest shattered com- etelv We shall have to wait and see Meantime word here and on the fighting front is MB AlMlVnt This much is certain: a great deal of hard fighting lies ahead regaraiess It will take more of everything to get the job done By no means should the better prospects for an eariv victory influence anybody to let down That gees double for congress which must decide soon what to do about manpower SlnTtnf jRtportrr-lirtn A TEXAS NEWSFAFER FlklUkti TiHr Pll Iwl kr arroarr riniiikixo fo It anil Second and CyproM Amin TILETHOM: PML MU Entered twnrd CUM Matter CVt 4 ISO at th pn( office Ahllcnc Tmm Under the Aft of March I IVt r-'" Buharrlnflon Br Carnrr Mam-Ini and Sundav nr Evenin and Sunday ft a week Ite a nr Momir and Xreninl and Sunday 3Se a week II I mo Mall in Weal Texaa Mynina and Sunday rr I venire and Sunday me a month Other on reqet Mrmkrr nt A-vx-iair fint 1 Any errenenua ttliccum upon the eharartnr atandinf or reputation of any perron firm or corporation hlfh mar occur in the coiumnt of TttE HEPORTEH NEWS ha ldy for-rertod upon hem hroueht to the at-tentinn of the manaacmert The puNithcr are net rerporaihie for copl o-maaiopa to ana raphinl error nr umntenfon rror tnai maj occur other than to correct in next taaue after to their attention All advertiam ordera are accepted on thia bain only Senator Bullocks School Bill Senator Pat Bullock ef Colorado City has introduced a resolution for corst-ut'onal amendment to change the method of distributing the state's scholastic apportionment a step long advocated by this newspaper Under the proposed amendment apportionment would be on a basis of actual attendance upon classes not as at present upon the number of scholastics Erroled means only that the pupil is listed as eigibie not that he is actually attending scrooL Whether he is in school or rot the district is paid the full amount of the money apportioned for his benefit This places a premium upon absenteeism since obviously a district profits by rot ha-irg to provide classroom space and teachertime for a puril who attend school though the district collects the rerev for his care just the same It also unaermines to compulsory attendance law since there is an incentive net to be too fussy about get'i-g the kids into the classroom It's more profitable to let them play permanent hooky It also penalizes the districts which make a point of enforcing the compulsory attendance law and rewards those which do rot A district might have 500 pupils enrolled and not mere than half that number actually attending school Another district witn 500 enrolled might have 450 sctualy in school Yet the two schools collect precisely the same amount from the state The compulsory at tendance law stops at age 14 or until the scholastic has finished grade school but enrollment does rot stop until age 16 In other words a district car ard does collect on pupils over 14 ard under 18 who cannot be made to attend school and who may never darken a schcolhouse door Effect cf the old law is to penalize progressive districts and reward backward districts an undesirable situation Senator Bullock's bill would cure His proposal should have the active support of every citizen sincerely interested in the furtherance cf public szhocl education Closest person to the president as he stands at the threshold of hia fourth term la no longer Harry Hopkins no longer Mrs Roosevelt but hi attractive vivacious daughter Anna Boettiger For about taro years Anna has been living at tlie White House where she has rome to be not only hostess but her father' confidant friend and advisor Mere and more personal appointments more ana mors private reports dealing with Important policy now pass through Anna's hands Sometimes during a conversation in hia executive office the president will pick up the phone and call his daughter In the residence part of the White House to ask her the status of a crrtln problem he is discussing Anna has a good head a refreshing point of lew and her mother's Indefatigable energy When she lived in Beattie where her husband John Boettiger was publisher of the Post -Intelligencer Anna edited the woman's page helped with the paper generally and was a real asset Came the war and John got a captain's commission after attending the school for military government later going to Italy Now however he back and living in th White House where he rate probably next to Anna and perhaps equal to Harry Hopkins in the president's confidence BOETTIGER WATCHES POLITICS Moat people didn't know It but Boettiger despite his army uniform sat In cn the famous White House just before the Chicago convention in July where Mayor Kelly of Chicago Mayor Hague of Jersey City Postmaster General Walker and Chairman Bob Hannegan persuaded PDR to shelve Henry Wallace and take Harry Truman for vice-president Boettiger still In the army keeps out of the limelight Isn't seen mticn around Washington but la very much In the Inner councils of his father-in-lHW' especially when It comes to Italian government problems Here this advice counts as much or more than the state departments For years the president cherished the idea thnt one of hla might work with him at the Whle House For a while eldest son Jimmy did come down from Cambridge to act as administrative assistant to the president without salary But Jlmmv had other Interests Including a beautiful nurse he met at the Mayo clinic who later became Mrs Jimmy So he left for Hollywood Later Franklin Jr while studying law at the University of Virginia was around the White House frequently Now all four boys are in the armed services and the president has fallen back on hia daughter who perhaps even more than Jimmy always has been the apple of his eye NEGRO TROOPS OK'D Members of the Mississippi congressional delegation met last week to welcome one of their war Lieutenant Van Bar-fhot of Carthage Miss who has been awarded the Medal of Honor the Silver Star the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart A soft-spoken lad who had never been out of Mississippi before entering the army Lieutenant Barfoot fought with distinction in Africa Sicily and Italy A little embarrassed at being surrounded by congressmen Barfoot told some of hia experiences in combat and tried to answer questions One of them finally came from Senator Theodore (the man! Bilbo on his favorite subject ''Lieutenant Bilbo asked "did you have much trouble with negroes over Bilbo was set back on his heel when the lleipenart drawled: "Mr Senator I found out after I did some in this war the colored boys fight Just ai good as the white boys I have changed my ideas a lot about colored people since I got Into this war and ao have a lot of ether boys from the south We've found the colored boys all right" Then Lieutenant Barfoot quietly volunteered this information: "Coming up to Washington on the train I went into the diner and found full The waiter told me I'd hare to wait but I could see behind a little curtain a colored army captain sitting at a table by himself I said 'what's wrong with that The steward told me he didn't think I'd want to sit with a colored man and I said: 'Why rot? lie fought with colored why shouldn't I eat with 'em' I sat with that colored captain and we had a fine chat" Senator Bilbo then launched into a long peroration about what a great friend of the negro race he is telling among other things how he proposed transplanting American negroes to Liberia Not present at the Mississippi meeting was Congressman John Rarkin WINDOW-DRESSING DIPLOMACY Diplomatic corps reaction to Senator "Long Tom' Connaliy' proposal for a world council until the United Kstloni organization gets underway is generally with one big If The If la that the council be given real authority and consist of top-notch men Diplomats point to two other international councils formed within two years which got absolutely nowhere They are still functioning In and if given any power could have prevented the trouble in Greece Belgium and Italy One of them the Mediterranean council included the USA Britain and Russia and wai formed in the fall of 1943 after Russia raised a row over not being included in the Italian armistice terms The American representative Ed Wilson is one of the ablest best qualified diplomats In the state department and did an A-l Job However he lacked just one enough personal prestige to buck Roosevelt After a short time In North Africa Wilson saw that De Gaulle would have to be recognized But PDR was opposed When Wilson couldn't put across thia basic point he felt It was useless to return to North Africa The No 2 International council was formed as a result of Hull's trip to Moscow and sitting in ndon was to iron out political problems 8 Ambassador Wlnart la the American representative but he also suffered through lack of authority The British foreign office or the Allied military have taken things into their own hands when they wanted to surround the Bt'glan parliament with British tanks and ram new decrees down the tiroats of liberated governments Eo Connelly's chief hurdle will be to organize a world council which can act not merely serve as window-dressing Even when an Allied crmmlssii was created to determine Nazi war guilt the British and American representatives have had to keep running back and forth to their governments to see whether thev could find Hitler guilty When the British foreign office virtually said no Sir Cecil Hurst the British representative resigned (Copyright 1945 by the Bell Syndicate Inc) Washingtor Merry-Co- Round iA LaGuardia Tells of Housing Plans ladies with the heir ribbons He Iso said he thought the sense or should hare look at the places where they used to live No hot water No sunshine In the windows Mostly no windows Hlszoner shuddered (a sight to see) and trudged out into the snow He didn't button his overcoat His mind was on sunshine Clyde Postoffice Rating to Be Upped CLYDE Jan (HW)-An IS percent increase in postal receipts la imported for Clyde In 1944 Total sales amounted to 110090 'set year making this office eligible for second-class rating beginning next fiscal year the committee could visit tha new apartments "You betcha" laid the mayor "Only don't give us any advance notice Don't let the nouslng authority know I like dresa parades" He said drop in any old time give him a buzz and he'd take the committee to eall on the War Crimes and Punishment A great deal cf irresponsible talk has been going on for months on the subject of axis war criminals and what the United Nations are doing if anything by wav of joint action to bring them to the bar cf justice Critics and commentators have charged that the ard Great Britain have all but abandoned ary intention of bringing such super-criminals as Adolf Hitler Berito Mussolini and Heinrich Himmler to account They have accused the allied crime commission in London of shadow-boxing and the 5 ard British governments of soft-pedaling the whole thing Fatiertlv as he has on other occasions Foreign Secretary Anthony Eder took cognizance of this criticism in commons this week He reasserted a policy which was adopted by the foreign ministers of the Big Three at the Moscow Conference November 1 1943 The punishment to be meted cut to the big shots cf the axis world according to that policy will be decided jointly by the allied governments War criminals have been divided into two classes little shots ard big shots The little fellows are the ones whose crimes are confined to geographical metes and such as the Nazi commander of a prison camp who engineers or permits brutalities or a colonel of a regiment whose men massacred ar entire village The joint commission sitting in London is concerned primarily with these smaller fry whose crimes will be referred to the allied or occupied country where they operated for suitable action The big boys such as Hitler Mussolini and Himmler knew no metes ard bounds their crimes spread over all Europe parts of Africa ard the cce-ars wild and wide No one nation could try them so the Big Three reserved them jcirt action That is the set up The entire allied world feels very strongly about the big boys and if any government should seek to duck the responsibility of bringing these triggermen to trial and punishment we believe that government would be thrown out of office That is ore cf the big things the peoples are fight irg for INTERPRETING WAR NEWS Rolling Along The great Russian offensive is rolling in high Jittery German radio commentators say nothing like it has been seen in this war is called the greatest land battle in history srd ir its opening phases at the least the Werrmacht is getting all the worst of it Here is the answer to those Russophobes who only a few days ago were highly cf the Russian failure to attack It is also proof that interallied strategy is coordinated ard synchronized The great Russian push ties in closely with western-front fighting is probable that Hitler weakened his eastern defenses in order to build up strength for ven Rundsteat's breakout might have shifted marv divisions from east to west It is certain that he drew upon his dwindling supply of trucks tanks and warplanes frr the western plunge New re need? them the and his broker battalions ard his wrecked rolling stock lie strewr ir the srowv forests of By FREDERICK OTHMAN United Press Stiff Correspondent WASHINGTON Jn Mayor Fiorello Le Guardis now can doff his horn-run-med spectacles (revealing a not-so-far-away look in hla peepers) and see a New York City where each housewife wears a ribbon In her hair and whistles while she works in an apartment with a window in every room "And sun shines in every room" Hizzoncr added as he looked for the benefit of Sen Robert A Taft and Co toward that happy day It was snowing outside but Mayor La Guardis saw sunshine only That was obvious The one trouble said the Little Flower snapping out of It and donning a scowl Is that the rest of the country also has got to build apartments with windows and sunshine "Oh I'm sunk" the mayor said "I can't absorb any more people In New York Work Under Way La Guardla was wearing a double-breasted coat as tight a $78 room-and-half domicile on 52nd street he unbuttoned It sank gratefully Into a senatorial easy chair and told the post-war economic and planning committee that he already has 69398 people living In more than 16000 apartments complete with sunshine two per cent financing and a federal grant Fourteen more projects coating 1120236000 are on the drawing board and readv to go when the war ends Only thing worrying the mayor (almost but not quite turning hla customary purple the thought of 'em) are those babies In the building trades acting like buggy whip manufacturers trying to buck the horseless carriage He's their pal and he wants that understood but when the buildings with the sunshine start going up he doesn't want them to gum the works with strikes "Like when we were building one of those apartment centers and a quarrel developed between the sheet metal workers and the carpenters over who ihouid put In the baseboards" he aald "That held us up for weeks and weeks and added enormously to the The mayor said when you're building for people who pay only $20 a month for a iur-room apartment you've got to watch your outgo and as ot now he's a little concerned over cement floors riaxterer'a Object They're something neat the flat beneath It automatically gets a first class celling and so on down to tha basement The mayor said the plasterer's weren't going to like that Such matters can be worked out Tha Important thing he raid la to mova the sleazy-looking wife from her cold water flat and watch her blossom out in a neat housedrew and a ribbon in her hair when she moves into a modern home Sen Taft asked him whet'ier I noticed Laddie suddenly stiffen and I knew there were Japs about We pulled back ard just then a machine gun rpcned up on us Only Laddie stopped us from walking into the murderous fire S-Sct Alfred Bres-set of Oghmsburg handler of German Shepherd Laddie on Leyte By KIRKE SIMPSON Associated Press War Analyst Omens of a total military disaster in the east are stalking shattered Nazi armies In flight across the Polish plains with missive Russian armies at their heels Within less than a week that 600-mlle wide Red army winter offensive has ripped the whole critical renter of the German east front to thredi from the Carpathians to the southern border of East Prussia The Russians took Warsaw in their stride to lunge on down on both banka of the Vistula They threatened to Isolate all East Prussia from the Reich and menace Berlin itself at close range There remain no formidable natural barriers across the wide breadth of tha lower Vistula valley behind which toUering Nazi troops could rally short of German 1938 frontiers a bare 100 mllrs from Berlin Southward Krakow was credibly reported seized and Moscow announced capture of Czestochowa Between them the Silesian hub of German war Industries the Glrlwlte-Hlndenbugg-Betfihen-Katowlce-SOS-Nowlec cluster of factory cities that rivals the Ruhr In the west lay exposed to the 60-mlle-wide Russian southern advance Just beyond lies the Oder valley leading Into the heart of north central Germany and to Berlin The dazllng speed with which the main Russian winter offensive has been driven home Invalidate every current estimate of how long the war in Europe will endure It fully justifies Its German characterization as Stalin's end-the-war campaign because of the extreme peril In which huge segment of the Nazi army stand Par southward the once powerful Carpathian defense bulwark of the Nazi eBt front 1 fast becoming untenable At Krakow Red forces are already astride some of Its main communication routes with Ger--many North of the great bend of tha Danube above Budapest other Red forces closely menace supply and escape channels Into Austria Still another dangerous pocket in Poland la indicated Its exact shape la not yet dear but aa the Russian fan out south-westward toward Lodz and the Senate and FDR Working Closer Together northern rim of the lower Russian attark front expands northwestward above Czestochowa German forces east of Lodz and west of captured Radom are in grave peril The Russian objective of the attack in Poland which can be deduced from their pattern la to cut the Nazi army to pieces and If possible destroy much of It In the field To that end pockets in East Prussia west of Dadom end in the Carpthians apparently are being forged to match relcifiless Red pressure up the Danube toward the Vlenna-Bratislavla guarded southern gateway to central Germany Successful closing of any of the three trapi on the foe could teer so wide a hole In Nazi forces available to man Reich defenses on the old German eastern frontier thav any pro- traded stand there could ba 1m- possible Coleman Sergeants Win Air Awards COLEMAN Jan T-Sgt Walter Gordon son of Mr and Mrs Walter Gordon Coleman has been awarded toe Air Medal and two Oak Leaf clusters Sergeant Gordon is stationed In France at a 8 troop carrier base He also wears the gold bordered blue President Unit citation awarded his outfit the 442c'tf Troop Carrier Group for his outstanding Day performance Sergeant Gordon graduated from Coleman high school and later attended John Tarleton Agricultural college and Texas ASM collepe His Air Medal with Oak Leaf clusters represent the Invasions of northern and southern Prance and Holland In which he flew to strategic drop zones behind enemy llnaa Sgt Billy Zlrkle of Coleman has been awarded the Air Medal for "meritorious 'achievement'' according to word received by local relative Ho la stationed in the India China division of the Air Transport Command and ha participated in more than 153 hours of operational flight in transport alrrrafL "over the dangerous and dlfflrult Assam China air rou'a where enemy interception and et-tack was probable and expected 00 8-Sgt Roy James of Talpa B-17 Plying Fortress radio operator with the 351st Bombardment Group haa been decorated with a Second Oak Leaf Cl'iter to the Air Medal for achievement" on combat missions over Eu-a rope Bergen nt James 22 If a veteran of 18 bombing attacks on enemy InstallHtiona Before entering the AAF in November 1942 ne was a bookkeeper for the Texa Mill Arf Elevator Compniiy In Ahllnr Hia parents Mr and Mu James live on routs one Talpa Appointees Tabled AUSTIN Jan 17-fri Tha senate today In executive session took up consideration of so-called "non-controveralar recess appointments of th governor and finally sent them hack to committee wlth- out confirmation or rejection Postal Receipts High for Rotan ROTAN Jan A new high in postal receipts was reached I by the Rotan office in 1944 Jack postmaster has announced Receipts were 122379 an Increase of $4073 over those of 1943 Figures do not Include money orders bond' war saving stamps jikniviMii BY THOM 4 STOKES WASHINGTON Jn The Unel 5ere whrh can make cr efSecuve irtfrra-tier cr-rprU''r has rrrved iro a wrrrg Pr'dert R-wovt in the held -f foreign pcll-r that ihouid very helpful realitr the sene peace aiira 1 the American ieople Thia ha come ibout a ere cf recent ert' nirre ac-idrBi acme arefully plan--d but with he whole situa- ti'h In a fire aplrit rf teaTwrrk exhbi'ed both at the repstol ard at the white fc-U'C Like ir Ty thra- the deieped from a pcteiinvlly t1 'he ud rt-ar'f -rar p- ar politic: in ii'ri-i'rs cf Great Biitsir rrd ir the fail' rf 1:1 cnm'riei That c-u-td a zoning reaction her Ard it tame Juat when the fori cf war in iMrope had rved tht l'i 'he American people a CniiOle doae fif tjis rv i The a'ural en-rendered aave ivr'h to c'ie-lion ab''V why r't Tnrvirs forward rn he e-rn front A aour state of mlrd was in the mikir HTflTtON CHANT FS Now all that ha rhiryrri Ji-Mrimt Roosevelt himself ed to dispel the disappoint-r-M over puhrical lnraenta ir by of the 1 a' rhasra that contribut'd them aud by ccunielirg a provisional United Nations organization to handle political problems until a permanent organization could be set up and would at the same time assure our Allies that we Intended to back up an international organization this time Thev discussed this procedure wish other senators and through the newspapers the president and the country knew the senate was ready to play ls par PRESIDENT SPDKE CUT The resoiu'iir never went into the hopper For President Roosevelt did spruit out Then Senator Vandenbcrg spoke nut giving assurance of his powerful support and along with It considerable Repuniican support to the basic admui-Tation program Senator Connaliy meanwhile was busy in hla effective way pulling the strands together behind 'he scenes He mutt necessarily go alow ai spokesman for the administration on foreign a lfalrs make sure of his gnuud He arranged to have leaders cf the foreign relations committee go to the white house for a frark conference wi'h President Roosevelt to din-u'-s the current situation and th" forthcoming big three meeting The conference it was indiCHtfd was very satisfactory all around Then penator Connaliy came out lor a provisional United Nations organisation as an objective at the nee'iiig of Roosevelt with Prime Minister Churchill and Marshal Stalin President Roosevelt eecom-mod a ted himself shrewdly to developments and consequently will go to the met ting with the iltuaticn at home apparently In good shape It locks as If the pieildrit and the senate both have learned a thing or two paueree ard urderstnrdir Meanwhile our armies checked the German offensive and the Russians began to rll forward again But the real stead-ir the renei of people In this country of res'onrj a ba'arre has been done in the sera'e where sc much mischief culd have been stirred up That it did rot ts due to the dear thinking and the good sense of several senators Credit must go to Senators Connaliy Tex foreign relations commutes chairman Vardenbtrg iR Mith Republican leader or reign policy Bail Minn and Hatch Mex) amors chers on the positive side Ard rn th negative side it was heartening to see the restraint exercised by others who mght have exploited the Eurrpean pf iPiral situation for tempc rary poetical advantage to themselves Bor siairg up what was going on and whet it might iesd to Senators Bail ard liosne thanks They were ream- to step out In lroni again as they hid months ago with rs Burton iR Oi and Hill ia to create public leiUnrrt for a United Nations orga: iatioii They deplored the snp'iis of power politics In Europe They aw the threat to an n'rrra-tlonal organisation in the dampened hopes of the American people Thev hopeo Preioert Roosevelt would speak out But they recognised Minthirg that Is often that- the senate itself has a responsibil-l'v foreign policy ard 'hat thiv should not be limited to rrgri'lon but should Include affirmative action They considered aa a good vehicle a senate revilutmn which would express di'-npprov of Fewer poliuca would advocate Reporter-News Ration Calendar BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MEATS FATS Honk Four red alamps QK through XS now good No termination dates have been sets OFA aaya none will invalidated before Marrh I Next aeries will ba validated Jan 2S PROCESSED Book Four blue stamp XS through ZS and A3 through G8 now good No termination dates set OPA says non will ba Invalidated before Marrh Next aeriea will ba validated Feb Rook Four atamp 34 good for flva pound No termination dale act A new atamp (or five pounda will valid Fob 1 must last Ihrea Instead of two and a half months Book Three alrpleno alamps 1 I and I valid Indefinitely! OPA ay no plana (a cancel any ld-A roupons valid everywhert for four gallon each through Marrh IL B-l C-i B-S and C-4 coupon good everywhere for five gallon! aach "Itui bfiy have profound rtpou r-port a i rramry and Church plot to conucafe all futility rirhei is taught In Scripture and Income rax blanxr.

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