Republican and Herald from Pottsville, Pennsylvania • 7
- Publication:
- Republican and Heraldi
- Location:
- Pottsville, Pennsylvania
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- Page:
- 7
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
PAGE SEVEN EVENING HERALD, SHENANDOAH, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1933. LICENSE HOPES WILL REVIVE TUESDAY Holders of Pre-Prohibition Licenses Hope to Return to Business in New Order. COUNTY THOROUGHLY WET Resurrection day for buried hopes is around the corner. The trumpet blows tomorrow afternoon, as a matter of fact, for those who have been hoping for nearly 15 years, for the end of prohibition, and in the vault of the Prothonotary's office at the court house are buried hopes that will no, arise when repeal of the dry law becomes effective. The buried hopes are the petitions for liquor licenses that were filled with the understanding that they would be sidered, when, as, and if prohibition ended.
But the end did not come within the year in which they were filed, and the succeeding years brought a gradual decrease in the number of applicants. No Applicants After 1922. The year 1918, the last in which licenses were granted, applications fell off considerably. Applications were filed for 1919 by most of the holders of the 1918 licenses, and in 1920 the number was slightly less. There was a further decline in 1921 and 1922: After that, prohibition was accepted as unlikely to change for some years and those desiring to sell liquor saved themselves the trouble and the expense of fling applications, there being practically no applications filled until applications came to the County Treasurer in 1933.
But the buried applications of those years more than a decade ago are unlikely to be revived in their existing form. The papers are dead legally, and any applications which may be issued under the Liquor Control Board will have to be made anew. Prohibition came to Schuylkill county as a war-time act and remained as a constitutional provision. There were. celebrations galore as John Barleycorn went to the grave from which he arises tomorrow.
The drys celebrated his demise with prayers of thanksgiving, and the wets absorbed the last of the legal spirits with sorrow and headaches. Stocks of liquor were sold out cheaply on the last night of legal liquor. County Thoroughly Wet. Prior to prohibition, Schuyikill county was a thoroughly "wet" spot. With the advent of prohibition it was an accepted fact for a year or two.
Then, when there was forgotten or overlooked the axiom that "eternal vigilance is the price of peace," liquor began a slow comeback. First arrests were made for selling liquor without a license. As vigilance relaxed, law-breaking grew. Stills were seized here and there about the county, and other stills continued operations. The largest still seized in this region during the prohibition era was at Aristes and the men arrested there.
served terms in jail. The man alleged have been the ring leader in the promotion of that enterprise was never apprehended. As the years went on, the manufacturers and dealers in spirits became bolder. Jail sentences were imposed on many persons, while others paid light penalties in the federal court. The first county-wide expression of opinion on prohibition did not come until nearly 15 years after prohibition was effective, and that was in the November election, when the county voted favor of wiping the prohibition law off the books by a tremendous majority.
Previously beer had returned last April--and licenses were issued in June to numerous applicants about the county. What the effect will be, with the end of constituticnal prohibition, remains an undetermined question, in which is involved also the steps which are taken for the control of the liquor traffic by the Legislature. All the latest news of the day will be found in the columns of the Evening Herald. Stellar Romance Partners in many a reel romance, Adolf Menjou, suave film hero, and Veree Teasdale, are now partners in a real one. Menjou, former husband of Katherine Carver, recently announced he and Miss Teasdale would stroll to the altar early in the near year.
They're shown as they attended Hollywood premiere. (Central, Peesa) THE CHILDREN'S BODY GUARD Morris 10331 -Christmas Greetings Maris NEWS ITEM: 9000,000 CHILDREN UNDER AGE 15, ONE FOURTH OF ALL THOSE IN THE UNITED STATES, ARE INFECTED WITH THE GERMS OF TUBERCULOSIS Chirstmas Seals have always been the children's -bodyguard. More health work is being done for children by Anti-Tuberculosis Societies than for any other group because it is in childhood that first infection of the germ of tuberculosis usually takes place. If this can be prevented it means much to the future of the child. If the child is infected, the Anti-Tuberculosis Society does everything possible to help keep active disease from developing.
This is done by keeping in close touch with the child and parents and assisting them in their efforts to build up resistance against disease. Most of the health work conducted by the Anti-Tuberculosis Society of Schuylkill County is for health of the children, particularly to save them from tuberculosis. The following are a few of the activities: Our nurse makes visits to homes where there are children in contact with active cases of tuberculosis. She instructs them in the proper care of themselves, has them examined by 1 doctor and assists them in every way possible to keep well. Fourteen health centers are conducted each month for the examination of children form infancy to years of age, at which 2,811 children were examined during the year.
There were held during the year 29 nutrition classes enrolling 813 malnourished and underweight girls and boys; 20,158 bulletins and booklets on nutrition and health were furnished these boys and girls. There are held pre-school clinics for the examination of children six years of age, 764 examined this year, 583 defects were noted and many corrected. A campaign for the early diagnosis of tuberculosis is held each which is important for anyone, especially for children. There is weighing of boys and girls of interest them in growth and weight to build healthy bodies; 11,561 weighed this year. Health talks given, motion pictures shown.
poster contests held, health booth at the County Fair and Child Health Day to promote the value of good health and prevention of disease, particularly tuberculosis; 106,227 pieces given out during the year. All these activities are held to help save our boys and girls from tuberculosis. When you buy Christmas Seals you are helping the Anti-Tuberculosis Society to save your own boy or girl. Buy seals today. FRACKVILLE NEWS MRS.
JOSEPH R. BOWMAN, Correspondent Phone 173, Frackville. 108 South Third St. Subscriptions--W. J.
Williams, 119 North Nice Phone 102-J. Returned From Hunting Trip. Frackville, Dec. Walters, 137 North Nice street, the well known stripping foreman for Hill Sunder, and his son, Harry returned from a successful hunting trip in Clinton county. A beautiful eight prong buck was the ward and both feel very proud of their specimen.
Golden Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. S. T.
Purnell and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gradwell attended the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Purnell at Mahanoy City Saturday.
A dinner was served and Mr. Purnell was presented with a gold watch and chain and Mrs. Purnell was presented with a gold necklace. Mr. and Mrs.
Purnell were former residents of Shenandoah and the Herald and the -happy couple's Shenandoah friends wish them many more years of health and happiness. Mrs. Miller Loses Father. Mrs. William Miller, of South Centre street received word yesterday of the sudden death of her father John Snyder, 81 years, of Pitman, Pa.
Mr. Snyder has visited here many times and is well known. He is survived by his wife and the following children: Mrs. Thomas Toy and Mrs. William Lubold, Mt.
Carmel; Mrs. Elizabeth Geist, Shamokin; Mrs. Samuel Heim, Lewistown; George, Grier City: Oscar, Tremont: Robert, Pitman; Rev. W. H.
Snyder, St. Clair; Rev. James Snyder, Fenton, Iowa, and Mrs. William Miller, Frackville. The funeral will be held from the home of his son, Robert, of Pitman, on Wednesday afternoon.
Attend Rabbit Dinner. Mrs. Elizabeth Reed, daughter Miss Sara and son Alvin, and William Griffith are attending a rabbit dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowman of Millville, this evening.
Personals Mrs. Sadie Johns and brother John Beichler of Pottsville spent yesterday with Mrs. William Griffith of South Centre street. John Whomsley of town fell and broke his right leg yesterday. He was removed to the State Hospital, Fountain Springs.
Dr. and Mrs. Olive Southall of Millville spent a few hours with the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Griffith, of South Centre street.
Edgar Evans and Bruce Fellows of Gilberton returned from a hunting trip in Clinton County. Each bagged a fine deer. GIRARDVILLE NEWS MRS. JOSEPH T. WHITLEY, Correspondent Phone 726-R, Girardville.
136 West Ogden St. Papers for Sale and Subscriptions Taken at GIRARDVILLE NEWS AGENCY, 109 West Main Phone Girardville, Dec. 4. The Primitive Methodist church of Girardville was the scene of a pretty wedding Thursday, November 30, at 4 o'clock, when Herbert Purnell, son of Mrs. Naomi Purnell, of East Main street, claimed as his bride Miss.
Clara Strunk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Strunk, of Ashland. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Isaac Davies.
The bride looked beautiful attired in white satin with white hat, gloves, hose and slippers matching. The bridesmaid looked very pretty wearing blue satin, also having hat and slippers matching. The bridegroom was attended by his KING GEORGE MENACED BY SELF-STYLED NEPHEW Man Demands $3000 Yearly to Hide Illegitimacy. London, Dec. 4.
(U.P) Clarence Guy Gordon Haddon, 43, writing King George that he was the illegitimate son of the King's dead brother, the Duke of Clarance, demanded as the price of his silence $3,000 a year and money enough to start a borading house, it was revealed today. Haddon's abition to maintain his alleged princel status as a boarding house proprietor was brought out at Bow street police court, where the consulting engineer-war veteran appeared on remand, charged with demanding money with monaces from the King. Haddon was remanded for eight days, to be committed thereafter to the old Bailey criminal court for trial. Ball was refused. G.
D. Roberts, prosecuting, revealed DAWES BANK LOAN CLASSED "IN DEFAULT" $90,000,000 Loaned Chicago Institution; About One-Third Paid, Rest Still Due. R. F. C.
TOTALS 3 BILLIONS By Lyle C. Wilson United Press Staff Correspondent Copyright, 1933, by United Press Washington, Dec. 4. (U.P)-A loan of $90,000,000 from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to the Central 1 Republic Bank Trust Company of Chicago matured December 23, 1932, and has not been renewed, records of the RFC revealed today. The unpaid balance is $62,157,596.85.
The United Press was informed that the loan could be considered in "technical default." But it was explained tha. by not renewing the loan the RFC obtained more complete control over collateral than it would enjoy if the L.aturity of the obligation had been extended. The RFC was understood to have a $50,000,000 back profit so far on loans to banks, business, and industry. Offcials describe themselves as satisfied with the rate at which loans generally were being repaid. No loans have been called.
Since the RFC began to function February 2, 1932, it has advanced $3,543,913,394.15, of which 212.01 has been repaid. Former Vice President Charles G. Dawes was head of the Central Republic Bank Trust Company when the $90,000,000 loan, secured by 5,000 to 7,000 items of collateral, was made in the latter part of June, 1932. Dawes resigned as president of the RFC about two weeks before the loan was advanced and returned to Chicago to resume his position as chairman of the board of the bank, which now is in liquidation. Circumstances of the loan and the fact that it was the largest single advance in the Hoover campaign to conquer depression prompted sharp Congressional comment.
Records of the RFC show that 126,362.10 has been repaid, including $2,283,958.95 interest. Interest accrued and unpaid to November 6, is shown as $1,839,192.14. The collateral security is stated to have a face value of 633,679.91. A sub-committee of the Senate Banking and Currency Committee has on the RFC for a complete report on the Dawes loan, including an itemized statement of collateral. The United Press was informed that 1 the collateral was in custody of the Federal Reserve Bank in Chicago but that collection is superintended by an agency of the RFC.
EXAMS FOR STATE JOBS GIVEN AT POTTSVILLE (Continued from First Page) of Pittsburgh, the Pennsylvania State College and Temple University. Examining Centers. In most cases examinations will be conducted in High school buildings. Examinations will be conducted every six months for filling positions under the liquor control board, unless there should be need for supplementary examinations sooner than six months. Examining centers announced are: Reading, Berks county; Towanda, Bradford and Susquehanna counties; Doylestown, Bucks county; West Chester, West Chester county; Bloomsburg, Columbia and Montour counties; Harrisburg, Dauphin, Lebanon; Cumberland and Perry counties; Media, Delaware county; Chambersburg, Franklin.
Adams and Fulton counties; Scranton, Lackawanna and Wayne counties; Lancaster, Lancaster county. Bethlehem, Lehigh and Northampton counties; Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne and Wyoming counties; Williamsport, Lycoming, Sullivan, Tioga and Clinton counties; Stroudsburg, Monroe, Carbon and Pike counties; Norristown, Montgomery county; Sunbury, Northumberland. Snyder and Union counties; Pottsville, Schuylkill county; York, York county; and Philadelphia, Philadelphia county, three centers. Stellar Romance Partners in many a reel romance, Adolf Menjou, suave film hero, and Veree Teasdale, are now partners in a real one. Menjou, former husband of Katherine Carver, recently announced he and Miss Teasdale would stroll to the altar early in the near year.
They're shown as they attended Hollywood premiere. (Central Press), Tonight's Radio Program MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1933 Programs Given in Easterm Standard 5:45 WABC Concert 8:00 WJZ-Morin Sisters, 8:30 WEAF-Richard Story of 9:00 WABC-Philadelphia 10:30 WOR-Alfred 10:45 WJZ-Planned CHAIN STATIONS Prog'm Ke Used 700-WLW WIZ 720-WGN WABC 790-WGY WEAR 820-WHAS WABC 870-WLS WIZ 980-KDKA 990-WBZ 1070-WTAM WEAR 1100-WPG WABC 1220-WCAU WABC WEAF-660 Kc. Orch. Mix--Sketch. of Oz.
Orch. Beasley, Songs. Sense Philosophy---Andrew Kelly. Howard, Songs; Jesters Trio. Bachelor.
and Abner. Goldbergs. Sketch. Crooks, Metropolitan Opera Tenor; Concert Story of TransportationHarrey S. Firestone, Jr.
Frank Parker. Tenor. of Joy. Lullaby Lady. Singer of Songs---Sketch, the American Scene.
11:15 Jesters Trio. Orchestra; Theodore Ernwood, Songs; King's Jesters; Stokes Soubler. Crooks, Metropolitan Opera Tenor Orchestra; Transportation--Harvey S. Firestone, Jr. Orchestra, Leopold Stokowski, Wallenstein's in Sinfonietta; Hortense Mo Recovery---Secretary of Navy Claude Orch.
Songs; Stokes WOR-710 Kc. Orch. Resume. Pow Wow. Arth, Songs.
Count of Monte -Sketch. Don. Orch. -Terry and Ted. 7:45 -John Kelvin, Tenor.
Mystery. and Hare. Musicale. Musicale. Rascals, Songs.
Witch's Tale. Events. Wallenstein's Sinfonietta. Report. Trio.
Orch. Orch. WJZ-760 Kc. Duo. in Hollywood.
Lady. Orphan Annie. S. Army Band. Sisters.
Thomas. 'n' Andy. Rose Marie. and Perlmutter-Sketch. Alda, Soprano.
MATT RICE LEADS LOCAL ELEVEN TO 21-0 VICTORY IN THIRD CLASH (Continued from Page Six) and Starr got two yards apiece as the quarter ended. Fourth Period. After his pass was batted down by Haines, Nork punted to Brumbaugh, who signaled for a fair catch on his own 20. Kostes intercepted Heller's pass on the Keys' 44, and Starr battered his way through the line for 10 yards and a first down. Starr failed to gain, and when two incompleted passes resulted in 5-yard penalty, Nork kicked to Brumbaugh, who again signaled for a fair catch on his own 10.
Brumbaugh In two cracks failed to register, and Miller punted to Rice, who accepted on Reading's 40 and returned it 10 yards. Frey received two, Rice seven, and Starr got five for a first down on the 16-yard stripe. Frey and Rice alternating reeled off nine yards, and Starr fumbled and Rice recovered for a two yard gain and a first down on the 5-yard ribbon. Rice and Starr alternating placed the leather on the 2-yard line, from where Rice went over off tackle. Rice harvested the extra point on a perfect dropkick.
Score: Shenandoah 21, Reading 0. Only one play was made after the kickoff. While Matt Rice played one of the greatest games of his career yesterday. Etke Starr, although having a tendency to fumble quite frequently, was another who merits a lot of praise in the Prexles' impressive victory. The punting of Frey and the generalship of Nork also stood out.
There were so many headliners on the local line it would be scarcely fair to the others to select a few headliners. The entire line from end to end was magnificent. Shenandoah Reading Kostos. L.E. L.T.
Dubofsky. L.G. Cooney. C. Mazloff R.G.
Schaeffer R.T. Rogers. R.E. Q.B. L.H.B.
R.H.B F.B. Shenandoah .0 14 0 7-21 Reading .....0 0 0 0-0 Touchdowns -Starr, Rice. Points after touchdown-Starr, (placement); Rice, (plunge); Rice, (dropkick). Substitutions- Shenandoah: Frey for Maczees, Goodwin for Cooney, Hino for Frey, Frey for Hino, C. Rubin for Boyle, Yaroma for Frey, Simonds for Gaffney, Hino for Nork, Kilkuskie for Starr.
Reading: Johnson for Kavel, Karlovich for Mazloff, Snyder for Wisniewski, Arnold for Miller, E. Heller for Arnold. Wisniewski for Snyder, Kavel for Johnson, Miller for E. Heller, Mazloff for Karlovich, E. Heller for Brewster, Arnold for Miller, Johnson for W.
Heller. Deeter for Haines, Maples for Gilroy. Umpire, H. N. Merrit, Yale.
Head linesman, E. E. Miller, Penn. Referee, J. R.
Trimble, Dubuque. Field judge, H. R. Witmer, F. M.
Time of quarters, 15 minutes. CAR DRIVER ROBBED. Lemoyne, Dec. 4. (U.P)-Richard C.
Haberstroh, of Edgewood Arsenal, stopped his automobile here last night to take a rest after a long drive when a negro, his face covered with a bandana handkerchief, jumped from the side of the road and demanded "all he had on him." negro was armed with a pistol. bandit got $32 in The cash and a gold watch, Haberstroh reported to BILLY SUNDAY TO GO TO ALASKA Philadelphia, Dec. 4. (U.P) -The Rev. Billy Sunday, who has conducted revival meetings in every state in the Union during the past quarter of a century, now plans to "battle in Alaska, he announced here at the close of a three weeks' revival campaign.
He recently celebrated his 71st birthday. SHANTY FIRED SATURDAY A winter shanty constructed by number of boys along the creek in the First Ward was destroyed by fire about 9:00 o'clock Saturday night. Firemen responded to an alarm from box 17, Centre and Union streets. The blaze is believed to have been started by heating stove. Read the Evening Herald, ORANGE BUDS CLINCH S.
A. FLAG EASILY BY 33 TO 0 TRIUMPH (Continued from Page Six) and Dietrich were outstanding, completing the majority of their flips, which had the victims befuddled throughout. On the line, Downey. Drasdis, Amber and Plucky scintillated. The mainstays in the losers' cast were the Larinitis brothers, Skinder, Mitskus and Cooper.
All members of the Green and White are requested to report for practice on Tuesday at Gilberton, at 4:30 o'clock, in preparation for their big game with the Shenandoah Senators at Memorfal Stadiumm next Sunday, December 10th. Lineup and score: Philadelphia. Gilberton. infer LE Merchant Plucky trinitis Zack Amber Downey Drasdis Lapinsky Petrucha Vecolaitis Weeks Rabada 0 0 0 0- 6 7 6 21-40 chdowns: Weeks, Lapi Simmy, Rabada. Pot touchdown: Vecolaitis (pass) (pass); Merchant (pass); (placement).
Substitutions- Gilberton: Petruskey for Plucky. Simmy for Vecolaitis, Dietrich for Rabada, Wheat for Amber, Davis for Zack. Plucky for Drasdis, Rabada for Weeks. Umpire, Fergel. Referee, Huntzinger.
Head linesman, Lescavage. Time of quarters 15 minutes. HUGE PUFFBALL FOUND Mt. Pleasant, Mich. (U.P)-A puffball found by James Plaingsburg, Isabella county farmer, measured inches in circumference and weighed 34 pounds.
Choral Red John Fogi Baritone: Litta Deer Piano: Red Secretary of Nary (laude A. Swanson Trio. Frome. Tend Orch. Orch.
WABC-860 Kc. Orch. Armstrong. Tom. Rogers.
Benson. Van, Songs. Theodore Ernwood, Baritone. and Marge. Plain Bill.
Ensemble. Carter. Songs. C. Hill.
Crosby. Orch. Coles Songs. 10:45 -Deep INCREASED AUTO FEES FORECAST BY BAGSHAW Required If Legislature Favors Taking Over Roads. Harrisburg, Dec.
4. (U.P)-Increases in the 1935 automobile registration fees, drivers' license fees, gasoline tax and truck registration charges were forecast today by J. Garfield of Hollidaysburg, if the special session of General Assembly adopts Governor Pinchot's plan to take over all second-class township roads, Bagshaw, president of the State Association of Township Supervisors, charged the Governor with attempting to set up a political machine of 100,000 men by taking over the Charging that state acquisition of the roads will mean additional $13,000,000 per year for their maintenance, Bagshaw added: "Bridges are purposely omitted in the Governor's proposal. He says township taxes will be next to nothing if the state takes over the roads. That is true, of course, but where are township supervisors to obtain funds for repair and reconstruction of the bridges; to off bonds and other debts, and to pay provide lighting and fire protection?" Bagshaw also said the Governor misrepresented the total of township roads to be taken over as 53,000 miles in his proposal to the Legislature.
The correct total, he declared, is 55,300 miles. REPEAL TO AID VIRGIN ISLANDS Syracuse, N. Y. (U.P)-Repeal of the 18th Amendment will 1 return prosperity to the Virgin Islands according Urs Paul M. Pearson, wife of Governor Pearson, in Syracuse to see her newly-born grand-daughter.
Mrs. Pearson bases her prediction on pre-prohibition popularity of St. Croix rum, for which the Islands is noted. When you want the Herald dial 2777 Shadows of the Past By I. C.
BRENNER WAYLAND DEAN has its heroes and it BASEBALL tragic figures, as well. Sometimes the hero becomes a man of tragedy and in that category we must list Wayland Dean. You may remember Dean as a pitcher with the New York Giants. Later he was with the Phillies and, still later, with the Chicago Cubs. Now Dean is dead, and men wonder how great he would have been had he kept a leve! head and made the most of his God-given gifts.
Back in 1923 the Louisville club had two stars -Dean, righthanded pitcher, and Earle Combs, outfielder. The Yankees wanted Dean, but the Giants got in ahead of them with an offer of $50,000. Miller Huggins did not like Combs, who was supposed to have a weak arm. But, faliing to land Dean, the Yanks took Combsand got far and away the better of it, for Earle still is a star and Dean is dead. Dean went to New York, and like so many others who went to New York, could not take it.
He went haywire, soon lost his health and slipped into the minors. Dean had everything except mental poise. FOR HOLIDAY 20 round VIS -trip FARES REDUCED nearly Very little Reduced more than Round -trip Sleeping Car fares Rates LEAVE ANY TIME DECEMBER 14 TO JANUARY 1 FINAL RETURN LIMIT JANUARY 15, 1934 An opportunity for that midwinter vacation you have al wanted. These low fares ways apply between all stations on the railroads named and their connections, with certain exceptions. Also generally throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico.
Liberal stop-overs returning. TRAVEL BY TRAIN Safetu, Speed and Comfort For further information consult any ticket agent READING RAILWAY SPECIAL VALUES In Our QUALITY MEATS DO CUE JUICY STEA Round Rump Lb. 17c Lb. 19c Picnic Style Fresh Lean Pork Shoulders 1b 7c Soup Beef 4c Sliced Short Beef Liver tb 12c Ribs of Beef 7c All For 1-1b RIB END PORK LOIN 2 tbs FANCY SAUER KRAUT 19c Special Produce Values! D'ANJOU PEARS ...2 lbs. 23c CARROTS or Cabbages .4 ibs 15c BEETS New bchs.
White 2 15c Turnips .....3 ibs 10c Special Low Prices on Coffee 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 15c Milk and Mellow. RED CIRCLE COFFEE 19c Rich and Full Bodied. BOKAR COFFEE 23c Vigorous and Winey. Sunnybrook Eggs 35c Selected Eggs 25c Fancy HARDY SERVICE LINES BUS SCHEDULE Saturday, January 14, SE. SNANDOAH-RINGTOWN DIVISIONDAILY- Leave SHENANDOAH at 9:00 a.
m. and 1:00 p. m. Leave RINGTOWN at 9:25 a. m.
and 1:25 p. m. SATURDAY NIGHT ONLYSHENANDOAH at 5:30 p. m. and 9:00 p.
m. Leave RINGTOWN at 6:00 p. m. and 9:30 p. m.
and until further notice, the Shenandoah-Hazleton Bus will SHENANDOAH-HAZLETON DIVISIONDue to road construction, operate on the following schedule: WEEK-DAYSLeave SHENANDOAH at 10:00 2:00 p. m. and 5 p. m. Leave HAZLETON at 11:05 a.
3:35 m. and 6:00 p. m. SUNDAYSLeave SHENANDOAH at 10:00 a. m.
and 5:30 p. m. Leave HAZLETON at 11:05 a. m. and 7:15 p.
m. brother, Richard Purnell, of New York, both attired in oxford grey. The wedding march was played by Miss Martha Purnell, a cousin of the bridegroom. Following the ceremony a reception was tendered the immediate relatives and a few friends at the home of the bride's parents, 115 Centre street, Ashland. Attending were Mrs.
Naomi Purnell, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keller, Mr. and Mrs. William Ruck and Thomas Capperell, town; George Mitchell, Thousand Islands, N.
Mrs. George Alhord, Chester; Paul Troutman, Lamar Hepler and Mr. and Mrs. L. Strunk, land.
that in letters Haddon "menaced" King George with a threat of publication of his claim to be his bar sinister nephew. Prosecutor Roberts read a letter Haddon is alleged to have written to President Roosevelt, detailing the "misfortune" of having been born the illegitimate "son of royalty." "It is irrelevant to these said Roberts, "to inquire into the truth or falsity of Haddon's allegation. "Haddon himself admitted in one letter that he knew he could claim nothing lawfully in the courts. LOCUST MOUNTAIN HOSPITAL Operations at the Locust Mountain State Hospital today were: Mrs. Margaret Stimson, Mrs.
Sabina Lukasik, Shenandoah; Robert Dennis, Mrs. Elizabeth Jogese, Mahanoy City. Admissions: Mrs. Constance Mors, Robert Taylor, Edward Kubilus, Mary Seledick, Shenandoah; Mrs. Francis Truck, Shaft; Mrs.
Eva Miller, Pattersonville: Jacob Hollenbach, Mary Berger, Mahanoy City: Frank Buscavage, Gilberton. SCHUYLKILL TRANSPORTATION COMPANY TIME TABLE Week Days Effective October 4, 1933 Note All Time Reads A. M. to P. M.
DIVISION NO. Buses leave for 10:00, and 11:00 trip to Frackville only. Buses leave FRACKVILLE for 6:25: 10:25. Buses leave POTTSVILLE for 11:00. Buses leave FRACKVILLE for 11:30.
DIVISION NO. CITY Buses leave MAHANOY CITY 6:30: 7:30: 9:30: 10:30: Buses leave SHENANDOAH for 1:00. DIVISION NO. 3-SHENANDOAH-LOCUSTDALE Buses leave SHENANDOAH for 8:00: 11:00. Buses leave LOCUSTDALE for 10:00: 11:50.
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