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The Crowley Post-Signal from Crowley, Louisiana • 4

Crowley, Louisiana
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4 FOUR CROWLEY DAILY SIGNAL FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1926. (davmc matcc fr Late Picture of Hazel Wilder Mrs. W. Sonnier, Jos Private, I Mrs. Albert J.

Perrodin, Mrs. Jos Goshen, Mrs. Benton Mauboules, jMrK. James Savoie, Miss Bernadine Zaunbrecher. Guests of the day were: Mrs.

Drozin Dreaux, Mrs. Jos Gossen, Mrs. Paul E. Fremaux. Mrs.

W. ij. riattsmier. Miss Marie Gossen. 1 1 Personal I as a remembrance of the occasion.

The club prize for high score was won by Mrs. Alfred Kahn, while- the consolation was cut by Mrs. Wallace Ousse. A dainty alad course was served following the games. Those enjoying the occasion were: Mrs.

Jos. Abadie, Mrs. Wallace Ousse. Mrs. Albert Kahn, Mrs.

E. I- Campbell, Mr. Alfred Kahn, Miss Flossie Kahn, Mrs. W. E.

Craig, Mrs. E. C. Fre-maux. Mrs.

J. C. Hesse, Mrs. C. E.

Carncs, Mrs. C. 15. DehVHevue and Mrs. W.

E. Patterson of Crowley, Mrs. I'hil J. lit ill of I-ak. harles of the- came over to Crowley yesterday aft-i'f tle MtthocJit church motor-ernoon to coach "The Gypsy Hover," 1(1 out to John Marsh fnrni where Mrs.

M. I- Clark entertained members the I. I. Club very charmingly for bridge Wednesday afternoon at her home. Three tables were arranged for the players and the counting of the score showed Mrs.

I. K. Bertaut of Crowley high score trophy winner. Mrs. A.

C. Chappuis drew consolation favor. The hostess terved iced fruit punch during the games and at their condor-ion, dainty plates of ice cream and cake. Playing were: Mrs. Martin Petit jean, Mrs.

A. S. Chappuis, Mrs. L. It.

Young, iirs. George Bienvenu, Mrs. II- Mrs. O. Broussard.

Mrs. E. G. Weil, Mrs. A.

C. Chappuis. Mrs. J. P.

Maulioules, Mrs. A. A. Chappuis, Mrs. C.

D. Adams, Mrs. IK R. Bertaut of Crowley. A hospitality of last vcek was the occasion of entertainment of the Saturday Five Hundred club at the hme of Mrs.

()car L. I'orne on the day designated. The tlu! trophy was awarded to Mrs. James Savoie for having scored highest, while the confrlation was cut by Miss Hernadine Zaunbrecher. A delicious plate luncheon of baked ham.

cdives, rxtat'i salad, saltiner. pickles ami f.unch was served. Club members r.Joying the meeting were: IX OIJSEItVANCE OF HAZEL DARE WILDER SINGS HERE TONIGHT IN CITY WHERE VOICE, HOW HIGHLY PRAISED, WAS FOUND THE STORE AHEAD John Mar.vh and Mrs. II. Harmon were joint at the ruinor- nieetine of the circle.

Mt Wm. Kan presided nd Mr. J. V. Lee led the devotional.

The len I the day was taken from Matthe i 20-28 stressing "Christian Life of Service for Others." The devotional was cloed with prayer. lusines section opened with ute. roll call and payment of ciue.s a. u-ual. I'eports of vnrifiu officers and commit tt-es brought from II.

K. Ix-wis the report that the contribu- tion for food for a widow with small children been t-xpetnled in gro ceries ami delivered to their destination. The president, Mrs. Kgan, rt ported that the balance of th" extracts had been disposed of. Matters p-rtaininir to their proposed bazaar were discussed and it was decided to apoint a confert-nre committee from each circle and then have called meet-! ing to complete committees and ar-rangemc nt.

An appeal was made for contributions of clothes and money for the r-phanace at Iloun.a and some contri- but ions wer rcorue. appeal II IT was aUo made for school dresses for a young girl about I I years of age in South Crowley to enable her to con- o. i oiiereu and accepted. Mrs. A.

F. Horn suggested that the hour of meeting be changed to o'clock instead of 4 o'clock, which was adopted. An invita-( "on was accepted to meet at the home of Mrs. B. II.

White in October with Mrs. J. W. Lee as joint hostess after which the meeting closed. Dur- ing tlie period the hoste.v served chicken salad, saltincs, relish and iced tea.

Attending were Mesdames A. 1. Howie, C. B. DeKellevue, Wm.

Kgan. G. II. Harmon. A.

F. Horn, P. M. Lyons. J.

W. Lee. J. M. Marsh, W.

A. Morgan, M. H. Sanderson, Iee Sar-ver, It. J.

Knight. Guests of the circle were Mrs. Guy White, Mrs. Fletcher Lyon and Miss Mildred Marsr. i WILL OPEN ONLY API EI I 0:00 1 M.

SATURDAY. JAC MAYER "THE STOKE AHEAD" Parkerson Ave. Crowley, La. AT CROWLEY CASH GROCERY I SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY Sweet potatoes yellow or white 10 pounds for 30c Irish potatoes, red cr white 10 pounds for 45c American Standard Granulated Sugar 10 pounds for 65c which will be presented in Crowley soon for the benefit of the Knights of Columbus. Mr.

Keilly accompanied her, returning to Lake Charles in the afternoon. John W- Gray returned early today from a three months' visit with Dr. W. (). Cray and James A.

Gray in Chicago. While away Mr. Gray visited many points of interest in the North. Mi.s Lena Mae Xckton returned yesterday to Xew Orleans to resume her studies at Sophie Newcomb College, where she is a junior. Mis- Marion Lewis accompanied hr, jo-ing to enter Newcomb as a freshman.

Alex Iirown. manager of the Rice Feed Mills has gone to Jackson. for a s-hort visit with Lis mother. LATE WIRE NEWS. Veature.

Sept. 17. Lew Cody and Mabel Norma nd of "movie fame were married here at 3 o'clock tbta morning. Hankow, Sept. 17.

Chinese tar yautkoritiea at Wanhtien mili- nave occupied quarters of the China land mission in that town and are holding three Critish missionaries captive. Tokyo. Japan. Sept. 17 A knife! was hurled toward Princess Louise of Sweden.

Sir John Tilley, the! British ambassador, the Albert del Bassomoierre. the ReUian ambassa. I dor, during a luncheon at the Brit ish embassy yesterday. The weapon struck Ambassador Tilley'a son, but was deflected by a cifarette case. The would-bo assassin officials are reticent.

escaped Position Wanted JL pftAO WANT WaJ ACADIA Theatre LAST TIME TODAY "THE-SAVAGE" A 17 A JACK 'l HOXIE SUNDAY GODM Written for the screen by June MathU from Edith O'Shaugh-nessjr'a novel 'Viennese Medley Rcksrd A. Rowland jv IT'S A ACADIA. THE COOLEST SHOW IF IT'S AT THE CET THE ACADIA HAIHT. PLACE IN TOWN. SOCIAL INTEREST, PERSONAL ITEMS M-H it to Tll- S.iill ll.

Hayne. Sent. 17. Mrs. A.

K. Raymond was cordial hostess to members of the Thursday ltridge club on Thursday afternoon. entertaining tab'es of players at her Inmc CIcgg Street. lively bomjuets of goldtn glow were used profusely throughout the rooms given over to the hospitality and a series of delightful games enjoyed of which Mrs. W.

J. riattsmier made hifrh 'core and Mrs. Valery Ilcbert cut Following the games tempting refreshments were enjoved lv the fol- owing guests; Mrs. K. J.

un, Mrs. Jacques Arnold Kahn, Mrs. Dave IVtitjean, Mrs. J. A.

Pecot. H. N. Sweeney. Mr.

Valery Hebert. Mrs. W. J. I'latts-mier, Mrs.

Ceorge Mrs. Juiien Kahn. Mrs. M. Stagg, Miss Agnes Clay of Hou-ton, Texas.

Mrs. Albert McNeil was the charming hostess cm Thursday afternoon at her homo in Parkerson street to the Thursday Pleasure Bridge club. Tb day also marked the birthday anni-versaiy of the hostess which was the inspiration for several of Mrs. McNeil's friends, from Crow ley and thU city unexpectedly attending with the club members a Mirprise, bringing a beautiful guest prize which was won by Mrs. C.

B. of Crowley and pr sentcd to the hi-t ss of Talk "Summing, up Our State Al i.i., nary ivcii'K lor li(, "Mrs. A. ('. Brainaicl.

Inspirational Address "God'j Message to Me on Stewardship" Mrs. J. C. Hazel. 'Comments on Scrijtuie References" Mrs.

J. M. I a vis. Beading Mrs. E.

C. Ha vis. Song "When Baptists Learn how to Tithe." The Pleasure Bridge? was tlelight-fully entertained by Mrs. Martin TcwnM'Nd Thursday afternoon at her Tiome on Nezpicpue street. A beautiful luncheon sc was given to Mrs.

Jules Beaud. who made club high score. Mrs. Allan McClain, the guest of the hour, received a dainty gift, a fancy powder puf f. The hostess served tempting trays.

Playing were: Mrs. John Bobbins. Mrs. P. C.

Moseley, Mrs. George Moffett, Mrs. C. E. Bobbins, Mrs.

Alfred Hel.crt, Mrs. Fritz Huber, Mrs. Sidney Simon. Mrs. A.

S. Campbell. Mrs. Jules Reaud, Mrs. If.

J. Black, Mrs. W. Castell, Mrs. Alan McClain.

that piping-hot cup of coffee richly "creamed" with Borden's Condensed Milk (sweetened). Golden, smooth, fragrant the perfect cup of cofTce. And you'll like the convenience of Borden's a creamy blend of pure dairy milk and sugar. Keeps without ice. Economical, too.

You'll want it on your tabic whenever you serve coflee. Your grocer has a fresh supply DIME BRAND thrown for good ir.u iirc ami e-oleric entertainment will iniplT bit. s-ong Krite W. Lyons of Crowlev. "tU io iw.i.y.

I he t-rogram printed fully in yesterday's Siirea Kalph Morgan City will be accompanist. JENNINGS CHURCH OBSERVES MISSION 'DAY OF PRAYER" Tin- Jennings, Sept. IT. Accord-ing to annual custom, the Woman's Missionary Society of the Haptist church observed the State Mission Day grayer, conducting and afternoon Thursday at the church. Mr.

W. W. CJark presided at t'ie morning s--- as the scripture nailing the tenth chupt of Romans, first to fifteenth vers-. After the singing of the hymn "J-- f-tis Calls a chain of pi wa ren- th dered: program "The Strctt Miss Mary Tavlr. Talk "LotisiMiia Ilaptists Their Cooperative Program" lU v.

Wallace. Topical Discussions "The Wouv en's Missionary I'nion Department" Mrs. J. W. Gill.

tlur Sunday School and People's Department" and "Our Tvo HospitalV Mr. It. N. Wallace. Intel st ing general Ii.scuion were participateil in the entire Haptist M'-'- meiiit -rhiri on Our "Our Louisiana gr Amcriir the Italians," Our Work Amonir the Xegr-s." 'Our Acadia Acade.ny and Work Among the French" N.

Wnl! ace. Luneheon was at the par-sonaire, the noon hour being in pleasant social fashion. Mrs. S. L.

Hoag pre.sid-d at tie afternoon seFsion and led in the cussion of the sutiject, i A i ilhe mumr A Kong and prayer eriod was nm- cludd with' the scripture from the thirteenth chapter of Fim onnthians. leading "(iod inti Mi. lloaj. Hymn 'Is Your Life a Channel '1 2 familiar face in the kitchens of the best cooks of the south KELICIOUS HOLIDAY ft $2-85 to $7.50 SONS a Smile 172 Friends of Hazel Dare Wilder. who have known her since her girlhood days in Crowley, and wi.

have ftdlowed with interest the veiopment fi her talent rinco her so- prano voice was "discovered" her" st vera 1 years ago, will make up the largest ait of the audience expected to crowd the Crowley high school auditorium tonight in Mrs. Wilder' first concert in this city, since return- iw jrar? oi Muiy unucr mtern in Florence, Italy. nen ne iasi sarg in i. rowi. y.

young linger who has since tt. plaudits if many critics, was heard to the accompaniment of the phonograph from which she obtained ht-r first instruct ifn. Tonight she will h-heard without this aid, and instead of singing with Galli Curci, insteal of trilling the liquid notes of "Char-mant with the famous operatic star as a guide, her own voice will rise alone, upon its own merits and with more assurance than when first and with some trepidation sang her first songs here. In the audience tonight will h-people' who in high school with nere a decade ago heard her in school society Meetings -nd en- tcrtainments, and who will recall evtn then pron.i-e in voice wniiih, iiccoi diiig to those Lafayette and Lake Charles who ha heard her. has more than met then firjjt indications.

Others will be pres. i ent who have often heard her sinx a child in Sunday school or in cnurcn. ot these win te present i friends, same as; those who vi-I merely to satisfy their curiosity while there will be others from nearby towns who have come to rcpe the applause already givc-n. It is a big jump from those simpler compositions of her curK school here to the program that will be given tonight, starting at m. Instead of her "Carmena," a favorite in school.

wMi Knglish words, there will be hiSi-sounling songs iii Italian, her fa orite of the alien tongues, and Russian and as vell. 15. Fuel Gone, Aviator Drops in Chute fo- h.f a three other pilots forced Chailes A.j Lindbergh to abandon St. Louis-Chicago air mail plane neai iy a nine from Wedron. and drop by parachute.

Within an hour he had groped across country to where the wrci k-' plane lay two miles away. dt.a the three pouches of mail i arranged inesr journey tor trie remaining fixty miles to their Chicago de-tination. I.indberirh left hi- ship aft cruing fr more than two above th Chicago nir from which powerful seanhlichts sought to pierce the fog. The drone the was heard plainly by officials. The pilot, flying for the Kobrt- Aircraft Com any of St.

Louis i finally abandoned ho of finding' field. tr. which thiee ers turned I -I l.l'l'"- it: l'ly 1'i't-a ii be iii bi i l.i t'( un ha'd ieaihi i it was necessary to ui the gasoline tank. cmervt He said the altimeter read when he saw that the last drop of emergency fi'cl was gne. realized he would have- to "go the side-" for the thin! timt- in experience.

He wa stili hidden from the earth by fog. Lindbergh dropped through blanket which he estimated l.onii fvc-t in tiuckness, and without a mishap. Hut during tin-early part of his descent he w.i- ir, constant dangt from the falling hip. Wheeling about the pilot. wirgs came within a hundred fee; of his body.

K)U KKXT To adjuining bath, close in. C23 Ave. I. NEW HATS Crush Their Crowns BOTH LAIKii: AND SMALL HATS favor the hijfh crown, which i.s crushed, folded or dented in innumerable smart ways. Tri mining are HhlKin hands, jewt-lled pins or modernistic motifs lein modish.

In felt, velour and velvet. with HEN LYON MAY McAYOY In The FighUng Peacemaker" MONDAY with CONWAY TEA RLE ANNA Q. NILSSON and a cast int lading May Allison Ian Keith Jean ilersholt Lucy Beaumont tlu ht-artbfats of hu-ntanity ith to the ilrum-l. ats of ties tiny resouml-injr front tin's jrjo-antic ir.una. And The (t.I(Kn (Ilory a man in love wml to defeat.

.1 Also CHARLIE CHASE in LONC: FLIV 1 th THE KINCi' 3 S-pt. office. Gt Candy X. I. lay A A as as in its a ed out of i the I 1 1 i Mif fore the he over hi fog few JA MA YER "TIIK STOliK AHEAD" I'arkirson Ave.


BOX JACOBS CANDY 2 LB. 6 Months" Subscription to Hollyvoid Filmoraph TO THE THICK PERSONS PEGGY HOPKINS JOYCE'S New picture. At" AM t'e box DAN BLUM "Service with PHONE lionulvd by i.s Ti ize- A 1 and eventuallv 176 mnma.

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