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Republican and Herald from Pottsville, Pennsylvania • 5

Pottsville, Pennsylvania
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tVEtiVEKDAY. DECEMBER Il4. i Tbe Dost Food-Drink Lunch st Fountain REDUCE HOUSE- HOWTHISMDTHER- WG EATERS GET kvlDXEY TROUBLE Take at first (dsn Klxl-ifcr irritation or Backache. Abfc For ORIS. 5 HCDDCC jl ll CflD ATUICTirC! IUII HlllWilllU KT HA I.

SlfRKIDAN. I Written for Ihe I'mted lTrss.) New York. Dec. 9. One of the really interesting pastimes of the present winter Ivague scheduled is picking a tem for the 1913 Athletic.

Ever rince the deprefoins net to say hunely discouraging defeats administered by a tail whos-name we shall not mniljon f-r fe-ar I Kin. ..,,1,1 'w, 2 In iim niir mr lie" up of the Mackuien has leen clnwcn 'by Ihe xierts. And the bascUiU ex-; per are almost its numerous this year as Ihe military exports ami siv-j forth their opinions with eipjal cun-i dor. Sufficient to remark at this I time, t'onnie Mack has the final say i in the mutter. A few things, however, ty he pre dicted.

One is thai Wallie will continue at the old stand Th' second is that the young blood 'in the Mack burler corps will be vei-y much tu tiie front. Tb tbinl is that a new face will lie seen in the outfield. The fourth is that the Athleti-s will be mere popular in ISK, than they in the last few eiiw which not K(iiit' much. The lifth idea is not such a lead-pifte cinch but ther- is slrong protiatoliiy Ih.a x.uie will t.e hovering around third base in place of Homo Una Haker. The Maryland slugger would like .1 change ol climate, it i said.

He had a bad slump, comparatively iteakin. la--'l summer and man were unkind enough to say that tile former idol's feet had turned to ---which is literary way of saving thai he is not what he used to be. It would by a brave man who would trv to mum successor, however. his To Die at Sunri-'! The dramatic of a spy in the war is be vividlv dc- I scribed in the big Illustrate' Magazine of next Sunday's New Vork World bv ''ant. Norman Thwaile.

of the tli'itish army, a World corres- poiiflent. The victim wa? a wealthy ami influential man. but his "pull" touldn't save him. Another inipor- tant Magazine feature will be th-words md music of "Why Should We Stay Home and Victor Her- belt's great song hit in "The Onlv I Girl." And, of course. Sunday World readers' will get "Fun the big week- ly joke book of wit and humor, a comic section in colors, all the latest war news.

ic. Order from your newsdealer in advance. A shootiou match has been arranged between James U. Keilly and Ivl. V.

Matthews, both Cilherton. Match is to t.ike place on Decemla-r I2tn at the Gilhrrtoti ball grounds for i Si 00 side bet, nun to shoot at 'nine birds. II i HULU tArtlKJtS! Make Yoor Cm Cecil Medicine The difference in buying one of tbe roost efficient, latest and up-to-date cou'h and cold remedies (which can be made at home), and buying the old. ordinary, ready-made kinds, is that with) the new cue you get all pure medicine, instead of boying a large proportion of sugar and water, besides paying for bottles, corks and labels; and it usually re-: quires to 3 bottles of the old-fashioned. .1 .1 r.

tn Krealr nn a cough cold, wbiiez ounces isocwortni of SchiSFmana's new Concentrated Ex pecturant, which is so strongly concentrated that 2 ounces, when mixed at borne simply one pint of granulated sugar and one-half pint of water, make a (ull pint (18 ounces) of excellent cough rem tdv, and will be sufficient to probably kix the whole family tbe entire winter, it positively contains no chloroform, omiira. momhine or other narcotics, and jo that children like to take it. Arrangements have been made with drug store named below to refund the money to any person who finds it docs not give perfect satisfaction, or if it is not loand the very best remedy everosed for coughs, colds, bronchitis, croup, whoopingcougb and hoarseness. You will be the sole judge, and under the positive guarantee Dy these druggists, absolutely no risk is run in buying this remedy. For sale heta by hnrke's Drug Store.


LYONS LAWYERS. Office No. 210 North Main street, Shenandoah, Pa. Schuylkill and. Bell telephone connections.


Dealer in Pianos. Organs and all 'inds of Musical Instruments. West Centre Street. VL M. BI P.KE P.

II. BURKH ArroR.i:Y,s-.T-L.w. Office F.gan Huilding, corner Main snl Centre Streets, Shenandoah, Pa. f. P.

MONAGHAN. ATTORXEY-AT-LAW. Franey's Hub Building, Corner Main and Lloyd Streets, Shenandoah, Pa W. B. DI'RKIN, Room 1, Egan Building, corner of Main and Centre Streets, Shenandoah, Pa.

only a year in service, the e-opoer roof of the new Jl 50.000 city Itwl'l at Haaleton is leaking like a If Tbe American men and womee n.ust guard Kid-nay trouble, because we eat too nrk and all our food is rich. Our blood Is OUei with uric acid which the kidneys strive to filter out. tay weaken from overwork, become tlug-Siah; the ellminntive tissues clog and the result is kidney troable, bladder weajtness and a general decline in heart h. When your kidneys feel like lumps of iead; your back hurts or the urine is tiotidy. full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous pells, acid stomach, or you have rheumatism when the weather is bad, pet from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts', take a talte-spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act line.

This famous salts is made front the acid of grapes and lemon jui'-e, conibined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer ir. a source of irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot injure, makes a delightful effervescent lithfa-water beverage, and belongs in every home, because nobody ean make a mistane by bavins a good kidney flushing any time. DEN-ROTA Tit rtaiisa d) Regulator. UmtaaiiuA.

Caa DoZLj Box, I I Smi post-paid aa Vor 6alc By C. Pavltt, Druggist. 2t If. Centre 81. Bead the Herald and keep posted.

Leap Ytvtr ill a Century. Kditor Herald: Will you please answer the following question; How, many leap years are there in a ctn- tury? lit may be interesting to our read-; crs to know that there are but twi n- ti -four leap years within a given; century. The old notion that an v. year thai is evenly divided, by four is a leap year is a fallacy. A ref- eretice to the calendar for two era-1 turies discloses the fact that the veal's 1700 and 1800 uilthouuh divisible by four) are not -leap years.

This leaves, there-fore; but twenty-four Februarys i in Which tle occurs. -lid.) i GENUINE Avoid Initiations pain, io powder form. For infants, invalid and growing children. Pure nutrition pbuJdin the whole body Invigorate mining mothers and the aged. mm Open I I DAY AND NIGBT High Class I I Vaudeville! AND Pictures 1 PRICES, 5 and 10c.

ooooooooooooooooooodooocoo If you want to repair, build or in fact do anything in the building line, drop Foose a card and he wilt cheerfully give you an estimate on your work promptly. J. S. FOOSE Contractor and Builder Office 20 W. Lloyd St Bell Phone 491, fMeughlin Bros.

I Take No Substitute More healthful than tea or coffee. Agrees with the weakest digestion. Keep on your sideboard at home. A quick lunch oreoared in a minute ONE THOVSAXD STRONG TO PROTEST H. II.

BILLS Washington, Dec. a. Five special trains. each carrying more than 200 enthusiastic delegates, arrived in Washington today for the opening of eleventh annual convention of the National Rivers and Harbors convention. Sessions are being held lodav.

and be. continued, tomorrow anil Friday, to protest againrt the action of the last Congress in cutting the appropriations for rivers and harbors work from $53,000,000, as provided by the Senate committee, $43,000,000 us provided liy the House of Representatives, to a lumii sum of Vigorous defenses, of the "projects which were so bitterly assailed hv Senators Burton, of Ohio and Kenyan, of Jowa, are prepared by a number of prominent speakers who are readv to address the convention today. These include Senator Suulsbury. of Delaware, who made a itrong Unlit in Congress for the purchase and improvement of the Chexapeal and Delaware canal. Senator Shep- n.ll-rl.

(if Tccas who with linr. ton and Kenyon as to the merits of the Trinity river appropriation, and Representative Jlaker. of California, whose pet projects, the Sacramento and Feather river improvements, were allowed to so by the board by Congress. It was the Trimly river, undoubtedly, however, which sot the hardest knocks. One serious minded senator asked if the "appropriation" was for the macadamizing of the stream's bed, while Senator Uallintrer.

Republican Poor leader, asked if tne appropriation included for artesian wells to water for the river. When Senator Kheppard had the temerity to declare that a boat was even then on its way up the Settaior Norn inquired if -it were coming up on a Hat car. President .1. Hampton Moore, of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Assucia-tjon. has a stinging speech prepared entitled "The Pork barrel," Which is a reply to what he regards as the flippant criticisms in many newspapers of the river and harbors improvement propaganda.

MVXY DISORDERS COME FROM. THE L1VEK Arc Von Just at Odds with Vuii5elf Do Vim Rcsulatc Are you sometimes at odds with yourself and with the world? Do you wonder what ails you? True you may be eating regularly and sleeping well. Vet something is the -matter! Constipation, Headache, Nervousness and Uilious Spells indicate a Sluggish I.iver. The tried remedy is Dr. King's New Liver Tills.

Only 25c at your Druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Skin Eruptions. tf sieve. LiveiTt Undertaking and Embalming Night calls answered by Bell Phone 148L. Stable Bell 50J.

FOR YOUNG FOLKS Handsome Canadian Sledge Dog Off on Long Trip. FROM NORTH TO ANTARCTIC Mam bar of On of the Team That Will Accompany Sir Ernest Shackieton on His Expedition Many Thing of Interest to Little People. The European war has not prevented the British transatlantic expedition from embarking for the notwithstanding the fact that some of Its members belong, as Shackleton himself formerly did, to the British naval reserve. The Endurance, the ship of the Weddell sea party the, Thames Aug. 1, carrying part of the Photo by American Press Association.

BLSDOB DOO DMA. expedition to Buenos Aires. The Aurora, which Is to- carry the Ross sea section of the expedition, is now at Hobart, Tasmania, and will sail for the antarctic about the beginning of December. When Sir Ernest Shackleton left England in September he took along a number of Canadian sledge dogs. They are very hardy and intelligent animals and will be used to draw the sledges of the party, Diga, the name of the dog pictured.

Is a handsome fellow. Perhaps he'll live to return again; perhaps he'll perish in the bleak antarctic. A Boy Scout Game. The "voyage home" is the name of a' game which the boy scouts like. Several scouts start from given points with, courpasses, each npuitbeing la-beled at starting "Shanghai" and bearing underneath it the name of the next "port" and its exact bearing.

By taking a sight along his compass the scout comes at last to a coin or a stone lying on the ground with a note underneath it stating the name of the port and the compass direction of the next port He signals to the umpire from each port as he reaches it the name of the place arrived at If It is out of the regular geographical order he has to return to the last port and try again. Generally he has to visit six or eight ports before he reaches "home" The fellow who gets there soonest, visiting all his porta in proper order on the way, wins. The Umpire has to be careful in making the course beforehand to take the bearings of the different ports very carefully and accurately. If he gives them the slightest degree wrong the competitor may. wander yards away from the right spot.

Of course he can take any line of travel he likes, not necessarily from, shanghai, such as from Cairo to London or Edinburgh to St Petersburg. Cape Town to Petersburg, and so on. Pats of Royalty. Queen Victoria had three dogs which she thought a great deal of, Her favorite one, Marco, could "trace his ancestry" back to the crusaders' time, He was a Pomeranian dog and won several first prizes at the shows. Boy, one of the other dogs, was a collie, and Spot the third, a fox terrier.

She also had another dog as a pet which was the smallest dog in England. It was a Yorkshire terrier and weighed little less than three pounds. A Neeestary Ceremony. A little girl was playing one morning with her dolls. "Mother, I want some water In a bowl," she said.

"I am going to christen my doll." "I wouldn't do dear," replied the mother. "That would be trifling with a subject yon do not understand." "Well. then, give me some wax to waxiclnate her with, mother," said the little glrL "She's old enough now to have tooie-thing done to her!" When are balls and rout supplied gratis 1 On the Held of battle. When is a lady's dresa like an unfortunate bullfighter! When It la gored. Where are two heads better thin ne? In Riming Riddle.

It has many lenvM, Thouirh tt Isn't a tree, i It tnld are rvt (read), Now, tbn, what cn It btT TtioT always stand still. Tat run down and up too. Th oome by th And are traaif-ad eq by tt rant araund a Raid, mr ir, Rut n.v.r moTta, and ato I'll Ut yon flniih out this wm By anytne, 'tis An Book, auirt, fenc nil k.v EOT STRENGTH Mrs. Hail Only Three in family. Yet Was S-i rvuus and Worn Out Could Not On the Wot k.

Fair Haven, "I was so nervous and run-down that some days I could not do my housework for my family of three. My nerve were very weak and I had pains around my heart. I had doctored for alout two yearn without help. One day a Vino! booklet was left at our door and I decided to try it, and thanks to Vinol my health has been restored, to I can do my work once more. "I have told my' neighbors about Vinol and shall always praise it for what it has done for me." Mrs.

James II. Fair Haven, VL What our 'delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil did for Mrs. Eddy it will do for every nervousi weak, run-down man or woman in this vicinity. Vinol creates an appetite, re-establishes perfect digestion and make good pure blood. In this natural manner it builds no the run-down, weak and debilitated, and replaces weakness with strength.

Try a bottle villi the understanding that vnur money will be returned if it doe" not help you Edward F. Furman, Druggist, Shenandoah, Pa. STOPS ITCHING Child Cured by Saxo Salve Patterson. N. Y.

"Mv children had a skin disease which the doctor called I itch, or eczema. He gave them oiedi-; ernes and ointments for it with very 1 little benefit, but Saxo Salve has cured I them and stopped the itching. Sufferers i from itching eczeira should use it" Mrs. L. K.

Bakeb, Patterson, N. Y. i If we can't cure your skin trouble with our Saxo Salve and Saxo Soap we will buy DacK toe empty tube. Edward V. Furman, druggist, Shenandoah, i'a.

LITTLE' LOCALS. While crossing the I 'ark trolley road at Shamokin, Dr. linkers' ami. mobile, driven by Raymond Hall, skidded and was badly wrecked by a street car. Hugh Iloyle and his family were overcome by smoke 'fmm a burning stove in Kreeland and were barely rescued Ituwrence Kaaadis.

ased 12. lost bis left eye. shot out by a younger brother at play in Hus.h ton. McAdoo was generous to strikins soft coal miners of the Kastern Ohio hills, sending one and a half carloads of food and clothing nd 600. Judge Evans is determined to put a stop to gambling in county and vt the opening of court yesterday, he notified the constables that raffling for turkeys is a direct violation of the law and they should be returned to court.

The sporting Shamokin, are tryirg to form a basketball The folow iiig teams have been mentioned, on the vir' Uit: Locust Gaiv Shamokin. t'tntralia, Mt. Carmel. Gordon. Krackvill'1 and rottsville.

The dreaded and mouth disease has broken Hit in the herd of the Danville Hosoilu! for the Insane, and the work of kiting 200 Iliad of cattle and 200 hogs has already been started. Charles t'amulll, of Uordou. a well known fireinaii on the Heading, is In a precarious condition in the Fountain Springs Hospital, suffering from a blood clot on the liver. The Key. G.

D. Stefaflo, pastor of St. Joseph's, I'ottsvilli', will set sail for Italy on Thursday. The Kev. Nicola Soriano will have charge in his ab-senie.

Miss. Anna BuVkley; one of the most prominent and popular members of "oal township's col pe of school teachers, left Monday for Hamburg, where the will enter the new State sanitarium recently opened there, to receive treatment for a general breakdown in health. More than 1 s.t'fii) employees of the Pennsylvania '-'llaiiroud were born in the countries engaged in the Euro-pea war The most are Italians. Trunk Stryker. the well known Reading liailway officer, was discharged from the Shamokin hospital Monday after undergoing a serious operation.

His many friends will be pleased learn of his recovery. While the members of the First Presbyterian church, of Sha mokin. were attending services on Sunday evening, some thief or thieves entered the vestibule and stole a number of umbrelhts. I'aiiMatK of Lebanon, ate seven grains-of of mercunv one of the deadliest poiions known to mdioal science, and is aUve to tell the tale Two cases of diphtlieria at St. Nicholas and one.

of diphtheria and scsirlet fever at; Wiggans, have closed the wllools at both these plueeH. I. J5. Uei'z. of Suntury, removed boMer on Saturday that had been in stalled by him in the Graeb Department store at that place thirty-one Thomas Irih, of N'cw York, had a purl of a healthy bene taken from bin riBht leg and traimplmitt-d in (he left leg to replace a part of an infected bone.

At a m'-etlng of the Ashland Hoard Monday evening, Juhamian IV kill was elected Presid'-ut and Josetih Slaiidenniir, Viti President. The board to close achools on Iicieuiber Urd mid open tticm again on January 4. Kll.i Dipku, ugrd. 15 years, of Urlfton, hud the ilrst three lingers of lnr rifht hand ampuluted Kuturday, while picking al in the yards heur the colliers' Sie fulled to bear an aiiproathinp gondol. Which was running without an engine.

An old centloniun. ol Ashland, lost tij of hi enmrterly pension received from thu avveriinwut, on (Saturday, lia did not discover bi lues until he i.i-rini homo after cmulug from the where he had hia check, cashed. L-- tr-iti' A.k FtttC tmitk aacA 5a Twenty Mile Indoor Race. James Munley, a former six-day racer, and Tommie -Fay, Schuylkill's marathon champion, have been matched for a 20-mile indoor race to take place at the Armory hall, Maha-noy City, on. the evening of January 5th.

The race will he started at o'clock and tt Us estimated that it will take about two hours to finish. Read the Herald adv. columns and get acquainted with Shenandoah's progressive merchants. inv--i. -AT GREAT PROFIT of every description SCARFS MUFFS SETS For Women and Children Fancy Neckwear Silk and Lisle Hosiery Handkerchiefs Muslin Underwear Silk and Voile Shirt Waists Blankets and Comforts Umbrellas for Women, Men, Girls and Boys Dolls Dressing Sacques Top Coats Trimmed Hats Sugg THE.

SHARING STORE Sweaters Silk and Kid Gloves COLONIAL IVORY Th6 Smoke of the Smart Set is not tne ready-made or even ready-made-toorder cigarette. Smart men of fashion everywhere club-men, connoisseurs, bon-vivants, millionaire sportsmen have discovered the keener enjoyment and greater satisfaction in the fresh cigarettes of unique flavor and delicious mildness they roll for themselves, to suit their individual taste, from mellow "Bull" Durham tobacco. Today it is the very last word in correct form to "Roll Your Own." GENUINE -1m ill wmm Clocks Jewel Boxes Nail Files Card Trays Button Hooks Pin Trays Shoe Homs Powder Boxes Hair Receivers Tooth Brushes Buffers Picture Frames Toilet Water Hair Brushes Bottles Hat and Cloth ComDs Brushes SMOKING TOBACCO No other tobacco in the world has the wonderful sweet fragrance and ripe natural mildness of "Bull" Durham. No other cigarettes have the exquisite smoothness and delightful freshness of "Bull" Durham hand-made cigarettes. "Bull" Durham is a distinctive form of tobacco enjoyment, thoroughly appreciated by smokers of experience and discrimination for the supreme, lasting, wholesome pleasure it affords.

Hand Bags of every description, till gen-nine leather New Kit Boxes Long Kimonas For Wotuou and Childreu Tailored Suits Silk Petticoats Girls' Cresses Shenandoah, Pe. ReIh Goats Giris' Coats FREE An Illustrated Booklet, Bl(ywtnrco way tQ "Roll Youf Own" Ctga. rettes. and a PacLiaa ml cioaictt papers, will botK be tnsilcd, frte, to any addrcsu in U. S.

on ppbUI tetiucit. Address Bull' GELB BROS. FORMERLY GEIB MAYER Uurhatn, tk TH6 AMEJJIt AN TOBACCO COMrAfiY Plain and Lloyd Streets I Advertising la your Ut sUcsuiao..

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