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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

How's Your Liver? Is the Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver is torpid Bowels are sluggish and constipated, the food lies in the stomach undigested, poisoning the blood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassitude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system is deranged. Simmons Liver Eegulator has teen the means of restoring more people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known' on earth. It acts with extraordinary power and efficacy. NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED.

As eneral family remedy for Dyspepsia Torpid Constipation, hardly ever use anything else, and have never bsei. disappointed in the effect produced; It seems to oe almost a perfect cure for all diseases of the Stomach and Bowels. W. J. MCELROY, Macon, Gft.

For Old and Young. Tntt'B Li-rer PIIli act kindly on child, tlie delicate female or Infirm old age, as upon the vigorous man. Tutt's Pills five tone to the weak stomach, kidneys and bladder. To these their fttrengtheninfr qualities are wonderful, canning them to perform their functions as in youtn. Sold Everywhere.

Office, 39 41 Park Place, N. Y. Snug little work for by Anna Tagf, Auttln, Jno. Bonn, Toledo, Ohio. cut, Why Somerirn A month.

You can do the "work live home, wherever you Even be- arc rniily from to All Been. IVechow you how CUD work In apnretlmo or all ihc lime, Bfp monn.V for wOrk- rrt, KailiH-o unknown nmonc NEW mid wni.derfLil.I'flriioularnfre PERSONAL AND IMPERSONAL. j-fvr In bclnp rnado by Joht R. work fur ua. Kcftder, you mny make as but we terfch you quickly bow to earn from to nt tho aiBrt mnd more as you go Bolli seiei, all In any part of ericft.

you Win cammencf nt home, flv- hi I your spare moJUenW only to work. All is GreBt jity for even" worker- "We furnishing cry thlnp. EASILY, SPEEDILY learned. PAlfneOLAltS FItEE. Addrtia at once, STISSO.N A JU1KK.

FINE PAPER HANGINGS INTERIOR FRESCOIHG CHURCHES. RESIDEHCES, M. invite visitors to call and inspect, Correspondence solicited. W. P.

NELSON 193 WABASH CHICAGO, ILL, FATHER IS GETTING WELL. He had such an awful cough. Doctor said he Had consumption And could not live long. He took Dr. White's Pulmonaria and Began to get better at once.

He is now Getting fleshy and strong, And will soon be Himself again. Such testimony as this Is nothing new for this medicine. It Is performing wonderful cures every day. It Is entirely harmless and pleasant to take, and its action Is simply wonderful In curing a cough. Three sizes, 25 5O cts.

and $1, and larger bottles the price than any other, and every bottle warranted. oold by B. F. Keesliug- iiEd D.E "HOW D'E DO?" Some answer cheerily, because they are iaM and full of Others aaflerlng from MBRV- OP8 Kloomily. I MUM isent sealed, jVee far OUR NEW BOOK 1 Testimonials.

JKxclusive Uniform. JZJilE 3IEDICA.L, Buffalo, N.Y. Learn "WHAT AILS YOU widow is reported to have doffed her weeds and achieved. second marriage in her wedding 1 dress before it-went out of fashion. usually finishes the day with a g-ame of billiards, and, though he is eighty-nine years old, he with a steady hand and usually wins.

pathetic story is told of a yoxmjj worna.n, the wife of a lithographic artist, who had been married but four months when she committed suicide because of her inefficiency in housekeeping'. In her farewell letter sheTjegged her husband never to marry ag-ain. Wants His West Virginian claims to have discovered a cave filled with boxes of g'old, diamonds and to load two freight cars he won't g-iveit away for less than So.000 cash down. He doesn't want to be mean, but he just won't do it, that's Free Press. Get China, let four hundred men be packed together in a crowd and a loud yell or a pistol shot will stampede'every body.

In Pekra a drunken man g-ot up in a theater and cheered, and a panic took place in which fifty-eigrht pucple were hurt. The native Chinamnn lacks what is called Free Press. young- prince of Naples is the picture of a youthful English smooth-faced, with a fair sprinkling of down on his upper lip, an eye-glass and a suit of clothes exit in the latest English style. Hut he is very clever, speaking 1 four languages fluently, and because of his retentive memory is regarded as a sort of royal encyclopedia, Macdonald, wife of Sir John, is a brilliant woman, an experienced politician and a fascinating 1 hostess. She was a Bernard, of Jamaica, but was educated in England.

Sir John was made a baronet the same year in which he was married, and Lady Macdonald went from her quiet home to assume her difficult position in society with great success. She is tall and majestic in appearance, brilliant in conversation and greatly admired in Canadian social circles. estate that Senator Hearst will' leave to his heirs is valued all the way from $20,000,000 down to $5,000,000. It has no fixed value for the reason that much of it is composed of mining- property that now yields a large income, but is of a precarious nature. His sole heirs are his wife and young-- Will Hearst, who, while being a first-class newspaper man, is a gentleman of expensive tastes and princely extravagance.

It is even alleged that he can spend money faster than the Homestake miners can dig- it out singular little incident occurred in front of the Gedney house, New York. A handsome young- lady, stylishly attired, was walking- down Broadway and a yoting- man equally captivating- in his way was coming- up-town. They met in front of the aforesaid hotel and as they passed the youth deftly slipped his hand into the girl's pocket and drew her pocketbook from it. It was done before the very eyes of twenty astonished g-uests of the hotel, but before they had time even to express their surprise at the young 1 man's audacity he turned with a polite bow to the young- lady, handed her the purse, gave her a mild warning- not to be so careless in the future and passed on. THE POET WHITTIER.

He Resigns All Mental Effort and AwalU the End In Peace. Having entered upon the eighty-fourth year of his life the poet Whittier has laid down his pen, with the resolution to take it up no more unless some grand inspiration shall stir him. The closing years of his life, be they many or few, will be spent in his delightful home, Oak Knoll, in the town of Danvers, Mass. Here he is surrounded by his friends, his books and his pets. He ventures out of doors but seldom in the cold winter weather.

He has enough FINE PIECE IS INDEED A LUXURY FlMZEl NOTICE. To the Volant of the City port, Indiana, of GP.EEi'LEAF WHITTIER. of this world's goods to permit him all the comforts during the rest of his (lays that he has been accustomed, as a plain Quaker, to enjoy in the past. His library consists of three large rooms, the walls of which are covered with bookcases vvell filled with the best of authors, and here the good old man passes most of his time. His most constant companions are two dogs and a parrot, that show in the ways of their kind how fond they are of their venerable master.

John Greenleaf Whittier was born at Haverhill, Dec. 17, 1S07, and was brought up on a farm. He worked for his father and occasionally at shocmak- ing until he was eighteen years of age, when he went to a school of the Society of Friends.his family being of that faith. He began his literary labors by editing a country paper, and also served for a time in the Massachusetts legislature. During the anti-slavery agitation he was an active abolitionist, and for a time edited the American Freeman in Philadelphia.

Since 1831, when he published his first volume, "Legends of New England in Prose and Verse," until quite recently he has been constantly writing. GREAT FAMILY FOR NAMES. AS IT IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE IT Of (lie ChiiiiKe In the Bouiidurico ol'the Voting Precincts of Said City, the Ooiimioi Tlki-Ir Keiiiiljir IS 1891 Council Ma roll LITTLE VEGETABLE MAM FOR COUGHS AND COLDS. SSc. and SI.

at all PKOVIDENCE. R. I. TBADB SUPPLIED by RQSS LaFayette, Ind. For sale byB.

Reeslinp spell felt." Willie Jimmie, what is felt?" Epoch. say, Upson, what would you do if you had a million?" Upson 1 N. Y. Ledger. Polite Green, point out Africa on the map." "Please, ma'am, it ain't polite to 1 Blade.

"Tommy, to what race do the people of this country belong?" Tommy (with a prodigious effort of the the.cau- cussin' race, ma'am." for Some of persons should never sit down tog-ether at a there is only enough, for seven, individuals on the Herald. Mora.1 sure, Tommy, that you are not so wicked as to call your mother 'old ma'am, I call her 'old Blade. Ought To (looking at his wife's new tea suppose that is what you call a fast color?" Mrs. it's the same color youuse in painting the Oeean. it must have been a terrible disappointment when Miss Golding- refused you." Jack Van was a crusher.

I felt exactly as though I had been sentenced to hard labor for have you been looking so intently at the clock?" Geowge don't suppose I feel do you?" Millicent I wondered if you had pawned your Blatter. seems queer to advertise methods of suicide." Mrs. Cumso in the world do you mean?" is an advertisement which says: 'Try a parr of our shoes, and you will never wear another Bazar. just want I to know what! like'best? Of all things, I like liver dumplings, sour-kraut and blood sausages." for shame, Adolph! So prosaic and common!" "Can I help it if such, divine tasting things have prosaic Blatter. a proposed to me last night and I accepted him." Helen he proposed' to me last-week and I refused- him." Clara I know it "He told me he did it just for practice.

He knew you didn't care for Herald. Kentucky Cognomens That Knock Indian AppellutionK Skyward. The vagaries of some men are amusing, but sometimes they are serious to the people who get at the butt end of them. The Lounger once knew a man by the name of Louis Hamilton, who lived near Boston, Nelson county, who was celebrated over his whole section for the names he had given his children. They were not nicknames, but the genuine, bona fide appellations of the youngsters; the only.ones they had, and the ones by which the girls were married and the boys voted.

They sounded queer when you first heard them, but, by and by, you got used to them, just as the neighborhood did, but the first idea of the man who heard them for the first time was that his informer was and many Is the box of cigars the Lounger has Smoked on the assertion that these were their true names. Proving it was enough. A certificate from the school commissioner of the county procured to the effect that the so named were upon the school roll. Their names were Avenue Belle Hamilton, London Judge Hamilton, Kebrow Fashion Hamilton, Chinese Hamilton, Eeputable Kingdom iA, Greek Wisdom Hamilton and Hell-iv. -the-Kitchen Hamilton.

The last, it known, was a girl. That tamily o-H-ld give Eain-in-the-Pace or on queer 0. New Delta. AMONG DEALERS THLSE GOODS ARE ON THE MARKET IN ONLY ONE SHAPE, 3x12 FULL 18 MOST CONVENIENT TG CUT IN POCKET PIECES OR CARRY WHOLE. and Promising Investments CHICAGO REAL ESTATE TURNER BOND, IO2 Washington Chicago, Established Reference IstJatl.

Bank, Chicago. We also Collect Itcnn, PnyTaxen, Xcjroll- er, jind Munajre iniiocostto lend- i'or nun-residents. Cor- respondence solicited and given prompt iiLtentlan. full Information Kent on application We oiler lor sale a number of Here tracts in amounts from $5,000 to SSOU.UGU. Terms generally 10 cash, biilmico 1, 2 and oyears.tipurcentlnteresl.

We have for sale and other safe Heal Estate Investments. A number of deslrufolo first njonpujje louns for saie, drawing 0 percent scml-aonuul Interest. flmong Special Birgains in Acres we Quote: 4 acrca at Washington Heights, $1,750 per acre. 10 ncrcs at Hlnsdnle. 15800 per acre.

40 iicres near Soutli Chicago, per acre. Inside Income-Producing Business Properties. Modern office building in heart of the city. Price Choice leasehold ingrowing retail district. Price, 375.000.

Other Investments from S10.00C to SJO.OOO paying loud rates of Interest. Also lots in all parts of the city on easy payments. niiniva3 ncwrprwvlnQ nuw. Judi- investments produce iMudxvtnc retuma. The Largest Kesei'voir.

The Indian Engineer says that omitting' lakes, which are in many cases natural reservo. rs, the largest reservoir or. artificial lake in the world is the great tank of Dhebar, twenty miles southeast of Udalpur, Kajputana, which covers an area of twenty-one square miles. The masonry dam is 1,000 i'eet long: by 95 feet high: 50 feet at the base andl.5 at the top. In southern India, also, there are some rcseivoirs.

That of Curnbum is formed by datuming the Gundlakamana river Vy a ila.iii fifty-seven feet high, thrown "betwnen two hills. This reservoir has an area of fifteen square miles. The'' Sulekcre rfiservoir, in Mysore, is very little smaller, and nextto CuinTjum is the finest in scuthern News. A HEN will lay more eg-g-s, keep in tetter health and her eg'g's will hatch better if she can have a good -variety in her feed, both in soft food and grain. Delicious Mince Pie in 20 Minutes AST TIME OF THE -STEAK.

NEW EHBUHD MINCE MEAT. In paper boxcsi enough for two large pies. Alwaj-3 ready; easily prepared. GLEAN, WHOLESOME, CONVENIENT, SOLD BY ALL, GROCERS. Cheap Lands and Homes in Kentucky, Tennesee, ALABAMA, Mississippi and Louisiana.

On the line ot the Queen Crescent fioate em be found 2,000,000 acres ol splendid bottom, upland, timber and stock lands. Also the fines! fruit and mineral lands on the continent for salf on favorable terms. FARMEKS! with all thy getting get a home Ir the sunny Soutli, where ullzzards and Ice else plains are unknown. The Queen Crescent Eoute Is 94 MUee the Shortest and Quickest Line Cincinati to New Orleans Time 27 Hours. Entire Trains, Baggage Car, Bay Coaclies ana Sleepers run through without change.

110 Miles the Shortest, Hours the Quickest Cincinnati to Jacksonville, Fla. Time 27 Hours. The only line runnlHg Solid Trains and Sleeping Cars. ONLY LINE FHOlt CINCINNATI TO Chattanoga. Fort Payne, Meridian, Ylckburc, Shrevecort, La.

20 Miles the Shortest Cincinnati to Lexington, Ky. 5 Hours Quickest Cincinnati to Knoxvllle, 116 Miles the Shortest Cincinnati to Atlanta and Augusta, Ga. 114 Miles the Shortest Cincinnati to Anniston Ala 26 Miles the Shortest Cincinnati to Birmingham Ala 15 Miles Shortest Cincinnati to Mobile, Ala. Direct connections at New Orleans and Shreveport For Texas, Mexico, California. Trains leave Central rj 0 ri crossing the Famous High Bridge of 'Kentucky, and rounding the base of Lookout Mountain Pullman Boudoir Sleepers on all Through Trains Over One Ifilllon Acres of Land In Albania," thf future Great State of the South subject to pre-emption.

Unsurpassed climate. The VOUTS of Uic 1 CHvof Logan.sjiort, Cuss Comi- ly, Indiana, will hereby take, notice that tin- following order was made by Hie Common Council of the City Cuss County, Iiidliiiia, at tlii'lr ri'Kular session, Wednesday IJiircll 18, laii. Kk'rtlun precincts as formed in the City of l.o- giinsport. Indiana: In accordance with an act'of the Legislature of Hie Sliite ofliKllima, approved March ti, IStifl. It Is ordered by the Common Council of the City of Lo- k'anspurt.

Cass County Indiana; and thev' do now fnru! and adopt the following voting pre'clncls, in tiirscverulwardsoftlieCItv of Jnd. to I FIKST 1VARI). r'rednctNo. that territory einbraci-ilwlihln following metes and bounds, lo-wli: Commencing at the uortwest corner uT Sycamore and Ottawa streets, tlienee running west along the'north line of Ottawa su-eet to Vine street, thence south along the west line of Vine street to Miami street, thence west on the north line of Miami street lo I'lumsu eel, thence north ulong the east line of Plum street to Bates street, thence west aiong Hie north line of Bates street to Holland street, thence north on the east line of Holland streetto the north boundary line of said First ward, and thence east along the. north line of said ward to Sycamore street, and thence south along the west llni'of morestreet to thff place of beginning.

And It Is ordered that the elections In said precinct be held In house on Ottawa street on the southwest corner ol lot 10, In D. Dykeman'slst addition to West l.ogan, in said ward. Precinct No. r.liat terrltoryenibniced within the following metes and bounds, to-wlt; Coiiimenc- liigatthenorthwestconier of Ottawa and Sycamore streets, tlience running south along the west line of Sycamore street to Chlppawa street, thence, west on the north line of Chlppawa street to Plum street, thence southon the west line of Plum street toOsage. street, thence west on the north line of Osage and Wbeatland streets to the Chicago branch of OiBPittsburg, Chicago, Cincinnati tic.

Louis Railway, thence south along the line of said railway to the Peorla branch ofsald railway, thence west following the north line of said Peoria branch of said railway to the west limits of said ward, thence north to the line of the Wabiish and Erie canal, thence east along the line of the Wabash and Erie canal bed to Holland street, thence south along the west line of said Holland street to Bates street, thence east on the south line of Bates street to Plum street, thence south on Plum street to Miami street, thence east along the south line of Miami strel to Vine street, thence north on the east line of Vlnn street to Ottawa street, thence east ou south line ot Ottawa street to place of beginning And Ic is ordered that the elections In said precinct be held In the buldllng on the sou hwest corner of the school house yard In said ward. Precinct No.S—All that territory embraced within the following metes and bounds, to-wlt: Commencing at the southwest corner of Sycamore and Chippewa streets, thence running west on the south line of Chlppewa street to plum street, tlience southon the east line of Plum streetto Osajje, then west on south line of Osage street to Wheatland street, thence west on south line of Wheatlajid street to the Chicago brunch of the Plttsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago St. Louis Railway, thence south along said railway to Market street, east on the north line of Market street to Eel river, thence easterly along the north bank of Eel rjvei 1 wiih the meanders thereof, to the place ot beginning. And It is ordered that the elections In said precinct be he'd at the engine, house In said ward. Precinct No, that territory embraced wltMn thel'ol owii gmeies and bounds, to-wlt: Commencing at the westend the ofEel river bridge on Market street In said thence west along the north bank of Eel anil Waba rivers, with the mennders thereof, to the west limits of said ward, thence" north to the south line of the Peoria branch of the C.

4' St. L.Railway thence east along the Peoria branch of the P. C.C. St. Louis Kiillway lo Market street, thence east on the south Hue of Market street to the place of beginning.

And it Is ordered that the elections in said preclct be held In Uhl's cooper shop In said ward, SECOND-WARD. Precinct No that terrltorv embraced within the following metes and bounds, to-wlt: Commencing at Eel on Fourth thence running south on the west line of Fourth street to Eel River avenue, thence south west on the north line of Eel Elver avenue to Third street, thence north on Third street to Eel river bridge, thence northwest on east line of Sycamore street to the north limits of the Second ward, thence along the north limits of said Second ward to the west line of Stevens, Mobley and Clary's additions to the city of Logansport, thence north along the west line of said additions to tne north limits of said ward, thence east on the north line of said ward to Clifton avenue, thence south along the west line of Clifton avenue to Hiiiuia. street, thence southwest along the north line ot Hanna streetto Pontlac street tlience south along the west line olPoiitla-: street to the north bank of Eel river, thence west on the north bank of Eel river with the meanders thereof to a point opposite Fourth street to the place of beginning. Audit, is ordered that the elections In said precinct be held at what is now known at Schaefer's cooper shop in ward. Precinct No that territory embraced within tie following metes and bounds, to-wli: Commencing at Eel river on Fourth street, thence running south on the east 'ine of Fourth street to Broadvruv street, thence east on the north line of Broadway street to Fifth street, thence sonth on east line of Fifth street to the Wabash and Erie canal-bed, thence east along the north line of sukl canal bed to Seventh street, thence north on the west line of Seventh streetto High street, thence west on the south line of High street to Sixth street, thence north on the west line of Sixth street to Eel liver, iindthencewestalonethesouthbankof Eel river with the meanders thereof to the pin of beginning.

And it is ordered that the elections in said precinct be held at the North stieet engine house in said ward. Precinct No that territory embraced within the following metes and bounds, to-wlt: Commencing on the south bank of Eel river at the intersection with Tlilrd street, thence running to Eel Elver avenue, then, northeast along the soutli of Eel River avenue to Fourth street, thence southon the eastllne of Fourth street to Broadway street, thence east on thesouth line of "Broadway street to Fifth street, thence south on the west line Of Fifth street to Market street, thence west on the north line of Market street to Elver avenue, thence southwest on Eel River avemie lo the Wabiish river, and thence northwest along the south bank of Eel rivpr; with the meanders thereof, to the place of beginning. Ami It is ordered that the elections in said precinct be held at the township trustee's office In said ward THIRD thereof, to a point opposite Tenth street south crossing said river to Bace street' west. along the north of Race street to street, thence south along the west line of Etebtbt High street, and thence west along? jiortn.line..oT Highsireet to theplaceof begumlne- A nd ordered that the. elections In said clnct be held at the brick ofllce building at the Precinct No.

that territory embraced within the following metes and bounds, to-wlt- Commencing at the, corner of Seventh and High streets thence running east on the south line, or High street to street, -thence north -on east line ot Eighth streetto Hace thence east on the south line or Race street to Twelfth street, thence, south on the west line of Twelfth street to Broadway, street, thence west On the north line of Broadway streetto Seventh street and thence north on the east line of Seventh street to the place of beginning. And Is.ordered, that the elections of said preclnci be held at the- soutlieiist corner of the school house. lot, haing tot' "-''jis US. Tipton's second addition to -ftSs Prec'nct No. that territory embraced! within the following metes and bounds, to-wlt- commencing at the southwest- corner of Twelfth streets, thence running oii '4 'i' the west line of Twelfth street lo the Wabash ana lirte canal bed, thence west along the ihe line o'i cS sa.Id canal bed to Seventh street, thence north on' east line of Seventh street to Broadway str.eet.unC!'•'•'v-'-!< thence east on south line of Broadway street place, of beginning.

And Ills ordered ibat ihts ejections in'saJd beheld at Clem's Uvecs- siable in said ward. rm 11 WARD, Precinct Xo. that territory embraced within the following metes and bounds, Commencing at Eel river on I welftli running south to Market sireet, thence east oii north line of Market street to Sixteenth KM tlience north on west line, of Sixteenth street to "SI the. south bank ol Eel river, and I hence west the south bank of Eel river, with meanders there- of. 10 the place of beginning.

And It Is that the elections In said precinct be held la the- trout room over (Vreen's grocery store, on Broad- -'-S? way street, in said ward. Precinct No. All that territory embracing. within the. following and bounds; Commencing at tile corner of Twelfth and Market streets, thence running east on the south line of Market street to Slxteei th sireet.

thence- som.b oo. the west line of sixteenth sireet to Smea'd street tlience west on the north line of Smeud sir.eet-;t6 Twelfth street, and th-nce north on east line'bf Twelfth street to the place of beginning. Is ordered i hat the elections In said pfeclnct4e'--S'l held at the Filteentn street en-lne. house in said ward. So, that lerritorj- pmbraced within the following metes and bounds, to-wlt- south on east- line of- Eighteenth street to Speac street, thence east on north line of Spear sireet to the.east limits of the city, thence north along the, eastern limits cf the.

city to Eel river, thence wesn, 5-Sa along south bank of Eel river to place of Is ordered.that the elections in sales precinct be beld In the office of the street buildinginsaidward. that t-rrltory embraced within the following meies and bounds, Commencing at the, corner.of the,StLCBlSftJ and Pacific railway and Twelfth slreet.thence east along said railway to Seventeenth street, thence. north on the east line, of Seventeenth street Wabash. aud Erie canal bed, thence west along'S saidcanal bed to street, theiieendith 1 on east line of Sixteenth: to Market street thence on south'-line of Market street to. Elghthteenth street, thence south on Eighteenth street to Spear street, thence east on -S south line of Spear street to east limits ofcity.

thence south along the east limits of said city Wabiish river, thence west along, the north bank of the river, with meanders thereof, to Twelfth street, and thence north on east line Twelfth streettto the place of beginning. -fi? is ordered that the elections in said held In the house now owned by Hudolph No. 629 Seventeenth street, In said ward. ilia PrecinctNo.6—All that territory embraced within '-4j the following metes and bounds, to-wlt: Gomcienc- ingat the comer pf-'Twelfth aud Smead thence running east'ori'the south line of Sniead-'V-Sftj strei't to Sixteenth street, thence south on the west linecfSbcteeiith street to the Wabash- 1 canal bed, thence east on the line of said to Seventeenth street, thence south on west Seventeenth streetto Wabash Kailway. thence west along railway to Twelfth street, thence north on-tlie east line of Twelfth street to the plate of ginning.

And Itis ordered that the elecUorJs'In'i'-vg said precinct be held atwbat Is known iis 'Topp's- s'hoe shop In said ward. ViS 'i he State of Indiana, theCounty of Cass, the Citf of Logansport, ss: the.City of logan, sport. Indiana, do hereby certlri- that the above is a. complek' copy of the proceedings of the Common Council ol the City, of, Logansport, Indlima, -at a regular session held in the council chamber of city ou Wednesday eveuing.Mai'ch to the ei-tiiblishing of-voting precincts for ous wards comprising the City of Logansport, la-- dlana, as the same appears of record In myofflce: Witness my iand and the seal of the City of gansport. this 19th day of March.

1891. JOBN.J.TAGGABT, Clerk City of Logansport, Ladies $500 Dr. Anderson's English Female Regulating Pills tne safest and Diost reliable. Give a trial and be convinced. At Drug Store or bs mall, post-paid per box Jl.OO, 3 boxes mh'dlcine Toledo, O.

For sale In Logansporr, Ben Fisher, IJo S12 Fourth Street, Mention paper. rebI9d(kw3nn: THE GEHTLEIMK'S FRIEND. OnrMalyflor Perfection 'Syringe free with b'ottle. rrevonisistriotart. Cures Glleet in 1 to 4 daj-n.

Ask your DruirgUt lor it. Sent to any address for 81.OO. MAMUF'G JOSEPH GILLOTT'S STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS EXPOSITION, 1889." THE MQST PERFECT OF PENS. Do Yotf bvest or IN STOCKS, BONDS, GKAIN AND PROVISIONS If so, track witn a reliable firm who have haS'ien 1 years experience, and are members of the Chlciiftt' tj- For Correct County Maps, Lowest Rates and hill particulars aGdres.

D. G. EDWARDS. Gen Passenger Ticket Agent, Queen A'CresccntHoute, CIncinnin.1. 0, thence southeast to Oak street.tnenre south the west line of Oak street to Canal street, tuein-e west iilong the north line of Canal street to Fourth street, tlimce south on the west line of Fourth street to the Wabash river, thence west along the north bank of the river, with the inean- ders thereof, thence noi th to the place of beginning.

And It is ordered that ih- elections In said precinct be held the old brick school house In said ward. Precinct No. that territory embraced, within metes and bounds, to-wlt: Commencing at the corner of the wabiush und Erie canal bed and Oak street, thence running alonu the south line of the Wabash and Erie ranal bed to Twelfth street, thence south along the west line of Twelfth street to the Wabash river, theme west along tr.e north bank of the Wabash river with the thereof, to Fourth street, thence north along the the east line of Fourth street to Canal street, thence ea-t on Canal street to Oak street, thenre north on the east line ot Oak street to the place of beginning. And it Is ordered that the elections In said precinct be held at Ham Terr's office In said ward. Precinct No; The third precinct of said ward Is composed oi all that part of said ward lying east'of the east line of J.

Sbultz's -third addition to Logansport and south of the Wabash river, including Blddle's island. And It Is ordered that the election in said precinct be held at Amans carrlnge trimming shop on Burlington avenue In ward. FODBTJI WARD. Precinct No. the territory embraced wlih- In the following metes and bounds, to-wlt: Commencing at the corner of Sixth and Tllirh streeis, thence running north on -Pontlsic street to Hanna street, thence eiust on the south line of Hanna street to Clifton nvenue, thence north on the east line of Clll'tou avenue to the.

ward boundary-line, thence east tlong the ward- line to east limitscf.satd ward, thence southeast line of snld ward river, thence west along the north bank of Eel river, with the meanders Refer to il'iiubii5'M WHYLAND 4. 1O Avo. Chicago, We send fre; of charge our Daily Market Circular nterest allowed on monthly balances. Notice of Appointment of Trustee- Notice is hereby given thatl have been'duly ap-; pointed Trustee of Hugh M. Zandry.

'merchant', ot the i own ol Clymers in Cass.Counc", the benefit of his creditors. All persons claims are requested to file them for allawance'ac- cording to law, GEO. Afslgnee. nmr20dStltaw3tw I CUBE RUPTURE DR. HORNE'S ELECTRIC TRUSSES Have Cored Ruptures in 15 "I suffered witn rtouiiie ruptnre 5 ycors.

Yam trie Truss cured mo in syjfmontlis. O. VmiM Sept. 24, 'W. Chattanooga, Xe Truss cured my rapture after snfferfii( 15 years, llns.

A. BODGHTV." Absecon, K. am cared sound and we!) by wearlns your Truss. K. Davis CUT, Iowa, Anf.

The only Evniilnc Electric hnd Belt In tfer world. DR. HORHE, INVENTOR, ISO WABASH.

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