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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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Gladness Comes ith a better understanding of the transient miturc of tin- muny phys- lemlills, which viuiisli proper ul- -entlc efTor s- There is cc.mfort in Si knowledge, that BO many forms ci arc not due to any actnul ins- but simply to .1 constipiiU'dconU" Uon of the system, which the. family laxative, Syrup of rigs, lirouipt- to removes. That is why it is the- nmecly with rnillionsof f.vil is esteemed so highly by who value good health. Its benclicial are due to tlie fact, thRt it11. Lie one remedy which promotes internal demnliness without dcbililuf Ui.

OTjrans on which it nets. It is in order t.o get its bone- effects, to note when you pur- mhmse, that yon have thu genuine iirti- which is manufactured by the. (. ah- fornia Fig Syrup Co. and sold by reputable druggists.

If in the enjoyment of good ho.ilt.i, the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies arc then not needed, jt afflicted with any actual disease, one mfy be commended to the most skillful but if in need of a laxative, Se should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup highest nnd is most largely wed and ffives most pcncral satisfaction. ever any mime utitaclicJ in prehistoric t-imus. Keep Cool by L'slng THEKELLYi Batti RING Hot Water Proof Hose $3 id. 20c.

i terents. Wettliig BeRiI Floor or Walls. goriilefs Water Sci for CatuloRiie Prool Wutor Uliwts. FelMclliiK Water Closels. Kelly Sloy imd Wiute Coi-k.

THOS. KELLY No. 301 Madison Street, Chicago. FAITHFULNESS: Pierre Life to A.vcne* Juanno'B Uiuitli. time ago in a quiet little corner wav down on the line Koyale, 1 chanced unou ti qiiaiut little Creole creature, whom the call "Mam'zellc.

If t.hcrc wiis it must have 'been for now there is not even sign-upon the. door of the little buteh-op when; MiuuV.elle sells bread mid to the r.cijf.hborhOO<.l. Very good bread and cnkrs HK-V are. too. Lean testify, forrc Ofiitly 1 'have found coxy shop'a very comfortable place uNor ft trump ol news.

In this way I have be pretty well acquainted with M'aufzellc and Vierre. the cn.t« and IIU! Pierre is a handsome black and white fellow, with a noble head, and he and the little were about the siinic npe. Mo.mV.tlle told me her pretty oreole pii.rois how devoted.the two-pets'were to each other, nnd 1 myself saw frequent evidences of their relationship. a quiet corner of the little shop 1 have wen Pierre and Jeanne taking their breakfast together from the some plate, and by and by, the cat would lie in. the sunshiny the bird would hop.about hTin of ciiddle nnd comfortable between his outstretched paws.

When Mii.mV.elle was busy, so that she could not keep an eye on the. little bird's safety, she would swing.the.cage in the doonvny, while stretch himself on the floor beneath, keeping guard over his friend. And woo betide any strange cat that wan- THE PROSTRATING SHOCKS. Of malai'lal fever are not to be counteracted by quinine with any dogruu of certainty, or for nny length oC time. The eradication and prevention of di? oases of a' misasmntic type, are, however, possibiliUos.

ton? experience hn.s shown that there Is In- ilniiely more preventive efficacy in tlie flue- botau'lc medicine, Hustetter's Stomach -Bitters, than In the alkaloids, drugs and poisons which were formerly die only rfcojrnlKod means of rftmovlns and aiu'lcipiitfng attacks of and ague and bilious -reuilttenr. When tlie system has been depleted by periodically recurring paroxysms, this agreeable restorative renews tlie fund of enorsy. and not only a.positive specific, but repairs the dotnafie to the 'general inflicted hy all febrile com- plnims pnrtaklng of the malarial character. dercd that Pierre was always Din-Ins a severe storm at Evaiisville, which destroyed many shade trees and ii-Mi-oofed houses, several workmen Mown from the new school bnlld'Dp on Delaware sti-enl. and James and Freilerlok and Oorge Koenicr were severely Injured.

i are When we consider tliat the Intestines about five as long as the body, we can realize the intewe suffering experienced when they become inflamed. DeWltfs Colic and Cholera Cure sub. dues inflammation at once and completely removes tbe M. Johnston. D.

SUMMER SERVICE TO MACKINAC. Their new steel passenger steameivs in commission, making four trips per -week between Detroit, Mackinao, Soo, Duluth. If you are contemplating a summer outing i2c stamp for illustrated pamphlet, iddress A. A. SCHANTZ, G.

T. A. Detroit, Mich. BUCKLBN'S ARNICA SALVE. Tbe best salve In the world Toi cnts, bruises, ulcers, salt rheum, fever tetters, chapped hands, chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and poai tSvely cures piles or no pay required.

It la guaranteed to give perfect satis-. faction or money refunded. 25 cents per box. For sale by B. P.

1 Keesllng. PLAN YOUR SUMMER OUTI-NG KOW-GO TO PICTURESQUE MACKINAC VIA THB COAST It only costs $13.50 from 115.50 from Toledo, $18.00 from Cleveland for the round trip, Including meals berths. thousands miles of lake ride on new modern steel for tbe above rates. 2c for Illustrated pamphlet. Address A.

A. SCHANTZ, G. P. A. Detroit, Mich.

on the alert -for squalls, and if a cat conic too near to suit him he would send Jeanne hustling into her cage while he chased the offending feline off the sti-ect. Just this very thing happened rc- centlv for the thousandth time, but for. the first time on record, pricf followed the mow. Pierre and Jeanne were taking tlieir usual morning game in the sunshine of tlie litttle shop door, when a biff brindlc stranger appeared on the banquet without. Straight ns a die Jeanne was in her cage and Pierre had pone in hot pursuit of the brindle.

The chase was a hard one, and Mum'zelle snys Pierre must have been pone a lonp time, but she was busy serving customers, anO by and by noticed Jeanne hopping about the counter. Thinking, of course, that Pierre had returned, she took no fur-. ther notice of the bird. A little later, however, hearing- a dreadful commotion out on the banquet, she run out to witness the sad little tragedy which too, arrived just in time to see, but too late to prevent. i Taking advantage of Pierre's protracted absence, nn ugly tortoise shell from the next block strolled to the lit- the shop in search of Jeanne.

Finding out hopping about unprotected, began siege at once, nodoubt. MnraV-elle and 1 arrived just in time to see the tortoise-shell pounce ou jwor Jeanne as Bhe sat perched on top of the swingr ing cage a.nd bcnr her with liim to the pavement. Before cither of us could iiiterpose the deed was.done, and then a moment there came Pierre rushing around the eorner, and us quick 1 had-taken in the situation. With one fierce tonnd he sprang upon the tortoise-shell and swept poor Jeanne from bis clutches. For a.

brief moment he sat guarding her, but that moment 'was long enough to tell he was too late. Then, lotting the little corpse from under his paw, he swooped down upon the If was only for n'little while, but when the battle was over both cats hiy dcnd on the pavement. Pierre had laid down his life to avenge Jeanne's death, and the little MomV-ellc mourns both her Journal. YOUIl BOY WON'T LIVE A MONTH So Mr. GiJmaa Brown, of 34 Mill South Gardner, was told by the doctors.

His son bad lung trouble-, following typhoid malaria, and he spent three hundred and seventy-live dollars with'doctors, who finally gave biro up, saying: "Your boy won't live a mouth." He tried Dr. King's New Discovery aud a few bottles restored him to; health and enabled him to go to work a perfectly well man. He says he owes his present good health to use of Dr. New Discovery, and knows It to be the best in tue world for luag trouble. Trial, bottles free at B.

F. Keeping's drug store. Dnrlus a storm at Hartford City, Hugglns attempted to use a telephone, and shod; which rendered him 'unconscious. The telephone was not burned out. FOUND AMONG RUBBISH.

A Congressional Directory Issued in tha Year 1838. It Contains liiformiitlon Thnt li of Great Intorost In ii Country Where Half B. Cvniur; Changed livoi'y Condition. (Special l.oitcr.T The congressional directory of the Fifty-fourth congress contains a list of 350 members of the house of representatives SO senators, making total of 445 members of both hours'of congress. The directory gives the autobiographies of the statesmen, and also their addresses while resident of the national capital.

How many years congressional directories have 'been authorized and printed is difficult now to ascertain. It has recently been however, that ii congressional directory 'publislltd 50 years ago. nnd it is presumed that it was by private enter- HAVE YOU RHEUMATISM? Kalamazoo, May 5, '90. I suffered greatly wltb rheumatism for months. I tried numerous remedies, no Dcnent.

A mend who bod been helped by Dr. Jebb's Eheumatl- cure persuaded me to try that I ob tained two effect surprised me. The bottle nearly cured me, and by the time 1 had used tbe second I was completely cured. I am careful what I endorse, but I most un qunllfledly recommebd that On my evidence'several severe cases have tried It, and in every instance, so tar as I know, it has produced a perfect cure. W.

F. PARSONS, President Parsons' Business College and Shorthand Institute. BEN FISHER, Druggist. Thomas Reed has been arrested n.t Anderson, charged with'passing ous coin. Pass the good word along line.

Piles cau be quickly cured without an. operation by simply applying DeWltt's, Witch Hazel M. Johnston. A Wing. first surgical case that I had in the state of Arkansas was setting an orm that hod been a blow from a.

swan's wing. The accident occurred- on Swan InJce, near 'Village plantation, in Mississippi county, in the winter of .1879, saysa.physi- cian la Forest and Stream. The a hunter for the Memphis was "fire hunting" at night, and a band of swans flew, at the light. The inan was in little pirogue, instinctively threw. his arms up to.

pro- his head. The left arm was struck the wing of of the birds and susr tained a compound fracture of the fore-; being broken. Early Work. Schumann the pi- before was 17, and.uevcral of his most, finished pieces, were pub- ere. he had reO'qhed the age of 20.

ItVould be 1 hard to convince a man from bilious colic that his igony 'is due to a miscrobe with an un- prononncable name. But one dose of DeWltt's Colic and Cholera Cure will convince him of its power to afford Instant relief. It kills pain-John M.John- iton. John Lous, eighteen years old, Lawrericeburp, was killed while trying to board a moving train. DISCOVERT.

John Schneider, of Braudywluo lown- ohlp, Shelby coiinry, ouc of its lending citizens. suddenly became ami neighbors interfered barely in lime to prevent him from killing his. daugh. ter, Mrs. John Mohr.

He has been placed under restraint. Pass the good word along the line, Files can be quickly cured without operatioji by simply applying De-Witt's WKch Hazel M. Johnston. Dr. Charles E.

Scholf, of Camden. a 1 llfc-lonK Democrat and a member of'the pension e'xnmrns board In his district, appointed by Mr. Cleveland, has repudiated the Chicago platform and noml- ICH RED BLOOD the tain- dation of good health. That is why Hood's Sarsaparilla, the One Blood Purifier, gives HEALTH. FREE PILLS; Send address to Bucklen Chicago, and get box, of Klngls New Life', Pills.

A trial 'convince you.of.-thelr-merits. These pills are easy in action and arc particularly effective in the cure of constipation and.sick headache, F.or tola and liver troubles they nave proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly 1 from every deleterious substance and to be. purely vegetable. They do not by their by glving.tone to stomach and.

bowels breatly Invigorate the size 25c'per box. Sold by B. keesltag, druggist. We are anxious, to do a little good'lo this world and can think of no pleasanter or better way to do if than'by recommending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consumption and other.serlous lung troubles that follow neglected M. Johnston Mia.

E. T. Jordan, wife of the ex- State Gas has brought suit for divorce, alleging Ijifl- delity. who have a coughing spell every night, on account of a tickling sensation in the-'throat, may overcome It at once by a dose of One Minute Cough M. Johnston.

By the coihpse of a culvert at Peru a heavy load was passing, Lyon was severely Injured. A movement hns boon Inaugurated at looking to tlie establishment of a Southern.MichJgiin and diana fair association. Small In size, but great In results. DeWltt's: Little; Early Risers act gently'; but thoroughly, curing Indigestion, dyspepsia and constipation. Small pill," safe pill, best pill.

"Wake up, Jacob, day. Is breaking!" so said Little-Early Riser to the man wno nad taken them to arouse sluggish M. Johnston. T. E.

O'Connor, of'White is the Democratic for joint Senator of the counties and Puiaski. of DISEASES OF THE SHIN. The-intense -itchingi-and. smurtinff iuci dent to Bait-rheum, and othei ikin allay U'. U1V -it Chamberlain's Eye Skin bad cases have.been; prise nnd not by congressional authority When the total membership of the senate was only 30 and then? were less than 200 members of the house of representatives, the directory was .1 small pamphlet.

It. has gradually grown into a volume of 300 pages. directories did not give biographies of the congressmen, but simply noted their congressional districts, and the states which had honored them. The directories of the present day give condensed histories of the lives of the statesmen, including the majorities received by them at the last elec'ions. Brief biographies are also given cf the president, vice, president and members of the cabinet.

TheJ-e is also a list of members admitted to the press galleries, and a.n alphabetical list of the ambassadors, generals and consuls sent by this country to foreign nations. Several pages are devoted to the ambassadors and other representatives of foreign governments at this capital, with their addresses in this. city. Every public man and every newspaper Washington has a copy of the latest congressional direct- dry on his desk, or within.easy reach. The directory .50 years ago was altogether different', although the meager information contained between its covers is of interest at this.

time. Therefore it is valuable, and the story of its discovery, with extracts from its pages will prove to be more entertaining to some readers.than, an exciting novel. While picking over a pile of debris from the cellar of the-historic Tan Ness mansion a colored urchin found a small -volume, yellowed by age, which he recklessly thrust into his bag with a varied assortment of junk. The'bcok was disposed of to a street dealer, in. old bones, iron, rags and what not, and from him the soiled little-volume was obtained by a scribe.

Tbe unique: title page of the book read as follows: "Congressional directory of the.thir,d session of the Twenty-fifth congress cf the United States of America. Decem- "wnsh'ingtori: Printed by J. Elliot, on.Pennsylvania avenue. Price, 25 cents." The title page is. printed in queer antique and German test I The volume leads off with the state of Maine, which was represented at that time by Senators John, Ruggles and Ee'neul Williams, together with eight As the boarding houses and hostelries in Washington wore not numbered in 1838,.

tbe directory states -that John Ruggles at Limrop's, the Pennsylvania avenue, while his Hon. Renuel Williams, was. a guest "Mrs. Kennedys. Four-and-arhalf street." New Hampshire follows, and tbe name -of Franklin Pierce appears'as one of senators.

His residence is also given as Kennedy's, Four-nnd-a-half Btreet," which was in. those da.vs a famous capital resort. Below New Hampshire comes Massachusetts, with Daniel Webster and John DaviS'as her senators, while among her list bt-12 there up-, pear the-names of William B. Cnlhoun, Quincey Adams, Caleb Gushing and 'Levi Lincoln. i Then comes Rhode Island, Connecti-s cut, Vermont and.

New York. The Enir state was represented by Senators "Nat" Pi. Talmoge and Siliis in addition to 40 eluding Millard Fillmor'e. New Jersey is next, the Deln- wore'column is name of Ricb- Bayard, ncn'utor, who resided "James theCnpiton Hill.V- Next is Pennsylvania, whose list headed by James Buchanan. He was.

a "West of "Mrs. Irondale's, 7 street." The Keystone state had a representation in. the lower' house during 1838 of. Georpi? is followed in the directory by Kentucky, with two celebrated Americans as her and John J. Crittendon.

Tennessee numbered among its 13 representatives Jnmes K. Polk, who was then speaker, in the Twenty-fifth congress. His. office was g-iven C8 "Columbia, and Bedford counties," uiifl' his Washington residence as the Pennsylvania avenue." In the Ohio of members is found the name of Thomas Corwin, while Louisiana had only three members in addition to her senators. The Washington city address is given of one of the representatives us "the 5 Buildings." These ure now the dilapidated old structures which stand on the southeast corner of NIVW Jersey nvonue and street southeast, then a most fashionable and arislo.cratic locality.

Tipton appears as oiic of the senators frora Indiana, while in the Mississippi eoliinui it is announced the two membera of house, S. S. Prcntiss'aiid T. J. Word, were "elected by general ticket." meaning a vote of the people, ns the state had not then been divided into congressional Illinois had but three representatives, Alabama live, Missouri two, Arkansas one and Michigan one.

The delegates were Crorye Jones. Wisconsin ter- ritorv; Charles Downing, Florida, and W. Chapman, Iowa. Following Ihe congressional lists are several papvs under the caption: honsos and Members' messes," arranged in alphabetic order. Among the larger hostelries mentioned were' "Brown's hotel, built of best brick;" "Beer's Native American hotel;" "Mc- Gunnng-ers, Knowles, on Mechanic's road, near Pennsylvania avenue;" "Union with busses leaving from city of Washington every hour," nnd "Upperman's." Next in order is an alphabetic list of senators and representatives in the committees oC thrt senate a.nd house, lleniy Clay chairman of the militia committee, ajid Buchanan of foreign relations.

Mr. Calhoun was a member of the house committee on Oregon territory. Tom Corwin, of Ohio, was a member of the judiciary committee and John Quincey Adams chairman of the "select committee on duelling." The directory toward the close of the quaint little volume announces that "Martin Vim Bnrcn; of New York, is president of the United States, at the Richard M. Johnson, of Kentucky, is vice pre.side.nt of the United States -and president of the senate. Capitol.Hill; John Foresight, secretary of state, residence, tie avenue; F.

-Grunciy, United States' attorney, at Mrs. Crane's, the street; Levi Woodbury, secretary of the treasury, President's' square; Lovell B. Poiirtett, the secretary of war; Maj. Gen. Alexander Mnoomb, general of the army; James K.

Pauldinpr, secretary of the navy; Amos Kendall, postmaster general." Then follows the bureau chiefs, officers of tfce senate and house of representatives and the members of the supreme court. The latter are given as Rogw B. Taney, chief justice, Baltimore, Tired Feeling Makes ycu eeem "aH broken up," without lite, ambition, energy or It ia often the forerunner of serious ill- new, or the accompaniment of nervow troubles. It a positive proof of thin, weak, impure blood; for, if the blood rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im- life and energy to every nerve, organ and tissue of the body. The necessity of taking Hood's for that tired teeling therefore apparent to every one.

and the good it will do you fe equally beyond question. Bemexnber Hoods Sarsaparilla Istbe best-In fact the One True Blood Purifier. cureliverills.easytotake, i HOOd PHIS easy to operate, A SHORT JOURNEY TO CALIFORNIA IN FIRST CLASS STYLE The Southern Pacific Co "SUNSET LIMITED" TRAIN. Jver the Sunset Orleant to Loa Angeles and San Francisco. Was discontinued April ICth.

Tte accommodations given the number of patrons of the during tbe past tourist season mrrants announcement of plam next season of finer service wltl tquipmeDt superior to anything ye mown in transcontinental traffic. Look for early re-inauguration LIMITED" fall. For Home Seekers. The Southern'Pacific Co. "Sunse Houte" in connection with tne "Queei ind Crescent Route" are ruunlng th inly line of' tourist Pallma leaving Cincinnati ever rhursUay evening for Los Angeles an These excursions are specially col Incted, and tbe object is to enable do not care; to buy the flrst-cla! trip or one way tickets, to enjp comfortable ride with sleeping-a privileges and no change of cars at rery low.

second-class rate. For further Information, nddreM 1 3.. CONNOR, Commercial Agt. S. Cincinnati, O.

W. G. NEIMTEB, G. W. Agt.

S. Chicago, 111. 8. F. MORSE, G.

P. T. Agt. 8. New Orleans, La, efficient fcr itching pi 'If and a.

favorite reni-. viuuoiifc iui edy for sore chayped; bites, land, wre by druggis'ta atj5 centsiper box. hrifecadyV Condition the 7 A needs when in bad condl- jurt what a hone needs when in bad cond tioiv TOPIC, blood purifier and vermifuge. IN THE HANDS OF THE associate justices: James Story, Salem, SmithThomson.New.York; John ifcIxMui Cincinnati, Baldwin, John W. Wayne, Savan- r.ah,Ga.; Philip P.

Barker, Gordonsvillei' Joim KaU-on, Nashville, John McKinley, Florence, Alol The list following is tliat of "foreign ministers near tie United States and ministers and consuls of tbe United, States abroad," and it is not nearly so formidable numerically as the list in tbe modern 'directories. had no ambassadors in- those days, very few ministers and a little bit of ttlistof consuls. were not ambitious in international affairs, but our government was devoted wholly to'the welfare of our own people. had to-ld the world that we as a nation should attend. strictly to 'our'own business, and warned all 'nations of' the old world to keen their hands off of this continent.

1 D. FRY. An Abient-Sllnde'd The most absent-minded man is Brewer man, as be is convicted by his own story, which is as follows: The other night he went'shopping, and took, his wife along. He visited'four stores. He is a pleasant man and.

a happy con- store some interesting story was started, and nobody seemed to notice that though be bought a bundle lit each place, he. never aw'ov more He.visited the laundryj-laid his bundle from the lost store ou chatted with Hie cashier while'he paid his bill, nnd went the laundry bundle. Then, with his wife, he'Went to place of busincBB to bring home a haJter 'His wife' stopped chatting, Graham TRANSPORTATION CO. TWICE DAILY STEAMERS TO CI CAGO. CONNECTING WITH THE VANDALIA RAIL- WAT AT ST.

JOSEPH. Beginning May 25tb and continul ihtll about Sept. 30th the steamers Ihls line will make two trips each dally between St Joseph and Chlca tn the following schedule: Leave St. Joseph at 4:30 p. to.

.10:80 p. ID-, dally. Including Leave Chicago at 9:30 a. m. arid.

p. daily, Including Sunday, trips leave Joseph! a. and leave Chicago at 2 rRunning time across lake 4 Xrl-weekly to Mllwaulj leaving St. Joseph Monday, Wedne Friday The equipment of this line IncjUj Ihe side wheel steamers City of. City Milwaukee (the targest Snest west of Detroit), and the febullt propeller City of Loulsvjjj Service Connections wit Tandalia trains.

Tickets on sale atj Vandalia Line stations. Chicago of Wabash avenue. J. H.GRAHAM, 1 Benton Harbor, the-lower 'J8'members'. and Virginia are next in; strap for thi colt.

next door below his store, while he-went- When he came out -lie-went' homeward 1IC WCUl. with the holter strop and -without the senate Koun and in the bouse by the Francii W. Plckena, whom the fort In harbor named. ut he- did not get property tilf next dny. The had Journal.

joing For A Lake Trip? You'll fully enjoy all of Itadc i ou take one or tne AKE MICHIGAN AHD LAKE SCPEl TRAHSPORTATION COfS. EGANT STEAMSHII IsUnd I ctenmshlp Xrnvels 'twixt ir Write for. onr rei ask: jour; Address Bp" LAKE MICH. 1 8UPEBIOBTBJ".

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