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Courier-Post from Camden, New Jersey • 7

Camden, New Jersey
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f. THE JlUiimxsu mi Wiuzn, mux ax, turixMBtM Jpening of Theatre at Yestmont Today Us Another Milestone in Growth of Community Firm Extends 1 Executives Who Head Theater Enternrkes aa well aa any ether buataaaa it 1 a fundamental rule that not only muet tha people be pleased but wo muet bo aaaured that the people will ba there to pkaa. HANDLE CERTAIN SHOW WILL DRAW JHain of Theatres to Ten 11 "To one question answer that ten year have proved our ability to aerve tha people aa they want. To the other we point to our confidence In Mouth Jerwy, la common with many other bead of enterprises. hv wy confidence that South Jereey wUl attract all tha people that we can arrange to serve aad that before very long.

Yea. we are getting reedy tor South Jcnx-y's day under the sun." Says New Palace Will Fill II a if 1 j-fen instrument, coating aura tbaa ga.auo, hag mada aad lantaliad by Um Hanjaaua i-enoir Organ Compaay of Jhtiadelpniai I'M oonaola as a oom plica led Mat af atop any but aa aocampuebed par-' tormer. aorta a atraeu can be oatataed ay these. When ouwme water scan an depicted an 'the li-ver ooreen th argaa will reaiiaticaily peovid th sound of raia aad swssping tBda, There are few organs in tha United Hi tea wtttcn can a ooenparod thai specially aonatmatesl tor tha theatre. according compaay fUcial.

and none in theatre ot th aisa la bouth Jersey. When th new teaatr epana, Man-roe Hlioert, who haa preaulad at tha console ot many large theatre ia Wew org Cy, win oe at the key. board. Long-Felt Need; Big Future $25,000 ORGAN READY FOR NEW YORK ARTIST The new organ that will play music for program in th new Weetmont theatre I a story by Itself. MorrU Handle, co-founder of the Ainunenient Eatet rises the men hose original Idea brought Into being the New Weetmont Theatre.

Upon commenting upon the need that existed for a theatre of the West-moot type In suburban Camden, Mr. Handle was particularly optimistic about the future growth of South Jersey aad It consequent need (or theatre house that ouU) not only fill the entertainment nr-ed ot today but anticipate for the future "All around tre, we see evidences of building said Handle. "Not a periodic operation, here and there, Msvfs Theater Not to Be Mere Nine Days Wonder, Say Owners WutaMot had Us 4rj)u ef havlag aw marine picture palac tin u4 Urn again. Boom aav com aad boom hav top which tie Miprt heat mart ia Soot Jrv vara aeamlsea fcul iwu fadaa aad pita west wit Ifcsm orwr tb bortxoa, Knr, th realisation of Wtmoni foadaat iraaau la almost too foot to in. Her la a theater which thKu(fc cartful ouptnrialoa and far-aiftited planning hai almost sprung ttf orernlftit to provld entertainment oa what would otherwise be dull winler1 alfhta.

"Th Mating capacity i 1.800," mid Morris Haadle, is deecrlblog the aaw theater, today. Mr. Maodia la on ef to foiwdara to Hindi and Rovoer Co. Goldattla la part owner of the new Westmont. Boy Reed, who haa bad 10 year experience) with Keith's Or-Cult, will reatdeot manager 1 .7 They Helped Build Westmont Theatre William Wrioera, arrbitect, aa glaeer, (eaeral cealracter.

i. R. Vaa lrter lamaaay, teas. furniture. Hrnjaml: r.

Leaelr, erisa. Keliahle liererativ Csasr. carpet. Andrew Halts, brick. lUrri Hredtk), palauag, aatrtm, hardware.

Iliestrr H. Hardmaa, ateetrteiaa. Min.oii a IllrkeaabeeU, American Ire N'erka, atraetaral Irwn tisrlt, Hi(lnrtb, feuaatlaa. Fhlladelphla ftlga Cefttpaay, alec-trie lf n. Metallic Maaalaetarlag Ceeaaaay, metal werk.

alios Bretaer, alamMag. Hreaa a Cenaaajr, eoellag aad rratllallag srstess. ISaUeaal Baalater Capar, keaa-tag system. i Ihr Clectrt Cempaay, eleHrl ltree. deorje kreler, oraaaMatal ylaa trrlag.

Vn4 Krdbrlah. aiaetariag. Illlrkner Compaay, mlU- rk. i. H.

nkltaker, ajUiwork. Your Home Can Be Heated Just as Comfortably as the New WESTMONT THEATRE but constant huildtog of the sound type. Homes are springing up at a rapid rate and there is no question but that thoke who are back of these multiple operations are quite certain -L I. 'ub iS i that South Jersey must shortly witness an influx of population that will make bigger and better enterprises In all tines of business necessary." "We are particularly lortunate in our geographic location here," con-unued Ur. Hand It "With Camden at I.

M. KAPPArokT Xaaage of Haadle-Retarr latereets la Casseea least MORftl A. BAKDI.K Cefaaar of Baadle-fWt err masemekt alatorprl A HUVNKB (e-fdrr of Handle-Heraef AniSM-eieBt f.aterprl owe a key manufacturing city offering day "That Beating capacity ought to l-yy of the buataaaa expoct aald Haadle. "The West-nS it Theatre la Bot going to be a ai Jay wonder. are confident ot tuO.

Wo expect tha patronag of taaldaati of Um vicinity and for mile aaauBd to Mart with the opening and kaap right on. We arc going to do our boat to ba worthy of It." Tha aaw theater haa a big tag It maaaura 40 fact In width and 3A foot ia depth. It can be staged In the Lyrla theatr In Csmdrn. t- Kalman GoldsUis, who Is part owner of Westmont's new MOO, 000 last-word picture palace, haa resided In Camden for tna past SO years. He been known as aa owner of theatrical enterprise for tha past tea year.

by day. more and more chant for employment and a nuburtoao section I that can be classed as one of the most desirable residential section of America, nothing can stop it growth. "rroof of our laith to Houth Jersey baa been reflected in our program of the past ten yn Even today, with the opening of tbree new houses with- Installed and Guaranteed by Camden Heating Co. 8 Market St. ehMtr wnr Amw minrM the lob a span it tnan so days, our rompany nas already under consideration tentative plane that will mature, in the near future and call for a program of fun greater significance than thai of the past, tn building theatrea Um moat la borate vaudeville acta.

la a balcony In additton to tha dowa-ataira seat. The Interior will be lartatily decorated In silk panels of gold and old roe. The lighting fixture will be especially ornamental aad the lighting will har-monii moat agreeably with the at-aaoephere The construction throughout ia Bre froof. The new WesfmonU Theatre la but was started, haa aeon tha magnificent structure grow foot by foot. Goldstein Is especially proud of the parking facilities tha new theatre win af- Frao Parking let Can "Ton won't have to worry about where to put your car ar whether rt stay thsra or not," Goldstein aald.

when you coma to in new westmoni rreo parsing wrui ao auora a the future of South Jereey the future of South Jereey placed In there will do room xor more man ew cars. A supervisor will direct tha parking and that the machines are net disturbed while patrons are to the theatre." CIIANEY PICTURE Oil FIRST NIGHT by Its owners. Handle A tlovner. The name enterprise ar at tha present time building theatre in this section representing an Investment o( fTSO.OOO The new Westrooat theatre repre-swats an Investment of 00,000. Another, the t-evoy.

at Htllvllle, already under way, will cost 1200,009 when oaeipleted. A third at Clemcntoa will eat fUO.OOO. Handle ftavner, wtth their aaso-etatea, already operate the Lyric, Pkua, Garden and Star theatrea In Camden. They own the Globe and Oraad theatre In Vine lend aad the aw People' Theatre, la Mlilvtlte. Tha company waa founded la MIT aad began operattoaa Camden with tha taking aver ef tha Garden- theatre, is tha tea years that have followed they kavaVadded ten theatrea to) their management.

Tha rgaalaatioa'a per sonnet coa- XORMAN LEW It Maaagar af Haadle Reeaer latereata la Camberlasd eesty ROLMtN jtsseciate owner ef Weetaeet Theatre KOY SREO Reudeat Kaaager ef New Weetsaeeit Theatre Latest Make-Up Thriller on Bill With Vaudeville and 1 Side-Lights All the Morrla Handle. A. J. Ravaer, When plan were being completed for the ooaning of the new Westmont rmaa iawia aad 1. at.

Kappa port atala Office af the amusement en- Tkeatra. it maaagement lougbtfar a if picture that would mark the occasion Indelibly fop Jli-st-mght patrons. Los Cheney greatest screen atary, and incidentally his latest, was chosen. -Th I'nknown I aaid to hav coma cloeer to the thriller The Fantam af th Opera than any ef th afkeap Master's presentation. it ia a photopUy that la up-la-data and ia still fresli frorr its premier showing In Mew York nd Fhiladal-phia.

i Trained horse, acrobat, clown, chariots, the full panoply af tha circus, was assembled to support Chanejr fa the production. la tha nupportlng rait are Norma a Kerry. Joan Crawford. Nick de Bull, Joha Ceorg and Frank Lannlng. a notable anaamble.

Tod Mrowaing. author ef play that flu Chancy Ilka a glore. waa also the rector af th photoplay version. Ia tha story Lon plsye the part ef a Sheet Metal Work for the New Westmont Theatre EXECUTED BY METALLIC MANUFACTURING CO. "In Biuineu Thirty Yearf ARCftlTKCTl'S At hHCKT MttiL 0ll COR.MCK WORaV BV UOMT-SOOMfi Sheet Metal Week fee Healiag and ralllaU( tes J.

W. TRACLE, 260 to 266 Sprue. St moxE. stu st-EeitroE ttnti sinister arm Mas freak bo by of bia ehorteotnlnf i has to da Formal Opening Labor Day Monday, September 1927. thiag wttb his toes.

Critics who bav i aeon tha picture claim Cheney outdoea th part he played in "Th Unholy Threa" ar -Th Road to atandn toy-- Wsstaseot Tbaatr manatee la aa-leeting "The Vaknewn" a tn feature around which will be arranged a pre- gram of now picture and other atde lighta in addltioa lo the vaudertlle. I ar eonSdeat that the opening bill will I attract patron from mile around. atatioa picture fan have therefor been adrlaed In a last minute bullatia to be aa hand early despite tha vast capacity af th new pals re 1 BEST BY TEST! Again LESTER PIANOS i Are Chioien on Their Merit kviLLl. Tuaadajr Mo.d.r OPENING PROGRAM J. B.

VAN SCIVER CO. has supplied Show Starts 630 P. M. LOW CHANEY in WESTMONT NEWS ORGAN COMEDY countless' establishments and homes in this vast community with Furniture and WodMadar VIOLA DANA "NAUGHTY NANETTE" Also Woatasoat OrcWra and frv Acts Vsmdemlla Tkttrsday Friday SYD CHATL1N THE BETTER 'OLE The New Westmont Theatre tu BAturly desirous of affording their strong tha' very best musical entertainment possible. It was for this reason and because of the unequalled clearness of tone that they selected Two Lester Grand Pianos Id churches, theatres, conservatories and private homes throughout the country more Lester Pitnos are used than any other And yet, with all its admitted superiority, r' it is as easy to own a Lester Piano at one of Inferior make.

will be pleased to hate you Call and hear these wonderful tonal instrumdf U. Wodcvaadays slb1 Saturday WESTMONT ORCHESTRA CotuMCtioa Witk 5 ACTS VAUDEVILLE 7 FREE PARKING Firnishings. The company has just equipped the new Westmont Theatre at Westmont; N. J. iwitii.F Foyer, Ladies' Room, Men's Room and for the Mezzanine.

Thousands of persons every year visit the Van Sciver Store to see our extensive display of Furniture, and also to see how we Manufacture Furniture in our great Plant, the combined establishments covering a space of Ten Acres. Everybody Householders will find this wonderful Factory-Furniture Store replete with thousands of ideas on home furnishing for Autumn requirement i A 1 i a-" JsB Van Sciver Co. I Irkct St. Ferry, Camden, N. J.

To Our Many Friends To you txtend thanks, for it is you through your appreciation of our policies and your loyal patronage that has made this fine theatre possible. We welcome you to the new Westmont Theatre, happy in the thought that nothing has bees spared to insure your comfort and merit your approval. We are proud to be able to that the new Westmont is one of the finest houses in South Jer sey and we shall be even more proud when we know that the entertainment we 'have provided has won your appredaUoai for then we shall be able to add that the New Westmont is one of the greatest houses la South Jersey. I tlandU, Rotrtfr A inurement A' Mtrtrt Chare tor Tim StnAhrFmCataloiitt F. A.

NORTH CO. 621 Broad way, Cwdn, N.J. tL-rr. Caerdea. Mg.

i -a SlhM.madl taaa, C..

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