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Courier-Post from Camden, New Jersey • 7

Camden, New Jersey
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I rr-T I r'- -jr 7 Uy 'ff -fflK v-s finding Remains of Qezer an of the Ancient Site Important Link in Conquered by Joshua, Destroyed by Pharaoh, Rebuilt by Solomon, this Was Canaan's Chief Verifying Sacred History. Bible. In Illustration 6 are to be seen three sacred stones and the socket' in which stood a sacred The Illustration marked No. i shows the uncovered body of a child 'sacrificed at this "High Place." In Illustration 8 ia to be seen a rdW ef standing sacred stones, t'nder tbe pavement out of which they project were found the remains of many infants who had been sacrificed and hurled In liirirp Inrs. I I -In TKen Horam Klng of Gezer came to help Joshua emote him and his -people, -until he had left him non re siainsny.

Joshua, 38. And these are tthe' Kings of the land whom Joghua and the children of Israel nioie beyond the Jordan westward, from Baalgad In tho Valley cf Lebanon even unto Mount. llalak, that-goeth up-to Seir; iBnd Joshua gave it unto the tribes of Israel for a posaesnton according to their fliviBions: in the hill, country, and In thi iowland'and' in the and In the slopes, and in" the' wilderness, and in the South; the Hittite, the and the Canaanite; the the Hivlte, and the Jebuslte; the King of Jericho," one; the King of Ai, which is beside Beth-el, one; the King of Jerusalem, one: the King-of Hebron, one; the King of muth, one; the King of Lachish, one; the -King of Eglon, oner the King of Gezer, one. John, T-12. And Ephraim" drove-notuut-the Ca- naanites hint dwelt but the Canannites dwelt in Qezer Among them, Judges, 2f).

And David did so, as com nande(l him, and smote the Philistines from Geba until thou come to Gezer. U. Samuel, 23. And this Is the reason of the levy which King SolOmom raised, to build the house sf Jehovah, and his own house; and Mtllo, Jnd the wall Jerusalem, and Hazor, and Meggido, and Gezer. Pharaoh, King of Egypt, had gone up, and taken Gezer, and burnt it with fire and slain the Ca aaanltes that dwelt in the city, and given HK" spade In the hands Of tho agents of the Palestine Exploration Fund has discovered and unearthed one of the most undent cities of -the world.

the mysterious Gezer, seat i burned It to the ground, Idd killed Its inhabitants and then presented the 'site to his daughter, who was one of Solomon's queens. The city was immediately rebuilt and fortified by the great King, of lsraefhiww--that4t8-lotiott-ls--kncrn we see the reason why It was so promptly rebuilt. For we now know that the city lay on the line of the great highway from Egypt to the 'North, and commanded the communication between Egypt and Solomon's new capital; Jerusalem. A few years ago it was pretty well agreed that TelUezer, near- the village Was, the ancient Nlcopolls mentioned by Euseblus, a point lying to the right of the road from Jaffa to Jerusalem about1 Yyette Guilbert Answers If. for a portiohi'untQTils daughter, Bolo-mon's wite.

And Solomon built Gezer. I. Kings, 15-17. And some of the families of the sons of Kohath had cities of their borders out ot the tribe of Ephralm. And they gave unto them the cities of refuse, Shechem in the hill eountry of Ephraim With Its suburbs.

I. Chron UU, 67. And their possessions and habitations were Beth-el and the towns thereof, arrd eastward Naaran, and westward Gezer, With the towns ii8. And David did as God -commanded him! and they smote the host of the Philistines from Gibeon even to Gezer. I.

Chron, 10. And it came to at the time of the return of the year, at the time when Kings go out to battle, that Joab let forth the army, and wasted the country of the children of -Amnion; and came and -besieged Rabbah. But David tarried in Jerusalem." And" Joab smote Rabbah-, and overthrew It. And David took the crown of their King from off his head, and found it to weigh a talent of -gold, and there were precious stones in it; and it -was set Upon David's head; find he brought forth the spoil of the cltyv exceeding much. And he brought forth the" people that were therein, and cut them -with eaws, and with harrows of iron.

fand with axes. And thus did David unto all the cities of the children of Ammonr And David and all the people returned to Jerusalem. And It came to pass after this there arose war at Gezer with the Chron; 1-4. many thrilling scenes Jewish history down to the time of Solomon. The search for the city of Gezer has oc-oupled many Though many times referred to In.

the Old Testament the clues as -to it-i uation- are that Investigators were not able definitely to determine its site. When Joshua slew King Horam and his people he spared the VII. a Modern 1 Prophets Say So and Declare Trance and England Will War With Germany. Africa? Counselor Martin replies to bis own question by arguing that the English, wtth thelrwonderf ul polltlal oreeightt have seen clearly what the German policy of the future will be, although neither the German Government nor the German nation is now pursuing, that policy, with consistency or consciousness. This policy consists In the absorption of Austria and Hungary and the Balkan States, finishing up with Ottoman Empire, so that Germany of tbe future will extend In an unbroken line from Berlin to Bagdad.

He continues: "German policy doa not now aim at Incorporating the Baltlo provincea of Russia ant Poland in the German Empire, nor does It aim at bringing about a closer relation between Germany and Austria-Hungary. German policy does not aim at establishing a German protectorate over European and Asiatic Tur key, hor at the addition of Holland and Belgium to the German Federal Empire. Nevertheless, all these changea wlli take place in our own time within -the next twenty or thirty and no one in Germany, will be able to arrest the In evitable trend. events, Germany will, achieve her dnatlny without consciously pursuing these alms." Now, England, realizing that Germany is bound to expand fa these direction! and to this extent, and perceiving also the extraordinary effort that Germany is maklmr toward world-supremacy In commerce and politics hor ned of more land for bfr growing population and the necessity of raw materials for br home industries-has, through th short-sighted polio ot hor Caesar, adopted tho deliberate policy of hampering German expansion at every possible point. This, declares Countnlor Martin, Is the explanation of the mistrust of Germany entertained by the most Intelligent and fn-SMtrg etateemrn and politician In PinjlAnd, and this is thu reaaon why Orat rSritRln Is bulMltig up roAlHton of power from which Germany ia carefully Mclufled.

Kver slue the Boer war. one of the rnnat pormar.ent tmpralon lrft on the BrlMah mind ha been the Ill-will af Germany to Oront Britain. Even the war. proe1Ml by the Kalaar's Injudicious Appmval of dent Krueor, waa not sufflrlnnt 1 explain this aritl-lirlUih (nntlment The war' wmij tapced tbe, rcieirol wf JeulOnle twenty miles from the latter city, was a probable site of ancient Gezer. Blocks of unhewn stone and piles of broken pottery marked a spot which It was believed excavation would prove noteworthy.

'Here-were found by M. Clermont-Ganneau two Inscriptions, on a rocki one containing the name Alltius In Greek letters, the other the words, The Boundary of Gezer, In the Hebrew character of the Maccabean This site the Egypt Exploration Fund has now excavated with remarkable results. The Illustrations given above reveal something of nature and extent of Its labors. The pictures show remains of -he various-olvilUatlone- which- dwelt here over a period of 1,000 years from the day ot the house built of rough undressed stones' set in mud, inhabited by the direct successors of the primitive cave dwellers d6Wh to the "day of the beautifully dressed blocks In walls which Solomon may have built, we see the atone.altars upon which the heathen Canaanites sacrificed to their gods sacri ficed children; we see sockets in the rocks in which were erupted Asherahs and Maa-gebahs which mark the spot of Canaanite worship. For Geier was a High Place a centre of heathen worship, such as the Jews were commanded to destroy.

The ordinary furniture of the Canaanite High Place," or shrlno, consisted of an altar, near which' stood a stone pillar, the, Mazzeboh, and a the-- Aa era nected wtth the primitive practico ot tree worship and stone worship. "Asherah" Is rendered groves in the English i French Actrcsi bavs Actor "Can'Survivc Without Modern Playwright. In this you see the absence 'of new talent as well aa of genuinely new plays. On the other hand, there are certain playwrights 1 who-kno that an actor who hns accrtaln. originality may change his nose, his beard.

and the rest and artlll remain himself. This, in the eyes of (ho playwright, const! tutes tor this actor a triumphant force- It IS his talent to remain eternally him self. One might even Inquire why authors shouIdeanthcircharacterrtiy different names. They are all the aame. It Is actors of them who arc different, and they never change.

This la. a poor way of stirring art; it merely enthrones publlo routine. But the crowd becomos accustomed to It and goes to see so and who hav bad their parts written by ao and so, and for years ar satisfiod with tbesa mechanical fabrications. 1 The author, after poring for months over bis manuscript, seea hla play in one light, the theatrical manager receives It, and sees It In another, the stage manager adds his own manner of comprehension, tho actor take It up according to his own temperament and talents, and the publlo sees It from a fifth point ot view. And vtn the lupernumerartea have a whack at it.

In ucU how can an author claim to remain th absolute master of bis workf Tho tet interpreted author Is undoubtedly on who, having such talent himself, he confidence In tho talents ot other, and kta them do at they fit, guiding them only from time to tlma. Th author should not only accept th gift for oxpreaslon of his actors, but what may called their Imaginative foroa, After all, tho text ot a play, as far aa tl theatr ia concerned, should bo regarded only aa a sketch, a pretext for amplification. Oh, yt. I know thera was a Bhakespeara, a Baclne, a Moliere, an om other. From them tumid ek and not glv It, What a lty they hv no descendant) But aa to the modems, aa all author hav not talent, and still fewer genliia, th-lr forca bould repoa tn having only a rlaitv sort of prkla, and In acknowledging that an actor I not neceaaariiy an Idtnt, whkn am ta tbetf general opinion, dua, bo doubt, th few Servll actor wlu peracmatlty I alr the aervlo Ot th playwright and whom tha pvitilU ta lrrpet(v of the nan attached to their rflle on tht progtiinma, IS a th to a Ihe of Illustration 2 shows the' walls of a Canaanite house of the early period.

No. 3 shows the rerrmlns cf two wells of widely soparate.1 pne. the lower part of a gateway, was formed of dressed scones, --prouaoiy cumenipurary who saiu-mon. Tbe nearer wall Is of much rougher being probably a Canaanite defense. I 4 J- A remarkable feature shown, very Indistinctly, In "Picture has provoked wide speculation.

It represents a circular pit found close to the shrine. in the pit was brought to light a small brazen serpent' like a- cobra. This ha led to the conjecture that the pit contained sacred snakes and that the shrine of vGeza was a parallel to the famous sacred resort of Cos. The investigation of, archaeologists ia Palestine, Egypt, ana Assyria are continually adding verifications to the Biblical narrative, but its Is not often that so Interesting. and Important a find ia announced as that.

of. the venerable city 1.1. A 1 v- in the twilight of history, conquered, which a Pharaoh burned and Solomon rebuilt. Clyde Titch The, plays of to-day are nearly all saved by their Interpreters, who are, by the way, also the great Inapirer of modern playwrights. I know authors who Treely allow their interpreters to add their own Inventions, and who even embody the actofa creation In their text, which sometime read so amusingly in on the stage.

There are other, whom I could name, who would rather die than out out line or auppresa twenty page ot manuscript at the suggestion of an acton There ara certain writer who encourage the happy hints of their other who, with 'a narrow range of talent, are hypnotized by the 11m- ited effect of a character they have conceived, and from which they will not Many secrets oo'thla subject hav been told me by both authors and actor. Th role of tbe actor Is rauch.auperior to that ot the author. The truo actor finds his succet in himself, and can do without th dramatlo author. He readily utilises hla own comlo or tragio gifts, a witnessed In Shakespeare, Mollere, and hundred other. They bar been, since age began, the mimic and improvUor Who did without th text of others.

But when the actor ceae to Interpret tho dramatlo author, what wlli becom of latterf The day will come, poaaibly. When th actor's Improvisation will automatically mak laugh or shed teen. Lot hlatrlonlo art be rejuvenated. Let arenas again be thrown open and th actor enter With their Idee boiling over. their nerves strung to the hlght pitch, and let th publlo suggest an action or character to mimicked; lot a doaen different ldala bo Impersonated.

thn Mat, trttsa and original talent will be re vealed, nw Idea will be discovered which will no longer be guided by th author and a tax a manager and theatrical director, but which will be fre. untram tneled, and no longer radymad motion a If, forty year ago, It took three hour represent to th Uf a character Ilk Dam au Camilla, wby hould sot ucb character In th day pf electricity and motor cars Impersonated la twenty rolnutp? On word more If ctor havw oib-ttm declined ta accept certain part oa plea that thiy war not a hi to do Ihetn Juatlce, hav you vr heard of an author who xprad his fear that antght not hl to wrt'a a part worthy a certain extort In Uf th feetweea ami author la lrar vn rertin, hut after death th tetter tiaa tha b-ai tf authoia l'rluld lb trim oa of guiual city Itself. In the distribution of Canaan among the twelve tribes It was allotted to the Kohathite Levites. The Levltes, however, failed to subdue it, and even down to the rein- of Solomon the Canaanites wwe--MlU-4wMns-4hei-ipart the- time paying tribute to the Ephralmltes. At last It seems that It grew independent of Xsraelltish rule, for a Pharoah of Egypt Caesar? Anglophobia, and It has been.

flowing in a eteady stream ever since. The first slsns of Jthis growing ill-will, naturally. placed Grtat BrlUIn on the3efenalve. To fall In with the express alms of German ambitions for territory and natural prod uota and become an ally" ot Germany would not only have jeopardized British Colonial possegslofla and would lave TmpaTre4' thiTcnar acter of the British Empire, nurtured by the smaller powers, as policing the worM. At the same time it snouid not be for gotten aa waa pointed out In an article ln.TH.Kw.yoRK-TiUE.-a...waolt, ao, "Germany Must Now Look to Africa and America for Future the essential point in Germany's ambitions is that the country has become dependent upon sea-borne trade.

Her own harveat no longer feeds her. For a hundred and two days out of the nearly threo hundred and sixty-five Germany is fed on foreign corning; or the same fact is expressed differently In the atatemont that a fifth to a quarter of her population la so fed. She I irrevocably tied to a great Import of food products and raw materials, from temperate and tropical tones. 1 Besides, ber growing population needs new terrt- tory, or must become finally lost as Gorman aubjeots by, emigration to foreign landai 8o much for Germany's motive In desiring A to. hcr.motiva in meeting the anti-German coalition threats ot war, the sola object of which, by the confession ot her own statesman and publicists, would be for territorial snd commercial main, the attitude of ttate.

Counselor Martin fairly represents Oerrnr.1 sentiment, while his prophecies graphically Illustrate what Germans believe will eventually be realized. There la no denying the fact that the treaties now funned between Jpn and England, Japan and France, and Japan and Russia, and the agreement between England and France, England, France, and Spain, and Knglnnd and Buetla, together with the growing friendly relation between Italy and France and Italy and England tend to rVerale in ah ami-Gorman manner which will beoom suddenly manifest It Germany should again Intervene as ah did In Morocco two year ago. And the question la, Indeed, a til German State Counsnlor put It! How long will Germany suffer this coercion I -eSe A rtof who Aw nnt sestn (o feel sure Lout tit temper of lit future nudlncM tinrtiio tn a tlfnafrli al tiewrmr; I will fw with the Ham A Storm 'imnn for the nvit three Venn. If mv la saved, of the Canaanitlsh King Koram, Who was (lata wjth all hit people by Joshua, and of Ldward IF It were not the fact that the German State Counselor, or Regle-rungsrath, Rudolf Martin, had proved fcinuielt a trustworthy prophet of intcma-tinnol affair, even his high official position! could hardly, Inspire the Widespread erloua attention wblch hla latest bnokV. Emperor "William II.

and King EJ.warOII.JMirecelvIng lnContlnental Quit rear before" theTltussd Jnpaneie war ha wrotd "The Future of Russia." tn which that war, with lti at-tending Ruslan defoat, was marrelously foreseen." In Ti ii Nbws Tomc; of Juno 2i. llX.i, an nrttcio by hlnl waa which preonfe4 wltlMheaame un. erring gift of pret8lon tho ecbnomlo Lietory. of Russia during jthe liwt twelve Biontha. These are some of the reasons which almost lift hla latest book out of liis rati-i of chance.

He declares that Miiltfa t'oo ontl-Gennan policies of most European Chanceilerlts Germany will tit a short time find bortulf at war with both Fnrfinoa and England, and what Is more Germany wl'l herilf begin the I Je writes: "There are many Gemans' who believe that there will be no war if no other country attacks Germany. Germany, i they will never begin hostilities This opinion Is so devoid of dignity, so S4 bumlllatng that It cannot- even be discussed by patrlotlo Germans. will certainly fight when the hour for decisive action arrives." It la B3t true that we desire pfcaee at any prleo; yrr German doslres war as aoon a HattQbel Interests render war Jm-pnrafJve, The war between Trusiia and Auntria led to the formation of th North Oer- Federation, The war between Germany and France led to the foundation 0( Ui German Empire, The war between Gormuny and England will lad to the tlrcaur Germany of the The Inetfgator of th strife which will bring this further expannloit of Germany about CQUUfplor Martin believes he dlkcivrrd redhafMlHl It Is CdwerM VII. af Or at Uriuln. who, whwher LIboiwt or Conrvatlre Govemmimt be In power, la In rtl(y a tnmlprn Caoner, who, on rcunfc of a periMinel grutiae eImt tiM royel BYid tmpertui nphw, WlllUra ll hos nhnifwl an antl-Grmn piof In the rtnulpat ChshcWlorUe of Europe, sgalniit the wlh-g of the Urlllstt people.

But wht le haw the tue of HrltlsU uplrlonT Why has the Prlilsh (riclrclad 0rnmhy with a ihnlii of tr tl.s tfurtliig to prvnl her nature) t. lint unly in Cnrtitnenial Kirop, but to. tli Ncr and Far Kal aa la The Darling Tamily By WALTER BEVERLEY CRANE. her darling In the city, She's my darling by the sear Oh, the breezes In the letters That she( dally sends to mo! I'm her darling In the In Its feverish throb and roar; Would that I were by her standing Hand in hand upon the shore! Eighty-seven In the office, at Pans Bbucf; I'm her darling in the city, She's my darling by the sea. Steal, cool breeze, across my Voo me for a moment's' space; The electrlo fan Is broken, Dripping rln I'm Jier darling in the city, 1 She'a my darllnf by, the sea; Mighty la the link that binds We've a Wd that's half-paat three.

Dear Papa, I want to sea you, "At the station I will be; Don't forget the box of candy. Mamma writes this noty for me." Brave Kluo sky, bend thou above Fresh and fair-aye. cloudlosa be! I am Mr. Dante! Darling, No en routa for Bans Boucl. I havo wired my Mrs, Darling: Hand In hand soon we will be, Watching Master Harry Darling Paddl in the deen blue Mo Couldn't Breathe.

A TARTY of men wore onninientlng on the fact of how ifnuaual It was to henrof Jrlehmnn oommlttlng suicide. There WM an irtehman among ihom who becume very much wrought up re. gardlng the matter, and decided that he would ehow them that an iriahmait eoiitit bo guilt jt tit such a rah aeu Fnrthwim alanppeared. After a prolonged search the. gentleman for ho worked fMmi litm auKprnMed bv a rope around hla walat from- the rafter In hi barn and Innulroil "In heaven's nam, what are ynu doing up therer I'at replied: um, I'm hanging mee)f." aald hi employer.

wby d-m't you tie the rope around yoiif nerhT" '''pur. I had It there" "aid Pat, "but I Couldn't brath.w ee5e A Misleading; Slgrn. IN front of one of orflf-a'ln th new anne to the Grand Central at. Hon hanir a small letter bnx, with a llt iibout two tijr four Inches, convenient ior qmpping- tn nonoji. Jn front tbl office wer naaemhlfd a lot of biii ml girl, alt carefully watrhlna.

Iiy and by, aa tiaual on nunh oci-aaton. adult were eH.Inl to the iniuii, curtotia to find out what caused all tn exrlte-ment, At In', when fiothlng amemed Irt happen, one of the onlookers ttik a Utile girl whnt thy Wera all looking for. Why. we ate wbIIIhh to the train go Into Ihla boi." waa the enawer, Tlio mjre'eTV eiplalned bv Wkth; at the tnenrlptlort on th.iox, Whlrft reJl Jiaill Hlipa In JletBj" By TVETTE GUILBERT. A POPULAR and wealthy American dramatic author, (Clyde Fitch,) while sojourning In London, has seen fit to take exception to a few remarks of mine In regard tp the triviality of modern plays and to accuse me of seeking self-advertisement.

Tho actor Is always advertising himself r-he-say. Ona-questloiu Does the artist talk about the role he is to play as tbe author docs about the play he has written, Is writing, or is going to write? But to return to, ror main point, The author Ignores, or will not admit, that in aplt8of he.neverpro-duccs anything but a ttll-born babe. The artist of talent animates, nurses, consoll-dates fortifies, and furnishes It' with clothing, brings It to life, and lnfusj his own health and strength Into the weakling glves It his blood, and makes It speak and live. The dramatic authtr may contribute a oul, It Is true, but the sou! being Intangible, It Is only a pitiable gift as far as the dramatlo art Is concerned. There are many literary authors, but very few dramatlo authors.

With the former the netors are driven, craay, and with th latter art wiped out Under the pretext that they know their profeaaionai oramauo aumora substttuto tholr own mannerisms for what should be the tnstlnctlvo art of the Interpreter. author Is naturally satisfied with tho subtttutlon-tha public demand IU- hi public whereaa tbs actor has only fejiloved an art mad up of constraint ad has become a servile parrot In his hand, a cinematograph with a phono-graphic attachment. Jt Is tru that ha Is th Ideal actor for such writers, for he has no personality and is obviously accommodating. i JuKxles with his art and at rive to efface ills on effort on th teg i not to bo recognised as an actor, That would annoy th author of th ploce. 11 bldM his airings ilk a prestldtgtt tetir, III great Joy Is to bo vf M.

Nought, even wlill under th wig ot Lout XIV. Th author, however, refuaea to reongni him. Tht dlagulM declv bint The who) truth Is that tho modern dra matlo author or who 1 pleaaad to tain kublie recognition under that tite-prefer to writ play wlta feady-mad dramatis Prona, to whic adapts certain dear old ctor mannertem ami tag trlrk whlrh fall flat before a really Intelligent udlent looking for cneatton In dramatl art Moreover, whll authors he doubt soma, time writ without xiaptlng tblr word to a given artlat, thef nererthelea per- la (hooiti artist for a Ha rot..

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