Reading Times from Reading, Pennsylvania • Page 6
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1 I WOMMMMI How Harry McCormlck I Came to Play Ball With New York. JJTJGH FULLERTON tells a gooa one on Marry tBuiw McCormlck. who formerly play ad left field for Providence and New York. "One day Providence waa bat tling Jersey City extra Innings," said Fullerton. "In the eleventh the Rhode Islanders worked a nan around to third, and the batsman, with one out, knocked a long fly to left field.
It looked like a cinch for the runner at third to score. The throw to the plat was ten feet wide. Mc Oormlck, the next man to the bai, saw it coming; and took crack at the ball, driving it to right field. The umpire declared the runner out on account of McCormlck Interfering with the balL Manager Billy Murray ot the Providence club asked McCormlck what he meant by hitting a ball thrown In by one of the opposing outfielders. "What kind of foolishness was running around loose In your 1 top piece when you swung at that ball?" Inquired Murray.
"Well, it waa the first straight one I've seen today, and I just couldn't keep from bumping It on the said McCormlck. 'So that's the way you play ball, replied Murray. 'Johnny McOraw wonts you for ttie New York Giants. I never did admire McOraw extravagantly, so I'll ship you over to him at McCormlck lasted a season or two with New York, then quit baseball and Is now a traveling salesman. Cy Young Paired With Many Catchers fJTHE catchers most cloudy associated with old Cy Young's long reign are Chief Zlmmer and Lou Crlger.
Zim mer caught Young for half a dozen years in Cleveland in the nineties, and Crlger caught him In Cleveland, Boston and St Louis. Jack O'Connor was another who caught Young a good deal, but among the other backstops who have been Young's teammates are Jack Doyle, who was a catcher on the Cleveland club in 1892; Gunson, who was a Cleveland catcher In 1893; Wil bert Robinson, who caught for the St. Louis club in 1900 when Young was there: Schreckengost who was with the Boston Americans In 1901; Duke Farrell, with the Bostons In 1904, and Clarke and Easterly in late years. PROM a spectator's standpoint the Detroit team furnishes more real entertainment during a ball game than any of its rivals. To view the Tigers in action immediately creates the impression that It is a successful combination, even though one was not familiar with its successes.
There Is a is mm 1 IIIPlBIi MANAGER CHANCE I By TOMMY CLARK. has a good effect on the other members of the team. Then there is Jennings, whose meth ods differ from those of any other manager so far as activity In the game Is concerned. Though not actually engaged In the contest, he is very much in the game and works as hard as any iiiiiiiiiiiii sV' Photo by American Press Association. MANAGER HUGH JENNINGS.
certain amount of dash about that team which is impressive. Not that the Tigers play any more brilliant ball than do the Athletics, but their style of play is more picturesque than that of the champions. Of course the presence of Cobb has much to do with The prowess of the "Georgia peach" is inspiring, and there is no doubt that the remarkable spirit that Cobb displays of his players on the coaching lines. Speed Is one of the Tigers' greatest requisites, and by means of it and an ordinary amount of intelligence on the bases this team scores a lot of runs which other teams would not get Hugh Jennings' coaching is not, as many suppose, a code of signals for his players. Certain words do not mean to do certain things or anything of that MAY NEVER HE collapse of Manager Frank Chance of the Chicago Cubs In Cincinnati recently and the subsequent orders that he must quit the game undoubtedly marks the passing of one of the greatest all around players and field generals that ever appeared on the diamond.
The recent collapse was the final stroke In a series of misfortunes which have bothered the leader of the Cubs slnoe the opening of the I'll campaign, and It means that the once great frame has stood Its last severe diamond strain. Chance's trouble dates back to the first game between the Cubs r.n the Reds played at League park, Cincinnati, April 24 last In the sixth Inning of that contest he waa hit on the back angles around the plate. Sheck's best work along this line commenced to crop out after the Cubs pointed eastward on their first invasion of the Atlantic circuit Since May 9, the day he first graced the top of the batting list, he has raised hob with the hostile flingers. His best efforts as a waiter were apparent in the recent Boston series, when he walked eight times In DETROIT TIGERS ARE MOST POPULAR BASEBALL TEAM IN THE COUNTRY sort though the wily Hughle is perfectly willing to have this impression go out The Jennings system, like that of the old Baltimore club, where he got his early education, is to allow the players to think for themselves. Jennings gives no signs from the coacher's box either by word or motion.
He lays down a system for his players to follow, and he relies upon their intelligence to do the right thing at the right time. Aside from being amusing to the spectators, Jennings' coaching Is of a kind that keeps his players on edge. There is nothing monotonous about his efforts, and he works up a spirit that stands the players In good stead. With the boss encouraging and hustling as does Jennings there Is not much chance for any loafing among the players, and this Is really Hughle's only object In displaying the antics he does. GOLFERS HATE TO PART WITH OLD CLUBS.
Every golfer has at least one or two clubs in his bag which he prizes as much as Wagner, Cobb, Lajoie or any of the great hitters do some of the bats with which they have done so effective work in the past It is remarkable how golfers will clutter up their bags with wooden and iron clubs which are remnants of other days. The golfer hates as much to discard an old iron as a crack batsman dislikes to throw away an old bat that has won games. The result Is that many a caddie has dropped almost exhausted because he has had to lug around on some hot day anywhere from fifteen to twenty clubs. Superstition has Just as much to do with the golfer as the follower of any other sport He is delighted If by any means he can get hold of some club which was used at some time or other by some well known player, a professional preferred. Every one who goes to Scotland Is not satisfied unless he brings home an Iron or wooden club made by one of the famous Scotch professionals.
Every now and then a player does get possession of a club which Is worth while. George Cook, who for years was regarded as one of the best players In the Philadelphia district has In his possession a putter which was made In Scotland In 1758. He has had it now for twenty years and bought it secondhand. It is in a wonderfully fine state of repair, and every now and then when other putters go wrong the old club Is brought Into telling use. COBB 13 SELDOM CAUGHT OFF THE BAG.
Once or twice during a season Ty Cobb Is caught off a bag, and this not only always brings the crowd to Its feet, unless It happens in Detroit, but brings about a lot of comment by the scribes, The fact that Cobb usually runs the bases as he pleases and makes opposing players look foolish Is entirely overlooked. It is always a good base runner who is caught napping, for a poor one never takes any chances. Men iW HMtfaML OF PLA of the head by ft pitched ball thrown I Goods from Boston to play center field, by George Suggs and almost knocked He Intended to keep out of. the line out Be finished the game and also I up for some time, but when the Cubs played the next day. but on the third day he was forced to give up after five Innings, and he laid off for a couple of weeks.
When the Reds played In Chicago a little later he was still out of the game, and Vlo Saler was playing first base. When the Cubs went on their eastern trip In May Chance got back Into the game, though In poor condition to do so, being constantly troubled wit)' shooting pains in bis head and with severe headaches. All through that trip he did not sleep an average of two hours a night, but he stuck in tne game until he had placed his team In the lead, when he retired again, send ing Hofman to first and acquiring Jimmy Sheckard of Cubs Is the Best Lead Off Hitter LL good things come to him who 1 um in argument ad vanced by James TUden Sheckard, lead off hitter for the Chicago Cubs, 1 Fhoto by American Press Association. JIMMY SHECKARD. Last season patience had Its own reward for Miller Huggins, the diminu tive second sacker of the Cardinal I two days.
crew, and the "rabbit's" keen Judg ment of bad balls enabled him to finish the race on top among the National leasrue batters who "wait 'em out" The veteran left fielder has participated in every one of the games played this season and of late has developed decided penchant for strolling. Not that his war club has lost any ot Its damaging powers, for the statistics compiled at the close of each week will show Sheck out In front Perhaps that's one of the reasons opposing pitchers prefer to pass him at critical stages. However, Jimmy so far this season has drawn fifty bases on balls, almost half the number allotted Huggins, who accepted 116 free passports in 151 games. The little fellow missed only three games on the championship schedule, and any pitcher around the circuit will tell you he Is a hard problem to face, chiefly owing to his stature. Yet Huggins had a close contender in Johnny Evers, the latter drawing 108 tickets In 125 games.
Now comes Sheckard with his fast growing string of bases on balls. Singularly he didn't swell the count in the early spring, when the twirling agents of other clubs were off their strides and breaking the ball at all I'f Photo by American Press Association. FRANK CHANCE. lost four out of six to Pittsburg, two out of three to St Louis and the first game to the Reds on the recent trip the great leader could not stand for Pitcher. Powell's Splendid Record TACK POWELL of the St Louis Browns Is a study in endurance.
Next to Cy Young, he is the veteran of the big league pitchers. He always has pitched a good many games every year, and it is possible that his diamond longevity is due to the fact that he has the easiest of deliveries. He swings his arm with the least possible strain. This is Powell's fifteenth year In the big leagues. Up to 1911 he pitched in 450 games, winning 229 of them and losing 22t He has averaged 35 games a year for 14 years.
He began In 1897 with the Cleveland's and that year won 15 games and lost 12. In 1898 he won 24 games for Cleveland and lost 15. He pitched for the St, Louis Nationals In 1899, 1900 and 1901, his respective winnings and defeats for those three seasons being as follows: Twenty two, 17 and 19; 19, 18 and 18. He' was with the St Louis Americans In, 1902 and 1903, winning 22 games and losing 17 in 1902 and winning 15 and losing 19 in 1903. In 1904 for the New York Americans he won 23 games and lost 19.
Since then he has been with the St Louis Browns with the following wins and losses: Nineteen hundred and five, 1114; 1908, 1314; 1907, 1318; 1908, 1613; 1909, 12 16; 1910, 7 rlL Baseball Bunts Ty Cobb's younger brother, Paul, who Is playing with the Lincoln club of the Western league, stands a fair chance of being given another trial in fast company one of these day a Paul is hitting like a fiend this season, and no doubt some manager will take a chance in the hope of developing him into a player something like his illus trlous brother. Paul is a right handed hitter, fairly fast, but' several years Ty's Junior. He batted over .300 last year, but his fielding was so poor that he was not given a trial with any of the major league clubs. This year he seems to have greatly Improved his field work. i Manager McAleer thinks he has picked up a great ball player In Catch er Henry, the former Amherst ama teur.
If McAleer is a prophet then he ought to have one of the best catch tng staffs In the major leagues. Aln smith, who Is batting above .350, was a big find for Washington, A catcher who can bat Is a rarity. Manager Fred Tenny ot the Boston Nationals says that many young play' ers do not have a chance to prove their worth In big league company be cause of too much competition. He names Eugene Goode and Briscoe Lord as notable examples of athletes who have been crowded out only to return and star as regulars. Clark Griffith of the Reds regrets there are so few pitchers In the modern game who can hit like those of twenty years ago.
The team that has a ram ming twlrler and a hard hitting catcher is Bending nine sluggers against seven men who can hit, but who are handicapped by two almost certain outs. Kid Elberfeld says he is only thirty four, but a Washington writer declares on oath that he saw the kid playing semi pro ball twenty five years ago. If true It sets Elberfeld's entry into the game at nine years of age. It has al ways been in the record that he began at the mature age of eleven. Captain George Moriarty of the De troit Tigers doesn't drink, smoke or swear and insists on his ball players sroing to church on Sunday.
THE CUBS inaction. Ha got back Into action im mediately and led his club to a close victory. On the following day during practice he collapsed. Chance will undoubtedly continue to hold the reins of the Chicago team and endeavor to build up a successor to the wonderful machine that has been bad ly shot to pieces since the beclnntna of last season. But as a bench leader Chance can never shine as he did on the field, and the change from field to bench removes a great general from active Tor many years Chance has been known as the "peerless leader." and the title Is well deserved.
He was born about thirty two years ago at Fresno, Cat, and his entire career as a professional ball player has been spent with Chicago. He first attracted attention as a diamond artist while a member of the University of Washington team about twelve years ago, and he left college to Join the Chicago team. At that time Chance was a catcher, and he was used to a considerable extent behind the bat Frank Selee, a great Judge of ball players, was at that time beginning to mold together the machine that later won four league championships and two world's championships. Selee decided that Chance was cut out for a first baseman and shifted him to that po sition, which he has since played with so much success. When Selee left the Chicago team during the season of 1905 Chance was named as his succes RTHUR IRWIN, scout of the New York Americans, once made the famous remark that the day of the scout would soon be a thing of the past for every young player In the country belonged to Connie Mack.
The gray haired spy was led to this fit of pessimism because In one week he looked over a half dozen callow youths, only to find, when he broached negotiations, that they belonged to the tall tutor of Philadelphia. The long arm of Mack has assuredly reached In all directions of the thirteen original states and the other states that don't claim originality. In the infant class at Sunday school, the deestrlck school, the prep school and the colleges are youthful absorbers of knowledge waiting for the magic day when a night letter reaches them saying, "Report at once, kiddo Connie Mack." Mr. Mack prefers the little red schoolhouse to the bush league, yet he Is not insensible to the wealth of ore found on the crossroads and minor league teams. Mr.
Mack can consult his flies and find out how many hits Harry Krausemeyer, third baseman of the Shlnehelmer, Kuppenklelster and Tappanhanger's Sticky Fly Paper com pany's team at Laxyville, made last week. Connie also can tell what team is leading In the Sunday School league of Ingersoll. and knows that Pagan, the Primitive Methodists' star pitcher, has a great drop and might be worth a trial In 1913 or 1914. It is a fact that Connie Mack has any number of youths planted who are hardly old enough to leave their fire sides. Two years ago, at the age of sixteen, a Philadelphia schoolboy sign ed a contract to play with Mack.
This tall tactician may wait two years more before ordering this Juvenile south with his' team. Feters, the young California first baseman, has been planted by Mack for several years. For fear that he might be extradited to California on the charge of kidnaping. Mack didn't dare order the infant to report until spring. Mack has youths planted for de livery in 1912.
1918, 1914 and 1915. He will call them as he needs them, but every year he is sure of a big squad of candidates in case some calamity strikes his team. No manager in America looks as far ahead as the Athletics' master mind. Baseballdom thought It wonderful when Mack took a team of nobodies in 1909 and finished second to Detroit Fans that year tossed posies at Mack for getting a good team together so quickly, but they didn't know that Mack was planning for 1909 In 1907, Mack Is a baseball teacher as well as manager. In this he has a great advantage over the majority of managers.
There are few managers who can take a raw ball player and mold him Into a star. Most big league managers expect their new men to be almost the finished product from the start. How many managers have released players with this statement: "The boy is promising enough, but he lacks ex perience. He must be taught the ways have tided over the seven years, and some have passed beyond the ten year mark, but these are indeed exceptions. Abe Attell has been in the ring nearly AGAIN or, and he has sine directed the destinies of the Cuba Since Chance has been In charge the Cubs have never finished below third place.
In 1105, his first year at the helm, Chance brought his team to third place, close behind New York and Pittsburg. In 1906, 1907 and 1908 the "peerless leader" gained his name by leading the Cubs to three successive championships, and In the last two of these years they won the world's championship by post season victories over the Detroit Tiger a In 1906 the Cubs were defeated 1 in the world's series by the White Sox. In 1909 Pittsburg nosed the Cubs out of their fourth successive championship, but Chance's men finished a close second. Last year they again won the National league championship, but were defeated in the world's series by the Philadelphia Athletics. Chance is a born fighter, a determined, able and magnetic leader of men, who could always inspire his men with extraordinary enthusiasm, get the best work out of them and always hold their good will.
As a field leader It Is doubtful if his superior ever lived. Added to these qualities, Chance has always ranked as a high class fielder and a powerful batsmaa. He played no favorites, never let sentiment get the better of his baseball Judgment li fact he combined all the qualities of an ideal baseball general. His departure from the field will leave a big void In baseball. Connie Mack Needs No Baseball Scouts at Present of the big league." This kind of man ager hasn't the patience nor the ability to teach anybody baseball.
Mack never released a promising 'illlit i irtiiliiiill in 7 ttspiBpiiiiiiil 1911, by American Press Association. CONNIE MACK. player in his life, but he has released scores of bad ball players. Mack doesn't believe that a player can be taught the ways of the big league on the Squashtown team. He keeps him at Shlbe park and teaches him himself.
fourteen years, but he Is the acknowl edged cleverest ring general that ever crushed resin under his feet And. be sides, Abe has not been forced to labor overindustriously. His head has done most of his (fighting since he boxed George Dixon. A' list of fighters who have seen their best days and who may quit the big clubs 1911 is over would probably comprise the following: Boer Unholz. Dave Deshler, Matty Baldwin, Biz Mackey, Al Delmont, Willie Lewis, Dixie Kid.
Mike Sullivan. Al Kublak, Battling Nelson and Dick Webster. There are a few more who might also be mentioned, but they are not so well known outside their native Boer Unholz was knocked out by Jack Redmond, a demon fighter who couldn't destroy a helpless cripple with his fists. Redmond hit Unholz twice in the stomach, and the Boer lay on Battery of Prothen Were Really Cousins, but the Fans Didn't Know. "YOU hear a lot about brothers Pitching and catching and making a battery," says Bob Groom, the toothpick twlrler of the Washington Nationals.
"Well. I was a member of the Groom brothers' battery once, back in Illinois. That was before I entered professional ball I was known as the 'strikeout king" around St. Louis, not far from my home, and usually I fanned fifteen or sixteen men In a game. I didn't have much but a wide curve, but, oh.
how It used to feaae those lads trying to hit It During the entire season before I entered organised baseball I averaged fifteen strikeouts to a game. "I was billed as one of the Groom brothers battery, and people used to come to see us work. Alec Groom and Bob Groom got their names In the papers with great regularity. "But Alec Groom wasn't my brother. He was my couslq.
However, few ever knew that and we passed for a long time as the Groom brothers battery." American League Players a Well Behaved Lot baiting and rowdyism seem to be lost arts In the American league. To date there has not been a single Instance of players and officials having a run in serious enough to warrant punishment There has not been a single suspension, and it is really a rare occurrence to see a player objecting to a decision. Not so In tha National league, however. Ever since the season opened there has been trouble, and numerous suspensions of players have been necessary. Even an umpire has been given a rest because he did not know the rules, and all In all President Lynch has had his troubles.
An unbiased comparison of the capabilities of the staffs of the two leagues would probably show that one Is as competent as the other, but thera Is a lot of difference In the discipline in vogue In the two leagues. American league club owners have long since learned that their players must behave on the ball field, and they Insist upon good conduct; hence the players are not molesting the umpires. In the National league one frequently hears of some club owner protesting against an umpire, and this has Its effect on the players. Of the two corps which are officiating, that in the American league appears to have the' more tact in dealing with all situations which arise on th field. Ty Cobbs Are In Demand by Wise Managers since Ty Cobb has demonstrat ed mat ne is ine greatest oau player the game has ever developed a much higher standard is being asked of the young players who come Into fast company.
Every player, almost. is compared with the mighty Cobb and naturally loses in comparison. There are not apt to be any more Cobbs for years, and the sooner, the club owners realize this fact and will be satisfied with developing players of much less ability the better they will be off. Simply because a player is not in Cobb's class does not mean that he cannot be a valuable man for the team. Cobb should be eliminated from all comparisons.
The club which turns down youngsters simply because they do not show the making of a player of the caliber of the Tigers' star is going to have a hard time building up a ball team A club like Washington, for instance, cannot be too particular In Its selection of material. It must take long chances, for it must be remembered that, reeardless of what happens. It can be no worse off than It is. Twenty ball players may have to be purchased before one is found who will furnish the link that is now missing to make the team a winner, judged on recent performance, McAleer needs more than one link to complete his chain. AVERAGE PUGILIST'S RING CAREER JN the unceasing evolutions of time, as applied to the activity of athletes, the career of a fighter Is not of long duration; as a rule.
The training and physical exertion of long contests are a great drain on the endurance, and, while they are able to stand It for a reasonable number of years. fighters cannot last as long In their profession as actors or other persons not subjected to the same hard strain. The average career of a pugilist Is about seven years that Is, the active fighting career. Many stall around the small towns for a much greater length of time, boxing with rising youngsters or old vets for $5() and $100 purses. You may play It hard when a pug gets to this stage he Is "gone." I A large number of glove players LASTS ABOUT SEVEN YEARS the floor and groaned weakly.
Unholl has been In the fistic game nearly eight years. Dave Deshler is a veteran who wil never go any higher than he Is a( present He's still a good tough boy, but he has passed the stage where hi can get big money. Bis Mackey oi Ohio has been on the down grade fof three years and is now nearing tht bottom. He gave Al Delmont a fight in New York Some weeks ago. but Delmont is not what he once was.
Danny Webster of California once looked like the best bantam in the world and later was good fighting around 119 and 129 pounds, and, although now he can't be classed as a has been, he's beyond redemption as a first rater. Al Kublak was touted as a heavy weight champion when he cracked out of the lumber camp of Michigan a few years ago. but his fighting has never won him any gold medals, I.
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