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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 21

Logansport, Indiana
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John C) ER ON CLOAKS. have not bought out any manufacturer, and we are not over- itocked. but we have correct goods bought right, acd for casn, s.nd we can, and do sell them than any other house in tke city. Come in and be Convinced. FANCY CUTS -OF- Beef, Veal Pork Fancy Quality Lard 6cts Wm.

Rowe's Market, 5th and Broadway. A. S.Everett, A.M Practice limited to Dyspepsia and the rational treatment of Chronic, Gastric and Intestinal Disorders. Consultation and Prescriptions by mail. Flat 0158, Greenwood, Ave, Chicago, Ills.

LlDHEcSEE Physician. Ollice in House, Cor. Thirteenth and North streets, Bufessional calls answered promrtly. FURNITUREl New and Second Hand at Reduced Prices SILiS MOOS HDRT. Struck Wabash Train This Morning and Rendered Unconscious.

Silas Moon, a switch tender In the Panhandle yards, was struck by a Wa- freight train this morning, thrown apalnst a post on the line of the right-of-way between the Panhandle and Wabash yards and painfully Injured about the head. He lay unconscious tor a time, but Dr. B. the attending physician, says that his Injuries are not dangerous. Mr.

Moon was In the act of signaling a Panhandle train and had stepped over onto a stretch of Wa- basti siding, when a freight train backedidown upon him from the opposite direction. Mr. MOOD Is a well-known and hlgnly respected citizen, and tbe accident is deeply deplored by a large circle of friends. PAKLOK FURNITURE. Sew and Beautiful Designs at Cn m- Morgan's.

W. Campbell's Old Stand E. H. GRACE, D- D. S.

DENTAL PAKLOKS, Market Street. New Alumlnite Bubber Plates Cummlngs Morgan, the artistic upholsterers and dealers In furniture, have a large assortment of chairs, sofas, parlor stands, on exhibition and sale In their business room at the corner of Broadway and Third streets, and the public is in- Tlted to call and inspect their stock. The parlor furniture Is especially beautiful. The designs ara new and the price within the reachof all. There la nothing more appropriate for a Christmas present than a a a stand or a complete set of parlcr furniture.

Messrs. Cummlngs Morgan have the advantage over their competitors in that they are practical upholsterers and can make a better price to the trade. They also upholster furniture to order, and make repairs. All who admire oeau- tiful and ardstlc furniture will find it to their interest to call jn Messrs. Cummlnge Morgan as they have the goods and are deservl ng of a fair share of the trade.

TO NOMINATE A SE.Ni.TOR. HENLEY Buy and Sell Second Hand Goods. SHre us a sail. 20!) 6th street DK. C.

D. EVEBSOLE'S EI2TAL PALLORS Over Porter's New Drug Store, of Fourth and Market Streets. E)r Ev S- Hunt, All the latest liscoveries in medicine and )liances to relieve pain in extraction or flll- of tooth. Modern methods, modern prices, work iniarantoed tMIce OT6r John Gray's on Fourth Direct. Telephone No.

32S. W. J. Barnett, Succe690r to a WoU Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Director. 07 Market street.

Calls attended day or nipt. Ifce finest outfit In tbe U. S. Col. C.

L. Woll, ntfl rcrnnln with me. Olllce 10. Keeidence-Mutual, Phones c. When You Need an ABSTRACT or a LOAN -GO TO- H.

Wipperman, Street Opp. Court House Entrance. CJndertalve s. Market street, Hoppe Building. Daniel Killian Co.

promptly attended to, day or nlpht. Mr. KtUlnn ivas for many years foreman for Charli 9 L. Woll. Telephone old 361.

new S17 550,000 6 per cent Money to Loan. Call now Office Opposite Court House. DAILY FHAEOS 'WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1, 1S97. OITY JNRWS They are still golnj? bankrupt Walden's.

Miss Dora Polen, of Steubenvllle, Ohio, Is spending the winter with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Potts, of 710 Hbrth itreet.

Primrose minstrels partied tbe at noon today. Ihere were many old-timers in line, Mong, them Billy Rice and Carrol Sentiment Faroring Action by tbe Convention Growing 1 The Indianapolis News states that it is the testimony of representatives of the Republican party from every section of thfl state that the sentiment in of Che state convent-ion nominating a candidate for United States senator is growing. Some of tbe besVlnfurmed men who have to do with the management ot the party have reached the conclusion that the convention will make a nomination. Several of the influential Republican newspapers In the state have declared in favor of tbe plan. The argument being put forth is that the panv needs a ''head" for its ticketin an ufl year campaign.

It is pointed out that the candidate for secretary of state is seldom a man that possesses qualities of a leader, nor one that adds materially to the strength of the ticket. It is averred that with a candidate for Senator in the field the party would be able to arouse its followers. ADDITIONAL 1TEXS. Annual Holiday Opening. The annual holiday opening at Ben Martin's jewelry store occurred this afternoon, the attendance being large, particularly on the part of the ladles.

The always attractive store was made more handsome by the tasty arrangement of the various departments of jewelry, silverware, china and cut glass. Palms and potted plants ornamented the room and a ladies dressing case of a graceful pattern, trimmed out with beautiful toilet goods made an attractive corner. An orchestra furnished music for the occasion. The opening will be continued tonight. St.

Bridget's Buzaar. The St. Bridget's bazaar held by the members of the congreatton closed last evening with very favorable results. Theladles in charge of the affair say they will net from 1500 to $600. All the articles were disposed of.

Mrs. McMahon drew Fattier Kroeger's handsome portrait, sketched by Mrs. R. Hutchinson and T. O'Connor, a traveling salesman, drew the slumber rolhMiss Kelly drew a rocking chair.

The proceeds will go toward paying off a church debt. The Sext State Case. The case of the state against Moon, Moon and Anflerson upon tbe charge of assault with intent to kill Davis, will be called in the Circuit court tomorrow morning. Notice, Companions of 0. F.

A good attendance is desired Thursday, as it is regular meeting day. MBS. EARL STEWART, C. C. MKS.

Gxo. WATMEK, C. Ben Htr Notice. Supreme Chief D. W.

Gerard will be at the meeting William Grant has returned from North Dakota. Mrs. Cal Nefl, of the Westside, is ill of pneumonia. Miss Mary Campion is visiting relatives in Ft Wayne. No.

i leaf lird 5c per pound at Abe Steam's meat market, Dr. A. G. Miller at his new office Thursday, 314 North street. We are open evenings from now until January Martin.

Underwear that wont scratch, all colors, at WiH Murdock's. Mrs. John White, of Pulton, is dangerously ill of brain fever. Miss Maggie Dolan returned yesterday from a visit in Chicago. Mrs.

Charles Moore is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Demoss, at Marlon Get your blankets, hosiery and underwear at the room making Trade Palace.

The bfg plate glass has been placed in the new show window of J. D. Talors's jewelry store. George Price and Luella Moore, Homer Closson and Aalfretta Hilton have been licensed to wed. Rev.

P. Crowley, of St. Patrick's, church, Ft. Wayne visited Very Rsv. M.

E. Campion yesterday. Rev. Wm. Hogan, of St.

Vincents, has returned from LaGro, where he assisted at the forty hours devotion. The Elks' minstrel performance will be equal to any professional entertainment of the kind ever given in this city. The Missionary society of the Christian church will have a "coSee" Dec. 2, from 2 to 5, at the home of Mrs. D.

C. Justice. All invited. James Bossert, driver for the Adams Express company, is still sick and not improving. He has now been off duty about two months.

Thos. Friend, for four years second cook at the Murdoch: and Bsrneti, hotels, has taken charge of the kitchen at Louie Wandre's restaurant. A horse belonging to Henry Eberle was frightened at noon today by the Primrose West band, and ran away on Sixth street. But little damage was done, Mrs. Leonard, of Oiage street, and sons desire to return thanks to their neighbors and friends for many acts of kindness shown them during their ate sad bereavement.

Battle Ax: "The man who dun put dat in the oaper 'bout me bavin' a fight with Percy Joaes dis hyar morn- tole a big lie, I hain't seen Perce Jones fo 1 mo'n a week." This is the season of lodge elections and they begin with the opening of December. oSTearly every secret order in the city has an election be- ween DOW and the first of January. Persons having bills against Cass Bounty should file them at once, otherwise they will not be considered at the coming session of the commis- ioners' court, which meets Monday, night. The Primrose West minstrels 'came in this morning from Lafayette and will leave in the morning for South Bend. They are stopping at tbe Barcett, Johnston and Columbia hotels.

All members of Logan Council No. 89, Daughters Pocahontas, are requested to be present at the regular meeting Thursday, December 2d. Election of officers. By order of the Pocahontas. Moses Barnett, commissioner of Fulton county, is visiting his daughter, Mrs.

H. Douglass. He is on his way home from northern Michigan, where he spent some time with his son Harry. Councilman Schuler, one of the leaders among Democratic members of the Fort Wayne council is preparing a curfew law to be presented at the next session of tbe council. He says that a majority of the- city fathers will favor the measure.

Robert White, a young man who was formerly inspector of the Mutual telephone exchange in this city, was married a few days ago to Miss Mildred McKlnzie, of Ashtabula, Ohio. The marriage occurred at Monroe, Louisiana, where Mr. White has been located for some time. The oil fever struck the village of Fulton, thirteen miles north of this city, some time ago and a company was organized to sink a well. Operations were begun some ten days ago, but trouble has been experienced and the drill is down but little more than 200 feefrat present.

The fire department was called out at this afternofia to extinguish a blaze that had started in the roof of a Darn on Indiana street, bordering the Panhandle yards. It is believed that the fire was started by sparks from a locomotive. The damage-is estimated at $10. Miss Mayme Hoffman, of 14 Michigan avenue, was the -victim of a very agreeable surprise last evening, tendered by sixty of her friends who called on her in masquerade attire. The occasion being her birthday.

An old fashioned taffy palling was tbe plan of entertainment a portion of the evening. Our Shoes Fit Like gloves And they -wear Like Iron. We treat onr customers Fair and square Because tve appreciate Their trade. Our prices are Wonderfully And quality High- Very And 'tfe want Your trade. Elias Winter.

Now Has the largest teaching force it has ever bad, Six Teachers are employes day and nigiu. The faculty is not only the la jrest, bu is made up cf tbe best educated men that bare ever been connected with the institution Two instructors have degrees conferred by Sure Universities of NATIONAL KEPUT.VTTON Others who have not taken a college course, have spent from one to three years in preparation for special work. Each teacher 16 a specialists In the line of work In whicfl he instructs. We have a special teacher for bookkeeping. A special teacbsrfor Mathematics.

A special teacher for Penmanship, A special teacher for Shorthand. Seven of our etudenis have taken positions recently. If you wart to secure a position in Logansport attend Hall's Business College Cor. Cth. and Broadway.

You are safe in buying your Slices at WILLEY'S SHOE STORE, as the quality is the BEST and you are sure of getting the LOWEST POSSIBLE PPwICE. Third and Market Sts. CHICAGO JURKETS Recelred Dally bj W. W. at (t.

A. R. BuildiuR. Chicago, Dec.l, 1897. May opened.

9ljc; high, low, closed, Jc. July opened high S5c; low, 84c; closed, S4c. May, opened, 29 Jc; high, 29Jc; low, 29Jc; closed, opened, high, iow, 20Jc; closed, 22J-c. opened, 49c; high, low, 49c: closed, 49c. Jan.

opened, 18.15; high fS.lT; low, closed atlS.15. opened, 14.22; high, low, closed at 14.20. opened, 14.25; high, 14.27; low, 14.20; closed at 4,20. Hogs today, left over, estimated for tomorrow Market opened lower closed steady. Mixed, 47: heavy, S3.15 rough, 83.15@13.20; light, Receipts of cattle, lower: Curb, puts, calls, Do you know what baking powder is bought by the Government for the families of army officers? Cleveland's.

Do you know what one all the leading teachers of cookery use and recommend? Cleveland's. back yoar money it not fad bot powder you vnrr relaad BaMnf ftwiv OIL, X.T. Tailor and Draper, BETWEEN ONE THING and ANOTHER we manage to turn out the best fitting, exquisitely finished and distingue suits of clothing to be seen in Logansport. We take pains to select the latest and handsomest faorics for your selection. Just DOW we are making nobby salts in soft finished worsteds, cheviots, tweeds, cassimeres, and Eoellsh mel- ton, beaver and kersey overcoats, lined with silk, at prices that can't be matched.

Garl W. Keller. 311 Market St, ASSIGNMENT SAL0 Slaughter Sale of the Best Shoe Stock Ever Brought to This City, Having bought the "VValdcn Shoe stock at assignee sale, I ivill proceed to close out the entire stock at prices you have read about, but never came in contact -with THIS IS NO FAKE SALE, the goods must be sold to meet deferred payments and I will sell these goods at just Less Than Wholesale Cost You cannot afford to miss this sale. If you don't need them now, you will in i few days. Is there any INVESTMENT that will PAY TOU AS MUCH? This vholesale slaughter sale commenced M.

WALDEN. 315 FourthJStreet, Logansport, Ind. RAILROAD BREVITIES Short Items of Interest Gathered From Many Sources. Dr. Lelsher, examining physician 'or the Pennsylvania Relief Fund as- icclation here, has returned from a business trip to Cleveland, 0.

Gross earning of the Wabash for October were 81,305,010, an Increase if $210.901. For the period from July 1 to Oct. 31 net earnings in- ireased $284 03(5. Tbe gross earnings of fifty railroads or the second week in November, to for the corresponding week of 890 an increase of Idavllle Observer: Birb Flook, Birt Keever and Mart Cornell have ee- urea positions as brakemen on the 'anhandle railroad out of Logansport. They made their Initiatory rip Wednesday.

Thft October statement of railroad earnings by tbe Pennsylvania lines Is follows: Pennsylvania lines, di- ectly increased $399,00: net increased, lines west of Pittcburg, gross increased, net increased, $334,800. "Eagle 1 and "Daisy'' are Dead. Charles T. Murray, who is well mown to the press of this section nd who accompanied the Barnum Jailey show to Europe, ca'oled back ast Saturday and described the trip. Among other things be said that agle, the beautiful black stallion 'ho delighted of Amerian show lovers by its dance, with lider O'Brien on its back, died o3 Bishop Light.

Eagle was 36 years Id, but he looked like a colt In his ay trappings in the ring, prancing the sound music. "Daisy." he only giraffe in America in recent ears, was hurled against her cage uring a storm and broke her neck. Only Three Dajs to California 'la -'Sunset Limited" from Chicago nd St. Louis. Composite car with arber bath room and library: adies' parlor observation room car; coinpaitment and drawing room, sleeping cars and dining cars.

An ideal winter route not too far south but just south enough to escape high altitudes and snow blockades. Complete particulars aod illustrated pamphlet mailed free to any address by your local agent or James Oharl- ton, G. P. C. E.

E. Chicago, or H. C. Townsend, G. t.

A. St. L. I. M.

St. Louis, Mo. DELICATESSEN FINE 407 Market in room formerly occupied by Letmasport Will Paper Co. Gunther's Coritectioncry, 'varian CrPam. wine Jellies.

Obocolaie Eclairs, Patty Shells. E-'K Kisses, Biehoryuut -Macaroons, Almond Mxcaroong, Macaroons, Cococ.aut; MaciU-oonfl, Vaui'la Jelly Tartf, CreKin I'uffs, Fruit Cake, and Silver Lemon Jlaranjruo J'ies. Frank K. Lloyd, Pastry Cook at (he Harriett and Murdock liotfiUlor Uu past five years. We have contracted to furnish all Pastry and Bread tbe above botele.

Lovely Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Ckambere Conrlcted. It took but three hours for the jury to find Ferdinand Chambers guilty of the charge of petit larceny, and the convicted man will likely escape with a jsfl sentence. He utole a pocket book from a colored man ntmed The latter claimed that the book contained 15, bat tali was not proven. Our opening will continue for the season on THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS.

Mrs. W. 517 Broadway near Sixth Logans- port, Indiana. A Sew Companion Every Week. Fifty-two times a year the Youth's Companion brings to the fireside the best thought of the best minds in Europe and America.

Coming everj week, there is a delightful freshness and timeliness to its contents. Present readers of the Companion who renew their subscriptions, and new subscribers will receive free a beautiful gold-embossed calendar, printed in twelve cc'ors. It is one of the richest and costliest calendars ever printed. Those who subscribe DOW will receive The Companion every week from the time the subscription is received until January, 1899. A.

handsome illustrated announcement of The Companion's contents for 1898 will be sent free to anyone addressing The Youth's Companion, Boston, Mass. The Brown Cage. The case of the state agaiiut Brown, colored, for shooting Green, also colored, on trial in the circuit court, will go to the jury evem ing. The Westatde W. C.

T. U. will hold its regular meeting in tbe room over Hattery'B drug store tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. of importance. Every member requested to be present.

By Offer rjOf tbe president..

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