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The St. Johnsbury Caledonian from St. Johnsbury, Vermont • Page 1

St. Johnsbury, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

3 1 ife ST. ''JNSnCKY. VT. i leil (f Iviaiu, dw 1 in Anvriirtji.M.. Kui ouf fof 1S Hai' tvv -ii'w laxTtions.

Si. b'l'i additioual ia-1 tqa-i f. A libcnl divmint to tbost liv "Ar.'rrviotij Eotrtys, Notie i tvv or' ar'i ltnWtj. sn-! d.

15. 1 Huild- ur.strct-t. aibonrtd Agcuu. on Lees et The avowed purpoceof irle for th atl VOL. 27--NO.

50. ST. JOHNSBURY, VT. FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1864. WHOLE "5a 1402 I113Ster, lelieved hv lli.

flift. ilisnlnvina nprfopt frv 1 i 1 -1 1. iiiuiiiciCUO fcw 2,1,1 at iwnci Lee was to annihilate our ns-ht center, turn shaTi spiMprlnn- v. i aAluU tvd, keptcouataii.iy' P' SCa-lennS de of musketry, the dangtr, worthy of one of Farragut's sala- etl uue wouiu mutn-d expiosion of hand grenades, which tiring foe, so w. iq nt thf oiTic-1 T1 ui o.ave wiiow in our toretop was flincinjr to bear.

till tl -''r tne eneraj's hatch, driving back tbt-ir disahled eng ble raged with ternbla fury by our N- The Rebel Press and Cousres How to Jlake Selfish Peopie. MKAJ.hiW yt. t'c 1 It jhsi lii or A.xns and iioes, at llay Fnrks and ii lotisf iiivi Works. u. K.vroxK's ilAlU 1) II 1 hALOON.

iliur tf thf st.ii-s, Union IJlock ukooks, a I 1 A i 0 i rru hi'Wabp' r.tioxT' ri- ii M.iin St. NiirthChurch. r- k'nu O. St, hi.u?i- l'roui buuimer St joiia i. As't, pk 1 A Or LL KIXDS, olt: WA'OY, ST.

JOMNSBl'RV, Vr. i-- rriiairtd at Mmrt notice. VAMTACTl'IU'K. MILLS Opt "-'Ite I)piot. ii.

l. l.N'KK DitY GOODS o.ijioMtf CKlciioiilan ufllce. v. aiitist, JtiliVSHniV POHTKAIT CAM.EUT. 1 ii'j-Mzp Pliotograiihs i i i.iT thtit fNtw Iiure.

1 a Ii A (i Jcwctt's Duilning H. FLIKT, 't'lrcr of etc, i.pMcHii':e, ltailroail ntreot. C. 0. ClllliUS, Jrv i hy, Pii.vkh axt ej Vai.s.

jrr i anoss, siATioxtKY, n.icr to', c. i it'Hi, -siln fli'qaiiceMiil prompt- i lMh ttri ft. anil ir'r 1 ii (fnt'6 Fnr- II. HOiilON, 1 Ml.ull s.Uif.V A. VAltM.V, XI.

D. lli rs-i I. lYum to 10 a. mj'i trom lo ji I A ii 1 A (J i.f: I and Chaiis, i. d.; uy.v., d. l. s. IiKM a si i iUii.anu tlciitral Hructs. 1 A tSt.T A I) AT I.AW.

i I' i'AV. AKI) i liargc-i un.iK Ui.t;;ul. u. OUR FiftST LU.ST. hiootn is gonc 1 i -sp bcfiide itiarcst wifc Mici thf if li'nr i ths; hioun.

lifi- trv.lii ici, mt tn Ai i. us in tnv i.T.wc, Ai.i. Mt in the hcwrii In mir.tJici'i cords tif feiief and love. nrar, r.nd lct nic dry 'l hi ttar that rtu'vn thy chcck, And Uiis thct tr tuhic in iIuik cjc; For ii is umr tnai sh t.M speak Tlif chi -r 1- v.iun roiicf; i. id tLff sgc-aiit-r ji-iwcr ti r.iic: of jrricf.

Lf t' tt.k nf lin our little one ii i -iilvs miiUy way, Air.v.. ii hiic tiiu ii's tiie cttrni.1 Ay; 1 i.ttii t.rt u- did niake i duti, i a- ii the boon Avas givcn 1m i ii U( iiiinL; ahe -vguIJ t.ilic h' aAa witti hcr tj hcavcn. 1 -r, 1 1 tr.i.i wcring dowy briht in ntn love'. rrjuicit.g stcm i)C, wutidi) iitg ut thir bht, i i i' fi.irk ti.ein th-irf thf lorr ui-n in and prirti-d i'nis, r.ii.'.iid i-hin ini'it fr a jj.ul, A jiink Mivils ou hi-r liiijjur tip- hi-r lifi-! tad wt j.i-.-t nj fu.i hnpji.ilf.-s A- u-j liAUt; dnmnir.gly, Minii ncl wjtli the wcijjht blisa, artn! lcst tiu- troaatire s.dll i ir nctiia to the Hht, good or i ji tn us tliat uear udiyht.

i how we noted r.ll i louks and ways, A 't hcr ijc-Udi fall I a ont ia uooiiig days, i ncr little ius mimici)' of mine i the eniiic on her lip, ttu beatnijis mc iva-i tuine. iv nr.t shs 1) s. r-biri. on the trcc, i.t ut nhiit- ftt- lcavcs green, i a bough with mclody, f. arose i-C'rene, i ii idJtT than bef jre lije hid n.ver btcn, Laf ns striLken tj dejilore.

ii notliini; thn to frel iove. and do her pait, 1 1' hs'nls o'ei the bo om steal, hf ks (ircs the hearti t-iu't 1 i.c.a and wis the rod a iiPir to hs r.M't! abovc, i 1 to piaie the C'hrist of God. hivc intant treb'os rineing i of -rrt-i i AM efina.h uming I 'i hc ara 1 Hv' dfMre, tni gract r.i-n, tii'ic hr. i'i t'i -ru'otd i.oiniii the thrune of heaven a tmto n- iven. i mv b-ancc; from liiiv 'yi her i- o.tit.i v.h'.if fh' is laid, ticr; ivi.h the dead, lne ir; i3

Oood Words. Uo- I tiio J.ri'':dc thc MA Tnvsi. lil Vermont br i-. Qnu jJt A. 1 ite colonfi olb iinn-n:) t' somt' in- reason was (" the Gth 0 n.

St'dg vick, or at sugtfes-' i to tbeltft of the 5th corp, site'.s lelt i'his special from the corps can only be account- the knorrn pnrtiality of Gen. for the bn'trtde. bullets, and tbe defn. manders. kent his sur.s at wnrlr long as they could be brought Sassacus was carried by her ine.

slowly, gracc-fully and defi-j. 1 1 i. 1 1 tU llJtCi 11UL1UU UllllT UUt VII iUHCC, if onlr mo 1... i i intiT i lhe but uenhe house and sraoke stack bad been spattered er, and one of the most formidable iron-clads orcit the hnes could not bave been further i all over ith the indentation of rifle balls. i that the enemy have as yet put afloat than eight or ten rod.

apart and often near- No 0ne bad yet fallen. We had thrown shot 1 er. lhe enemy behind breastworks, ourand8hell square into her ports from our i The Unknown Dead Soldiers, forces without anj, and advancing towarda rifled guns on tbe hmrlcane deck, and driven tltum. lhe wonder is that we had a man i vollev after vollev of musketry ihrouch everv I 0F A DKLKGA OF THE CHEIS-let The firing soon extended to tbe front apertUre in her iron shield and no. p.

otthe Vermont br cade, and here the con- inn rn lklle 1 lain the lale base of supphes for Potomac army, will alwavs retain a melan- Pres.ntly a movcment was felt in the two the christian commiSSion, have labored tbere. -injis. neant a crasning ot timuers as l- II- rni at uie muuiunt 01 Ine OPIXIO.VS ABOUT GRAST'S CAMPAIG.V. The way lQ spoil a js tQ gjve aU The Richmond Examiner of the 28th wants and rtquire nothing in return. Tbe discusses Gen.

Grant's campaign with well way to raake a child grovr up to be unselfisb. feigned contempt, and pronounces it afailure is to give it little and require of i macb. MMmmioH oi j.eesiorces seemea to bend crusbini' hlow all their energies to force our line at this point, which was to be defended and held to the death by our brigade. Our forces with-stood the shock, chnrged the earthworts. driving before them, taking three lines of carthworks in pursuit through this tan- 5led road a distanc of about four miles.

Now in turn our forces were driven back to their first position, which they held during the ni'L'ht. The second day's battle, May 6th, began at break of day with a vigor on the part of tbe enemy, perfectly surprisiiig. The result wus that Burtiside was soundly thrashed, or of his corps on our left.and our riglit wing turned, and one brigade of tbe Gth corps, Brig. Gen. Shaler commanding, cap-lured by being flar.ked.

Thus far the ene-mj's plans had succeedcd, but for that obsli-nate right center yes, that unielding center, held like a vull of adamant by the Vermont brigade, saved the army. Eut at what a cost Correspondent Bennington Uunner. ram was swinging under our starboard bow, and now suddenly the vessel trembled with the sbock, as our 100-pounder and that of the enemy thundered at eacli other with a simuitaneous roar. Another sound, more fearful than bursting shells or belching cannon, now reached our ears. The terrible Bound of un- Tho Fight with tho Rebel Eam Al-bemarle.

A correspondedt of the United State3 Joumal givs3 the following tjraphic account of the battle belween the guniioat Sassacus and the rebel iron-clad ram Albemaile, near tbe mnuth of Hounoke iier, on the aftc-rnoon of May 5. bitig the operaiions of tbe Mattabesett and Wyalusing, which ended in the surn n-dor of the rebe! 6tf-araer Hornbshcll, the writer prceeds to describe tbe encrunter en the Sa.acus and the Aioe one of the most unusual and naval conllicts of this or any wr, in which the contending (oicfs were so remarkably and the result so coatrary to preconceiveii of iron-clad inrinci-bility, that it may jtistly claim to tk'e an bistorical posiiion on the s.tme page that re-cords tbe brilliant esploila of Decatur and John Taul Jones 'The Albermarlu about eiP'bt huu-dred yards distant, atid the Ssssacus was jut in tbe position we most dei'dd. The ram appeared to be sleaming slowly, as if waii-ing for Lvents, but usin her guns rapidly all tbe time, throwing 100 pounder Urooke'a rille shot and shell with spirit a.d cnergy. Fortune seemed most favorable, ar.d our in-trepid comnmnder, dtteriiiined to close with our antngonist, scized the opportunity with-out hesitation, and ordering four beils ag-iin, and aain repcaud, as previousiy ar-rangtd with the chief vho was ac-quainted with uur desfgn, lhe ship was head-id straight for what wsts supposed to ba the On the side of a hill oppcsite our tent, the uudtrbrush was cleared away, and aoon quite a number of little mounds told for what pur-poses it had been appropriated. Here was the wild spot which was used as a graveyard.

This served as a cemetery in whieh to inter the bodtes of the brave boya who died in the ambulances, or in the hospital tents. Many Wfrc tliH nnbl fnrnift vco lalrl ot tM loostd unmanagable steain rushing tre-i, c. Isecluded spot. A 6mall unplaned board, raenuous voiumes, seethmyr and hissinL' as it Wllh ln most mstances, the name, regiment ead.ull bothcombatantswere hidden and date upon it, in simple pencil-a dense, suffocating cloud of stifling vapor. wa, the tcmb.stone that marked Her had p.erctd our boiler, and all was lheMS Mldierg, But ad fedi lost! lo! not Jost vet Our sbarn false i i anaiij laur arose xlc muu wnen we noticed that some stem, which had cut deeply into the side of of lhest.

rude laUel8 had inscription upon the ram, now gave way as she forced herself them A fcw we had flf whom ahead across our bow, crusbini' and bruisintr i j- no name or trace could be discovered. Sent our more delicate craft in her nroeress, and i i 1 from bcmo with a mother anxioua lore and this stem, thus wrenched cff, allowed the two i a fulher earnest counsel, all unknown, we t'ilPAIP nn-nn 1... ,7 lu 3luc were called to burv them iNow came the herce duel for hfe. Our gunncrs could only hope to ii jure our an-tagonist by iiring with accuracy into her open porti, while every sbot of tbe enemy would tell with fatal efiect upon our wooden At their grave stood no wecp'ng friend, over their remains no kind hand plant' llowers, but wrapped in a soldier'a blanket, the cold earth was their covering. We sought for some relic or tiding3, which we might send to anxious Tt .1 i -i trienus, but alas in some cases none could I 1 A.

.1. th Albemarle blackening thebows and sidea of the S'issacus, as they pasvri within ten These, with tbousands of others, are ot the number whose fate and feniinrs ran r.evf hf fHviik'pd. Their namps fect. A sbot from our 10t)-pounder nQt Qn the iQnoral)le roU of kffled or struckherp.rtMll.andcrumblingintofr.g- They have perished, where and n.entso. reboundtd on to our own vhcnno man can ldL We one dtck, but the rest new to that threatemng p'it hole, nnd siitTjCfcd the tncmy's gu 1.

A isioe-iicn scl.d shot and a oU-jiounder aheil through the sanie opening, in rnpid as the tough sided monster i.rilt--d clear of iib, while cur starboard whiel crusbed nnd wrenchtd its iron in jrrinding over her quarter, sa.ashin; lhe Uur.cbes thiit she towing into a ehnpeiesa mnst; of driftwood, ui.d grating over tbe sueh, who tried to speak his name, but death anlicipattd tbe last effort of the dying so'dier to insure leagr.ition and remembrance. Yft ll.ese unider.tinvd rravc3 are tbe most Repeated, minute aod reliable bave been the accounts cf the horrible condition of the United States soldiers recestlr releaied froni in plan and a defeat in fact up to that time. For it is r.ot what others do for us that ben-1 ProonSe starvaiion and suSering in the is deslred that the boots jhould immediately lake a dissolve an of wax in a teaspoonful of turpentine and lampblack. A day cr two afttr the boots have bren treated with lhe resin a-d tallow, rab over Ihem ihis ras and turpemine, but aot before il.2 fire. Thus the exlerior will a coat wax alone and shine like a mirror.

Tallow and becoice rancid, acd rot the stitchinjr or leather but the resin gives it an antisep-tic wliich pTeserves the whole. The Wronss ot Our Prisoners. It reaches this conclusion efits us, but what we can do for ourselves Unable to remove the obstacle on the and others. We knew parents whose only threshold of his proposed campaign, nothing study is to gratify their ch-ldren, and this was lelt but to abandon it and make his way they think is generosity. It is not generosi-down the vallej of the Rappahannock to the ty it is selfishness.

To gratifv a child is a head waters of the York a monstrous cir- keen delight, but to make it do its duty is cuit to reach a point where he might have often troublesome. To let it 01T a lesson landed on the first of May, had not his head costs only a word; to give it a toy is an af- been addled by his victories over Pemberton fair of a few centa to say to it some fond andBragg. Once, it is true, he lurned aside and flattering words is no trouble at all to Hanover Junction, but found only a rep- 5ut the moment you begin to enforce a duty etition of Spottsylvania Court House in or coinpel the faithful performance of a lask. readiness there. Now, we suppnse, we may you encounter difficulties, you have to take have another decisive battle at Cold Harbor, 'trouble, and practice some of the cardinal unleas Gen.

Grant has become so much en- virtues yo'i have to be patient, firm and amored with his left flank that he will con-1 vvise. The differencc between parents i tinue it from the York to the James, and this a good parent treats his child in the forma a Junction with Butler. If he does way that will be moat beneficial to it when it so, we may have a long summer day. Per-'. is grown up a bad parent thinks only of haps he will dig parallels, and come to the the child't enjoiment of to-day.

city with the zig-zag. Perhaps he thinks I We cught to be more chmitable toward himself back at Vicksburg. It is true, we seitish peopie than we arc. Selfisuness is an believe, that lhe ofiicer who surrendered eiceedinfly UDpcpular vice. But when we Vicksburg has lately been placed, with a consider how nnoy fond and fo -ijh parents modeat title, in high command atltichmond years in dning notring but trying to it is alao true that the fourth of July is nct please their and never isercise th" far off; but Lee and Beauregard are close at sense of duty, never cill their atteation t- hand, and Richmond will never be circumval-1 the rights of others, or perfonn services foi lated." others, we ought not to wonder that so many YANDALISU OF TIIE YAXKEES.

Psons are wholly devoted to the gratifica- I tion of self. The limb that is not used be- The Examiner is also exercised by the de-. comes weak and soft, and will at length vastation committed by the Yankee armv. wither, but the mighty nshti It pretends that in Georgia our troops Lurn Qf blacksffihh l5lickeas all the mills, factories and houses, and stealj, he ded fvervthine they can carrv off. The Exami ner sees in this vandalrsm the evidence that the Yankees have lost all hope of subjuga-ting tha South, and are bent on doing all the mischief they can in this final camjiaign.

For all which the Examiner fhids consohtion thtta Ti fur the imnrovcment of their villae or town It is aad enough to have our peopie 1 hatnmtr. Well, it is just so with all lhe fxcalties of body and mind. Who are the generous and public spirited? Who are the first to rush to the defen3e of an imperrilled country. Who are good and ohliging neighbors Who beslir themselves and msulted but it is doublv numilutiog to suffer auch evils at the hands of a peopie we i i -ii 'ier. Ihey learned self denial and good n.ivp ftlfrnvs riesniM'tl.

It iloes lndeeil east, tiR tipftvtlv tn rnl nnrMVP? nf conncclion i with the Yankee nation bnt then this rid-j as c'1 Jl' ord-ired Sheldon to send him all the eifective i .1.1 i Tebel prisons at Richmond, and greatly as our sympathy has been stirred in their be-half, we have never fully realixed the hor-rors of their state as we did on Saturday evening, when we received from our friend, G. S. Blodgett, A. (i. ML at Annapolis, pho-tographs of two of the poor fellows, taken upon their arrivnl from Richmond a few days since.

They are pictures of living skeletons, mere skin and bone, the very mus-cle seeming to have become consumed; the arms and thighs reduc-'d to lhe sise of- the bone the ribs as distitiCt as in the bare s-keleton the eyes and cheek sunkn to the bine; feature? rrlainin onlj enongn of form to add to the pha-tly expresion of a skull tbe melar.choly und forlrn txpression of a human beinjr dying in hojelfss stsrvation. Tiie c--ndstiou of thse nr-n is such is pro-duced by no bve tbe lat stages of prolongtrd cnnuipiio, and Jhat was not their cae. The trouMe with these two poor sufiVrers was ill ircilvieut in the hands of rdtds. Their pictnreb sccompanled by a ceriificale of thtir by Surgeon X. Vand-rkieft.

surgenn in charge of Div. Xo. 1. U. S.

enral at Annapolis. 1: itiere is atiy one who is Lcking in haued if this rjbellion nr in apprecia-tion of the barbarity by which it is in part ustained, we slnil -v happy to rouse both by a s'ght st tbe phot graphs of Private Jackson O. Broshei. 65th Indiana, who in health weishi-J IK lus. and now weijrhs 10S, and is improvin very and of John Q.

Rose. Ky. who was rcleased frm Richmond May 2d and died two days after ward fru she tff-cts of his treatment by the rebei. arlington Frec Press. A P.Jriotic Prayer.

The following incident, related in the re-cently pu'ihshed Autohiorsphy of Rev. Dr. Beecher, the fervency with which the'clergymcn of thc rerolutionary era the patriotic cause dance is worth the cost. And perhaps we In the lrlier nsrt of ihn xcrt. nn i rprtain bein oblijred to perform at least i i n- (pres-iing emsrgencv, Geaeral Vashmgton were hoeing corn, bringing in wood, and of his regiment.

Four companies were .1. ii -i. i r.iiuun-r me cos, intsj Kins were ueiiuni: cuijNiui iMuiiw.a iu a ycnuiuus uuu juai snouiu never nave set tne ngni vaiue upn lanmauge; ms own patriotism. At these mounds the thought- the independonce we fight for if it had mothers. In tms way, they acquird moumtd on graySf ful will stop to t-stinate the self-sacrifice and cost us so dear.

We never have been ora'U3b- something, which i bJack straps and bearskin holstera, looking d.votiou to cuntry, which prompted them so fully and deeplv conscious of the great r.e- wl Uum ry selfish or LaperUv. 10 brave aurb jierils. Xo more mournful cessity which was upon us, for own our honor Passing through Litchfi-ld, they attended and uui UlllUlCIl 3 ncll UiiSi, to cut On illUL WOrSulII On CllHil. ii. llic uld i on the villae resn.

The country was in alarm at the intdiigenc- that Cornwallis was approaching thecoast with alarge fleet. Rer. Judah Champion, the pastor, an able and eloquent man, is said to have uttered the fol-lowi-ig prayer Lord, we view with terror the approach of lhe eneraiea of Thy holy religion. Wilt Fhou send storni and tempest to toss thea upon the sea, and to overwhelm them upon the mighty deep, or to scatler them to the dlitv were our ie eirates summnnpii tf t-r- sharc: iron pl.itea with a mo.t! sound. (..

goHtary gmve crwj of thm. unkiovu; We wouI( r. .1 1 7 r'5' hAVt of lheir suirrine9 mny points and for so long a time, all 0. i utpiuo ui io w.m..-vw. -r i tween a of sense and a fool.

LtJger. abandoned nation from our tocietv, if it bau 1 i .1... etw of our Pairott riile whs broken and Hyer. WilHs and Vaudurbilt. the hair others bad onceso fondly smoothed ihr gun could not be depressed to bear on robbed us of hh gacred the eneniy's port, but hurled its miaile against her ron armor, privilige.

'Ihere is inspiration in death on rtni to i i.i. i U1U llCid, OUUU SI1UL1V UI UI 1110 or house loineu the huli. Uur hres were cleaii, we had thirty pounds of steatn, and with throttle wide open, the Sassacus daahed ut her grim adersary. We seemed to move frightfully slow, but eacli moment increaseJ our spced, ns the inlervening space grew less, till we attsined the rate of ninu to ten knots, when we struck our iron foe a fair, perfcct, angled blow, wiihout glance or siide. The shock to our ship was not neariy so heavy as we expecied.

Something gave ay. "Was it our ship Were we cut down Xo thank Heaven it was the iron-clad, and as her blucivhull was forced under by our l) )w, till the water flowed over it from side to side, we thought our foe was going down, and could hardly repress a shout of exulta-tion, in answer to the ringing cheer with which our on the Wyalusing greet-ed our buld grapple with the monster. After we struck her, the ram drove a 100 pounder Brooke's sbot through nnd through her from starboard bow to port side. Our stem was forced into her side, and keeping up our htadway, we careened her down be-neath our weight, and pushed her like an inert mass before us, while, in profound si-lcnce, our gunners were training their heavy ordnacne to brdr on our astonished enemy. Now a bbick muzzle protrudes from the ram's open purt, and the losders of our Parrott riile, standir.g on the side, serve the gun within fitteen feet of that yawning cannon mouth.

It was a gnnd reproduction of tbe old dnys of broada'd" to broadside' t. .1 r. nnoac. lhcre is in tenderlv bearing to some shot, fired an mcreascd charge, choSen fpQl of tW we struck her mci.ned u.of, and flew ricochet, and losl but what sadder or more liKenpei.bleboi.r.dingfromapavemu!!, in-ouchingloread lhose Kords to the air and this at a distance of ftm resurrec(ion and the life over one not more tln.u filteen feet. of whose namtf ftnd heart you are profound.

All this cool gunnery and precise arlillery To die au a'lone lhe dark practice wbilc tbe ship, from tb 1 cj0ae curtained ambulance, or in the unfur- to hurricane deck, was shrouded in ficld.ho3pUulj of all deall3 mo3t drear. Yet many are tbose who thus are called away. In Fredericksburg and Belle Plain one uense eiouu oi uery bieam. ine suu-tion was appalling. The shrieks of the scald- cikest part of the where her casemate ed and dying, as they franticully rushed up es.

itelenlless war, thought we, as we buried our last un- from below. with their sbriveiled flesh hantr- are many sucli patnots fjrav in shreas upon their torlured limbJ, tbc lw. nr.l nnnfrr! tiirffitiiF ni' rnvnlvin owt vim vounvij nuitii.i, onu iviwmup Tk11 recoL'inzed one in the now deserted Belle vuuiout or check, abonuoned bv all .,1 I 1 lUHi. ILtliV rWUUl UUU IIU) ICIIULM) 1U1 our noble soldiers, who face death in all its saddeat, most trying forms. Appiying the -lluatnrd.

save one, who, sculded, blackened, sightless, still stood like a hero to his post. Alone, amidst that mass of unloosed steam and uu-controllable machinery, the Chief Engineer ofnbe Sassacus remained, calling to his men to return with him into tbe fue-room, to drag Tbe Boston Post is responsible to the par-the fires from beiioath the uninjured boiltr, ties concerned and to the public generally which was now in imminent danger of explo-' for a story to the eflectthit a gentleman who sion. Let his name be long reniembered byj visited lhe White Mountnins last summer, the two hundred beings whose lives were ncc jmpanied by his wife, stopped at the saved in that fearful moment by his more 1 and one night while there, than heroic fortitude and exertion 1 hflU" sudden and violent altack of colic. An There were no means of instantly cutting appli.ation of mu.nard was recommended to off communication between tbe two boilers, relieve his pain, and he consented to have it and all the steam contahed in both rushed tried. His wife, on going down to lhe kitch-out like a llash, exposing the ship to a more en, found the mustard, but nothing suitable fearful catastrophe, should our brave en- to spread it upon, ar.d her pocket handker-gineers be too late in drawing the heavy chief was taken for that purpose.

No time fires which thrtatened our destruction. All was lost retunng. Jn a moment she was at the bedside, and applied the plaster. this time our consorts looking towards us could only ste a thick white cloud, lighted up inceasantly by the flashes of our rapidly There, that will help you, I kr.ow," said she. She had scarcely finished the sentence, served guns, as the gallant Sassacus rose however, when the poor man turned over, gloiiiusly nbove the storm of disaster that and roared, What the are you about surrounded her, and challenged lhe adrnira- i It was not her husband's voice! Her lamp tion of her anxious comrades by the stubborn had given but a feeble light, and she had got of her battery.

The ship into the wrong room! She found her own moved, working slowly ahead, on a vacuum apartment without delay, and related the un-alone. Tl.e cl.ud of steam at last lifted, and fortunate circumstance to her husband, add-we c.uld st-e tbe grim enemv of the Sassacus 1 with horror, that her name icas on her gladly ercuping from that embrace of death handherchitf! Tbe sick man was complete yard arm locked to but the immense iu which we had held her for r.early a quar-J 1 overcome with laughter. His colic now grinning defhnce across tlie few ter of an hour. and rctreating diicomfited peared as suddenly as it came. It was ngreed feet of space which tach and denioralized toward the port from which not to remain long in those parts.

The land-one carning the wcight of metnl of a whole fhe had sallied with so much bravado oi ly ortl was cal'etl UP the explained, and tier of the old time cannonades, rerdered u. few hours before. The broad ensign which the man and wife left on the earliest express this duel of ponderous ordnance a maguili-; waved so proudly over her casemate cn train. The gentleman who was so unceremo-cent and imposing spectacle. our approach, now lay draggled and niously disturbed (and who is well known in Still we pushed her, broadside-to, before with it sbattered flagstaff, on her deck and Boston,) has preserved the handkerchief.

us, our engine at full ipeed. presiing our bow tuming our vessel around, with hard-a-port Query ought he not to return it deeper and deeper into her. Still ahe gave heim, which she answered slowly but sleadily way, and now we threw a hasty, anxious we again passed down by our enemy. A writer in the Genesee Farraer has a the- glance toward our conaorts. Were they1 Our divisiin still stood at their guns, and ory of mcreasmg the quantity ot butter by iH-iratmg this wilderneas the first to assist us Would thrv seize the our brave Commander, firmly enunciating water- Tne doirymen hereabout content of artillery or cavalry, for golden chance we ao invitingly held out to his instructione and orders, and g'liding ev- themselves by increasing the quantity of them, aud on to the monster's un- ery movement of his gallant ship with a cool- their milk by means ot water and it pays guarded side, htlp us to crush her down out ness, precision and relentless audacity that well enough unless the "inundaiion "ia found of sisht forever? rvt emmrl nnt fiml nn narnllpl i'ice the days of Decstur out movcment not a gun.

All was quiei and Bainbridge, those days of splendid gal-tiie night throughout cur It was a lantiy and magnificent courage, calmly smok-grapple for life. A silent but fearful strug- ing his cigar through the whole'eYentfui con- us 1 in tnd herein lay tbe enor of the wily Lee) he was en-! about one mile io his well plauned per. for so it proved to us. The about 4 rclock P.

May wi oiitned uear tbe Vermont brigade A young enchantress may in time come to be called an old witch. Men wiil grow old some byage and some its daatard cruelty and mean thievery, and by care, some by premature decay brought unparalled fertility of falsehood. Now, wu on by exposure, toil or diasipation. Men kaow from what a rotton carcass we have cut can live fast financially and physically in ourselves loose and to escape its pollution eilber case bankruptcy comes. 1 saw a no price is too great.

Ruther than submit crowd on the steps of the Astor yesterday. to that foul smbrace again, we would bid They were watching the attempt of the great higher and still higher, until nothing were pugiiist, Tom Hyer, to ascend into the house. left to the few survivers of us but bare Hle. His tall form was bent by disease his once utiermost parts of lhe earth. But perad- Qn the whole we can well affurd to make the firm step tottered his great strength had roiiuea welcome to all the profit thev bave denarted.

With crutches and the aid of a i got out of their invasion, epecially as with stron arm of a friend he slowly and with ar.guih took one step at a time, as an infant would go up. It was gall and bitterness tc him to east his eyes around on that crowd that cheered him on his great fight with Sul-livan. By a singular coincidence Morrissey came along. But how unlike Hyer. Morrissey is a professed gambler.

It is his trade. he has taken care of himself and keeps within hounds. He is temperate, for his cdling detnand it. He dresaes in elegant taste is full jewelled and would pass for a well lo do banker with the upper ten or as a professor in a llege. Morri-sey iias taken Saratoga under ms special charge, and iniends to drive the last day of their campaign our cost er.ds and theirs begins.

Nations having no fu-ture state, always expiate their crimes in this world and no nation ever yet ran up so long an account of crime, or so atnply earn-ed a hell upon earth there shall be waiiing and gnashing of teeth." Thc Christian Commlssiou. I wieh to bear emphatic evidence to the usefullness of the Christian Commission. There are two wagons laden with supplies accompanying the army, with several atten- dnntn. I have harl onnortunitv to witnesj the dispensalion of the supplies conlributed a lar-er bff dil1 lhe i i i i (last. He has takenh-s headquarte.s alreadv.

by the churches and benevolent individu.iU and can truly say that nothing is misapplied. Thousands of sick and wounded will bless the Christian Commission. ln some respects it is a more efiicient organization than the Sanitary Commission. Its delegates receive no compensation. Their work is wholly a labor of love.

It is practical christian char- lty. Ihere is no complicatcu machinery in iqu: and with an elegant ex'cri address. cool and edroit habits, he wiil ailurc into his embrace many cf our youtn, and send lh curse into many homes in the form of ruinvu but once manly sons. As Iher was attempting to goup thestep a man sought a more quitt entrance on-side of the crowd. It was N.

P. Willis. the organization, no red tape, bul tbe wcrk Time has laid his hand visibly on jou my isdirectand immediate. The Commission friend," I said to myself. He need.d u-i- tu, was started and has been mainly sustained Ul a M'IK lu 'V iUC lilUC and smart step faltered in its upward move- The auburn locks, still curly, were Vitf tYirkca ilotinminntlnne trliioli ttipmcf1vp5 ll.VJJi- uwimilllliw i F.vnntrplipnl.

hut bave heard Unitarian ment r. I srizzled his face was thin and his beard chaplains and Cathohcs praise its work. It i i sray as one the sere and yellow leaf of is not sectarian. Whoever needs whoever a. TT i Hife.

iew would have recognized in the fe-- suffers soldiers for the Union or wounded i ble and slender mvahd the nervous hilanous rebela all, without any distmction receive i jmanof twenty years ago. He east a sad reaei. On Saturday mormng last I was Fred- 1 uuwn in iuiuuie me, uuu pasaeu un. -ine ericksburg. A long train of ambulances came in, filled with the wounded of the heavy arlillery, which had so gallantly re-pulsed the attack on our rear two nights be fore.

They had been in the ambulances fTrnnf v.fmir hnnrc wJtrinnf anrtninw tn pat. jolting over the road. I ran to lhe rooms of the Christian Commission and gave notice of a i leen out erect as a Mohawk warnor. Some their arnval. In five mmutes the deiegatea monms ago ne was mrown irom nis wajKtn.

group W3s not complete. Passing along the pavement was Commodore Vanderbilt. Till recently he has been among our most vigor-ous men. Age seemed to have no effect on him. His bodv was iron.

His hair was were out with prepared farina, coffee, soft tem. He walks and looks the old man. His venture any should escape Thy veugeance, collecl them togelber again as in the hollow of Thy hand, and lct Thy liglnings play upon them. We do beseech Tnee, moreover, that Thou do gird up the loins of theae Thy servants who are going forlh to fight Thy batiles. Make them strong men, ih xi one hall chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to llighL' Hold before them the with which Tnoa woutnrtfae old time to protect Thy chossn peopie.

Give them swift feet, thil they puriue their eticmies, anj swjrds ihat of l'ny dtfstroymg a igri, tnat iniy may cleave them doxn. Prservc th-j servdnts of rhine, Aiaiialy A at: bring them once more to tadr ha.n- and Thou canst do it cjishumiiy wita Tny high pur-poses. If, on the othsr iut Fuou de-creed that llivy sinli in baitie, lt Thy Sj.iril prostnl wim ini breatne un-them, taat they go up as a swest sacrifici tiie rourts of fny temple, where are habitatiuns prepired far iheai from the foun-dalion of tbe wodu.7' Torpedo Erplosion near Xuwbern, C. FOKTY KILLEU AXJ TWEXTT OR TUIP.Tr WOU.VDKD. A correspondent of XewY'ork Herald, writinglrom Bacheiyr Creek, near Newbern, N.

May 27Ui, gives an account of the ac-cidenlal pxplosion of four torpedoes there, by whicu nfgross and aoldiera were instantly killed, and twen-y or thirty wounded or mangled in a frightful manner. There were 13 torpedoes 0:1 a Irain, from Newbern, intended to complete t-e blockade of the Neuse river towards Xingslon, as a protec-tion against the rebel ram above. Four had been taken from lhe eard and placed on the platform, when ta accideutal blow explodcd one of them, and the cancusion ex; loded the other thsee. Soldiers whose gallantry has been displayed on batlle fields, and whose eagerness to hear the news from their comrades in Virginia, had brought them clus- 1 r.11 II i.nti ur ji. .1.

sleP 1S languid, and that touch which none God bless you," were the returns which the 0 can parry, and all must obev, is his. Such delegates received, not for themselves, but is hfe. Aeir Tork Lettcr Journal. for those who had contnbuted for their com- fort. I have written this from a sense of How to Pretent Wet Feet.

I have duty, feeling all the while that 110 words r.f had three pairs of boots for the last six years, mine can adequately expres3 the value of the and I think I will not require any more for work which is performed by the Commission. the next six years to come. The reason is In behalf of those who are already in hospi- that 1 treat them in the following manner: tal, and in behalf of those who are ready to I put a pound each of tallow and reain in a suffer for their country, I ask for them that pot on the fire when melted and mixed ap- ihere may be no lack of supplies. Garl eton 1 ply it hot with a painter's brush until neither in Journal. the sole nor upper will soak any more.

If it riit foii AiA t. TTTtt- 1 bread. There were tears of thanksgivinS Knng rounu uu, were nunea man- gled and tom mio tlernity moment time. Heads, bodies and limbs were scalter-ed for a quarter of a mile around, and in many instances it was found impossible to recognize the remaina of the unfortunate victims. TTie signal tower and a commissiary building, twenty feet by eightv feet, built of were thrown into the air a distance of eight hundred feet, and slrewed the country for a great distance arouud with tlie frag-ments.

The soldiers killed and wounded belonged to the 132d and loSth New York and the 12th New York cavalry. There were from 20 to 25 negroea killed and wounded..

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