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The St. Johnsbury Caledonian from St. Johnsbury, Vermont • Page 4

St. Johnsbury, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i '7' 4 felv BBST! arm, Oarflcn nud gitrlun. Tchiiis of ITorses and Oxcn, aml Tirir Drivcrs. .1. Todd very wisely says that a horse is a very expensive team, except er, for a rnile in cxtcnt the grain is gath-uii the higliway where quick travelling I cred in the shenf, presenting to onc scope is an important eonsideration. liut i of tlie eye thousamls of shocks put up in where a team is required for carting loads I regular rows.

On this farm seven rcap-only a short tlie best aninials a crs are at work, cach drawn by ibur limiier can cniploy for a hcavy and horses. which fullow cach otlier in rcgu-ttrong team is a jiood yoke of oxcn. If, lar order, and side by side through the properly inanr.ged a yoko of oxen will heavy grain, cutting an aggregate swath do all tlie carting of manures, muck, of l'orty-nine ltet. Tliere are seventy-rire wood and lumber which a farnier! threc tnen at work, who are paid cach mav desire to draw, and the saine I time the oxcn will tcll for morc money at the cxpiration of two or threc year than thcy cost at tlie outset. If a person de-sires to use a team part of the time, say for thrce or four days in the the weck, lct liiui purchase a yoke of good tlirifiy oxen and commence fecding them with I meal in addition to their other food, and they will soon become good beef and work nearly all the time.

Oxen lor will do a grcat deal of work and ahvays be ready for the shaiublc-s at a good round price. they must be trcatcd kindly and driven gently. A rcitlly good lcamster is valuable help, and not always to be hed. S.ime teamsters will drive thoir team that their oxen will often chcw their cuds while at work. liut what thall we say of a high tcmpercd itnia-tient tcanistcr IIow will his oxen faie? You will lind him bawling, llourishing his goad-stick aml fretting bctide hi-team, but his abu-ed oxen teldom chcw their cud whilo he is present, for he kceps them undcr cons-tant excitcmcnt as he kceps hiniself.

Such a teainster will chcw his poisonous cuds rapidly, but the poor, harrabsed oxen fmd no time to chew thcirs white tliey are uuder his luanageuient. A teamstcr of sucli a charaetcr is a dear hand even at very Iow wagci. JMcal docs oxen but very little good when they are thrahcd about, wiiippe.I, pomub.l. sejlded at and goaded to great eCLi.e ineut by a rougli liair braincii toainsler. AVe liavc no paticnce with sucli tcam-slcrs.

They do moie injuiy than all their wagcs are worlli, and the s-ooucr farincrs get rid of thein the better. llor-scs, too, fare quite as bad ns oxcn, lioin crucl, iuipalicnt diicis. Oivners ol thcse lioble aninials losc more than they are awarc of by cii'ploying sucli The aninials under such treatment grow old cry and soon become and so poor that even a I'renchman would ttirn up his no5e at the morsels of bccl' that niight be scrapcd ftom their bjncs. 11" thcrc be a place of tonncnl in any corner of tho un'ncrse which is now conccalcd from liuuian ision, we bclicve those who abtiso horses and oxen and cruclly trcit them will sooner or later liud it. It sccius to us wlicu looking at thcse things that the poet Youug, uttcrcd a great truth when he s-aid (iod all uiercy is a Gd unjnt." IJoiiis.

Much has been written to prove the ailvantagc of r.iiv ing rootn for cattlc, and aluiost cvery good farmcr has ccme to nckuowled, the value of such crops. When the cold wcather comes on, and the cattle can no longcr be out to grass, the cows giving milk will begin to tail in quanity if thcy are fcd on dry hay alone, but now the farmcr has rccouise to his goodly pile of roots nicely stored in the barn or hou-e ccllar. Those usiially raised lor borned cattle are llat turnips, ruta bagas, mangcl wurtzels, aud sugar beets. Car-rots are laisi'd in large quantitics but are gcnerallv lcd to the horses. Sume shifiles fauncrs are in the habit of cutting up these roots jiist as thcy eomc ou of the ccllar, with whatevcr dirt thcrc may be adhcriiig to them, and f'ced ing llicni in this state to their cattlc.

15y this systeni the tccth of the aninials are dcstroycd, for they are obligcd to chew thcse roots howevcr gritty they may be, Whether any other harm arises from tho practicc rcfcrred to wc caniiut say, but we triist no kind-licarted man will allow roots to be fcd to his stock, but have them nicely washed before being cut, or ifthat caimot be done, have the dirt scraped oll as much as possible, thus aoiding the evil wc have described. After the roots havo bcen washcd they can be cut or sliccd up very rapidly in a root cuttcr, and prcparcd for the ani-mals. No good farnier who fceds roots to any considerahle amoutit should be with-out such a machine. If there is no such arr.uigcment for cutting them, use a epatle or shovcl, placing the roots in a trough or box. A little salt sprinkled on the roots serves as a relish, though when cattle get s-alt hay, orarckept near the seacoast, salt does not secin to be so essential to their welfarc.

There is a dill'erciiL-e of opiniou as to the best time to feed roots to cows giving milk, some pre.errmg io uo ii ueiorc anu some altcr ni.iMi.g. iiiinipi are to be led, we shouid say, without licsitatiou, feed just after milking, for turnips are very apt to impart a Havor to thc milk. Somctimcs when cows are fed too liberally with thcse roots, or the leaves of ti lem, or eabhage lcavcs, the milk has so Mron" a flavor as to be worthlefs. Cut all the roots finc, for fcar if in picces too large, thc aninials mayba ciioked. C.

Hyde, in Ziun's IhraM. jTake lime warm from the kiln, have all Wiikat Kaisisc in- MiNXES0TA.iir. the refuse limc ready you can obtaiu, and Olncr Ualyrimple of Washington county, brine frcm rcftiso salt in sullieient has a farm of 2000 acres, of' ti.y 'to slack it. Sl.ovel over which 1,00 arc in wheat, and divided the mass umil into three farms, uuder the following tlesignntions Tlie Grant farm, tlie Sher-inan farm, and tha Sheridan farm. The first of thcse is a farm of a thousand teven liuntlrcd and twcnty of which arc in one ficld.

On one side of tliis ficld stands tlie well-ripened grain tliickly covcrins tlie ground on tlie otli- 6 .50 per day and board. The routine of the labor is as foliows Urfcakfiist in time to be in the ficld at o'elock luncli at -1, and supper at 7. operations are applicable to the Grant farm. Upon the other farms oth er renpers and mcn are likewise cniploy- ed. L'pon the several farms the propri-etor has had erectcd full nets of Mibstan-tial buildings of sutlieient capacity for one liundred nien and about the t-ame number of horses.

It i3 sulHeient to suy that tliese are model and all oper- ated for the speciality of wheat raising. Tlie labor required to liarvtst and tlircr-Ii ihe grain of a crop like this, thirty years ago, wuuld have rendercd such a tliing ini)oiblc. Now, with such auxiliarie: as the ruaper and the threaher, the worl, is but the calculatiou of how much lna eliinery is requisite. It was only last the 12th that the nm- chines werc put in motion, and the cal culation is to have the whole seventceii liundred acrescut by the 21t, which will be at the rate of one hundrod and fit'ty aeres cach day. the 22d live thresherj and cleaners will be put to work in the iield, where wagons will load for the rivcr depot, and tcn nioro days frum that time, this immene yicld will be in the buthel, and oll'ered at markct.

The land upon which thi crop was groivn is high, rolling prairie, and wa broken up last year, and the fecd sown this from the Ut to the 10tb of Tlie probable rc-ult is bascd upon the opiniou ot good fai mers, who are caj'a- blc of I'orm'ui a corrcct cstimatc of the (inantitv ol jirain. ciiher in the or 1 slaudiiiii uneut. This crop has bccn vis- 1 ltcd by the ncighbors, and their judg- nieut is that there will be irom twcn.v- five to thirtv bushels to the ncre. Trike i I the lowest estimate, and we have on 1700 aercs 12,000 bushels of wheat, which at prcscnt priees dclivcrcd at markct, say l.o0 per buhel, will ainount to the siiug sum of $00,700. It is not only safe to say that this is the larest yield of whcat iven to any uiaii iu thc L'uitcd Statcs this jear, but probably thc inost prolitable of any crop prcduced l'or the sauie time in auv state.

I am 1 1 1 formed by a gentleman on the ground, uho knows the cot of the properly, that iit thc-e linurcs -Ir. D.ilvrimiile will not onlv be le'nnburscd lor the oriinal out- lay l'or land. houses, labor, seod, fenocs, iinplements, horses, occ, but will have a 1 Clcar lirollt of at lcast St. in Cows. This disorder, which it is fcared is on the increase in our dairies, is ascribed to various It ia someliines produccd by external in- jurv.

It is ottcn ascrioeu to colus con- tractcd by exposure to the changes and stornisofourclimate. While otlieis be lievc that, like thc gout in the human foot, garget in cows often results from high fecding, and from the preternatural devclopiiient of the lactcal organs produccd by such high fecding, and by a long coursc of brccding for the spceial purpose of securing a race of dcep inilk-crs. The subject has bccn extcnsively discu'-sed. One writcr who does not objoct to nicdicincs, either external or intcniitl, if you cannot get along without them, says that whcneer a cow comcs home af-fcctcd with the garget, he puts her in the cow-house where she ha a wann, dry bcd, feeds her on dry hay, and allows her to go to pa'ture but a short time the ncxt day in one word, as anothcr cor-respoiulcnt said, he treats her as patients should be trcated with a cold and inllam-matioii, bclicving that in thc pnrticular case alhidcd to, the cow had actually taken cold from lying upon the damp ground. Kiequent milking, with gentle and paticnt rubbing and kncading ofthe b.ig, aml wasliing with wann watcr; or spirits aud watcr; or camphor and vin-t-gar or soft soap diluted in watcr or limc watcr, about as thick as mixed with an cqual quantity of llax- sccd oil, well bcatcu together witl knife, as an ointment or tincturc of ar nica, with twicc as much watcr, or rum and water or bittcr-sweet ointment, or any iiuiilar n)plication that rcquires or cneourages much rubbing and working of tlie bag.

To move thc bowels r. good mcss of or gai-get root, or horse radish, or from four to eight drops of tincturc of aconite dronned on a nicce of bread, aml mixed with lier feed, or, as was conlidently recommended, by Ir. G. W. Stearns of Urooklinc, a heaped spoonful of Ealtnctre well mixcd with any 'iness" the cow will cat, may be admiiiistered.

X. K. Farmcr. CoJIPOST. In thc 15th of Watchnian, lime and salt wcre rcconi- incnded for a manure.

Let me say: Then mix this with spent tan orfine pul- verized woods niould, or sawdust, and shovel it over sevoral times and put it on your land, and you will nevcr regret it. It was directcd by Professor Mapes, but it is the best method of applying salt aud limc I cver saw. It makcs a good com- post for the hill, and answers a most ex-cellent purj)oso any where. But the best compost a farmcr can make is poudrctte. ilix plaster of Paris, Jine charcoal, charcoal dust, bottoms of old coal pits or coal ashcs, but no wood ashcsor limc, with the contents of your privy vault, and shovcl ovcr till inti-mately inixed, and you neel but a very small quantity of this in a hill to make grcat growth.

gmrtion mul nratc alcs. AUCTION AUCTION TrobJte Coait for I I I'. 'J- 10 A I) of tbe Wr Jofi ili Ke of Johnslmry, 1 in ttic illjge trro sto li -iwc, btrn ml tizrd lot--U be offtr.J a ouction oa V. KK1I. a' 1 oVloi k.

In hc crroon. A M). ejuio tiiu hoitfcbU tuiniture.b labks, ckc, nn 1 isricty ctlii-i Iiuiiks Kld A. G. CH.VmVlCK, Cu.irdi of C.

M. Uagr, liun lan- r.f Josijh Gago, dccci-ed 9MJ a FARM FOR SALE (H)IX('r WKST ftOC Tho eal wrlbcr wil! ecll his fnu ti f.inn cont na nlHut atn-s gjod land ui tler gwx elate f.f cui ivtio i. 1 ftere a gjg undnppl tlie plic -jjoidni i in house and bjrn. The buildiiisa vtvt up by tua thorougl.U- lu ltt ai-d in pt4t i ie( tir. II.

II FARM FOR SALE! put pcritf: rs is Fa-ni for fal-flan eit iat le iu from he Cen rcti I-yn n. i mi tiicre pnjrjr cii mi ci .1 vmuu frui rli i d. 01r.fort.1Llt: fo fim two fjmiiUc, wt-Il nupjj I wl'h unt r. nu3-aev. l'or fu thcr pa tlcuUra of II.

M. A CU a Mtm- KIei Vrket or 1U. AYi the preii.I fct JuhL.Lu lc. TWO FARMS FOR SALE. cf I bar, ur mi "or i et ti rojd itioii, id tiu milcd cet Cen rt-.

(iiif liod snd 'he vt acres. There aif .1 eutut 1 rt' of buil linira pl icei cii the bre i. -he liou.e ucir ucv Iloth fx iiw nre tU uitt-red t-nJ cach hav Uth apu'e niih.trdi!, and one a ucar orchird. ii oth n.ito-ithe i tock. iAatv fu lh 1KNKV HILL, Johnshury, 0 A acribcr a'.

lh- fu land, i gxd buil.lhl; it.iru-toniiid iu.i,umniiief.niiii.tUiirkrTiiiu:c on a g'il roid. l'or fiirtliM lartlrulap' lanuirr of tb- tuWcriU; ha vf LIST OF TEXT BOOKS The i i i rt l.v Iloirl of lMuc-ition be ii-cd in i'ie hool ot the st.teof u. ii. fint NovcmlT. I.S: ii n.

letf lmelie t.ui. ini. ir- ar.l i K- ti 'n, tor ri i.ew Peript 1 ii IVliti.a'. Tk Ki it 1 1 Mi Miteh tenu.di te, I diUon.

l'h iciland r-nouihil. t.tnct'i fonmwu hool. .11 i.i:aiiai:s imer and (Juack. lllSKiKII-s. LnuIngB Nrt Schj.1 tory and tl.oir.apnv t.

l'ovvu Itoiimw. NATl UAI. 0.uackt-nlu tor d.d and llih sc'iool) only. VNSI1II'. and ScribmtV A.

i 0-C3 of lo.ird New Advertisoment yS I i i i I n. AVr i o. h'a itore Into h. mra han.l agiinai.d is MiW will t. uitl nuturi gn A 1) I) I I 0 to large noci of Watches, Jewelry, Silverl Plated Ware 1500KS.

STATIONEIIV. Cutlery, Bird Cages, Travelling1 Bag-s PICTURE FRAMES. ALBUMS, Bcads To)s Y.iv a Mi uii may drnund. .1 ST V. I I), A largc and lu.e Ptl ction cf SWISS AND AMERICAN WATCHES, S1LVEK WA1JK AND JEWKLltY.

of latiet p.ttera, Onyx 32 1 Albuui' and a lii-e n-ietv i St re.p White Mountains, ltt Fi ld uuduthrr j- iee of $3.00 lxr of I I 1 A I. ATIO li I ha jut purchaft'd a tl 111 1 1 II 1 1 with which I can rlv you votir Initiil EnveIo gt a "od of hicb found a my etore. Zf I conti ue to mmufjfture my eiivcr uar-j which I warnnt t.iu "tindaid. l.adiw" lUir and cons'intly .1 the h.iih dc to o.d-.r au.ll J. illir Jl-m ry aud hair taken in cxchtuge for good-.

I'OK WATCII IIKl'AIKMXC, i of O. C. UOW, who forli m. I can rrcommend him to tlie pul workluan ai cver 1 nork tmrianle t. c.

c. ciiii.ns, l-irrsriEUi. anu st. illci.x A- skwint; 1 li ll. th- nd fjr the "Itenort," au.l Flululcj nUl tUA lllld of Etit'j'l on tlic nn picce of J.

L. rEitlCl.NS, st. Johnabury, NEW HARNESS SHOP, At I.wcr Watciford, imkr the cgcn.v of E. W. lake, thrce door wert ofthe ho'i 1.

II. II. C.OIIIXIN i cxpcrienccd workm in emj.looi. S(K3 NEW FALL STYLES Cloths, Clothing and FurnishingGoods CORSEirS, MAIX stkeet. THE BEST FETILIZER.

Ink is the best fertilizer yet discovcred to Insnrc ti Good Crop, Onabttsin bb roil. The ceioman Iirgely inCalcdim, lset nd O.lea.B counti f. Tcmia cf Ad-er iairijr Kiven on futt column cf nra ZiT circu arf, Ca liill lltada, Auctiou" etc. piiulcd ia at the Caledonian Offlce. IT IS GETT1NG PRETTY COLD ani cro but CASsINO cont to tiiauuf.icture riprinR MMtrcxes ond Ixiunsea aa on rn Aenuc, eppuiite Co'ir Houw.

SAFE FOR SALE. One Iron Safe with combinatlou lock. UALL, FAIUBANKS CO St. Jobuibury. lueK-ianiiKjoi old or Tltf I pu wblcii n-yw 1 li AGENTS WANTED rOR TIIK 3IiTJE COATS! and botv thcr lircd.

fougbt and dled for the Unlon, with Ect-ncf and iucidiruti in the greit rebcllion. It cout tins over lllO line cnravine and 5tk) and ia he rpicie-t and cheapcet war book pablubed. Friee only CAl IION. Somi' of our accnts have taken advant- of tbc grcat piurarity and Urge eize of thia work ralcc tuo pncc to ti and s.vw pcr copy. 1 no puuuc i hereby iiotified that they have no right to chargo re thsu S.

nd for circul trB. Addrcsa JOXtS i I'hiladelpUia, I'a. I'ark How, S. Y. 'MIE SOKTIILUN MOSTIILY, high-tomd Lite-Jt rary Mag-izine; 1 a yeir.

The Anitrican Agricul- turist peut oue ye-ir fre tt new eubecrit era to Noithera Monthly. OrticeS. i'ark Kow.N.V. S-iinp'ecopy25cta. A GENTS WANTED kk the amkkioa.v, the ch opes: and the bejt Farmer'j l'a-pcr in Aiucrica.

Onlys'l a ear. For preralum list, JOUN 1 Kocheiter, X. Y. LOAN MONEY WEST cn lo-n $2ft 1MI i on Farnis io llcniy and adjoln-countries in llinoi-, of tlirte tiniiB vaue of lount, pavablo annu lly, fiee of cliarcp, at pljce ot lender. nejoafible for giveuin bccu- ity.

uen i a. iiouu a unceriam aua peric payinent bftfie matiir.ty of loan etrtiiu, ten per t. ftecuntlt.a ou the tt the vrorli in the safttst ue-tuien. for eapit l. 1 tittiil- and rcf.reiiccs.

Add.esa UIINNLTr VP.LDCi;, Galra, lleury 111. JOUN I. ItESNETT. At-DLET II. VE-NitE.

SURANCE COMPANY, LIFE a NO. SSS HitOADWAV, YOltK. AM'b', AeeurcJ mcmbtrj. Olfcrn ttnsuipa'K-il by any other Cmipjtiy iu i-ihU'Uu-. walteus.

i. n. fkothingham f.F.oKOl". O. Cood Asciil Wiiiit WI1.LIA.M J.

COFFIN, 011 Teriui. P. lowell Co. 4 LL linca Snd Fuutc'k I ilu acrcatreKef tbee 'ih threider trt tr tonit iu-d fOitr, rejaid, to a Idret nli'U reeeipt cf jl. A hb ral d.HCouut ind t.aintsanl ilf (., Ascuuj nited stctn, Aylum llirtlbul Ct.

S30.00 A DAY. WAN rKl. ile and nule. 10 VW r. irtiili h.

ch ftre uec. One of th nllinir aitii'lts iu the marLi-t. Kcr fult pirt culir encl-o mp f.r cireulir and JdrtN liOX 766. U.t.m, Ma or WAinNtVlO.N W11H.NU1, 33 iuch.udon liaw. ONE AGENT WANTED For Each County.

tohe toimlWkx" IUhi kuot. utieur un-ie U-jthei Um No i.iore kiiotc, 1 op. 1 the rld for tiou. Jk in llltch striiu and p-actical invi -J Cedir G. P.

Rowell Co.ArTwAN.Y18' 500 AGENTS WANTED For the mker ty i'ockct." I ninot I cnt or picki-J. Attjche I to anv cnit fir vtft iu two luiuutfi WtiV' -1-' '7-. fr pale cht-'l. Samp.e Tocket, th IV Vrt kt inailed flttfJ- C.rruljni I. s.

I.AVHOKN, irthalton, fOlM PerMonth Sure.N rniuired NVJ(J in ii c. Atnt wanted cM'rvnhere tnMllniir rai.nt Eierl-rtlie MUil.c clothw I-ln. AdJr.H Am. re 1SJ N. or 1'! He.r- lorn st.


or Nicni'a-'iia SAIl.INIi KK 'ct'inlii'r atitt Jatuiury fftli, iiml aml ri'lirutiry l.Mli iiml i nt M. iiirlnsot the f.r-t iljf. PASSASE LOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER LINE. lorfurtlnr nf'rtnatton ad Irc" tbe undrrined at 7 W.rt re. N.u

I. MtltlMMON. Ast'iil. P. Rowell Co.

SOMETHING TRULY MERITORIOUS. lli.ii: i l'1-i'i 1 In .1, foi In-t .1 ii.l' i li.lif!; " an'l iler lli a only l.j .1. sll fh.iu- o. r.n.l.jKjr i t. I'ut i In jor.

io -pnc 'ct. lUIf.z iriil nt mall i re eip lr. ct sold bv dnurt. jnd ariitv gi-ii. H.I.I 4 riiton N.

W. A. liea'l Ak'i n.n-iM. ry ty pp tbe tnde. r- of iiniu i ii'.

LISTS OF NEWSPAPERS. We hare pul liibcd comp'ete lita for the injf eec- tuiii, nhich Mi-n tllturui-a to my addrcaa for ceu eacb NEW ENtiLANK. N. Y. STATE.

N. Vl llV. NEW HE1.WAUE. au.l DIST. CclI.l'MHIA.


IOWA. KAN-AS, JIINNloDlA aud NEItUASKA. VIKCINM, Sori'II CAUOL1NA. KELICIors (Couipli.t l.i-t.) Any fic of tbe alwive IMa scnt for one Auv ten of tl.em ur two doll 'I he hole for wo dollarp tifty cenL. rt'riwn wiiliiiiR ti ket correctcd lisi, fhould eub- jcrilK.

to the An ETistns In which all neHppcrchange-. are notei mouthly. l'rice 52 vcirin advanic. Addr.ra GKO. V.

IvOWELL 40 Park Row, N. Y. CO. To ol i-i srcn CASia 'ath. Mr.Chai i i eveicly that liliiioutbsl.oiil ictalkonehaf liet me.

Icoul. uot put my beel to thc floor. nor nn hauda to my hcud. I harc pent morc th icr tbe rcnicdicB ad without the iojit hinefit. tlun two faot- IracfWbi c's Eliiircnt nl currd lue." rhico teahlwouful will cuie all ordinary c.ecfl hcuiilati'm or nrjlIa.

All npnthccarie-. edl it. J. III l'E, Druggitt, 3i l.ecrett strcct, Itoeton. GEO.

P. ROWELL CO. Advcrtisemcnt forwardcd to all N'ewepapcra. N'o advance cbarged on PubliaherB priees. All leadiug NewepDpera kept on file.

Iulonuation ai to of Adrcrtliiug furnished. All ordt-ra receive carcful attentlon. InquiricB by mail jnnwercd proiuptly. Uomplete printcd lista of N'ewFpHiera for aile. t-pecial llata prep-ired for CuBtomerB.

Ad vertifenicntB M-ritten and ncticea Becnred. Ordere from men capecially soliclted. 40 PARK ROW, N. 7. Use Bryent's Rheu-matism, Gout 4 Neu-ralgia Cure, direovcred iller tcnihle Buf-;, d'uini; which time wew tn cdwiUioutarjil ThouBandi bare hcen curd l.y it.

Thc moft tevere DaicB relievedt iu '2i houre, I a box offi 1'IIlB. lHce "5 centa. Ouc $2 P'Ckjpe fci.l eradicatt the BeBjefrotntheayi'tcm. Eo aale wboleaio ond re- WANTED A CHANCE TO MAKE Anv on. knnirinfrofa firat rate chance will confer favorby infonnlng the ucribcr ofit.

In the niean time he will continue ai heretofore to manufjcture LOUSGES of eyery tyle and qnality (except poor ouei) and BPKING MATTHESSES of different pricea and Mattrtse of all kinda. Will alao repair erc-ry deecrtp- tion of Lphoutery work. AGAIN IN THE FIELD! New Clothing Store IS l.NION BLOCK, ST. JOHSSBfnY, VEUMOST. 33 CLARK.

NEW STORE NEW GOODS Everybody i invited to rall and examine the ftore and gocdd, where inny be found a new atd freeli tuck of GI3XTS FUKN1S1IIXG GOODS, In every variet. Any onc wUhing to hay good tyli. and buy thn ClIEAr1, will do wellto callandexjmine uiy tock before purcnaEing elaewhero. Look and see for Yourself. OALEDONIA COUNTY MARBLE WORKS.

tlie UQder.Iffned continue to cany on Luslnesi at thc old tUnd cn I. 1L STKEKT, St.Johnsbury,Yt. Where can bo fjund a goood uaortnient of Foreign and American Marble. Tbose In want of MONUIYIENTS OR HEAD STONES, Would do wcll to give ua a call. A8 our pricta are low and all work warrantd to give HltYANT TAI'IjIN.

LOOK AT THIS! ME. ASEL HOLMES, gOOd He wo'ild ri-ri-cctfullr inWtr one aud all to rall at hii phon on Hailroad Strc-t. st. his tock of ue good consutiug of a lai ge a.orunent of Ready Made Harnesses, Combs,, Etc. All cf which will te-ld atcxtrcmcW low jic tLe HAYS.

tud aua donc on tbe bortct JOSIAH S. KINERSON, ILiiceiisetl Auctioneer, IT.At'IIAM, VKKMoST, Ici Ordcn 1 rrit AT THE RAILROAD STREET f3 OF ll.VXDAhl, cV: Will 1 found all the dilfcreat Idaof Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals tVtfaiufn, Toilc AiU Ka, anktc Not I'at-nt Ji. iiu J.IlvK.k -ind tioui iy.l'w ket Kul aud Touth Hiudii llozor tftr3w, loilvt tiiid Mmiiuj; niM) nud Oram. ntiug IuVa II ur and and feupitortrre, I sturT', and Kamilv Iyt- Colora, WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY, l'aints, oils, Jipau Iu Nntiuct Ciach and Kumiture aiuuh.tiold laf an 1 Itrouze.l'aiut aud Wbiteiuh lliualm, A.C. cir.fully rcp-n-d.

All the above articlcB toli t'HEAl' FOI: Asll. KANDAI.U IlruKl-taand (i. II. U.lMiAl.l.,f Chemiiu. THE RAILROAD BILL HAS PASSED dju't Uflio wiuttr nitb.u: pttmc a Koune il -I'rinc MnttreM of fASlNO.

llr'll wu iblnu fura iiitle motiey, and ivery.liiD; inantcd lu k- aa rt'prwnuJ. last-ru Aveniu opuoi Couit COLBY'S PILE REMEDY! Warranted to Cure Iilcediiii; or Hlind IMles Thoutiatids In the Wwtcrn Country can tittfy to thc Minnulou cur. i doiu. a it bctoiuc'- kuow not iHirou ilint 19 troiiM.d uitii tbe l'ils but utut etcurc a lK.ttie trv. Onw beitv about tbti curi'.

it i purdy venHable, no dru; arr iiMd iu pnpnriug it and it if w.irnintcd to curc cr thc mom-y itlundtd. Give it a trial and be Convinced. I'wo lK)ttlrf wnrrntd to cur if taken uccordin to dirt'ciioue. or ih moaev refuudcd. l'rice iltv) icr sew iree on ret-eipt price.

JOIIX M. COMIV, PiStdte fctrect, Uoston. THE LAMB KNITTINCt IMACI-IIlSrE, Knits a Stocking Complete, Furming Uie and narrowing olT the Toe oa it goes IT SETS UP ITS OWN WORK, Widrna and rarrowp, by varyinR the number cf lo-tjf, tne i iu as im.d kiiHtuiK otntr nuciiiiu lu thc wi-rld do any t-ne of thoiH1 thinjr. It Liut ard oi piaai rork Li TLN MiM 1 a pair I xk- cotu plef iu httlf hour. and an vudleu aity of faiic Ubiirfl.

'ty vy DTi 1 1 1 i "Vst vvix 1 1 1 toork aa ri'rreenteJ. Cireulir and fjtnple etocking tent to any addrcta rcceipt of euiup. W. II. A.

McJndoea Kill, Apr-ntt for C'atcdouij Uouuiy. AGENTS WANTED iu etry towu in tbe county. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, In preat variety at consEirs st. joiinshuuy. They do things at Claremont.

Whnt, would oti like to knou- Then read tliK all Venuout AlKiut ti.e Clnretncnt Manufacturiug Cj. Tiiree thouoand puiindd rag, non-their dj ly rjtion Yet, their appetite- ncver For paper Is thc coneuniatlon. To coer this paper with ink, fcix pretcB mu with lightning epecd Yet, they nlirayB have cnoush they tliink For ncigliboring printerB need. The largest poeter their dtlight liut they print tbe malleet label. Tliey'Il head your bill aud lettera rigbt, Or e'cn a bill of fare for table.

Two thounand booka per day they make. Of varioua et le and sizef, And If yourc really wide awake YouTl write and aak for pricet. The oldeet magazine or book Tltcy will rc'produce couipletely. As ou each bhining back you look, You muit exclalm neatly." Five hTindred envclopea And pnper many a reani, Aro w.iitlug there In hopea To be ordered Sortk by eteam. One tbouaxid biblea on their Bbelveu AnxioiLsIy wait to do you good.

The Co. have read tbcm all through themselve, And now they wlah you wculd. Diarics, pena and booka for the echooU Daily arrivc and a oft depart. Yrapping, penclls and rubber rules Sold hourly from their Btorc and curt. Send on your orden to-day, Don't wait till yoa have toborrow, If yoa don't forget tbe pay Youll get your goods to-morrow.

Hany other thinga they do But a cuetomer aayi, "Look here, For I am to wcrk for tbe Co. And 'Ui a huxrying time of the yeir. new i5d yjfflBEjy hat he wi 1 exchange "riiLg topurchaee atvery low THE VERMONT RAW BONE I SUPERPHOSPHATE of LIME Ib made of paw bonca, with the other necenMiry con-etituenta ofthe best quality, and with no other adu'-teration whatcrer at the oilu of thc Compjny, at St. of HOUAUE l'ADDOC'K, well known a an agriculturiat, aud olso by hi poaition long hcld oa an ofliccr of the Caledoull County Agricultural Socicty. Iu preiaration ii coli-ductcd with skill and fldelity and itU thc dctcnnin- aUon ofthe Company n.

fuy maintain its high standard of excellence. T.Btimoniatj from luauy of our littt fnnerB thow it to be thc cheapestand boet fertilizcr er offcrcd in our luarkc: "The Vt. Raw Bone Superphosphate is the best every way." lawj.uncf, ec ot Caledonia Co. Wool Grow ere Aaa'd.

"The most satisfactory of any I l.ave uscd." IIO.N. EZKA A. l'AKKS, 1'ics't of Caledonia Co. Soclcty. "Has provcd all that can be desircd." SS.

S. Concord, Vt. "Contains the most Bone Phosnhatof IhavcL.Kd." J. f. t.

"Is altogethertlie best in market.i'iiaatena itaii! ii iropaarc'secure from frOSt muchcaili-thauothemije." IIO.N'. HAliKO.N ilOL LTO.N', Jobn.hury, VL. "Has a marked and beneflcial cffcct oa mu bagaa aud iu atocj." I. W. SA.NIIOKN, sc.

ot ciieuouia co. ilgncuitural boLitty. "It stands at the headfvrytliing0f ihekin -c-i ua j. AUN'L il. 1'cacham.

"There was two bushels where it was put. to one where it was not used. irnd io by Mile lin lweV lujp.oved h.upcip..o&phate ot ljmc," luiauulactuicd by Ilradlcy cf in cioim undcr nditiou of tll ulid tuatiucct, there nud a marked ditference in favor of the Vt. Superphosphate." E. I.

l.sQ., "ihada better yield and earlier crops tlian tieighbirr ho used yaid iu -ujre or suptil'ho-phau-. i rn-d ou po tlou of luy tbey I'cue tWO Weeks b.foro ti rtt ofthe l.e l.Al'1'. II. Cab. Vt.

"I got one fourth morc bushels whcn. tbe iinout suiie pho phU' alonc ti-au whtrel uscd alike uu.ouut ot -Coc'b aup rjuioapu l.c, and ci.j-da ol ell otti.d Ul luurc to the aci htl, ciop aud theeauie." illlM UU.U I'up'r cf st. Johu.bury Ilouee. "It is cheap, concentrated and eftlcient, itgrcatly increases the nu aud hu.i cnp two or three weeks earlier than nure.'iuiydevoid of the disagreeable stench Put 1 i othtr m-uulictureri.

aud 1 am tuu. oftheopiuiou, it is the bestwe get." bUU. UAI.IULMIII, uarmt, vt. lt fchaii achapiyjBsuch an article Cnu le -iUordid. If louer prictdsuj.cnihoatia:etau.

of gocd (luility, l.e ctfcirid, let tbe gtuume aiticlt iu eold by the Coiupauy, Le ot dry inuck or line old coiupotft, aud a jul article i tbe raiult, aud au cott cf Icia than tcv dulLin a huu-dred. Those who buy and use it will lose noth- infl. I Kfi prt iuy litld wilboutjuy. il.e rc-ult VEUY MI CII faxorof I'hwnhate all tl the bcxxoii A ueihbor ha i cne barrtl ol wbat 1 order- ed, a-d calhi i. but tb.ln "Coc- I.O.NsH.N L.

KIC'E. raiil. "Seven dollars worth brouqht me in an acre of extra good corn nhich i ccrtaiuiy shouid NOI Mi i.out 'he Supcrphphat erylate, ixr iitcc oajr laod. I r.inds of l'b phjtc had iiot douo ntll with ine aud 1 h-td leo. Itith fu if ei li.e waa up but I pi o.i at the ftr-t Uo md setoui.hed to 8-e 1 aud igorou ly t.k hoU ol the crop 1.

LH. Concord, UBic lat nic pains 10 co t-re the eflecta upon iiwMiniieui ii.e ol l.llut IU4U turea I addink, lleau to. I hey Ure a Lert 1 rul for a dry. iu iu my judcmei.t much tuauut ictu lt i of i'm i e.i-iall 1 Uld i Uoal tl oil-; It i uould proe at ili.X) to luy it VI ul Io, ndv 111 ita a ou pie.e- of coru und liot ul.iu about htu 11 luiheB high AVl.llAtil IHIUII Mhliiu HtiKht Ihau th. me Mcluitv no fupirphofptute nn anih.d.

LiiK.uioii. iin.uiuuimi'KlHm.i iiuo-tB nktulv ui the grout.i lu ouc ilu iuir ja M'Vl II.JI Itl.t. tha. uoue IIO.N. A.

CIIAIIWICK. M. Johutbury, July, A Rcnulne of fu; li. tho-c clclucnta ot troutli whkh ait tuo-t to l-c ob UiueJ, aud uhich eaut outy in Krautv amount in tl fann rj it gives a quick, viqorous start to thc yountj plant. It po.niot.-i iuxuriance of erowth throjhout thc itK-natiy increases tlie product.

It iuat the tr--i two or three n.tka ru iu, secure it from frost. In ur. i' i' prei.t' tbe ra-gw of onui, nseet. thcr It r. no Larn ird d.

is to dijlaucw ith case. and ai ph ith trlfl.ns la'nr, and a. home m.dc lun.ure uiust alu iy- U' inutli icnt tbe ti.vds ol jt gcnuinc Superphosphate is an invaluable auxiliary. The Vt. Raw Bone Superphosphate.

TKV IT! rsn NO OTHKK PADDOCK, DEAK COMPANY, sr. JoiiNanrirv, vkkmont. nll order should bf a-Idrtwed at an taxly djy. STRAVV FOR UNDERBEDS. DON'T USE IT.

iccd ha: NEW GOODS! A hnt V7 st yles: A .1. K. Si C. K. KEMICIC'S.

KAILIltlAI) ST. JOlINPIll'UV, T. Mottled Mohairs.ParisDrcss Goods riaids, Poplins, Alpaccas, Do-lainos, Prints, Cloakings, Flannols, Etc, Etc. AUo a eood line cf WOOLUNS for Mcn and noy-' UNDKHSIIIKTS AXI) DKAAVKKS. Cardig.ui Scarui, OverallB and Jimipem, S.C.

inr.Ai'! call and sti: rs' Ijtdi." KIO l.LO KSat prke. ind.iualiticsthat ottuuor oe A GOOD ARTICLE FOR THE SEASON LONERGAN Eailroad Street, St. Johnsbury. Ilia a large stoik of BOOTS, SHOES AND OVERSHOES, Suitable for thc eeanou. lle hia fian- ntl-Iined buttou liced ltooht.

Ladica Clov Uulton Slls-csaudChildren'i ItOfbf. 'i'he very popular ovci rhoen mlde by the llriin'wick Kubbcr Atctic overshoce. Ccnts thict and thln, and And In fact, everythlni; in thc line to be found In city or country, irom tho thluntBt ellpper to thc Glc him a call and examine Etylee, qualitiea and Kemt-mber the place. I. 1.

LOXEItCAN, Kaliroad Street. Sign of the hig Iloot. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS FOR SU1TS AT CORSEU'S, JLVIX STHEET. THE MAN Who hla feclingB no doubt did butincEB on a cash princinle. SDeakint; of carh lcmindi that cannot your cpare caah morc profitably than lu buln(; one of OASsl.NO'S SI'KINU and 1.0UNGUS.

A fine aaBortmeut of mce Covcra Ju recelved. Call and aee tbeui. Eastera Areuue St. J. Guardian Notice.

bury.wlthln and for uld dlstrlct on the 13th dayof January A. U. Albertlr. Ohadulck.

enanllan of rrlara Marla Gaze. and Joslah liac. uilnura anu helra, and lea- teei. ol Josiali, late ot St. Joluixburr.

bald trlct.ueceaHfu.uiakes appucatlon to mii.i court lor uccnM lUUlucibe prott)ed ut ouch bale al intrest uifr the arae in btocko, would be beneflcial to sald wani vrhtireUDoli. tt 1 onlereJ bv nUl cuurt. thjl saiiI ai- i plUatlon be reforreato a sesioi ihereof. to ItcUeldtitt ested be'notlhedhertol. by puulicatlou ol notlcoof sald aiiDllcaiion tirder tbereuii, tLr-e wcets lie Oaledontau tirlnted at bt.

Jobusbury. tt tlnie ol hearln, that tuey may appear at hald ttnie aud plaie. and. II they-ee thereto. 91-53 A3A L.

r'ltKNOH. Judse of ProhaL Caleb Parker's Estatc. STATE )F blt10.NT,) In probate curt Lcld at thc CUdouia Dutnct, bb. lTobatcOnice.iii bury. ou the 14tti day of Jauuary, A.

lc0. Will-v, xccutorof tr.e la.t niltnud tcstjincnt of Caleb Parker, la-e of St. iu eaid dwtrit aBid, ttitc, uiakCB aiipucatioU to Baid cotllt tor ibc to the wbdeof ihcrcalc-bUt cfFaiddec.fe'cd, widotra nebt of and Jower thcreiu, au 1 ii.cltidin iceiEion ofthe dowcr, rep-reecntiufr that by r. a-on of ihe lu ir-, dcTicvs and le- ntcrc-u-d iu fald rt-BUini; out of tli Matc, aud thc inii I ticabilitv of ui ikint; lurtltion dtiiBiou ol the ill I Ik'u. ficial and for thc in- h.

and lca'ccB, thitsaid leal crt tc shoulj be jud couve. ililo inoney. Whereunon. i ia d. I eaid ceurt.

tunt taid ttn- ication be rifcirid to the lirct da of bimry, A. at the piubatc in M. Blurv. for hcaiin aud dtci.iou tbcrccn aud it is tur her oidered. that all rcBU be uotitied l.ereof, by ptiblicatloii of ia i.pp ica'ion and order thcreon, threeweeka iu the Cal douian prin'ea at fet.

Johnebuiy. lore taid tiin ot arinir. that tbev n.ay ppcnr at aaid time ai putce, i.nd il thev Bce ciibc objoct thcrcto. Ilv the ASA 1- FKh.NCH, JuJKOcf ITobate. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PATENTS.

IJ. II. Kdfiy, KolitMtor of Patunts, Lateasentof L.b. Patcnt Otlice, (uuder of 8 State Kuby Stm-t, lloston. rr an eleiisive praittce cf up.ari of tu itnuiN, Francv tries.

Cat-ats, bptcln.itlons uts UU-nit paper oi witli decuatch torfisn MurL. to dete mlne tlie alidlty I juttnia ur mentioii! aud Wa the "I fln pJti Aw-lgi utsreCurdedat Washlnstuu. Vut tbe recard Mr. Kddy and cpable praLtUiom CuuituUeiuner ot Patents. imenturs ttiat tliey iiiore comjrelcul and trust- nd tavuiable UL KK.L.

nisaloiif 1'attnts. Alr. li. Kd! ha ha-. UidJK ti pateuL 4 IbUtoiieor tn ttit iw aucd unini-wkeaoie pruoi oi preai tjifnt and abiiitx his i-adi me tu reiommciid i.i appiy to tilci to prociire tbelr pjtt-nt, as tti-v ituy'j crr ut havuu tbe most laltbmi atu-ii tfstuucdon their ca-es, aud at ery reaolibie JOIIN TAUiAhl.

Imiiiiebht raontlis, tbe coure ol bl Urye practn-e. ii.ade oii twite rejVUrd dppiuaaon-, li auueals, e-ry one ot wbtcb was decided tu ld- lavor, bs tiVetomiub.iioipaUUl Jt. 11. LUUV- Bostou.Jau l.lvs 1. -RUTLAND and BURLINGTON A VERMONT VALLEY RAILROADS.

On ai.d afttr Dec 2. Tralua will ruu aa to.lowa iloVlNG SOL'Tll AND EAST. i HuriingtoH ill 9)5 Arrtve at Kutland ll i 1" 3 I.eave Hutland IZ tu Arrle Fall 71) 2 I'pui Leare flelluw Fall- 7 2 ii Arrn at Braitlt-bwru a 3 310VI.VG NOltTII AXD WEST. a ui a Leae Hrattleboro 11 ti 4 Arrie Kalli 12 5 Leave SJpni Ttiw at Uurlntuii 15 4 15 15 TKUNJ CON.NKCT AS FOLLOWS. At Pur'li jtuti with on 1-ake ChampUIn and itpeiler.

Alban-. the t-r Troy. Albany and Xe I.rin.Is.b.heno.Udy an.l the Weit. lartt.Td, Ne llat eii an.l 1th Utiroal lor Hlud-r. Whtle Ilner Juuclum.

bt Ihe While ihiut.lait.9. the Wet wiit tlnd this a Cheap, nJ haprditiou-. K- ute. l'or Tlikrt- aud al. uejar.

lulormalloii lU'jalreat tur ou tte LlLe It liKO. A. 1IKHKII.L. Hui.1. New 7 Octave PI.VXO FOUTKS.

5Jf-V if u. b-j le, B'lle ai.d alc at Mlf odd im'i MUSIC ItOO.V. JlKCrlllNl. M. ST.I1)1AKI.

Call see them! DKESS AND CI.OAK MAJvlNG. at her room oppocib THE AMERICAN COOKING STOVE. Thi." 9o0 han lHen ar-rded teo tirct prcnn-ui at our Maie at HuiTilo, fcr coal nnd oi.e w.kv! We nrt now finl bd to inneunce the un- parallcled itrtil: tlii ttoc biiur taLcn tbe nrtt pn- iti at tbe ew oric rair- i.t inc iat notwith-Undinp it b-n bioupbi in pititton all ti.e bes: siovtM nude iu the fctite sndbv nmnv from othrr tnithstandin tlie ftent coinbiucd detenmntd effor of it eiin- titor deffnt it. And i sui-cw i not loni-confin' thi On tbe lth of Sept.tuU a ardcd tn ai: aud hic prtmiuiusnt the New b'at N-euaw ardcd tbe Crtt emium at Mate Fair, and haa necr nxn exhi- bited a Mite airandfjiled io take tlie hiet pieiui- nd the i rcnihm 9 h-w tken county fiiis are mit rwii ti inentiitn. And tbe aaids are full a.dln tlie pei'pl throusboiit tbe cuutr It baa become a hoUfCholj Maint to fomii, ai.d fnmi Ihe l.akts to the tlulf uf Mexu-o; nd the demnud lu- become po Hr-e tha- mtnitlwtind-tii our laige nnd mcrea ed fci formanufacturing.

are uuablc t. bupplv the denund promptlv. SHUAK, l'At-'KAKI AUunv, N. Y. "or Mle by 11.

COWDUY, St. Jobnebury, Vt. tniarl BEAVERS AND CHINCHILLAS, 0 A' II COATS. at cor.srx's main st. joiissmuv, vcnimn, axd Speedv Cure rou NtuKALalH! AND AXZ NERVOUS D1SEASES.

Xts Effeett ItiB ralsia 1 NI AILINd KKMUDY lu all catw of cialis, often encctiue; a iHrf. than twcnty-four hi from the uae of no more th.i WOSDKUFVh HESIKDIAL ACKST. FALL TRADE, Uai- coniinenc. 'iud MKS, M. M.

CKOSSMAN, IIa. ju-t rcturned imm Msrket the moet cem-pleU' aortnient -jLTiEd'rx. MILLINERY r.vcninthcEcvertBtcascsof Chronic N'euraigia and ncrvoiia unny jcan. etatid-iujr, affectinp lyptem, it-npeYor a daya a fcw w-etks a' the utuiH-tt aUayi -tnoid the relief and very rircly to prcduce a eoniphtc and pe cnre. It contttins no.lmsj or other niatrria'B iuthciiightCBt dejrree iiijiirirtiiB, cen to the moet dcllcatj ByBtem and can ALWAit.

be u.d with I'EllFECT SAFETY. It hafl lon; bccn in conaUnt me by many of our MOST KMISEXT MVSICIA.SS. who Rive it their unanimons and nnquaiificd approral. Scnt by uiail on reccipt of price and pwtitge. One packnse, $1,00, I'oetjge fi ccnta.

Sil 0,00, 2 ThcIvc pa.kageB, IS lt ia sold by all wholcfale and tail dcalers drnga and niedicined thrcughout tbe I'ri'cd Slatu, and by TUU.NEIt Ar Sole I'roprictors, lirt Tremont Strter, Hoston, Mas. tiniyl STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, AT ti n. 1 li Vt. The wintcr tcrm will begin WEDXESHAY, FEIt. Ti, Examiuatiou for admiiion tlie ly before tbe begiui.iiiK cf tho tamj.

KUWAIUI tpt.Sl'6b 1-rincital. SMOLANDER'S EXTRACT BUCHli rrBrs ALL KIIJNKV Rheumatic Difficulties. l'rice Sl. Roll et-rwti PURE TEAS DIRECT FROM CHINA AND japA AT THE CHIlfA lAN'S TE A STORy NO. -i: UNION" STKEET, Club Rates or by the 5 lb.

Packa ODLONG llett I MAMtAKIN Pu fl.lMi. jl.l... ai iiouc -l I.KEKN (iood Jl.tni. thoice COl'I'Kh 1A55, S. Iiiet lu.

ilK. AK SHOWi rcceivei" hi- tca- biolher tho isa tta lucrchant in C'aiiToii ccmiuiFtioi a and c.t' thc bett tllc rui k- Mr. A. eelU none but 1'UKE AXI3 FIJKSII tn n'lv cn Tbe lovcn. of cood tca pncea a l-inK bt l'f Klou tt3s 1 in this rouu t3 Ai l.

Cooim ll It SIIO A- 25 1 nieii Strcet, ll-tci). Ayep's Cherry Peclora laa Bootbin eiicct renf nei a fur di- lil -f i htd the fact. th inoiis iu pulin'-ii irv a It- etbccyb-u erally kuoiMi, tlut it i Ju-th tiies i mtdiciu- mdi pnsabk nrcte-tr ty HritAin, Tiaiiceand Iennny, wh n- has reacl.ed iu hiyheet prfectlon, i ii- dotr.etitic pnctice jnd cou-t tntly ed nd hoei'it'tld and be publ lt Ft tui 1 j-ardid by th- jttt-niinp phy-i i and aj.T'-t auie renieuy it ctu ijo empi any ucIbturbood can I ca'ea rf lunp, which bad bai tbe mott fkillful and eipriencel penn uiently cured by it. '1 ie pruvfs of the etiperior ur tiiia prcp-rstion judt'tb'-ui an pccidiar fatisfa- ti.n. While it -t coiilinn it iu ly Iu iuf noy and ytmtli.

be uir qur younpiPt, tvh dininit n-d juJjo th refton-r atcompn hf I tlia If ake: the throat aud lunf, uh cold or -r fr -m tbtr rau tl-at lonjr tniu of punl'ul and inrurt 1 uould a.ise fr tbu ueplectf db.ull be it. 1 other itTecti'jus of tbe br -ttbiu. fort pri-emiacut cdiubm tim. ij -rid by Dr .1. J.

A I and sold by a 1 druiristi ui where. Pyle's Is Acknowledged (he Uo1 in Always put up in i FULL WEICHT. Sold by Grocers verxL. ired under rhe i NAIUl- .1. wh le ale rid il e.

x-dH in A. a Jl'in u-r-1 f. II. roi.A.NU, Irr. f.r Medirinw iini i l'ola- d.

mz: Jar I I i- Ke'tiedv. jths I'lll-, lt 4, RESTOSK ESSIMlt will quickly rcstorc Cira' to its natural cokr ar.J. and produce luxuriant cr. pctfectly harmlcss, ar.J ovcr cvcry other frcr'ra" those who have a f.r.c as wcll as those who wi-h t'1 it. The beautiiiil glo5s impartcdto thc Hair makt it for old and youre.

For Snle 1- nll DF.I'0T, l'JS PURE HORSE HAIR MATTERSSES, If yo't want a GOOD HAIK I anv otlirr rcmed P0LANC5 Iroad i tvnb neid. It 1 till? CSl'C-Ilt For Iluni-i, Scal Ii1, It 'T- 1 and lland. Crark. in tLe i itli are o.i'l, M)f upun th- I. I ecryhing to a 5-tUe i- jppli, .1 I I 10 1.

I Manu'actared under the ciiiv rvi-' -1 f-nd a- Hill 1 JuArKDR A. SAFE, ell, and be of peti. in' tor, po to casiixo o.v 'n i you a tir-r rate n. p. p.

F. are Xeu PEKFECT SIGIIT VROVVCEV ItY I'UOCl A MESSRS. LAZARUS i MORSlS PEItFECTED l'articular rcaaona whv th, arc pr.t, all othcrB IWcate they do not tire has They do not reqnire clia Achiomitic; lu fact. they i mide. ij i ii tJT- No 1'cddlei WOOD AND HAY FOR SAU The fubtfcnber has tor nale anJ 1 dry aud guvn notd four ftet, jud in ouy uu.iu(ftiea.

at tbe luv ct tu i 1: I to HOJtACla I. W.MiK-. I' wood wood I. C. WOOHUI KY Ijpnpind to and 4 ftKt wuod to order.

ALo or Ordeis eil.titwd. a.

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