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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 5

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THURSDAY, JUNE 56, 1952 Average Arkansas Farmer Scans Skies; Many Crops Need Rain BLYTHEVTLLE COURIER NEW9 A month-loiitt siege of hot, dry opened recently in anticipation of weather apparently was all right handling some 25 carloads per day. lor cotion, rice, soybeans and a I The five inmaln sheds in Hernn- fo other crops. But mosl rommn-1 tage are in lullswi Approxi- dities such as corn, hay crops, pas- mately 1.000 baskets ofpink wrap lures and vegetables are bcins tomatoes went through the five, hurt. Is urponlly needed to sheds on one rerem da.v, at an forestall severe damage. i average ol basket After a couple of weeks of the' Cnnon, snys the Agricultural Ex-n WILSON Ry Mrs.

H. F. Bovlcs The Associaiional School of Music bfaan at First, Baptist church have rr-lvirnert from PAGE SINE HAL BOYLE'S COLUMN Ernie Home Becomes a Shrine ALBUQUERQUE, N. 'f. Afrer ihe man lies down and dies, his house and remembers.

Sometimes strangers take over the house and the man who built it is forfroUen. ft has been the other way with Ernie PyJe. Thousand? nf strangers have passed, through the small white cottage he built here ns a refuse from his wanderings. But the more who come, the more Ernie Pyle is remembered. Ernie at his death passed out oE Ihe stream of the world's news.

But he has never lost his peculiar holtl on the American heart. In death be still gives a feeling of 'Quiet comfort to those who visit the little spot out of all the world be picked as his anchor against life's disaster. He bas a perfect memorial. His Bimple white clapboard cottage with the white picket fence around a tribute to his love of his Indiana now a city library. It has 10.000 books.

The garngcthat Ernie turned into guesl room is about to be con- room. He'd Like That I (hinlt Ernie, who hnd a lot of trouble but no children to eive him the trouble that rewards, would like that. In his own childhood ha didn't have so nice a. place to go and read. Ernie end "that wife.

slept in 800 hotels in six years and Journeyed 250.000 miles when they chose to make a gypsy retreat here. One of the reasons was to glye shelter to the books they had gathered. "We were like trees growing In the sky. without roots," Ernie wrote. "So we decided to acquire sort of home plate, that we could run to on occasion, and then run from again." Why did he choose Albuquerque fis his traveler's rest? In a piece explaining why, he mentioned as another loved place.

Honolulu, where he is buried today among the dough boys whose death he shared. But in life he gave this explanation for settling here: "Our front yard stretches as Jar as you can see. Ml. Tayloi, 65 miles away, is like a framed picture In our front window." He mentioned also the friendliness here, the vastness, the rabbits that came out every evening, the quail on his lawn every morn- Ing, the meadow larks across the unpaved road that said things like "your face is awfully pretty," and "here conies the preacher." The rabbits, the quail, anrt the view are partly gone. They paved the street by his house, built neiv houses across the road that hide the far-away mountain except in winter.

But there are children cross the way, and Ernie, I am sure, would prefer them to his mountain view. Most of those who come to his former home today nre children, eager for the dreams that books bring. But also some 10.000 artult visitors have come to see. the unpretentious home that Ernie built. It bus little souvenirs of I sunelasscs.

a Davidson bust of his likeness, the dust goggles he' wore in Tunisia. Bui for some inexplicable reason! the tiling that visitors most is the old 10-gallon cowboy hat he wore around the country in. the days before he knew war Fricnrls fall "Most of the visitors are either boys who served oversea? with Ernie or the parents of soldiers," said the nice, faced libra-, 1 rian, Mrs. Marian Plynn. "But they come from all over the world.

And, I don't know why, it is the empty hat thai affects ihcm emotionally. They see it and start to cry. 1 never met Enie in my life, but feel like I know him." She said that Cheetah, the Pyle family pet. died last fall. It had been cared for by Mrs.

Pyle's nurse. Cheetah's doghouse Is still uninhabited in Ihe library yard. I thumbed through Ernie's own small cluster of books in the library, and found a sentence he wrote in London in 1941 that I have never forgotten: "I could not bear to think that for me there might never, never be another spring." So tar as I know that was Ihe only time Ernie put into print his own desire to live. And as I stepped into the warm Albuquerque summer from the hoine that Ernie built and never lived to really en- Joy I well. I felt I would' give half of the unknown part of liie that I have left myself for five minutes there in the sunshine with him alive again.

If the Lord ever built friendship in a man, he put it in Ernest Taylor Pyle, dead at 44. weather, enabling it to recover 1 froimhe effects o( cool weather, life and thrips. Bui now lhal seed- ling diseases have almost peared. even Ihe eolton needs rain.

Peach picking has started anri Ihe fruit is of good quality but; will soon need rain foradcquate suing. Speaking of the weather: The National Cotion Councilhas' announced the opening ol a Boll-j cotion farmers how valuable we.a- ihersei vices can be. The NCC ex-1 plains lhal llp-to-the-minule infor- malion onprobablc wealher con-1 rtitions is particularly helpful loi cotton farmers who are concerned wilh fertili7alion. chemical weed control, colton Insect conlrol and defoliation. 1 If you're thinking of gelling free cotlon classing and market news service on Ihe 1553 colton crop you hart belter hurry.

Robert Sloan. colton specialist for the state Ag-i ricuiiural Extension Service, says' deadline for applying for the service is, July i. How are you handling your pas lures? Government agriculturists say! now is thetime for farmers to I apply good pasture management! practices to receive the maximum value from pasturcsand Pastures shoulrtnot he nvergraz- i ed. they say, snd ivill need to be mowed orclipped at least twice during Ihe summer to control weeds and bushes. fescue grass should notbe grazed after Ihe month of June.

Dallas and Bermuda grass can be depended upon lor some goori grazing during the summer months ahead. Grazing be controller! or ro- lated for greater poduction. Sericea Lespedeza for pasture should be grazed or clipped and tept below 14 Inches high in order to keep tender and good to the cows' taste. And for hay. Sercea should be cut when about 14 inches high before Ihe stems break.

Sidelights: The first cotion bloom for the Manila, area has been reported on the Fred Fleeman farm at Brown Spur near Manila. The bloom came from a plot of County ratttenieri this year avoided repetition of a i i i A similar school is beinc nnrtuct- ed at the BapUsl. Church at Dell, Classes music fundamentals. I conducting, hymn studies. ne-com-i paniment.

and crarted choir work! are offered at each center. Classes began tor the six to twelve year "Id trt moi mna nrti be held, daily from 9 to 10:15 with classes for the yonne people and Intermediates being held from: 7 to 8 p.m. Adult classes are being held nishtly. beeinmnc at 8 o'clock. W.W Mrds Mrs.

J. H. Whitakor wns hosiers to Ihe Mae Jones Circle of the Women's Missionary Union at her home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Kd gave Ihe opming prayer.

Mrs. Harry Woodya.rt tausnl chapter oi (he hnnk "Slew- ardship Applied in Mis'-ion- 1 Mrs. i n. Bledsoe offered the Hosinc prayer. A salad phte anri icrci Ira, were served by Ihe ho-icss Those were Mr.s hl Mr.s Marsha Wmdvarrf Mrs i Coloman.

Mrs, Albert r.reenv-l Mr.s. Ch.rles Mrs Harrv port ves in Little Rock and Ke Mrs Hodges nf Mf mr was the guest of Mrs. John vne Thursday Wayne Alexander and Dee are in Kansas city where they are working in the wheat harvest' Mrs Vaughn is ill Y. the home of her dam-liter, Mrs Otis Smith. Broiichton l.ovplt Clarence Med lin and son.

Tommy, Mr. and Mrs Maury uptou and dauchle, Wc anri Mrs Nora While were' amonc tnoce (rf Wilson in Memphis las! Miss Mary left suildav 1 for Roannke Va where she will Jnln her aunt. Miss Rujh She and will co on to Chauinuqua for the sum mcr Mr fM of, Jr Wll nn Pollution Kills Fish In Canal Near Mobile MOBILE. ALA. dead fish by the thousands covered canal here recently following what was reported as the sviddcn pollu- i lion of the canal.

"The odnr Is something said one official of fish concern. The affected species ts known an a delicate fish caught; mostly for their oil. Other more 1 hardy fish survived. The pollution was washed out of a tributary i stream In a sudden rain. Retiring Postman Gets Surprise Gift of $452 PHILADELPHIA MV-When (he worri got.

around that Jim Randall was retiring as postman after 21 years on the same route some, of his friends got busy. One woman. Mrs. Gertrude Van Arsdale. wrote some letters to those Randall served and later she spenl two clays walking his route.

The result was a S452 gift to the 70-year- old postal veteran. As for Jim. he plans to get another outdoor job. "I plan to keep on walking until I can't, walk any more," he said. severe outbreak of anthrax such a they had last year by vaccinating some 1.500 head of cattle.

If another outbreak occurs this summer much of the livestock in the county will be Kingrey and John D. Wilkins of Fairview, near Fordyce, have seeded Ihe first 100 acres of rice ever grown in Dallas S. Pollard. Extension Service poultryman. says Arkansas production of commercial broilers is expected to hil a new all-time record of 7s million or more this year.

U.S. Ships Are Active Through Port of Genoa GENOA American fla? car- I riers have increased activity In importing and exporting cargo through thin port to official fig- fureR for the first four months of 1951. denplte drop of shipping here for the same period. Last year from January lo April. Amer- lean ships unloaded 16.649 tons and i took on 3S.29] Ions herf.

For the i same period this year, U.S. vessels discharged 239.087 tons loaded W.I57 tons here. During the firnt quarter nf a total of 2.9B4.4M tanr were Imported here from ships of many nations. During period this year, the Qenos dropped to 2.305.920, Committee N'amerl A building and grounds commit Ire was appointed by the Rev. D.

Bledsoe al the evening service at First Baptist Church. The committee, henrtrrt hv Albert Gi eenwrll. will look after the church ground-, anri btiiMine.s. He will he assisted hv Krl Williams. Levi Cifsell.

A. MrCullar, Miss Annie Rave Rowland and Mrs. Maurice Lvneh. Course ftimnleled A Training Union Sturty Course was completed at First Baptist Church last week. Ninety were enrolled and the averaee attendance wa.s 70.

The Per. Leslie Riherrt of Lepanto taught the hook "Building a Christian Home" with the Rev. D. B. Bledsoe and Mrs nlertson.

teaching the hook "Tomorrow You "Messengers of Uchl" was taught by the Rev. Carroll Evans. Mr.s. A. E.

Clark was in charge nf the nursery. G. B. Craven was tn charge of each evening Hold Tteunlnn Sons, daughters and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs.

U. Yancey of Memnhls and Mrs, Josh Little of Bas.sett gathered at Oririer Park- Sunday for a reunion of the two families. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. ePte Yancey and family of Perry.

Mr. and Mrs. Georpe and family, R. L. Yanrey ami Mr.

and Mrs. Johnny CcAvgill and family, all nf Memphis; Mr. and Mrs. Rpuhen Jnnes. and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Oliver and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Vester Houseman and Tamily.

all of Bassett: Hr. nnrt Mr.s. Robert Hill and family of Joiner: Mr. and Mrs. Heuhen Ward and son.

John Ed. and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Yancey and family of Wilson. Bobbie Loii Walker and Barbara Kinney of Bassett were also Mr.

and Mrs. ,1. J. Perry and family will spend the first nf this week with Mr. nnd Mrs.

G. W. Harris In Memphis snd then will go to Capo Girardeau to visit his brother. William Perry, and Mis Perry. MICSI.

Marx C-rrmauy ol Lepanto. and Charles Peeper. Mrs J. J. Perry anrt daughters i Jennet le and Diane, and Mrs Bob! Ctimminps of Oseeola were In Mem- i phis Friday.

Mr. and Mrs Billy Loveti of Rtilr- ville. were Ihe giicsUs Mr.j I and. Mrs Broiieliton Loveft The iLovett boys, John and Jim. who had been visiting their granthnolh- er.

Mrs. Edna Lovctt at, Shaw I acrompnnlerl them to WI1- son. i Mrs. Robert Brasftnlrt and small son. Ronnie; have returned to their: home In Memphis after spending last week with her Mr.

and Mrs. J. Bussey Her grandmother Mrs. Herlhn Charleston, and her sister. Jennifer Bussey.

accompanied her home. Mr.s. hCarleston Mil go on tn Pascaeoula Miss tor a two weeks visit with her: mere. Mrs. Ruby Hooker.

Jennifer will visit Mrs. Brasfielrt nnd family two weeks. Virginia Ann and Dnsna Lynch i accompanied their cousin. Mr.s L. Crook of Memphis, to Biloxl, for two weeks vacation Mrs.

Broughton InvtU, and son. Jhnn. left Tuesrlav for Orange where they will visit Mr. and Mr.s. Cooper Lovett and their family.

J. E. Craln has returned from the Methodist Hc.ip!t.i] In Memphis where she was patient several days. i Mr. and Mrs.

J. nrv i daughters. Jeanelte and Diane, re- i turned Tuesday from a visit with I his brother. William Perry ant! Mrs. Perry In Cape Girardeau and his Mrs, Noah Eaker.

nnd family In Chaffce. Mo. Mrs. Maurice Lynch announced lhal the Mid-South Btoodmobile 1 Unit is scheduled to visit Wilson Sepl. 17.

Mrs. Lynch is chairman of i the blood rtrive in Wilson. I Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Ray of Jonr.sboro were the guests of her i parents.

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Slan- rod.

and family. Sunday. Miss Barbara Adams of Joiner' was the week end guest of Miss Mrs L. Blaylock ol Sunny Veil, was the guest of her son. Gordon Keen, and family last 1-er-k Her mother.

Mrs. Virgil Houseman nf Bnoneville. Mrs Koy Cash of Dyess and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cartwrichl, and son.) Ronnie, of Welllnghurc.

also were gue.sfs In the Keen home during the week. Mis. James Reert and daughter Semiioa, of Hanvell. visited Mr. anrt Airs.

M. Woodyard Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert chandler of Memphis.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cole of Greenville. and Lester and Clyde Chlndler of filalne, were (he (jucsl.s of Mr. and Mrs' Alex Goble Thursday.

Mr. anrt Mr.s. Burnett McDaniel anrt sons anri Mrs. Marie Johnson anrt daughter. Sissy of Holland, were the week end of his sou.

Lnmnr McDanlel, and his I family. Mr. and Mrs, McDanlel were called 10 Arkansas Thursday due lo! 'he death of his brother. Arlie Mr- Daniel, at his home near Crawfordsville. Mr.

and Mrs. Lnmar Mr- nariiel attended his uncle's funeral Friday at West Memphis. Burial was In Critlcndcn Memorial! Cemetery. Arnold McDanlel of Wilson, a nephew, also Mr.s. Arnold McDanlel was called to Tyronza.

last Tuesday, rtue to the death of her fll-year-olrl granrt- fa'hcr, Jones Coals, at Ihe home of his riauchlcr. Mr Conf.s and his celebrated their 71st wedding anniversary this year Mr, and Mrs. Jim F.stcs spent the week end in Balrtwyu. Miss Mr. anil Mrs.

Hershenl Ranks anrt family of Aloha. Tenn spent the werk end wilh her mother. Mrs T. Stephens. H.

M. Woodyard. of Helena is visiting her sons. M. H.

Marshall and Harry Woortyard, and their families. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Nolnn and daughter, ann. also nf Helena, accompanied her to Wilson, for the werk end. Mr.

and Mrs. Marshall Woodyard and children, Joe. Patricia and Elizabeth, spent, the week end with her parents, Mr. anrt Mr.s. Jnhn Stout, in Jackson.

Miss. Mr. and Mrs. J. C.

Phillips anri baby of Little Rock were the week end guests of Mr. anrt Mr.s. J. Henderson nnd their family. Mr.

and Mrs. Marshall Conner nnd children. Cheran Elizabeth and Tommy, have returned lo their home in Mnnetle alter spending last week with her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. B.

p. Boyles. anri family, other guests In the Boyles home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Buford Boyles.

nnd daughter. Eleanor Suzanne, and Mr. and Mr.s. Byron Robinson and son, Jerry, all of Memphis. Those from Wilson who attended the Assoclatlonal Hymn Sing in Blylhcvillr- Sunday afternoon Included Mr.

and Mrs. Ed Williams and daughter. Jo Lee. Nanette. Webb, Jean Greenwell.

the Rev. D. B. Bledsop and children. Benny and Nancy, Mrs.

Johnny Manker and daughter. Nlta Faye. Polly Deer. Mrs. (Jenc Smith, Carole Gerald Perry.

Genolse McNab'j. Hugh -Stephens nnd the Rev. Carroll Evans. The Rev. Mr.

Evans led Mr. and Mrs. Pepper and sister-in-law. Mrs Erline Flhridze children. Jerry and Nancv.

of em and family. and Frances en rteno I compBnlcd th Shirley Ann Johnson Ls Unnounre" theVAh dShier her ntl and 23 ,1 their home In Wilson i Read Courier News Classified Ads; A BETTER ATA MASS MARKET PRICE! NEW LOW COST STREAMLINED BEAUTY RUGGED CONSTRUCTION LEAK PROOF EASY TO INSTALL COOL IN SUMMER PROTECTION IN WINTER ROY HACKITrT NEW ALUMINUM HIWASSE AWNING MtMIMM ROOK nf "Hy-irab-src, with the arrwbcad label' Sold in Blytheville by AUSTIN WICKER 112 South 1st St. Come! Hear! Or TUNE-IN And Listen! BIG OPENING RALLY PINE BLUFF TAYLOR FIELD Saturday, June 28 8:00 P. 'til 9:00 P.M. Every vvorrl will pucV a punch.

Hear trie TRUE story of Arkansas' remarkable record of progress diirinj the V-Malr. administration. The FACTUAL issues of this campaign will he stripped of their poliiical trappings. McMath has (he answers the TRUTH WILL BE TOLD. FOR SALE Concrete cnlvfrU, 12 Inrh to 41 inch.

nr refnforrcrt. Alsn Tonrri-tp niilMIn; Blni-Vit chrap- lumber for rhlrk- rrn housrs, pnmp honswj, tenant houses, tonl shrds. Vi'r deliver. Cnll us (or free estimate. OSCEOLA TILE CULVERT CO.

Phone 601 'hf. Wilson croup In special se-! Isctlon "He Lives" Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trammel fpent' ihe week end at Reelfoot Lake in Mr. and Mis w.

Harris and family had as their overnight guests Thursday, his linn brother. Dr. LindelJ O. Harris, nnrt Mrs Harris and children. David and Linda, nr Harris a Baptist Missionary in Hawaii, and he and his are in Ihe United States on a furlough They were enrnnte lo Homer, from Cape Girardeau.

where they are making Iheir guest In Ihe Harris home last week was her aunt. Mrs. Anders, of Eurtora, Ark. Mrs. Bnnnie Murphy and baby returned Friday from St.

Louis er visiting relatives. Bufnrrl Roylc.s nnd Mrs nillv Royles visited Mr. and Mrs Buford noyle.s and baby. Eleanor Siiz- I anne, In Memphis Thursday nleht Mr. anrt Mr.s.

A Piliman have relumed (rom a (no necfcs visit I with relalvics in Dallas and Hon---' Ion. Texas, New Orleans, Gull-! pori and Hatlicsburg. Miss. In Dallas they were (he guests of inelr I daughter, Mrs. p.

A. Rurkncr and' Mr. Riickncr and in Houslon they i visited her brother. Davis and family. Gordon Keen visited Mr, and Mrs.

Roy Joiner and family In St. I Louis two days last week Mr. anrt Mrs. Parker Bowers mil sons. Dannv and Jimmy, ami i(nh- ert Camper sprnl Sunday at Fairgrounds in Memphis Mr.

and Mrs w. Wadsworth and family nf West Memphis and daughter, Mrs Paul Johnxm, and Mr. Johnson of Ppringlh-lri, veiled friends here Sunday i Mr. anrt Mrs. s.

A. Rcginold have 1 returner! to their home In Columbus. after visitmj their (i.iueh/er. Mrs Jerry CuIIo'm. and family.

Mrs. Cullom and daughter, Peesy accompanied them home for visit. Elaine Clark accompanied her aunt. Mrs. James Davis dallgh- te rto their home in New Orleans, for a visit.

Mr. anrt Mrs. nay were Ihe week end guests of her mother Mrs. J. DeLnca.

in Memphis. Mr.s. j. c. Jordan and children, Jerry and Joy.

of Memphis are tl.e suests of her brother. Alvin Fuller nnd family. Week end Mr'. and Mrs. Fuller were his sister, Mrs.

Ed Sullivan, and Mr. Sullivan of Chirajto. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Archey and daughters.

Keilh anrt Allyson. who are movinp; from Memphis to Dallas, Texas, were eiicsus of Mr. and Jim Germany at a plrnlc supper on the lawn of their homn Tuesday eveninc. Mr. and Mrs.

Jimmy Hartrich ol Wilson also quests. Wake Up To More Comfort Without Nosing nm Don't Buy ANY Furnace Till You've Seen i The New Automatic Coleman With Amazing Blend-Air NEW BtEND-AIR is a new amazzng-ly better way to give vou blended warm air for a hetter heated homo. Its performance has already been proved in homes all over the cold-weather belt." AUTOMATIC COLEMAN with BLEND-AIR produces even, comfortable heat wilh really orrn floors; it cuts waste of heat at ceilings; it gets nnore usable heat ant! more comfort from the furnace. ut show you how an auto- maticColcman BLEND-AIR, gives more heating comfort with a substantial saving in installation costs. What Secret DDK The Wall Htdo Between Thete "Magic Grilles" 1 FRANK SIMMONS TIN SHOP 117 S.

Broadway Phone 2651 here Pine Bluf( If OU nn 1 Nearest Local Radio Stations: KLCN Rebroadcast 2 till 3 p.m. Sunday tt-EUCT GOVrfiHOR I'nliliral AdvrrlMne for d.icy nf SW Paid for ii, Henry ramp.iign man- ill 1 Little Rnrk, Ark. I DIDN'T until my neighbor told me that the best place to find terrific is in the COUKIfR classified ads. I know always read theml Ads placed before 9 a.m. will appear same All classified advertising payable in advance.


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