The Daily Herald from Chicago, Illinois • Page 24
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- The Daily Heraldi
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- Chicago, Illinois
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- 24
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Register nvainxin ov AT BKNBBNVILLE, ILL. DiiBnBQ every uy O. PADDOCK SONS VIUIJAI, SECTIONS 12 PAGES $3.00 PER YEAR LIONS CARNIVAL SEPTEMBER Loon campaigns ate organized Every home 1 to be visited September 9 "Back the attack" is the tJ that has been adopted for 3rd War Bond Drive. The of this territory are "blacking the attack" by sponsoring a page announcement of the coming drive, which appears page ot thU issue. Other firms will sponsor ilor pages the coming three weeks.
Every home, in cities, villages and among the farms will be visited by war bond salesmen during UCl month ol September, If the local committees do what Is expected of them. That la the word that has gone out from the ury department. With few excep lions patriotic men and women hJUjo been found In every school dlwrict in the community of north Du Page county who will direct 'the campaign their respective In Roselle, Itasca and ilensen- ville established war bond cam- committees will be culled ''into service again. Both local banks, Itasca Slate bank and Roselle State bank, are taking tho lead in backing the campaign to raise more funds in support of the war effort. These banks n.U«e no profit providing these 1 'bonds to tho public but are using facilities and their staffs as patriotic contribution to their country.
This is a patriotic call made by tf government. Acceptance of the job as a bond salesman places tho worker on thr front line of the home front, visited by salesman should bear in mind that they are receiving a representative of tho government in homo or place of business. Organisation meetings arc be ing held in all communities this week. The drive starts September 'J, but word has been received that ail bonds purchased since Sept. 1 will apply on quotas.
iCtcmember, pledges do not mean The third war loan drive Is the largest hitherto attempted by the United States. Going ALL OUT FOR INVASION means getting guns, supplies, food, clothing, and etiiiipment to our boys at the front. (J buying morew ar bonds than over before here at home. Given quotas are tho minimum. Every town is encouraged to go over the top.
And In this drive, tho quota is non-banking. The UrMk's pledged funds are not considered a part of the total. Bensenville is cited lor its jtriotism by U. S. A citation from the War Production hoard at Washington in commemoration of Bensonvllle's efforts In the national scrap drive i past year, Sept.
to -fept, li)4y, was received this by Julius Uoettchur, chair- nun of tho local salvage commit- Liensenvilli- furnished the Gov- during this period 0,640 j)Uiiul8 of tin and y.30,000 pounds 125 tons of scrap. As the schools open again, they be made the centers of tin leposits and pickups, the salvage hairman declares. Homemnkers iv- also reminded that the C'-nfment continues the request for ill unused fats available, rats are 'in essential in the manufacture of explosives mul will be paid for by local meat dealer where they ire to be taken. 1 ffir cadet killed in fall Irorn training plane 1 Francis TutTe, an avitttioii cadet Olonvicw Naval Air station wus Killed Tuesday afternoon when ho 'ell from a training plane near he Arlington Heights auxiliary told. His parents arc Mr.
and Mrs. A large corps of naval men searched for the body through a Held on the S. E. Karstcn farm, which adjoins the auxiliary ihv field. Taffe equipped with 0Vs)amehute, but no attempt had made to open it.
line woman Mat graduated as CPA Miss Jeanette 13. Harm of Pal- tine was among 42 Illinois citi- 'anB granted certificates as purified public accountants at a leeting of the University of II-- board of trustees today. The Vtrrrveraity is entrusted by act of he legislature with giving these xuminatioiis. Certificates were warded today uok Urn persons iu Mu. Servim at Paddock's A Western Union telegraph office has been again installed in the Paddock newspaper plant in Arlington Heights, Illinois, Paddock Publications has signed a contract with the company which has established teletype equipment in the business office of H.
C. Paddocks Sons, 217 West Campbell st. Special quarters apart from the newspaper office have been provided for Western Union business. Telegraph service through the local othce is available between 8.30 and 1:00 and 5:00 daily except Saturday, when the office closes at noon. All phone calls should be madu to 711, not the Publication office.
Wood Dole Schools go on two shifts Because of UKS jzrW increase in the enrollment Dale school dist. No. 7, the board of directors have been forced to put the school on two-shift basis. The term opens next Tuesday, Sept. 7, The double shift is absolutely necessary, directors point out, to relieve the overcrowded condition which would result in the loss of the school's superior rating and of state financial aid.
During the past, the school days consisted of rive hours of class work; with two grades to the room. This made an average of two and one half hours per grade. Under tho four hour shift, each grade will receive four hours of class work. This situation will continue only as long as it is necessary. As soon'as it is possible to go ahead with building, the will be submitted to the voters.
School hours for grades, 2, 4, 6 and 8--8 to 11:45 u. m. School hours for grades 1, 3, 5 and to 4:15 p. m. I' 1 or registration on Tuesday, September 7, grades 2, 4, 0 and 8 will Voport at 0:00 a.
m. and will be excused at 10:30 m. Grades 1, 3, 5 and 1, will report at 10:30 a. and will be excused at noon. This is a war emergency measure and full cooperation of Wood Dale parents is sought by the board of directors.
Town highway commissioners in secret meeting The nine highway commissioners from the townships in Du Page county the town clerks, met In Wheaton last week Friday to discuss the coming road budgets with Eugene L. Gates, county superintendent of The meeting was secret. Highway commissioners arc vitally interested in what will happen to the township roads, which serve as auxiliaries to county and state aid highways, now after 'the war. Township officers havo their post war planning to consider. Roselle youth graduates from naval hospital Kenneth L.
Sherman, 20, nor. of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Sherman, Rosello, was graduated this WCCK from the Hospital Corps School at the U.
S. Naval Hospital at Great Lakes. Sherman, une of a class of 482 men, is now rated as a hospital apprentice, second class. The graduates will continue training at Naval hospitals before being sent to duty at sea or at other shore stations. Willie found guilty ol manslaughter placed on probation Albert Wilkc, Palatine, charged with manslaughter for the killing of a boy, was found guilty in a bench trial before Judge Skarboro in the criminal court Wednesday morning.
Due to his age. no previous criminal record and the fact that he is a veteran of the first world war, the judge placed him on probation. He is prohibited from driving a car for a period of five yaars. This has been a queer summer. In this area the weathe- has sut a new record for heat and nolsture, in some parts of the state it has set a record for heat and dryness with gardens cooked and lawns and pastures burned dry.
The moisture has sure ihurricd along the corn crop despite a 'atu start, and what a those com fields are. Tax review may require 10,000 letters York recheck ordered by county board Just how long a time will be icquired to hold in regard to assessments on realty in York township has not been ascertained. The fact that assessments returned this year are more than $800,000 under those of last year and the determination of the board of supervisors to find out the reason is expected to result in considerable work for the board of review. The board of review must notify every property owner it wishes to interview with a special delivery letter. John J.
Kelly, chairman of the board of review as well chairman of the board of supervisory, estimated that it will retiuire between 10,000 and 12,000 of these special delivery letters. It is the opinion of members of the board of supervisors that these special delivery letters arc necessary since the signing of a receipt by the person to wTiom it is sent constitutes a valid record. No matter how long it takes to carry out the investigation, the board of review is prepared to go through with it, Mr. Kelly says, If the York township assessments permitted to stand, many taxing bodies will lose much needed revenue. Three of the township Supervisors who vigorously protested the lowering of valuations in York township this year are: Melville W.
UNnlayson of York township; N. Lies, Bloomingdale township, former chairman of the board, and Seymour Waterfall of Downers Grove township. Mr. Waterfall, pointed that Downers School Announcements For Bensenville Pupils the county coffers the second amount of taxes donated by any of the nine townships, York being the largest tax payers. However, with the present York valuations, there will be little difference between the tax amount paid by the two.
This lessening of York township valuations would work harijk ships, these supervisors believe, on many taxing bodies. The City of Elmhurst would al so suffer througih the lower val uations, the mayor and council of that city, authorizing investigation in regard to the lowered valuations. Tioga has new corps ol teachers Joseph A. Monk of Lacon, 111., who received his Bach, of Education degree from the Illinois State Normal University and has done advanced work in the University of Illinois, will be the principal and teach social studies in the junior high school at Tioga. Mr.
Monk taught for 5 years at Varna, 111., and for the past 8 years has been the superintendent of giade schools at Lacon where he was also prominent in civic activities, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Pilant a M. A. degree from the University of Hawaii and a doctor's degree In educational psychpldgy from the University of California.
She- has had 8 weeks 8 years experience teaching English and for tho past 3 years has been dean of women at the Western Illinois State Teachers College at Macomb. Mrs. Pilant, who lives in Chicago, will teach English in the junior high. Mrs. Grace Fenton will teach mathematics at Tioga, She has a B.
A. degree from Carthage College, Carthage, Illinois, and previous to her marriage to the late P. C. Fenton, former superintend-' ent of schools, she taught mathematics and commercial subjects in the Bensenville high school, Miss Clara Martinson, of Villa I'ark, has ihad 8 years experience tho Villa Park schools, subsequent to her graduation from Wheaton College where she received a Bach, of Science degree. She i teach science and art.
Miss Rena Rodda, of Elmhurst, graduated from Elmhurst college spring with a B. A. degree. She has had practice teaching in -he Elmhurst schools and will teach the 6th grade at Tioga. The Board of Education was recently informed of the resignation of Miss Alice Paulsen, for- net- Oth grade teacher, and a new teacher is now being sought to tukc her place.
Miss Astrid Pearson of Elmhurst, with a B. A. degree from Wheaton college will teach 5th grade here. She has had a year's experience teaching the intermediate grades in Brookfield. The three remaining teachers who are returning to Tioga are Miss Henrietta Robb, 5th grade teacher, Miss Dorothy Bemhard and Miss Mary Snell, who will teach the 4th grades.
Of the 16 former teachers at Bensenville grade schools, but five are returning. Elementary Schools The Bensenville Elementary schools, both Green st. and Tioga, will open Tuesday, Sept. 7, at 9 a Each teacher will be in her own room where she will enroll the pupils who should report to Pupils from Miss, Mcfiroom's room wik report to Miss Bemhard. Thosefrom Miss Felber's room will report to Miss Snell in the Tioga building.
I The rentals are as follows; Grades 1-6 inclusive, Grades 7 and 8, $2.25. This provides all texts and textbook material for the entire year. Pencils, erayorfs, scratch-paper and other minor necessities are purchased by the pupils, Pupils in the first three grades will enroll at the Green Street school. Pupils in grades four through eight will enroll at the Tioga school. In case of question on the specific placement of certain pupils, consultation may be had with the school office.
First grade pupils must be six years old by January 31, 1044. Parents or guardians-are required to provide one of the following 1 (1) birth certificate, (2) baptismal certificate, or (3) an affidavit showing the legal age of the child ift. question. All these preliminaries should be taken care of Tuesday. To reduce waiting tinfe -for parents coming with first grade pupils, it is suggested that those wnose lagt names begin with the letters through come between the hours of 9 and 10; through between.
10 and 11; through between 11 and.U:30. The bus service for those living more than one mile and'a half from the school, wil begin again as usual on Tuesday morning. Pick-ups will be made the first day without the requirement of passes. The elementary schools will opeif- ate one-half day on Tuesday, forenoon only, during, whiph time the pupils will be enrolled, book rentals collected and books issued. The make the return trip on Tuesday at noon.
On Wednesday, the full, regular classroom program will begin. High School The Bensenville Community high school will open Tuesday, September 7, with a general meeting of all students in the auditorium at 8:30 a. Following this meeting the regular program will be carried with shortened periods to complete the usual day's program by noon. Pupils will report to their regular classes arid receive books and' assignments, during these shortened periods. The payment of all rental fees and final registrations should be completed before Tuesday morning.
iThe book rental fee for all high pupils is $4.50, payable in full in advance. One dollar of this amount is a deposit fee which will be returned at the close of the school year if all of the books are returned in good condition. Considerable money and a great deal labor has been invested in repair and rebinding of books this summer. Some new sets are being purchased. Pupils are fully responsible for the care of the books which they use.
It is nee that they present the re ceipt slips to the teacher in each class in order to obtain their books. At the Tuesday morning assembly all necessary final information and instructions will be given for new pupils as well as old. Beginning Wednesday morning at 8:05, the full regular program will be carried on. The high school bus will make its first regular trip starting at the usual time Tuesday morning. The return trip for the high school bus Tuesday will start shortly after 12:30, Pupils who live more than miles from school may obtain bus service Tuesday without the usual pass.
MfTProspect Pioneer Dies, Well Known Here Mr. William Kirchhoff, whose father was one of the pioneer settlers of Wheeling township, died Saturday morning, August 28, aged 82 years, 9 days. Funeral services' were held Tuesday afternoon at Mt, Prospect Lutheran church with interment in the Lutheran cemetery. Those left to mourn his departure are his wife, Marie, three sons, Louis, William and George, all farmers on Central rd, Mt. Prospect; three daughters, Mrs.
Sophia Zersen, Itasca; Mrs. Louis Freise, Palatine, and Mrs. Laura Stier, Mt. Prospect; 26 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren. School Director One of the 'first civic jobs that Mr.
Kirchhoff undertook, was that of school director of the new school district No. 57, which gave the newly formed village of Mt. Prospect, a school of its own. It was formed from territory that was previously included in Fee- hanville, District 68 and Des Plaines. Mr.
Kirchhoff became a school director at the organization of the district, remaining on its board 35 years. He helped to build the original building and the four room brick structure. He was always a friend of education. Years after his retirement from the school board he displayed interest as a private citizen in the welfare of the local school system. William Kirchhoff was the "father" of drainage in this part of Cook county.
By invitation, he was one of the original dramuge commissioners of Wheeling Drainage district and was one of the organizers of Weller Creek Drainage district, taking the blunt of the work attendant to court approval of the plans. He served both of the districts as commissioner many years. These two districts today furnish adequate drainage for a large farm territory in the neighborhood of the village of Wheeling and in northern Elk Grove township, including the village of Mt. Prospect. He visualized the future of adequate drainage that would transform average farm land into truck gardens that would double and triple the value of the land itself.
Ham sandwich may be yours Thanksgiving Uncle Sam has promised every man and woman in the U. S. Armed forces a Thanksgiving day turkey dinner. For that reason, the government has frozen turkeys. Keith Chidley, largest turkey- farmer in northern Cook county, is a man who takes an active interest in his industry.
He has explained just why Uncle Sam needed to freeze the turkey crop. It seems that ten to 14,000,000 pounds of turkey will be needed for the armed forces at home and abroad during the Thanksgiving season. From two to 3,000,000 pounds will be needed by Sept. 15 for shipment to further-distant four corners of the world where American forces are stationed, When turkey men heard these stipulations, they realized that early shipment meant many birds would have to be "finished off" very quickly. So they gladly agreed to put a complete lid on the entire turkey industry until government needs are filled.
Organized turkey raisers are cooperating with the government and: are encouraging all others to do likewise. The sooner the required pledge to the government can be filled, the sooner the turkey ban will be lifted and the industry will return to normal. So should you be unable to get a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, you'll know that some fellow in a far off part of the world is getting yours. Mr. 'Chidley 'suggests that you settle for a ham sandwich-now he can explain where to find ham! American legion convention inpressions by A LEGIONNAIRE The American Legion held its State Convention for the year 1942-43 in Chicago on Aug.
28-2930. The Legionnaires held their headquarters at the Sherman hotel, while the auxiliary met at the Morrison. The citizen thinks of a Legion Convention as a time for the members to burst out in fun and pranks, with perhaps a lot of water squirting, confetti and confusion in general. The convention delegates this year conducted themselves with great decorum and there was practically no excitement, either on the streets or in the hotels. What little merry making there was, took place privately in the hotel rooms.
Even the Sunday parade was almost a solemn affair. The crowds were there; yes, but in their hearts were thoughts of other men marching, not on parade, but into battle, perhaps never to return. The tone of the whole affair was sad. At meetings the leaders displayed great earnestness and sincerity in carrying out their programs, and inspired the hundreds of delegates with new ambitions and enthusiasms to carry back to their poets all over the state. Among the many prominent speakers, Mrs.
Alfred Mathabet of California and American Legion Legion Auxiliary National President, was most outstanding. She is a woman of great force, power (Continued on Page 3) Begin $3,000 Improvement on Green St. Bensenville expects to conquer "jinx" The Green Street Improvement project in Bensenville which calls for an outlay of some -f 3,000 will begin next week, village officials said yesterday. This improvement which is to extend from the end of the pavement on East Green Street to County Line Road, nearly a mile in length, will be paid for entirely out of motor fuel tax refunds received from the state highway department. Everybody in Bensenville is familiar with this particular stretch of roadway which has caused village authorities and highway engineers more headaches and has cost more in upkeep than any like stretch in this locality.
The fact is that it has become such a "jinx" that even engineers cross their fingers when they state conclusions about it. This time, however, the is that they ''have it licked. The present project is the result of the combined efforts of state and county engineers and village engineer Al Nelsen. Because of the swampy terrain, excessive moisture has undermined every roadbed that has been devised. Now telephone poles have been set back and a wider grade is being used.
Three layers of crushed limestone will be laid on the roadbed, coarse, medium and fine. On top of this the specifications call for a coating of calcium. The job is expected to be finished in a short time, i Wm. F. Brechlin, aviation machinist, home on furlough F.
Brechlin, libh machinist mate 2nd class, stationed at San Diego, came to Bensenville last week for his moth er's funeral and is spending a short furlough here with his family and friends. When he returns he wjll apply for active duty on a Navy PB-4-Y patrol bomber, the equivalent of the Army B-24, Young Brechlin, a graduate of Bensenville high school class of '42, enlisted a year ago and en tered service at Great Lakes. From there he was transferred to the Ford Motor Company aircraft school at Dearbo'n, thence to his pfesent station. Bob Johnson and Archie Jennings, former schoolmates, are in the same area in California, but he has not been able to locate them yet. He did enjoy a brief visit with Ralph Los Angeles, however, he says.
He visits William Rands, a former Milwaukee Road employee at Bensenville, frequently at his home in Ventura, Hands is now working in the Navj switch yards. His brother, Robert, a senior at Bensenville high, has successfully passed his examinations for the Army air corps and expects to enter the service upon his graduation. Their late mother, llrs. Gertrude Brechlin, saw service in the last war as an army and their father served in the armed foi'ces. Lincoln school registration Tuesday, Sept.
7 All Lincoln school students of Dist. No. 1, will register Tuesday, Sept. 7, at 10 a. m.
They will be dismissed at noon. First grade pupils are to bring proof of age. Each student is urged to bring his book rental fee Tuesday morning. The fee for the first four grades is $2.25 and for the upper four grades $2.50. Any student who intends to work at farming for a while will please register on Tuesday so that arrangements can be made for his year's studies.
Bensenville group hear revenue man explain procedure At least 100 Bensenville income taxpayers will know exactly how to make out their estimated reports to the federal revenue department September 15. This number of people heard Conrad Kaar- etsen, Elgin, from the internal revenue department, discuss the ramifications of the new income tax procedure at the high school Wednesday night. The meeting was sponsored by the Bensenville OCD organization. Those in doubt as to whether should file a return, should "ile by all means, the speaker advised. Corrections and adjustments required, can be made in the Dec.
15 filing. The point to remember is that this year's income taxes from incomes such as salaries, wages, are due and payable this year, 1943. Airman dies in action Mrs. Leonard Baumgartner was notified by the war department Wednesday that her husband, Staff Sgt. Leonard A.
Baumgartner, was kilte.d in action Aug. 17 in che European war zone. He is the fourth Bensenville man to die in the service of his country during the present war. On his way overseas the Flying Fortress, "Pistol Packing Mama," on which he was assistant radio operator, was forced down in Chicago due to weathet conditions and Mrs. Baumgartner was able to see him for a short time.
The Fort and its crew landed in England about July 16, and it is believed that Sgt. Baumgartner was killed on first raid. Sgt. Baumgartner lived for 12 years at the Evangelical home for children and was graduated from the Bensenville high school in 1940 where he was a star athlete basketball and track. On March 3, 1942, he was married to Miss Dorothy Wagner at Sioux Falls, S.
where he was in training. He had but one 3 day furlough over July 4th, which he spent with his wife in Bensenville. Besides his wife Dorothy, daughter of Mrs. Loura Olsen, Sgt. Baumgartner is survived by two sisters, Mrs.
Martha Helmold of Itasca, and Mrs. Viola Nichols of Benvyn and three brothers, Emnmck of Itasca, Roy of Bensenville and Staff Sergeant Orland Baumgartner who has been in England for the past two years. Although Leonard had talked on the phone to his brother after his arrival in England, he had not been able to meet him. Sgt. Baumgartner would have been 22 years old October 31.
Dogs kill 07 sheep; loss is over $2,000 Damage estimated at $2,000 was caused by dogs who broke into two sheep flocks in the Barrington vicinity early Monday morning, killing a total of 87 animals and wounding seven others. Most of the loss was suffered in a flock of Jewel Tea where 86 sheep were destroyed. The other raid was staged on the farm of the late Alfred L. Eustice, near route 59 south of Barrington, where one animal was killed and seven others injured, one so badly that it probably will die. Workmen from the J.
H. Catlow company, who were working on the Jewel grounds, discovered the damage there about 7:15 o'clock Monday morning. From a distance of a quarter-mile they spotted a lone dog in the field which they believed to be of German police breeding. The dog and probably some companions evidently had gotten through the fence during the night and wreaked havoc among the 300 animals penned there. The pasture is south of the Jewel buildings, the western edge bordering Northwest highway.
Of the sheep destroyed, 40 were Oxford and Dorset ewes which had been bred to Corriedale rams, and 46 were lambs, both ewes and rams. Dogs 'have raided Jewel flocks several times in the past, but Monday's was the first for this year. The damage done was the largest in any single raid. Roy Upton, manager of the Eustice farm, said that three dogs which were discovered among the flock about 7:45 o'clock Monday morning had been positively identified as belonging to John Laux, who lives on Bartlett a short distance south of the Eustice place. One dog was a female, part police, and the other two were her pups, over a year old, part police ajid, part bird dog.
Workmen on the Eustice' shot one of the dogs as thejjrgpur- prised the raiders, and the animal ran away and hid. He had npt; come home Monday night when Upton called at the Laux place. 48 mile bike race Sunday, Sept. 12 The Edison Park Wheelmen's annual race will be held Sunday, Sept. 12, in Mt.
Prospect. The race will begin on Main outside of Busse's garage at 1 p. m. Fifty to seventy riders will follow the 48 mile course on Northwest highway to Dundee then on to Rand and Elmhurst, and finally back to the garage on the highway. They will cover the course three times and will be escorted by motorcycle police.
Frank Schott, president of the wheelmen, announces that, "Due to the war, only a few trophies will be given. The remaining 20 awards will be war bonds." Two orchestras and band; games, and contests Free guest tickets are now available There's going to be plenty of star spangled rhythm as two snappy orchestras and Bensenville's own municipal conceit band strike their holiday notes at the Bensenville Lions annual carnival Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Sept. 4, 5, 6. Koebbeman's pavilion will be the scene of this Labor Day attraction. Free guest tickets issued by the Bensenville Lions- club are now- available to the public at the various business houses.
These tickets permit their holders to in the holiday awards to be made every night. Enough free tickets have been distributed so that every member of the family can have one if they are picked up before the supply is exhausted. There will be dancing every night vith itosie's orchestra providing the tunes Saturday night and Homer's Melody Boys saying it in music Sunday and Monday evenings. The Municipal concert band, under the direction of Lynn Huffman, has an appropriate program to begin at 5 p. m.
Sunday afternoon. Besides a full program of dancing and music, the Lions program committee announces an extraordinary array of holiday fun events. These include races for all, contests and amusements. Impersonator fails to convince Du Page deputy Bernard Saville, 19, whose impersonation of a U. S.
Naval aviator was pierced by -Sheriffs Deputy Edward tange in 5 a tavern adjacent ito West Chicago, Saturday has gone back to Akron, Ohio, to answer larceny charge. The boy admits -stealing $150, the charge is was unlawfully There's no question that Saville masqueraded, so far as he was able, as a member of the armed forces. Somewhere east of Wheaton and west of Melrose, Saville enters scene so far as Du Page county is concerned. He was given a ride by Al Hawker of Wheaton. Saville told Hawker a wild tale of being a navy aviator whose plane was forced down near Chicago.
A checkup by Alan A. Myers, chief investigator for the office of State's Attorney Lee E. Daniels, showed that Saville was wanted in Akron. The police of city were notified and Ray Prease, "Akro'n detective came after Saville. Saville that he tried to enlist in the United Statjes army but that he was Sc- count of physical disability.
'uniform" when captured consist- id of a blue navy shirt and cap, but for the rest, just "civics." 8 lire companies will compete a in water lights'- A picked crew from Bensenville's volunteer will participate in water fight contests at Arlington Heights Labor Day week-end where eight departments will compete for a prize of $23. Bensenville meets Lake Zurich Saturday evening and Long Grove will meet Barrington. Palatine will meet Mt. Prospect on Sunday evening with Vernon opposing Des Plaines. The finals will-take place Monday night between the four winners.
A special water fight will be staged Sunday afternoon at two o'clock, between employees of Poole's garage and members of Arlington Heights auxiliary fire department. Arlington Heights firemen, as their custom, wilt close tnf season's festivals', and parts Labor Day wjeek-end picnic at Recreation ISOk-JXEhe 1 firemen'call it a picnic but it will have many of the earmarks' of a festival with games, Jprizes and rides. A special feature- will be Jhe water fights that will start at seven o'clock each evening. Flower show in Villa Park The seventh annual- Fall Flower Show of the Men's Garden Club of Villa Park will be held on September 11 and 12, in the jymnasium of the Ardmore School, Harvard and School Villa Park. This event staged by 280 members of-this club-usually has between 1,500 to 2,000 en- Ties of flowers and vegetables grown outdoors by amateurs in small home gardens.
There is no admission charge -or entry fee. )pen to the public Saturday, 11 3 p. m. to 9 p. rrL Sunday, 9 a.
m. to.7 p. m. J..
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