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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 18

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Axcr- whim i-rvxr that HtA0 YOO AM. of TvtA.r fcoLO eeerAM- I HAMe IT MW11H book. -ce: Up Father HefkJC. IT Fred Blackburn Get Residue NCW YORK OTX After Charitable Bequest. 00; k7Ttrv-fm I ITlVWIfVl afV-A Tb.

will of Slrt Mary Ann tlock-turn, tiled fof probate III the Bur-fi'ate Court ua balurdey. dispose of an eetat of fss.ios. Aftsr pishing several bequest to various char liable Institution ths will Imvh all Ilia residue aire. Blackburn sua. Frederick Hamilton Blackburn, -uf Ottawa.

Mra. Blackburn was 111 widow of Sir. itobert Blackburn who died Ih Ottawa iMinUr 14, mil. TUv will waa dated una It. 1U.

Ap-tilioatloa fo probata waa mad by Mary Alberta UlackMrw. nooeri l-annox Blackburn Btackbur. With Wpecial and Russell i Th charitabls Institutions who ill ben.nt by tbe WIU ar th Horn for rrrendles woman, Satis- Or phaiis' Uom of Ottawa, ISO; Ma Kay Praabytartan Church. tloo; Homo Missions of tbs Western Division of lh lrbylriaa Churcji in Canada, tl.OOO. Tha eelate, which waa all personal, ooualata mostly of Mocks.

Mra. ttlsckburo waa owner 14 aharaa of Bank of Mora Hoot la stock valued at and ISS ihun of Ottawa Traction Company atock valued at Kb aiao died la pam-, alon of 14 aharaa of atock la tha ftuasell House company, holding company fur lb Kuaaall Hotel, which ar valued at I a ahara or a toUl of 14.14a.' Har ahara la tha ft lack bora Brothers mica propert la velutd at FOPULAR KMIAN REMOVEBBY DEATH Joseph E. Langloii. Aged 38, Pastes Away In Quebec. Tit death occurred In Ousbeo City Huiviav, a.ot-ning of Mr.

Joek Lute iui, aged wall kwwi ottnwa club man. after a Ungerlag Ulnes. Mr. Iengloi death, wttirh waa not uaeaaected cauaed mk IHUTOW aVItlOnK hi taaHT CilXl frimda. Th body will brwiflu to Ottawa for hurt a li.gU4 was bora at Moat-fnanr.

a.nd earn to Ottawa vrllli hi iMuronu whoa a boy. a rd ut wli a boa or from Ottawa rlv4trUjr. Ho hmm bee ot iuir a OttAa rproonlitro of too Motitreul Arm of tb rederal Papor (unipony fur li year. Ho iu marrted In JM to Him Jeaaa Horn of Ottawa. Ho waa a aublto spirited Iten and look keen lotaroot la public ma it fro, waa' a tuombor of th Klwanie Club, Uta Knight of Columbus, Champ Lain Coancil.

tho trench Canadian I not ha to and tho Ottawa Hunt and Motor Club. Ho waa a devoat Catholi and attended Hoart Church. Ho la aurrlvod bf hia wlfo and on daughter, Mario; bio falhor, Wr. lAnaiolo, of Ottawa; thro brothers, Mr. Joan Charloa Lavvloia, barrlator of Bucklnahnt; A-modvo and A if rod Tang tola, of Ottawa; aad two aiatora.

Mra. J. O. Pftponaud and Mra. A.

lo3halii, of Ottawa. bAXTa TUlM. VkAAJUL CAKDirr, Waloa. t. dian Fraoa Cable.) Scotland boat Waloa at rugbr bora thta aftornoon 11 to be or opoctatora.

Tho tarn waa playod undar tdaal condition, tho (round botaa; Urm aad tho waather Ano. mm (Coprrffat M20) HcAlina -alutniutuh' iusuii. Keg. H50. "Willi brown Wcllerware ijisort.

11... ill 1- OVERHEATED PIPES CAUSEMANY FIRES iremen Kept Busy During Cold SptlL M'ilh lh eol4 drop lu tamtiar' tura otcf tha waak-and, (urnaraa war worked avarUm throughout tha city to kaep bomaa warm and flraman war kept buay la puttlix oat small blasaa 4u to chimney fire aad OTrtiated stov plpa TIM moat eerloua fir, cauaad by an orarhaaUd alora pi pa. occurred at lb boat of Jo. Albert, La daroux ktunday mornln at 14. The fir want up lualda lh walla and tha firemen bad raub difficulty la rwohlnc It.

Ounaa la aaumalad at- 04. Another from aa. arrheated atov pip Wok out at lh West End 1 liar land atreet. at Ml bl Balurday. Number II fir i etatlon Oktinsulahad tit.

blaa bo for It beam danfrou. Two fala alarme war phoned to tk. oepartanonu Horn on tal-PM la to tho fir alarm office aetorday ntnii tl 4 14 that tar waa a fire at J77 Mt. An-4rw otraol. iram.a from Number fl fir otaUoa Inveatlgated aad foenal a oax bad aeat III am owt a a W'ld ooa ehaaa.

Xum-bor awwaw alalia) firaman InvaatK rtal a wall a ta bom ot J. kViln-nil, 41 1 iWataer etreat, an hour oariler. They Sound that anow on lh roof waa ataamlng from lha beat of tow rhimnoy. This bad boft vilatakau for amoka. Tha abimway flraa, nona of which war dancetoo.

Included tha fol-lowlna: At 114 p.m. Balurday, at the homo of A. Carrier, 14 8u Joaaph atrl; ot p.m. Balur day, at th bom of U. Morrow, rowii avenue: at I-S7 p.m.

Saturday, at 4t Albert street, occupied by B. Mtewarti at T.SS p.m. alurday, at ih ham of J. 118 Bay alrwet: at 14 4 am. Munday.

at ill at. fatrlok atreet, ocouiiled by T. Laplante; at S.4S p.m. aunday. at tho iwoldenc of M.

Boakay, TtS aomeratt atraat. flADlO CtlMCKHT. A moat enjnyabla radio concert wa broadcaatrd from th Teat Room of th of Marina and Flatteries aaturday ttvenlhg. Th program oonaiatad of orchaa- Ira BBlectlons and nolo offerluga Horaowhal of a povelty aa far aa local radio concerts ar ooncerned waa Bucceaarully accompllahad In tha broaucaeling of a baaplpa aelec tlon. Paint the Lily and It Pits! But wash with fcnrjg mlq and It lives, robeauttfied.

Clog the pan and they ceasa to breathe. But cleanse them, pore-deep, with gentle Fairy lather and they bring renewed health and vigor to tha skin. MABI IN CAMADA FAIRY SOAP HELPS THE BODY BREATHE QZaXfAIRBfNRISSEr gpod tea and particularly good in the ORANGE-PEKOE QUALITY, fine to the taste and economical in the pot. Aluminum Casseroles At Prices To Suit Your Purse $2.49 $3.75 PHONES THE ONCE OVER REV. ORR RENNET -t a.

i. tuiLUfi- DVMM AMU DlMMfcR OX THE PLVH-HtAUEU DICK EXPEDITION. "faaa where an erpoditioa baa left for the Junala of India on a pink-besdrd duck bunt," ohaervad Uow Dumin. puttin; down bio paper. "I'lnk-hraded durk tiunt!" A Ixrtt lunaiir.

In aurprlaa. "The very ni." replied Dunrmr It aaeau, thora ara a few pipk-hejided dueka la xiteno iu the whole world." "1 ehould IhluK a few would be mora than plenty," ahet baok Duwuier, 'Th expedition la determined to local them," continued Imtnrn, "and I coblldettt ot "I can think a pluk-headod duok would the ktat thing In Lh world anybody would be auaioua to louaie." remarked bummer. "It I Important that they be oaptured In tha eaua of u-plained Dunrni. "You don't om lu uuderatand that point." "A duok la a duck no matter what color Its bead happen to be." In-aie-ted punnar. Itnpatlautly.

"at- would be juet aa aenwrbl for you and I to organ le aa ewMdltlon to look for brunott oelrlchaa. purW-ared byenao or red. whlta and blua-tuaked rbltiuea. And wbat'a further. Ifa man feel that be rnuat locate a pink-headed duck lie can And more right bare lh Auterica than In India uuder preaent "NVhereT" dnnanded Dumm.

"Wherever you happen la open th bottle." rtplleo) tiuniruer. "Horn boolleggere I know will guarantee ou a flock of duuko'to tu pint and throw lu a couple of btue-whlokerej (aa lu th bargain "Th duaka I aoa apeaking of are the real thing," declared Dumm, and they are not bunted with cork screw." But what good la a pluk-headed duck after you gel It?" aaked Bum- mer. "Vou mat with a red-neaaea woodacker and get what known Barber fol euipe. xplaina Dunim, "How art those duck nuntMT" Baked Dumuter. not- eaay to catch Bk other ducka.

Moat ducka ar gentle and approachable, atom ar poat- lively affable. But th plnk-neaued one ar very farucloua. They aeern to know they have pink beads and hi makea-lheiu eery aor. in hunter lura them wtvb raw meat and then ahoot (lie tiff them." "Bhoot the k'a tneati" aaaea Dummer. "What forr' "The minute you ahoot the Off a pink-headed duck he bacomea a ln-haaded duck and devoid ot all ens.

You oan llico walk ght up aad pick him ua In your hand." -r "How slmplel" admitted Dummer. ''I only knew one man who over' hud a pliik-head-'d duck." eonilnued RESIfflSPASTORATE Presbytery Refers Matter To Calvir Church Congregation. Th resignation of ltr, Orr Ben-net, pastor for II year, of Calvin Prahytrlaa Church, has been tendered to Ottawa, Prbytry. His resignation has not. however, been accepted but will coin up for con.

deration at th meeting ot tb I'reebytery. Mr. Bennet wsa noncommittal last vning. when asksd sbuut th matter, stating that It would bs considered at th next ITtabytery meeting. The, exact oause of Mr.

Bennet'. action Is sot known, al though ha la credited with bsvlng expreaasd tb opinion that, perhaps, a new man la. Calvin Church would prove of hlp to the church. Calvin Church last year, however, showed marked spiritual and material lt Is und.ralood that tho congregation la by no moans unanimous fh agreeing, to th proposal ot Mr. Bennet to.leav tho chuff h.

In which hae workad so faithfully. The queatlon. It waa stated, was bing balloted on1 by th congregation and th reault would be mado known at Ih nxt Prbytry meeting. At this meeting th congregation wou'd be represented to have lis attitude on the matter presented. iter.

w. H. cramm. Moderator of Ih Ottawa Pre.bytei-y. sUted that whil Kav.

Orr Beimel's resignation had been submitted to th Psaby-tery at Ua la at meeting, he was not In a position to say whether It would be pressed. After it -bad been tendered tb congregation of Calvin Church bad been called together and it had doclded to ballot on whether or not It should be accepted. Definite aotlon would de pend probably on tho results ot Ih IS IlLUShKD BACKAMENT. Rv. i'sthe't John R.

O'Gortuan, D.C.U. P.P; of-Ht. PatHck'a Church, who delivered a lecture ou Tha Atonement at th Catholic Truth Woclety meeting last night. preached at high wiaes at 'Blessed Macrainent Cburch yesterday uiorn lng. Our January Bale Con tinned Into February Persian Imb OoaU Collars and ruffs of fin Alaska liable.

Iteg. (POOft I4U0, tDOasU ALFRED COTE 1HO Hldraa Bt. Phono H. The Home of Uo4 Fars' PHONES i VSeIbV Wbifct Th taws $15.00 mm 378480J8I Bank Street OvpoaUe tawls St, Tjunim, retulnlacwnlly. 'H apnt twlv yeara of harahlpa la tho African lungi bafor got It.

bl haought it loick home wtlb him to th'a country, but did uf a brokeu I I "Th duckT' aakad Dummer. "No, 111 uian," xpllnd Dumm. "It waa very palhatlo. waa vary proud of his oaptiv pink-beaded dock and would show It to all his neighbors and friends. 4ot they'd Juat.aniile and walk away." "WbyT asked pumracr.

I "They refused to Hi ere waa any such animal as pink-headed duck," sa'd Dumm. "Finally lie got tu th'nk he waa a liar hlmaelf and just collapsed and expired." "What will they do with th pink-headed duck thy eatcb on this iataal ekiirdltiunr 'They're going to put It In th Museum besd a bottl of Boagram'a "is." "Trr who! thing reminds ma of that rielelt Burgess ditty that runs something like this," concluded Dum- nt.r as ho raciiod: "I'vonever seen -a plnk-ha4 duck; 1 nvsr bou-to aa oaa, But this I'll tell you on my luck. I rather so than be one. WHITE RIVER LEADER 48 BELOWOUT THERE Canada East of Alberta In Cold Wave Grip. 1 TonoNTO.

Tab. 4. All Canada eaat of Abarta waa In th grip of a cold wava today that rsglitsred lower thaa aero at practically every recording station. Th chilly blast that enveloped the west laet Tbura day did not reach Ontario until Baturduy afternoon, when th mer cury began to drop quickly and by Buuusy morning ehowd from tv to Su degrbe. of frost In many parte of th province.

Parry Bound- re ported 3 below, Kllig.ton 14 below, Ottawa 3Q bloW and Toronto flv below. As usual- vV'hito River turned In th top score with 48 below. Quebec was no warmer than Ontario today, but. the Maritime Province got a llttls better treat ment, th mrcury ther registering iilosa to warok Alberta already baaklng in ths warmth of a Chinook and ths outlook is for higher tem perature tomorrow all along the Una. GERMAN GIRL KILLED A SECOND WOUNDED French Corporal Responsible For Accidental Shooting.

DUIKUIRO, Feb. 4. A llttl German girl waa accidentally killed today and another wounded by a bullet from th rlfl of a Freacb corporal when tho rifle fell from bis bands and accidentally exploded, Th corporal was In charg of a squad ot man taking soup to th statlun Jterrtaon. and tripped and tell while ascending the stairs leading from the foot ot th bridge over the railroad tracks, and dropped his rifle. General Degoutts gent Condolence to the parent of tho children.

Th occupation authorities have taken charge of th funeral arrangements for th girl who wa killed, and atao will provide for her Th corporal Was completely unnerved by reason of tho accident, and attempted to oommit aulcide. MM. ROSALIE At th advanced age of 71 years, Mra, Roeall Boiltau, nee Chateau-vert, widow of Mr. P. Bolleau.

died on Baturday at her residence," IS Clarence atreet, after a brief III. nesn. Mrs. Bolleau Waa well known In tho district, and her demta Is regretted by a largo circle of friends. She was born In fit.

Nicholas, Que, and cam to reside in Hull oa her marriage to Mr. Koileau Who predeceased her by four years. They cam to reside In Ottawa nearly 40 years aeo. Ths funeral will be held Tueoriay morning at t.4 from her raTdn-e to ths Basilica and thanos to Notre Dam cemetery. Mrs.

Bolleau survived by two Bona tnill and Arthur Bolleau. of Ottawa; two daughtera, Misa Alda, at horn and Mra, 'A- 1-atremoutlie, of Ottawa; sight grandchildren: three brothers. Hector and Edward Cha-teauvert, of Ottawa, end Wilfred Chateauvort, of Buckingham: and two statete. Mr. F.

Ooiigeon, of Ottawa aud Mrs. B. Alberta, S3 34TH ANNIVERSARY OF SUNDAT SCHOOL Rev. J. H.

Young, of 'Toronto, At McLedd St. sSchool. Cwlebrutlon of tho Hth aniilTra-ary of tho Mclso4 Btrwat MottitMllat Church Sunday School ycatordiiy waa marttad by th proaouc In th pulpit mormntf and voniiif, and In tho Hundny hebool in th aftornooo. of Rev W. Harold Voung.

of Oorgo Street Mothodiat Church, Votor-burough. At tho murnfiif aorvico, Mr. Young- bad a atory aornion for tho children, and aiao aravo an ad-dreaa lu tho aileruoon tu th olilltl-ren. of th Sunday aVhool. In tho vonlitf bo aUdraed, hlmaf to the younff men and women of th eon-grfutlon on tho "sVhlloaophy of Uf." in which bo strewed tho ueoeuity for continued olTort in the attainment of anythinr worth while lu life.

At thev'evenliig avrvic a mni'i choir under tho leadership or Mr. Cyril Hick wood, provided apodal mualO. FRANCE AND BRITAIN TO RENEWDEBT TALK Follow Funding of British Debt In States. PARIS, rb. Renewal of con- vtraatlumaN betwu Groat Britain and Franc regard lnf France's dobt to tho formor ia regarded her aa Ukaly in tbo near futuro aa on result of th agreement for tho fund-In of tho Hrltleh dobt tu tho United States.

Th London owr-reopoudrnt of tb Enbu do Paria tills morning aaya that a noto suggesting ouch a renewal may bo expected ahortly, and ho re fore to tho growing fooling In all circle in Ureal Britain that It is not Jutt that tho United Blatea should rclve terms placing such a burden on tho Drttieh taxpayer unlem Great Britain oan obtain th pay man of th French and other continental dbt. Mr. IT. Roeenes has left foe New Tork on a butinoa trip. RAIL AMALGAMATION TO BE ADDRESS TOPIC Acting Railway Minister To Con tinue Debate.

Hon. Goorgo P. Graham Is ex net. ted to oonlliiu th dobat on tho olddrasa this a-ft--rnoon. Mr.ii Grulmtit, I14 addition to bla duties ae aUnlstar of sNational sDvfenoe, baa bea (tarrying; oil aa Ulalator of Railwa) olnc the lata lion.

VV. C. Kennedy was taken ill. and It is thought likely that bo will make a state men on tho rcnt amalgamation of the Grand Trunk and the National system ia tho count of hi Bp h. It ia probabl that J.

T. bhaw, Krogreaelvo tuember for CalKury, will also take part in the debet tomorrow. CARNRGIIO UKM-TICIAHIE. NUW YUILK. Feb.

4.The Car-netfie CorpontUou announced today that a total of had been paid beneficiaries during the year ended September 30, 19SI. bringing the grand total of gifts In the last 11 yeara up to nearly HS.OUO.OGO. MONDAY, TEBST7AS7 B. 1939, GIVES SYNAGOGUE SCROLLOFTHELAW Mrs. Etta Cohen Makes Present' tiuo To Rideau St.

Synagogue. A aWlar Toruh (boxoll of tb law) wa presauted to tb Itldeau Btreet Bynugogus Saturday by Mrs. Etta Cobaa, who la ooa of tb older member ot th Synagogue, several addrvflse were touablng ua tb growth of tb aynagogu. Among the who' apoka and mad epeclal mphasis vrer Ilabbl Brgr, Mr. N.

Meuick aad Mr. Laoliowlta Mr. Laohowlts apoks ou th Talmud Torah. Th fund readied from th various donations ar to be distribute, equally between th Talmud Torae und tha Mynagogua. Mr.

1L rinkal-stuln waa chairman and with bits In charge of tho preaentation wr Meaara. M. Held, Cohen, K. Coher and M. Addelmati Refreahmanta war arve4by th.

Ladle' Auxiliary of thu Rldoau Street aynagogu. Miss Basel Tap-lay was la charg asaistod by Mra N. Hloi.e and Misses It. and a Be-gulowlts, D. Kauffinan and 8.

Blover were lu charg of tb donations. MRS. U. GOR.M.IX. Mrs.

H. Oormaa, aged 4, real-deut of Ottawa for a number at years, tiled at her home. V4S Mar- guerlte on Sunday after a hort lllnaaa. Mrs. Gorman, for.

ruerly Mia ManJe Dlnells, waa born at 6h wa nuirrisd In 1901 to Mr. Harry Uoruien. who died In 1S1I. Tha funeral will ba held Wednesday morning at 1.4a from th family residence to 0t. Mary's church, and theuco to Xotr -Dam cemetery.

Bha Is survived by liar parents, Mr. and Mra Dlnelle, uf Ottawa; on sun. Harold 0rmau, of Ottawa; four 'daughters, the Mlaaca Ida, Berlha, snd Iru Uornian, at borne; three brother, f. Lunelle aad Audolph Dluelle, of Ottawa, and Kdgar Dlnelle, ot Oswald Park, and thrt sisters, Mra. It.

Banolt and Mra. B. Martin, ot Montreal, aad Mrs. P. Pitcher, of Cornwall.

Bryson-Graham's February Sale of Furniture brrson and $135 Que a Street Home Furnishings T-HiS ia an event that every home lover seeking to beautify the home and make it (till more comfortable, will find of extreme importance. The range of thing from which to select with the greatest of economy ia unaaually wide, and all are of qualities that Will give the greatest of Now is the time to buy Table and Bed Linens A wide' assortment of everything fur the linen cupboard qualities that will delight the. heart of every woman make an outstanding feature of the February Sales, and NOW ia the time to buy; when the reduced prices bring the chance to save. Attractive 9 7-piece Dinner Sets An opportunity that cannot bo overlooked, by wishing to buy an attractlr 7-plec aioacr set veil need price. They are a saml-porcaUla quality Mad of Malba China.

In a dainty, attractive shape. Have pink or Jln bands aud three old line decorations. February Hal Price, six oupa aad saucer. for W.4. thus 4V at afl-OO lth a 'a.

tDLL semi- tlioea at with Chlng" line hard glased body and are In either the. "Blue decoration which la similar to tba "Bin Willow' Japanese scWBsrT decorations, or "Palmetta" with floral conventional dscoratlons In a arMif shsde. The decorations ara all undtrglased aad will not wear off. Th vegetable dishes ara oval shapsd a.nd tha soup plats are coupe shaped." February. Horn furnUli-Ing value, 97-ptecea for Ms.

English China Caps and Saucers 6 for Earthenware Tea Pots Suitable for every day ua. Mad In a aervlce-abl large sis In a Everything for the Home at Reduced Prices Whatever you need for the home, you will be ablo to buy it at a reduced price, by purchasing during the February Sales. Marked at genuine reductions from genuine regular prices ia lurgo and assorted stock of dependable furniture and home furnishings, including aaa Furniture Chinaware Kitcheriware PUP "Brantford Refrigerator handy to Ae have In the I kltobea all wlej the time. Keep the ftod freeh and trweet wtrvther In winter or sununer. Strongly made of elect hardwood la a 1 In.

13 In. a OS In. He a golden finish; galvanised Iron Ice box and white enamelled cupboard with a removable helf. February Sal Price, Br eon -O tiam-a queen (street Sale of "Star" Skates Elevea pa Ira Sli.c 41-1. and 11.

51.15 IS. 10 1-1. Sal prloa, pair. to Carpets Linens Glassware Silverware (Except Coinmunity Plato) Oilcloth and Linoleums Woodenware 49c atralght sbap. "Hav a brown glased finish.

Regular ESo to TSo rain." rabruary Bale' Price, each, dee. Bryaon-Oraham Clilnawars Be ooa floor. Qothes Baskets Xtg-. $1.45 AO xoelleatly jQC i made of thorough-ly bleached whole willow. Have strong bottom aud handle and braided edges.

Bites, Inside measure nienta, li In. 1 In. Regular $1.45 vain. February tfale Price, aoa, "BisseU" Carpet Sweeper Keep Carpal spick and Well made, good looking and easy ruanlasv Has rubber-tired wheele, and I a I a all around to protect fur niture. Oak SnUh.

esroery ale Price. S5e50.

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