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Daily News du lieu suivant : New York, New York • 185

Daily Newsi
New York, New York
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SUNDAY NEWS, JUNE 9, 1943 US mm Lqv: Found Mi ff $fd By JERRY GREENE ol THE NEWS Burrim Washington, D. June 8. Army criminal investigation officials today announced recovery of the entire $1,500,000 assortment of Hesse's crown jewels purloined by a WAC captafn and her colonel boy friend from historic Kronberg Castle in Germany, and said they could lay their hands on two other suspects a major and a corporal. The most valuable part of the jewelry, worth nearly; -A 0' I I 1 fi v. (Amocieted Pren Wirtfolo) Col.

J. W. Durant (Acme Telelolo) Mrs. Kathleen B. Nash Durant ljf A uV "Jim, 0 i a- AsMyislH Prr Correspondent Don Doane inspects hole in cellar of Kronberg CaHtle, near Frankfurt, from which jewels were taken.

$1,000,000, was discovered in a prosaic dime-in-the-slot locker in the Illinois Central station in Chicago. Army agents whistled in agents to the loot he had hidden. amazement when they opened -f vV 1 Owl a 4 A sorrow ful honeymooning couple they were married by a justice of the peace in Chicago only 10 days ago and the and heirlooms of the House of Hesse arrived in Washington early today under eruard. Col. and Mrs.

Durant, formerly accused by the Army of engineering the theft and smuggling job were taken immediately to an undisclosed prison. The Army si I they were sleeping very soundly tonight, having had little or no sleep since early Tuesday. they are sleeping in separate rooms. The Army, announcing the recovery of the loot, filled in a few more gaps in the strange tale of (Continued on page IS. eol.

1) the locker at 8:45 last night, pulled out a cheap paperboard box, and tore oft the wrapper. A fortune tumbled out. Torn from their regal settings, the dazzling diamonds, emeralds, amethysts and pearl3 were ready for disposal through a fence, the Army believed. A lie detector test wrote the closing chapter to the mystery tale of the gems of Kronberg Castle. WAC Capt.

Kathleen B. Nash Durant, 34, confessed after taking the test. Then her bridegroom, Col. Jack W. Duran, 3G, cracked a few hours later and led the Army Anson rtl ITcm Wirefolol Part of the silverware seized after the arrest of WAC Capt.

Kathleen Nash Durant. Stolen Gems Lined Up Pentagon's Tiffany rrom THE NEW Bureau Washington' D. June 8. With heavily armed guards thicker than fiie3 at a Sunday picnic, the War Department today displayed the $1,500,000 loot that had been stolen from t-1 Kronberg Castle, Germany. Mrs.

Durant 'AH of 43'; Son by First Union 23 (Spedal to The Scw) Phoenix, June 8. The former mother-in-law of WAC Capt. Kathleen B. Nash Durant, who masterminded the theft of $1,500,000 in crown jewels in Germany, said today Mr3. Durant must have told the Army a lie about her age.

Solid Gold Kitchen Ware (Special to The Nws) Hudson, June 8. A 36-piece, solid gold table service with handles of semi-precious stone was being used as kitchen ware in the home of WAC Capt. Kathleen B. Nash- Durant's sister here when army agents barged in, it was disclosed today. Neither Mrs.

J. C. Lonergan, the sister, nor her family knew the value of the knives, forks and spoons, nor that they were pilfered by her WAC sister in one of history's most fantastic gem robberies, officials said. From 25 to 50 of the loot which Capt. Durant and her colonel husband smuggled in was found hidden throughout the Lonerjran home.

Officials said Mrs. Durant sent most of the stuff from Germany by parcel post, addressed to herself here. A wrapper of one such package showed charges of $1.25. WAC records say Mrs. Durant is 34 aunt and another had been presented by Victoria to a- German princess.

There were autograph books, one bearing the signature "Elizabeth Princess of Great Britany, 1613." This was plush-coated and contained paintings and coats of arms. Solid Gold Beer Stein. The centerpiece, arranged perhaps because the missing corporal found the treasure after running through two cellar rooms stacked high with wine, was a solid gold beer stein. The dazzling display reached its highest point on the left side. A small pile of rough cut emeralds was surrounded by a double handful of pearl3.

Stretched out neatly was a line of diamond and ruby bracelets, each of which was valued roughly at $25,000. There were four folding fans, Reporters were escorted into a special office at the Pentagon where the glittering treasure was spread out on a black, cloth-covered table Borne 15 feet long and four feet wide. There were 193 items on dVplay. All will be returned to their House of Hesse owners. In the rear center, lying on four sheets of ordinary typewriter paper were four handsfull of cut diamonds.

They were matched stones and one batch appeared to be composed entirely of rocks weighing from two to four carats. At the right were nine bound volumes of letters written to Queen Victoria by her daughters. One volume was missing. There were three Bibles, one German prayer book and one copy of the 'imitation of Christ" by Thomas Kempis. One Bible had been given to Queen Victoria by an and the Kronberg castle near Frankfurt, Germany they were divorced.

In Los Anzeles, a sister of the WAC captain, Mrs. Gladys Madison, said. "Kathleen's age is her own business, and nobobdy else's. She is a woman." Mrs. Madison declined to discuss her sister's case.

"I am terribly upset. She is my sister, after alL" Mrs. Durant has an adopted Mrs. Cenevieve OTJay said the WAC is all of 43, and she cited her grandson's age to prove it. The grandson.

Burke Nash, is 23 and lives in Tuston, said Mrs. O'Day. Mrs. O'Day said Kathleen married her son, Kenneth Nash, of Hudson, Wis. Divorced 5 Years Ago.

The Nashes lived quietly here for 19 years, Mrs. O'Day said. Then five years ago before a made of mother-of-pearl and gold and embossed with diamonds. One diamond wrist watch, strap and all, was made so completely of gems it was difficult to see the time-telling hands. daughter, now Mrs.

Donald Wilcox, the wife of an auto mechanic iu Hudson, Wis. World War led Kathleen to Europe I.

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