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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 13

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Ottaw rr I HE A JOURNAL Section Two Section Two OTTAWA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1925. News of Rw-S-ivl loJo I TheGreatest of Female Raffles LjYlllbfl ISLeS Again CapturedBy Scotland Yard British Mountaineers Introduced Ski As Aid To Alpine Climbing HOT WATER FISH LIVE IN SPRINGS IN ARAB HAUNTS Explorer Finds, Strange Things in Hitherto Unexplored Deserts. RUINS OP CASTLES DOT BARREN WASTES Singing Sands and Strange Animals Among the Wonders. LONDON' (By Mall). Wonders ef the Arabian desert of Jarurs.

and Jbrln. which he 1 the Brit Euro, (hi traveller to have explored, were' disclosed by Major R. E. Cheeaman to th. Royal Geogrepl-eal Society at a recent meeting; la London.

i Tbaaa ware aome of the wonders: Tish that live in hot water In the 7nfura Desert. They were caught at Hufuf. in a hot spring, of whtch ebo temperature we 101 degrees Fahrenheit temperature at which a bath would be almoat too hot to eater. Major Chessman ahowed specimen ot thaae fish. 8inglng aanda on the coast ot Oqalr.

Each footstep on the beach produces a myatertoua piping whlaUe. i Beautifully poliehed atonae. uhe result of aand bleat, equalling in affect the work of a Jeweller. Major Cheeaman'a object wtl to obtain collection at deaert anl-mala and birds from Central Arabia, and during hie mlailon ha waa the guest of lbn Baud, the "Wahabl Sultan ot Najd. With men and camel Joined the Al Murra, aa lkhwaa tribe that roam the deaert.

Jabrln. ha aald, which ha long been veiled in -mystery, waa found to be depression with date palms and ruined reputed to be haunted by spirits. The desert was encroaching on all aides, and the est wells were drying op. The Jafur Desert waa a vast tract ot moving sand dunes. Soma remarkably pale deaert-colored animals and birds were ob-.

tained. which showed, to a wonder-Wul degree, how fauna, waa capable of developing colors to harmonise with its environment. WILL SERVE MONTH Tinner Aeouta a Woman Putting Outm On Hit Tig. of LONDON (By man was sentenced to ona month's Imprisonment at Cullompton. near Tiverton, a few days ago for assaulting a woman whom ha accused ot witchcraft.

The man, Alfred John Mathews, aged 41, ot Clyst. 8C Lawrence, was aummoned by Ellen Oarnsworthy, his neighbor, who aald that he attacked her and aeverely scratched her arm with a pin. He also threatened to shoot her. Mathews, -admitting the offence, declared that the woman had 111- wished him and bewitched his pig. Ha said that be coialdered the police ahould raid her house and con-Bscate a crystal she poaseased.

The magistrate tried to persuade bim that there was no such thing as witchcraft, but he persisted Ja his belief. USE BLOODHOUNDS Hi HUNT FOR GIRL Strang TAisappaszanc Bafflai Dnk of Nortlramber Und'i Serrantc. LONDON (By Mall Blood-hounds were need recently In a search that wag made round Alnwick for a 11-year-old girl, Florence Braldford, who mysteriously disappeared. The girl lived with bar parents In a bouse standing In a lonely spot an tha Duke of Northumberland's state, tour miles from Alnwick. A puxsllog feature of tha ease Is that portions of bar outer clothing wars found in a pall ot water.

They apparently been The search has been beaded by tha Duke at Northumberland's bailiff, who covered each a wide area that be rode three horses to standstill. The awarch, however, proved fruitless, and dragging operations In the River Aln were also without result. The bloodhounds were then t.rled but so far without success. BULL ENDANGERS FAST BATH TRAIN Struck By tha. Infix, Cloari Path- of Xxpreu By Inch.

1 LONDON (By Mall) Aa express from Bath to London bad a narrow escape at Chippenham, Wilts. Dur ing a fog It dashed at 4 miles an hour Into a bull which bad escsped a to tha Una. The animal, which belonged to Mr. Brinkworth, ot Pecklnglll, 1 Chippenham, was being unloaded at Chippenham station from a horse box, when It took fright, wrenched Itself away from the cowman, and raced along tha line Juet as the after being delayed by fog. was coming up at high speed.

For-' tanately, the bull waa Juet outside ths rails, but ss tha express reached It It turned en to tha aide of the Una. Tha angina etrack It a glene Ing blow and threw the animal leer. Had It fallen arrets ths four-foot way aothrng could have prevented eeie derailment ot the express, ftvaJsj was asied by ft lashes. BRITISH ONCE LED SKI-ING AND ARE RAPIDLY CLIMBING BACK TO TOP IN GREAT SPORT Introduced Game Into the Alps, But Clumsy Austrian Methods for running While The ON DON (By Mall). 6kl first made their appeared, ante In' Bwltserland at Davoa several years before the South African War.

Englishmen must be regarded as mainly. If not wholly, responsible for their Importation Into tha says a correspondent In the London) Time. For quits a long time ski were uae4 by an evergrowing number of those pioneer In a manner that was, In point of fact, no mora than aa adaptation of these implement to tha eport of mountain climbing. In that as might be expected, a lion's share vt new ascents and of general excellence was at first to fall to the English amateurs. Very soon, howsver, tha great possibilities Inherent In tha use of ski In the Alpa were discovered by many others.

A few visits to Norway, ahortly to ba returned by certain ski-run-nlns; experts from that country, reeulted lit mora attention being paid to tha new aspects of ths sport. The few lea becamo sdept pupils and rapidly left the Englishman very tar behind In tha practice of skl-lng. Tha original ahape of tha first paira of ski manufactured In Switzerland became modified; tha bindings, that critical portion of tha aki-runner's equipment, underwent many improvements and reappeared In new shapes. British skl-lng made no progress and remained at Thlt original outlook on akl-lng among Britleh runners remained more or less unchanged for nearly xO years. The mountaineering fraternity of tha old school frowned on any aeemlng desecration of their exalted sport and dreaded a possible vulgarisation ot their Alpine pressrves.

looked upon the new ekl-runaar much as, over a generation Irvlm mate tig might havs regarded tha Invaelon of the "legltu a stage by Dan Leno or his colleagues of tsaaer renown. RriUsh Lea First Place. Tha South African war considerably delayed the development of tha sport of skl-lng as It la bow under stood. The Ant contingents at recruits to take up tha taew aport of 1102 followed In, the footsteps ot thslr elders. In addition, they electedrto pin their faith to the ugly atyla of skl-lng that waa coming over Into the Swiss Alps from Austria.

Indeed, it wse at that time urged by the votaries of this new school that Alpine ekl-lng demanded a ment and different methods from those which had coma to ba regarded aa correct and practical over tha longer aad emootbar decllvHiea of Nor- way. Everything conspired to perpetuate tha Innate errors In British akl-lng; It waa serious sport, but only as a pleasant not a necessary adjunct to a holiday apent In tha Alpine winter sunshine, or merely as a means of locomotion over the snow-covered Alps. How ekl-runners are not to this day for that early adhesion to tboss mistaken doctrlnesT ft remslned, therefore, to tha Swiss to show how spsed end style la akl-runnla- could ba obtained whilst carry ing out even high-level mountaineering tour. The WOMEN IN ENGLAND FEAR "RADIO" FACE SS I I Concentration at tb gar- phones Brings Wrinkleg to the) Brow. LONDON, (By Mail) Woman are In fear ot developing "wireless wrinkles." Concentration Bight after Bight by tha fireside listening- In closely to ths sounds coming from tha loud speaker, or Bitting with earphones Jammed against the ears, la likely to give women a "radio" face, they think.

Tha strain ot trying -to catch every word of wlrsleea broadcast constantly puckers tha linea around a woman's forehead, and draws mora lines around tha aidss of bsr mouth. Women who have been untiring listeners-ln" for months, say that they are beginning to notice that where their face have hitherto been absolutely smooth aad ma-wrinkled, a faint network of lines la beginning to appear. Their habitual expressions. Instead of being alert and Intelligent, have become transformed Into tha look of tha perpetual llstener-ln, mechanical and placid. 'jli Soon Were Outdone by Swiss Discard orwegian and Just Now Ignore Ski-Indulge in "Tests." Swiss skier could, with Justice, openly "deride the British visitor to his mountains.

Mr. Vivian Caulfclld. a young water-color artist, who had gone to Norway In pursuit of his profession and had there acquired the true Norwegian atyle of ekl-lng. restored in aome degree tha preatige of Englishmen In the Alps by introducing the spsed and daih fiat st tha aport. It was at Adetboden In llOi that Mr.

Caulfetld made hi first attempt In tha crusade that has revolutionised ekl-ing aa now practised by English men and' women. These changes were not, however, brought about without etrenuoua opposition from tha old school, which resulted In achlsms and outbreaks of personal faeling In the skl-lng- world can. volyha deplored and must ba forgotten. Too Many "Tests" Tha aport, however, was far too splendid a discovery to ba denied by hidebound conservatism or other adverse influences, skl-lng, based on ings- 'Whatever teacning. "Tests" Introduced with a ago.

Sir Henry different equip regarded aa winter exercise. many of our older paying the penalty the attractions of It msy ba questioned tha study of I'he fact remains, under a deep debt those of bis followsrs to cultivate a more with greater to tha native fully used tor mora creditable served their purpose ekl-lng world has thinks almost more Further, to addition have coma to ba aatural limitations been conducive result la Idle, ths aa have come to ss British ineir normal aa the finest thst hss to teats, will pees ailment. Meanwhile, considerable Influence On January 11, between teems of British taam, without specially constituted Swiss competitors rank In Swltserland METHODIST TEMPERANCE ATTITUDE APPLIES EVEN TO THE VERY NAME London Magistrate Decides Motor Cyclist Drunk Because He Couldn't Say "Methodist Episcopal" And "Truly Rural." LONDON (By Mall) The! dUncultlee of diagnosing drunkenness were referred to at tha Maryleboaa Police Court -when George Thomas Page, IS, newepaper dletrihutor, of Brunswick street. Hackney road, was charged before Mr. Wllbcrforce with being drunk while la charge of a motor cycle and aldecar combination In tha Hampetead road.

Mr. Herbert Muskett, solicitor, proeecuted for the Commissioner of Police, and Mr. Freke Palmer, aollcltor. defended. Dr.

j. Maughan, police surgeon, said ba formed ths opln- Ion that tha accused waa drunk. Hia examination lasted halt an hour. Ha applied tha Rhom- burg test, and ths accused stood for II seconds, but then had ta- open ble eyes to maintain hla balance. Tha defendant -atumbled ever ssytng "Truly rural" and "Methodist episcopal." Tha pupils of tha svo-cused's ayea were paralysed and his pulse was 144.

Cross-examined by Mr. Freka Palmer, the doctor agreed that A KKAL, Fl'ZZLK. JOHX BrLL-Thia things urn work lag aat vary Well, Sana. Do jx ibJuvk It's a.alt gssini" i-ondon Opinio Thsra arose the Murren school of Mr. Caulfelid teaching and writ opinions may ba entertained as to that place aa a akl-touring centre.

whether that school has not pur-aued ski-ing technique to exaggeration. however, that Britleh ekl-lng lies of gratltuds-to Mr. Caulfelid aad to who so sealously took up his of three clsases bad already been view to encouraging Britleh runners graceful atyla on the mounts rh aide, enjoyment to themselves and leea merriment Swiss. These testa hsva been success ths propagation of a better and practice of tha aport. They have so wsll thst ths majority of the now awung to the othar extreme and ot teet then It does of touring.

to teats, racing: and competitions encouraged by tha new school. The of their favorite resort have perhaps to thst end. but coffins- at tha system bee proved Itself. Such faults light will end by curing themselves, skS-runnsrs gain In sxperlence and vary exi-ing naunta. Bkl-touring aad ski-mountaineering muet ultimately come to ba recognised departments of thst sport.

Ths blindness smittsn ma By, owing to their devotion away; It can only ba a temporary one recent event cannot fall ta exert en tha future ot British akl-lng. 1124. the Brat formal match took place British and Swiss ski-runners. The bslng entirely representative or for the race, was very good; the wsrs only partially trained and hsst-liy Still, they were experts and would as a University combination of high average. Tha first two placee of the whole meeting went to tha Swiss, but ths avarsga form displayed by tha Englishmen was not fsr behind thst ot thslr rivals.

ths accused gave a Coherent ccacnt of hla day's doings, but ba added thkt many bralne were clear in aome respects, even though they were unable to steer their way la London streets. Dr. Alfred Allport. of St. Paula Hospital, gave evidence aa to ths dsfsadaat's general stats of health.

Aeked aa to the teete applied, the wltnese said ba did sot think very much Importance could ba attached to them. Many sober people came hopelessly out of tha Rhomburg teat. Ha thought mlatakee could very easily be made. He had examined many, patients who might bare been mistakenly paaaad as being to a certain degree drunk. Wilberforce.

According to you tha diagnosis of drunken ness Is In Us Infsncy. Dr. allport. It I a very. very diffiault I am glad I don't bava to ssttla It The Magistrate aald he atlll retained sufficient faith In tha medical profession to aay that when a doctor examined a man for.

halt -an hour, and aald be waa drank his opinion was one by which ha ocght to ba guided. Ha thought the accused was drunk, and ordered him to. pay a fine ot 40. end three guineas costs. NEWEST GOLF BALL FOLLOVMAIRWAY Slic.

and Pull Eliminated, But Alto It Tails to Soar. LONDON (By Mail). A golf ball that wiU apInJnalthr left nor right has been Invented bje ah English scientist after a long series ot experiments. The ball file straight whatever cut I Imparted to Hla experiment have ahown that there I startling difference between the araootu ball aad the deeply-dimpled ball. Tha ensooth ball swing away to tha off is sliced while tha much-dimpled bait swings to tha left la pulledT Thla contrast led to tha Inference that -a ball with particular depth of dimple would behave nattber like tha pulled a or like the allced ball.

A ball with a very shallow dimple waa manufactured, aad thle Sew etralght whatever spin waa impart ed. Let no golfer Imagine, however, tbet all hla trouble are ever. Tha bajlhet always take the straight road ba tb nearly fatal drawback that lie tendency Ss earthwarda. It will not soar, and we long ago discovered that tha length of diivs dspeada a great deal an the searing tendency ef tha wait-bit ball. The ball that will not elite er pull or soar may still ba tha beet ball for some players, and If tha ground ahould be hard and fast It msy travel nearly a fsr as other.

It la probable that player In tha future will equip thomeMlve with all three Sort 91 Mien, HAUNTED TREE: IN HYDE PARK SEES MANY DIE Sinister Influence On the Unfortunates "Who Slept Beneath It. HAS BEEN FELLED BY AUTHORITIES Author Tells That It Had Eerie Effect on Him. LONDON (By Mall). Tales of a haunted trss In Hyds Park which had 'k'-maMgnant-rnf loensa-on 4aaaa who elept beneath It are related by Elliott O'Donnell In hla book. "Ghosts Helpful and Harmful," which has Just been published.

Mr. O'Donnell. who ha for many years Investigated-'ghoet-- heard of the haunted tree from a down-and-out university man, who used to sleep in the park. The tree atood la an Isolated position. "It waa a singular-looking tree," aald bia Informant, "inasmuch as It had growing aimost horrsonlally from it trunk one long branch that strikingly resembled av very long human arm with a hand outstretched and all tha Angara wldeapread and curved, aa if In the act of clutching hold af aome one." Tit niching Hand.

Tha man then described a nightmare he had experienced while Bleeping under the tree: fancied." be aaid, "ttia long, grotesquely fashioned, horixnntal branch Immediately above me turned Into an actual living arm an1 hand, and began slowly to descend, the Angara all widespread, ready to grip hold of me. "I waa at once aelxed with an awful horror, but found myself utter-, ly unable to move. I waa forced to watch the- arm deecead lower and lower, until tha great hand hovered Just above my face, and tha tips of ths long, creel-looking flngere all but graxed my fleeh. A voice then said in soft, but decidedly menacing tones: "1 bava got you nowl I mean to keep you. always, always, alwaye there Is no escape." Das Vnder Ic "Ths next moment the Augers.

soft as satin, closed over my mouth and throat and began to throttle me. I awoka shrieking and In such terror that I Jumped up and nought a bed elsewhere." Tbls men had heard that a number of people had committed aulcide ow the apot after ependlng a night under the tree. Some time later Mr. O'Donnell heard that he had been found dead beneath It, atrangled with hla braces. The tree seemed to exercise an extraordinary fascination upon thoss who bad once slepj under it.

Mr. O'Donnelf himself stood undsr ths tree at night and experienced aa aerie feeling that ha waa being watched intently by some unsesa presence. Tha tree, he states, waa some year ago cut dowa. Seek a Bride 3 PvSnrw Hcwy of Windsor, who la (O be the gaewt next week of the? Dnk asMl Dachee of BewcSewch, at ow of thetr avveral sjonctlah hnanea, BowhiU. Raneor any Prince) Howry la martins ana.

aanosutcvnwt of bis vlsH next wak baa revived) the story that ba win naarrj) Lady Mary MosMagw Dosgta BooU, aaacbter of tb Duke) aad Dacfaeas of Baoctcemh. The Prinoa I ex- neetedl to apeeMl a week, or dare at this goouieti estate. Lady Mary MoaHus-Dowatas-Soott .1 twenty years old. 25 WD RATS KILLED III A WEEK Gmtewt CafcpalgB Waged Afainit EodgnU XhB With staecM. LONDON (By Mall).

Twenty Av million rat were killed In a week receatly, according re sorts from a large number of centres. It was tha biggest campaign aver waged, and II 000.10 bait were laid, of which 7 per'cent. are ostl mated to have found victims. C. L.

Olarsmont. formerly re search rhsmlst of the rat branch of tha Ministry-of Agrlculturj. and now director af tha Rodeat aad In sect Pest Destruction Society, aald that tha most popular rat-klller rased In the campaign was red squill, which la bar unless ts do mestic animate. Thla poison waa supplied 4n. vast quantities In liquid form to we eaksd la breed, also la solid form as email biscuits, aad as pasta and powder baita.

Ths rata after con- sumlng ths red squill poison- haw to emerge from their holes to seek fresh air and water, aad 41a la the Solving Problem 'C im Qo ir; i- -W-v' ft Vi ri w-VSL. -m-mf-; ttM 7-- i 1 -ZJI a 1. 11 11. 'tass 1 i '-V vC riim a pi ist At Actoo. I'nrlantL a number of r.

of eonstrwdion. Tury ar ronafortablr, nrrproof Aoanra rntlrcty of Mart and Macro. The walla and I be crlliogs of thee uoewe aro nf pressed atenl. Ttw a bore photo ebons aa ewtcrtor view of si steel" boaan and ih lower pert are shows nlshed. Nolo the open areplaco tn JUDAS ISC ARIOT of Cheap Houses IN MODERN PLAYWRIGHTS EYES His Ambition For High Position Basil For His Betrayal of Temple LONDON (By Mall) Judaa la-carlot ha always been an enigma.

Countless legends have been round him, but no writer baa givea expression to K. Temple Thurstoa's Idea of Christ's betrayer. In the play recently produced at tha Scale Theatre, London. Judas Is drawn first of all as a doubtsr of aad then aa a believer in Christ. He doea not believe Me la actually tba Boa of God.

but ha thlnka Ha may be the Messiah, for which alt Judah to waiting. Judas' reason fsr ths betrsyal Is not ths bass gsln of IS pieces of silver. He thinks or, rather, hie father pute the Idea Inta hie mind- that If Christ is taken before Pilate he must 'declare himself to be the Meeeiah, and If He doe that He comes Into HIS kingdom. Judas la ambitious, and In that kingdom ha expecte a high place. It seems Im possible to him that tha Master who could still ths raging seas and wake tha dead to life oenld not also use His power against His censers.

Whan Christ Is oruelfled and there la no longer any question of Hla Finis Hard Work Kteps Her Alive LONDON (By Mail). Mrs. Jsna Baas ha died at Cam-, bridge. 8ha defled longevity doctrine la twa ways: Shs drank mors tea than most women do, up to tha last. Her custom wai to eat a large meal before going to bed.

Sha lived to 101! And the reason, as aha used la aay, waa bard work. BABES' ORCHESTRA III KINDERGARTEN Soma of Mambart Tour Taari Old and Ladtr Six. LONDON (By babies' orchestra With II performers, is now playing la Jsvsra! of tha members are only' four year old. The conductor Is six. These bright young psopls play Jess (jrlth' syncopation by special request), but thslr leanings ara distinctly olaaatcal, so Miss Evelyn M.

Peters, the headmistress of their kindergarten school, aaya. I was Juet In time ta hear "la a Persian Market," which tha musician gave In. aid of children's charities. The boy war banging drums end tha girts tinkling cymbals. Most of them, now and thsn, stols an appreciative glance at their trousers which, being Persian, were very bright and baggy.

"They soon wsrm up to tha spirit of ths piece," their teacher' said. "Our trouble at tba beginning was thst they became so thrilled with their own harmony that they lost time, and wa had to put a 'grownup' at tha piano to reetralh them. "Our motive In starting the orchestra ws purely educational. We thought It the beet way to teach tba little folks rhythm. None of ths children know a nots of muslo we thought It foolish to start drilling them In plane leeeoni when some t-V'-' "Icri" knuere are In various stsgea one of tba room comfortably sr- the left-handl oarnar.

NOT SO BLACK In Christ's Kingdom Is Given As Critic Likes New Version Thurston. declaring Illmselr. Judaa creeps away to hla expiation. Asked by hla eisler where ha la going, he re plies: "Christ ie uad! Where should I go?" Temple Thureton's plsy treats this subject in all reverence. There la no kind of reason why "Judas Iscsrlot" should not ba publicly performed If any manager deeirea to stsgs it.

Indsed. the -strength of the play Ilea In Ita auggestlon of ths presence of Christy who Is, of course, never eeen. The raising of tha widow's aoa from death la very Impressively dons. It Is described aa happening, aad then tha dead boy walka across ths stage, followed by an awe-struck crowd, who hide Christ Himself. Ro well has this presence been realised throughout tha play that Judaa Iscsrlot himself, with his subtle and unconvincing defence, becomes a minor character.

He la' never completely dramatised. Tha play la laid aut In seven scenes, and la very eplsodal In treatment! Tha Imagination that Inspired It aeems greater than tba literary and dramatic powere of making great drama ot a great subject. Zeebrugge Leader I 'V. 4 VlrexAdmlral gir nosjer Keyea, who Olreotod the) oorrmUune against Beebrnggw ao4 Oeaea4 On itla. Is to aw tha rvmtamiider-ln-colet of the BrHMi Hert In the Mediterranean, enorwedlng Admiral Mr Osmoexl eh B.

Brock. walk. Therefore we get them lo etart a (una by rlspplns, and whea they have rnsslsred ths harmony they boeria with the drums, cymbals. it I jcl' mm I s( tbfm;ajlp FEMALE RAFFLES IS GIVEN CREDIT FOR DARING WORK Scotland Yard Calls Her Most Expert Crook Known. ASSOCIATE OF ARTS OF LONDON VARSITY Disappointment in Love Affair Starts Her LONDON.

(By Mail). Tha female "Raffles, Mary Marjory Mae-donall. aentenced to IS months de tention. Is a highly-educated" travelled woman, who took a des- perate plunge when forsaken In a love affair. Her career since then haa been one long series of daring and clever robberies.

Uha Is con-aidsxad. Uy Trd to ha the moat expert female "Rafflce In tha country, Mary Marjory Macdonald, the "Queen of Hotel Thieves" Thla apparently trivial Incident In the records ot crime recalls ths amazing career ot this charming and good-loolttng crook, who. ever since ISIS, when aha received her first sentence ot Imprisonment, ha lived a life ot persistent crime and this despite an adueatwt walo snabled her to become an Aarttlata of Arts of ths London University and tha opportunities ot lucrative employment whl-h caine te her during her early life. A charming womaa who alwaya managed to dress smartly, aad who waa helped In ber expraitl by her engaging personality, she gi a woman ot exceptional Intelligence. On the preeent occasion, when shs was caught In a bedroom at the Hyde Park Hotel, aha had only Just been released from a aentence sf three yes re' penal servitude, passed upoa her at Brljhton tor a long aeries of hotel thefts, when worth of Jewellery waa discovered In her box at tha hotel where aha heraelt waa ataylng.

Cangh By Vale. A valet at tha Hyde Park Haiti chaaced to hear tha aennd ot rawer being opened In eertaln room at the hotel, aad entering tha apartment waa astounded to Ond tha place In dark sees. Whea ha turned the light up be found Macdonald standing near to aa open drawer. She said aha had made a mistake la the number of ber room, but It waa discovered that she waa not ataylng at tha hotel. Geoffrey Oush.

solicitor, on behalf ot Macdonald. arged that aha waa not a criminal la tha ordinary senee. Some yeara ago aha was examined by a specialist and ftnnd to be' suffering from some peculiar neurotic condition. When aha recently stole fur roat and valuable brooch from the Curson Hotel ska went next day ta a restaurant and left tha property la a chair, hoping thst In M.ns way It would get back to the owner. ev ert be lees she waa ordered com piste the remainder of last sentence la addition ts serve a fur tber term of twelve months.

There la a touch of pathos la tba story of this comparatively young woman, for whsn aha waa only eight yeara at age aha wa left an orphan dependent on the kindness of friend aad relative fsr ber upbringing. Karly In Ufa eh became companion to lady la society, aad after that aha obtained aeveral positions of a similar nature. In thla capacity she travelled widely, ataylng at tha beet hotels. Then aba obtained a lucrative post as secretary to a large Arm ot Lea-don Jewellers, remaining with them Until Iflt, when she suddenly die-appeared. There ts doubt thst tha reason for her disappearance on thia occasion wa a love affair, aad It la possible that her down tall was dus to Its effects.

Worked Daurtng aVjttcnsos. Deserted and lonely, aba took Ike plunge by ateaUng a valuable Jar coet from the little hotel at which ba waa ataylng. After thia there waa nothlag thla frsll-looklng little womaa would not dare. She would enter tha restaurant of aa hotel, order dinner, and while alttlng at her meal would nolo tba Jewellery worn by those staying at tha hots). Having -selected thoss persons wesring the most valuable Jewellery she would wait till roaa aad calmly follow them to their rooms as though shs hereelf were a gleet, Having noted the number of a particular room aha would retura to tha hotel next day In tha early afternoon, and after watching hart victim depart hurry up to tha room, force the door or open It with skeleton keys, and ransack tha place.

Over and aver again aha has had tha audacity to ask for tha key a room aa though shs wers It occupant. Shs was sentenced In 1117 and ISIS, each time for the same sort of offence, beginning aver agairi' Immediately upon release. Between January and AprH, llll. aha committed theamaslag eertae of thefta at Brighton hotels which brought her a term of penat servitude. 'V.

Eventually aha was caught through the astuteness af maid at the Royal Tork Hotel. Brighton. This chambermaid having seen Macdonald eater aeveral room, asked ber who aha waa Macdonald -said aha waa looking for a cloak room, and tha maid, with commendable cunning, offered to ehnw her-the way. She ushered the auspeetlng prisoner Into A room, locked the door, postsd a guard outside, and rushed for the police. STAELINO'S TAIL 10 INCHES LONG (By Mail) Amontt! the II, 000 entries la Jhe International Poultry and Pigeon Show, which opened at Olympla recent tha rarest bird wss said to be a yellow-breasted starling, with a ts i about 1ft Inches long.

On of a pair, It rams fro Abyssinia, ths companion dvlng account ef the Hrltih climate. survivor ha to fed pn set -and dried flies. Three on view a era valued IteS,.

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