St. Albans Daily Messenger from Saint Albans, Vermont • 3
- Publication:
- St. Albans Daily Messengeri
- Location:
- Saint Albans, Vermont
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 3
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Al ST. ALBANS DAILY MESSENGER, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20 1896. KEPT ALIVE For more than Twenty years, says DAVID M. PERLEY, of Samsonville-Enosburgh, by the use of Favorite Remedy. In answer to the question, do you think of Dr.
Kennedy's Favorite David M. I of Samsonville-Enosburgh, said am 78 years old and I think it has kept me alive for than twenty years. I have suffered more much from kidney disease, and have passed from time to time white sand and cal- culi; DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY has done me a world of good. So you see 1 think very bighly of it.
You are at liberty to publish what I say, and refer to me, as I am always glad to recommend it to others." J. M. Jefforde, druggist, of Enosburgh Falls, sold Mr. Perley perfection Remedy and says he knows well of Mr. Perley's case.
Dr. David Kennedy's FayRemedy cures kidney, liver and urinary troubles. In rheumatism. neuralgia, dyspepsia, skin and blood diseases, it has never failed where the directiors were followed. It is also a for the troubles peculiar to fernales.
It builds the blood and restores the glow cf bealth to pale cheeks. Even Wash-tubs Shrink from using cheap, adulterated laundry soap. Just look at your hands, too, all eaten and sore. Why do you do it? Welcome Soap -free from corrosive alkali- is pure soap and only soap. It washes clothes clean, but never rots them.
It leaves things pure because it is pure itself. Don't be humbugged into believing prizes and low prices pay for rotten clothes or poisoned hands, but insist on having the standard WELCOME Koh-I-Noor Is a peculiar name but one which is familiar to users of fine lead pencils. Bookeepers, draftmeu, and others will find this a perfect pencil. We also have constantly on hand a large and varied assortment of Faber's, both A. and Johann's, Dixon'8, the American pencil Co.
and others. MESSENGER CO. STORE, Kingman Street. Books! SEVERAL HUNDRED VOLUMES OF Cloth Bound Books By Popular Authors, at 15 cts. each, 25 cts.
for two. A few volumes' bound in HALF MOROCCO. at 50 cents. Also a new line of Juvenile Books, Toy Books, Games, Toys, Etc. We invite frequent visits to our store.
106 Main Street, Wallace Printing Co. De Witt's Colic Cholera Cure. Pleasant, quick results, safe to nso. De Witt's Little Early Risers. The famous little pills.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures That is what it was made for. It is a curious thing, the power which some human beings have over animals. There is in Lowell a boy, different in no respects from his companions, who has this power in a marked degree. Every stray dog or cat in the neighborhood knows him and loves to be in his company. A vicious horse which the stablemen can with difficulty handle will stand like a lamb while he harnesses and anharnesses him.
The doves Ay around him, and in the woods the wild birds apparently regard him as a friend and ally. The most remarkable exhibition of his power, which has long been known and commented on by his friends, was given the other day. A large and vicious rat was captured in the stable in one of those traps which permit of easy ingress and no egress. The men who were looking at the animal were afraid to go near the trap, the animal showed such terror, but the boy when he beheld the imprisoned creature fearlessly put out his finger and stroked its head, the rat manifesting as much pleasure as would a cat or 8 dog. Several daye have passed since then, and the stablemen are still afraid of their capture, but he has grown 80 tame and familiar with the boy as to allow him to take him out and put him in the trap.
will come at his whistle, and manifests every appearance of joy at his presence. There seeme to be no question but what the boy could train that rat to perform almost any feat within the power of such an animal. MEXICO'S NEW WOMAN. The St. Louis A STRANGE POWER.
Evening A Mexican woman station agent is one of the curiosities of travel on the road from Puebla to Oaxaca. Her name is Concha Blanca. Her post of duty is at Etla, the place which the Indians flock from the mountains for a hundred miles around for their annual feasts, and also the shipping point for the big haciendas in the fertile valleys among these mountains. When the train stops at Etla in the dark, a young woman in white, for Senorita Concha dresses to tateh her surname, stands at the door of i be express car, lantern in hand. checking the packages on the big receipt book.
When the freight trains stop, she fits in and out of the long line of cars telling the brakemen what to take and what to leave. She is from one end of the train to the other, seeing that uo mistakes are made. This bareheaded girl in a white dress is full of business. She wastes no time on empty words. The trainmen respect her.
She does everything about the station but handle the baggage. There are plenty of stont Mexicans of the other sex hanging around for that work. Concha Blanca 18 80 well esteemed by the management of the road that she has been twice promoted, until now she has one of the most important statione under her care. Sbe does all of the telegraphing, besides attending to the ticket selling, and to the receiving and shipping of freight. It was her knowledge of telegraphing that got the young woman her first recognition.
Her father and two brothers operators. She learned to use the key. A station was given to her whare there was not much to do besides telegraphing. Her aptitude for railroad work attracted the attention of General Manager Morcom, ha and the promotions followed. Concha Blanca lives in the station.
Her mother keeps house for her and a younger sister sits at the telegraph table learning the vocation of the new woman in Mexico. The conductors have got in the way of pointing out to travelers Senorita Concha along with the ruins of the ancient city on the mountain top, the site where the battle of Tehuacan was fought, the hieroglyphics on the cliff at the entrance to Rio Salado Canyon, and other objects of interest. And the Mexican woman agent with her honest brown eyes and mass of wavy hair carelessly knotted. moving up and down the side of train with quick, determined step, loses nothing in interest by comparison with the other strange things. THE RAISING OF VANILLA BEANS.
"The greatest industry in our neighborhood," said Mancos Quedalia, of PapMexico, at the St. Jamer, "is the cultivation of the vanilla The cultivation of this plant differs from the general idea of agricultural care. for it consists entirely in cutting The vines are naturally grown from cutaway forests to give, it room to grow. tings, just as the grape vines, but they can also be grown from seeds, in which case it is much longer before they begin to bear. The vine is very hardy in its native element, and sometimes takes root, even if thrown carelesely on the gronnd, providing only that it has shade and moisture.
It grows best in virgin soil where streams abound and where the soil has a alight intermixture of sand. "After setting out the plants, if they thrive, they will begin to bear fruit in three or four years. The yield of beane increases each year after that until about the fifth, when it begins to dwindle. In abont the tenth year there is little or no yield and the plant is cut down. The vines yield, when they are in their greatest development, from 85 to 200 beans.
The beans are not ripe until they become yellow, which is in January or Februbut they are cat prematurely on ac count of the depredations of thieves, and on account of the great demand. the average for the last ten years the number of beans gathered in each year's crop has been above 000,000. As a rule the planters do not know how to cure the beans. This is a matter which requires much experience. and persons making a profession of it buy the beans from the planter and cure them themselves.
Vanilla beans are also grown in subtropical climates, bat they are much inferior to the Mexican A Partial Blockade. Of the main avenue for escape of refuse from the human system is utterly subversive of regularity among the other organs. Let constipation become chronie, and, leaving out the imminent danger of inflammation of the bowels and their total obstruction occuring, jaundice is almost certain to ensue, the liver is liable to beeome engorged, the blood and urine are poisoned by the bile, which also vitiates the juices of the stomach, and other unhappy consequenees fo'low. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, a prime tonic alterative, prevents or remedies these results and their cause, as the case may require, and Is also signally efficacious in overcoming flatulence. heartburn, and variable we well as constipated ac.
tion of the bowels. It renews nerve power, im. proves the appetite, stays the progress of early decay, relieves the infirmities of age, and is a healthy appetizer. We would like to have you see the inside of our store. If you have never call ed, do so now.
Our services are free and whether you buy a ream of paper, a one cent pen holder, or nothing at all, we are always pleased to see you at THE MESSENGER Co's store. SMOKE Brunswick Cigars THE CICAR OF THE U.S. Wholesale Depot, CRYSTAL CONFECTIONERY Burlington, Vt. Recommended by Physicians. Horsfords Baking Powder is itself a Nutritious Food.
No other powder has this quality. SPECIAL CUT PRICES FOR MAGAZINE BINDING! As an inducement to all having music or monthly magazines which they desire bound in neat and attractive volumes, the Messenger Company Has made Special Reduction in prices for a limited time. It is for the interest of those intending to have any kind of binding done, to call on or write to The Messenger Co. FOR PRICES, stating number of volumes which they desire to have bound. DO NOT DELAY looking up your unbound volumes, and consult personally or by letter, The St.
Albans Messenger Printers, Engravers, and Binders. ST. ALBANS, VERMONT. THE Montpelier Crackers Have always borne the Reputation of being "THE BEST IN THE WORLD." The old firm of C. H.
CROSS and C. H. CROSS Why? The 30 same SON have workmen made have them baked for 60 them in years. the factory for years. Then, again -The best of a all is, they are baked Because them Ovens moist, with crisp, and Soapstone tender a great Bottoms, while which longer than ep if baked in ovens with iron bottoms.
As good crack. ere cannot be baked on iron as on soapstone. Be sure to call for MONTPELIER CRACKERS," and you can get the finest there are made. C. H.
CROSS SON, Manufacturers, MONTPELIER, VT. Most of the childish superstitious gaines that are almost indissolubly connected with Hallowe'en have been regarded generations as amusing, but harmless. It has remained an English writer to trace a relation between lovers' incantations and Hallowe'en pracand the number of fallen women in tices, towns and villages. The writer argues that after a young womau hast spent hours and perhaps days and weeks trying to ascertain the name of ber future husband- and it seems to be true that girls become wore interested such practices after they have set their hearts ou a particular man- -when he appears in the flesh she is not in as mood to insist on a determined "No" to any of his advances. Fate, the girl thinks, has told her that she and he are destined for each other, Neither can get away from fate, and reasoning thus.
the girl, this English writer holds. becomes his victim. It's an interesting point of view. In the course of an article on this subject in the Humanitarian Lucian Wetherell enumerates some of the more common love spells that are nracticed in one village in England. Most of them do not differ from those with which Americans are familiar, through Hallowe'en parties indulged early childhood.
The most approved method of obtaining a glimpse into the future is to take a handful of barley on the eve of St. Agnes, or Hallow mass, and sow it under an apple tree. repeatiog meanwhile: Barley, barley, I sow thee, That my true love I may see; Take thy rake and follow me! After which the figure of the future husband appears, following the spellworker and raking up the seed that she has It may be said that most of the spells are used by women good purpose. They want a busband and adopt these means merely to quicken his love. Men never take any stock in the spells except when they want to accomplish an evil purpose.
Another effective spell is this: An unmarried girl who sets out supper with proper precautions and watches it on St. Mark's eve see the spirit of her foreordained husband enter the room at midnight and partake of the meal. Still another method of seeing the longed-for apparition is for a girl to hang her chemise before the fire on St. Mark's eve, in order that the wraith of the young man she will wed may come in and turn it round -rather a strange proceeding for a ghost with connubial aspiratione. If a girl wants to compel a man to marry her this method is said to be infallible: "Go to an 8 o'clock holy communion, and when you take the bread 10 your mouth hide not swallow it.
Hold it there until service is over. When you come out of the church you will see a toad in the yard. You must eject the bread from your mouth before the toad, which will eat it at The old women who believe in this spell bold that no man can resist the girl after this. will be ready to marry you the next time you meet him," 18 the assurance that the old folk give to the girl. Speaking of toads, all folk-lore stadents agree that they have an influential place in the love spells of all communities.
The breast bone of a toad is held in great veneration in many countries. In England the common practice seems to be to bury a toad's breast bone in an ant bill until the ants have eaten off all of the flesh. Then, to test its efficacy, one must throw it into a running stream. If it sails proudly and determinedly against the current, the charm is all right. Its power over horses, cattle, and persons is said to be absolutely irresistible.
These toad stones are the charms that depraved men often use when they wish to gain power over a woman's affections. Another alleged way to conjure up the spirit of a future husband make use of the first bunch of mayflower in the spring, especially if you can find it on May eve. The procedure consists of merely breaking the blossom only partly from the bush. It must be left hanging there. Then you go home, and if you do not dream of your future husband that night go out the next day and pluck the blossom.
You will not fail, tradition says, to see him before you reach your home with the flowers. These practices must be followed now and then by some success, for they seem to be observed by generation after generation of love girls. -New York Press. TEUTONIC CALM ON A STATE OCCASION. City Times Governor Thomas T.
Crittenden, who succeeded Phelps in the executive chair, was inaugurated in January, 1881, with more ceremony and frills than any other governor since the war. There were military trainloads and of bands galore, from and Kansas special people came City and St. Louis to witness the pageant. The military features were in charge of Captain Hawley, of St. Louis, who was grand marshall of Brockmeyer, who, as lieutenant governor.
was presiding over the senate, was lolling back bis chair on the president's stand, smoking a cob pipe and awaiting notice of the time for senate to proceed to the hall of the house of representatives, where the two bodies in joint session were to receive the new governor, and the inauguration would be consum mated. The senate lobby was crowded and the senators were in their seats, on the tiptoe of expectancy, for on martial strains could be heard on the outside. At this juncture a figure in a glittering and brilliant uniform pushed through the crowd and marched half up the aisle. It was Marshal of the Day Hawley. Drawing his sword he made a military salute, and pompously announced: "Mr.
President. the governor of Mis souri and his now Without removing his pipe from his month, Brockmeyer replied: "Vell, let him coom: dot is what we are here When the laugh had subsided senate proceeded to the house and the inaguration was completed. RAINFALLS THAT DO NOT REACH EARTH. OLD LOVE SI'ELLS. City In the Colorado desert they have rainstorms during which not a single drop of water touches the earth.
The rain can be seen falling from the clouds high above the desert, but when the water reaches the strata of hot, dry air beneath the clouds it is entirely absorbed before falling half the distance to the ground. It is a singular sight to witness a heavy downpour of rain, not a drop of which touches the ground. These strange rainstorms occur in regions where the shade temperature often ranges as high as 128 degrees Fahrenheit. Speed and safety are the watch words of the age. One Minute Cough Cure acts speedily, safely and never fails.
Asthma. bronchitis, coughs and colds are cured by it. J. E. Welch Co.
BOSS MILK LUNCH BISCUIT. A carefully manufactured cracker made of the finest selected wheat. Over 3,000,000 pounds sold in one year proclaim its popularity. Our name Boss" on every biscuit, C. D.
BOSS SON, NEW LONDON, CONN Originators and Sale Manufacturers. ELLIS. "The Land in 1 cm papere) of the (Sound Money just as the eye HUNDRED CANNONS "THE LAND IN SIGH The victories in Ver the The roar of of this country tempestuous storm. firma on which TWO to the people land after days of IN SIGHT." Terra The claim voyager gladly sights "THE LAND 13 of movitory experiment. heard ocean Maine declare that money without fear owner will be no I mont and business man can invest help anyone except the mine other property exchang capitalist and gospel of "Free Coinage" to money it must be earned, bushed compared with delusive People will learn that to possess WHEAT; crop is 402,000,000 89,000,000 bushels last wheat, year, more.
borrowed, or stolen. 46,200,000 against 23,000,000 year. -locks Buy of pork are ed for it, World's bushels stocks compared PORK; $3 per bbl. 167,000,000 thin last year. 35,000,000 in the next and STOCKS price average abroad per will handsome compared show with great confidence, or speculation uow.
Exporte 224,639,000 money now 167,790,000 it with return of them investment lower. below the average, and into investment. Buy and share at home will dow F. E. KNOTT, COMMISSION BROKER, back STOCK AND Burlington, Vt.
Old, reliable, private wire. regular houses represented by direct NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR VINEGAR PURE FOR CIDER VINEGAR. PICKLING. White Wine Vinegar. Respectfully, MERRITT PEASE 164 MAIN ST St.
ALBANS. Telephone 4-5. MAKING ARTIFICIAL EARS. A Delicate Task and an Expensive Product of Vulcanized Rubber. If there is any one branch of scientific manufacturing that would seem to have reached perfection within the last decade it is the making of artificial ears.
Such reproductions are turned out nowadays that they cannot be distintion, from the natural ear. guished, even upon a fairly close, inspecspecially prepared rubber, flesh colored in the rough, they are painted by hand in exact imitation of the remaining ear the unfortunate customer and 48 carefully and marked over as an artist's picture. This is necessary, for an artificial ear must be perfect to be acceptable, and such careful work pays the maker, for he gets a hundred dollars apiece for them. In a certain workshop the other day, where much scientific work is done, was shown to a Tribune representative a little box some seven or eight inches long, less than two inches broad, and hardly half an inch high. $500 worth of goods in that box," said the foreman, as he lifted off the cover, displaying five rubber ears lying in cotton.
"These are for four different men and one woman-you see that little ear there and all they need now is for the artist to call for them and touch 'em up according to little slips we'll give him telling just how the coloring should go on. We studied our customers carefully when we; took the orders. hundred dollars seems a big price, doesn't it, to pay for a little thing like one of those ears that's so flexible you can crumple it up in your hand easily? But people that have never made artificial ears have no idea of the work that is on them. There is no guessing about making them. You have to be as exact as if you were carving out a statue.
In the first place, when a man comes here to get an ear to replace one he's lost we take a would of the ear that is left, and, if there is any part of the other, we must get a mould of that, too, so as to be able to fit on the new ear. There are no two ears the same, and it a takes our most skilled workmen to get an ear from this mould or pair of moulds that is lifelike and appears to have the color of flesh. When finished the new ear is pasted on the old stump, or simply set precisely where the old ear was, and not one man in a thousand can tell the difference. It is really only the first ear that 18 expensive. What costs make the mould.
If a man has his mould with us we will give him duplicate ears for about $20 each. There is one customer on our books hailing from Chicago who buys five ears a year from us, on an average. I don't know what he does with them all, but he seems to want them. "The demand, take it altogether, is limited, and 1 don't suppose we ever turn out more than twenty new ears a year. We have only been making them up to our present standard a couple of years, by the way.
vulcanized rubber that can be bent and twisted experience bas taught us is the best material to use: We have experimented with nearly everything. Last summer we tried aluminum, thinking that it would be lighter. but. do our best. the ear turned out far heavier; and.
besides, the metal would not lend itself nearly as well as rubber to the imitating of flesh tints. "How do people lose their ears? In two ways, -in railroad accidents or by getting caught in machinery. The former is by far the more York Tribune. The True Remedy. W.
M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, says: won't keep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Experimented with many others, but never the true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Discovery.
No other remedy can take its place in our home, as 10 it we have a certain and sure cure for Coughs, Colds Whooping Congh, etc." It is idle to experiment with other remedies. even ifthey are urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They are not as good, because this remedy has a record of cures and besides its guaranteed, It never fails to satisfy Trial bottles free at MacLeod Co's. drug store.
EXTRA! Havana in Ashes. Multitudes of People are Reducing our Havana gare to Ashes Every Day. Thousands are Dead Sure that they are the Best for the money, Hundreds are Dying For want of money to Buy One. For Sale by C. H.
POWERS, Burlington, Vt. She May Have Seen Better Days but we doubt it' for when she experienced returned prosperity she never used Hurd's Fine Stationery. We sell this line of writing papers. and respectfully invite the inspection of intending purchasers at the MESSENGER COMPANY STORE, Kingman Street. Corn Meal, 70c.
Provender, 70c. Spring Bran, 60c, Buffalo Gluten, 75c. Chicago Gluten, 85c. No. I Clipped Oats, 30c 000 FRANKLIN COUNTY PENNYROYAL PILLS and Daly reliable.
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