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The Daily Oklahoman from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma • 4

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY OKL'AHOMAN, TUESDAY, APRIL' 14, SJcimn Toiler TTl Makes Debut in COUNTY LOSES $3,000 IN AID sat CRAWFORD HAS SPOTLIGHT AT EBONY ORGAN Change in Regulations Cut State Grant. Oklahoma county will lose KxA welfare funds durin? a result of new state rer-lati i distribution, Sam Rice, j.j fare director, said Monday. Last month, with counties sr.vtr. i for each relief client. Oklahoma zr-ty received $21,000.

This morr.ii will receive S13.000. Aunt Susan's Kitchen Also Attracts Visitors. Oklahoma City's etittfring debutante of the WKYs new studio in the Sxxin was presented to the pusi.e ShlonS twn-outIUani; such "ohs" Distribution to counties will be as follows: $8 for clients more tia 64 years old; $3 for dependent ciJ dren; and 51 cacn ior au ower There are 1.077 aged persons on 1,300 dependent children and aicdj the 'building is so incomplete 5,500 others, Rice said. Mother Asks Gloria Bear Paris Expense NEW YORK. April 13.

Mn Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt soucht to shift to the estate of verv 'head of the with calculated to knock their ees and it did. Orsan Studio Ir, First Directlv in front of the entrance, encased in its rIjim enclosure. RESERVED With 700 guests at the affair, WKY reserved this big horseshoe table at the left for special visitors at studio opening party in the Skirvin Tower Monday night. On the extreme left may be seen Dr. W.

B. Bizzell, University of Oklahoma president, conferring with Senator T.P. Gore. In the center of the table is E. K.

Gaylord, president of the Oklahoma Publishing while on the extreme right is Edgar r. Bell maswr of ceremonies. Ana in me picture at the ruin is Johnny Marvin, the cowboy radio singer and one of the entertainers at the party. little daughter, Gloria an exp S8.993 in back rent, taxes and on a house leased in Paris for she is being sued. i and lattice i heralded WKY." i would like to have re- i r-xMri in this spot with noses the class, however, lurried on by uniformed pace Mlntte3.

"left, please; right, Suan Kitchen Bust the mosaic-floored corridors, 'literally lined with huae bas- spruces 1 4j is -t i uJSPa 49 EXECUTIVES Curtiss Mitchcil (lefP. Chicago. Cditoria director of Radio Guide, and Eugene KaU, New York, right young advertising executive. Radio World tlw handsome Notables At WKY Party cxpressin JS SALES GOUP-PRICES COME DOWN tmesis which throncr os of WKY in the Sk Monday night. Co.

sented by Curtis Mitchell, editorial WKY'S GUESTS OFFER PRAISE OF NEW STUDIO director of Raaio Guiae. cmcago. Leonard Lewis of Printers Ink. New York; sol Taisnoa, eauor o. eroau- casting, Washincton.

and Dan Gola-bcrg and Hal Halpcrin, both execu- Also present was Eugene Kilgcn. St. T-nnic nf the firm which built and in stalled the' studio pipe orRan, and Mr. and Mrs. John Kane, Banlesville.

From Horseless Carriage! UonsPincluded: Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Meyer and J.

I. Meycrson. KLZ. Denver: Mr. and Mr Martin Camnbcll.

Mr. and Mrs. James Moroney and Jack Estes, all of WFAA, Dallas; H. W. Slavick.

WMC, Memphis: Mr. and Mrs. William Gillespie, KTUL. Tulsa: Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Lee. KADA, Ada; J. W. -to Motor Miracle with the aid of Instalment Buying TAIN STUDIO The biz pipe orsan. manned bv Jesse Crawford, was a center of crowds whirh throhced through WKY's new studios after the opening banquet Crawford, here especially "for the opening, thundered out number after num-o ncd listeners, who moved through the studios, Runyan, KRLD, Dallas.

cities. Among Mass production, and mass consumption Brimm, Dallas; Carl Slater, Kai aided by instalment selling are turning onetime luxuries into everyday conve E. Katz Special -Ad vet C. Beattv of Maxi Irvine H. MacKenzic with J.

Stirling upstairs J-sse Crwf enowned "Port of the Orca: for them. niences or necessities. Through them new Getchcll. Detroit; Osborne B. Bond, New York, with Joseph Katz industries spring up, payrolls increase.

Allen B. Russcii, Kansas city. with Potts-Turnbuii kodcj White. New York, with the William prices drop and products are improved. For more than 28 years C.I.T.

has taken a leading part in this industrial and social Esty Leonard T. Bush, the Blackmail New York: J. B. Woodbury with R. J.

Potts Chicago: Jack Latham With Young and "Rubicam development. Today millions of Ameri agency. New York. Elmer W. Frochtich John and Adams.

Detroit; George cans are proud owners of cars purchased on the C.I.T. Budget Plan; and with its McGivern, with: BiacKett-sampic-Hummerl. Chicaco: Frank H. 'Hake- Forty years ago only "Diamond Jim" Brady and a handful of other Americans owned "horseless carriages." Twenty years later cars were still a luxury and terms were cash. Then instalment selling was introduced and a great new market opened up.

A responsible man with a modest income could pay part cash and the balance ouf of his monthly earnings. Both Cash and Credit Buyers Benefit Motor car sales increased by the millions. Prices dropped by hundreds of dollars per car. And better automobiles appeared. For a fraction of the price which "Diamond Jim" paid for his rattletrap contrivance, you can get a car today with power, comfort and dependability unimagined even ten years ago whether you pay cash or buy on the C.I.T.

Budget Plan. And the automobile industry is now employing, directly or indirectly, one out of every eight of the nation's workers! aid countless families are enjoying refrigerators, washing machines, radios, automatic heating equipment and other conveniences which make the home and happier. rompantment of "Boot. will, with Roche. Williams and Cun-nynghani.

Chicago: Nate Pumpian of Henri, Hurst and McDonald. Chicago: George Pearson and Joseph Timlin of the J. Walter Thompson agency, Chicago. George May, Chicago, of Batten, Durstin and Osborne: Hubert L. Hulsebus.

Stock-Goble agency. Chicago: J. J. Hartigan, Campbell- WKY PREVIEWERS Photographers snapped this group at a table during the banauet at the nrcview of WKY's new studios. On the left side are Mrs.

D. K. Stockton. Mr. Stockton, Strcctc and Mrs.

R. T. Moore. At the head of the table is Oscar Dictz. At right are Mr.

enc Mrs. E. H. Brockman. Mr.

Moore and Mrs. Flynn were out of sight of the camera lens, behind Mr. Brockman. Send for This Free Booklet Ewald Detroit; Max Hacker; "Buyi Pedlar and Ryan, New ork; Frank P. Atha, Folger Coffee Kansas City; G.

Victor Lowrie, McCann-Erickson agency, Chicago; John F. Mayer, with the Street and Finney agency. New York. I out of Income" tells to your advantage to C. I.T.

when purchasing stalmentplan. Itexplaini Democratic Dinner atbe To Be Held Tonight Broadcasting. the C.I.T. Budget Plan rks. May we send a free copy? ite to C.

I.T. Corporation, 1 New York, Dept. DD. Iricomejj vision. Radio the magic carpet of 1936, the Aladdin's lamp of 1950," Harrison added.

The special guests who. came from New York. Baltimore. Detroit. Washington and Chicago for the celebration were introduced in turn by Bell.

Three Minute Relief From Periodical Pains progressed to important pla thr State and national Democratic officials will be guests a Jefferson Day dinner party Tuesday night at the Biltmore hotel, sponsored by the Women's Jeffersonian club of Oklahoma City. Governor. Marland. Sen. T.

P. Gore and other Democratic candi- introduced were those seated Moore. Clifton Daniels. Ha Rcberts. Charles God C.I.T.


R. J. B-nzcl. Mayor a to accomplish in a few we believe no one drug do in so short time. "I also be used for the relie rriio will celebrate its colden Jubi- Mrs.

John Frank Martin. Mr. and Now it is so unnecessary to suffer month after month from inorganic pains, because "3. will bring soothing relief in three minutes. Is prepared by a registered pharmacist, compounded on a di'fter-ent principle from most relief-giving agencies in that it contains several and Mrs.

Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. J. F.

Mrs Edsat colds, headaches and neuralgia, muscular aches and pains, reducing fever and for quieting a distressed nervous system without opiates, narcotics or such hablt-formlng drugs. Get COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT TRUST CORPORATION One Pork Avanoe, Naw York WIDENS THE SCOPE OF BUSINESS: A reception at 7 p. m. lowed by the dinner at Reservations will close at i Vaucht. Mr.

and Mrs. Gaylord. Senator and Mrs. T. P.

Gore. Mrs. Georce Mesta. Mrs. BeU.

Leorard Lewis. O. W. Skirvin, Talshoff Mitchell and Mason. oy many pnysi- iKages, wnerever BTcatest development.

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