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St. Albans Daily Messenger from Saint Albans, Vermont • 2

Saint Albans, Vermont
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ST. ALBANS DAILY MESSENGER, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1879. dm (Doofcs. Chew JACKSON'S BEST Sweet I tl.a hnsinMS rinses iUtsccclianeoiu similar gas burners will cost gas msnuiKir cuuie Queuing iUcsscngcr. urers.

1 claim that tms solves me question, lot Dotn America ana e-ujujic Atr nn ouin- He saw at a dance that there was value in ROBIXSOX'S ittisccllancous. luumiiu i ,1,. JARGAINS! ine. the Republican says, "There was a dash me patents ot nis ti i 4 io Alp Ijinff xrlin hail ln. iT thA TinM OI ine 1 Iiwiuera iwiniu, muu I --I.

standard tonic. The majority win oe samy i built all tne Hauliers pumps, uau miF in need of it. I on the natent. and there was a hopeless suit Maine The democracy of Maine neld their state convention at Bangor on Tuesday.and renominated GoryarceIon. The- assembly was called triUer by tdmund Dana, chairman of the'state committee, who, in an address, Corner Store.

-o A Western paper defends the attempted pending within the company, which, thus JIVIXGSTON FILLSOBE'S, IS THE PLACE TO GST TOCE Furniture Repaired, Upholstered and Varnished. stationery grab of congress on the ground I and impoverished, was in no condition that "there are a great many letters to be to litigate with outsiders, Mr. Drew him- In all kinds of Dress Goods as said the safety of tie people rested in a dis written to constituents; explaining and I self Vxmght the Flanders and Lmg patents CASH ONE PRICE! tt" cussion of the financial questions at Issue. apologizing for the disgraceful mess tuai nas i and immediately went to work and TN THE DISTRICT OF UNITED STATES FOR The coming election merely involved the been maae oi puuiic ounuiraa OHGAMZED A STRONG COHrAKY, management of affairs. Corner Store The extra session of Congress cost the A imillSTlUU VEilWlUJi.

In the matter of JANES E. WILDER, In Bankruptcy. Ttnnltront. 1 under the laws of Connecticut, which were o- country about $2,000,000, and what has been The resolutions adopted condemn the plac-imr of elections in the custody of "the tools of floemed tlm moat favorable for the purpose, This is to give notice that the Sd and 3d general gained Simply withholding appropriations ami Trunin srrnnirpmi'nts to establish tl meetings of the creditors of the aforesaid Bankrupt, for United States marshals, thus crippling have been ordered by said Court to be Hem in said Distriet.on the 21st day of business in Burlington, ine prospectus oi the executive;" consider as dangerous the power of the administration to appoint marshals to overlook electors; approve the dem at 10 o'clock a. at the office of L.

L. Lawrence, the service to the advantage of violators of this company may be seen in another col Tli Tmr Times, rhvs that the whole uum. turnn. 1. t.

T.awnnw. one of the remsters in Bans: mntmr far raU ri.strii.t for the Din-nose named in ocratic course in this regard; favor a cur SUMMER CASHMERES, BUNTINGS IN PLAIN AND FIGURED GAUZE, CAMELS HAIR CLOTH.BRO-CADES.&C, AC. the 27th and 28th sections of the Bankrupt Act of March 20. lt7, and that I have filed my final ac matter resolves itself into this-that under In this way his clientage became in good democratic engineering the people are taxed condition to litigate or compromise, and also about $2,000,000 to assure immunity to crim- to carry on the business. Ine iioliy tom- at count as assignee or ine estate oi wiu iMnMui aaiA court And that at the time and place above rency of gold, silver and paper the raper to be kept at a par with coin at all times and a free, unlimited coinage of silver; and recommend their candidate to the considera pany had capitalized their two patents mentioned I shall apply to said Court for settle lnals and crime.

ment of miif aocoiint and for a discharge from all h- 1 (MM) IHMl and were aoine asuccessiui uuoi- State elections will be held this year in ness. It was considered that the Flanders line of French all-wool Cashmere Beiges, at 50 cents. Measure 43 inches and are beautiful shades. A line of SI inch Silver Gray Cashmere Beige, all-wool, at 25 cents. Aline of Silk Snowflake Novelty Goods, 48 inches wide, at $1.25 beautiful for Children.

Onr unrivalled line of roll buntings, at 25 and 87 1-2 cents, is now complete. Buntings are scarce and higher, bnt we ownlthem at old prices and shall sell for the present at old prices. This line of goods is mnch superior to other makes at same prices. A full line of Plain and Fancy French Buntings, now out of abilities as assignee of said estate In accordance with the provisions of said 38th section of the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867. Dated at Enosburgh Falls, this 27th darf of June, tion of the people.

A resolution in favor of the following order: Kentucky, August 4, and Lang patents covered a better system, hnt contract could be made for manu rum, presented by a minority of the com state officers and legislature; California, A. u. 1B. DANIEL B. STETSON, September 3, state and judicial officers, four mittee, created much confusion, and was finally voted down.

The resolution in ques jun27ltew3w Assignee. facturing and thus no large outlay would be required for the a less capital would suffice for the company. Accordingly the three Flanders patents were put in at congressmen and legislature; Maine, Sep tion denounced the liquor law of the stat IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED tember 8, state officers and legislature; Ohio and Iowa, October 7, state officers in part non and the patent at as a "detriment to the temperance and mer STATES, FOB THE DISTRICT OF VEKM.OM I have just received another large invoice of the Celebrated Under IVcar 200,000 and the company proceeded to and legislature: Maryland, Massachusetts, In H. I cantile interests of Maine." We find noth GEO. FAS8ETT SON.

J-In Bankruptcy. Minnesota. Mississippi, isew jersey, iew establish itself. It seemed to Mr. Drew that it would be better to compromise with the inr to indicate that the convention was oth York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and YViscon- Bankrupts.

DISTRICT OF VERMONT, 88. erwise than well attended and harmonious. sin, November 3. Governors are to be elect-1 Holly company if possible accordingly he fiir Notice la herebv riven that a netltlon has been for Ladies, the wholesale market. ed in all of the states named except Missis sippi, New Jersey, Pennsylvania ana met tue counsel tor mat company, duuu Hatch of Cincinnati, and within a few days an adjustment of the controversy has been effected, which we are assured is fair Newlines of Anderson's elegant Scotch "EespeclaMe Criminals," Ginghams.

for both anl will be to their mutual advan The case of Mr. Edmands.the Boston merchant under a cloud for forgery, adds another name to the long list of those who, having WATEE SUPPLY BY PTOHOT. tage. It may be of interest to Know tuat filed in said Court, by Geo. Faasett L.

A. Fassett, of Enosburgh, in said District, duly declared bankrupts under the Act of Congress of March Sd, 1H67, fora discharge and certificate thereof from all their individual and co-partnership debts and other claims prov able under said Act, and that the 1st day of July, 1H79, at 9 o'clock A. M.t before the Hon. Hoyt H. Wheeler, Judge of said Court, at theU.

B. Court Rooms in Burlington, is assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors who have proven their debts, and other persons in interest, may attend and show cause if any they have why the pray erof said petition should not be granted. Dated at Burlington, on the mh day of May, ism. 3rt B. B.

BMALLEY, Clerk. THE POINT IN DISPUTE New lines of Lace stripe P. K's. New lines of Linens. New line of "Morale" Cloths; Ele Btood igh in communitv and received the con- An Important Vermont Industry Ee-estafr fidence of their fellows.have suddenly reveal listed.

ed themselves as criminals. Such revelations gant Printings. ORGANIZATION OF THE FLANlJiS LANG related to the right to pump water directly into street mains, thus dispensing with a reservoir or stand pipe, and at the same time securing a sudicient and automatically adaptable pressure. The Holly company claimed this bv richt of oridnal discovery, are saddening, and do much very much- PUMP COMPANY. OF BURLINGTON, AND Opened last (Thursday) night, a ease to shake our faith in human nature.

There is A full line of Gauze Dnaer Vear In long and short sleeres. WITH SETTLEMENT OF CONTROVERSIES of novelties in Gents' Neckwear. generally considerable difference between the JUST RECEIVED THE OLD vergenneb machine CO. AND but Mr. Drew disputed the originality of the with the holly CO.

OF lockport, N. 1. invention and was prepared to show that in Opened last week some 40 doz. Gauze, estimate put upon the actions of men of this sort and that put upon the operations of ABILITY AND ENTERPRISE Kg CAPITAL, those whom we are pleased to call the criml COMBINED AND EXTENSIVE MANUFACTUE Lisle and Berlin Cloves plain and lace tops, for which we have gleaned the mar ket Laces, in Breton, Smyrna, Torchon and Tal large variety. "1 will numn the water from the middle pier nal class.

Men are apt to look upon them as respectable criminals, but the law fails to recognize the difference, and deals or at ING ENTERED UPON. I of the Thames into every street in the city, with i I one force sufficient to supply the tallest houses For two or three years before the construe- withwter for domeBticr use and accidental My stock of Shetland Shawls Buttons In endless variety. New jobs nroMll fires anil another pressure, to suppress tion of the water works in St. Albans, our least should deal with men of the Edmands H. S.

Gallar's WASHINGTON MARKET. No. 90. North Main Street. FRESH STRAWBERRIES, readers will remember that the Messenger fires and conflagrations, by a force that shall throw the water from street hydrants over the tallest.

HteenlR in London and he added In Ribbons, Jabots, Cash's Colored Ruf-fling, kckc and Parasols is complete, and type as it does with the common criminal discussed various systems of supply and, re To even a proud man who has by persistent "This system is so controlled by the action of the valves which regulate the flow into the We opened Wednesday a case of our at the lowest prices. effort gained a place in the esteem of com fleeted what light could be collected from all quarters in regard to the expense and effectiveness of the different works. At one time unrivalled EIGHM1E Shirts, ordered munity, and is looked upon as upright, the street mains anu nouses mu me iui-ieseu pica-sure mav not buret the pipes in houses, because April 23, and could not get until now, temptation to avail himself of funds belong the demand is so great. ing to others, yet under his control, when public opinion leaned strongly towards pumping the water from the Bay, three miles dis of my regulating the flow in the street mains so that the now of water will rise to a fixed pressure into the houses for domestic use, and with thribble force for suppression of fires by use of hose affixed to hvdrants." PINE APPLES, LEMONS, ORANGES, BANANAS he finds himself in difficulty, may be very Wishing to reduce my large Stock of Linen Suits, Basques Overdresses tant and three hundred feet below, and for great indeed. But in "borrowing" from.

just in. this purpose the Holly Water Works system, The town of Ross, on the river Wye, Har- manufactured at Lockport, N. was favor these funds in order to tide himself over threatening breakers, is he committing crime any less heinous than he who delib Dry Goods, I shall offer Great Bargains for the next Thirty Days. New Parasols. Mohair and linen Ulsters, our own rifordshire, had the same system more than one hundred and fifty years ago.

Pope refers to it in speaking of "the man of ably considered. and Vegetables of all kinds a But finally it was decided that a better and Boss" who built the water-works. It has its make, which we are furnishing to the Specialty. erately forges and filches from others that he may enrich himself by their loss We more economical plan would be to construct record in the books and papers of that age. largest retail trade in Boston and New Tork and Elsewhere, think not.

ALSO a dam across a ravine in the bill country four I So, it seemed not unlikely that the claim set milesto the south-east, thus creating anar- upbytbHolya)mpanycouMbe8uccessfully I unnfMiiJ hnt nnntoata rvf t.hflt. kind flm not Can goods) ox every The New York on this latest case, asks: What proportion of the 7Please call eariy and secure the best trfide tificial pond by hoarding the supply from a oenegc'to tie pabiic are often ruinous natural water shed of about one thousand both parties, and so it seemed best, in a acres, and thus availing ourselves of a de- business point of view, to compromise. Heavy Ox Beef, Spring Lamb, Uutton, Veal, Fork, All this and mnch more, at HOBINSOIT'S. The Best in Market, Which I am gelling scent of some three or four hundred feet, in-1 the settlement an the very lowest Prices respectable criminals of a great business community are ever found out? To what extent have men in positions of trust appropriated funds not their own and sncceeded in replacing them? How many forgers are there undetected, because fortunate enough stead of having to perpetually overcome an important and difficult a matter reflects ascent of the same altitude. Ko doubt the I credit upon the counsel for companies.

-187 JULY 1st, l9yCaU and see me before purchasing elsewhere 9. We have not learned tue aetnus, dui sumce Respectfully Tours, decision was a wise one. At all events, we have an abundant supply of good water, it to say that the Flanders Lang Fump to. discard the device covered by the Holly pa Respectfully, H. S.GALLAR.

to take up the accommodation paper made by themselves? How many criminals of which comes with an average pressure (when tent No. and regulate their pressure LEONARD J. MORTON not restrained by the automatic regulator,) this class, who have not been successful by means of a new improvement in valves invented bv Mr. which leaves no of a hundred pounds to the square inch, jpiREl FIRE have been rescued from exposure by their friends, their crime condoned on condition chance for further dispute; there is also a HI IS IT THAT PEOPLE which not only meets a great and constantly mutual recognition of the patents of eacn increasing demand for domestic UBe, but sup- that pecuniary losses were made good company By tue other, as a pan or tne agree plies our manufactories, sprinkles our streets, ment. These are questions that no man can answer, S.

BAILEY, THROW AWAY THEIR MONEY, turns oar printing presses and small lathes, but they suggest an evil the most insidious and destructive imaginable, and a reason blowB our church organs, tolls our bells, ir The Flanders and Lang company, thus by purchasing cheap, worthless goods when rigates our lawns and gardens, and drenches why sentiment should not be permitted organized, thus freed from all litigation and interfere with the utmost severity of law. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST? The safety of society demands that this peril be met by a prompt infliction of the penal- Stock abandoned by the Insurance Companies! Our fires so effectually that, as compared pretenses'of infringement, with valuable with the experience of an equal number of patents covering a perfected, thoroughly years before, the saving has been more than tested and successful system, stand ready enough to pay for the for busing They have made a contract 6 with B. 8. kicholsid to manufacture the But all places are not situated like St. apparatus, and the extensive Pioneer shops Albans.

If we bad decided to pump from in Burlington have been refitted with ma- ii- i i chinery for the purpose. By this arrange- ties "in such case made and provided." A few dishonest Manufactures and Jobbers are flooding the Country with absolutely worthless For two weeks only offers this large line of Black guuuSf xiayvKiauj ill They have found a "Charlie Ross" up SUksat Old Prioesi, which means Canada. The boy says this and that, but SILVER PLATED WARE. ment the company can produce the pumps use steam power, at an expense of seven or at less cost than they were ever made for in eight thousand dollars a year, while many Vergennes, andean probably offer towns and other places are on shore, so that the expense corporations a complete system of water i works cheaper than any other company. "the boy" has said so before, when it became evident "the boy lied." C.

E. stock isn't taken as readily as it used to be. If you don't want to throw away your money, buy 20 per cent, less than present value. Having purchased 15 Pieces Black Stika before the recent advance in prices, I know that I offer bargains in Silks that cannot be found elsewhere. omy 01 01a cnea and rename houses.

I have just received 100! Dozen Rogers Brother1 FOR Gentlemen who examined the Holly from rivers, bo that the expense is only system with reference to its adoption here, nominal. About the time that our works and afterward saw the Flanders pump in Silver Plated Knives, No 12, which I will sell at ere being put in the little city of Vergennes, operation at ergennes, assure us tuat tue on Otter Creek, established a pumping sys- KeluS andextS Senator Thurman is credited with saying that the extra session "has done no small service for American liberty." Correct! but perhaps the service done will turn out to be very different from what Mr. Thurman had in view. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. SHTY DAIS tem; not the Holly, but the Flanders, The cities where they are used testify to which was patented by a resident, and their entireefflciency.

Mr. Wm. H. Lang has which worked so mlmii-nhltr tw taken the superintendency at Burlington and All kinds that bear the name "Rogers Brothers" are heavily plated, and Hard made of the As soon as this lot is closed out our prices must best Double Relnd Steel and warranted In every for its manufacture and general introduction esinPany wUl ioMeaS VCTy lMge respect tnrouguout tne country was organized, it ONLY These Knives ard not sold in competition with surelyadvance. was called the light plated, soft nnshed traata which at present Why Will You nooas tne Market.

THE VEKGEKSES MACHINE CO. Allow a cold to advance in your system and thus encourage more serious maladies, such as Pneumonia, Sixteen years ago to-day Rebellion's highest tide dashed up at Gettysburg and broke and rolled away. But we don't believe the worst whipped rebel of them all felt meaner slinking away home than his distinguished successors feel to-day in slinking away home from Congress. There lsnotsolaige and varied a stock of Sliver and Silver Plated Ware la Vermout as I keep, and -l-r- Hemorrhages and Lung troubles when an Immedi and consisted of Henry M. Mitchell, F.

E. piease oear in nuna that ate relief can be so readily attained. Boschee't Ger Woodbridge, John R. Flanders, Eli B. Do not delay bat secure your Silk at old man Syrup has gained the largest sale in the world Hayes and S.

E. Wainwright. The com- for the cure of Coughs, Colds and the severest Just the tMng for these I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD pany was not incorporated and constant Lung Diseases. It is Dr. Boschee's famous German PRICES.

no fear need he entertained in administering it quarrels, internal their operations. At lentrtli emu nf li I the youngest child, as per directions. The sale fll JeUglU One OI lUe I th: m(HHpino la IW int. on same quality of keep only goods that company undertook to run the bnniness on I duced there has been a constant increasing demand i can warrant in every particular. HARD TIMES! M.

nn tnV juJ I wiluuilbH Single report OI iailUre TO dO 118 MS own Hook, went out and bid against his I work in any case. Ask your Druggist as to the truth wn company, used its funds for the busi-1 Z1 lnese remaN. uuxe size rs cent. Try it and Full assortment of Buntings, Walt ham Watches have lead; some grades greatly reduced affording the best NOVELTY IN ART ueta ana nnaiiy Drougut a urn in chancery to wind np the concern. They had acquired some $75,000 worth of valuable machinery and some $50,000 in cash, which was in tiattn in the World tor the Money.

The art of dyeing the hair in five minutes so as to H-r deceive the whole world, has been discovered. various ways absorbed and a debt was in CKISTADOEO'S HAIK DYE No better evidence of the stronghold that prohibition has upon the people of Maine need be asked for than the fact that the democratic state convention has refused to declare against it. They are looking for votes. Prohibition has an equally strong hold in Vermont, but the democratic party has not: therefore it has nothing to lose by showing its true colors, NOTES A1TD COMMENTS. D.

F. Davis, the republican candidate for governor of Maine, fought all threugh the war as a private and corporal. Mr. Charles Francis Adams, told the librarians that if he could have but one book for a public library he would select Harper's Monthly. No, Mr Lamar, it maynothe a "backdown.

HEADQUARTERS FOR ENGAGEMEN' curred of some $30,000. To add to all this Is the only chemical combination in existence which embarrassment the company was changes the color of the hair without injuring the UVTNO principle which feeds, moistens and mistA.nn Having obtained a fair settlement with the Insurance Companies, I am now In a position to offer to my customers the WHOLE of my FRELIGHS- ur Axim uvuux the fibres. INFRINGEMENT PATENT, CRISTADORO'S HAIR PRESERVATIVE. in Black and Colors; also, Lace Buntingsand Silk Grenadines. Figured and Striped Iiawns, very handsome and Choice styles.

Wedding Kings, Gold and Plated and the suit which waa ripfenrlnl lw Inlin va'naWe adjunct to the dye, in dressing and pro-" 8 wmcn wa' aelencled by Jolin motuig the growth and perfect health oi the hair, T. Drew, Esq. of Burlington, waskentalon? and when used alone a safeguard tliat laces; Jewlery, of every Varietr. An BURCt STOCK at prices lower than similar goods have ever before been sold for ill this part of the country. As I have decided to rebuild on the old site, and to open out EARLY IN AUGUST wlthjin entire new stock, I am determined to clear of my for several 7ears but finally withdrawm r2lX7SSuSaiTj The Holly however, had let goonly to LKA "AShSS Unequalled Stock of Table and Pocket Cutlery, Revolvers, Cartridges, and "rvc a ucw uuiu, uuu someiime tins last iiunena raranoia needles, spring thej brouent another suit.

This tire- I The Death-rate of present large stock, no matter at what sacrifice. but there is a thundering sight bigger strain sented a juncture when, as th in Our country ta getting to be fearfully alarming the Many of the goods are but slightly well known emeraenrv, 1.0,1 wunout Don't be Gulled and Cheated by Spectacle Venders when you can find a better article for less than half on tne breeching than there is on the collar, all the same. Burlington Hawkeye. The California democratic state conven rfi uu. AtlV NuumriDMa ii others not at all Injured, and the whole will be dis tobedone." It was fortunate for all concerned the most lnshmincant ortrin uiuuey, at nyman's.

posed of at customers own price. tion declares the democratic party is the only Fans. SHETLAND "Comeand judge foryourself of the great Bargains offering. No one shall leave dissatisfied. The stock is very complete, as it has been assorted since one wnicu nas always olioyed and maintained the federal constitution.

Mighty stranse my personal attention to all the duties of my business-Watch Repairing jas well as the tney didn't also declare that Gen. Lee was a sauraniee satisfaction every tune. oiger- union general "than old Grant." that a man of the legal acumen and business 'v. a cold Is such a common thing that in the hurry grasp of Mr. Drew had connection with the Sf.SIS! to overlook the dangers n.v.j 1 attending and often find too late, that a Kever or case, ae had bad experience in organizing Lung trouble has already set in.

Thousands lose largeenterprisesandhisreputationasacom- promise lawyer that is, as an attornev who Hnlr0S! a avoid- or all olseast-J of the Throat and Lungs. Bus- contrives new schemes whereby the contes- Germ Syrup has prov itself to be the tants can meet on grounds of mutual inter- SK est and stop the waste of money had be- wLect'. 8oll last year thout a single failure known, the fire. J. LANDSBERG, Mr.

Edison says, "I have supplied six electric lights from one horse-power. These Respectfully Yours, cost me about tme-thtnU; muoh as three V0UES TRULY, CZARLESWYKAU. IfcltttatosSh, Slut, 1879. JimStM ie.v VTi S. BAILEY..

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