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St. Albans Weekly Messenger from Saint Albans, Vermont • 4

Saint Albans, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE MESSENGER, THURSDAY, JUNE 28 .1916. vears -old. he is. survival BAKERSFIELD. Mr.

and Mrs. James Safford and MOTHERHOOD" visited Mrs. S. A. Barker in Jacksonville Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jo.mes Callan and daughter, of Windsor, and Mrs, James Mrs. James Duel is confined to the house by Mrs. E.

S. She'don, of Enosburg KaHs, is vis ting relatives in this place. The condition of Arthur Lemnah, who bus been ill several weeks, mains about the same. IMr. and Mrs.

W. Scott Austin passed June 24 with relatives in Rice Hill Sheldon. Mr. and Mrs. James Allard and two children, of Sheffield, are visiting at the home of Mrs.

Allard's grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Leach.

ENOSBURG. Bordoville. The spring term of school closed June 22, those hav'ng perfect attendance for the term were Ruth Clark. Kenneth Dow, Frank Graves, Dorothy Squires, Leona and Tatro, and Beatrice and Ellen Wei's. The average daily attendance 17, and number of scholars enrolled 19.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles HutchinR, of Newport Center, were guests of Mr. Hart's uncle, E. A.

Ovitt, Sun day. Mrs. Nancy Ovitt, Ernest Bor do. and daughter. Glenna, of West Enosburg, were also guests there Sunday Mr.

and Mrs. W. E. Tatro. Mr.

and Mrs. H. H. Brown were In St. Albans Tuesday, making the tr'p in Mr.

Brown's automobile. ENOSBURG FALLS. Mrs. C. Fuller Hawson entertained Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Jonnah Croft.

There were 22 guests present. The houue wag beautifully decorated, the dining room being in pink, white, and green. Mrs. W. R.

Judd sang the bridal chorus from Lohengrin. Refreshments were serv ed. Airs. Athol Bell and sister, Willie! mina Ewin, of Barre. who have the guests of Mr.

Bell's parents. and Mrs. A. R. Bell, returned hoiue Tuesday.

Miss Isabcll Beattie, of Barre, Is ai the home of her uncle, D. W. Ami-s. for a few weeks. Miss Helen Cramton, librarian r.t Northnald, is in town to pass tfr? summer vacation with her mother.

Mrs. A. J. Cramton, and sister. Mrc.

I). W. Ames. The local branch of the America -i Red Croos realized $110 from the lav party on Lincoln park Friday after noon and evening. A very pretty wedding took place it the home fo Mr.

and Mrs. A. .1. "roft at noon Swim-day when their daughter, Joanna Dow Croft, was united in marriage to Edward It. Head, of Burlington.

The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. Douglas, pastor if the Methodist church, on a carpet of evergreens bo-fore a railing of evergreens and pink roses with a background of Ameri -can flags. The double ring service was -used. The decorator was li charge, and the welding march was playel by Miss Adalade Croft, usin of the bride.

'The bride was gowned in white voil (with filet lace rimming and carried pink roses. Th iniig room was decorated with yellow ilies. The wedding breakfast wns- served by Mr W. S. Judd and Mrs.

C. Fuller Rawson. Owing to the recent death of the groom's father, only the immediate families were present. The ooupio left by automobile for parts unknown. They will be nt horn? after August 1 at 254 South Burlington.

The bride was graduated from Enosburg Falls high school in 1500 and after completing a teacher training1 course in Brldgewater. has taught for five years in Maiden, and Burlington The groom is a successful business man of Burlington. I- Marsh, Set'i Towle. Olin Jef-fords, Harry HadVI. W.

E. Mitiguy. Morris Aseltine, and J. Kent Perley are on a fishing trip in Maine. Arthur Budd visited his sister, Mri.

S. A. Miller, In St. Albans over Sunday. STOPPtD HIS BACKACHE George Lawrence, railroad flremf-r Klttrell, writes: "1 used thre" bottles of Foley Kidney 1111s when was so sick I hardly could stay on the engine, and they cured me.

My back ached all the time; kidneys acted sluggish; dull headaches; felt sleepy all the time; nervous; had to rise many times each night." John C. Reagan. Adv. FAIRFIELD. Mrs.

T'riwilla (Persia) Babbitt, wli'o of C. J. Babbitt, very' sudden1" of heart disease at hrr old home in Champlain, June 16. The funeral and burial were held in Champlain IS. Mrs.

Babbitt was ynar of age and is survived by her husban and eight children, all of whom result: in this state with the exception Mrs. Martin, of Chazy, X. and Mrs. Sibley, of Plattsburg, N. V.

Among those from this place who attended the funeral wre the Rev. N. j. Lachance. and Mr.

ind Mrs. Edwarl M.icia av.d daughter. Eva. St. Rocks.

Mrs, Felicia Plumb, of Enosburg, Is passing a few weeks in the homes or her sons, John and Samuel Plumb, in this town. Mr. and Mrs. S. B.

Plumb and Mr. Rabitor, motored to Belvidere and returned June 20. The family of Mr. Rabitor are ill of measles. Mr.

and Mrs. S. B. Plumb. and Joseph Rocine were in Franklin June 21.

Thursday. F. L. Girard and son, Wilfred, and daughter Miss Hortense Girard and Alfred Brosseau went to St. Albans June II to the lecture on home economics, by Prof Bertha Ter-rill which was held at the armory.

Aleck Greenwood has recently purchased an automobile. Miss Mina Barker, of St. Albans, was at her home here June Grass is looking very well and growing fine through this section. Mr. and Mrs.

Benjamin Myott. of East Sheldon, were at the home of L. Girard Fridav evening. Mrs. John riumb and son.

Harold, of Fairfield station, passed Saturday and Sunday here. Miss Hortense Raymond, of St. Albans, is visiting Miss Hortense Gir-nri Mr. and Mri S. Plumb motored to Canad nd return Sunday.

Mr rnd Mrs. William McEnanv vis-ted Mrs. S. A. in Jacksonville Saturday.

Mr. snd Mrs. William Mr.Ena-?v in Is in St. Louis church and the of Bright's disease. The funeral will he held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock.

In St. Louis church and the iburial will be in the Catholic cemetery. She is survived by her husband and 12 children. JEFFERSONV1LLE. Graduation exercises were held June 22 at the opera house.

The following program will be given: Music, orchestra; invocation, the Rev. F. B. Hyde; demonstration, Ina West-ovr-r. Anna Bogue.

Ha Keith, and Mabel Hemenway; music, "Our Jaci." H. Froterc; "Clang of Forge," Paul Rodney; Japanese dance, senior glrlMj demonstrations, Guy Thomas, Lester Berry, and Walter Rousseau; musio, oronestra; play, Irish tragedy, "Riders Do the address, Clyde Hill; presentation of class pin, K. Sheldon; presentation of diplomas, Clyde Hill; and music, orchestra-Mr. and Mrs. M.

G. Wilson visited relatives in North Troy recently. E. A. Wood and, family were in Georgia recently.

Kirs. L. S. Mo-so is with her daugh ter. Mrs.

Shrfer, in Wremthen, Mas. Mr. and Mrs. S'f. B.

Maynard ar attended commencement exercises at Brigham Academy, Takerafield. Mr. and Mrs. George Fortier are passing some time with the former' sinter, Mrs. Bertha Brooks, of Sugar Hill, N.

H. M. Cyr and George Westman ar-? in Hyde Park working witn tnenj steam drill. C. C.

Powell has returned from Boston. Lawrence Rousseau, of Grand Isle, visited his people last week. Mr. and Mrs. B.

J. Buker have returned to the.Y home. Mr. and Mrs. Westwer, of Water- viile, were in town Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Holmes, of Burlington, were guests at the home of C. B. Hapgcod last week.

Miss Mildred Powell left town Fri day for Silver Bay where she ha-. employment. Miss Towle, of Enosburg. has been nassing a few days with Mrs. lace Leonard.

Gaylord Montague is home from school work at Randolph. Earl Montague, of Fort Ethan Allen, visited his parents June 20. Mr. and Mrs. F.

O. Thomas o' Johnson, have returned to their home. O. E. Pope and family are in St.

Johnsbury. Mrs. F. A. Jacques has returnod from East Fletcher.

Misses The'ma Hawley and Hero'i Hyde are home from Brigham Academy for the summer vacation. JOHNSON. Commencement exercises of t'm S. N. S.

began this week with th baccalaureate sermon by the Rev. Mr. Hewi't of xtho wiate board, Sunday evening. Miss Jennie Maxfield graduates this week at the I'nlve-slty of Vermont, and has taken a position' in Hartford, going there about October 1. Hiss Helen J.

Hunt is at home part of her vacation from Newport where she has taught for the last few yenrs. tlalph Brewster and brother, Burt, were callers in town the first of th week. Margaret Hunt graduated from th'5 Woodsvllle, N. high school th past week. Her mother was there with her for the graduating exercises, and her slrter.

Dorothy, remains fo the summer, having a position in a store there. The streets of Johnson village we oiled the past week by the Standa I Oil Co. The late Ftorm caused rnany washouts in the r.outh ivtrt of the town on the and it Is seiid that will not fully repair the damage Several were compelled to carry crvim on a wheelbarrow to the station for shipment, the highways b-i. ing impassable. The road commissioner is busy with a crew doing repairing.

Vrof. Mcr-le Dais completed hir labors as principal of Johnson hUrb rchool this term just closed and Professor Willey has been engaged coming year. Mr. Davis expect to take a course at Columbia the coming year. Tlie Misses Lucy and Mae Bako and mothe- are at their home for the summer acation.

Lucy Balf-r is tec.ching at Stiilwater, an Miss Mae Baker at Everett, Mass. The late storm narly carried awcy the sawmill of Waterman and were it not for tha logs and lumber carried down from the Sherwin m-i: above that dammed ur and turned the current, the mill would have ben destroyed. J. B. Miller has been parsing a pa of his vacation with is parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. He expects to teach again the coming year Barre. Earl Flllngton has moved Into the Fay place and is running the engine at the talc mill.

Charles Sherbert has begun buil-5-ing a new house on las lot just abo the bridge over th-s Lamoille. Miss Alice AVaits having re)airs made on her residence on Main Mr. GaiTow is in charge. MILTON BORO. Alfred Eaton, of Baltimore.

a guest at the home of Carl White. Mr. and Mrs. F. A.

Wood, of Pittsburg, Pa. are guests at the home A I Clay. Mrs Hobart Richards was seriously burned June 18 when she fainted and fell on a lighted lamp Her condition remains serious. MLss Emma Stanley, of St. Albans, is a guest at the home of her brother, o.

A. Stanley. School closed Frid- with a picnic at the lae. Mr. and Mrs.

R. A. Brush and son wrnt on an automohile trip to Fort Ethan Allen and Burlington June 21 Ir. J. A.

Drew, who has been pan. Irg several days at Camp Rich, returned to his homi in Rumney, N. June 21. Mrs. W.

W. has r-turrt home from a week's visit at the home of her sister, Mrr. Henry Crown, Milton. MONTGOMERY. Mr.

Netfe (Dnmina Pudvah. wi'e of Harvry Pudvah. lid Frida morning. June 12. sfter rn of septic The fjneral was held Monday in the Catholic church at Mntgmrjr Pudvart I The Rev.

George Wright, of St. an 'excellent ad drees before the graduating class Sunday evening in Hrigham Academy The subject of the discourse was, "Doing Your Bit," There was a large audience. The reception by the Juniors to the seniors of the graduating class was well attended. lumbaai's orchestra of Enosburg aus rurnlshed pleasing music during the evening. The operetta "The Merry Milk maids was given to a crowded house evening.

The opertta was wider the direction of the Brigham Academy teacher. Miss Emily Carpenter. The entertainment was very enjoyable and evinced thorough study on the pupils' part and painstaking training on the part of Miss Carpen- The ball game between the alumni and students resulted in the dereat of the students by a score of 12 to 8. MeGowan, Flanders, Brannon, were here on the alumni team. Mrs.

B. O. -Wales, of Weybridge, Miss -Susan Smith, of Wallingford, W. C. Smith, of Fpstonla, Ohio, are g-uests of the'r parents, the Reverend and Mrs.

W. W. Smith. Homer Sherman, of Philadelphia, is In town. James Perkins has gone to Connec ticut to work.

Mrs. J. L. Sheldon, Miss Hortcnse and airs. Emily Paige, of west Somerville have armed and opened their house on Wood b-tie for the summer.

Mrs. C. J. Calerall, of Enos burg Falls, was in town Monday The district schools will hold a pic nic in Bnghamts woods Saturday. The closing exercises of Brigham Academy were Of exceptional exec? lencc.

There were IS who receiv-M diplomas. The East Fairfield orches tra furnished excellent music during the banquet which well served by lira. Perry Stratton. -Mr. ana Mrs.

Adelbert Davis, or Johnson, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Potter for a few days. Mrs. John Ban- is entertaining her mother, Mrs.

Bailey, and niece from Mnnsontville, Que. Friday the children of the district schools enjoyed their annual picnic in Brigham's woods There were reci tations and singing, and Supervisor Hnrdirtg presented "0 buttons to children who were doing their "bit' by way of gardening and planting. Mrs. H. O.

Powers and son. Wen- d.ill, of Richford. have been passing commencement week in town. Mr. and Mrs.

O. A. Field and Mr. and Mrs. George Field, were visitors in St.

Albans Friday. The following program was given at the Methodist church June 24 as an observation of Children's duy: March, song; prayer by the Rev. CI. C. Mc-Dojiald; anthem by choir; "A word of Welcome." Murial Leach; "Tills Starry Flag." by seven boys; "God's Loving Care," Eleanore Leach; "A Feast of Animal Crackers," Raymond F.ood; "A Story for Boys," Chauncey Start; exercise, "Flower Gatherers," by six little girls; duet by Mis.

Whceloek and Miss Nuttng; "The Little Cricket," Helen Wells; "Sympathy," Marguerite Elwood; "The Tidy Squirrel," by Lyle Hunt; song, Marguerite Elwood; exercise, "Obey" by Harold and Ivan Stone; "A Littie Pilgrim," Vera "Bobolink," by children; "The Helpers," by Robert Hyde; exercise, "Daisies" by three little rls; remarks by pastor and Superintendent A. C. Wells; singing "America." Mrs. W. W.

Smith is visiting friends in Pileton, Pa. The weekly prayer meeting of the Methodist church will be he'd w'th Miss A. L. Spofford, of Woodbine Thursday evening. Mrs.

W. D. Stewart and family, of Fairfax, were guests at Woodbine cottage Sunday. BEAVER. W.

Crofts, Mrs. Charlotte Croft's, ftna Mrs. Sarah Crofts were iu union June 19. Mr H. E.

McN'oll visited hoi- sister, Styles, of Johnstown, June 19 and Mr. NcNoll took his father to Ei' Jr- Alfrea was at the home of O. June 2U. Different But Satisfactory, Indigestion causes worry, sick headaches, biliousness. W.

A. McRae. Raleigh, writes: "Foley Catliartlo Tablets cleanse ray system thoroughly and do not gripe or hurt at all. I flno them entirely satisfactory and wonderfully different and more pleasant than any other pill." John C. Reagan.

Adv. EAST BERKSHIRE. "Peg of My Heart" was given Rublee's hall Fridiy evening-for tho benefit of the Red Harry Jenne has a new automo-bilo. Miss Ora Mudgetr. of Richford.

and Miss Anna Chynodeth, of St. Allans, were guests at "B-wUrd" camp Friday. Howard Grant. Mrs O. S.

MofTatt. Miss Susie Moffat Catherine Miss Len.t lladd motored to St. Albans June 21. M. P.

Perley and daughter. Miss Katherine Perley. wiih E. K. Warren and Charles Warre.i, of Three Oaks, were callers in town June 21.

J. F. Marcy and Horry Jenne have purchased new autotr.oibIe3. Mr. and Mrs.

Stephen Carpenter and little daughter, of St. Johr.tfiury, have been visiting Mrs. E. Willard. The Woman's Missionary meetlig will be held Saturday afternoon at th home of Mrs.

Jovi Brown. K. K. Warren, of Three Oaks, president of the World's International Sunday-school A'ssociatior. give a very interesting talk in the Congregational church Sunday morning.

Several of tm- members the Montgomery Center church were present. The Montgomery choir assisted in the music. Next Sunday Miss Carolyn Sewe'l. of St. Albans, who nan ben wnf time In China, trill talk at the morn, ing service.

Miss Eldora Hodges, of Burlington, la visiting her aister, Mrs. L. H. Button. Visa Aura Mudgtt.

of Richford. at Bluebird camp for the summer. The proceeds or and E. Society enertalnmeTt for the-Kd Cross Monday evening In Rub-lee' hall, were Mis Winifred Carpenter, of Eno--btirs Falls, wan in town Monday tc a wist in the H. and E.

Miks Sara Safford, il Jericho, were In town Monday evening to attend the H. ind E. entertainment. Mrs. N.

H. Yaw, of Enosburg Fail-i, wio in town Monday Mrs. Lydia of Montgomery Center, is, visiting her brother, E. Smith. EAST FAIRFIELD.

The funeral of John Hand, who met instant death last Saturday morning by being run over by a train was held at 1 o'clock Tuesday from the Catholic church in Bakers- field. Burial was in the cemetery there The bearers were. Patrick Sloan Thomas Brennan, William: Kittoll and Harry Hale. Friends from out of town who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs.

Frank McEnany Mrs. AL T. Sullivan, Miss Elizabeth Mc Enany, and Mrs. Rose Murphy, all or St. Albans, and Thomas Moran and children, Charles, Julia, and Mary, of Jericho, Mr.

Hand was born in Latrium May 16 1830, and was 87 'years old at the time of his death. He was married in Fairfield January 1, ISjG to Miss Mary Moran, who survives him at the age of 91 years. Besides his wife, there are two sons, William, ot Los Angeles, and Michael, who IS in northwestern Canada, and two daughters, Mrs. Mary Northrup, of bt. Albans, and Miss Lizzie Hand I who resides here.

There are six grand cnilaren and two great-grandchildren. Mr. hand enlisted in Co. L. First Yer mont Cavalry and was mustered out of service August 20.

1SG4. He was the last of the Hand family, his youngest sister, Mrs. Rose McEnany, of St. Albans, having died about a year ago. Miss Zoa Mitchell is the guest oi Miss Eva Buck in Fairfax this week.

C. Chase, who has been visiting his home here for the past 10 days, returned to his work in Millers Falls, Friday. Misses Alberta and Althelito Hayes, of Groveton, N. were last week's visitors at tho Mrs. I.

N. Chase home. Max I. Burleson, who has emloy-ment in Concord, N. came home to attend commencement exercises at Brigham Academy returned to Concord to-day.

Miss Lou Burleson accompanied her brother to Concord, where she will visit for a few weeks. Recent purchasers of new automobiles are W. R. Stratton, L. L.

Chase, Dr. A. D. Patten, II. P.

Hale, F. C. Leach, and H. B. Sturtevant.

EAST FRANKLIN. Ira C. Dodge, of AVorcester, ar.u Miss Lillian 1). Reinber, of this place, were married in I.ytidonville by the Rev. Rutherford Jloorei Methoditt Episcopal pastor at that place.

June IS. Mr. Dodge is superintendent of tho daiiry at the SiM-t-dwell dairy far.u in Lyndon, and they will reside ii that place. Mrs. Lodge is a gradual of the New EiiKlnd Deaconess School at Boston, and has served as pastor of the, Methodist tepiscopol ch.irch in Mattawanikeag, and Worcester.

Mrs. A. G. Davis, of Bolton, who has been visiting her parents, and Mrs. F.

I Gallup, has re turned to her homo. Mrs. F. A. Galluv and daughtt have returned from a two is.t in Montreal.

Mr. and Mrs. Uscar Jllr.ds ana of Burlington, called on several friends in this vicinity Sunday. The evangelistic f-ervices at thii place under the direction of the Rev. Lewis E.

Smith, of Boston, are large ly attended and t- deep interest manifested. A meeting for mm was held at the West Berkshiie church Sunday aftcronon, attended by over 90 men. The subject of this meeting was "Backbone." There will be services here every evening this excepting Saturday, at 7:.9 o'clock. At the V. ednesday evening se-vice.

Mr. Smith will tell the story of his own experience. O. E. Bridge waj in St.

Albans Sit urday. Dr. and Mrs. J. B.

Hall vislte 1 friends Cn Dunham, Saturd-v cl Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Tomeroy wei- in Stanbrldge, Que.

Recent guests in were Mr. Mrs. Myron Wilson, of Richford, a' the home of Arthur Wilson; Mr. aiv! Mrs. Clark Austin at the home n' James Austin; Miss Hmma of Enosburg Falls, at the home or C.

J. Guthrie: Mr. rnd Mrs. Ralph Olmstead, of North Berkshire, at home of K. W.

Olmstead: Mr. an 1 Mrs. Charles of St. Ar- mand. a.t the home of O.

Bridges', A. J. Hains, of Sheldon, a the home of B. W. Olmstead.

Mrs. II. R. Olmstead is in Highgat- at the home of M. K.

Jwld, havin.T been called there by the illness or Mrs. Judd. E. W. Olmsteid a.

Lester Ryvi are ill with tonsilitls. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brown, of Manchester, X. visiting at the home of B.

W. Olmstead. Mr. Brown has recently enlisted and been com- miwioned as a first lieutenant. Miss Lillian Rember recently passed several days in Montpelier.

Recent guests and callers in town were Mr. and Mrs. foster Cement and party, of Burlington; Mrs. Alma Ayer and Miss Glenna Ayer, of Richford at the home of H. R.

Olmstead: Mrs. W. F. Freer and Kenneth Freer at the home of E. H.

Chamberlin: Mrs. Ernest Ward and daughter, Richford. at the home of Carmi Peao. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Thomas, Mrs. W. W. Olmstead, Mrs. Bertha Moore.

H. R. Olmstead, E. W. Olmstead.

Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Pomeroy, Mrs.

Susan, Dixon. Katheryn Gilbert, and Harry Dixon were in St. Albans last week. EAST HIGHGATE. ss Grace Lemnah returned last week from St.

Albans hospital and is much improved in health. Mrs. Ethel Tatro. of Franklin, and Miss Eva Lemnah. of Milton, passed June 24 and 25th at the home of their sister, Mrs.

Belanger. Mr. and Mrs. O. L.

Hinds anc sons. Harry, Donald, and Kenneth, of Burlington, visited friends here June 24. Mr. and Mrs. P.

T. Shore and friends from St. Albans, took a trip through the islands of Lake June 2. M'ss Sarah La pan, of Enosburg passed June 24 and 25 at her home in this place. Mrs.

Man? Shepard visited friends In Himgnte Center June 22. Howard Ashton. of Rice Hill. Sheldon, was in this place June 23. A number of people from this p'ace attended the Red Cross meeting in Htghgate Center the evening of Tune 12.

hv her husband three children Mrs. Flora Inman and, daughter, Do-othy, of Burlirgton, are visitin relatives In town. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Frazier, ct Enosburg.

Mr. and Airs. Hardy Frazier, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Frazier, of Coventry, vere recent visitors at tho home of Homer Frazier.

Mrs. of Morrlsville, is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Tt Lambert. Mr.

was In town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. H.

Whitcomb and Master Fay, were at the home of Ell Shnngraw Sunday. Miss Louise Clapp. of Boston, is ir. tOi'Ti for a visit. Mrs.

N. S. Parker lias been passing a few davs in Burlington. She was accompanied home by her son, Rob nrt Parker, and Miss Marion Mosler. The Rev.

G. B. Smith, of Me'rose is visiting at the home of H. F. Smith.

The Rev. Stead Thornton is Swanton attending a min'fiteruil meeting. Miss Charlotte Jenne has been visiting her mother, Mr. P. Ii.

Swan. Monosh has told his farm to Charles Foote and has moved info the tenement house of MIsa Lizzie tp-ham. Hill west. The cottage prayer meeting was held with Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Rush-ford Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. David Bashaw and three children, of East Bakersfield, passed a day recently with Mr. Bashaw's mother, Mrs.

John Montieth. Mrs. A. Wi. Ordaway, of Bakers-field, who has been passing a week, with her daughter, Mrs.

Fred Jewett, has returned home. Martin Sharlow and Fay Duffy, of Enosburg Falls, were recent business visitors in this place. Mrs. and Mrs. Zopher Fletcher and daughter, Thelma, of South Richford, passed June 17 with her Bister, Mrs.

Fred Jewett. Fred Myott has purchased the home farm of Lewis Rushford. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rushford have returned home from a few days visit in- Morrlsville, Johnson, and Crafts-bury.

Mr. and Mrs Treault and two children, of West Enosburg, are visit-tors at the home of Paul Brouillette's. Charles Bailey has completed work for Maurice Wetherby. News has been received In this place of the marriage of Miss Marjorle Shangraw and Vivian Martin at Richford May 30. Mrs.

J. Potvin holds the record for the largest number of chickens hatched from 13 settings of 10 eggs each. She received 147 chickens. Fred Tudvah parsed June 17 at his home in this place. Mrs.

H. M. Sylvester was a business visitor in St. Albans, June 19. Jlrs.

Austin McGrall has returnee home after passing a week with her daughter, Mrs. II. M. Slyvester. MORRISVILLE.

Miss Gladys St. Louis went to Perry. N. Saturday where she expects to pars -ome time with relatives. Mis? Esther Green, who has bee.i attending People's Academy.

went Friday to her home in St. Albans. Dr. W. M.

Johi'tone and fami'y have gone to vidt re'atlves In Bridgeport, Conn. They mcde the trip ly automobile. Mr. and Mrr. T.

.7. Stewart went to Burlington Katurdi to attend thoi University Vermont commencement, from which institut'on their daughter. Miss Daisy Stewart. graduated. Mrs.

Maria who has leen In noor health for smveral years, and in toore serious condition since a (Stroke cf paralyris some weeks ago. died Friday morning, ftat-tirday after a brnf prayer at her late home, the bod was taien to Clarenceville. Que. Judge G. M.

Powers and family attended commencement 8Kerclie at the Fniversity of ermont. Burlington, their son. Horace, being a member of tho graduating clans. Miss Evelyn Lease, of Montpelier, was wees-end gueet of her brother. C.

J. Lease. The Rev. W. Stanley Pont recently called to tho pastorate of the Congregational church, csTMraed his duti-s Sunday.

MONTGOMERY CENTER. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred St. Germain announces the engagement of theit daughter.

TUla M. St. Germain, of LowelL Ma 3.. to J. W.

Broadbent also of Lowell. Hasa. RICHFORD. Darius Domtna, of Montgomery, visited relatives in this place recently. Miss Evelyn of Spring-fleld.

has been visiting relatives in this p'ace and In Highwater. Que. Mrs Rose Nicholas entertained a few of her friends at her home on Troy recently. Miss Cecil Berard of the W. Round's Co.

store, is enjojing a month's vacation. Miss Rerard left Monday noon for Boston and Irovi-dence, R. I. Owing to the necessity for bending every effort to the success of the Red Cross carnival, from the proceeds of which it Is hoped to raise the large Indebtedness of the local branch, and with the approval of the state chapter, it Was thought best not to make any special effort to raise our quota of the War Fund until later, as the money ean, be turned in any time before October 1. Only a few pledges were taken last week but after the Fourth a special committee will take this matter in hand and every one will be given an opportunity to help in this patriotic cause, and Richford will take her place with the other (owns that have reonded so generously to the cal This week the following contributions for the local work have been received: Anonymous $20.

J. F. Kelly, 110. The total number of paid members to date is 480. Mr.

and Mrs. Delos Buck, of Cam den. X. YioiteA OT th knm M. I and Mrs.

C. If. Aiken recently. Mrs. M.

W. Rounds is visiting relatives in Georgia. Miss HiM and sister. Miss Arlene O'Rnueke. hive gone to Springfield Mass, where they will visit at the heme of their parents during the summer vacation.

fVputr snd Inspector of Cuxtoms to Kooney and daughters. Miss Eliza bcth and Helena, of St. Albans, were at the home of Mr. and John Callan and other Sunday. FAIRFAX.

Harold Grogorj', of Burlington, passed Sunday with her sister, Mrs. G. C. Parris. The following soldiers from Fort Etlitin Allen have been visiting their parents, Allison Goodsell, Louis Des- part, and Joe Nailor.

School nt Brigham Free Academy closes this week. exercises were Monday afternoon, the alumn1. banqeut was Monday Bvenlng, and commencement exorcises ore Oils eve ning, and junior reception is Wed nesday evening. The baccaulaureato sermon was given Sunday evening by the Hon. Frank Plumley.

Miss Katherine Kendrick Is at home from her school in Mcntreal. Mrs. Albert Cuttiv.g. of Cambridge has been visiting her sister, Mrs. I).

J. avens. Mr. and Mrs. William Warren and son.

of Cambridge, islted his mother, Mrs. Ella Warren, Sunday. FLETCHER. Several from here were in Bakers- field June 19. The farmers met June 18 and joined the New England Milk Producers' Association, forming an association.

by electing as president, Dewey Smith. The young people will hold a social dance at the hall Friday evenlnts. June 29. King's orchestra will fur nish music. Mr.

and Mrs. Otis Sherman callel upon Mr. and Mrs. II. E.

Leach June 19. Mrs. W. M. Howard, of Johnson, wis In town Sunday.

June 17. needed 'tepairs are beirr made on the Union church. Edgar Shcpardson, of Fairfax, is his lumber from Bingham-vllle to Cambridge by trucks ana team. Superintendent Harding v5sitvl schools in town tli-i first of the week. Fay Hull has just added soma cows to bis herd.

William Boozan has been making some reipairg to his buildings. Nolan has begun work on a new stable and some other repairs to his barn. FRANKLIN. Mr. and Mrs.

F. R. Clement, or Burlington tailed on friends in town-June 20. Allen Wilder is driving a new car. C.

W. Powell has moved into the Hell house on Hghgate st. Henry Flinton and family have moved to Highgate Center. Mr. and Mrs.

Leon Smith, of Palmer, have been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Du-clous. Eugene Butler and family, of South Burlington, were in town June 21. GEORGIA.

Mrs. Ida Rounds, of Richford. i tho guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Newton.

Lieutenant and Mrs Erwin Newton an son, Clifford, of Burlington, were gusts of Mr. ani Mrs. J. J. Newto.i June 23 and 24.

Hale Nye, who graduated from Colby Academy, New Ixmdon, N. returned home June 21. Horace. Wood and Lucy Wood wen. to Randolph June 21, returning June 22.

accompanied by Mrs. Rogene who passed the winter with daughter, Mrs. William Cooley, uf Randolph. The funeral of Mrs. W.

T. Ixiomii'. who died Friday afternoon, June, it was held at her bouse Sunday afternoon at o'cloCfi. The Rev. F.

K. Keeler otfiicated. assisted by the Rev. Charles W. Clark.

The bearers George Dee. Georg" Webster, George Billard, and Julian Ballard. The 'ouriul was at Georlca plains cemetery. Those present from out o' toxn were Dr. and Mrs.

Jenne, Burlington, and Vfr. and Mrs. In Perry, of St. Albans. HIGHGATE CENTER.

Communion Sunday will be observed at the Congregational church Sunday, July 1. A special collection will be taken for the benevolences of tlv church. The church will be c'osetl during the remainder of the month. The Rev. F.

W. Day. the pastor, will take his vacation during that time. Miss Emily Carpenter, of Swanton. passed the week-end at the home ot G.

L. Stimets. Miss nora Powers, of Franklin, is passing a few oUos at the home her une'e. Dr. D.

O. Powers. Mrs. Margaret Rousseau, of Swan-ton, is vis-ting her sister, Mrs. Ii.

J. Lyon. The Red Cross meeting held ir Forester's hall Friday evening was attended by a large number of people. John Berry, of Burlington, deliv ered an excellent address. The Swan-ton Citizens' Band attended and rendered several selections, which was greatly appreciated.

Mr. Berry was introduced by the Rev. P. R. Gauthler.

D. W. Steele, end the Rev. F. Wilson Day also made few remarks.

At the conclusion of the addresses a local branch was organized with the following officers; I'resi-dent, D. W. Steele; secretary. Sarah R. treasurer.

S. W. Russell; chairman of finance committee, the Rev. P. R.

Gauthler; chairman of nupply committee. Mrs. Jennie Lemnah; chairman of civJ relief committee. Miss Hazel McCuen; and chairman of membership committee, Mrs. J.

C. Place. Miss Florence Bullard. of Swanton. visited in town during the past week.

J. C. Place the week-end Montreal with hi sstor. Mrs. E.

J. Chamberlin. J. R. Harvey, of Enosbui-g, is passing a few d-ijne in town.

The condit'on of WU'Iaej Harrington, who has been seriously ill for the past week, remains unchanged. Mrs. Carmi Caswell, of St. A'bans. visiting her reother.

Mrs. M. C. Yates. Mr.

and Mrs. David Laflam vis-it'nz in Stowe durYlg the past week. Miss Helen Martlnda'e of Swantnn. haa been passing a few days at the home of F. B.

Cm. Mrs. Napoleon Trahan. of Highgate Center, aged 51 years 'diefd at her hi-mm there Monday morning st WOMAN'S JOY Suggestions to ChHdl. ess Women.

Among the virtues Pinkham'. Vegetable abthty to correct cases of many women. TU well established as evident i following letter and have published in these Poplar Bluff. Mo. women to know what a blewhS P31 E-PinkhanOT tebleCompouildP ababymourbt tat I wu health and not to do my work.

mother and hni' band both totryLydiaSt impound. I o. ray health 1 proved and I am now the mother of." fiDe baby girl and do all my own work. Mrs. Allia B.

Timmons Almond St, Poplar Bluff, Mo. In many other homes, once childlm there are now children became of fact that Lydia PinVham's WtibU Compound makes women healthy and strong Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi. Cine Lvnn. Mass f- will be confidential and helpful.

ft. TT tetnna r.P been tran-ferr-d the in this place and A. 0( Aloans, has been trans-furred to ttii the vacancy made by M- transfer U'tllto it AT IKS- n-hrt wno I i ui ms tat nor. jwj The Camp Fire Girls umlr-r tV Al'jllin r.t Vt- T- days' outing. The members of tl of Pythias will attend st.

th ni.irn in SHELDON. Rice HiM. Georgo Bright an-1 Mable Kriitht Georgia, at ti-e hnrr." of Mn Lmma Shaw Thursdaj- and I'ridav Mirs Ruth McFeo'ers passpa al days last week ii St. Alhars. Mb-s Lucy Duntor.

will R0 I-Yidav to Littleton. Conn, where she will train for a nurs. pis'or C. O. Hull, o' West Berkshire.

ing at her old horn- n. davs. Mr. and Mrs. W.

M. Mao and Doris Regan visited at S' Albans Paj', Geor? ar.d L'nderhn last week. SOUTH FRANKLIN. Charlen Stanley and w. H.

Toirle and family went to it-ikersne' or.e evening last week to attend seme of the grad'ating excrv-s at Br.gbam Academy. Mr. and Mrs. G. M.

and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rol.y. of Falls, took an automobile one day last week through Cambridge, St. Albans, and rt8ns.

I. W. Ames with m-r. have completed the build ng the r.ow ianw barn on the Kendall fnrm tc basement. It is a pronrner.t ian-lsark on the hill upon which it s.f;a;d.

Last week was favorable fr wo on the farm where it was i-' tut thtre is some land that i- no'. sowned or p'antcd. There was no sendees at chtan here last Suntlay and ir ifit Sunday cn account of the meetings he'd at East Knnic'tn wh'ch are be ng attended from here. WEST ENOSBURG. About 25 of the Mo-lern WVyVrnw of America of thi pine a'tiM M.

W. A. meeting Iwrkahir June II. Mrs. Ada Hill an, I lit William, passed June 17 at rh- hirne of Whitcomb at Knwbn Roi'In Brown was in Sv AlisM recently to pee his iaugl Mrs-Grace Sherman, who 's in th in t'int city Mr.

Mrs. Orrin Bii P2 June IT at the home of Mr-- Blsf parents. Mr. and Austin Howard "vitt pnssed a the first of the week at the l.orn John Courtney and Cha. Jt Enosburg Center.

and Mrs. Charles Au visited in Henton. Me J.i;'- were accompanied hnn Au'' tin's parents. Mr. M-.

Wj'-" Helford. of that pla-e. wi.n mnin a few days. Mrs. r.

iv-'t. and son. Howard OWf. nr- 1 few davs with M-. bwtb.

R. F. Smith, of Fall ver Vim Tlw will also visit Mr. and Mrs Cr Ovitt at Windsor. Miss Katherine 'Tul-VH.

teachinc In St h-u returned to her hTi- Mrs. R. Ovitt O.itt vlsiten at the l.nme XoJ'1 Chaffee at Fnos.lur day. WEST FLETCHER. A meeting of the Sew -1 Producers Association ws n.thr.r,l.r tune 1..

1" Bl- tutra takn tr. Til' n'" 4 tf ft dent. Warner Church out of town. II Ifc-wev elected to take his place Dr. G.

It. Hoyde cently calling on friends Gala dav be oh-rv Fltcber Center. are invited. Ena'snd May Ob-v. tn.

London. June papers suggest a ger's rvrtt. l.v the Fnited nvlom FrVt of A writer in Ti Standard uttggerts the of Ambassador t1 trt and the cccrdanrs cf -m g. those reft vej Mr. ft Wahington.

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