Reading Times from Reading, Pennsylvania • Page 13
- Publication:
- Reading Timesi
- Location:
- Reading, Pennsylvania
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 13
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE READING NEWS- TIMES, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 17, 1914 Thirteen FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL SELLING CAUSES MARKET TO SAG SLOWLY, Home Rule Question Causes the Depressive Feeling Abroad K. T. IS UNDER PRESSURE NEW YORK, March sold stocks here today and the market sagged slowly. It was the attitude of foreign holders of stocks which was primarily responsible for the movement. London was depressed by uncertainty over the home rule question.
American speculative issues were unloaded by London and there was also selling on direct orders from the Continent, particularly among the low-priced railroad stocks. At home, sentiment was uncertain. Outside interest was still at low ebb. The rise of to have exhausted the resources. of the the closing days of last week a appeared bullish traders.
Early movements were irregular, but gradually the market moved downward, under the influence of European selling. The close showed a majority of fractional losses. Kansas Texas issues were again under pressure and their pronounced weakness gave. rise to rumors concerning a possible change in dividend policy. The preferred at 46, and the common at 16, fell to the low prices of the last ten years.
New Haven was again heavy, but late in the day it made up its Reports from the steel trade were less favorable. Total sales, 154,000 shares. Bonds were easy. Total sales, $2,450,000. U.
S. Bonds were unchanged on call. THE GRAIN MARKET Dry Weather and Winter Killing Sends Wheat Up CHICAGO, March plaints of dry weather and of winter killing came today to give wheat an upward jerk. Closing prices were nervous, varying from a shade off to net advance. oats and provisions wound up substantially the same as on Saturday night.
WHEATMay July May 68.. CORN- a July 67.. OATSMay July PORKMay 21.50 21.62½ 21.50 21.62½ July 21.55 21.65 21.55 21.65- LARDMay 10.77½ 10.77½ 10.75 10.77½ July 10.95 10.91½ 10.92½ 10.97½ RIBS May 11.50 11.55 11.47½ 11.52½ July 11.57½ 11.65 11.57½ 11.62½ Cash quotations were: Rye No. 2, 60a61c. Barley, 48a64c.
Timothy, Clover, Pork, Lard, $10.60. Ribs, PETROLEUM OIL CITY, March balance, 2.50; runs, average, shipments, average, 87,540. Judge C. N. Brumm, of Pottsville, announces his candidacy for Progressive gubernatorial nomination.
A Salesman mailed an important order to his house. The letter was delayed. The goods arrived 48 hours too late. A Western Union Day or Night Letter would have saved this salesman a The cost would have been 0 trifling. TO THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO.
Telephone or call at any office for rates INTERSTATE COMMISSION INSPECTING THE READING Special Devoting Week to Physicial Examination of Tracks Charles Hansel, of the Interstate Commerce Commission; Chief Engineer William Hunter, of the Reading Railway, and others are naking a physical examination of the Reading system. Today they will go over a portion of the Schuylkill Susquehanna branch, visit Glendower, Tamaqua and Newberry Junction. Wednesday they will go over the Shamokin division. Thursday the special will pass over the East Penn, C. F.
and Perkiomen Railroad, Pickcring Valley and Colebrookdale branches. Friday the W. N. looked over and Saturday the ChesIter Valley, Stony Creek and Northeast Penn branches. John Bowers, who suffered a broken leg at the Yardley bridge, went to the A Trenton hospital to have the limb examined.
Robert L. Franciscus, an engineer at Coatesville, became ill on his engine. J. M. Wilson, foreman of the St.
Clair roundhouse, visited R. B. Wilson, chief inspector, District Passenger Agent D. Lorah Mauger is arranging an excursion to Scranton to near Billy Sunday. The special train will leave Scranton after the close of the evening sermon.
Charles H. Weand is arranging for reserved seats for the Reading party. J. J. Welsh, car clerk for the Pennsylvania Railroad at Manayunk station, died of pneumonia.
He was 40. The Pennsylvania Rallroad Company will run a three-day specially conducted tour to Washington on Thursday, March 19. J. L. Prindle, traveling passenger agent of the Norfolk Western, New York city, was a caller in Reading.
POST OFFICE CHANGES Postmaster Seitzinger opened bids Monday for repairs to be made the postoffice building. There were two bidders: D. E. Dampman, $495, and J. Raudenbush, $949.
Mr. Seitzinger will recommend that the contract be awarded to Mr. Dampman. The new parcel post order in reference to books and catalogues went into effect Monday. The weght limit was formerly eight ounces.
Hereafter books and catalogues up to 50 pounds in weight can be sent as parcel post fourth -class matter in the first and second zones, and up to 20 pounds in the other zones. The cost of sending the same is reduced about onehalf. The letter carriers and postoffice clerks received their semi-monthly salaries Monday. A total. of $4,639.66 was distributed, NEW AUTO AGENCY.
The agency for the Pullman motor car has been taken by Rohrbach Brothers, proprietors of the Pennsylvania Garage, 1018 Court street. They received their demonstrator, a model 6-46-A, which makes a very stunning appearance. The car has wire wheels, a one-man top and Vulcan electric gear shift and self-starter. The sale of the car is gratifying and several orders have been placed for the car. LISTEN! If you expect to make a fortune you must have a plan mapped out.
WHAT IS YOUR PLAN? Do you realize that whatever it is a Cash Capital will be required? If so, how are you going to get it? The BANKERS SERVICE THRIFT CLUB is going to provide hundreds of people with Cash Capital, and will assist in the foundation of many fortunes by giving the people of Reading an opportunity of getting a start towards the realization of their ambitions. The measure of your achievements is not the size of your income; it is the difference between what you earn and what you spend. Everybody is welcome to join our Thrift Club, and there is no charge for membership. Full particulars will be published in daily papers. Watch for our announcements.
First National Bank "The Bank with the Chime Clock" PENN SQUARE READING, PA. CONSTRUCTION NEWS February Not Active in Building Business Here According to the Construction News recently issued, February was not very active for building purposes. Permits in 89 cities show that 11,668 buildings were erected at a cost $43,316,809, against 6 permits involving an estimate cost of 103 the corresponding month last year, a decrease of 1,708 buildings and $7,270,294 or 14 per cent. There were increases in 47 and a decrease in 42 cities. In nia, Reading, ranks third, with Pittsburgh Philadelphia the only cities leading it.
While there were only .36 ruary against 44 the same month last buildings erected in Reading last Feb- year. the estimated cost in February this year was $95,750 against $81,475, the same month a year ago, a gain of 17 per cent. Kantner Son, contractors, took out a permit to build a two-story brick factory, 20 by 30 feet, for John T. Brossman, rear of 31 North Tenth street. Repair permits were issued to Orlando Trout, 218 Mulberry street, and to M.
G. Hummel, 135 Walnut street. HOUSE SEWER PERMITS. Plumbing Inspector Corbit granted the following permits for house sewer connections the past week: H. J.
Fick, 247 Washington street; Mary E. Barth, Norther Third street; street; John Mrs. Warren, Frank 46 Stichter, 1515 Cotton street; M. G. Hollis, 206 Lemon street; Alice M.
Lencke, Franklin street; F. P. Lauer, '339 Cherry street; and M. Miller, 915 Moss street. POLICE COURT Ten Days to Think Over His Future Divinity Harry, Smith, aged 30, was sent in from the Homeopathic Hospital on the charge of being demented.
He is a fanatic on religion and informed the court that he was very much afraid of his "future divinity." He was remanded for 10 days and in the meantime a commission in lunacy will be applied for. William Hall, aged 33, got 10 days in default of $6.25 on the charge of and Franklin streets by Detectives panhandling. He was a arrested at Sixth Hallissey and McGovern. Thomas Moran, aged 38, was trying to dispose of an extra pair of shoes at Second and Penn streets, when he was sent in on suspicion. He said that was on his way to Philadelphia to get work and that he had been working at Bainbridge the past six months.
The shoes he was trying to sell were his own personal property, he clared. He was given 10 days in default of $6.25. Suspected of attacking a young woman on North Fourth street last week, Robert X. Smith, aged 25, was a prisoner before Alderman Yarnell at police court on Monday. Detective Hallissey, who made the arrest, asked that Smith be held pending an investigation and he was remanded.
Smith denies the charge. George Wade, aged 25, was arrested at Greenwich and Mulberry streets on Sunday afternoon on the charge of shooting crap. He was discharged with the warning that a jail sentence will be imposed if arrested on the same charge again. FIFTH WARD ELECTS Former Mayor Getz Against Paid Fire Department At the meeting of the Fifth Ward Dem- ocratic Association Monday night At Loeb's Cafe, 246 Penn street, James K. Getz, former mayor, spoke against a paid fire department and the annual nomination of officers was held.
They are: President, H. M. Balmer; first vice-president, Alfred Frank; second vice-president, George Repholtg, secretary, W. G. Edwards; treasurer, John B.
Nicholas; ward executive committee, Henry Loeb, John Fager, James K. Getz. Harry Wolf and John Snyder; city executive committee, Harry Wolf and John Fager; auditing committee, appointed by H. M. B.
Balmer who presided at the session, Charles Dugan and Harry Wolf. James K. Getz, former mayor' of the city, in response to the demand for an address took occasion to express his disapproval of the institution of a paid fire department. Harry Loeb pleaded with the voters of the city not to be hasty in criticising the present city administration. James Dugan also spoke.
The agitation to have the place of meeting removed from Loeb's Cafe met with the disapproval of the voters present, they unanimously voting to continue meeting there. FUNERALS The funeral of Miss Lucia Boginski took place from the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Boginski, 300 South Seventh street, Monday. The services held in St.
Mary's Catholic Church were conducted by Father Malusecki. Interment in Catholic cemetery. Undertaker, Kern. The floral tributes were: Cross on pillow, parents; carnations, brother Mar. cus and wife; carnations and roses, Pociehowski family; carnations and roses, Joseph Tommeski and family; design, brothers and sisters; carnations and roses, Captain John Hiester; carnations and roses, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Upezak; carnations, sister Cecelie; broken Mr. heart, sister Rose; carnations, and Mrs. Joseph Janiscuski; carnations, Helen Morris; wreath, Helen Korejoi and family; carnations, Mrs. Pizepior; roseg and carnations, Mary Dougherty; carnations, Joseph and Lillie Wolicki; carnations and roses, Mr.
and Mrs. Ratazeack. The funeral of Mrs. Mary A. Miller took place from the residence of her son, Peter F.
Miller, 230 West street, Monday. The services held at the house were conducted by Rev. W. Kershner. Interment in Hain's Church cemetery.
Undertaker, Seidel. The funeral of Duane T. Schermerhorn took place from his late residence, 926 North Fourth street, Monday. The services held at the house were conducted by Rev. H.
P. Walter. The funeral left the 12.33 train for Wissahickon, and interment was made in the West Laurel Hill cemetery, Philadelphia. Undertaker, Seidel. The funeral of James E.
Howe took place from his late residence, 533 Spruce street Monday. The services held at the house were conducted by Rev. J. Franklin Cropp. Interment in Aulenbach's cemetery.
Undertaker, Auman. The funeral of Henry A. Kendall took place from his late residence, 1415 Fairview street Monday. The services held at the house were conducted by J. Addison Kutz.
Interment in Trinity Lutheran cemetery. Undertaker, Cramp. The funeral of Marguerite Hoell- mann took place from the residence of her son-in-law, Byron Dengler, in Mt. Penn on Perkiomen avenue, Mon- NEW YORK STOCK QUOTATIONS Furnished by D. E.
Berg, 310 Colonial Trust Building. Open. High. Low. Close.
Anaconda dMniehn Amer Loco, Amer Foundry, Amer Smelters Amal Copper American Sugar 100 100 Distillers Steel, do Pid 110 110 110 110 Col Fuel and 32 32 32 32 Rep Steel, do Pfd do Pfd 91 Pressed Steel, US Rubber, 62 Pacific Mail Western Union American Ice Brooklyn Rapid 92 92 Interboro, 15 15 do Pfd Amer Cotton 431 Erie, do Pid Ontario Western Reading Lehigh Valley 146 Chesapeake Ohio. Norfolk Western. Baltimore Pennsylvania 111 111 Missouri Pacific 24 24 16 Louisville Southern Ry, 25 Illinois Central 110 St. Paul 99 981 SF 97 Union Pacific 157 Southern Pacific 94 Great Northern, Pfd Northern Pacific Canadian Pacific 205 Rock Island do Pid New York 90 Nev Cons Utah Copper 535 American Can 293 do Pid 94 Bethlehem Steel 44 do Pid xd 843 Am Tel 123 Gen Elec 147 147 Westinghouse Elec. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE PHILADELPHIA, March -Lower; western creamery, extra, nearby prints, fancy, EGGS-Lower; nearby firsts, f.
do. current receipts, f. western extra firsts, 1. do. firsts, f.
$7.20. CHEESE-Firm; New York full cream, earlier receipts, do. current make, WHEAT-Steady; No. 2 red, export, $1 a1.00½; No. 1 northern Duluth, export, CORN-Higher; new No.
2 yellow, natural, local, do. kiln dried, PorN Steady; No. 2 per white, bushel, 75a83c; Jersey, per basket, 20a50c. LIVE POULTRY-Steady; fowls, 17a18c; young chickens, 15a20c; old roosters, 12a 13c; turkeys, 19a21c; ducks, 18a20c; geese, 15a17c. DRESSED POULTRY-Steady; fowls, western fancy heavy, medium sizes, 16a17c; light weights, 12a15c: old roosters, 15c; roasting chickens, 18a20c; broiling, 24a35c; capons, large, 23a25c: small, 18a20c; turkeys, fancy, 24a26c; fair, 20a23c; ducks, 11a18c; geese, 11a16c.
-Steady; city prime, in tierces, Te; country prime, To; dark, 6c; cakes, timothy No. 1, large bales, No. 1 medium bales, No. 2. No.
3, CLOVER--Mixed, light mixed, No. 1, No. 2, $15a16. $4,000,000 CONTRACT Signed For Coke Plant by Edward M. Mellvain Edward M.
McIlvain, formerly of Reading, has signed contracts for the construction of the second largest plant in the world for the manufacture of coke and coal by-products is to be constructed for the Lehigh Coke Company at South Bethlehem, at an proximate cost of $4,000,000. It will supply fuel for the blast furnaces and. foundries of the Bethlehem Steel Company, of which Charles M. Schwab is president. BUTTER.
EGGS, CHEESE NEW YORK, March steady; creamery, extras, firsts, seconds, 23a25c; extras, held, firsts, 24a26c; seconds, 21a 220; factory, current make, firsts, 20c; seconds, packing stock, current make, No. 2, 16c. CHEESE-Firm; state, whole milk, fall and summer, specials, average, fancy, winter made, specials, a18c: average fancy, Wisconsin, whole milk, daisies, 18a19c; twins and flats. young Americas, skims, EGGS- fresh gathered extras, 26c: extra firsts, firsts, seconds, hennery browns, 26c; mixed colors, FLOUR winter spring patents, 4.90: straights, winter patents, spring clears, 1 winter, extra No. 2, winter, READ ESTATE TRANSFERS.
Two-story brick dwelling, 109 River Road, lot 20 by 115 feet, Sigmund Goldsmith, Isaac Goldsmtih and their wives, Miriam Merzlacher and her husband and Julius Goldsmith to Jen. nie Goldsmith, Price, $480. Two and from the same parties the property, at 19 947 feet 10 Elm inches street, 115 two-story feet, by Price $2,800. Two-story brick dwelling, 926 Pear street, lot 14 by 100 feet, Emma E. Eben, administratrix of Frank W.
Eben to Joseph DeBoeser. Price, $560. Same property from Joseph A. DeBoeser and wife to Emma E. Eben.
Price, $2,400. CHICAGO CATTLE CHICAGO, March active; bulk of sales, light, mixed, heavy, rough, pigs, 8.70. CATTLE steady; calves mustly 50c lower; beeves, Texas steers, stockers and feeders, cows and heifers, calves, SHEEP-Receipts, steady; native, yearlings, lambs, native, western, METALS AND MONEY NEW YORK, March on call firm. Range, ruling rate, closing bid, closing asked, 2. Time money easier.
60 days, 90 days, 6 months, Copper-Dull; standard spot, 13.25a14c: electrolytic, 14.12a14.25c; lake, nominal; castings, 14a14.12c. Tin--Firm. Spot, 37.90a38.20c. Spelt -Quiet. CITY FINANCES.
City Treasurer Filbert's daily financial statement follows: Receipts, water rents, licenses, highways, $7.80. Expenditures, city, $41.95, day. The services held in St. Matthew's Evangelical Church, were conducted by Rev. Tompkins and Rev.
Moyer of Schuylkill Seminary. Interment in Aulenbach's cemetery. Undertaker, Lutz. The funeral of George H. Mundell took place late residence, 1460 Cotton street, Monday.
fine services held were conducted Rev. Mr. Cropp at the house. in Aulenbach's cemeatry. Undertaker, Lutz.
The funeral of Miss Minnie M. Slote. daughter of Samuel R. and Elizabeth Slote, took place from the parents' residence, 1322 Muhlenberg street, Monday. The services held at the housa were conducted by Rev.
A. M. Sweigert and Rev. Mr. Yocum.
Interment was made in Charles Evans cemetery. Undertaker, Henninger. The funeral of Mrs. Henrietta S. Anderson, who drowned with her husband in the Tulpehocken on January 24, took place Saturday from the residence of her son-in-law, Philip Edwards, 812 Schuyikill avenue, Monday.
The services held in Kissinger's Church were conducted by Rev. Dr. E. S. Brownmiller and Rev.
L. Brownmiller. Interment in Kissinger's cemetery. Undertaker, Seidel. The funeral of Mrs.
Catharine Stephen took place from her late residence, 242 North Ninth street at 10.30 a. m. Saturday. High mass of requiem was celebrated in St. Paul's Romna Catholic church by Pet.
Rev. Mgr. Bornemann. Interment in Gethsemane cemetery. Undertaker, Kern.
The funeral of Ellen daughter of Wm. and Ellen Koch, took place Saturday from the parents' residence. 710 Deem street. The services held at the housa were conducted by Rev. E.
S. Brownmiller. Interment in Womelsdorf cemetery. Undertaker, Auman. TELEPHONE REPORT.
NEW YORK. March rapid growth of the Bell Telephone System, and its attitude toward government ownership are set forth in detail in the annual report of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company made public today. GASOLINE Retail at Our Warehouse "Argoline" Speed Motor Oil Transmission Greases Ellis Cumings Oil Works Foot of CLestnut Street, Reading, Pa. The Man of Moderate Means and His Will for If you are a man in moderate circumstances it is doubly important that you make a duction will. losses.
Your Every estate dollar can must afford is be no conserved choice mistakes, to of your no heirs. Equally important your executor. A son or a friend may be thoroughly honest and yet fail. The experience and judgment of this Company can serve you better than any individual. Our officers will explain.
THE PENNSYLVANIA TRUST 536 PENN STREET. Assets over $6,400,000.00 1 THEO. C. AUMAN Undertaker and Embalmer BOTH PHONES 247 PENN STREET Funeral parlor and apartments for funeral services when destred. The largest and most complete show rooms in the city.
No charge whatever is made for the use of parlors or any part of the building. FOR SALE New and Modern Office Building 22-24 North 5th Street 32-Feet Frontage Especially Designed for and Formerly Occupied By The READING NEWS is ideal, the site is the Hub of Reading, around which every. LOCATION thing revolves. is Up Date and of first class construction in every BUILDING particular. PRICE is Right and Terms to Suit.
-APPLY TOJoseph L. Baum, 300 N. 6th St. BELL PHONE, 1346 2. NEW PHONE, 709 F..
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