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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 8

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FAGB EfGHT BLYTHEVILLB COURIER NEW! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INFORMATION imuat lor consecutive In- 1 UmM I Coof and Wood I2c Be 5o line per line per day tiroes line per day times per Hue per day Month per Hue Count I've average words to tho line "Ad ordered for three or six times and before expiration will be for the number of times tlie ad appeared and adjustment of bill made. All Classified Advertising copy submitted by residing outside of the city must be accompanied by cash bft easily computed from table. Advertising order for Irreuular Insertions lakes the one time rate. S'o responsibility will be for more one Incorrect insertion oJ classified ad, All ads are reclrlclffd to their proper elatslflcatlon, tlyle and Courier the right to edit or any ad. Apartment For Rent clean apartment.

817 Clilcka- couple only. Gentlemen preferred. COAL "If it is coal you want" WE HAVE IT. Also from lilytheville Compress We Deliver Phone 4'189 Two room furnished apartment. Toi- 2334.

ljia-plc-15 Apartments Wanted Two or three room furnished, white Bos AS Courier News. Business Service Directory Auto Supplies and Services "Plenty of Illinois Coal" At HESTER'S COAL YARD PHONE 3186 FOR Quick Delivery Courteous 8. Highway 81 Foods FRESH EGGS FRESH FRYERS Abraham's Court S. Highway Call CHAPMAN SERVIOI STATION Division I'hone 2563 Don't endanKer your fn- lly with LEE T1R Passenger, truck or tractor Fireston dealer can assure you miles comfort and safety. 1-12-ck-Ui Wanted: Wrecked or Burned Automobiles Wade Auto Salvage Highway 91 Phone 31M UU-ctc-tl Crappie and cat fish.

24 hour service. Simpson Oil Co. Stateline. 11114-ck-tl Household Goods We have refrigerators, washing machines, electri ranges for sate now. HUBBARD HOKE Appliance Cn.

Phone 3450 HH-tk-17 Vrnctinn blinds now stock Refidy- irwdc K. Blinds Pn.lnL5c.nrc 103 Main SV QUICK SERVICE FORD PARTS BETTER Jeep parts now available it POOLE MOTOR CO. We can 1111 all your nrrils Get parts from our complete line. ELLIS POOLE. OWNER OPERATOR Bouttl Hlchwny 81 nt Steele.

Mo Phone 49 11112-ck-tf We guarantee RECAPPING WITH HAWKINSON TREADS Let your next tires be GENERALS COST MORE Modmger Tire Co. ELECTROLUX. I will he In tills territory most, isvery wti'tc. Atiyonc 111- tcrcRteil In new cltiiincr. service, or rU'inonslratlon wiltn: H.

L. Wlt- pon. Stmilou-lnwn, Mcinphlfi, Ti'iin. mono 35-1351. Income Tax I UAIN PHONE 3301 YOU NKEn ASSISTANCE on III- your Inromo plensr- see me ROOM 21.

r.YNCll DIJILDINa. m.YTIU:VILLE.ARK. or telephone 2040 Alter 6pm Severn! yenrs with Internal Revenue Department, will bft ILnn wttli locnl r.ccotmtnntn. Ebh H. Cntson.

Insurance Expert Radiator Repair for Less bfflt In Let our traced men boll out anil your Tor YOU Quick Service Pickup and Delivery Russell Phillips Tractor Co. 71 Prntectinn ajrntnst all INSURATil.R HAZARDS Phone 3545 W. J. Pol'ard Agency Planned Insurance OliENUOE HOTEL DLDG. 121 ASH ST DOUOLAB LAW SON.

Mar PBoue 8,9 Building Material Laundry Lixvintlry clone. Willie Uelln Oreen, now at Highway 81 Kortli In N. John's Alley. Curtnlns Inuiulcrctl nncl Moved troin 2H S. Franklin 10 W.

Cncrry. Loons See the special hargains we have in sinks and water heaters: 81X FOOT DOUHLK BOWL II U. FORTY CIALLON ELECTR1O WATER 83. See our secondhand ranges. We have some real values in this line.

HUBBARD HOKE Appliance Co. Phone 3450 PERSONAL LOANS. AutomobUe-slg- comaXer-turnlture. Qvilck. private Borvicc.

Pcrsonnllzccl Rltcntlon Conio In or telephone, GENERAL CONTRACT PURCHASE COnPOHATION J12 Ash BlythcvlUe Art 5th at Walnul Phone 4451! Farmer's Column Lei us install a DEMING VATEK SYSTEM for you his spring. We carry a com- ileie line, with repair parts Jways available. Come in nd talk it over. Hubbard iardwara Company, 213 W. lain.

l-7-ck-15 Slruyed: Uay nlaclc inane eislil auoni 110U. clium on led front CJiuccry. Olne Web- Me. UB shariien your OWE. We bjiecJaLIn- In Jarin repairs lu ah klnUs ol wcidlnu.

Also nanows or saje. Henry Wc.stbroofc's Shop, 225 rirsi, piiona l-or 6ule: One leant mules, one cul- vator. one Malk cutler, one row Olng IJoyle Dell. Model clilrac crawler and dlEC. Imost new.

Two young hellers. Hen ratg. BlythevllK. Route t. J-'or sale: Allla chalinera blade use.

Front BcallopeU. J. W. Williamson. Route a.

Lone Oak. lJH-jjk-20 Sale 1500 chpntm llntlletoii, Mo. Clyde lo farm colon, who can finance sell. c. Cilns- ow.

necwr. Arlc. Mr. Farmer: Spare that truck or cur. Buy a lecp for the flirty work.

Blyllieville Willys Sales Co. 110 K. iMain. 1-M-ck-lf for Safe, Cars Trucks 1U46 Ilaadinaster Buick Two tone, radio, he Phone 2818. for Salt, Used Electro Mite Washer it Good Condition 1 Year Old RCK.

Sales Price $39.50. Get this one for $20.00. First call 38D8 Monday afternoon. 1-10-tf BABY STROLLER. Parkway, in good condition.

Bargain. Phone 3673. i 12-31-ck-tl Help Wanted, Female Wanted: IUM lirownsojL OILnlc. 1201 se, apply a W. Ann St.

Help Wanted, Male WANTED: Man to succeed T. Vance tor prolitahle nawlelKh business North Pemkscol County, Mo. J5UU ruin- Hies, i'jocliicls well known ana sold 20 yciiis. Ural opportunity. Write luw- IMKiri Unpt.

AHA-210-1I5S. Memphis, Term. Or Bee W. Uajuou. 610 Lilly si.

Hlytnevllle. Ark, Position Wanted Trained nurse TeJephone 666. wnnu jirlvain duty. Help Wanted Man between of 21 mid 35 to no sales work iti Blyihevllle. Starting salary per week.

Address reply in own Handwriting and enclose snapsnot If possible, 10 Box CH c'o Courier flews. 1 U-pk-iy 1U4I I'ncknrrt convert! hie, A-l running condition. Very clean Can be ght reasonable. Call -tiaa, HlJ-CK-tl Bcdan. LOW Lost Found Ureen saphlre cluster.

Reward Call 2873. ijH-pR-2L 1946 Nash. lour door mileage. Call 2566. FOR SALE: In perfect shape p.m.

One A-model Ford Call 793 after 4:00 For Sale, City Property CALL 2089 Your Kerosene and I'uei Oil Dealer G. O. POETZ for Quick, Dependable Service OFFICE R. R. AT CHICR11Y Beautiful Large SUBURBAN HOME Knur bedrooms, three baths, GE nesting system, spacious lawn, servants tiotise and oilier outbuildings.

very- thing new and modern. Ideal homr foi large family. Sec or cull MAX LOGAN REALTOR LYNCH BUILDING PHONE 2QJ4 Lost: limned child glasses. Saturday afternoon between UOURRU St. and Gem tlientre.

Call 3959. Reward. Tan billfold In vicinity or Rltz Theatre. Reward. Phone 4315.

Ijl4-pk-17 Lost Black leather folder cotitRlnlnR postal bonds, war bonds, some money. Reward. Return to Vlrona E. Sweti, PO Box 732, or Kress store otHce. Lost Ladles Elgin Watch.

Saturday on Main Street. Gold band. Flniier call Myrtle Hylee. 3517. ljrj-pk-16 Musical Merchandise HOMR HECORDKR.

Used as cictnon- tintor. Priced to Bdl. MnKc records ni home guanintee. HROOKS SIC STOBE, lor KAST WAIN ST. itcbuilt radios nveryonc dollars in).

See int-ni UrooKs MiiElc Store, 107 East Main Street, Tclcptionu BU, lili-cfe-tf Notice Why fipetid money- SWHD with Klbert HujriniLii'n Sivsp Sliop. 40- Jn. Phone 85Q 10(22 ck Outdoor Supplies Outboard Motor Sale Jow Rt. discount during ry only on famous 5 and 'J HP Molois. Small down payment hohl.s motor ot your nntll April 1.

JftlHl Typewriter TYPEWRITERS Royni. timlth. Corolla and Reuilng- on Portable. DON EDWARDS Tha Typewriter 6CCOI1U 8t 33B2 ID rk Billfold contalnliiErpoTernment bond In Mox theater. Belongs to Terry Moore Oneal, Call B56.

Nice four room house and bath on Holly Street, Best part of city. Cheap. BERT ROSS Real Estate Broker Phone 3186 or 4391 l-13-pk-16 Store with 3-room living qviartprs at Lost Cane. Roy Veach. I113-pk-16 Four room house with hath.

RUIO- mntic hot water. Gootl condition, in- skin and out. Five blocks to main part of town. On. pavement.

101 E. Rose. Notice Don't Forget The BIG BINGO PARTY AT THE LEOION HUT. WEDNESDAY JANUARY 14 AT 8 P.M SPONSORED BY THE LADIES OP THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Personal JUST A FEW OF THE MANY FINE LATE MODEL USED CARS YOU WILL FIND AT THE LOY EICH CHEVROLET COMPANY. Chevrolet Door Sedans Chevrolet Town Sedan Ford Sedan Plymouth Door Sedan Poniiac Sedan Plymouth 4- Door Sedan 1942 cite Buick Sedan- 1942 pile Buick Sedan- 1911 Sedan 4-Door 1941 Chevrolet Door Sedan Trucks large anil small, Chevrolet, G.M.C., Fords, International, and Dodge, '39 to '47 models.

Easy G.M.A.C. Payment Plan We Never Close Dept. Open til 8 p.m. LOY EICH 4 CHEVROLET CO. 301 West Walnut St.

Phone BRING BACK JO CHEVROLET FOR SERVICE-PARfS-ACCESSORIES STEVE HOOVER. Everything IB nil rlpht. Tour family wants you to home. Private Rooms NEW SIX ROOM HOUSE. 2 baths Hiilll tills -ypftr.

Two Yilncks Irom city bus line, two blacks from school, three locks from business strict, three blocks from church. Scr M. L. Nichols Nichols Bnrber Shop, hnck ol City Drug Store. Phone day 815.

nu-hc, 3619. Iil3-pk-16 One or two rooms. Kitchen privilege optional. Phone 2480. IjH-ck-n i UcOrooin, kitchen privileges.

101 E. I sycamore. ljtf-pk-17 1 Nice bedroom. Butane hem, close to business,. Men preferred.

Call or 2MI. Used Cars have two city Urlveu Willys Jeeps lor srtle. Uoth trnclcd In on new You will 1 your ftirm Iti- coiajjlL'tK without Jpcp once you've used one. Hlylhcvllle Willys i3fvlc.s Co. 410 K.

Mnln. Personal MONEY TO LOAN We loan money on farm Innrt and city property We also buy CONWAY HOUCH1NS Glencoe Hotel Building it you have sonic thing: you don't, need nnd get rid ot. try Kl'jnrt Hull man's Swap Shop, phono R50 403 K. Main. Plumber LHK iMOTOR SALES in Blytheville lias several late model Used Cars and Pick- Up Trucks for sale at reason able prices.

Phone 519. 12-27-ck-tf See us before you buy! We sell the cleanest used cars on the market, ant: For it licensed plumber or for prrt stove wmk call Harry fjnd UlB price ri lt Kiinlwnris. Do your OTTIJ concrete work and Kent a coi crete mixer by clay 01 ho ill PhOB- 489 Boi U9 Blyihevllla AJt tl Here nrt some ol the features that 4-WHBEL-DRIVE UNIVERSAL JEEP, INVALUABLE on construction Jobs. it serves as a 4-wheel drive tractor lor grader und Illllng. The Jeep power take-on lurnlshes up to 30 p.

to operate shaft and belt, rtrlvcn cqviln- nrcnt. and tlx spocds forward nnrt two reverse speed up moving matcrinls on crnmpcd sites. LOOK it over at Money to Loan Do yoti need loan in OT remodel? No down payment, no mor- tage, no red tnpe FHA APPROVED RATE ASK FOR DETAILS Max Logaru Realtor Phone 2034 Lynch Building Blythevillfl. Aik. Meat Choppers MOTOR COMPANY.

Ellis rep ner a imp Kxit-KAn- from 11 to 2S u. P. Also knives arm plates anil Poole. Owner and Operator. way 61 at Stcclc, Mo.

Phone Str-clc 1211 Main DELI, tiCO'IT and Service Business Opportunities One of the best OPPORTUNITIES for increasing BUSINESS is the regular use of Classified Advertising. Readers in a buying mood turn to the Business Service Directory for the names of reputable firms. Coat and Wood Vhone 22M 12 Musical Merchandise For coal and kindling. Plenty of it. We deliver.

Phone 940. Lewis Poultry, 419 E. Main. 12-2-ck 2-2 Wood, per rtck. O-.

Flowers xortb, I or NEW SPINETS EASY TKDMS AS LONG AS TWO TEAKS TO PAT. Records Sheet Music Estey Organs 100 MILKS FREE DELIVERY MORELAND'S Music Store 315 S. Second Phone 422 Blylheville, Avk. Brand new mahogany fiplnrl plan si'SMl shippmi; damme lo Tov slc sto 107 EMI Mnln strccl. Telephone ml.

1113-tt-M Power Meat Saws Ulrro Sanitary Ktccn tunl service. Also hand DELI, SCOIT Sales and Service Kill All ar sale or and I W. Main Phone 22GO Scales Wlimpson. Hixnltnry. names Comrnit- scalps lor grot cry and mar Ice Is.

PalrharirvR portable pliuiorm And cam Bcalca DELL BOOTT Salra and Service Main Phone 22M1 12 23-CK-29 POOLE MOTOR CO. Ellis i'oole, Owner and Operator South Highway 61 at Steele Mo. Phone Steele 49. 12l2-clc-lf One six room tionse with hath, three hlock.s from new high school Kite. Immediate possession.

Call 3503. lilJ-pk-15 store with living quarters. EOCKI locution. IhisiiK nice business car Srclrt Oil Mill. Will give Immediate possession.

420 S. Sixteenth. TWO MODERN FIVE ROOM HOUSES If you want a better home, accept your home in as cash payment. 0. S.

KOLL1SON 4(te jN, Broadway Phone 1-8-ck-tf 3H N. Ninth, rhone 2338. Iil2-pk-2il2 mea or couple. Call 932. Betlroom, 3ta N.

Ninth. Call 2228. Light housekeeping room. phone 2020. Comfortable benroom.

Close to town Men only 310 W. Walnut. Wonted to Buy Several trailer loads of CORN, HAY, and POULTRY. Poultry, l-2-ck-2-2 Phone 940, Lewis 419 E. Main.

STUDEBAKERS CHAMBLIN SALES CO. A STUDEIAKER of Enjoy safety and peace of mind through regular car inspection. Put in Good Running Order New Paint Job Check Electrical System Brake Lining and Steering A food KtecUoB ot MW Mid uud AUo, i ntunlwr Dwl UN BiH A STUD EBAKE RS Small modern home. Close In, rafih, White PO Box 726, Blytheville. giving Four room houEC lor sale owner.

Lilly. lor Leo Draw Icy. For Sale or Rent The Austin nut! won garage tuici living qvmrtcrs. ace Floyd. Austin.

West Uateway, Services VASHINC MACHINES and Appliances repaired. Blytheville Machine Shop 'lione 2823. Dogs, Cots, and Pets Losi: Mpvcn months old Llvcr-spottctl poinicr. Stindny between Mniilla nd fleebe. Reward.

Call Dlythcvllic F'urriES lor sale. U09 ChlcXusawba. inonc 2375. for Rent Cacrtnt hoiiEO. 1125 W.

Sycniuorc. I i 10 -pit-18 for Sale, Misc. Colemnn four burner gns cooking (Joocl condition. Trice $85. Call 2107.

IjH-pfc-17 One seven foot Montgomery Ward refrigerator. Sec before 6 p.m. ni 610 Lake. IJrnxuifullv rcrinlshctl piano, rrlpl- rtalrc. wnnticr and other household articles, i'honc -i65S.

Seconn-nand Kelvlnalor electric washing machine- Good condition. retR the riumbcr. 109 N. First. Five rooms of furniture.

In condition. Call 2057. Five room Flue oil hrallnp stove. ised thirty days. Cull 2927 afler 5 p.m.

Ijl3-pk-20 May Head CAB tADIO REPAIR BT EXPERT llcnaArman Call Music Store 07 Main Teleohone 811 Pianos ght nml sold 11 5-ck-tf Machines Rlicers tor cftlc anrt grocers Also RC hnnd Mirers. DELI. RCOTT Sales and Service- 1 W. MMn Phoni- 'J 12 29-cX-l 29 Swap Column 22 rifle. Jewel wrist Wfllch.

land and Bavarian China, electric anc Elherl Shop. East Phone HI2-CX-19 Don't put off thnt art any if you want to recover that nils- placed article try a Cl.tssificrt and found." They gel results. Formers Column Taken up i Hay horse with buck flrounrt booy, BJIC! black hair Weight: 1100. Bob KCKlRcts. nillr; Vest of -JO nncl 8 Gin.

OF ULACK KORSE one with white nose, 1200 From near CnUimrt. sotlly n. E. Smith, Kouic 1, Hox 480 Home grown Mnrtln. S17 Chl climbing rose Duncan Phyre sofa.

1.9-cx-tr For Sale NEWSPAPERS COURIER NEWS OFFICE 10:10 If Running water where you it is an inexpensive luxury on the farm. Buy the best, a Goulds Electric Pomp from Planter Hardware Co. 1-Kl-ck-tf Kollnn-av bed. with rnaltrrss Good condition. Mrs.

Hcrmnn Kochlrr. DcU 1 7-pk-l5 KIT Ot fitrnUvirr for SAcrlllcr. Phone ,1731. 313 North Elpr New 1917 Intcrnailoual Far mall and some equipment Joe Matthews. Calico Rock.

Arkansas 42F12, It 26-pk-l 9,48 spoited G. Sch- Kor Several rcslstercrt China male hogs. 3. rilecle. Mo.

Ono mile cast, ot Corner, Ij7-pk-10 Twenty-five per cent of CciUrnl Texas' In derived Jrom Kor sftte: Bvulrrs. It and push type. 20. ftncl John nccre. Pull typp rtlsX.

9Ba, IHC 16 one heavy duly clghl loot Disk, one two bottom AC plow, Mnssr-v 101 Super nnrt cnc tf ftncl cultivator typn plainer W. H. Wldntr, Yftrbro. Phnnn fift9 Laurence S. Kuter, above, wartime Air Force strategist, is the man President Tni- man wants lo nominate for the Civil Aeronautics Board chairman shi p.

Truman flas asked Congress for authority to nominate Kuler, 42-year-old native of Rorkford, 111. Authority is needed since Kuter Is still under Army jurisdiction. THE RAZORBACK Announces A New Service DELIVERIES MADE ANYWHERE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS We Specialize In Hickory Charcoal BARBECUE ALL KINDS OF SANDWICHES FRIED CHICKEN Telephone 4341 DON'T GIVE UP! If your "wreck" is worth saying let Langston-Wroten fix it Don't wait until you have a smash, though, to get your cur in good shape and keep it that way! Langg- ton-Wroten check-ups, repair nnd maintenance work keeps your car smooth running and economical to and most important prevents expensive breakdowns from occurring. Bring your car in today and let us check it for you at regular intervals. We're experts on brakes, ignition, we're fully equipped to do reliable work.


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