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Harrisburg Telegraph from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


TO DAY'S WEATHKR tPOB. ror Ua Mlddla AUantlo 8UUs, local mint, lollowod by "fair weather, variable wind gonorally southerly, falling barometer. Local rln ana warmer weather for Saturday. KKPUUL1CAN COUNTY CONVENTION. The Republicans of Dauphin county and all who are In AiYor of the maintenance of Republican principles, are respectfully requested to assemble at the usual places of holding delegate elections, on Saturday, the 27th day of June, 1885, in the townships between the hours or 5 and 7 o'clock r.

and in the cities and boroughs, between tho hours of 7J and 9 o'clock P. and elect two delegates irom each ward or district to represent them in a County Convention to be held in the Court House, in the city of Harrisburg, on Tuesday, the 80th day of Juno, 1885, at one o'clock p. for the purposo of selecting by the proper authority ono Senatorial delegate and three Representative delegates to the Republican State Convention, to be held on VVcdncsday, the 8th day of July, 1885. JOUr XI. TfJClBO, lUWIlua REPUBLICAN CITY CONVKNTION.

rpkn nMHiMirani nf the rltv of Harris ahw ail vim nrn in favor ot the maintenance of Republican principles are requested to asscraoie at me usuai places of toldinft delegate elections on Saturday, the 27th dav of June, 1885, between the hours of 7:30 and 0 o'clock p. and lret three delegates from each election Mxlnf tn ronresmt them at a citV CO a lontlon. to be held in the court house on Monday, tho 20th day of June, 1835, Kb I WHUVii electing a delegate to represent tho city or liarnsuurg to me ncpuuiuiuu Convention, to bo hem on weanesaay, the 8th day or July, I8t. W. J.

Geohgb, Chairman. Jno. A. IIerman, Secretary. LOOAL NEWS.

JOW1NUS. The nicnic season has opened in earnest Tho jaunting editors are coming home in detachments. What are you doing toward tho Centennial, Mr. Croaker 1 The small boys are playing the Buffalo Dill tactics by lassoing eacn oiner. A small fishing party of ladies and gen tiamnn nrnrn at Oyster's dam vcrierdav, Tho Prohibitionists State Convention win 1m held at Ilarr sburtr.

August, aotn, Alpha" can get a letter by calling at this office In answer to nis advertisement. A number of Ilarrisburgers attended tho trotting exhibition at Carlisle yesier ilnv. The lawn tennis court on North Front street was crowded with players last evening. Another nartr of lolly Waltonlans vis ited Poor Man's Spring fishing grounds vestcrdav. It will take 805,000 tics to reach from Uarrislurg to Everett on the South renn svlvanla railroad.

The People's natural gas company, of Pittsburg, was chartered at tne piate ue partment to day. Tho committee on Darade for the Cen teanlal are mapping out earnest work for after the 4th or Julv. The closing ezcrcisos of the Middle town high school took place last evening and were very interesting. Hon. J.

I). M'Pherson delivered the honorary oration before the graduates at I'u atluate coucce vesteruay. Several important additions ot text iooks and reports were added to the law librarv at the court house Yesterday. A largo excursion will go to Pen Mar from Stcelton on tho 11th of July, under tho ausnices of tlio U. U.

Sunday school. Dr. E. 12. Ulgbco delivers the baccalaureate sermon to the State Normal sraduates at Suinnensburc next Sunday.

The Carllslo Stntinel defends the O'Brien circus against the assaults of certain ncwrpapors which have auacKea it. On Thursday. July 0th. an excursion will bo run to Luray Caverns, under the auspices of tho M. E.

church or Ale chanicsburir. The old colored man arrested and locked lu Jail last night for stoning a brakeman on tho railroad had several nasms in his cell. Now "York's new police chief has as tonished tho public and paralyzed bis men by telling the latter that they must treat citizens ciwuj.jiotwn ron. A colored boy named Charles Peyton was arrested by Constable Garmhausen last evening for disorderly conduct. He was held Ibr a heat ing before Alderman EuMiuneor.

Col. Harry Manning, a prominent busl ncss man ot Oakville, on tho C. V. It. was stung by a locust one day this week.

The prompt application ot powenui remo dies prevented serious results. Tho theaters are last deteriorating into mere benefit societies. A theatrical benefit, gentle reader, is an occasion where the actor gets tne ucneni ana tne mana rer nets the money. Boston Transcript, Dr. D.

II. Coover, the oculist, ot this city, has recently performed two very successful operations of removing diseased eyes from a son of Win. Hauck and Supervisor waiters, or silver Spring townsuin. The superstitious colored neoole about town are still "turning the key" in their quest lor gold, several ot them were discovered in the vicinity of Wetzel's swamp tho other night digging for that precious metal. The man who complains that he has "married tho wrong woman" doesn do servo your sympathy.

It should all bo given to tho woman. She has married the wrong man by a largo majority. Nutrrutoxen Herald. A lot of deluded Italians, who had come all tho way from Toronto, Canada, tn this city, where a scamp represented they could get work, were at tne depot ail or yesterday. The tcliow had secured A over csu irom cacu oi mem ior aucgea rare.

TIIK UMriltU'd VALED1CTOKV. An umpire went sullying out Into tho east oat Into the earn, irt tlio nan went down. II tbniiKhtor tlio olub that loved him least And tho quickest way to leavo the town. Kor men must chin ana boy must cheer And Ibu umpire' lot In uurd aud drear, Along with the crowd and it groaning. A man stood up and called out foul, And called out foul with an angry frown Tlton made for the Kate wiihasuddtin howl, Wlillo the mob with bricks tried to knock him down.

For mun will fltfht and boys will Jeer, And limk Jn boHi whim the gate in near, To uapu from tlio crowd and its groaning. The doctor ws working tho best he knew bow. ThobflNt bo knew how, as the sun went down. lift thought hn limtetod tho broken brow Of tbM awful yufl and tlio iuIhhIIoh thrown. for ul uh will p'ay mid mobs will tight, And tlio nmiii''M lucky If bo live till night To oiiio irout the e'owd and Its groaning.

MlaOtlphia Vail. hxcurilon to Camp Meeting. A largo colored campmeeting will bo hold in Berkley county, W. commencing Saturday, June 27th. On Sunday.

2Sib, tho C. V. R. R. will Bell ex curslon tickets from its principal stations, tho rato from Harrisburg being fixed at 1 1.2.1 lor the round trip.

Train will leave Harrisburg at 7:40 a. and excursionists will return on the New York express train on Sunday night. lUoeptlon for the Teachers, The teachers of tho city are discussing the laudable idea of giving the State Teachers' Association a public reception next wck, when It assembles in this city. It is understood that a number of ladles have already taken the initiative, and propose to carry tho matter to a successful end. The City Grays armory is su trusted as the most suitable place in which in rcceivo tho visiting teachers.

The public generally should encourage the teachers fir this praiseworthy HAltRISBUKG OPERA COMPANY. Prof. H. H. Rich Organizing a Company of Amateurs II is Prospectus.

Prof. II. H. Rich, of this city, the accomplished director of the Mozart society, the Grace Methodist church choir and other musical organizations, has another project, on foot the formation of a Harrisburg English opera company. He has issued a prospectus which explains his plans in connection with the scheme.

We make the following extracts from tho prospectus: "That there is in our community a iroper, legitimate, earnest and increas ng desire lor English opera, in addition to various other styles of music sacred and secular light and heavy, or classic grand chorals, cantatas, oratorios, symphonies, now given by our large organizations, and well suited to a variety of tastes. "That we have to a large extent the vocal, dramatic and instrumental talent necessary; needing only a thorough and continuous drill and experience, to make an acceptable and (possibly) commendable performance. "Inability to act or smg well from memory, learn with sufficient rapidity, or, an objectionable voice as to flexibility, quality, shading, lack of ambition or industry, unnecessary absence from meetings (tho manager reserving the right to decide what is necessity) inattention, lack of courtesy, or other ill behaviour at rehearsal or elsewhere, will be sufficient warrant for dropping from the company. In fact, the interests of this initiatory work aire such that we must all simply consider ourselves on trial and it should and will be a question of "the survival of tho fittest." "To add variety, make provision for sickness, avoid the strain upon the voice of consecutive performance, and give special interest to their friends, no one will, for the present, be assigned, or engaged for, any solo part for more than one performance; each solo part to be studied by two or more singers. "The plan is to prepare and present, during the season of 1885 1886, two or more operas therefore pai lial, if not complete organization will soon be effected, the solo parts assigned, if able, and two preliminary chorus rehearsals held during the next few weeks laying out the work, as far as may be, for earnest private study in the summer, (during the absence of the manager,) and taking up the work vigorously in September next.

The first to be. studied and presented is the delightful opera of "Martha" by Flotow. Its plot is founded upon English court, market, and farm house scenes, early in the eighteenth century. Several solo and concerted selections have long been familiar to, and admired by the public THE INDUSTRIAL HOME. Let tbe Charitably Disposed Contribute.

Until further notice contributions will be received at the office of the Daily Telegraph for tho benefit of the Industrial Home of this city. They will be publicly acknowledged from day to day. The amount needed is about thirty five hundred dollars. The cause is a deserving one. Provide for the poor children of our city.

Orphans, without regard to race or color, are received at the institution, and homes found for them in tho city or country. Previously acknowledged $838 77 Proceeds of concert held at Shakespeare Hall by E. A. Kepner and friends 43 00 Mrs. J.

J. Ogelsby 6 00 Mrs. M. J. Gross 5 00 A Friend 1 00 Mrs.

W.B.Hart 10 00 Mrs. Wm. F. M'Coy 100 Mrs. R.

Snodgrass 1 00 A Friend 1 00 C. L. Baily 5 00 J. C. Bomberger 20 00 A Friend 6 00 A Friend 20 00 A Friend 1 00 A.

J. 25 00 A Friend 20 00 Craighead Stewart 5 00 Henry Fink 10 00 Mrs. E. Hamersley 5 00 Mrs. C.

Heikel 10 00 Mrs. Dr. G. Stine 5 00 Mrs. S.

Oyster 2 00 Mrs. S. Oyster, jr 1 00 A Friend 50 Dr. Isaac Lefever 5 00 S.W.Myers 5 00 Bigler 800 brick. C.

O. Zimmerman, 800 brick." James M'Cleaster, 500 brick. J. A. Kramer, new hydrant.

J. Q. Handshaw, hauling one load of J. S. Siblo.

hauline one load of brick J. H. Kelly, hauling one load ol' brick. uavid swope, seven loads cinder. J.

F. Schlaycr, six loads of sand. J. Black by laying pavement, DricK. Contributions to aid in paying for the building purchased can be paid to William It.

uorgas, treasurer ol the build tng fund. Excursion Tickets to Yellowstone National Park It is announced by tho passenger de" partment ol the Pennsylvania Kauroad company that there has been placed on sale at all principal ticket offices of the company a stock of excursion tickets to Yellowstone Park. These tick els will be sold in connection with the Pennsylvania railroad tickets to Chicago. thence by the several roads from that point to Council Bluffs or St. Paul, thence by tbe Union or Northern Pacific to the Yellowstone Park.

The tickets by both the Union and Northern Pacific routs bear liberal condition as to limit of going ana returning trips. A Pastor's Present. Last evening the probationary class of itev. u. u.

Conner, the indefatigable pas tor of Ridge Avenue Methodist church. numbering over two hundred members, called upon and gave him an agreeable surprise. Alter tho usual exercises Mr. Leonard, on behalf of the class, stepped forward and in a graceful speech presented the beloved pastor with an elegant com watcn, appropriately inscribed. The pastor vaa overcome for a ew mo ments, but was able to respond in a feel ing manner.

Rev. Mr. Conner is one of the most earnest pastors in the city and lias uuui up cnurcn greatly. Orand Jubilee. Tho members of Weslev Union churrh.

South street, intend to bold a grand jubilee in the Cotta ere Park, at tho nrflfnn1. July 4th, for the benefit of the above named church. The park is beautifully situated and is convenient to the city and surrounding towns. Persons desiring to spend a day pleasantly will do well to avail themselves of the onnort.imitv tn visit the Cottage Park July 4th. The oiceiion Dana nas nccn en traced to enliven n.

tuo occasion. The New Pitcher, Manager Kreitcr returned last eveninir irom i nuuueipiua wun a new pitcher tor tho Harrisburg club. His name is Mi I. I I 111 chael Collins, the pitcher last season for the Somerset nine. He struck out nine teen in a recent game with the Manayunk ciud, one oi ino oest amateur organiza tions in Philadelphia.

He accompanied the iiansDurgs to wukes uarre this morning, where they play to day and tomorrow. Election of Lodgo OiUcers. Capital Citv Ca3tle. No. 40.

Kniehts of tne uoiuen JLagle. elected the iollowmer officers last night: Noble Chief, Charles KODins; Vice Chief, Robert Atkins; High Priest, C. II. Coon: Venerable Hfirmit. J.

W. Hutchison; Sir Herald, T. H. Sul lenberger; Master of Records, II. E.

Brandt; Clerk of Exchequer, L. B. Fis sel, Representative to Grand Castle, W. v. uittuuui; trustee, jr.

u. JVlaurer. A Happy Family. Tn front nf Q11 i i MnrltPt fimmrn thia nftor 1 BLUUU a large square tank of water in which dis ntrtAl a lavrrA nivftr nniinil aet 4 LJVbVU lUlgV DIAbipVUUU oca tUI LICf couple of snapping turtles and four dozen sf ihn la vrroaf fpAira xtrn "haxra awnw ann ut WAV saiVPV nv auitv VA DCQU, The latter sold like hot cakes. Yesterday's Game.

The game between the Atlantics and Harrisburgs yesterday afternoon was well played, but not particularly exciting. Tho Atlantics did some superior fielding! The score was as follows: Innings 1 23456789 Harrisburg 1 0 0 3 1 0 5 0 10 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 05 Fourth of July Excursion. The C. V. R.

R. company will sell excursion tickets to all stations on mainline and branches on July 3d and 4th, at regular excursion rates, good for return trip until July 6th, 1885. Justice to a 'Widow. Mrs. Mary A.

Tyson, widow of Benjamin Tyson, of Cumberland township, Adams county, a member of the Eighty seventh Pennsylvania regiment has been granted $1,381 40 back pay and pension. Summit Grove Camp. This camp meeting will commence Thursday, July 30th, and close Tuesday night, August 11th. The tents are nearly all engaged, and the prospects for a large and successful camp are very flattering. Three Hundred Locusts.

J. H. Hatton, the popular postmaster at Derry Church, has captured three hundred locusts and placed them in a glass jar for safe keeping and "for future reference." I. O. O.

F. Reunion. A reunion of the Odd Fellow lodges of Cumberland and Franklin counties will be held at Williams Grove, July 24th. BUS1NKBB 1OCAIjS. BABY CARRIAGES cheaper than ever.

REFRIGERATORS cheaper than ever. At KELLER'S, Second and Walnut streets. Call and see the little Rug Machine at C. C. South Market Square.

je22 lw Go TO Weills' drug store and try Soda Water made by new process. je9 3m Postmaster Sam'l A. Hewitt, Of Monterey, delivers himself in this wise "For colds, burns, sore throat and rheumatism, Thomas' Eclectric Oil cannot be beaten. I say keep it up to the standard, and it will satisfy the people. I shall send lor a new supply soon." Don't forget to see the little Rug Ma chihe on exhibition at 15 South Market Square.

je22 lw Get a box of Little Giant Liver Pills, at Dr. Weills', 332 Broad street. je9 3m AH Admire a Handsome Face. A pure, clear skin will make any face handsome. Manifestly anything which strengthens and enriches the blood will directly affect the whole person.

All eruptions of the skin disappear when Burdock Blood Bitters are employed. They are a vegetable remedy of inestimable value. Remember the days to see the little Rug Machine are Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday this week, at 15 South Market Square. je22 lw Great Sacrifice Sale of Furniture. Having leased our building.

No. 439 Market street, our entire stock of Furniture must be disposed of by July 10th. Those desiring bargains in Furniture would do well to give us a call. Persons indebted to us must make settlement by that time. Remember, no humbug.

Must be sold by July 10th. jel8tjyl Baknitz Bros. Will It Really Cure Rheumatism? We answer, honor bright, it will cure rheumatism, and the severest cases too. Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil was specially prepared for the rheumatic and lame.

Notice letters from the people relative to its merits in nearly every paper in the country. Ice Cream Soda. Raysor's prescription drug store, Ice Cream Soda. It is certainly the best in the city. Look for the sparkling glass mortar in front ol the store.

Orlns. Pleasant, healthy grins are seen only on the faces of healthy persons. The dyspeptic and debilitated can smile only in a nair iieartea way. Punty the blood. tone the stomach, and strengthen the tissues' with Burdock Blood Bitters, if you wish to laugh well and often.

Egg Phosphate. Raysor's prescription drug store takes tne ieaa ior xurr Phosphate new drink. It is much superior to the so called Eeg jruuspjuaie uispensea unaer mat name. It is a nourishing drink in warm weather, The illuminated glass mortar in front ot the store points out the place. jel5 Ice Cream Soda.

Finest quality in the city, at Keet's urug oiore, 166 juarKet street, jeii tc Bedford Mineral Water. The celebrated Bedford Mineral Water is without a rival for derangements of the liver or stomacn. Jb or sale quart bot ties at $1 50 per dozen. Delivered bv C. L.

Greek corner State street and Pennsylvania railroad. e4 lm Phosphate. The very lateBt summer drink, very nutritious. niy at iveet urug atore, tan marKet street. jell tc Lieht Felt and Straw Hats A great variety of the latest, cheapest and best styles of hats are displayed by HAKMHA.

ZOLLINGER, 13 S. Market Square. MARRIED. GKEEN BITTING; In Philadelphia, wuuay uvcuuiK, uuo ZZU, Dy Jtev.O. A.

Holman, 1). Mr. Daniel Grbbn, ot San Francisco, to Mlsa Cathamse Bimiis, SHIIEY STOVItf Tniultli "ifiOK .8. KlUiun, Mr. Jacob Shiley and Miss Mart Stonn, both of Mlddletown.

BAKNHAltT PHlLLIPS. June 25th, by Elder (). I'l iftA. fit thfi miidAnna rf tia mother, 621 Boas street, Mr. Wm.

B. Barn lips, of this city. DIED. SHKKK On Juno 23, 1885, near Dcn lAAUlVAi, UAnUH.14 OXLJEKtL, UL ttu ttUVlillCCCl Funeral on Saturday forenoon a 9 o'clock The relatives and friends are invited, to at 1 tl 1 wit.riflllf fnvtrtAP itntlnn DANIICr. Tn T.vlrana tAarnahln Tio uomij.

UC lu, Susanka, relict of the late John Geoivo yxmtBpo luuiiLUri ana xf aays WEISS. In Gratz, June 16, Gkorgb Wkiss, 5 i 5ca, a umkjlx uua auu a uavs. ft 19. Mrn. Sat.t.t (rnDvvv wira nf H.

Forney, aged 37 years, 10 months and 24 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. J. SHOEMAKER. H.

BOLBBRT, QHOEMAKER HOLBERT, BRO T.iLxmo, ii norui xnira atroot, liarrls burtr. buy or sell on Commission onlv. Bonda, Stocks, Grain, Provisions and Pe ixoieum. Having private direct wires to the various exchanges we are enabled to execute orders expeditiously and at as low a rate of commission and margin as is consistent and just to both our clients and ourselves. DaUy market reports turnlshed upon apf pncunon.

JTorelarn Drafts ana Btaamsnln Pusaacft aiukuui on saie. iana 11 Assignee's Sale of Valuable Real Estate. THE undersigned, assignee in trust for me Denent oi creaitors or riah l. Ban ks, will oiler at public sale on the premises, slt pursuanco of an order of court of said county, on ATUltl) AY, JUNE 27th, 1885, the following described real estate, to wit: No. I.

A lot or piece of ground fronting on Second street, or the turnpike, forty feet (40 feet), and running back the same about two hundred feet (200 feet) to the Pennsylvania canal, beinsr lot No. 142. on erected a two story brick dwelling house and all necessary outbuildings. No. 2.

A triangular lot or piece of ground fronting sixteen feet 116 feet) on second street, or the turnpike, situate at or near the bridge crossing tho Pennsylvania canal, and running back on a line nearly perpendicular to said street or turnpike about sixty eight feet (68 feet); thereon erected a frame builUintr now used for a store, hall room, Ac. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. if. of said day, when attendanco will be given and terms of sale made known by DAVID MAEYER, Assignee, of Uriah P. Banks.

26 HARBISBU11G Paper Box Manufactory. Boxes of everv description made to order. Write for prices. H. W.

BAKNHISEL. Comer Krnnrt nnrl TClrtar nt.raAta Hnrrfa. burg, Pa, aprn ly AMUSEMENTS. ST ATI OK AL, SOLDIERS' ENCAMPMENT Fairmomit IP ark, PHILADELPHIA, JUNE 28th to JULY 6th, '85. Representative Organizations from the Volunteer Militia of tlte Union Detachment of Troops from THE UNITED STATES ARMY.

COMPETITIVE DRILLS, PARADES AND REVIEWS. The Camp Ground is located NEAR BELMONT STATION, and close to the line of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. Tlie President of the U. His Cabinet, and the Governors of the States are expected to be present on July 4th. AH Passenger Trains will stop at BELMONT during the continuance of tho Camp, June 20th to uly cth.

For trains, including specials between Philadelphia and Belmont, see daily papers and time cards. THE PHILAD'A READING RAILRO A WILL SELL EXCURSION TICKETS From all points west of and including Bound Brook (except Trenton), south of and including Bethlehem, east of and including Harrisburg, south of and including Potts ville, points on Reading A Columbia railroad and Schuylkill Lehigh and East Pennsylvania Branches, from June 29th to dy oth, good to return until July 7th. For full information as to rates, time of departure of trains, apply to Ticket Agents. C. G.

HANCOCK, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. J. E. WOOTEN, General Manager. jc26 tf PENRYN PARK OF THE CORNWALL MT.

HOPE R. R. Excursion Committees of Churches, Sunday Schools and other select organizations, in making their summer arrangements, should not neglect to reserve a day for Pen ryn Park. This delightful resort is situated in the midst of the SOUTH MOUNTAINS, and its grounds covering hundreds' ol acres are easy of access from all parts of Central Pennsylvania. For the free use of excursionists there are extensive CROQUET LAWN TESIS GROUNDS, LARGE DANCING PAVILION, BAND STAND, KITCHEN, BASKET CLOAK ROOMS, AND OBSERVATORY.

On thk Summit or the Mountaih. There Is also a refreshment room in charge of a competent caterer, where meals can be procured at moderate rates, a photographic gallery and numerous other attractive lea No liquors allowed on the grounds. Excursions from all points on the Philadelphia Reading and Reading Columbia railroad will be carried to the Park without change of cars. Complete Information can be obtained and engagements effected with parties from all points on tbe Philadelphia Reading and Reading Columbia railroads, upon application to C. G.

Hancock, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Philadelphia Reading railroad, 227 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa and with parties from Lebanon by applying to the undersigned. CARL VON SCHMALENSEE, Supt. Cornwall Mt. Hope railroad, May 12 to uly3I Lebanon, Pa. EXCURSIONS AND PIC NICS! UMMER OP 1885.

CORNWALL LEBANON AND Colebrook Valley Railroad. MT. GRETNA PAKE, Jn the heart of the South Mountain, on the ot the above road, Is offered to in uiviuunui uiu associations (FREE OF CHARGE. These gronnds.coverlner hundreds of acres, are easy of access from all parts of Eastern icuusyivama. 49 There are Mountain Strbams.

snanned by rustic bridges; Mountain Springs, walled np with native sandstone; Shady Walks and A LARGE DANCING PAVILION, LARGE DINING HALL. KITCHEN, DINING ROOM, and Tables. Benches and Rttbtto Sb ats scat. tered through the grove for the free use of LAWN TEN1S, CBOQUET, BALL GROUNDS, BOWLING ALLEY, SHOOTING GALLERY, QUOITS and FOOT BALL, are among the amusements offered. No Intoxicating Drinks Allowed on the Parties deslrlntr it.

can nrnnnra meals at the Park Restaurant, which will be under the charge of Mr. E. M. Boirz, the noted LEBANON VALLEY HOUSE. who will bo on the grounds throughout the season, giving it nis personal supervision.

JCV For excursion rates and general infor mation. apply to j. c. Jennings, Supt. C.

L. C. V. R. ap25 3m LEBANON, PA.

Absolutely Pure. THIS POWDER NEVER VARIES. A tnnriril nfniirltvatwmrt.hlllldWllOIO somenoss. Mora economical than the ordi narv icimls. nil aniirt.

tin Bold ill competi tion with thn of low test, short weicrht alum or nlio.mihata nowders. Sold only in cans. Rotal Baking Powder Co. 100 Wall street, N. Y.

aplQ dly June 24, 1885. JJARRISBURG NATIONAL BANK. M5th DIVIDEND. a. 4T1a ilflTT t1i ado Aboard oi xsiruuwrs uuu clarcd a semi annual Dividend ot JTivo per 1 i i i ut.

fs JCX OU f. M.MJMXt TUe "Morning Call" for Sale, WILL sell at a sacrifice tlie Morning OW? printing office. Has four steam presses and all improved machinery. Also the subscription list, good will, Ac, (subject 1r. a luon In 1) IV, Ihut Till 1 vn fuT thnr nartlculars ap ply to E.

B. HAINES, 259Cumberlandstreet. jeia tt CARPET CLEANING. Best work and Jowest, iees. Iv FKKD'KSCHBAMM, apr2 tt 1 (J4 1 nd lanavenne.

HENRY C. DEMMING.Stenogranher, All kinds of work hv tvne writers. Telephone connection. Caurt House sec ond Uoor Troyal S8GSK! FORTY NEW STYLES SEERSUCKER op. Just in.

Come and see them. only be shown at BALTIMORE "ONE PRICE' CLOTHING AND FURNISHING HOUSE, S4, 36 and 38 ISTox tli Third Street. No Connection with Any Other House in this City. tc Buy the Light Running Four Wheeled Grand Rapids Carpet Sweeper, BOD BR SELS, SI.OO A.


A RRANGEMENTS can now be made for Jsxcursions and Picnic parties to Williams' Grove, Pine Grove Park. Round Top Park, I I Ji liU KATiii JTI JS JJ), Mont Alto Park, Pen Mar, Potomac Isle and Gaverns of Luray. The Grounds at all the above points will be found In first class condition, with everything for the convenience and enjoyment of parties, and justifying the liberal patronage nereroiore Desiowea on mem. For rates and arrangements apply to James Clark, General Agent C. V.

K. Harrisburg. myll jyl Executor's Sale. H7ILL be sold at public sale onThurs IT dav. the 9th dav of Jutv.

1885. at the court house, at 10 o'clock, the following de sirable property A two story Frame Dwelling Houe.water and gas, in good repair. No. 222 North street, Harrisburg, 30 feet 7 inches front, with a derjth ot 140 leet. Terms Ten per cent, at the sale, balance when aeea ana possession are aeiivereu.

ALBERT SMITH, Executor of ohn Smith, deceased. je25 2w Furniture Furniture HIRAM STARR, NOS. 1101 AND 1103 RIDGE AVENUE, TNVITES the public to call and examine nis immense stock or Which has jnst been placed on exhibition ana emnraces a complete uneoi Chamber Suits. Kitchen Furniture, Parlor Suits, Kattan Chairs, Extension Tables, AU kinds of Chairs, Tables of all kinds, Lounges, Look in Classes. Bed miners.

And in tact every article of Furniture needed l'nr hnnnekpeninor. Chairs manufactured. The stock embraces all the latest styles of Jfme and Common Furniture, ana our prices are low. jei: ii E. W.

S. PARTHEMORE, 130S North Third Street, (Sext door to Dr. George's Drug Store.) Fire Insurance Agent Kent, Collection and Real Estate Agency. June 5, 1885 ly A BSTRACT of the receipts and ezpen aitures of tne Harris Durg uemeis Association for the year ending May 31, 1 II. M.

GKAYDON, Treasurer, DB. To balance from last account S1.172 51 Lots sold during the year 2,102 60 Interest oninvestments 885 60 special deposit, ior investment zuv Keceived on over duo mortgages and Judgments 1.8C6 33 Interments, sinsrie craves and re movals 1,211 00 Total $6,937 SO CK. By cash paid as follows Labor Invested on bond and mortgage. Laying sewers and materials Jrrmtinir and nd vi isino $1,472 30 2,500 00 Z54 1U 33 55 G4 77 Hardware, tinware and gutter grates Coal 25 CO 4 75 7 60 Costs on judgments and mortgages. Loss on trade dollars Keencr's salarv 0 800 00 300 CO ICO CO Salary of treasurer Salary ot superintendent and sec retary $5,542 73 Balance in treasury.

1,395 13 $6,937 86 Audited and found c.nrreet. with balance In thn treasurer's hands of thirteen hundred and ninety live dollars and thirteen cents 16.) JNO. J. CLYDE, J. F.

SEILEK, Juno 1885. Auditing Committee, l'EHMANKNT FUND. The nreaent condition ot the nermanent fund is as follows: U. 8. registered 4 per cent, bonds.

$9,700 00 U. S. registered 4 rjer cent, bonds. 2.000 00 City of 6Tcr bond 600 00 Mortgaecs and judgments 10,250 C6 00 JL'uuiisnea by order of the uoara. J.

M.AVliSSTLING, jel2 5 3t Secretary. J. T. ENSMINGER, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, 100, 10 and 804 S. Second Street.

HAULING promptly attended to Dirt carts, coal carts with shutes, lumber wagons, furniture cars, good men to do the work, at reasonable prices. Estimates given for excavations. Call and see me. Corner Third and Cumberland SfiT2 Coal Dealer. WILL be pleased to receive your order for Coal of any size or Quality.

Large stock always on hand. Orders will filled without aeiay. ana see us. i siiilk 'or. Thiia ana uiimnflnana ets.

ro us ii MR. CARROLL resumes Music Lessons In September at Miss WOOU WAKD'S SKMINAHV and at pupils' resi dences. 1el6 lm JAMES Q. HANDSHAW, DEALER in Coal and Dry Kindling Wood, office, 816 North Third street. Telephone connection.

norll dly COATS AND VESTS They are beauties, and can Headquarters. WANTS. WANTED In a small family, a white woman or girl who understands housework thoroughly. Hnst have good references. No others need apply.

Address L. Box 3, Harrisburg Postonlce. )e26 1 "TT ANTED A situation in a barber snop, or as waiter, or any other em' ployment. Apply at No. 410 South street.

aprl5 tf SITUATIONS WANTED. A YOUNG GIRL wants a place to take care of children. Call or address 1207 Apple avenue. i ANTED A place at a summer resort 1 to no cnamoer wort, or a place to ao house work, by a smart worker. Address Hiss Emma Willis, 317 North Front street, city.

"XTUR8E. A competent woman offers her services as nurse In any kind of sickness. Apply to Mrs. MOKB1SSEY, at A YOUNG man desires a situation as clerk in an office. Good referenca If require a.

Aaaress H. r. this offlce. luvnu man wiia unexceptional JCX. reference, fifteen years business ex TiArlAnRA.

Anil a ma 1 1 mnltAl iladpa. a An A trn.TiTA gage in some reliable enterprise. Address B. U.t Lock Box 60S. WASHING, ironing and day's work is wanted by a woman who Is a first class worker.

Call or address No. 1116 Bar tine avenue. CARPET cleaning and white washing done at short notice and lowest prices. xrurii, ouu atrawporry avenue. JARPENTER wants jobbing and re pturiug oi on Kiuus.

Etena posiai or call at shop. Mo. 911 Penn alley near orster A YOUNG MAN WISHES A SITTJ atlon as bread, pie and cake baker; will gu us wooau nana in a largo piace: gpoa re erence can be elven. Address A. 1 164 corner JTlfth and Hamilton streets, Harris TTTANTED Employment by an Elec trlclan.

Will work at any place on A COMPETENT NURSE offers her services to ladles. Apply at No. 108 WANTED Clerkship, copyist, cashier, or any kind of lfent work, by a re spec table young man (married), tiood re lerences ana security required. Address "Aipaa," mia omce. A RESPECTABLE Colored Woman desires employment at wash In sr.

Iron ing, by the day. Address B. care TIRST CLASS MACHINIST wants jod. inquire J. BELl, caro JJleaca ry, corner iierr ana city.

SITUATION wanted, by an old gentleman who can make himself useful in a vegetable garden, or attend to horses and cows. Keference given If required. Wages no difficulty. Address "Useful," care Daixt DERSONS desiring Whitewashing and auumiauuiig uvue piHw appiy at no. EMPLOYMENT wanted by a man who understands vegetable gadenlng.

Would take care of horses, or take any kind ui cuiuyuiab Jteierence given. Appiy at No. 1416 South Thirteenth street, or leave nuiu nil um luxuiurii omce. WT ANTED By a lady ot education and refinement a position as Book Keeper. jopyist or uoverneas.

keeper, Tli Address KMRAl MHce. A YOUNG LADY wants plain sewing to do. All kinds of muslin work for children and adults. Call or address Ko.St south second street. '1 1 ANTED A situation In a shoe store VV by a practical shoemaker.

Apply at So. 1326 Bldge avenue. A NY person desiring washing, ironing or nousecieanmg, piease apply to ao. ista aiargarena streuh A YOUNG lady desires situation as casmer ana oooKjceeper. nas iiaa some experience.

Aauroaa uug omce. "11TANTED. Washing and ironing to If 1a at IVrk AOa UtMwRA A tramm I FOR RENT. TJIOR RENT Two good brick houses MS on fifth street: rent low. Two on Mulberry street: rent low.

Ono on North street; rent low. one comer norm ana eecona. One on Front near Broad. Two on Herr near BreTenth. K.

K. KIN Kit, Cameron Bloeir, 103 North Second street. THURNISHED ROOMS for lodgers. Aj pleasantly situated. Inquire at No.

402 North second street. jeis "ttK)K BENT No. 1316, corner Front s'reot X' and sayiora avenue, inquire oi a. Aiamet siieeu ttapawt npnmjn Vf AJkVAJWAI Jk AV AAA UIAIU IIOIU can be leased for a term of years. Would m.

tA A. AH a I tf FOR SALE. I310R SALE LOT A very desirable property, lot about 50x80 leet. In center Uy. Address Box 20 P.

O. Je24 3t of FOR SALE House and lot No. 1641 Pennsylvania avenue. House has seven mnma Int ISsC lv 142 fpf PrioA Inw terms favorable. Fays 10 per cent, on lu Je22 1,3 2W 18 North Third street.

ANCHOR UNE. United States Mall Steamships GLASGOW VIA LONDONDBKKY. BVXBT SATUBDAT. Cabin Fare, S60 to 990. Second Class, 30.

Liverpool and Queenstown Service, Sails WKDNKSDAV, JULY 1, JULY 29, AU UUST26, 8EPTEMBEK23, Ana every iourm ruurau uiurearter. Cabin Passage, 60 to SJIOO, Second Class, 35. kwa rtnt nrunl i4'20 Vronalil IK For passage or further Information apply to HENDERSON BttOTUEBS, New tork. I or, J. v.

UAUiiwai auouu uiihi ix)in pany, Uarxlsbiu g. uym l. i vr a THE HARRISBURG OJNTE FRIC JLOTHINGr HOUSE! 228 MARKET STREET, Always ahead with a finer selected stock of CLOTHING At lower prices than any other vb vu bvrwiw iu bitiitbCy prices to suit everybody. In Gent's Famishing Goods Department We are showing a fine line of PERCALE SHIRTS. SUMMER UNDERWEAR, and a full line of NECK WEAR, which we are selling at great bargains.


REMNANTS A IF you have a small it will pay you to and Ingrain. We figures; or if it is a remnants of Oil Cloth, Call at once, as making a special effort this time of the year, have missed bargains. room or hall you wish to cover look over our remnants of Brussel have them all marked in plain remnant for Rugs, we have them; odd Rugs, Velvet, Druggets, we have been for several years to get rid of all.short pieces at and many by putting off coming TINGST'S CARPET STOKE, ON MARKET STREET, AT THE RIVER BRIDGE, HARRI8BUKG, JPj9l. LADIES', MISSES' CHILDREN'S TEIMMED HATS AT REDUCED PRICES. myl 2,3,5 3m K.


COHEN'S. fjCT5 Come, everybody, and see for yourselves. No troubls to show goods. house in the city. The balance cum wc ctic ujiciui uic ssunc ac our OGERS IUJ SILVERWARE, spooxa.

ICE PITCOERS. AO. BEST AB CARRIAOE8. New styles, either la wood, wli low, cane or boie sale or retell, fiices low. I tJODOK St ROBINSON, HO.

JiOKTIi TU1KU 6T. GRANITE IRON WARE. UAKKISBUKU. fA. OUR HOTJSEFURNISHIN rarlely shows vrerythln desired in Honseksepin and before porcbaslii it wOl paj to Tisit ns.

CARPETING. Children's Underwear, AND TRTMMTNGS I.

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