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St. Albans Daily Messenger from Saint Albans, Vermont • 2

Saint Albans, Vermont
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ST, ALJJAXS DAILY MESSENGER AND APVEU'4 mm, OCTOJJjSli 18, 1886. fuming iMcoscugcr, LIKE A GENTLE RIVER TEA TABLE TALK, The fly ereea will uow retire ja fsvur of the The election lac-t week in Cauada.betneeii the two hiding parties, the liberals and conservative, close, am erU side claims the victory. The house cousists of lia uKiiilK-rs, and of these the present government or conservatives claim 31, give uith vliat seemed to he et-alcor scab, and Ue itcliui a a inieleral'le that hctoeaed about tii ajfouy timniiih many a lecplc nijrlit. Jh' commenced ume u-rt kfc atfo to uf Jtrown fraraijirilla and now he e-o far recovered that we etmeidi-r his compU-te cure ecrtaiu." Lewi Haihmti of Haiitfnr, suffered from trail Kheutu. lie ays, "at tiim-a the itchiiii: itcusaiioii wa iMeuae that it deemed ai though I could tear uiyelf in piece.

Two bottles of HittwuV Sarsapanlla cured me entirely." A jireal 1 1 ri tier of the bluod i Tbelluod flow baring wiy thte vtut uiiwr carrying rich fertilizing malt-rial to all part of the eysuiu, in urdor that the Clood may kept rub and pure the stomach, Uwrwid nwintaimd iu ivtfiiUr i.kt-atioo. If by aiiy df nitmtut of I he. vital organs lite lUnd diet-a of artoue kinds are tb ret-ulis. llrowu act dirwtly uKn ihe- onran and ilm-iiirb llu-iu keeps the tUnd alwavs pure aud rich. Nathan A vend, an esteemed chisel ut" Lee, write: 'My wii Willie had the wurst iae uf crutula 1 t-ver saw.

Hi lace cviv- rowirs "Mierw arsapamia Sold even here. AKA WAUUEX 0., Proprietor. lVinjor, Me THAI1E lame ii DRESS GOODS! ECZEMA ERADICATED. OntlcmM It is doe T0 My that I think I am entirely Well of tettm sfter having taken fewift'e Specific. I have been troubled, with it very little in ray face since last spring.

At the be-inning of cold weather last fall it made a slight appearance, but went awa? and lias never returned. S. S. s. no doabt broke it np; at least it put my system in good conditioo.

and I pot well. It also bencfl ed my wire gnl 12 headache, and made a perfect cure of a breaking out i my little three year old daughter mme'- Waikinsrille, Feb. :3, Kit, JAilS Y. M. M0RK1S.

Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. i Th Kwtn Stinnn Drawer S. Atlanta, Ga. ETAL SKYLIGHTS iVI And VENTHATDRS or Mills, Stores and Dwellings. Galvanized Iron and Copper Corniced and Cutters.

Metal Shingle. Sheet Metal Work for Buildings. Send for Illustrated Circular. E. VAN NOORDEN 183 Harrison Avenue eOSTO.N.

FLORENCE SILK MITTENS. The pattern L- shown here is lined in back and -wrist throughout with sillc They are perfect fitting and in cold clunates are far moroccnfortoble than any glove, ore more durable (-na qita as elegant and fashionable as the best of gloves. Boldbyallenterprisiiigdea'erri, who can be supplied at our acrny. No. 13 Summer Street, Boston, Mass.

Our latest book on tniiiiT (1S50 edition) contains over 100 vuabloillutraWdrulw including lull instructions for this in: ttcn. II i i to an address on receipt of six cents in tamps. MONOTUCK. SILK Florence, Mass. a nov.

aul am fK'jmrcd (o following; prices STOVE COAL, S6.50 fMfJ EGG and CRATE, 6.00 Net tons delivered, or gross tons the cars. Special Kates on Oar loads. Wood, Lumber, Li i J. MORTON'S, lew Goods, Stylish 120 Main Street. A.T Goods, and man AT TEE LOWEST PEICES.

r.DOFINO SLATE fcralshed at skrt notice. W. B. FOEDA, double iuiiow. A.

Violet by some other name than Cameron would take much better in this country. The cold ing so soon after the liquor "drouth, came near being too much for the capi tal people. Fire and flood are claiming the attention of the public jut now, and the record thus far this fall is a terrible one. Illicit distilling is on the increase iu Georgia, owing to the prohibitory law. This looks very mm as though prohibition didn't exactly prohibit in Georgia.

The umpire has retired to winter quarters, and by persistent medical treatment holies to get the Mack and blue sjiots whitened out in season for next season's campaign. An Illinois wiiW left a satchel containing thirty-five dollars in her carriage. A young man found it and returned it to its owner aud she married him. This proves that widows, like repulv-lics, are sometimes very ungrateful. Goethe once said, '-We ought to look at some picture every day." But then that was liefore the ohi man saw the pictures iu the daily press.

Yonkers Statesman. A little Florida boy tamed an alligator, and the ugly reptile learned to like the little fellow not, however, until the little fellow was all gone. Texas Sifliugs. Who is rich And who is happy Who could be content with less Let us see his name is name is l'shgw, we've lost the man's address Jack (displaying his feet) What do you think of those shoes only 5. Did you ever hear of anything so cheap? Mrs.

Jack Never. How can they sell SO much leather for so little money? Life. It is said that Fair Haven oysters have been damaged to the extent of $200,000 by the cold rains that fell iu July. If oysters don't know enough to go in when it rains, they must expect to be damaged. Boston Post.

A bachelor of East Grand Forks, gave a dance. Among the guests were 20 unmarried young women. During the evening the host proposed marriage to 15 of them. They all declined with thanks. Chicago News.

Correspondent "And you say your husband was killed by the Mexican authorities?" Texas Widow "Yes, murdered in cold blood." Correspondent "Er was he worth much?" Texas Widow "We hope to get 6100,000 for him from the Mexican government." Tid-Bits. A Poughkecpsie young woman has allowed her mother to do all the housework for the last three weeks. The object has been to finish embroidering a blanket for a pup. Young men in search of a wife should step up lively or this eligible opportunity will soon be numbered among the past. Philadelphia Call.

'Most everybody has his pet phrase, which he is apt to use upon all occasions. Mr. Hayseed's is "met with some success. "How are you getting on with your stock raising, Mr. Hayseed?" he was asked recently.

"Well," he replied, "I've met with some success in raisin' calves." "How is your oldest boy doing at "Well, he's meet in' with some success as a scholar." "He ought to, for he's been well brought up. Your wife is a splendid woman, Mr. Hayseed." "Well, yes, the old lady baser met with some success as a"." Harper's Bazar. A Cake for King Cupid. The British Confectioner.

At a recent wedding reception at which some of the members of the new cabinet onlyjreneial" figured as relatives and honored guests, tHe bride's" caTie "was a simply magnificent structure eight tiers, each varying in style of ornamentation. The cake rested on a silver plateau, with a handsome filigree work reaching slantw ise from the plateau to the cloth of blue velvet, or plush, covered with lace. The edge of the blue material was a gold lace filigree and deep gold grass horseshoes, "for good luck" worked at each of the four corners with gold thread and pearls. There was nothing on this table except the cake and a few boats of flowers in the new shaded grass. The cake was surrounded about three inches distant by a most exquisite wreath of Kalosanihc; jasminia, la Dame Blanche heliotropes, and a white fuchsia, called "Charming Bride." Three double (entwined) horseshoes were on the upright rim of the first tier, amid a grouping of fern leaves, in white sugar work.

On the top was an artistic grouping of the two families' shields, crests, and the new quartering allowed by the The shields weie about eight inches long, the crests at their deepest point two inches long. The ii tiers represented "The Seven Ages of Man," founded on Shakespeare's Hues. 'f houeanclB of ladies have found relief by the use of Lydia E. Pinkharn's Veritable Compound, the only remedy for discasea peewUnr to females. We received a basket of grapes the other day lrom a subscriber with the request: "I'lease notice this on your inside." We have done so.

New Haven News. The ttest family cathartic medicine is Dr. Sonic' Pills. 'They are perfect. The brenth of a chronic calarrh patient is often so offensive that he cannot co into society aud he becomes an object of distrust.

After a time ulceration sets in, the sponiry bones are attacked, and frequently entirely destroyed. A constant source of discomfort is the dripping of the purulent secretions into the throat sometimes producim; inveterate bronchitis, which in its turn has been the exciting cauBe of pulmonary disease. The brilliant results which have attended its use for years past properly designate Kly'a Cream Kalm as by far tin- best, if not the only reiil cure for hay fever, rose cold and catarrh. Cure Yourself! Don't pay lare doctors' bills. The best medical book published, one hundred paires, elegant colored plates, will be sent you on receipt of three 2-cent stamps to pay the postage.

Address A. I1. Ordway Hoston, Mass. Til- se. Are Solid Facta.

The best blood purifier and system regulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Klectric Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, liiliousness, Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Hitters the best and only certain cure known. They net surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. Sold at iifty cents a bottle by Caprou, Pharmacibt. Bucltlen'8 Arnica Sitlvo.

The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheuni, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chailblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bos. For sale by C. L.

Civprou, 117 Main Street. Advice to Mothers. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth If so, send at once and get bottle of Mns. Vv'inslow's Soothing Sviutp Ton Childiien Teethino. Its value is incalculable.

It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhtea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and giveB tone and energy to the whole system. Mus. Winslow's Soothing 'Syiut for Cmi.DitEN Teething is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurscB and physicians in the United States, and is for Bale by all druggists throughout the world.

Price 25 cts. a bottle MORE STATE OFFICES WANTED- The Brattleboiw Keforoier is unhappy We do not mention this as a matter of news; this is its normal condition, and everyone that is at all acquainted with the paper would le surprised with any other information. It lias ever been afflicted with its ails and aches, and with the opening of this session of the legislature its mo-t bcrious and uncomfortable malady has again returned. The symptoms of its old trouble appear in nausea occasioned by Governor Onnbce's message relating to railroads. The paper doesn't like it-, it was not written in the Keformer's otlice, and does not harmonize with its expressed views on the subject.

The message is considerate and gentlemanly, in which the governor recognizes the railroads as institutions business auxiliaries, controlled by the first citizens of the state, ho have the highest interest in its prosperity. Because Governor did not see to make a communistic raid on the railroads in his message, the paper concludes that the governor is a -railroad man." The paper expresses no surprise, however, but says in substance, "I told you so," beforehand. If we are not mistaken the Reformer joined with its sire, the SpriiiglHd Republican, in claiming that the result of the republican state convention last June, was a great victory for themselves. It is probable that uo railroad issue was made, so far ns any of the candidates in that convention were concerned, and that no paper was justified in making any claims upon the subject. And we consider this pretentious talk of the Kefurmer as equally without reason now and quite as fictitious.

It is not to be expected that any man, from whatever party, representing the views of that remarkable paper will ever le elected governor of Vermont at least we should hope not for the good of the state. Brat- tleboro is a good town and we would not say aught against it. That the railroads of the state have had much to do in making it what it is, its own citizens will not deny. But how much capital has the tow iuvested in railroads hich a portion of its citizens affect so much to abhor? That locality has its railroad facilities, and no accommodations or privileges within the reach of reason have been denied its citiztns. There never has been a time, we venture to say, When there lias bceu occasion for a third party to arbitrate any matter of difference between its people and the railroads.

Xo longer ago than last summer complaint was made of some small matter to the railroad authorities, which was readily and speedily adjusted to the satisfaction of all parties. Then why is it that Brattlcboro is in such constant and dee) trouble, and why should it through its newspapers be the headquar ters of a continual tig it on the railroad question? Does it wish to manage a busi ness for which it declines to furnish capital stock, and without experience either? The reason must be sought for outside of the legitimate business relations between its citizens and the railroads. Is it not a local hobby with which oflire-liolding on the part of a portion of the-timit'-a-awhitlomj citi- zeus has very much to do? Appearances would certainly so indicate. Not having the first cent at stake as capital in the bus iuess, the railroads are made a convenient football to kick around in order that some somebody's friend may obtain some otlice. At one place the office hobby is sometimes one tiling, in another locality another, but at Urattlcboro it is the railroad every time.

Urattlcboro has fair- minded citizens and noble men capable of filling almost any business or official posi tion in the state acceptably it has also the greatest lot of unfortunate.disappointed and dissatisfied political cranks yet bunch cd together in the state. Two years ago it was the metropolis of Vermont inn a democrat to the legislature, aui since that time the greater the mug wump the more satisfactory has he been to the political papers of that towu. The Brattlcboro senator two years ago volunteered as a leader in measures to ere ate a score of new offices for the state to fill, but opposed such works of necessity as the building of the North Hero bridge. A gentleman who has traveled much in the state and is well acquainted at' Brattlcboro, says the state could be entirely officered from that town alone, and the fact that many living there have not yet been chosen while better men have been recognized in that locality is the occasion of the demand for more offices to fill. The railroad commission is supposed to rfflord one of these opportunities, and we are informed that candidates sufficient to fill every position suggested have already filed their applications.

It cannot be denied that the political bees are buzzing under the garments of self-proposed candidates for office at Brat-tleboro, as no where else, and this is supposed to be the chief cause of so much discomfort in that locality. So long as Vermont is a small state and its offices are liable to be limited somewhere near to the present number, and there is now and then a competent man living in other towns, the only hope that all the yet unrecognized candidates living in Brattlcboro can have in this generation, is for portions of the town to be set off to New Hampshire and Massachusetts. If there is any other way out of the difficulty we hope the Reformer will be ingeuious enough to invent it, and report. The two houses at Montpclier will, tomorrow, vote separately for United States senator by viva voce vote, after which the result will be announced in joint assembly. The judges of the supreme court will be elected in joint assembly Wednesday.

It makes a great difference with one's opinions as to an enterprise whether lie lias any money invested in it or not; also, whether he is looking out or lookiug in. Impressions of merchandising will vary in accordance with the side of the counter one stands on always excepting the Burlington Free Press. the liberals 2'J, independents and 1 to some other party. The lilx-ral papers reverse the figures as to the first two parties. It would stem that the opposition, if coin-baud, had defeated the government party in any event.

The election Thursday as more than usually exciting, the residents in Canada temporarily stopping in this vicinity all going home to vote. The leading parties were designated by colors at the polls the conservatives red and the liberals blue. The hordes and charioteers engaged iu bringing iu voters were dec Drated ith ribbons of these two colors; and the l-'ri'iich-speaking population invariably wore the blue. CURRENT OPINION. A LINKS THAN KIT11KR.

Sam Jones says he would rather have a boa constrictor around his nock than have a drunken son-in-law. A drunken son-in- law would be a rather disagreeable thing to wear on the neck, that's a fact; but thou, so would a boa. As between the two we would chose a linen collar. Springfield Union. THE SWKET BY AXI BY.

Georgia people have just ratified an amendment to the constitution allowing the legislature to grant relief to disabled ex-soldiers of the late confederacy. This means state pensions, and. by and by, as sumption of the same hv I nele bam, when the democracy gets firmly in possession of the government, with the solid South be hind it. Lowell Courier. xo seki) to nn idle.

Xo temperate wage-worker in good health need lie long idle iu this or any otltor com munity or be in poverty. A laboring man who spends one-quarter of his daily income for 1 nuor. which is a curse to nun, neeu not expect to prosper. There is hardly a case of abiect poverty in roruana louay that is not attributable to rum drinking. Portland Express.

THE VKUY TLAIN CAUSE. Those who are never so happy as when they can make a point against a New England state are rejoicing in the apparent in crease in illiteracy in Vermont and Maine. If they cared to look a moment for the cause, they would not find it in any failure to provide the means of general education, but iu the fact that thousands ot irencli tana dians who can neither read nor rite have become residents of these states and ap pear in the census reports. Boston Journal, (11IKAT IS CIVIL SliliVICE 11KFOHM. The spectacle of the private secretary of the president entering into a conspiracy whereby the democrats may retain the spoils of plundered New York city, is an edifying one for the New York Times, the Evening l'ost and Harper's Weekly.

Great is civil service reform! Great also is the president's order against federal interference in local politics! Great are humbug, hypocrisy and fraud Troy Times. THE ENGLISH VIOLET. John Stetson had an agreement with the Violet Cameron troupe for three weeks lioston, beginning early in February, but in view of all that lias been said and done since Violet arrived he feels justified iu rescinding the engagement. My Lud Eons-dale is mad and threatens to have the law on Stutsrm. ife -had wetter -keep- quiet -or.

Stetson will get off some everlasting good joke on him, which will send him and his pet back to England followed by the universal "haw haw" of the Yankee nation. Springfield Union. TCIIMXG THE TAISLKS. Suppose the Chinese government should send out a set of missionaries to this country to teach our people the duty of humane treatment toward Chinese citizens who have the fortune to be colonized in our cities and frontier towns. It would find a Held in which Christian work has either been remiss or lias been exerted to a great extent in vain but we fear that the missionaries themselves would be not much safer than those they come to aid, and China would not stand alone as a nation opposed to missionary effort.

Boston Herald. i A Great Tunnel Project. The project of connecting Ontario and the United States by a tunnel under the river, which at present forms the boundary between the two countries, has been for several days actively considered by several railroad men, the transfer of all cars by means of huge ferries imposing some delay. Several years ago a small trial tunnel was run under the river at Detroit, and over 100.000 was spent in the experiment, but so much cart li and quicksand as encountered that the project was definitely abandoned as too costly. Interest is again aroused by the announcement that gentlemen indirectly connected with the Grand Trunk railroad company have organized for the purpose of at once putting a tunnel under the St.

Clair river at Port Huron. Two com panies have been organized, with a capital of 100,000,000 each, one on this side and the other in Ontario, and these ill be combined into a joint organization next month. Work on the proposed tunnel, it is now-stated, will begin at once thereafter. It will cross under the river direct from Port Huron to Sarnia, and will be one mile in length, of which 2,300 feet will be under the river, 1.1(10 feet under the ground in Canada, and 1,800 feet under ground on the American side. The cost has been esti mated at $1,500,000.

Although a Grand Trunk enterprise, and part of its settled policy, that company has not one dollar in vested in the enterprise, nor does a single corporator of the two tunnel companies own a share in the stock of the Grand Trunk railway company of Canada. The interests of the tunnel and the railroad companies will, however, be identical, and the enterprise, its proprietors believe, ill be economical and profitable to both. The tunnel will be of brick, circular in shape, ith walls thirty inches in thickness. It will have only one track. If the warrants the use of a double track another tunnel will be constructed.

A careful estimate of the cost of a double track, it is said by the engineers, shows that it is more economical to build two single-track tunnels than one double-track tunnel. Careful surveys ami borings have been made, aud the feasibility of the project is deemed beyond doubt. The excavation will be mixed rock, gravel and clay. It is given out that Joseph Ilickson will be president of the consolidated company, Joseph Hobson chief engineer and liobert White treasurer. New York Times.

Xo pivpanition couM liuve matin such a reputation as Salvation oil hu (in short a time) without intrinsic merit of the highest order. It kills paiu. Price. 2i cent a bottle. NEW FALL STYLES This engraving ehowa the latent style of theso foods.

It im published as a protection for those ladies who wish to obtain mittens well-made from genuine FLORENCE KKITTINS SILK. Whatever the design, all real Florence Silk Mittens are sold one pair In a box, bearing the brand "Florence" on one ena. sell awl deliver well screened Coal at Hie its mi dim St. Albans, Vt. 2 Bank Streets.

Shingles Bargains. My assortment never was larger or more complete than it is today, and if low prices will double my sales over last fall there will be no trouble in doing so. I quote only a few of the many special bargains we can show you. 10 Bales Drown Cotton, yard width, (IJ and 7 cents per yard. 4 Casus Prints at 5, and 7 cents per yard.

2 Cases best Ginghams made, 8 cents per yard. 1 Case Turkey lied Table Linen, 2." to 50 cents per yard. 15 pieces Table Oil Cloth, 25 cents per yard. 1 Case Manchester Wool Cashmeres, 10 cents per yard. 1 Case latest style All Wool Tricots, 50 cents per yard.

200 Yards Best Bellons Black Silks, 1.00 per yard. 50 Pieces White and Colored Bed Blankets, 1.00 pair. 100 Ladies' and Children's Kuliber Circulars, C9 cents. 20 Ladies' All Wool latest style Jnckc ts, 1.00. 10 Dozen Ladies' Wool Winter Skirts, good ones for 75 cts.

75 Doai! Ladies' Undervesls and pants, 37 and 50 cents. 50 Dozen Gent's Scarlet strictly all wool Undershirts and Drawers at 50 cents each. 50 Dozen Ladies' full ivgiilai; All Wool Hose, 25 cents pair. 15 Dozen Corsets, marked Koyce's Challenge 50c. Corset.

10 Dozen Gent's Blue Drilling Overalls at 2D cents per pair. 50 Dozen Bordered Handkerchiefs at 1 cent each. 100 Dozen Bordered Handkerchiefs at 3 cents each. 1000 Papers Pins at 1 cent a paper. 25 Dozen Ladies' All Linen Bordered Handkerchiefs at 8 cents each.

And many other good trades which will quote in my next. MY CLOAK DEPARTMENT is full of all lite latest Foreign mid Domestic Styles and all are marked very low this season. In RICH DRESS GOODS A'I) SILKS wc make a specialty of always having the very latest styles with trimmings of every description to match. My CARPET DEPARTMENT Has just heen refilled with many new and very handsome patterns. Many people would go to the cheapest place to do their fall trading if they were satisfied it was the best place to invest their money.

To such, I would ask them to look over my advertisement carefully, then take a copy of it and eoino in and see the goods we advertise. Some of the articles I have quoted prices on cannot he purchased today for 20 per cent, advance in "cw York. I am very frnly yours, iOODS ARRIVING EVERY DAY F. F. Twitchell 121 Main, and I FALL OF 1886 ST.


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