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Harrisburg Telegraph from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
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ot the Middle Atlantic states, warmer aud partly cloudy weather, local rains, sontborly winds and foiling barometer. FftKK AnVKRTlBIMG. To Persons Wanting Employment. Unlll further notice, Th TiLKOiurH will publish, free cf eharge, advertise rucnls of persons desiring employment. All parties In want of something to do are cordially Invited to tend In their advertisements and have them printed without cost (Our Agent ntJMlddletown.

Mr. it. M. Zearing, No. 40 Union street (opposite the market house), Middlotown, is agent for the Daily Telegraph in that place.

lie will serve subscribers with be late edition ot the paper. THIS INIHJSTMaL IlOMK. Let the Charitably Disposed Contribute. Until further notice contributions will be received at the offlce of the Daily Telkoiui'II for tho benefit of the Industrial Home of this city. Tliey will be publicly acknowledged from day to day.

Tie amount needed is about thirty five bundrcd tfollurs. The cause is a deserving one. Provide for the poor children of our city. Orphans, without regard to race or color, are received at the institution, and homes found for them in the city or country. John Kefcler 1182.00 William It 100 00 LOCAL JSTK W8.

JOTTINGS. A test of the fire alarm was made this afternoon. Everybody whistles and sines "Love is a flower The churches are preparing for specia faster services. Indications point to rain, and away will so the ice on tho river. Remove tho ash piles and garbage and luwen tho likelihood of disease.

That other gentle harbinger of spring, me organ grinder, was on tne streets to (lav. Tho B. and O. telegraph company will extend their line to llarrisburg and Car lisle. There is a sale of household furniture at the market house in the Square almost every day.

Constablo Qarmhausen, of the Sixth ward, restored a lost child to its parents this morn luc. The Edison electric light workmen are very busy at present putting wires in the court bouse and stores. The York Dispatch complaint of the cheap variety shows that have been ad mitted to tho Opera House in that city re contlv. The body ot William Toohey. who died In Jail Wednesday night, was taken to bis home In Mahanoy City by his father this morning.

Miss Itachcl Gettleman gave a cood tx hlblUon of fancy roller skating at the State Capital rink last evening. She was loudly applauded. Given, the prisoner in jail, who was thought to be dying yesterday, has greatly recovered through tne cllorts ot Lr. jgie, and Is able to talk. The past winter in its severity has been very card on tho bees, wo nave heard of a number of instances where whole hives have been frozen.

The council committee has decided to advertise for proposals for lighting the city street lamps by the arc or mcandes cent system or electricity, gas or on. The young ladles and gentlemen who recently sang the operetta, "Rebellion of tho Daisies" are thinking of repeating tne entertainment in the upera House. Congressman elect Richardson, of Tenn ersee, stands seven feet in his stockings, Whenever ho rises to addrcsssthe chair it will be a game of seven up. Lowell Co rttr. "Happy John," tba Salvationist, at Elder and North streets, had a young man arrested last night for disturbing the meeting.

Mayor Wilson dismissed him with a reprimand. Tho dedication of the new armory of the City Grays will take place this even ing. Invitations Lave been issued to stockholders, prominent citizens and members of the press. The second section of Johnstown Ex press to aay was made up or brand new cars of the Improved pattern from the Altcona shops. They were parlor cars and were fitted ud tho most eleeantstvle Tho second appearance of the company playing "The Silver King," at the Opera House, last evening, was no less pleasing luan its nrst.

me audience was Highly entertained. There was a slight change in ine cast. The Kcnlv stove comnanv. ot Colum bla, enlarged their works at that place by me uuuuing or an additional warehouse. sue invri'ttBing iraue ana want oi sum cient room for storage required the im provement.

Personal. Mr. J. L. Nebiogcr, ot Philadelphia.

formerly of llarrisburg, was among the graduates of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy for the session of 1885. Mr. Alex. M. Sample, a llarrisburg printer and as genial a gentleman as ever seta siickiuu or nonpareil in eighteen minutes, is in the city.

"Aleck" is now connected with the Cincinnati Enauirer. Rev P. IV Eyer, former pastor of the Fifth Street 21. E. church, spent a few hours in our city to day, and left on an evening train for Mechanlcsburg.

He is tho pastor of tho M. E. church at Mc Connellsburg, and his first year's work there has been very prosperous. Vlty Bank Matter. James I.

Chamberlln, appointed auditor by the court, has given notice mat no win sit at iu o'clock on tne morn ing of April 11th. to pass upon the cita lion, answer and replication In the matter of the claim of the creditors of the City nana against Messrs. Joraon and sorter, assignoes. This cliiim is made for the purpose of attempting to charge the assignees in their individual for alleged ncgligenco in allowing the lien of certain juugmenis ueiu against John A. and 8.

8. Bigler to expire. Tho amount in controversy will be about $10,000. Death ou the Railroad A young man, nameunknown, was struck by Day Express at Juniata Bridge yesterday afternoon and instantly killed, lie was walking on the track and became bewildered by the passing of the express and a freight train. His body was horribly mangled.

The remains were brought to the dead houso of the Pennsylvania railroad in this city, and Coroner Shindler held an inquest. A verdict in accordance with tho facts was rendered. The body, unless it is claimed to day, will be buried at the almshouse. Lecture ana Muslei Entertainment. Next Tuesday evening there will be a lecture and musical entertainment in the Sunday school hall of Grace Methodist church, which promises to be largely at tended.

Precedinc the lecture by Col. L. F. Copeland, who will discuss "Some Mistakes of Ingersoll," the musical part will bo given. Thero will be a selection by the Sunday school orchestra, a solo by Prof.

Ellenberger and a duett by Mrs. fonscman and Mrs. Conkllng. Change of Location. Shoemaker Holbert, the well known brokers, will on April 1st move to the room, No.

1 North Third streo, now occupied by Frank R. Le ib. Besides the regular lies tLat run into the offlce of a l. a a. I inn nun, tuey am going put in a mi cigo wire, and will have communication on the direct commercial wire that runs from Chicago to New York, thus afford log their customers additional facilities for the transection cf business.

SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENTS. Pleasing Xxerclse at the Girl' High Hchool and the Misses Toinpklnsons'. The senior class of the Girls' high school gave iheir annual entertainment this afternoon, and quite a number of parents and invited friends were present to enjoy the exercises, which wero literary and musical. The following programme was observed Music "La Procession dts (ouhofT Clara Smith and Helen Keller, ltecltatlon "A Monkish Legend," Carey HfUtle St. ClaU Readings from the Senior Paper "The iiony uougn, Margie artman, Ella Jacobs ana Aaa Haehnlen.

Vocal Solo "Queen or the Night," Mrs. Torry Cavrlo Baslcln. Recitation "Patient Mercy Jones," J. T. Fields Emma Fisher.

Readings From "Holly Bough," Kmma Murphy, Ltlie Wennel Florence Bradley. Music "lawn," K. O. Eaton Fleda Barnes. Recitation "Tho Greenwood Shrift," Caroline Southey Annie Fitzslmmons.

Vocal Music "Slowly and Gently," Glovor Mary Ellenberger and Gertie Readings "Holly Bough," Mary Cannon, Mary ifeehror ad Annie Watson. Musle 'Tarantello" Heller. Clara SraHli. Recitation 'Aunt Jemima's Courtship," Sallie Peters. Readings "Holly Bough," Mary ltlchardson, Maud Orwlg, Ella Kin nard.

Violin Solo "Frauen Lclb" Fahr bach, Lillie Knoche. Recitation "The Blind Poet," Ed. Coller Gertie Curzon. Recitation "The Book Canvasser," Max Ad Kate Straede. feler Vocal Solo The Broken Pitcher," Poutet Lillie Brown.

Recitation "Lost and Found," Aide Miss Givler. Music "Race for Life," Chas. Wels Fleda Barnes and Gertie Blosser. The programme was carried out very successfully and every member of the class did well. It was an entertainment much enjoyed by the parents and others present.

Beside the programme there were other matters to engage the attention ani admiration of the visitors the decorations and drawings on the various blackboards. Those in the main room were as follows "Easter Floweis," by Misses Sue Rhodes. Annie Fitzsimmons and Lillie Wennel; panel of blackberries, by Miss Hattie St. Clair; writing plaque, Maud Orwie; panel or trumpet flowers, Misses Lyle Hoover. Ella Jacobs and EllaKinnard; problem.

Mary Crist; out line figure, Misses Minnie M'Connell, Mary Cannon and Amy Watson; fire place, Misses Gertie Blosser, Emma Murphy, Mary Fehrer and Addie Haehnlen; design for rutr. Misses Lydia Spotts wood and Marv Richardson: for est scene. Misses Emma Fisher, Mary Crist and Mary Ellenberger; "weather prophecy. Misses Kate Straede, Florence Bradley and Fleda Barnes; mottoes. Misses Maud Orwig, Mary Crist, Gertie Blosser, Emma Fisher, Mary Orwig, Mary Dasher, Margie Hartman and Lyle Hoover.

In Miss Givler's recitation room there were outline figures, mottoes and writing by Misses Carrie Zollinger, Mary JJasher, Edith Lutz. Gertie Curzon, Edith Black, Clara Smith and Mary Hepford. In Miss Zollinger's recitation room there were designs by Misses Mary Snyder, Edith Black and Gertie Curzon. In the first class room there are the following: Figure in parallel per spective by Florence Kingport, Annie Weitmeyer, Fannie Kahnweiler and Fan nie Shearer; design, Carrie Wycoff, Lillie Brown, Josie Heploru. Annie Weitmeyer, Annie Walzer; motto, Maggie Pennell.

Second class room writing, Areta Hays, Carrie M'Nift and Minnie Cook; steam engine, Lizzie Kunkel; cat and kittens, Mary Hogan and Amelia Reese; trumpet Mowers, Mary Myers; lilies, Lizzie Him melrich, Sallie Peters and Bertie Stroh. The designs were all neat and displayed mucn skin. There was also a delightful musical entertainment at the Misses Tomkinson's academy this afternoon tinder the direc tion of Miss Babbitt. The little folks acquitted themselves charmingly. It was a private musicale.

Reception to Active Members. Thero was an enjoyable gathering at Association Hall last evening, the occi 1 I 1 uuui iciCMuuu giicu ujr the board of managers to the active iveuieai bers of the association. The hour was spent lit music and discussion of topics mentioned in these columns last evening. borne excellent hints with reference to the work of the organization were elicited and a general interchange of opinion was had here was an avoidance of all for mality. After the exercises, refresh ments were Berved and social intercourse followed.

Grand Entertainment. ladies of Wesley Union church, South street, will give a grand Easter supper at Sible Clark's hall. Third and (Jumberland streets, Monday evemaer. April 6, 1135, for the benefit of the above named church. The committee will spare neither pains nor expense to make the supper an evening of pleasure to all who will give them their patronage.

AMUSEMENTS. HARRIS OPERA COMPANY NEXT WEEK. At Markley's, this moraine atD o'clock. the charts for reserved seats were opened lor tne six operatic performances of next week. This company has been received everywhere with a perfect ovation.

The first performance proclaims its superori' ty. One hundred and twenty five per lormances were given in isaitimore, one hundred and twenty in Pittsburg, sev enty two in JUouisville, torty eight in Washington, forty eight in Richmond and twelve in tne city ot Columbus. Ohio. The average attendance during the sea eon has been not less thin twenty eight nunurea people, ine enorts ot tne mon arch of museum managers in his endeav ors to supply the purest of pleasures at tne lowest possible price nas met with unanimous endorsement. The price of admission to gallery will be 10 cents, to iamuy circle cents, and to parquet and parquet circle 80 cents.

Reserved Beats down stairs without extra charge, and to family circle SO cents. As the attendaace will be large, now is the time to make sure of your seats at these remarkably low prices. i HE HOTJSEFUKNISHING JJEPOT OF Keller's was established for your benefit if vou are coiner to housekeeniner. Von can depend upon everything you need at rocK bottom prices, and no shoddy goods. heller second and Walnut streets.

Lawn Grass Seed. This is a mixture of several selected grasses, used in the New York parks for ornamental lawns. By the pound at Ebt's Grocery. It A Postal Card From Mrs. Dennis Smith, Louisville, says: "For blood impurities Bur dock Blood Bitters seem particularly adapted.

Never before had complexion so clear, use an tne time." Clover Seed. Sixty four pounds to the bushel. standard weight of this State. Timothy Bcea always in store at juby grocery it" Tell What He Knows. "Best thine for burns I have ever tried.

leals up grandly." L. P. Follett, Mar ion, Ohio, speaking of Thomas' Eclectric un. Garden Seeds. Season of 1885.

Fresh field and ear den seeds. Buy in large quantities, sell reasonable, every variety of seeds new in Svwciv. ask tue price at JSby's Uroccry. It "Over the 111 Us to the Poor House." A person with impaired or impoverished blood is on the road to physical bankruptcy. Burdock Blood Bitters strenethen and enrich tlio circulation, repair the tissues, and build up the entire system.

Of Matchless Merit. For the nose and throat, externally or internally used, Thomas' Eclectric Oil is matchless. Asthma, catarrh, and serious throat affections are quickly amenable to Mi efficient remedy. MARRIED. STONERt BRETZ.

At West Fairview, February 17. 1885, toy Rev. J. P. Anthony, Mr.

Charles C. Stoker, of the above place, and Miss Eixbx A. Biuctz, of Goed Hope, Cumberland county. FISHER bo YLifi. At the same place, fcv the same, March 8, 1885, Mr.

Charles K. Fisher, of West Fairview, and Miss Susan Hot lb. of Camp Hill. GROSS MILLHOUSE.Atthe same place, by tne same. March 15, 18S5, Mr.

Edward A. Gross and Mrs. Sarah a. Millhouse, all of West Fairview, Sl'fcllJNJSlt HKUiamn. At tne snuw place, by the same, March 19, 1885, Mr.

William Sterner, of Gettysburg. and Miss Frisoilla Hebisen, of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Pa. LEWIS LUMM. On 19, at the Parsonage, by Rev. T.

H. Slater, Mr. Draco ibwis, of Maryland, to Miss Gracie a. Lit it, of Middlotown. HUFFMAN XELLY On March 22, at St.

John's church, Baltimore, Mr. George W. Hoffman and Miss Ukiaie Kelly. REIiPEN SMITH On the evening of March 28, 1885, by Alderman Fager, at 1202 North Third street, John D. Rshfknt and Nettie Smith, both of this city.

BRETZ KVE On March 19, at theU.B. parsonage. Middle town, by Rev. J. D.

Killian, Mr. William H. Brbtz to Miss ScsiE S. Ntb, both of Round Top, Dauphin county. Pa.

WILSON SIMMS. At. the parsonage of Ridge Avenue M. E. church by Rev.

C. Conner, Thursday evening, March 26,1886, Samuel K. Wilson tnd Mart E. Simms, both of this city. ARNOLD SNYDER.

In Lykens, Maroh 21, at the house of Valentine Schreffler, by Rev. M. B. Lenker, Julius Arnold, of Bel gium.and Mrs. Amelia C.

SNTER.of Lykens. SCHOFFSTAL PDKGRO VE In Wic onisco, March 21, ny Jtev. J. e. wernoiser, and Miss Annie Minerva Updegrovb, of Dayton.

BOMGARDNER WALMER. In Bell view, Lebanon county, Jan. 7, by Rev. J. liuuk, Mr.

John Bomoardner, of East Hanover, and Miss Susan Walvbr, of West Hanover. DIED. GUISE. At West Fairview, MarchSS, 1885, William Guise, acred 67 vears. Funeral from his late residence on Sunday at 10 a.

m. Relatives ana menas are invitea to attend without further notice. mar27 2t SHETTLE. On theSfth Lbrot Jacob, sen of Jacob and Isadora Shettle, aged 1 year, 10 months and 6 days. Funeral Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, from tbe residence of the parents, No.

1703 North Fifth street. Relatives and friends invited to attend without farther notice. SMITH. On March 22. Barbara Smith.

widow of the late John Smith, deceased, of swatara township, aged 6 i years, 9 mntns and 14 days. MELIIORN. On March 12. at his residence in Middletown, Oliver P. MELHORN.uged 69 years.

10 months and 21 days. GROFF. On March 12, Elmer Groff, of Middletown, aged 9 years and 2 months. BUFFINGTON. In Gratz, March 17th, Mr.

Jacob BuffiNoton, a worthy and active member of the Reformed church, aged 67 years 12 days. ARNDT. On the 2ith Inst, In Liverpool borough, Rev. Jacob Arnst, aged 75 years and 5 months. BR ETZ.

On the 19th in Buck's Valley, aoo a Brbtz, aged 83 years, 9 months and 2i days. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JT. J. SHOEMAKER.


Harris burg, buy or sell on Commission only, Bonos. DtocKS, urain, jrrovisiuns anu Pe troleum. Having private direct wires to tne various exchanges wo are enabled to execute orders expeditiously and at as low a rate of com mission ana margin as is consistent ana just to both our clients and ourselves. Daily market reports furnished upon apt plication. Foreign Drafts and Steamship Passage Tickets on sale.

1an2 tf LOST On South, Second or Locust street, a Ladies' Black Fur Cape. A reward will be paid for its return to the Bolton Hotel. It I AP The latest New York success in Refined Comic Journalism. Will con tain a powerful Cartoon by Alfred Thomp son, of the London Graphic, highly inter esting to oi ltoner esating Price live cents. All News Stands.

Oat Saturday, March 28. It FRANK J. HESS. THREE NOTABLE BARGAINS in I I I I I I 3 i Iv I a mjm We open this (Friday) morning three notable bargiins in imported hosiery far superior to anything ever shown by us at sucn low prices. jmo.

l. uty dozens genuine super stout untisn nan nose, sizes as follows: 9, 9, 10, 10 and 11 inch, 14 cents a pair; true value tor same stocking, .25 cents. No. 2 Misses' and children's brilliant lisle stockings, full extra long, colors as ioiiows: uarnet, seal, navy and black, sizes 6 to 8 inch, broad ribbed, all sizes, same price; true value, 50 cents a pan. No.

3. Misses' and" children's derby ribbed stockings, full extra long colors seal, navy blue, cardinal, garnet, myrtle and black all white feet, at 30 cents a a pair. This is a beautilul fine gause nose ana very elastic, and tne real value ranges irora 40 to 50 cents, the lowest price. A COMMANDING BARGAIN la 40 Dress Cloths in New 50 CENTS A YARD. We offer the greatest bargain of the in a lot of new dress cloths.

40 mcnes wide, at 50 cents; these goods would seem cheap at 75 cents. buvin .1 JJJI rrr mem as we uiu. piace mem lor the consumer's advantage at 60 cents. The colorings are new spring shades and staple colors. Jamestown Dress Goods.

TveasK your special attention to our new styles for this season. Unr goods are acknowledged to he strictly reliable in quality and color, so finished so as at first to show just what they are and will be itil worn oet, wear longer ana be tne cheapest for the con sumer. With a determination to keep them superior to oiner makes we are not alraid to affix our name and TRADE JuAIill to all our productions. Ladies will please ask for goods made by our mills and see thev have our name ana trade mark on them. They have Proved Themselves Equal to all Uur Claims and Guarantees, 1st.

To be made from the verv best selected material by tbe most skilled workmen, wool dved and colors as fast as tne purest ayes and best skill known can make them. 2d. Not to curl or shrink. Thev are so thoroughly shrunk and finished, as not to do anected by dampness, therefore may wo uum cii weauier, or 11 uesirea, washed without injury. od.

Not to crumple easily. Thev are entirely free from foreien substances generally used to increase their weight and beauty of finish.but which disappear Mi AV a VTVttl War. Hall Co These goods are sold by FRANK J. HESS, Third and Cumberland Sts 25. N.

Seooud street. Harrisburg, Next door to Bolton's Hotel, jrttnna. DR. O. WESTBROOK, has added to lis business the VITALIZED AIR apparatus, the latest approved method of extracting teeth.

For safety and smoothness of eit'eot it surpasses all other anesthetics. Extraction absolutely painless. 1 in Gas Bills reduced 16 to 40 per cent. Can be attached to any Gas Meter in 30 minutes. SLEEMAN'S das GOVERNOR Greater brilliancy, sleadier flame.

No broken globes. Security Against Fire. No blowing "or smoking burners. Insurance risks greatly reduced. ttarrelous Sanitary Effects.

No poisonous vapors from nnconsumed gases. No vitiated atmosphere. No smoked up walls, paintings, ner arapery. Practical Economy. Sive their cost every three months.

Kauai toOOper cent, per annum You Pay tneir Cost to Gas Co. Every three months. Four times a year, and for indifferent light. Why Are 4 Sellable aaa Durable8? Constructed en tir ly ox Brass; no rubber nor leather "diaphragms" to ba eaten tip by gas and acids. No mercury to poison the atmosphere TheJ aWy supported by the united testimony of hundreds of the most intelligent scientists and beet informed expert authorities of both Europe and A mcrica, have demonstrated by numerous practical, scientific and exhaustive tests, that, in order to secure the maximum ot light at the minimum of cost, eas pressure should not exceed five teAiSr of an inch at the burner A ny excess of pressure beyond this limit is simply a waste of gas (or money), diminishing volume quality of light aad increasing expense, in esaei, proportion as the pressure fslncrVed! WHY CONDEMN THE GA3 COMPA NIEs? They are powerless to remedy the in order to supply all their patrons, whether near or remote, they are compelled to employ an excessive local Dresur of to 80 tenths in order to supply extreme points of consumption, thus resuitin in an excessive average supply to all intermediate 222? VD15n dgrees of tton also affect the nominal gaspressure.and add materially to the difficult problem of maintaining alow average pressure The remedy is In the hands of every eas consumer, by attachment to their meter of Sleeman's Automatic Gas Saving Governor.

J.9ber&techedto.anr eaameter in SOmin ey equalize the pressure to fi vo tenths. whether one er fro burners are lighted. The automatic action of valve cuts off excessive street pressure, when lights are extinguished, thus preventing all wastage and bad odors from leaky pipes Over 6,000 in service. Warranted for 10 years? SUBSTANTIAL TESTIMONY. ''Saving 331 3 Per Cent." "Ten machines in service gas bills reduced $140 per week." Metropolitan Opera House, N.

TT W. W. TILLOTSON; Business Manager. 12 Machines 3 Theaters. refl ncon in gas bills.

Better light. We commend it." HARRY MINER'S Bowery Theater, People's Theater, Eighth Avenue Theater, N. Y. "Saving 35 to 40 Per Cent." GALE 4 SPADER, Proprietors. "4 Machines Saving 25 Per Cent." "Eighteen months in service.

Entirely satisfactory." DAN1ELL SON, Importers, Broadway, N.Y. Office Casino, Broadway and 30th 'Ta alack BntDiifo of America," uenuemen: We have had anrS mtmu'a Automatic Gas Saving Governors" in service at "The Casino1 since the opening of the building. They have reduced our gas bills and given entire satisfaction. Wo cheerfully recommend them. Very respectfully, RUDOLPH ARONSON, Manager.

"Saving 45 Per Cent." Office Duncan Building. New York, August 5,1854. Aft ton months' service, saved 45 per cent. Does all and more than you claimed. WILLIAM H.

GRANGER, Superintendent "Speaks for Itself." 3 Machines, 2 1 2 Years, 25 Per Cent. Offlce R. H. Macy Importers Carpets, Dry Goods, fourteenth street and Sixth Avenue. We have had In use at our Btores three of your Sleeman Automatic Gas Saving Governors for the past two and a half years, during which time they have given us entire satisfaction, and have effected a saving In our gas bills of about 25 per cent.

Very respectfully yours, It. 11. JU.AU I CO A practical demonstration of the Machine can be had at any time at our office EXCLUSIVE CITY AGENCIES can be I i prompt application to IPQIMA Jf. ol I PlPOlllltlP no i a umnn, ut uno on ViliU 11.. 721Chestnnt Philadelphia, Pa.

rampn2etjly mail. A NEW LOT OF HEATERS AND Stoves to bo. Fold fhnn.n. Alan, hand uuiut: tinware, at, jxorxo inira stroec. novll tc 8.

H. KAUTZ HENRY DEMMING, Stenographer, Ail klnda of work by type writers, Telephone connection. Court iiouse see onanoor JAMES Q. HANDSHAW, TVEALER in Coal and Dry Kindling tt uuu. uiuoo, oia Aorxn xmru street, novll aiy WANTS.

WANTED Ladies and gentlemen in city or country wishing to earn to $3 a day at their own homes; no canvassing; wuik lurmsneu aim sent Dy man any distance. For particulars address, with stamp, CBTSTAIXIZED PHOTO 63 W.7lh WANTED A white girl to do general housework. Must come recom. mended. Inquire at 100 South Second street.

leno tr WANTED Ladies and Gentlemen to keen our eroods on mrlilhlt.ion. Aeenu id to 7 aaiiv. sena 10 cents lor n. luetrated Catalogue and begin at once. PAKK Mi'ii.

Box 1521. 239 Broadway, XewY ork. FOR RENT. T7K)R RENT A brick stable and car riage House on liberty street, near second and State; Apply to THOMAS WALLACE. 3t FOR KHiXT.

Two three story brick houses, 7 rooms, $11 per month; Second street above Broad. Apply to GEO. PHILLII'S, mar 27 tf 132 Liberty Sireet. FOR RENT A three story Brick on Mulberry street. Kent $13 per mon h.

A. UlSJUl', jsi. tf 3il State street. FOR RENTA large and desirable country residence, with modern im provements, on Biver road, two miles above town, with live six acres of ground attached. Good barn and otbullding's.

i'or Sarticulars apply to or address (i0. A. KOSS. agent, lis Market street. marl7 2w FOR RENT About twelve acres, more or less, of cround suitable for truckinc.

itdjoinlng race track en south side, i'or terms ana particulars aaaress erappiyto UiSO. GROSS, agent, 119 Mariet street. raarl7 2,4,6 JIN15 HOUSE FOR KENT. A desirable Dwelling on North Second street, 4 doors elow Caluer. for rent chcan.

Aiwlv to II. vaiz juaritet sireet. mim T7ACANT GROUND in Sixth ward can be leased for a term of years. Woulr! be suitable for a coal yard or other business, Address Box 253. Harrisburg post office.

tf FOR SALE. T310R SALE. JC Lots, with or without houses, or in any part or the city. Also, same in eieeuon, Apply to ti. i.

unioi 0. 9 SOUtn xmra jaarrjBuujg. T7OR SALE House and lot, GOG South Btreet, near Filbert; 8 rooms, water and gas, bath and closets. Title periect. lerms easy.

Apply on premises. march 12 2,4, lm FOR SALE A complete set to aate of the AMERICAN REPORTS, published Dy J. U. Parsons, of JXew lorn, to Box 10. Postonice.

Apply 2 an NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that an application will re maae unaer yce nrnvfolnna of th fio.t. of Assembly entitled an "Act for the incorporation an regulation of banks of discount and the 13th day of May, a. d. 1876, for a charter ot incorporation for a Banking Company, unaer tne name ana styieoi iub rmmciB Bank of Hummelstown." to be located in the Borough of Hummelstown, County of tpnin ana state oi ronnsyivama, iu im uey, discount commercial paper, deal In securities, make collections, receive ae posits and to transact all such other busi npssi iui Bhnll nniwrtain to business Of banking, with a capital of $50,000 03, divided snares oi nity uouars eacn.

Attorney lor Applicants. Automat Saw Dec.81,1881. 3 3m IF YOU ARE FOND OF READING, IF YOU WANT TO START A GOOD HOME LIBRARY, IF YOU WANT TO PRESENT A SPLENDID OR BIRTHDAY PRESENT, Lose no time, but come to DIVES, POMEROY STEWARTS, And see their line of BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS Which they are offering at less than half price, at quarter price, and at next to nothing at all FOR TWENTY SEVEN CENTS you can take your choice of a complete line of beautiful editions of popular Standard Work, cleth bound. Old book sellers charge $1 for the same Book. FOR THIRTF NINE CENTS you can bay any one of Ten Thousand Lux r.n'onslv bound Books, comprising such Fortune, etc.

Go to a the same tning. FOR THIRTY EIGHT CENTS vou complete and unabridged, beautifully choose to say the cost you $1 25 nobody will think it dear. FOR $1 98 we offer Mark Twain' last, entitled "Adventures of Iluckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer's comrade,) illustrated and handsomely bound in English cloth and eiltcd back end side. The regular subscription price of the Book is $3 Y3. Also a complete line of Mark Twain's price.

Or if you want Beautiful Library the Books, vou can buv A $23 SO set of Dickens, 15 volumes, A IS OO set of Thackeray. 11 volumes, A 21 OO set of William Black. 15 volumes, for 88 A 5 OO set of Macauley History 5 volumes, for 1 48 A 14 OO set of George Elliot. 8 volumes for. 5 48 A OO set of Smiles' Self Help.

4 volumes, for 3 38 Besides DozensHundreds, Thousands Books of Every Kind, From the Standard English Classic for the Student or Book room to tbe i Latest Favorites in Fiction or Poetry. AT LESS THAN THE COST OF MAKING 3rThis Sale will continue only a short time longer. Every day is a cood day to buy, but the sooner you come tbe larger will be the assortment for you to select from. DOTS POMEROY i NO. 334 MARKET STREET.

AMUSEMENTS. Grand Central Skating Rink Cor. Second and Cumberland Sts. Three Regular Sessions: Morning, to 12. Afternoon, 2 5.

Evening, 7.30 to 10.3a PBICESt MORNING SESSION 10 cents admission; AFTERNOON SESSION 10 cente admission: skates 10 cents. EVENING SESSION 10 cents admission; skates IS cents. School children's session from 5 to 7 p. admission 10 cents; skates free. N.

B. Patrons using their own skates will be charged Ave cents extra. G. E. HARKKB.

PROF. E. DARE'S Academy for Dancing and Deportment, LESSONS ANT HO UK. Private classes taken in or oat of town at reasonable prices. Address: SECOND LOCUST STS.

Septia tim State Capital Roller Rink, Chestnut Street Near Fourth. HOUK3. 9 to 11:30 A 2 to 4:30 P.M.; 7:30 wi evening. ADMISSION. Hornlnjr.

10 cents; after noon. 1 evening. 15c. skates. Morning, free; afternoon, onnaren, evening, ioc.

Vogt Orchestra every evening and Satur day anernoon matinee. H. S. SOUTHWOBTH. A.

M. CLXVSLAITD. SITUATIONS WANTED. A YOUNG white woman wants to do cooking cr areneral house work In a small family. Is willing and obliging.

Ad dress Housework, care 'Jklbobaph. A MAN of familv needs emDlovment C.nn Sn Hftlno nr htiv VInd nl Jahor. Apply to George Fetterman. Myrtle avenue. near gwas street u.

J. ennrcn. A SITUATION WANTED by a smart, industrious bov. in a law. broker or in snrance office, to do writing.

Can famish oest reference. Address B. care Tsls GR4.PH. A BUTCHER wants a situation to work at his trade; has bad 20 years experience. Address C.

Hid uierown, a. ANY person desiring a steady, general office Doy, or wanting a boy of 1 years to dn general store work, apply to THfcO. Iu WANTED. Washing and ironing to do, at No. 429 Strawberry Avenue.

VOUM LADY wants niace as cbam ben i aid or eeneral housework. Ad dress A. W. Hummelstown P. O.

VITANTED. A situation by an eldcrlv ladv as housekeeoer in a small family. Good reference. Address aw uaiaer street. WANTED Employment by a young man of liberal education and practical bnsinetis nnnlirtimUnna.

this offlce. TT ANTED Employment as clerk or ul anvrnnio Aaai aaa ictk care AJGL.OBAPH. BROOM MAKER wants a situation at his trade. Address Brooms, P. O.

Box uarrlsburg. Pa XXT ANTED Emolovment bv a reliable TY Toiimrmau with some knowledge of vua grocery ousiness ana seven years ex perience in jluy nonorame em ployment acceptable. Good references given. Address RUDOLPH, this omc. WAJN TJSU.

Ayouniz man desires a situation as Clerk in a store. Can come well recommended. Address Box ti. vesc jairview, fa. TAMES B.

WILLIAMS offers his ser vIccr to lfiv nnt and Rhiive dead neonle. aj'piy at AO. li aouse avenue, BOY wants to learn photographing. Best reference given. this omee.

A YOUNG MAN wants a position to iravol for a confectionery bouse, llef erences given. Address Box 20, Pndiey, fa, XfJMPLOYMENT WANTED by Rig irer at Hnliiinc rnnag win rnnM. rlcnrinir derricks, or any work iu sailor's line. Apply to Of. A.

Brown, at G. W. Swartz's livery fctitbie, corner Strawberry and Court ave nues. marJO tt XITANTED. The subscriber desires some employment as bookkeeper, copter or scrivener.

Dax'l a. Mumcb, 16 Cowaen street, near Market, xiairisimrg, ra. YOUNG man of some experience wants i Ulacb to li arn fn tend bar. Kefereneea given. thU offlce.

XpIRST CLASS baker on Bread. Cakes, desires sltuaUon. N. KU TH, Milton, TTXPERIENCED Ciear maker wanta woik. ItKinHEKT Tin.

511 Caldnr at. ABORING man waDts work. George jt uiviizMi, too soutn JSieventn st. OOLORED man desires place to take VXcare ot horses. Aanly at 1120 Cumber.

sireet. TTAULING promptly attended to a Dirt carts, coal carts with shutes. lum ber wagons, furniture cars, good men to do tiie woi ir, at reasonaoie prices. given lor excavations, call and see me. J.

8. SLVL.K, Corner Third and Cumberland sen 29 tf TOBY'S SELF SCREENING COAL ELBVATOK. Steam Klndlins Mill and Wharl. Second and Vine streets. ocUl ll EASTER favorites as Adam Bede.

Lady Audley's book seller and you'll be charged ftl.25 for can trav vour favorite Poet's Works, bound with red edge or gilt tep. If you Works, similar binding, equally as low in Sets at about the cost of the white paper in for $6 9S for ALL PREVIOUS EFFORTS Bv the manufacturers ot the celebrated EDWIN C. BURT LADIES' i FULL DRESS SHOES Surpassed by the production of their AMERICAN WAUL KENP HAST BUTTON BOOT AND LACE BALMORALS! Elegantly made, fair stitched, beautiful heels, new stvle toe. The labor and work of the designer of fine Dress Shoes were never shown to a better advantage, it being perfection In the Art of Shoe making, giving solid comfort: and a farther eaarantee is the name of the maker, this firm having given our customers universal satuiacuon lor years, every pair carrying with it the Warrant of Edwin C. Bart Co.

Other styles are much improved. Be prepared to find an early notice of the Spring arrival of these choice goods. EXCLUSIVE SALE BY GEO. W. MEELY, 214 and 316 Market Street.


A safe and effective anaesthetic lor tne Dainiess extnu of twtb. Also a Local Antithetic to Avvlu to Uumt. xnarl6 dlm J. T. ENSM1NGER, luelineer and Commissioa STEWARTS, 100.10S end 104 B.BeeoDdSU 1 oOGERS, SILVER WAKE, iM KNIVES, FORKS SPOONS, Ice Pitchers, Cake Baskets, Casters, Napkin Rings, CWAIUKAHTED TO UIYE WEDDING PRESENTS you can possibly require for comfort; convenience or adornment, aad far surpasses in size or variety any other stock in the city.

We always purchase goods of first quality, and when quality is considered, our prices are as cheap as the cheapest Persons going housekeeping will save money by purchasing of us. to LODGE 9 North Third Street. SILKS, SILKS. We are now showing the largest line of BLACK AND COLORED SILKS In the Gty. WEAR GrTJARAJSTTEEr).

19 inch, Black Silk, at price, $1.00. 19 nch, Black Silk, at $1.00, regular price, $1.25. 20 inch, Black Silk, at $1.00, regular price, $1.40. 22 inch, Black Silk, at $1.00, regular price, $1.50. 24 inch, Black $1.40, regular price, $1.85.

21 inch, Black Silk, Satin finish, at $1.50, regu lar price, 21 inch, Black Silk, Satin finish, at $1.75, regular price, $2.50. O. P. GROVE, Third and Broad Streets. OP TOWN STORE.

marlt lrLBat.laea.te NEW STYLE SPRING CARPETS OIL CLOTHS ON MARKET STREET, AT THE BIVER BRIDGE, HAKEISBTTRG, All Goods sold at the lowest cash prices, and guaranteed to be as represented; also that the prices are as low as other houses advertise them. F. W. 111 Market SPEHSTGT We have now open a handsome line of LADIES' VISITTES, NEW MARKETS AND JACKETS, TAILOR MADE JERSEYS AND JERSEY WAISTS. Great improvement on last season.

O. P. GROVE, Third and Hrood Streets. UP TOW2 STORE. marlt frLami.toM.te EEMOVAL OF THE SPECTACLE BAZAR TO 317 MARKET STREET.

Open Every Saturday IlighL STEELTON MILLS Manulacture the celebrated Pearl and Hercules FLOURS. Try it and be convinced that it makes healthy and delicious 11 read, supe rior in quality. Soao genuine Unless branded l'KAK or HKRC CULIfcS." Kept by all leading Uiocers. our BIRTHDAY Stock of Housekeeping PRESENTS Goods lacks nothing oree cmos liOBINSON ST, Street, jSTear Front WKAPS. PUBLIC SALE.

"WD1 be sold at Cublle 8lr, on Satnrday, March M. ISk. at tbe residence of the salMeriber la MiMM I'axton township, Dauphin waaryHClrft Creek, 1 BDilee liom baaphla. Kpptayl Mills, the foliowinir personal property, to wit One family mare, one cow, (fresh day of tale), roar boaUi. one good top Pfl Vimn ruin tst arxno.

lane CteeC IWTM. oarrw, forks, rakes, aingle brae. "Sf cow chain, hal ter. also bu treck. b11 ban, crow tr, hay, euaw, carm oatr.

potatoes and seed potatoes, berreU. vinegar by the barrel, chop box. scot. shovel, lot of chickeaxra mrai. tM Sale to commence st 1 o' day.

when terms TS Ti inadekoownby JSEIH Joseph U.Pponalcr.aacaonees. marl da wis J. FIRST, 10. SOUTH THIRD STREET, HARRISBURG. Red Mfe and Business Apt O)LLECn0NS HADE AND PAID promptly.

I have properties for sale In any part ol the city. Also, easae tabled lorn. AG EXT I OB THE SALE Or RAILROAD TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE WEST. July 2. law.

SMITH WARNER ARCHITECTS. PLANS. Detail Drawings aad Spedd. catlona prepared. llh rieroonal eeper vision of the construction of ever dinrrtn.

tion of arehliectaral work. TKL 3T 1LU1KO. BOOV it, marls 3m ilambarr. rL TTood Dealer. T3INE BLOCKS.

Oak Blocks. aw KlnaUU. rus ud Oak Elndilas siia sail at low erlcma. j. a.

tew sii tr. Tun aad CumwruM eie.

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