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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CORNER THIS WEEK ON WHITE GOODS Toweling uod Lact tlful, Dimity and Nttosook for the ooiuiW season. Best value iu Towels ever offered, and Laoe Curtains at unheard of prices. The patterns are entir-ly new, und quality cannot be beat en. P. y.

Also ahanc'so'ne assortment of strij-ed and -lotted Swisses for and sash doors. State National Logansport, Imlinniu CAPITAL $200,000 Puts. S. W. CI-LHIH VICK Pius 11.

T. HKITBKISK, CAKUIKII. Joftnsnn W. Ullwy, J. T.

Elliott. w. ir, Elliott, W.H. Snliler. Buy and sell Government Bonda Loan money on persoiml security collaterals.

Issue special oer- tiflaates of deposit bearing 8 per cent when left cue year; 2 per cent per anuum when deposited 0 montlic. Boxes in Safety Deposit Vaults of this hank for the deposit of deeds, Insurance policies', mortgages and 0-trjnr valuables, rented at from f8 to tlfl per year HOYT'S Sure Cure for Piles. DAILY JOURNAL lor LlltBKTY CKNTKIt.O., Keb. IS, ISO-J. Sure Cnre los" ttuill wlio snllcr Irom tills atinovliiR TOrlutis rcii.fill«'.

rmrie of ttUtfi nlTonl-il mory tban lemmimry six lisp I raocure.1 on- of UoyfuH tti'iinpliiiK to iiirretL'tw wo weuks. lit the of wlildi thin! Hit) ulLvri Ulan (mured itnil toVB not alHju rrtutnwl. 1 wre 3, AHUbb. Kor Suls to lake Erie Western, IVrn Union StiitiW), Turonuli tlcn-tssokl to polnta In Ilia United 9tfttB.ii.IHl CillWdtt. SOUTH.

AtclVD. Depart. No. 7.m»m No. 28 Mill 1 11:28 Ik No 'A roleiio iin-iw.

3 No. Kvi-nlw Express NO 151 Luna! i-'relistutt lj 1 Arrive. No. Mail A 10:12 ni No. -a Mlclil -ik" City -ISill in No 2-4 Dfti'olt ia No.

IW Acuiniinimliitloii Dally, a. Dally nxcept Snuday. not run nnrtli of uS fttuiis MurulayM, WnUiiesdnys Moiid -y. Tuesday, Tliurstlay and Satur- at BIODinliiRton find i'Mirln f'T in Ints west, inid nort.liwt>.*t. Dlrm-ti-oiiMci'tUirH made a 1 Lima, l-'osioda, 1-reniDiit or -imuiiMki for nil points VIM.

linined'atfuoniiHCiloiisni Tirnon with trains Llnwniid I. C. for nil points North, tfouili, His; mul West In I rwpart. and bun- Peru, 0. The Bicycle Season.

Is now at old nhoel likely served Us purpose. want new one. Or you aru tlilnkmir o( getting a iww one. Ti.onletus snow jon Iws! wheel such as the Kngle, Spsldlnff, Win- BURGMAN CYCLE CO. HMduuarters or tha Bicycle- MessenRrt SI 3T.

PHONE SO. A NT-ED. WANTKft In soil the Fa-ld to ihe "id "'till 'm o. rt'-rio HIK 1 nilnires W'th- 'ht. m-d K-tn: work: o.n H.rrisoii A Clerk No.

hlo a-n to f-wl for iv.llafl* 'Re erencc. Kiicliwf -f LocK Drawer f. A. lol jkaleiin'n nt T.aePuctnc HeOnin; Cieve PnbUthMl ererj day In the week (except Monday) bj tbe toauwpow JODBKAL Co. flNOOBPOBATHJ- W.


as uecond-clans matter poWoet Office, 1 SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH- 16 THE in our foreign com merce since 1892 Is forcibly shown by tbe following; statistic:) given by the New York Press: Yenr, B'Jl shrinking luJ Dutlablti iinporw. isan.iioi i 'M 'SJS Hi Toll 2K UIJS.T-I-. lyl.013,28. Imu'lsKree uf S-4(i 4l7.y4-l.l7J aa aiij -nieailo Imports.

yiri.vju -r-i 8u7.3ia.yoS Total slirli.KiiKe In JorcHjn tratle under EAO jeurt ot "tariff reform i'ae FradB commeuilQg thereon say At this rate of decline, if it were continued, aix years more of "tariff reform" would put ao end to our Imports and exports together, an leava us a8 barren of foreign commerce as ine Antarctic Continent wnich Prnfea- eor Cook Is fitting out an expedition to diocover. Tbe very funny people who used to nij "Four yeara more of Grover." find It hard to understand how lower- tariff duties lesaecs our foreign mdo. They dellRht In froiuf? -n he Barins: failure, the Argenttny collapse and the fall of Adurn. Tnee oeem not to understand that our ability to piy for Imported goods grows out of the vipor ol our domestic production. If we earn less through the decline of homo industries, we must buy less of foreign products.

Is eo fatal to a people's power to buy abroad as the destruction of iheir opponunlty to earn at home. The truo way to promote foreign trade is to encourage iha development and diversification ol domestic industries, because that always brings with it an increase in the social desires and purchasing power of the masses, which Is the ultimate basis of all national prosperity. This fact, which foreign market fanatics overlook, explains why our foreign trade reached the highest point in our history under the McKl arifT "UNCLE BILL" HOLMAN has discovered now that he has been compelled to retire from public life that ihoro is DO money In politics. He wss a Jong while in finding it out. He said the other day, "I go back to mv farm In niter thlrty.nve years in public Ufo poorer than when I entered it.

I would adviae all young men to keep out of politics." Ex-Governor Graj said to a friend a short time before hie death: vl have been in politics for thirty years, I am now making some money for the first time. Politics has cost me ten dollars whore I have made one. A man, however, can make more money In most anything else than politics, especially II he throws Into It as much energy and l.nduatry as he does into political work." It is not likely that the young men who are attempting: to enter political life will alter their plans on account of this advice. They will remember that Gray took all the political honors no could obtain and died in office, while Hulman remained in Congress until he was turned down by the vot. erg of hie district.

THE authorities of Oklahoma Borne lima ago decided to assess the property of tbe Indians and the latter are reported to be very much excited over the matter. This is the first attempt made by the authorities in Oklahoma to tax the Indians. The authorities claim that tha Indians enjoy all the privileges of citizenship and should be suhj-MJi to taxation. The Indians nave raplied that they are notbicc more than slaves of Oacle Sam, and in substantiation of this pointout that an Indian can not make a visit to a member of another tribe without securing a pas-sport from the Indian agent. An I dian i IT bis reservation is subject to arrest.

Head Cnief Big Head acd Second Head Chief Tor-ee have appealed to the United States attorney at Gutnrle. and his advice, it said, IH for- the to get out an injunction aga.tQ"i. fiplng THE Delaware lonUlmure has been ballo'log day after day for over two months for a States Senator result. In fact the vote IB practically iho sums as on the Hot ballot A York dally gives each riav? ballot, under a standing betallne which reads: "Da quit, Mr. Addleks.

Highest of all in Leavening U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder Continental Fraiernal Union. REPORT OF THE COMMIT1EE OF TEN OFFICERS AND DELEGATES. Who Ilecrntly luvffrticn-f rue Order Makes Uxo-l- Irnt HlioivtuC and Is In Condition-It Hun Beconl for jKconomy of Xevcr Before.

rKromtlieKldimond Item Feb. 21. '05. At thu third Biennial Session ol the Supreme Council, February 5th and 6lb, a thorough Investigation was made of the Order, and of Uo finances and accounts. The showing very satisfactory to the officers and delegates in attendance, likewise to the members ot this popular fraternity.

Ic has made progress even during the very dull times of the last two years. While many kinds of business have failed to hold their own in these hard times, it has not fallen behind, but has made satisfactory progress on the whole. It has paid benefit claims promptly and" honor ably. Tho recent audit of accounts by non-resident members ol the order shows that every dollar of funds has been faithfully handled and fully accounted for under the provisions of the constitution. Though the order baa a limited expense account, the audit shows that the expenses have been actually kept below the conservative limit fixed by the bupreme Council.

Tho Supreme Executive Committee are 10 be complimented their economy of management, and wo trust they will make a not ess commendable record under the amended constitution in a vigorous ncrease of membership. Where other orders have only been able to sot aside from 20 to 30 cents on the dollar to aid In paying o'l lodges after meeting- their current liabilities, Continental Fre.t- rnfil Union shows, February 5th, 1895, (mostly in cash and mortgages,) more 55 cents on the dollar of all money ever jollected from its members In assess. ments. That the order shows two and two and three-fourths times as arge a percentage of funds to aid in paying oil lodges aa competing orders. entirely owing to exlreme ecoaomy of manage ment, and to the conservative provisions in its constitution srning the payment of benefits.

Though the amount psUd in salaries was small compared with other orders, ihe Supreme Council has still further reduced the total salaries to be paid. Dareful estimates made from the of the order show that the lodges instituted to date can all be paid from 100 to $200 on the $1,000 jelow building and loan rates, beiiides iving the member an Important protection against sickness, accident, death, and total disability. Tne funde -eoently provided to insure a more rapid Increase of member- ihlp will still further tend to lower ihe total cost of cash and debit ments on each certificate. Though It 6 a living benefit order, hence less trlct in Us medical examinations; It las made a remarkable showing, there having btien only seven death benefits pay In four and a half years. Tne sympathy among Us members is very strong and constantly In-.

jreaslng, owing to its numerous en- ertainments; the excellent personal. and liberal benefits bectowed' upon its sick and disabled mem- )ers, and to its ample provisions against compulsory lapses which practically unknown. No setter evidence can be given that a arge majority of Its officers and delegates are gentlemen of honor and ability, than the almost unanimous with which all vital amendments erj recently passed, and the full and Yee which preceoed each vote in the Supreme Council. Tne net gain on voluntary lapses during tbe Istt two years has been quite arge. The increase of meor the same period bteo ighter than could be desired, many ot business have hctutV.llj 'alien bebind, while this fraiurnity has progress tbe records prove.

This order has now fuitds hh which to increase member ship more rapidly "ban ever bt-fore Tne benefit wnicQ thU beetovtB in tbe event ot, ac cldeov deal a and voial disability, are a great blessicg at all timer to Its members and their pur- Uo'iUrly in times like- tbeee No better evidence be given of ihe able, honest and fraternal management of the order than the fact that there has never been a grievance al any one of the six sessions of the Supreme Council held to date. Wo are confident lhat no other order in America can show such a remarkable This is especially remarkable when we oonbider the hard and troublous times of tbe last four and a half years. We find the order lar and justly growing in popularity with all who have taken the pains to fully inve-tigftte its focip.MHty, benevolence, benefits, and securities. Yours in Union, Honor, and Fraternity, H. HUBBARD.

Marlon. Ind. C. F. WILLIAMS, Terre Hfiute, Ind.

Chairmen T. HAYKES, Richmond, F. N. OLMTEAD, Chicago, 111. GEO.

W. ECHCH, Eiwood, Ind. I. S. HAROLD, Richmond, lad.

C. HOLBRCNEK, Logansport Ind. MERTON GRAVES, Richmond. Ind. KICOARD PULTZ, Eikban-.

Ind. fi. S. MOUNTAIN, Logansport, Ind. Committee 'of Investigation.

OUR NAME IS PBIST. Items or a I'ersonHl Churnetir Con- nnrt Their Prlouas. In the city yesterday: Pliny Grume of Peru. Joe Alvin of Burrows. E.

B. tseilers of Monticello W. W. Carmlehael of Morocco, J. M.

Goodrich of Royal Center. Hon. Joseph Gray of Galveston. J. H.

Garrison, agent for Eerne's "Shore Aores." Gso. Cuppy leaves for St. Louis this evening. Judge N. Ross went to Chicago yesterday.

S. B. Patterson came home yesterday from Cnlcago. Mrs. Senator Ellison of Fort Wayne iTvlsiting friends in the city.

William Stout has been called to Wlnamac by the illness of a sister, Willard Burges will go to Peru to take a position In a dry goods store. Miss Carrie Bruuell. of Wlnamao, Is visiting the family of William Mrs. Thomas Jones la at Greenwood, called by the death of a nephew. Richmond Item: Mrs.

Sch'aeter Is here from Logansport the guest of friends. Idavllle Observer: Mr, Mrs. S. D. McCully were in Logansport, last Wednesday.

Mr. Culver of Veedersburg, was yesterday the guest of his uncle, Judge Blddle. GUB Wiest went to Reynolds jeeter- dey to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law- Claude S. Watts, of the Marion Chronicle, was in the city yeeterdaj calling on friends. A.

G. Fordyke, deputy, attornoy general, was in the city yesterday adjusting the school funds. Miss Alice Sburte of Lowell, Ind has returned to her home after a visit with Miss Matnie Shaver. Mrs J. Eidson and C.

Pargons of Euton, Onio, are visiting Mrs. Liz zie DeGroot, of Second Street. E. Siac'ey, State secretary of the Y. M.

C. was in the city yesterday ihe guest of general secretary Cook. John F. Johnson of the State National bank, has returned from Chicago, after a snort business visit. Thomas tbe First ward councilman, tu.s reiu-ned to tbe city after a week's tour of tbe Southern states.

C'l- T-all of this cu? will go to Mooday to assist in the Installation of of P- officers at that city. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grimes and their daughter, have relurotd from lilanta, Ga where they passed toe winter. Peru Mrs.

Jarry, Long has returned home from Lotfansport where aoe visited her daugnter, Ed Cunningham See The Specialists For Chronic and Private Diseases and Deformities Diseases of "Women treated by the new electrieal method that has given wonderful results. Don't forcer that their vapor treatment for all Chronic Lang Troubles ttets the remedies to the diseased spots and cures everything else fails. Call ard way. It costs you nothing for consultation. Drs.

Christopher Longenecker, AtiThe Medical and SurgicalUnstiime. 417 Market Logansport. Ind. IF YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE GARDEN. It will pay you to be particular as to whose seeds you buy.

We are now in tbe market wirh a full line of Landreth's seeds for the season of 1895, and I wish to say to the- mirdeners aud others usins seeds, thS; while Landreth's seeds may be a little higher price then some others they are always fmh, clean and true To naiue, wed BS we handle no other seeds except those grown by Landretb. Sons of Plnlade our CU8- tomers may rely on cetting nothing but the very best. I believe that the cost of the seeds is nothing compared to tbe crop, and when a person bae the trnuble to put out a garden, he should use nothing but the very best, We handled seeds for four years and have never heard a smgle complaint; in fact, our unhesitatingly pronounce them perfaot in ever uariicular, and as an evidence of this fact, we have almost the en- Ifre trade of al the pardeners around Lopan.port as wel as niany from a distance. Our trade has increased on r.his particnlar line of Roods more than tenfold since we have been in the business? We also have a Jull lino SODS ha. been 115 years In the occupation of seed growing.

George Harrison 617, 623 Broadway. FIRE SMOKE WATER. The Mammoth Stock of FINE CLOTHING of JOS. GRACE, will be placed on sale At 8 O'clock. Remember the Date and Place.

426 BROADWAY, Mrs. J. C. Mount came In yeaterday from Connerevllle, for a visit with her parents. Mrs.

Mount was formerly Misi Immel of the city. Lee Linn, formerly of the Wabash Courier, now traveling psBsenJferaRent for the Texas and Fort Worth railway, was In the city for a few hours yesterday. Journal: Mrs. Jacob Nlcode- mus and Mrs. Jacob Splizoagle of Logansport, wbo buve been guests of Mrs.

Katie Elliott, of West Elghtn street, returned home yesterday evening- Peru Chronicle: Sol Brandt of Loganeport, was in the city today G. C- Henry of Logansport. was in town last Voight wae at Logansport last night visiting friends. Idaville Observer: Marlon Hanna and wife weot to Logansport last Thursday on a business and pleasure trip. In arranging business of Importance Marion loot hia wife and child wbo came home on the train, which be mlssfcd and.

bad to send for a rig to come after him. Needs to tbe iTtrj CM in ai times a gafeftud geni'e tonic counterba a'nce the extra drein? on 'physical end nervous ey stem. Z-m- Phora (Woman's Frleod) will give health for weakneea and pallor. Sold by B. F.

KeeillnK Cottlion Did Yoi Erer Try Electric as a remedy for your troublefc? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. Thie medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapt, ed to the relief and cure of aU female complaints, exerting a wonderful In. fluence la giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have lose appetite, constipation, headache, faint- Ing spells, or are nervous, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells. Electric Bitters is the medicine you need.

H--aith and urengrh are Kuamnieed by its use. Large bottles only fifty atB. F. KeceUng'e drug Btore. FRIEND.) is the BEST REMEDY for GIRL, WIFE, MOTHER,.

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