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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 12

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE OTTAWA EVENING JOURNAL AUGUST ,13 ,1907 ia 1 Bryson, Graham ff OTTAWA'S 6BEATEST ST0BX.4 Citizens in sympathy with shorter hours will please note we close our stores at 6 p.m. daily, Saturdays included. Sale Sale 200 DOZEN Ladies' Fancy Collars Worth regularly 25c, 55c, 50c, Sale Price WEDNESDAY ONLY 10c, 15c, 25 each Do not miss this golden opportunity to buy; collars at this reduction. All rare values. Gents' Hats Clearing Sale of all Straw Hats at COST PRICE Time enough yet to get double value out of these hats.

Worth as much today as ever, but they've had their day. Gents' Balbriggan Underwear Penman's" Everyone ItKmtlw Mmr, commendation. Our, Mock Is now oompleto. 44, at, per set Per Package that I ac Indent re- 4 1, M. 44, A Bargain in Silk Ties A not Iter shipment of 7 dun.

of then serviceable Mlk Darby Ties, In plain colon, reversible. Hale rice this week, SO each for 50c 75 DOZ. TIES In self-colored square and diagonal stripes. Sale mvmamaajv 1 100 DOZ. WASHABLE TIE A targe aMorlinant In plain and fancy stripes, to arlnt from.

All moat 'comfortable ahapea extra large and cy to tie. special price, each See Boys' Boots Brig in the boys and fit them to a pair of boots. The is Targe "styles appeal to all. The boots you want are here. BOVr FATEXT COI.T BLCCHER Potay toe Ugbt ole.

dull top, Goodrrar well, stars to Price ROYS' VKIn'R CKLT PotaT toe, Uncle sole, dnll tdp, very ttreesy shoe. KIM I to a. Price BOYS' BOX C.M.r OR MTU EH Narrow, or wide toe. bear or 111 it aula, slar 1 to Prloa Ivors- BOX CALF BAI-Roa nd toe, heavy sole, a (ood ahoa tor vacation time, alirs 1 to 4. Price, at HOYS nwr BAl Round toe.

hear aole, a good everyday boot, else 1 ki ft. Price BOYS' INVNflOIiA KID BAI Mediant too, stogie aole, gb but very etrong, to ft. Price Mantle Cloth New Tweeds, Covert and Broadcloth Coatings for Fall Wear Our rente of Uieee eery hand name and attractive fabric, la now very complete, embraeinit the moat Caamonabla colortng and pan in Great aa onr aapply to, they cannot laat lent. Benea tha Importr aea of an early selection. TWEEDS In all fashionable pattern, very stylish, tachea wtda, Prleaa.

yd sat, till, S1.4S BROAD PMVTH Extra ana quality, tha very aeweat abode tor falV-Price, yd. SI.40, S1.T4, tl, a.M COVERT CLOTH para wool, median, weight, vmrnnted very suitable and aervlceabla for fall coau, i lnchc wide. Price, yd. Bnttona covered to order. slara.

GROCERY DEPARTMENT The Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair Grower SffiaUijott 45 cent Lar Battles 85 cents The Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair and acalp ueaner 45 cents The Seven Sutherland Sisters' Colorator For chungingr gry, faded and. bleached hair yoqthfal olor. i i Vt Bottle :) 85 cents Bryson. i GrliKam Co. Greatest oStore.

TU BeaM tUt al. kas, aal iro wait it Uvartitct THE WEATHER OUTLOOK Fresh Westerly to Northwesterly Winds, fine aod a little cooler to day and on Wednesday. A dmreaakm was In h. Ottawa Valley yrsterJay liiornlila'' rrache! the cult or t. Liawrtince, aivma showrra and ihundrratnrniB In Qu-bw snd tha MarlUme provinces, wlira In Ontario the weallwr aerps neuriy MV.rvwaeni unusually dlY In the west- wi provlnrea; Kin.

cundltlolis prrvali generally, although somewhat cooler. Minimum and uJaximum temurra- turea yesterday;" Dawson, 4J, Port Simpson, 60, 6a; Kaulloops, 48, Kd-momon. 40, 46; Prince Albert, 4S, Cslgary. 40, 8Hft Current. 44, 4S; Wlnnlpes.

4, Port Arthur. 64. 7t; Prr- Sound, SO; Toronto. 64. 4 Montreal, 7.

44: Qusbec, 6s, 84; Hall-fax, 64, 41. The Journal's standard thermometer at 1.10 registered drgrees. THREE KILLED MANY WOUNDED Belfast Riots Become More Serious. TROOPS FORCED TO SHOOT ON CROWDS. Baton aid Bayonet Charges lneflecU Ire.

Hospitals inea un WoanUed. and falnl wiiui. duioroers occurred. Jere ajaliv yester. Th inmhh ttrid Into the crowd anu a woman and a man were shot dead and a number of others were seriously Injured.

tT ooinnci i the rioters took place in the vicinity of the Constabulary Barracks In tha VulllnaT Trea Road. Tha trouble became acuta about 4 o'clock, when a mob of men and women attacked a pol' Inspector. Soldiers were at once summoned to the i A hv a hall of paving atonaa, which reauHed In emp ty. rat aome or tne seuiw. ant was read, but tha maddened mob i mtA iiam un a fu- silade of stones, broken bottlea ana brickbats against tne ponce ana military.

Bayonet and baton charges 1 1 m.n.rf rioters and ulttmalaly the order to fire was given. che nuinoer wiwiwra iron. fire and vn the bayonet charges and inirMl wiu very creat and the hopaltala are over crow drd. Mora Rioting. 1 The rtotera stretohea cnarmr acroBS'tne streets to Impede tne movements oi troops, who charged the mob mny m.

rtMut Into the mob and official reports atate tbat three ware killed, atx senousiy anu hundreds slightly wounded. EARL GREY AT TORONTO. Governor-General ta Open tha Exhi bition en August 27. Karl Grey, tha Governor General, will, go to Toronto Monday, August 24, and remain In the' city until Thurs day, trnd'-parnapa -ontw -the end a Ike. I- I Jl W- 1 1 -hah Ik.

wees. VO lucww; iiv exhibition and on Wednesday review the school cadets. Primes are being given for the best drilled companies. While here Earl Orey will stay at Government House. DEATH OF COL.

DEACON. A Wall Known Resident of Lindsay for Many Yearn, Lindsay. Aug. 1J. Death called Lt-CoL Deacon, a highly esteemed resident, yesterday morning.

CoL Deacon was a retired captain In tha British army and served in the Crimean war at Alma, Balaclava, lnkerman and HebastopoL He came to Lindsay In the early sixties and In 184 was appointed lieutenant-colonel In the 46th battalion. He waa a police magistrate until recently, when hia health failed. The flags of the public building are at half-mast out of respect for the Interesting Test. New York, Auk. to thft Amertcao, to-day dalppinc men bav learned with intert that tha new turbine steamer LmRltanla and tie faat Lsucania, now the trana-Atlantle westward record holder, are scheduled to start from Queens town, practically together, on Septftfittier 7.

The object it is said, is to determine how tbe two vsels compare In speed under exactly similar conditions. The tout will be watched from the decks at each by crowds of people who represent not only men fcierh In the whrppln world but by many financial and social leaders, who have paid premiums for their caWns for the oyag-e. The Lurania will return to Liverpool aknost Immediately, but Lust-tanla will remain here until September 11. The older ship will he commanded by Cspt. James C.

Barr and the new oris by Capt. J. B. Mott. The record now Is Ave days seven hours and twenty-three minutes.

PITTSBURGER BUYS A.TOVN Iwea Langhlla Parchaaea Znllweod, ta Make Imprftremieata. Pittsburg. Aug. 11 The latest fad of wealthy Pittsburgh la to buy whole towns when the town don't do things to please them. According to rumors In Pittsburg.

as. Leughlln, it of tbe Jones Laugh lift atael Company, haa Just bought the whole town of Sellwood. Orange county, Fla. Mr. LaugbJIn had aome trouble with the town council over Improvements, and ha decided to buy the town and It up to plaaujo himself.

Those porta which do not suit him will be dona away with, and tha understanding la that Mr. Laughltn will mora most of the village away from his winter home. It haa bean same Iware alar Mr. Laughlln ewttled at pellwood. and thd tnwa people have In many way showed thefr antagoalam ta his srogres-irenaaa; They not stand for Improvement, ren though the Pitt.

burg steal man-offered to pay for them ut of ewa pocwet. 'V To shew mtelllgence la "(siting your service to market" aa want ad- OP MR. BLAKE His Farewell Causes pen1 vine Sorrow. FREEifES'S JOURNAL IS Say He Dallberataly HarriBetd Career la Canada for lrelauo. The Praeman'a Journal.

Dublin, re- fera to tha retirement of Hon. Edward Blake front tha House of Common aa a causa of genuine sorrow to his colleagues ut the Irish purty. and giving an account of Hon. Mr. make's career.

The Journal say. be "ilrllberately sac rificed a career lu Canada, where ev ery position under tf Crown, however exalted, waa within hi graap, to serve In a party whose supporters were precluded from the prise of public life and not mfreooently exposed to calumny and Insult." -Mr. Ulake. valedictory address to his constituent's of ttuiitti Longford, dated July lato. la as follows; Uentlemen After a service of fifteen yeara, marked by your constant kindness.

2 have felt const rallied to place In Mr. Redmonds hamls my application for the ChHtren Hundreds, with the request that he would present It aa aoon as, after consideration with the local Executive, may lie found consistent with the convenience of tha constituency. Tou know tfial I have contemplated a much earlier retlrrrarnt. but the rt- clssltudea of the National struggle and your own atrong desire that I should remain your, member moved me to continue aa effort made increasingly dif ficult by advancing years and falling neaim. Jay Present serious Illness (thoush I bave every prospect of recovering a substantial measure of health and strength and ability to do some quiet work), yet lea-vea me, a.

I believe, no reasonable prospect that 1 could re sume the atrerMJoua duties of Ynember- sntp without danger of a recurrence of the attack: and 1 am advised that It la my clear duty to withdraw. Thus It only ramslns for me, with gratefluf thanka Cor your A-oodneas, and warmest wishes for the triumph of the cause, aajr the said word, Tour faithful servant.1 BLAJCB. 0UP FOR THE D.R.A. English Firm Oonatas a Hi Guinea Cup for Match. (Canadian Aasoclatcd Press.) London.

Aug. 13. The well known Arm of stockbrokers, Coatea, Ooa and Oo of which J. O. Olmer, formerly secretary to Lord Btrsthcona, la a WitM XI reseating jr(tl lng cun of the Value of 11)0 guineas to the Dominion Alfie Aaaociatlon for competition at the annual meetlnga Tha cup Is being shipped next week and the first competition will take place at the Rockllffe meeting oeglnnlng on the twenty-sixth Instant.

RECEPTJON TO THE VICTORS CarietnB Plac PrcjMrliif Ormnd De- aoostrmtiun fur iJM Cuw Uolv Special to The BWmlng Journal. Carleton Place. Aug. la. Mr.

W. Keefer and wife, of Chicago, are the guest of Mr. Keefer'a. sutler, lira. GJerdrum, Upper ika They arrived a few daya ago, and have gun to visit tne Capital, but wrU return and spend the greater portion of their Canadian vacation In Carleton Place.

Commit tea arraruremejrta wr made laat night for a dtlaeruy demonstration to the Carleton Place Canoe Club, the proceedings will take dec this evening, when a procaaalon will be formed at the club house and parade the etreets, after which thara will a testimonial meeting in tha auditor ium oi ine town, fiaot, wnere addressee wHI 4m given, and whose all tha tro phies of the vlctorioua peddlers wtu on exhibition. There will certainly be a Jubilation, and, everybody will -be on hand. v. Mr. Thoa.

Pounder, a ceatlamaA who haa substantial real aetata Intareata In hta home city, Boston. arrived Her on Monday to his niece. Mrs. uouregor, of Joaoch street. The trophlea brouatht br the Canoe Club from the Britannia meat have for soma time been In tile window of Mr.

A. Nellaon. and to-day there will he added to the display thoa won at the C. C. A.

rexalta ai Montreal. Trie exhibit wHI be very euindaom Indeed. 'ivie largest cup of the Montreal prizes la. the Pulford. an ajsnual prise for bhe mile war canoe contest at every Canadian Canoe Association meet.

Tha haK-mHe war canoe 'Dominion cham pionship cup la Hkewle a beautiful and maaslve piece of alrvar. Tha Intermediate singles Dominion chamDion- ship cup won by Howard Morphy la aiso a very one tropny Mr. John Ktrutbers. of Southwest City. and his daugTiter, Mrs.

Dsnman, of Kansas ar visiting Mr. Wm. trathara, Appleton, and Mrs. Duncan Millar, Carleton Place. v.

LEG AMPUTATED UNDER ENGINE Maa Ks Oowa oa Track aa4 Oper. txm Perfa raxed aei Spot. New Tork. Aua. ll In tlmin view of two train loads of persons, bound mr the Empir CKy race tries: yes-terday, tr.

of the Flower Hoa-DltaL crawled untler a loooaiwotlra at tached to one of tha trains, and amputated (lie tetr of ho maa HI ley, whose limb was r-mshed under tha great driv ing wneeis. Rney. who vck walker, was run down oppk Totiy-Hlxxb atreeL waa amDonilble'te extrkUwte In tlrna to a-lve him any ehanoa fnr nis life, except ttmpnution, so ijt. Case, with a hia of Inetrtmieata. uttdr fhe anaiaa ana perform ed the operation.

Hfa rerve romp ted the spec is tors cheer aa IlUey was taaen away an amnuianea. a the noepitai it wni sal a nmy siooa a goee enanoe recovery wfOURHALItT HUN OOWN. Nw Tork. Aug. It -rrwl Kya, aa editor on the unAf Wortl was struck by a Lxtnf tn avenue trolley car Inst nlchta svnd.

loe.vsorwbs.Dly Mr. pve la paaetaiau and a writer of clever v. re- tie, leua, winter ad wrote the llbrotie for a ejmvite opevav Trio Xing and the Broker." aralcaj waa roducad ta the H0TEL S1TE NOT; YET'-DEFINITE Cruel Traak Railway Haa Cobm Va aa Dedal ca aa to Leeatioa af- Bis Bottalry. Tv. Whlla many different, place have been talked of.

aa. sulUbl alt for the proposed Grand. 'Trunk Railway hotel, then eeem fO be nothing den-nlt yet. Horn time ago a prominent O. TV H.

official said In conversation, that tha Idea of building aa hotel wes by no- means abandoned, but that there was nothing denult about as there Ib concerning the railway station. But that by no mean meant that tha O. T. R. had given up the Idea.

This official aald. that from a acenlo point of view atte on Nepaan Point would be a magnldoent on for a tourist' hot.l, only ho waa afraid It would be too far away from tha eta-tloa and business section. site that appeared to him aa very ultnbla would be one at Major's Hill park, provided tha land could be secured. pointed out trunVlf place of land could be secured from this site the T. might possibly give aome land owns alaewber aa an qulva-lent.

Hla theory seamed to be that if a alt could be secured thara or very near, tha station could aome way be connected to the hotel by an over head archway or passage. The station, of course, la to be on th lt of the present one, and la to face B-ldeau street so building such an archway would not be a really difficult matter. However, It la considered probable there would be very strong objections to this. While admirable from tha Railway company'a point of view. there ar hundred who would regret to hav even a single foot of Major' Hill Park taken up for hotel purpose, aa it would naturally mar aom of tha surrounding, and for It ls there la probably no Oner park on the conti nent than Major" Hill.

It Is consid ered then would also probably be op position from the govrnmnL Then again, If tha Railway company did give land aa an equivalent for any possibly given there, that would not get over tha objection meotiened her and these ar objection which are vary patent to tha cltixen In gsnsraL it I. prooaoi mat aiiee on eiiner Mackanal avenue or Jvepean Point would be mora favored by cltlaena than either of theaa. The railway official la question was not in any way officially, but is dwelling on several point In which a station built pn one aide of Rldeau treat with an hotel on the other would be auttable. On the other hand. It 1 known this land could not be granted, and the Premier haa even gone so far aa Intimating this.

THIS SEEMS A GOOD BARGAIN Toronto Collects Much From Street Railway. GETTING 20 P.C. OF GROSS EARNINGS OVER $3,000,000. Ctty'g 'Sbara Steadily Increaainx. Percentage la July was ba.OOO Hon Than Last Tear.

Toronto. Aug. 11. Tne receipt of the Toronto Railway Company for the eleven months of the city's financial year have exceeded and Treasurer Ooady la rejoicing over the fact that the percentage on the 444.41 In execs of that amount la now 10 per cent. There tlti remain.

uie recelpta for the raomn ot August, upon which the asms high percentage will aome Into the City Treasury. This la ooe flret year the city haa enjoyed the privilege of collecting the SO per cent. on. me gross earnings oi the company. The eltvs nercentaare for July waa ever 1 Ado in excess of the amount for tha same wtonrh last year, ana is lira ner cent.

In advance of the amount At Aim went aav. The portion or tne gross receipt the company payaoie to ine civy -nually under the Street Railway agree ment la a ioovrs; Up to Il.e00.40u SXim 41.000 000 fO ll.4OO.000 From to JI.0o0.000 Prom 11.000.00 to 11,000,000 All over 44.Ovo.wo II 1 II 40 MANY MEN NEEDED p.e. FOR THE HARYEST first Oatlareat of Hew Will Reach Winnipeg by 6.P.B. Angnt IS. Montreal.

Aug. 11. At the head tifflm of tha CPU. In "Montreal pre paration, are being made to handle tha thousanoe Ot Harvesters wm win euve be pouring Into the wheat district. To assist the farmers of the West In silvlne the annual prooiem.

tne v. r. K. Will run a aenea ot rwiiniiiira, tne Jit, iif which artll De announced lat These trroa win leave nearly every section of the mminion. ana win carry th worker to every part or tne weal.

where thee are needed. It waa Mated at the office of th railway thla morning ia- in neraio. Otat tn Ttttrveat' ta crop in ma norm- weat, atanltaba will require 11. 000 farm, hands; Saskatcht wan, 7.400, and Alberta s.00. The first contingent I required do reach Winnipeg by August 34th.

TM THAW TJIaL Nw Tork, Aug IS. Martin W. tlt-Melon. -who I now chief couneel for' Harry K. Thaw, called al the District Attorney' bffloa ta see about th next -Thaw trial.

Mr. Jerome haa aot made op hi mind warn the jtrlal wUl begin. il OOLOKN WEOOINO. Th golden wedding ot Mr. and Mra.

H. Bchryer will be celebrated by their relatives at their homo, 14S Nrpsan, street, on Tuesday, August 44. Mr. and Mr. 'aVhryer were bora ta Paplneeuvllle In VOt and married by the Re.

Xr.i Sewtttt of-aX la ISfT. They reetded. la for a abort while and tb.a moved ta Alfreds They hare, beea realdent OUawiifwriUfeiaaat tea year, Thetr twe 4nui4thvara Mv with tberfc and thetv ben employed B. M. Holland Co.



Bank of Nova Si isaa CAPITAL, $3,000,000 RESERVE FUND, Unexcelled facilities for the tranaacvlon of all kind of Banking Business. Special attention given to the Savings Department and Interest credited quarterly on Saving Account. This 1 the only bank having Ita head office In Canada that submit Its books and statements to Independent AudlL Ottawa Branch 151 Sparks Street J. McKEEN, Manager. The Best Cooler sssssssssssswssssssss and Refresher Brand" Caledonia Water reduces isawaaaaa weight, banishes headaches, relieves the system and enables you to take the hot weather coolly.

On all bars. Order from your dealer. 3 J.R. Shaw Agents, Ottawa it chocolate, Gakc Icings, Etc. Absolutely Pura Goods.

Tbe Gowan Go. Limited. Toronto. FIND41ADE BY POLICE Secret Society with Murder Charge to it. MEMBER BREAKS DOWN AND CONFESSES.

Star af Poisonrd Bnlleta, Dagger, Boatba and Other Weapons foaad ia a Cellar. New Tork, Aug. 14. The Secret Society of Hunchaklat haa been smashed by th efforts of th New York police fore. With the arrest of Kaaaak Jelallan, on Sunday night.

the end of the society became certain. Thla man confessed to district attor ney Jerome last night, the police say that It waa ha who had directed the murder of Father Keeper, whose body waa cut to plecea and the wealthy rug merchant Tavahanjlan killed on Union Sou a re. He furthermore stated. It Is said, that ha had stood by whlla Bedros Hamptsoonlaa waited for the coming of the victim and pointed, out the man. It I stated that Father! Martouguea-sian ia not directly connected with the eoctaty, though he is still bellev- The police eearched building where he lived, and In the celler un-! der a coal heap, they found a number of poisoned daggara, aeveraj bombs, a quantity ot poisoned bullet, revolvers and a number of large bottle of hydro-cyanic acid and sulphate of ammonia aa well aa cbemleta scale, bullet mould and electric appratuacf, varloua Itlnda.

Taken to police headquarter th man broke down and confessed that Baalk Jelallan was th head and front of enclety. Several other arrest, were made during the afternoon, and the police believe th principal member ot the ooity ar now priaonere. Work on-New Building. Corner 8laa of Ht. Joaeph's tjaioa Block ta Laid aa Aaguxt SOth.

Th earetnonies hi eoanaction with the laying of th corner gtnn of th new ett Joeeph'e Union building, corner of 'Dalhouala and Tork streets, wrll take Bate a. week from ta-day. Aug. ta, tATohbishop. Duhamel WIU offlctata and there will be an Informal reception altar tha laying' of tha corner The building I now In course orecttonv two.

etorte having freed been put up. will be vary luifkaw ana, ot brick and ft one, svaendld noma fnrtha itrsf Tioo wtll be 4ak.n UPf by a bapVaiadj three olTlcsnr. oa nsj oeeonej wis Betne pmcea of the osidy. wntM rh third aear tpnrfh win be asad for apartments, 't''i 4U. Joeaph Union at now a very floninj-t1loa kavlnri wienvVI oarafin tafmagrtiout' raaada.

AS aaketa ameW ta IMr om and bad a thriving bTmnchea LEFT ESTATE OF HALF A MILLION Will of Job WaldJe, and Well Know Klled tor Probate. Toronto, Aug. IS. The will of th late John Waldie, M.4., Uie well known lumberman, has been filed for probate in the Hurrogats Court, The sum of $467,634 ia disposed of by th conditions of the win. and the widow, Barah Waldie, and tbe sons, Frederic' N.

Waldie and Bobert Stanley Waldie. are applying for th probate. There are 26 benefloiaries, among whom are Barah Waldie, widow of tie ceased, to whom is bequeathed tlO.UOC insurance money, $1,000 annuity and tbe bouse and furniture. William Waldie, a eon, of Nelson, B.C., who receive (20.000, and 2-31 of residue of estate altar all bequest are paid. Frederick Newel Waldie, a.

son, who receive 162.000 stock ot the Victoria Harbor Lumber Co. and 2-31 of residue of estate. Robert Stanley Waldia, Walter Scott Waldie, and Charles Peroival Waldia, sons of deceased, each of whom are io receive 60,000 ah in the Victoria Harbor Lumber and 241 of resido of the estate. To Marion Waldia, Lillian Waldia, a lta Ma ira Mar, Whn on a to th Armenian CeaselU, danghtan, are bequeathed Quarter In Boston, police lieutenant 2-Si of the residue of the estate. Petroslno, of New Tork.

encountered I Ernest Waldie, a son, ha 110,000 loan American named Hanoojian wboiaurano awney left hits, furnished Information which reaultadl Agnea Laidlaw, of TaMonvar, a In the arrest In thla city, of Borbaa Al-, si.ter. is to receive an annuity of eanA Tber are eleven graadehtlaren named ia the will. Men of whom ar to receive bequests of 1 31 of the remainder of the estat. after all other annuities and cub bequest ar paid. 15' i pi in mmn i T-i le IB tn it Vft'lvT' saw.

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