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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 12

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
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13 Bryson, Graham OTTAWA'S GBEATEST STOIB. Citizens in sympathy with shorter hours will please note we close our stores at 6 p.m. daily, Saturdays included. Colored Dress Goods July' is generally a dull month in dress goods trade, but we do not intend to have it so, and in order to MAKE THINGS BOOM we will have on our Dress Goods Counter Bargains that are sure to make this month a busy one. Specials for This Week BENGALINES On let of tht popular fabric iluat In), all th new summer and fall shsdes; In.

wide; worth oc. July price a CREPE DE CHINE We have lust received a full a.eortment of 40 In. wide, all wool; worth 'K-. Jviy rrlre It In. wide, llk mixed July price.

SILK EOLIENNE One special lot only In Myrtle, Pawn. Grey and Brown. In. wide; worth tec. July 44 In.

wide, very fine; worth ec. Juy prtc 44 In. wide, very heavy; worth II July price i i unniMit Of yLnw W40LTff at Special price, for July Hale. Wool ChaUlea In Co lured and cream ilk at ripe. Jnly BeJe.

Black Dress Goods A Special-Price Sale of Black and White Dress Goods Patterns the newest, styles the most effectiye and pleating that any season has ever introduced. Great as our supply of these fabrics has been, they cannot last long if the demand continues. Bisutlfal mack Material, with Invletble white etrlpe effectl regnlar Sen. i 1.00 th iMdlne fabaieev-Crane eta. Srgr Panama, Cn'rae, Lustre ya.

pound lead packages 50c Blend pound lead packages 30c Blaek and White Checked Voile, very stylish, for stammer weert regular Mo, pedal price) XJe 7 raocy Black and White Check, nice and light far the hot weather; reenter Mo. SrecUl piica ttc yd. Black Sen, an wool. Price Ma yd- II Fieess of Black Batleto and Woo Taffeta, 41 In. and 44 In.

wide: raa ular Wo. Special Mc r. July Silk Snaps We have been very fortunate ln securing another lot of fMg wB known In. Ivory Rabutai Waati Silk, a apeclal heavy quality and a and wearing allk; one of the moat eervlceaMe and faahlonabla alike tor stint waist. Ladies' and Children-, dree.

Special while It laata 41s per yd. Another lot of m. Ivory Habatal Waah Silk, excellent vain. Wall Mc per yd. BLACK PBAU DK SOW MBCIAl wide, only 109 worth per yd.

Special while hast. yd. Tweeds Tailoring SALE OF SUITINGS In order to make room for pur Fall Stock we will offer these special values to our many custom era Highest grades English and Scotch Tweeds and West of England Worsted! All fronv 'the best manufacturers and all In the latest patterns. Tine quality Went of England "ontrt, cheat, atrtpee and aver oTaerka, (so Scotch Tweed suitings very neat for a buatneaa eult: pure wool, SI In. wide.

Prtoee per tlJO and UN i- Length of fancy pattern West ot Easdsnd Wonted, very new tbrag for summer autta will be Included In thla aala; para wool, In. wide (eh rank). Price, per UN Inspection invited. It will pay you. Wa cover tjeittona to order.

Grocery Department FINE BLACK TEAS Ws make a specialty of blending fine Black Teasv-a few of our choice blends are "BURA" Ottawa's Pet Black Tea 3 pound lead packages $1.17 ERANDIB'' A blend of Ceylon Teas 3 pound lead packages $1.00. Ceylon Blend 1 "KIRUNDA" India I is latest colorings. No Tto vat Brysoii, Graham GT Co. Ottawa's Greatest Store Tat Bmm tUt slwsr tut, m4 Jim wk.t it Uvcrth THE OTTAWA EVENING JOURNAL TUESDAY JULY ifl 1907 THE WEATHER OUTLOOK Southwesterly winds, mostly lair and warm today and Wednesday local thunderstorms. The high are at present off th Atlantic Cos it mors pronounced lhan It usual In July, and will lend to present the low area In tha Wait from moving eastward.

Tha weather yesterday was cool and showery In Alrxrta and 8as-katchewan, and very warm In Manitoba. Showers occurred during Uia nig lit la nearly all part of Ontario. Minimum and maximum temperatures yesterday Dawson, IS. 71; At II Victoria, 61. 70 Calgary.

Kdmonton, 4, 40 Rrgina, 4. Winnipeg, Port Arthur, M. 70 Parry Hound, CO, I Toronto, 6. SO Ottawa, ih, tC Montreal. 1.

S2 Quifhao. b. 4. St. John.

52, Halifax. 46. Thfi Journal RUndard thermomater regletered dcitreet at one o'clock. BETTER CLASS IMMIGRANTS Coming to Canada Than to United States OPINION OF AGENT GREAT BRITAIN. IN Canada'! Effort In Search of Settler Being Devoted to Rural DiatrieU in Old Land.

"The elMklnr. feature of British Immigration to Canada this year la the comparative superiority of the Imrnl-grante leaving Hrltteh porta dcatlned for the Dominion aa contrasted with thoae bound for the United Statea," aald Mr. 1. Bruce Walker, chief Canadian Immigration -agent In Great Britain, In an Interview with The Journal to-day. Mr.

Walker came to Canada from London laat we-k on departmental busineaa. Hrvn tha. aucceas attending the Canadian Immigration proaganda In the Mother Country thla year. Kfforta are being devoted chiefly, ha aald, to promoting Immigration from rural England. Scotland and Ireland.

Tha claaaee eapeclally needed In Can ada are thoae adapted to agricultural purautta and acting, under Imtructlona frenn the department here the Immigration agenta In Great Britain are not paying much attention to the cltlea. but are devoting most of their energies to getting Immlgranta from the rural atctlona. Northern and Xorthweatern England are at preeent furnishing the largeat aupply. Immlgranta from London and the other large cltlea are moat- ly aent out by the vartoua charitable organization. The volume of English and Scotch Immigration to Canada thla year, air.

Walker aald, ahowa to date an Increaao of over fifty per cent, aa compared with laat year. Setter Reports. Speaking of the character of the re- Ports aent back from Canada to Great Britain by Immlgranta Mr. Walker noted that the Immigration agenta now rarely have to reply to the exagger ated atatementa of hardshlpa. etc, made In letter to the preee by disgruntled Immlgranta here; The next mall from Canada uaually brlnge a letter from some fellow Immigrant refuting thee misstatements and advertising the advantage of Canada.

Some of the letter aent to the Brlt- I lah rural presa from Canada are ridi culously false. Mr. Walker Instanced letter which appeared this laat aprlng telling of how Immlgranta had been rhaaed through- the atreeta of Winnipeg by wolvea and declaring that hundreds of Englishmen had been found dead on the prairie in consequence of the severity of the winter. These frequent atatementa aent from Canada libelling the Dominion have been brought to the attention of the minister of Justice, and It la probable that legislation will be Introduced at tha next session of Parliament making It punisnanie offence to wilfully slander the country In the pre of other land. CMC RECEPTION TO SIR WILFRID Will be Non-PolltlcaU Proccwioa from CewtraJ Depot Aroand Wellington and Spark to City HalL Arrangement were made yesterday Afternoon for the civic reception to Sir Wilfrid Laurler at a meeting of the sub-committee in charge.

The affair will be absolutely non.polltlcal. lr. Robert Stewart, wrote ex-pr easing concurrence with the proposal that the demonstration be non-pulltlcal. Aid. Champagne Insisted on thla un deratandlng and dealred that no badges of any kind ahould be worn.

The premier will he met at the depot and escorted via Rldeau. Wellington. Sparka and Elgin streets to the city halt, where an address will be presented and the formal reception take place. The Guards' band will furnish music. The city hall will be decorated for the occasion and the government will look alter flxlng up the Parliament buildings and Wellington street Those present were: Chairman Rosenthal, at ay or Scott.

Aid. Champagne. Dart and Wilson. MADS COSTLY EXPERIMENT. Mljrtur Blew Up and St.

Themes Drw, Stere was urned Out. fct. Thorn. July It. Fire broke ou' at 1 Jo yesterday morning la Tyr.ll H.

Duncombe'a targe drug store, and In a very short time the Interior and stock were totally destroyed. Beyond smashed window, badly scorched and water aoaked, the building I Intact, but the km Is heavy. Mr. rnincomb wa engaged In some ehemlcal experiment when an explosion occurred and In lntnt the plane was enveloped In flame. Mr.

IHinrnmne'a hand were bdlv burned. It la aald' the inseranc I only ORCHARD ON STAND AGAIN Admits That Uncle Com. mitted Suicide. AND WAS INSANE BEFORE THE ACT. Dewie That Ha Knows Anything About (irandfatber Mania.

Another Witness Wanted for Perjury. Boiae, Idaho, July 11 Another warrant charging parjury against a wlt- nras who haa taatlOad for tha detnca4U a tau hour tait nlJht o( powdf-r ex- in tha trial of Wm. D. Haywood for the murder of Fnuilt Uteunenbarf, waa laaued laat C. W.

AUar, formerly a telegraph operator and ticket agent for the Flore me and Cripple Crek at Cripple Creek, la charged with the offence by the proeecuttnff attorney of Ada County. Klevcn wltneaaea In rehuttal were exa mined yesterday. 11 rry I Orchard waa asked about bta acqunmtance with acme wltneaaea for the uV fence tvho have teatlfled aa to hie moxementa On cross examination. Orchard admitted that hla uncle, Peter Kinney, committed suicide by hanging in Canada some years ago, and was Insane before he kilted himself. The prosec ution also tried to show that hla mtUernal grand father was Insane, his monomania being Imaginary crimes committed long since ln Ireland.

Orchard denied all anowieage oi ms grandfather and said that hia uncle was not demented over Imaginary crimes. During the afternoon session wit- necaea contradicted the evidence givea by Aller. AUer testified for the defence In support of the iharge of a conspiracy against the Western Federation of Miners In which it is alleged the Mine Owners' Association, the Chief Cigsens' Alliance and the Plnkerton detecttYe agency were concerned. AUer swore that he saw Orchard and D. C.

Scott together at the station of the Florence and Cripple t'reek Railway one Sunday about three week prior to the eiploalon of the In dependence atatlon. elcott swore that he waa not then In Cripple Creek, and number of wltneaaea corroborated hitn was aworn out IWereT6r; lfter-eotrrt eharg ing Alter wltn perjury. The explosion at the home of Fred Bradley In San Francisco waa again under consideration to-day. The man ager of the Boise Oca Company, C. D.

Lnmpsnn, a resident of New York, qua- lined for the stats aa an expert. He discredited the aseertlon that gaa could have been Ignited by the glow at the end of a cigar. He waa croaa-examined at considerable length by Mr. Richardson. The general effect of his evidence waa that the explosion at the Bradley Home could not have been caused by gaa.

Some excitement was caused by a controversy between E. F. Richardson and B. M. 8ablne, an attorney of Idaho Springs, Colo.

Sabine wa engaged In the prosecution of a Member of case charging fourteen member of the Western Federation of Mlnra with crime and conaplrkry during the labor trouble of 1KU. Mr. Richardson wa the defending counsel In those case. AUSTRIA AND ITALY. Are Renewing Mutual Aesuranees of Undying Friendship.

Delo Lombardy, Italy, July 11 An official communication laaued seta forth that Baron Aebrenthal and Hlg-nor Tlttonlo hare proffered mutual friendship and that the meeting will result in an alliance "for the examination of the general European situ-tlon well aa question of special Interests to Austria-Hungary and Italy." It haa been demonstrated that the foreign ministers of the countries are In complete accord, the basis of which remains a always the principle of equilibrium and the maintenance of the status quo. The accord appllea not only to present contingencies but to those which may aria In the future. THE WILY JAPS. Nothing Incriminating Found en the Twe Men Arrested a Spies. Washington.

July II. Later It Is learned that both Japanese who were reported to have been arrested were detained a abort time, but were released. In the first case the Japanese detained at the direction ot the officer at Fort Roaecrana was acting In a tsusplctous manner near a prominent part of the fortlncationa. The man I believed to have bean Identified with one of the Japanese restaurant in Haa Francisco. There being nothing incriminating found on him.

he was put aboard the steamer at Fort Roae crana and aent to San Francisco. In the second Instance of reported arrest, the sit occurred at the Mare Island navy yard, and not at Fort Roaecrana. In this case the Japanese waa found examining th pojver house and waa escorted out of the yard. CONTEMPT Of COURT. San Franclaco.

July 11 Bmlle T. Zlmmer. who, like Louis Glass, Is vice-president of the Pacific Slates Telephone company, when called to the stand yesterday by Assistant District Attorney Heney In the case of Louis Glass, refused to he iwprn or to testify, and ass sentenced to Ave days Imprisonment for contempt of court. NOBODY HURT. Washington, July It.

A dispatch received at the state Department from U. 8. Ambaaaador Le lah man. eaye that fortunately no one connected with tha embassy wa Injured -In- the bomb explosion which occurred at Tien Weui Sunday evening. MYSTERY KILLINGS net by Unknown Person While tending eel Peeks.

Menominee. Mich, July I. While standing on the dock watching hi friends swimming la the bay John Bender, the 11-year-old son of Wolfgang Bender, ws shot by some unknown person. The bullet pierced the heart, caualng instant death. A pleasure boat was out on the bay at th time, but the occupant deny, having nred the fatal shot.

Dr. Francis E. Clarke, president of the Christ laa Endeavor Society, has returned from hi trip to South America, where he visited time of the eleven South Americas repuMkrsi ef which Onrletlaa Endeavor I making headway. I BATTLESHIP EXPLOSION a U.S.S. Georgia Men Killed in Turret.

EXPLOSION OF A CASE OF FOWDaKll. TIvxbt to Hit Been Camtd Hmoke Frota Faoitcl. Eight Dead ud Thtrtee Hart. Boston, July It. Klght man dead and thirteen injured, of whom two were critically ao, at the United Htataa Naval Hoepltal at Chelaea.

was the grim record lost on on the battleship Ueorgla yesterday off Province town. 8tx ware dead when the battleship reached here, and two more, one of them Lieut. Casper Goodrich, of Brooklyn, N. eon of Rear Admiral Ooodrlch, died at the hospital. Among the dead were: Wm.

J. Thatcher, chief turret captain. Wilmington, lel. Faulkner Uold-th watte, midshipman, Kentucky V. J.

Burke, ordinary seaman, Qui my, Mass. U. O. Hamilton, seaman, Houth Framtngham. Mass.

W. M. Thomas, ordinary seaman. Newport. R.

Oeo. Miller, ordinary seaman, Brooklyn. N. V. The explosion took place In tha after superimposed turret.

Thr accident wm due to tha explosion of a case of powder In the hands of the loader of the eight Inch gun Just aa It had been taken from the ammunition hoist. It was burning when the loader received It and it ex DlodedT Aa the nniiler it caused no damage to the ahlp, but fire land heat together with the concussion caused injury to every person In the tur ret at- the time. The theory of naval men here Is that the powder became mniuH, oy ft apark from the stack of tha battleahlp. smoke- Tha Ueorgla, which Is commanded by Admiral McCrea, la one of tha Aneet battleships of the navy, and haa been In commlaalon leaa than a year. She haa a displacement of H.Mf tons, and has 24 guns la her batteries.

oaaaaaa ononaDaaaaaDo I The Market. I ooDaaonDonaauonuannanaaaofi The market this morning was only ol meuiuiu iMoportiona lor von- aluertng tn. fact tiial tne growing weaiiier aiioum nave enaured a feu's" tenoance ol taotn producers and ouyers. i ne latter were in tne majority ana tne oKerhig were -prmiii4y-Ui upv ueaptte tne fact that the price were man- ne llie quauty not or tlis very first clsaa. The end la approaching for the local atrawberrtee sou the aesaon ha.

been a late and also a ahort onv. The beet palls this morning sold aa high as 11.36. while the more Interior atuck ran at about 11.10. The householder as a matter of tact geta better reaulta by buying berrlea at 10 venta box. There were plenty of green gooda on sale, and the local cabbage aold at SOc a dosen or to 10 cents each.

Carrot of a small variety were 20 cents a dosen bundles, radishes 20 cents dosen, and good green peaa were offered at 1 centa a gallon, the beat price the buyer has had thla year. There waa no large amount of poultry on. but a few nice aprlng rhirkena about the atse that require two for a meal sold at SO cents a pair. Poultry however was very ecarre. Butter waa fairly plentiful and by the pall went for from 1 to tl cents per pound, according perhape as much to the taate of the buyer aa the quality of the article.

Egga went at from 1 to 12 centa per dosen, sod were by no means plentiful. Most of the beef on hand waa aold at 17 per carcase, pork to 110 for light and It to It for heavy, while veal went at 7c for front, and ec to 10c for hinds. Only about half a dosen loads of hsr were on hand, and the price waa eaaler. the range being from IIS to lit per ton. Many of the farmera who did come to market claimed the attendance from now on would run amalt owing to the amount of work to he done on the farm end the uwi wmr can amp 10 mercnanta or aell to dealers.

INCENDIARY FIRE AT HARTLAND, N.B. Lee said to Bare Bees Quarter of a Mlllloa. Place Saturated With Oil. BL John. N.B..

July 16. Fire. that is said to have been of incendiary origin, did great damage at Hartland, Carlton County, eflarly yesterday. The blase broke out after midnight in W. F.

Thornton's drug store, and it is declared this place waa found saturated with oil, and thai the Ore apparatus had been tampered with, the Siamese having been removed, and two joint of the hose out. The buildings destroyed included Thornton's, Keith and Plummer'a produce establishment. McMillan', book store, Orsen's hardware store, Nixon' grocery, chat newspaper omce, post- office. Ifaseey-Harria agency, E. H.

Perdin's monument works. Ripper snd Miller's blacksmith shop, D. W. Let- son harness store, rlaywM's law office. McCormick's implement agency, McLaughlin carriage agency, telephone offloe, J.

Montgomery a proviaion tore, and Q. C. Watson's furniture and casket factory. The upper storeys of many of these building were occupied ss dwellings snd th oocupnt lost all their effects. A dosen other place were partially damaged, snd the big bridge across the river waa also some what damaged.

Boms reports place the loaa as high aa a quarter of a. million dollars, but this is probably excessive. Woodstock sent asiistsnee. HAVES WHISKERS. Wife Fell to Reeegnix Husband.

Barber wr to Identity. Peril. July 11 R. P. Brlgga was driven from his home at Macy.

this county, because his wife did not recognise him after he had his beard ahsved off for the first time since he marched with Sherman from Atlanta to the sea. The barber had to go home with him and swear that Brlgga waa the woman' husband before she would believe It. NEW STIIL SCOWS. Federal Oovommoirt Ha Them Built far Dredging Operation. Kingston.

OnL, July Is, tag is in port with twe new steel scow to be seed i dredging operation abowt Halifax. The era ft. go eeat ioaigbt. The arows soat US.suV piece. The Federal OorernsMnf owe the.

Mr. Pollard, Methorilatminister Chaotang-fu. Tunan province, China, ha heest swrieusly Injured the rioting there. The missionaries bare gone to Heng Kortg for safety. Employees Excursion Gornwall St, Lawrence Park, SATURDAY, JULY 20 Special Trains 8.30 a.


THE MOST REFRESHING AND WHOLESOME SUMMER BEVERAGE KNOWN of Nova Scotia (INCORPORATED 1B32J CAPITAL, S3.000.000 RESERVE FUND. S5.250.000 Unexcelled facilities for th transaction of all kinds of Banking Bualness. Special attention given to the Saving Department and interest credited quarterly on Savings Accounts. This is 4he nnly. bank having Its headofflce In Canada that submits its books and stattmenr to-Independent-Audit.

ZZ' Ottawa Branch NEWS OF COBALT AND OTHER MATTERS OF MONEY INTEREST A DIVIDEND OF SEYEN PER CENT Right of Waj Mining- Company Hake Another Fits Showta. Cars Showed Good Vain. r. w.v Mlnine Company which la owned elmost entirely by in-tawens has again declared a eeoond 1 nor cent, the former one having been paid In March last. This property wnicn cviiti.

miles of the Right of Way on the T. -t i iu-a mil.a south and arm v. i. two mile north of the city of cobalt. ha turned out to De one oi the Oobslt district.

The vein on v.ilcn KIMllf STW OD ttlO IWO riii, continuation of the cele mated Ultom yn company has been doing dewelop- i. ik. MHt four mourns and tile property unaer uie nient of Mr. josepn u. of the O'Brien Mining Company, is rapidly getting lino the position of a continuous shipper.

In report from th manager recently he staled that. 7i uv on which tne drift la run, there I at a conservative eattrmue over ll.bon.ono ore sia-m. The two cars which they too out re-mmi vmm dona bv hand In five weeks and netted over Mi. 000. A great drawnac has oeen uie nondelivery of mechlnery.

of whiti sh Ihs i i-h mmolslnlrur. The twelve drill compressor arrived In On- belt on irnoay last. whsch are now eemplete are of a aub- i (MIO- pianuw datlon snd mAal covered, so Mia I tney are almost tlrepi-oof. In about three month this company will be In a position to ship conthiuounty. and then wLm be one ot tne oesi oiviovim ia operation.

A PUZZLE TO STOCKBROKERS It -to Blwayi a puut to tock brokers and other intwMOd In quouuioni on the cuTlty marliet, why mucl. monay remalni tn th aavlng banki nd th aft vims drprtmnU the chrtr-d bank, at tha mparmitlr low rate Of three per cnt. whaa tliera ar stock pyin from four and a half to aeven per cant, upon which tha continuity of din-denda and Intereat' van practically ba guaranteed aa a certainty, aaya the Montreal Wllneaa. There la Bank ot Montreal stork, for Interest, now paylnc orer four per cent, on tha purchaa prloa Bank of Toronto and Commerce paylnc four and a half, and Ininerlal nearly flva per cenL The Merrluinta pay five, tha Bank of Brtttah North America five and a quarter, and the Hochehtam about th aania. The Nova Arotia paya over four per oante, th Standard 6re and a half, and the Dominion Bank free per nt.

All thae stork, and many other bank eaeur It lea. while they rairry a double liability, ara to all Intents and purposes as enund aa eonaola, or the Bank of England. They are the cream of Canadian banking Inst I tut feme, repn ting and refWUna the unique dereloiment and stability of Industry and rammers for which this country la aow aa widely known. tTOCK MARKET, KW York. July The Tolatlla upshot of of stock and the furious acttrlty th trad In the first hour yeleiUy gave an InTpreasion of vtoletit speeCulMlv activity and of a strfck market rerlral which has not ben ae for ft long time past Th auhal.

onca of tha activity after that waa ao abrupt aa to ba rather dsvmcerting to th operatre who war attempting tn follow tha movement. Hharea aold In tb 0rtt boar aggregated M4.00, wlUla 151 Sparks Street J. McKEEN, Manager. for the second hour the tbtal dropped 78.004J ahara. The animation ot the early dealing KOmthln the surpria of a ahort intsreat which hail follow i the abrupt relasae of um middle of laat week and waa left uncovered when (he favorable hank statement and the opinion formed toward the Harrtman report carried pri upward and alarmed the shorts.

In plte of lant week gain of in the surplus reserves of tha bank that Item ntund at only whirh I the hwet for this date sinca IS93. New York exchange dropped abruptly in 60 centa discount at hl cago. The foreign exchange market last week showed clearly the effect ot the effort of borrower here and th obscure reourrea abroad. Thla movement seemed to be ahandoned to-day, following the stronger ehovi-ing of the hanks on Saturday, and fop eign exchange rates rose briskly. Copper fell in london and local metal ex- changed and kept alive anxiety ovr the stability of that market.

Price held moderately firm most of the day even after the demand had flatten! out completely, but the speculative buyers of the mom Ing threw orer their holdings In the final hour and the result was a reaction which left most-stocks lower than where they lefl off on Saturday. Honds wer steady. To tal SHies, par value, I9C2.00O. U. bonds were unchanged on call, THE ftOVE REIGN BANK.

New York. July It. Announcement was made yesterday that th Sovereign Bank of Canada will close lta local offlc In the near future and that the bank's New York busineaa will be transacted through J. P. Morgan A Co.

hereafter. Th bank's offldale Indicate that the local ofm will cioa- ed aa a result of a policy of retrench ment recently adopted. ONE OF THE PIONCEA8. Halleybury, July UMr. Benolt, ef North Bay, a pioneer of thla country, waa In town Wednesday.

He waa one of the first to brave the wilds of the north, being a railroad contractor. At that time Mr. Benolt aaya he 'nerer even dreamed of seeing a large town on thla and he thought any man coming In here waa craxy. He Is now much pleased with the growing town. per box -i.

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