The Pocono Record from Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania • Page 4
- Publication:
- The Pocono Recordi
- Location:
- Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 4
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
The Pocono Record EDITOR! AL I'AGE Day 1 very Take your pick of names, but today is one of the very special periods of time in this topsy-turvy era in which we live. On the surface today is much like any other day, containing 24 hours, a sunrise, sunset and the various hours indicated by a clock. However, this is a day set aside for a very special project, one that has won the support of teen-ager and adult, college and high school students and the "establishment" as well. This is a day with a special meaning for educated and non-educated alike, for landowners and leasees, for city and country dwellers and in general for everyone in all walks of life. The day has two Day" or "Environmental Awareness Day" but only one goal.
That goal is to make the United States a better place in which to live. The Pocono Mountains are showing a tremendous amount-of activity, with East Stroudsburg State College and neighboring high schools setting the pace. The public is invited to attend a program at ESSC today that features a number of events, starting at 8 a.m. and windingup at approximately 8p.m. Itwouldbe an education to everyone.
Today is an early attack by the public against pollution, poison, dirt and irresponsiblity. The war must continue if the air and streams are to become clean and wholesome once again. Tremendous losses Two of Monroe County's most prominent citizens died on Sunday and each will be missed by the area they served through the years. Death came to Chester A. Coleman, 92, and Mrs.
Anna E. Louise Strickland, 61, within hours at the General Hospital of Monroe County. Coleman was a legend in his own time, while Mrs. Strickland was a tireless worker for the resort industry in the Pocono Mountains and for the General Hospital of Monroe County, despite an illness of many years. Coleman served three terms in the Pennsylvania Assembly and never missed a committee meeting or a roll call during his duty in the Legislature, a record that is imposing to say the least.
He also served in many county offices and with many county businesses and played a major role in guiding the growth of the area through almost a century of life. Mrs. Strickland assisted her husband, Edmund, in developing Strickland's Mountain Inn into one of the most prosperous honeymoon resorts from a small hotel that had a multitude of owners during the pre-Strickland era. Mrs. Strickland was also a tireless worker in behalf of the General Hospital, where her energy and friendly approach made her tremendously popular with patients and employes alike.
Both Coleman and Mrs. Strickland will long be remembered for the parts they have played in the growth, development and appearance of Monroe County. They will be missed, especially by their coworkers and those who knew of their many accomplishments. New seeds may be sown on 'Earth Day' Light Side Answer available By GENE BROWN CHtaway News Service A teenager is a person who knows the answer to any problem he doesn't understand Financial disclosure A friend of mone who borrowed for the first slime from the bank found it necessary to renew his loan. He was utterly amazed to find out that they don't give you money again on the renewal.
Last few days Don't panic if you haven't filed your tax return according to my researchers no on in this State has been penalized by execution for failing to file. The great disadvantage of democracy is that so often you find yourself in agreement with people you can't stand. The horse would have a laugh if he could watch today's motorist adjusting his shoulder harness. The Pocono Record ESTABLISHED APR I 1, ALAN GOULD publisher and Manager 1 JAMES I LEY. Editor PAUL T.
HART, News Editor CHARLES H. EDMONOSON, Advertising Manager KEITH M. EDINGER, Classified Advertising Manager ROBERT S. WIDMER. Circulation Manager JAMESA.
MURPHY, Mechanical Superintendent CHARLES H. NASE, Press Room Foreman Second class postage paid al Slroudsburg, Pa. Published daily except Sunday at 511 Lenox Slroudsburg. Pa. laMO.
Telephone (717) Member Uniled Press International and Audll Bureau of clrculalions. Bureau Office-- Municipal Mounl Pocono, Pa. Telephone The Pocono Record Is oublished by Pocono Record, Inc. Lyndon R. Boyd, President; James H.
Otlaway, Chairman of Ihe Board; Eugene J. Brown, Vice Cnalrman; James H. Otlaway, Vice President; Ruth B. Olfaway, Vfce President and Secretary; Elton P. Hall, Vice President; F.
Philip Blake, Vice President; Alan Gould, Treasurer. NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE: OTTAWA ADVERTISING SALES BOX CAMPBELL HALL, NEW YORK 10916 AREA CODE 9M Subscription Rules: Carrier, 75 cenls weekly. Motor route delivery (where available) $3.50 monlh. By mall (1st through 3rd zones); 3 monlhs, S7.75; 6 monlhs, SU.SO; One year, S5B (Including U. S.
Pottage); Over 300 miles, $31 year (Including U. S. Postage), special serviceman and student rates available on request. Pnone (717) 421-3000. By GENE S.
GOLDENBERG Ottaway News Service Washington Bureau WASHINGTON The fight to clean up the environment is seen by the organizers of this "Earth Day" as a natural extension of the anti-war movement. "There's a strong philosophical relationship between all protest movements Civil rights, the war, environment," explains Stephen Cotton, a leader of Environmental Action, Inc. This Washington-based, non-profit group is the driving force behind "Earth Day" today, a nationwide series of campus teach-ins, protests and community rallies. Action leaders estimate that 2,000 campuses, 2,000 community groups and 10,000 high schools will participate. In addition at least 19 United States Senators and five governors will speak today.
But Cotton and other Action leaders don't view the fight against pollution as merely a "one shot" protest. "Earth Day" is designed to give groups across the nation an organizational focus for continued involvement in environmental issues. Cotton, a Harvard law student, sees the clean-up not as a battle against symptoms, but rather against causes. This is the relationship he notes between "Earth Day" and national protests against the war. "Look," he explains, "if the war ended tomorrow, the country would still be in a mess." So Environmental Action is out to reform the decision- making processes that allow major industries, for example, to pollute streams, rivers and the air around us in the first place.
Cotton and his colleagues do not merely want to clean things up only to have them set dirtv Action as a formal organization was originally set up early in January under the name Environmental Teach- In, Inc. But this label was soon discarded because, as Cotton puts it, "We wanted to go beyond students talking to each other." In this goal, Action leaders have been successful, with anti-pollution drives set in several major cities and backed by business executives and civic leaders rather than students. However, the 15 or so a i of Action are themselves mostly young average age is about 23 -and mostly college and graduate students who are taking time off from school to put "Earth Day" together. The national coordinator is Denis Hayes, a former student body president at Stanford University and presently on leave from Harvard Graduate School. Cotton said some of Action's coordinators were active in the anti-war moratorium and mobilization groups, but he i a A i is a a of these organizations.
So far, Action's money lias come from individual contributions and six or seven grants from small foundations, according to Cotton. The budget to date about $100,000 has been supplemented by the volunteer help of hundreds of Washington-area students, housewives and businessmen. Cotton estimates that Action will spend about $125,000 in all to set up "Earth Day." After Wednesday, Action's leaders are hopeful that there will be little need for a central coordinating group. Indeed, if "Earth Day" is successful, the seeds of protest will be effectively sown so that Action can leave the rest of the job to its progeny. Jim Bishop Losf in drama 'It says here we're winning the space race' Allen-Goldsmith Report Shooting works 1 A' Robert S.
Allen A I a J. i i a Fulbright is dropping some very intriguing hints. John A. Golds The possibility that three astronauts might be left to float forever in the darkness of space plunged this house into gloom and prayer. It had an identical effect in millions of other homes and, for of us were lost m- meditation.and we spoke in whispers.
1 broke the silence at dinner on the first night the space ship was in difficulty by saying, witlessly I'm sure: "Why all the silence?" Kathi, 15, shrugged and said: 'I was thinking about those three men." Karen, 17, said: "Two of them are married and have families." 'Does that make the third man's life less valuable?" I said. My wife, Kelly, shrugged. "Frankly," she said, "I don't see any reason why they can't send another space ship out there and hook up with those men and let them walk across with those ropes they use." A husband always responds to ignorance with phrases like: "In the first place 1 "said: "In the first place, there is no Apollo, ready for rescue. In the second place, lie would be going outward bound at thousands of miles an hour while Apollo passed him in darkness going thousands of miles in the opposite direction. In the third place Never mind," she said.
It was a dreary evening, you may recall. I told them all that, since the three men had left earth, more tham their number had been killed in Vietnam, and scores of precipus lives had been tost in ac-, cidents on our highways: "Daddy," Kathi said, "you don't understand. We don't know those other feel we know Captain Lovell and Fred Haise and John Swigert." "From television?" I said. "No, she said, "from newspapers and TV. The kids in school say they're dying of lack of oxygen." "I think," I said, as though anyone cared, a the a was lost is not breathing oxygen.
It's LOX liquid oxygen." Kathi shrugged. "I'm only telling you what the kids said." Somewhat petulantly, I said: "Listen to me for a change instead of those juvenile idiots." The gloom was upon all of us, and each reacted in a separate way. Prayers were said and wishes were wished. The next day, the news was worse. Th'.
crippled module was aimed 140 miles off coi rse and, unless a correction could he made, it vould miss the earth's at- mosphere and float around this planet helplessly with three men forever in a small prison. It began to affect me. My ability to concentrate regressed until I could no longer shove the subject out of my mind. Random thoughts: Every time man eaches too far to step on God's big toe, man gets the business. He pays for it.
How about the man who didn't make the flight the man exposed to German measles. Was this fate or was it design? Now they tell us that a battery aboard the module is overheating. Wash Apollo 13 sabotaged? If so, by whom? If it wasn't, who is in charge of final inspection? Hour by hour The dramatic story unfolded hour by hour. Soon the whole family was listening as TV repeated the same dismal facts over and over and over. The set was left on.
Every time a cultured pearl of a voice enunciated: "Apollo 13 is the entire family shouted "Shhh!" and stood stock still for the latest news. Finally, it came down to a slight course correction which would bring Apollo 13 gliding to the Pacific provided the retro and booster rockets still worked. It jvould occur at 11:43 p.m. one night 43 minutes beyond the girls' bedtime. They asked: "Can we stay up?" I said In the same breath, Kelly said "No." "We won't be.
able to sleep anyvyay," Karen said. I Their mother looked grim. "Then go to bed at 11 and stay awake. But (both have sdhoof tomorrow." Now the young blue eyes were on dad. more a i a dominance? Or would he surrender? "Do as your mother says," I said.
For several days, Apollo 13 was almost the sole topic in the house. Some friends phoned and said: "Isn't it awful?" and we phoned some people and said: "Isn't it awful?" There was nothing we could do about it but it riveted our attention like a cobra in a crib. No movie script could match it for building tension over hours and days. I wondered why three lives should mean so much, so very much, to a family far away. Then I remembered that old story of the shepherd who left his flock to look in the dangerous darkness for the one lamb who had strayed casions, Fulbright has been bluntly challenged and told off.
He obviously didn't like it. some i i a been They go far to explain his acrimonious ultra- sardonically known among colleagues as "the peacenik stridency, his unexpected opposition to Judge Carswell after voting for Judge Haynsworth, advocating trade and other ties with Russia and Red China and other highly controverisal international positions. unrequited Secretary of Stale." His burning ambition was to wind up his public career as head of the State Department. For years on close terms with then- Senate Leader Lyndon Johnson, Fulbright con- The 74-year-old Arkansan is intimating this is fidently expected to be installed as Secretary of State following the 1964 election. Instead, Johnson retained Secretary Dean Rusk, who had been appointed by President Kennedy.
From a strong supporter pf'the Vietnam war, he became an increasingly garrulous and militant opponent. Before the 1964 election he had declared, "We have no choice but to support the South Vietnamese government and army by the most effective means United States his last Senate term. In other words, he has decided to wind up his congressional career and feels free to "shoot the works." Re-elected in 1968, Fulbright is serving his fifth term which expires in 1974. He served one term in the House, 1D42-44, before winning a Senate seat in 19-14. Prior to that, he was president of the University of Arkansas for a short time before being kicked out in a political row.
The Pennsylvania Story Howling future Mtison Deimon The chances are strong that in the next Con-- will continue to meet its obligations and fulfill gress, which convenes in January 1971, there- will be a number of changes in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee which Fulbright heads a position he has consistently used to push his contentious views and theories. These changes in the committee's membership could importantly affect Fulbright's high-handed manipulation of the committee. His wings could be sharply clipped. Should the Republicans capture control of the Senate, Fulbright would lose this prize chairmanship outright. It would be taken over Senator A i i Republican committeeman.
Such a shift would drastically deflate Fulbright. Regardless of the election outcome, there are certain to be at least four new commit- a a Republicans. Out of the total membership of 15 (nine Democrats, six Republicans), that could markedly modify the basic viewpoint and attitude of the committee from being generally pro Fulbright to anti. Even under the present line-up, he has lately been encountering opposition to some of his moves. Some of the i private meetings have been stormy.
On several oc- its commitments with respect to Vietnam." Now he is thundering a completely different tune. Don Maclean HARRISBUHG "Leading Pennsylvania for the next four years will be a great challenge." That, most certainly, is an understatement, to say the least! The pronouncement was offered the other day by i a a J. Broderick, the unopposed Republican candidate for Pennsylvania's governorship this year. In making the observation, Broderick was not trying to be facetious; he indeed spoke a truism, but most certainly he understates the case. For one thing, regardless of whether a i a a i gubernatorial right to paddle around the swimming pool at the summer manse at nearby Edward Margin Military Reservation, he will in all probability face a disjointed, politically- split Legislature as has Gov.
Raymond P. Shafer during his tenure, as did Gov. William Scranton before him, as did Gov. David Poor presentation WASHINGTON I suppose television thinks it covered itself with glory by its super This time, just as television was forced to do programs snowing how matter-of-factly the This spectre in itself is frightening enough most certainly a bit of a "challenge." This and other backyard aches and pains are in the offering for Pennsylvania's next great leader bul one of the prime upcoming a i i i a the Keystone State's spending program. Is it to continue? One thing seems certain, and that is that if it continues at the near-billion-dollar pace that has marked the incumbent Shafer Administration an uprising of the peasants seems almost assured! i But Broderick, who allows as how if he duper reports on the astronauts' hair-raising public was taking moonshots these days, the wins the right to become skipper of Penn ride.
The view here is that TV newsmen emergency occurred. Television newsmen sylvania's ship of state, apparently covered themselves with something, all right, seemed to be scarcely able to keep the glee off recognizes the frothings in the hustings among TMt their faces the taxpaying masses. At least that would And get it they did to the point of seem to be 'he case from his campaign ut- overcoverage, a i and but I am not sure just what it was. For one thing, when the emergency in the moonship first developed, television broad- terances. Markin time April 22, 1970 PAGE FOUR Folks do not have so many cares And seem a little more like brothers, When they will mind their own affairs, And do not meddle with the others.
casters suffered from being the boys who have needless frenzy. Quoth he the other day: cried Wolf! often. The space story had everything men "There is great concern these days about lhe first announcement of trouble aboard risking Iheir lives, a perilous journey, periodic the fiscal Problems of the Commonwealth I the spacecraft was so similar to other space developments which could be interpreted believa the taxpayers of the Commonwealth alarms (which never really developed into several ways, scientific details which could be cannot afford the burden of another broadbas- anylning) that for one, didn't pay too much endlessly discussed and, best of all, what eti tax (referring to a state income attention to it. television newsmen must have known in their Rememer the panicky bulletins on the hearts, a fairly certain happy ending previous flight, when lightning'hit the ship on take-off? Listening to television newsmen, one quickly got the idea that the astronauts would Did VOU KI1OW be lucky to get out of it alive, As it turned out, the mission was unaffected and the moon So far so good but he also made what i columist is a more i a observation when he said: "I think there has been much talk about new taxes and not enough about cutting costs. time has come to stand up and tell the Luther Markin landing went off without a hitch.
The population of East Stroudsburg was people that something can be done about the 5 in 1 QOfl snimllnn- nrtci nf clntn 4,855 in 1920. spiraling cost of slate government.".
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