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Richford Journal and Gazette from Richford, Vermont • 2

Richford, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

7 West Berkshire. RICHFOED, OCT. 18, 1001. two flower gardens are alike. Tlio Vermont SUilo Teachers' Association-will hold ils annual meeting nt Burlington October 2-1-20.

An elaborate programme has been arranged, and the meeting will bo the most instructive mid interesting of nny iu tho his toi-y of lite Association. Frankllhi. The Ladies' Aid Society will meet at, Mrs. A.D. Whitney's Hriday afternoou and evening.

Wiufield Hall and Samuel Hulbert have gone to Long Islafnd, where they have positions in an infcane asylum. The Jacqueminot roses of one Liberalism Prevailed. San Francisco, Oct. 16. The troublesome question of marriage and divorce was set at rest for another three years to-day by tho action of lhe house of deputies of the tri-onninl Episcopal convention in rejecting both of the proposed canons on tho "subject which was passed by the house of bishops.

The section forbidding tho remarriage of a divorced person by a priest of the church together with the whole garden differ radically from the Jacqueminot roses of another It all depends on the gardener So it is with coffee. No two plantations produce exactly the same berry. After quarter of a century as coffee importers, we began studying the plantations. 25 years had taught us coffee, 12 years more taught us where it was grown. The.

pick of the world's choicest berries goes into your coffee pot when you use Chase San In i-lb. and a lb Tin Cans (air tight). Other high grades in richly-colored parchment bags (moisture proof). Merchants, Butchers, We want a Bond man in your looullty to pick up Ac, for nn. Cash furnished nn sufficient giiftraa ty.

AtldreseO. S.Page Jfyde Park, Vermont Strong's Concord Wheels. The Best Made! of canon.30, was rejected. A Fiendish Attack. An attack was lately made on C.F.

Collier of Cherokee, Iowa.tbat nearly proved fatal. It came through his kidneys. His back got so lame ho could not stoop without great paiu, nor sit in a chair except propped by cushions. No remedy helped him until he tried Electric Hitters which effected such a wonderful change that he writes he feels like a new man. This marvelous medicine cures backache and kidney trouble, purifies the blood and builds up your health.

Only 50c at F. W. Mitchell's drug store. What's Your Face Worth? Sometimes a fortune, but never, if von have a sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth patches and hlotel IPS nn tho 8KU1. an signs of liver trouble.

Bin-. Dr. King's New Life Pills give clear skin, rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Only 25c at F. W.

Mitchell's diuj store. qxa Good Advice. The most miserable belno-s I world are those sullerinir fi on iK-snpnain an liver complaint. More than seventy- nve per cent of the people in the United Stales are alllieled with these two dis eases aud their effects; such as sour stomach, sick headache, habitual cos-tlyeness' palpitation of the heart, heartburn, waterbrash, gnawing aud burniug pains ai uie pit ol llie stomach, yellow sum, coated tongue and disagreeable taste in the mouth, cominc nn of fnml after eating, low spirits, etc. Go to your druggist, and get a bottle of Ausust Mower lor cents.

Two doses will re lieve you. Trv iK For Mitchell. Get Green's Prize Almanac. Something of Importance. Wo arc all tlio time thinking of soniethino; tliiit will gladden the hearts and pleasa the taste of the people, and lo maintain onr reputation as popular purveyors we make every ell'ort.

As cvideneo of this wo offer for your Christmas anil Year dinner the following list of good things: Geese, Ducks, Turkeys, CIiickeiTsT Beef, Pork, Hani, Bacon and all kinds of Sausage. Just received from the Great' Lakes, a nice lot of Fresh Fish, comprising llore. 1'ike, TOT. Salmon, IVhitefisli, Smelt and Macke- have the largest and hest line of Confectionery, ever exhibited in town. Also, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Figs, Nuts, Raisins and tried Fnnts.

nave i eier.y, huanisli Onions, and all kinds icKuuuiie Ki-on-n in jNortLicrn Vermont, Staple Groceries. stock of these goods is ineomioralile. promptly delivered anywhere within the vitiate limits. Casayant IVIosier. River Iticliford HORSE and HARNESS considered together by the makers of the HARNESS offer.

Each piece is made to conform to shape of the animal, and so nicely ad-jnsted that there is entire freedom from unnecessary strain. The result is better work from the horse and more of it. prices are not high, butonr qualities are. A. McKINNEY, street HICHFOKD is a long period to bo in one place, handling one line of goods am now giving my pationsitho benefit of knowledge and experience that 1 have gained during the 42 years that 1 have handled this line here in Richford.

selling honestly madeam! reliable floods low prices as does any first class Jeweler. I cany a complete lino of Main Net 39,091 New Paid desk, our 45 Mrs. Dr. Cusliniau i Ilighgate is visiting nt Mrs. M.

Leayen's. Several young people from here attended tlio play at Richford Friday night. Mrs. Cynthia Thayer went to Boston Wednesday. V.

S. Ewms picked a bouquet of buttercups and daisies one day last week. Charles Laduo has taken A.E. Hosier's Richford farm and moved there. J.

C. Weld and C. II. Austin attend ed the Masonic meeting at East Fair-f field the 11th. The W.C.

T. U. will meet with Miss Sadie F.lrirk lho19th. Misses Minnie C'npron, Miranda F.w-tns and Eniniett Weld are attending the musical festival at Burlington. Coming to RlchforJ.

Dr. II. D. Martin, the eye snccialist will open an ollice at the American House Oct. where he can be con sulted uulil Nov.

1. Dr. Martin has all the modern apparatus for diagnosing diseased eyes ana correcting all detects of His success in treating all the various eye troubles is well known, and his experience covers many years. Don't neglect this opportunity to" consult him. Ollice houis 9 a.

in. to 8 p. in Adv. Hazing Abolished. Iu common with Ihe students of other institutions, the Norwich University Cadets have in limes past indulged in the practice of hazing the Freshmen more or less severely; and this in spite of the fact that the regulalious are very strict against it.

Hut in colleges (as in society at large) laws of this sort when unsuppoiti by Ihe. opinion of the students, are difficult of enforcement, and the authorities have been unable to obtain ollicial knowledge of the violation of these regulations though endeavoring to do so. Recently a great change has come over the students in this regard and in their respective, class meetings they have voluntarily pledged themselyes to carry out the regulations. These pledges haying been sent to President ilrown, he has issued an order congratulating the faculty and the cadets, that the word ''hazing" is abolished from the vocabulary of Norwich University. This action ol the cadets will be welcomed by the many friends of the University throughout the state.

Came Near Dying. "For three days and nights I suffered agony untold from at attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucum hers," snys M. E. I.owther, clerk of the district court, Ccnterville, Iowa. "I thought I should surely die, and tried a dozen different medicines but all to no purpose.

1 sent for a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and three doses relieved me entirely. 1 went to sleep and did not awake for eight hours. On awaking a few hours 1 iWNtfrfBfm-fflllt llite lil'sf "work I do on going to the office is to write to the manufacturers of this remedy and ot ter them my grateful thanks lwnd Ray, 'God bless you and the splendid medicine you This remedy is for sale by F. YV. Mitchell.

Bakers field, Principal and Mrs. C. II. Morrill, A. AV.

Potter and Mrs. Potter and several students of Hrigliani academy went to Ilighgate Tuesday to attend the funeral of Willie Sheldon, who was a former student of Ihe academy. F. II. Leach of East Fairfield is putting up a wind mill for the Bakersfield Aqueduct Company.

C. F. Parks addressed the Young Men's Christian Assoociation in ling-ham academy hall Tuesday evening. The funeral of Mrs. Lorn by Lavigne who was found dead Sunday afternoon by her grandson, Joseph LaBell, was held at the Catholic church Tuesday.

Miss Georgia Scott has returned to her home. A Dcaullful Memorial. The October ATernionter is a McKin-ley memorial number. It is devoted largely to llie visits of President. McKinley to Vermont in 1892 and in 1897.

The trips of the Vermont Republicans to Canton after the September election, in 18(10, and to the first inauguration of President McKinley, March 4, 1897, are also described. A beautilul tribute to the memory of the late President appears in the number in the form of a sonnet by Mrs. Julia C. E. Dorr.

A notable feature of this memorial number is a symposium of tributes to McKinley by extinguished Vermonlers, including Gov. Stickney, Senator Red-field Proctor, Congressman D. J. Foster, ex-Gov. Frederick Holbrook, Congressman George Edmund Foss, of Chicago, Hon.

John Harrett, Hon. Olin Merrill, Hon. U. B. Smalley and Col.

George T. Guilds. The number is elaborately illustrated and contains three full "page portraits of President McKinley and a dozen full page group views of events and scenes illustrating President McKinley's visit to Vermont and the trips of Vermont Republicans to Canton and Washington. Burned to Death. St, Johnsbury A rear end collision of freight trains occurred on the Passumpsic division of Ihe B.

near Passumpsic about five o'clock this afternoon. A regular freight north stopped with the rear car in a bridge and an extra freight following struck it derailing three cars. Ii. T. Corey of Littleton, N.

was a passenger in the caboose of regular train, which was burned. He was probably killed instantly and his body has not been recovered from the wreck. A car on the extra loaded with pigs was burned. The engineer and fireman of the. special were severely injured by jumping from their engine.

Stepped Into Live Coals, "When a child I burned my foot frightfully," writes W.1I. Eads of Jones-ville, "which caused horrible leg sores for 30 years, but Bueklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything else tailed." Infallible for bums, scalds, cuts, sores, bruises and piles. Sold by F. W. Mitchell.

2rc. When you canuot sleep for coughing, it is hardly necessary that any one should tell you that you need a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to allay the Irritation of the throat, and make sleep possible. It is good. Try it. For sale by F.

W. Mitchell. it It 7Tlio Physician as a Teacher. In a paper rend before the Hundred club In New York recently by the secretary, Mr. G.

W. Smith, advocating "the public employment of the physician as a health instructor," the history of man's development and of Reaching were dwelt upon nt considerable length to prove that health Instruction of Individuals from childhood is as necessary, If not more so, thnu Instruction in any other line. That this subject was at one period of the world's development considered of fiaramount importance Is evident from he fact that men lived many hundred years during the early period of history. One-fourth of the population of the earth now die before the age of and one-half before the ago of 10, a mortality rate that would be disastrous to our farming Industry. While there Is a difference In vnlue In stock as compared to children, even the New Jersey judge who awarded damages of $1 against a trolley company for the killing of a child would have considered the amount too small had It been his own child or a pet dog.

While it Is true that there Is lit tie value placed on the Individual In our time, we care for the helpless at great expense to the community, and purely n3 a matter of economy in public expenditure it would be less expensive to teach people how to maintain health than to care for the wrecks caused by Ignorance. When we take Into account the increase In production that would naturally follow an Improvement In general health conditions, there can bo no question as to the economic value of this addition to our educational system. The necessity of the physician in public schools to prevent the spread of epidemic diseases has been recognized by the employment of 12 physicians to supervise the public schools of New York city. Their duties should bo extended to the individual supervision of overworked, underfed and poorly clothed children, whose parents should receive instruction at the public expense as to the details of their care necessary for a more perfect development. The necessity for this phase of the public employment of the physician was treated quite exhaustively in a paper read- before the Academy of Medicine at Indianapolis some 20 years ago by Dr.

n. W. Wiley, president of the club. The present is advocated as most, opportune for this change in our educational methods because of the great progress that has been made In the complish more for humanity in tl'is direction than at any other period in the world's history. When the object of the physician will be chaDged from curative to preventive and it becomes his interest to know the best means to prevent disease aiid eradicate hereditary tendencies, the motive for upholding this or that school of "patby" will disappear, and all will seek from experience to learn the most useful method:) of producing desired results.

A few days ago wo read in the yellow newspapers, under Darning headlines, that a great battle was in progress in South Africa, the British lino extending a distance of 25 miles along the Tugela river, and that 33,000 Britons were engaged In strenuous and bloody conflict with a great army of sturdy Afrikander yeomen. The belching of cannon and the whizzing of duia-lum bullets were reported to have luvii heard all the way from rotgieter's drift to Lombard's kop. The ollicial report of this engagement, given out the following day by the London war office, announced that one man had died from dysentery, and one had been wounded while making a reconnois-sance of the Tugela. War is unquestionably just what General Sherman said it was, but the work of the war correspondent, after it gets through the padding factory, Is now and then decidedly humorous. Some newspaper padding romanticists are attempting to demonstrate "how Americans can see the Paris exposition on CO cents a day." No American ever did "see Paris" on 50 cents a day and in all probability no American ever will.

The Parisians know an American when they see one. Sir Thomas Upton denies the published report that he has offered to race for the America's cup tills year, but reaffirms his intention to be on hand In 1901. It is evident that Sir Thomas docs not want to close the nineteenth century with another defeat Pugilism in New York is likely to run up against a legislative kopje, and the members of the prizefighting fraternity, who have been having things about their own way lately in the eastern metropolis, will soon be seen trekking to more congenial climes. Jt is said that young Alfonso, king of Spain, is a great student of history and geography. Rather sorry accomplishments, these, considering what he has had to learn concerning their recent relation to Spanish dominion.

The open season for Denver editors seems to have been inaugurated quite auspiciously, two of tnem having been bagged in one day by a local sports nan. The Burlington Free Press under- cfontla ir ie rniifn iiftQtiilli illot there wHl be no Republican guberna- luciai comosii nexi il uis i uuc CiiT means that Gen. J. G. McCullougli will hp ihi pnnrlirlnf p.

This is not. the jasit when Gen. MfCulIoufiH pulls out of the race and if he lias sidetracked the other aspirants thus early lie is to be congraiuiaieri upon nis political shrewdness. Northlield News. E.

J. Hulbert has 'one to Middle- town, where lifs a position in a hospital. Mr. and Mrs. C.

Gates went to Burlington Tuesday. Miss Amanda Ovitt and mother went to Lowell, ol the excursion Tuesday. Hibbard Pomeroy ivho has been in Boston for some time is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mr G. E.

romcroy Mrs. O. G. Baker 'ami two children are visiting her pareilts in Walpole, II. Mrs.

L.A.R. Hibl id of Providence ILL, is Truax-. the guest l.of Mrs. Eneanor add Enos I Ilirt.m Leach, Oriiji Woodward and Will Adams, who haA been very iil for several weeks, orcein better. John Adams of Springfield, has come to help his mother, Mrs.

Emily Adams, care for his brother Will. Byron FarnswortBi, aged about 70 years, was buried laM week. Ho had for several years maile his home with G. D. McAllister.

Georgia. Mr and Mrs. Charjes Thomas of Pea-body, who have been spending a week with Ehnerf riiomas, his brother, and other friend's in town, have returned to their home. Charles Dee, an old resident, who has been visiting h.s sister. Mrs.

Diana lias started for his Lome in Iowa. Mrs. Isaac Vosburg of Saranac Lake, X. is visiting her brother, Allen Miner, and sister, (Orsa Miner of West Georgia. Edward Jocelyn died last week of apoplexy.

Alvah Sabln of Syracuse, 111., has been visiting iu town. Mrs. Richardson, mother of Mrs. Ludtick, died Smithy night. Oscar Sunderland, residing in the north part of the town, came near being buried alive recently.

While digging a ditch, the earth caved in burying him lo his neck. Fortunately help was near. Mrs. O. C.

Waite was thrown from her carriage the 12th and cut a gash her forehead which required three stitches to clos" Tot Cki i. Alarm. 'One night Brothers baey was brothel's baby- taken with croiV' writes Mrs. J. Snider, of Cbittejeu, -'it seemed it would strangle Uorc we could get doctor, so we ene it Dr.

King's New Discovery, whiehjave quick relief and permanently cure it. We always keep in the house protect our children from croup and'hooping cough. It cured me of a ehrdc bronchial trouble that no other niedy would relieve, Infallible for coujS, colds, throat and lung troubles. Trial bottles free at F. W.

Mitch's. It Happened a Drua; Store. "One day last wer a lady came to my drug store and-ked for a brand of cough medicine tr.I did not have in stock," says C. R. andin, ihe popular druggist of "She was disappointed ana wad to know what coush preparation ould recommend.

said to Her that I col freely recommend Chamberlain's Cons Remedy and that she could take a of the remedy aim giying it sir trial it sue did not find it worth money to bring back the bottle and would re mid the price paid. Iu the ctse of a day or two the lady came back company with a friend in need of a igh medicine and advised her to buy aittle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedi consider that a very good rccommen ion for the remedy." The remedy its great, popularity and extensive in a large measure to the personal ommendations of people who have beenired by its use. is for sale by F. Wtitehell. A (jood ng.

German Syrup is thpccial prescrip tion of Dr. A. Rosche celebrated Ger man physician, and isknowlcdged to be one of the most fonate discoveries in medicine. It quid cures coughs, colds aud all lung trom of the severest nature, removing, as les, the cause of the atleetion and leat me parts in a strong and healthy co.ion. It is not an experiment medici, but has stood the test of years, givi satisfaction iu every case, which its idly increasing sale every season eonlli.

I wo minion bottles sold annually, t'hee's German syrup was introduced the united States In 18CS, and Is msold in every town aud village in tmvuizea worlil Three doses will rcli any ordinary cough. Price cents. or sale hy VV. Mitchell. Get Gre? Prize Almanac.

lure 4nd DRUG latent MEDINES Toilet I azes Articles FFUMES and Are thst noimlar. Latest co-Carnation rink andsian Koe. Sai free. Cut prices on Patent Medicines, and D. M.

Railroad Ticket r. River street, HFORD For Immediateile. The Premont Block on Troy st-near veneer mill. The Premont Block orer street, (Koth properties are paving a eoor centage on investment and will'be sold eb Also, a bnilding lot at Kast F'rd and a building lot Mi Hicbford village. For particulars apply to ev.

a. o. H.DCT, rd, Vt. We iu Onr linod arc we the Our roy I the I am at as SILVEIt not. sight I of Watch Jewelry Special the This brand years In cotuse of tho trials the wreckers of the Vergennes bank it may appear from whence canio tho large amount of money which started the Vergennes Knterprise anil Bristol News establishments.

Bolh papers opposed Carrol) S. Page for congress; so did II. Lewis and Lieut. -Gov. 51.

Allen, both bank ofliciuls and one in prison and the other under indictment. J. AV. Kolcliiirn, ostensible proprietor of both newspapers, wns au ollicial of the bank ami is also under indictment. How much of lhe bank's money went into exploiting these anti-page 'newspaper enterprises? Efficiency of Prayer.

The fact that tho prayers offered for tho recovi'iy of the late President were not ai swercd in the way that so many hoped that they would be answered has, according to Zion's Herald (Methodist Episcopal, Iloston), caused a shock to, if not an eclipse of, the religious faith of many persons. However that may be, there is considerable solicitude evinced lest the result be misinterpreted, and several attempts to explain it have been made. Zion's Herald, which is of all the Methodist papers the most advanced along the line of "higher criticism," expresses the view that ''natural and mortal consequences" never have been stayed by prayer, and we. have no sound reason to suppose that the' ever will be. It says: "The expectation, born of universal-! ami ardent prayer, that the wounded president would recover, was liaseu up on distinct misapprehensions: First; the uiKiolinctlJmt.

very general and and real conviction that God can be con st ruined to the expression of miraculous power ll only Ill's people are, suthcient-Iv importunate, and intense in their iloadings. There is no justification in the Scriptures or in general history for this impression. Second, that God will stay the operation of physical laws in answer to prayer, llus iecling has no warrant. laws and processes are of God. and tliev are and must be inviolable; if not, the.

world and all life therein might at anv moment be hurled into chaos and nun. The law which makes it inevitable that the deadly bullet will kill an animal or the humblest man, operates no less fatally in the case of kinir, emperor or presi dent. And when it is done, it is done; prayer never ha aliped, nor have we any sound reason In expect that it ever will, a stay ot natural or mortal conse- "Mwwri'n MlnllKt 'never be forgotten by liii'-'iaii disciples that the highest form el prayer always flow ers in complete submission to the will of God. Prayer which seeks only certain human ends, which assaults the throne of God as if to compel compli ance, is really a very low type of peti tion. It is.

too, horn ol human conceit, as if lie short sighted petitioner knew belter what the divine lieing ought to do." Summing up the discussion as it sees ii. the Springfield liepnbliean draws the following conclusions concerning the ollice of prayer: The whole outcome of the discus sion is that prayer is answereil as truly by withholding as by granting the thing asked lor. This Ii ails to 1 lie essential conclusion that lhe ollice of prayer is a spiritual rather than a physical one, and that iis value in tiiis case, as in others, is ihe mere exaltation and consensus of spiritual purpose, all Christian prayer renting on the saying of resignation: "Nevertheless, not my will, but Thine, be done." Stele Politics. A rumor from Grand Isle conniv has it that N.W. Fisk of isle La Mottemay he a candidate for the governorship in the coming campaign.

Ho has many friends in the slate who would be glad to see him honored willi the ollice. Swanton Courier. Did you ever stop to think that the politicians aro opposed to all premature discussions of stale politics? A month or two before the convention meets is early enough to discuss the qualifications nf the different candidates. The politicians have everything fixed by that time, and are willing the people should be told a few facts when it is too late to organize and act effectively. Morris ville Messenger.

The spectacle of Vermont's lieuten ant governor on I rial tor the crime of bank robbery isn't a pleasing one to contemplate by anv means llardwick Gazette. The Ihm iii in Vermont politics is con tinually fluctuating and we doubt if nvbodv knows at this lime who will be nominated at the next campaign to till the oiiiccs of the State. A'owilh- standing the spasmodic clatter of the press it is possible that some of the present incumbents will be renominated. Put whoever may be retained we claim that we are not straining our imagination a great deal when we say that there will at least be a new candi date for lieutenant-governor. Journal.

It is said that Alderman I. T. Bee-man of St. Albans, well known for Ins connection with the lamous Doners' campaign in this county, is laying his plans to capture the nomination lor sheriff. If he should succeed sheriff Pearson of Portland, would have tolookjlo his laurels.

Swanton Courier. Letter to S. Foster, niehfiml. It. Dear Sir IT.

M. Hooker Coop-erstown, X. have sold Dcyoe paint for 22 years. D.T. MoGown, of that firm, built a house in "85 and painted Devoc, of course.

The paint lasted ten years. A year or two later, a neighbor built a house, and painted it lead and oil. The neighbor's house was twice in the same time. This looks if the neighbor's house was painted three times in eight or nine years, and McGown's once in ten years. We are not quite sure we tell the tale as it comes to us.

It, is enough to say that Devoc lead and zinc lasts twice a9 long as lead and oil. Yours truly, 13 F. Co. Powell Comings sell our paint. born's Seal Brand.

THE SWEAT-COMINGS CO, Rlcbfom, T(. MiiiiuttU'liircrg Fuirntnie ana Dealers in Building Material of All Kinds. Lime, Lath, Shingle, Doors, Window Blinds always on hand or furnished notice Rifles, Shot Guns and Revolvers, H. C. AYER, RICHFORD.

GREENE'Ss CONDITION POWDERS are anil this what HORSES COLTS need time of year. street, Richford. W. B. GREENE.

NATIONAL LIFE INSURANE CO. Montpelier, Vt. January 1899. Assets. Surplus Actuaries per 1,014,518.17 80,056,658.00 policies force, insuring, Income, (premiums, Interest, etc.) year 1891, insurance written, year 1898, polic3-liolders, 1898, 5,825,882.62 12,871,950.00 1, 037,094.45 Special For month of May Piano One Drown Simnson niann style one, mahogany slightly Bar- Special price $190, One Hallett Cumaton piano, u-iugui, ueauti-lul mahogany case, raised carved panels, reg.

priee $425. Special price, $200. nrmno 1 1 1 I' I'iano, large size. mahogany case, raised carved panels, practice stop, only used one month, UaSe' 1erfect Special price J225. piano wit" s'ig music rosewood case, on u- branch stores, reg.

price 450. Special price $300. Write for term, nn SSI McKANNON BROS. CO. Largest Music House in the State Clmrcli Burlington, Vt.

C. A Can furnish (hem all tired, banded and bolted ready for use. Also axles, springs, Ask your wheelwright, or blacksmith for above goods. If they will not furnish them come to us direct. We carry the largest stock iu Vermont.

T3ofii' lll'k'es are always right. Strong Hardware Company. Headquarters for Wheels, Axles Iron, Steel, Roofing and Sheathing- College BURLINGTON, VERMONT. RUTLAND RAILROAD. Time Taldc Corrected to May 15, 1899.

Leave a.m. 11o.m. in Burlington Arrive Rutland Troy, Albany, New vork. Bellows Falls, Boston, Providence, Worcester, Springlield, 8.30 12.05 1.45 11.05 p.m.

2.10-2.55 7. 00 1.25 5.40 7.25 5.00 4.05 2.00 p.m. 4.45 5 25 3.511 7.25 11.35 0.1S 12.10 a.m. 2.45 6.25 7.20 2.20 7.00 8.05 0.40 7.30 juany. Daily except Sundars.

TWaener parlor cars to New York and Boston. Wagner sleeping cars to New York and Boston. For detailed time table consult folders L. 1'lEllt'K, ii. A.

-p. Traffic Manager R. T. McKiiuviiit, Gen. Pass.

Agent. Land surveying All kinds of land snrvevine. runnino- lot linn. computing areas, establishing levels, cuttlui undivided land into lots, making maps, etc. I do only first-class work.

Orders mav ho left with Richford, or sent direct to F. II. DEWAKT, Kortli HiKh St.Allinnn. Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Anvone sendlnir a ftketnii unA hmm-ww Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether au Invention Is probably patentable. Communiea-tlons strictly conUdential.

Handbook on Pateuu sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn Co. rocelve tpecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific Jfrnericaiu handsomely illustrated weekly. I.arocat clr-culation of any scientitlc Journal.

Terms, $3 a years four months, tL Soldbyall newadealera. MUNN Co.36,Broa". New York Branch Office. 625 SU 'Washington. D.

C. vV BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE WATCHES, CLOCKS DIAMONDS, JKWEMIY, STEHLINl! SILVER, Drugs, Patent Medicines, 1'LATED WARE, Cl'T GLASS, 'WAVE CREST" WARE, am always pleased to have people call and iney purcnase or I hugrave all Goods that can be Engraved Eree. I also carry a complete line of Spectacles and Evedlasups am prepared to fit Lenses to anv and all ui require treatment by an Oculist. In the event of vour changing in tho term of FIVE Years furnish you new Lenses to fit the eves free charge. I make a specialty of Boots and stationery Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.

Cleaning and ReDaii-ind H1. rK enrnistea to will receive careful and intelligent treatment. and small wares mended and cleaned at reasonable prices, Mention. "1 Old Reliable w. mitchel: Rogrers Bros.

A 1 is not a new adventure, but is the same old your father and mother bought of me 40 ago. None made that is "jus? as good." The Druggist. G.W. GIBSON, Optician and Jeweler, RICHFORD Ji Cor. Main and River Street.

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