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Alexandria Gazette from Alexandria, Virginia • Page 3

Alexandria, Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THUR8DAY j904; Matters. fcun riaes tomorrow at 4'd and 7:21. High water at a.m. and ,1:28 p. m.

Wbathkb nartly cloudy tonight with rising t.ui aerature. Friday abowara and thunder aad not ao la the aAeraoea or at niklit; light variaole Wedding, A very pretty wedding took place terday afternoon at tbe residence ofthe iifr, Mrs. Jamea L. Peltit, southeast corner of Oronoco and St. Asaph streets, when Miaa Irene L.

Pettit, a popular young lady of this city, be eame the bridc of Mr. Frank Mickle back. The ceremony was performed at 8 o'clock by Rev. J. H.

S. Ewell, pastor of ihe M. Church. The bridal party entered the parlora, which were beauti fully decorated with palms, tothe atrains of Lohengrin'a wedding march. The bridc wore a handsome gown of white organdie triramed with satin and carried bride roses, and was attended by her sister, Miss Nellie Pettit.

Mr. Fred Mickleback, brother of the groom, was best man. After tbe cremony a recep tion waa tended the coupleby the bride's motber. The happy couple left on the six o'clock train for au extended trip to Atlantic City and other New Jersey re sorts, and will return to this city about Siptember lat where they will reside. Among out-of-town guests were Mrs.

Annie Minnigh. of Gettysburg, and Mrs. Ada Penn Brooks, of Nor? folk, Va. Drowning: Acciilcntal. The jury in Washington which investi gated tbe drowning Sunday night op poaite the arsenal of Edward O.

Lee yesterday returned the following ver? dict "We, the jury, find that Ed? ward G. Lee came to his death in the Potomac river at the foot ol street southwest, 00 Sunday, July 17, by drowning, as the result of an unavoid able ac.cident." Ashaa previously been stated the collision between the steamer Harrv Randall and the gasoline launch ol the schooner yacht Mist, of the Capi? tal Yacht Club late Sunday night, re sultcd ia thedrowniigof Lee, whowas actlog ai engineer of the launch. Prob nblv the most important point brought OUt by the mvestigation was the fact thal tha launch was without ateering gear and that alter ita aeparatimi Irom tha aailiog yacht Miat by the braahiag of the tow rope connected with the yacht, it was entirely unmangeable. this seemed to explain the unrestricted ofthe launch toward the steamer which urminated in the collision and the throwing of Lee beneath the paddle wheels. S.iiicitv Attentioii waa called iu tho (iazettc a week or two ago I- the fact that andria did not poaeaa publie hooaa BC 0 immodationaforthe tloatingpopulation, and.

that a gentlemau was compelled to walk almost over the entirc eity OB a cer'ain night la aearch ol a place to alaap. It aaaaaa thal condition of is becoming serious among some pei iiiiinent reaideuts, as a gentlemau who paaatl here recently an a government ap poiiitee was nnable for a time to sccure hotel or boarding house acconiodatioiis. Last Sunday night a gcnlleman and his wife from another city who desired to remain here until the next day found it impossilile to sccure a room in a hotel or boarding hou and were finally enter tained in a private house. it ia also noUcaahle thal it ia Irapoaalbte lo sccure auitable dwelliag hoaaeaal present, and hooaehuotera are met every dav going Trom atreel to street lo raarch Ol placea in which to loe.itc. irciis Comlttf.

JolmKoliinaon'scircna will appear here on the Sd of Aitguat. Bev. Walter Baer, Melhodist minister last week rceigaad hia charce to become manager of nnd lecturer iu tba extensive nienagerie of big show. The ex minister ia con? sidered tobepeculiarly well titted for the jioaitioti, aa beisone of thebeat informed men on natural history in this country thia having been his favoritestudy. Mr.

Baar has been nided to a conaiderable extent by having access tothe wiuter quartara of MO acrea of the great Jolin Kobinson shows at Terrace Park, )hio. He has also had much experience in the Chicago and Cincinnati zoological gardena. John Robiuson's shows were interesting and popu? lar, and thal now on the road is justly reg'arded aa the ne plua ultra of such ex hibitions. lirriiuns' The committee having in charge tbe State convention of Virginia firemen, met in the rooms of the Busi? ness Meiis' Leagoe last night. Iu the abaonne ol l'resident Trimyer, F.

I Piiif presidcd. The finanee com niiitee reported thal enthusiastic pub? lic had liberally subscribed to tbe fund. Appropriallooa for entertainment, muaic and priaeo were authorized. Tbe hotel coni.nittee reported that ample accoino daUoni could be given the visiting fire men. The secre'ary, Mr.

lrnnk L. Pollard, has reeeived acceptances from most the invitiHlcompanies Thelocal companiea areenlhusiaslie and will make a m'st creditable display in the parade. leMtt to Health. Peonle living on Wolfe street, be uvi'lee andUnion, are oTtTie action of a thoughtless boy who vesterdav deposited a wheelbarrow load of crabs inan advanced stage of putre factiou near tbe Vulcanizing orks The wiud has been from the southwest today, and the efflvium from the crusta ceans has been obnoxious. It 18 aaid be a common praetice for some people to duaap disearded crabs into docks instead ol the of the river.

They are beached and looted by the fail and nse tif tbe tidc and become very obnoxious under tbe piercing The colored KnigbtsTempl.iraof Wash? ington aud the COlored lUaOM of Alex? andria gave excursiona to Glymont and Bomereat Beach today. The boat carryinu- the KInights Templars stopped here aud took on excursiomsts. Both steaincs aere crowded with colored per Waahingtoo, Ibhl city and the surrounding country. etween thia city and med laat night, the tloated aud the car into the mi. POLH COM.MISSIONEHS.

Cliarfcea Attainst Lieutenant Smith, Prel'erred by William 11. Travera, to be Investijiated Tonight, Together with on Officers Lyles nnd Arrington Made in the Corpora tioii Court During the Burneit. Wrenn Lawler Declares that AIn.ih One-half ofthe Force irtually Do Nothing. The regular monthly meeting of tbe Board of Police Coiuinissionere was held last night. No business was transacted, but con siderable discussion marked the meet? ing.

Mr. secretary of the board, read the minutes r.f the June meeting, by which it appeated that the commis sioners had then been discussing tha proeedure (d Olficers Lyles and Arring tou in tonnection willi tbe arrest of Kichard C. Bumett and Henry Wrenn, who 014 the 13th ot April were in tcrcepted bv Ollicers Smith and Allen while on a wagon on their way down Prinee street in the night time. In the wagon were articles alleged to have been stofen from Washington Southern Rail? way cars. The facts in connection with the case are as follows The authorities had been notified that cars had been en? tered and goods taken therefrom, and a box and some soap labels were found in ihe yard of a colored woinan named Rebecca Quill, they having.

it was al? leged, been placed there by a colored man uamed Henry Brown. The latler was subsequeutly arrested. Officers Lyles and Arrington traced the stolen goods to Wreun's place where it was evident they had been sold. The officers went to Wreun's atore and he acknowledged that he had purchased the goods from Brown and promised to deliver them at the station house that night. The officers searched the place, but lailed to find where they had been depoaited.

In the meantime Lieutenant Smith asccrtained that Wrenn had that morning disposed of three pairs of shoes to a second-hand dealer in this city. He also aecured other inlormation which led him to believe tbat the goods taken from the cars were at Wrenn's store. He accordingly repaired thithor and found Ollicers Lyles and Airiugton on the preiniaes. The officers stated that tbey had searched tbe place, but they failed to inform the lieutenant of the fact that Wrenn had made a confeasion to them. Tbe lieutenant determined to aearch the place himaelf.

He found nothing, nlthough it ia now auggeated lhat the ollicers lailed to enter a loft be the ceiling aud the roof. Messrs. LvUs and Arrington went off duty that day, believing that Wrenn would fullill his promise to them and carry the goods to the station house. Sometime during the early part of the night Wrenn, in company with Richard Burnett, was seen by Offieera Smith and Allen to emerge on a wagon from the area be? tween Burnett's and Wrenn's bouses at the Stone bridge aud proceed east to wards Payne atreet. They turned north into that thoroiighfare and upon reach iug Prinee street turned eaat again.

A train of freight carahad bloeked Fayette street, and the wagon was atopped mid way the square 111 the shadow of the houses aud under some trees. The otfi 0M1 appeared at this point and took the two men in custody. In addition to a iniacellaneoua lot ol gooda a pistol, a bot? tle of whisky and some cigars were lound in th'e wagon. Burnett and Wrenn asserted that they were on their way to the atation house. The subse cpuent evenla and the trial of the men be? fore the Corporation Court are ol recent date and are slill freah in the minds of newspnper rcafJera.

Coinmonwealth Attorney Brent dur? ing the examination of the caae in the Police Court made eertain atrictures upon Ollicera Lylea and Arrington noi Wrenn upon own con lession; alao for neglecting to report hia inlormation to Lieutenant Smith when he arrived at Wrenn's place or to Chiel Wcbster, who had directed the officers to endcavjr to loeate tbe stolen goods and identify the thieves. Mr. Brent during the trial of the caae iu the Corporatiou Court reiteratcd hia criticisms in bis ar gunient before the jury, while Mr. Mon cure, who defended Wrenu and Buruett, made the assertion that varitMiccs be? tween members of the police force en? tered prominently in the case. It is iheae airictures the couimissioners desire to investigate and they have summoned all partiea counected with the charges before them tonight, and Judge Barley bas issued an order for the production of Wrenn before the commissionere.

There waa a general interchange of opinion among the comaiissioners after Mr. Lawler had read articles from the Gazette in connection with the arrest aud tria! ol theaccused. All tbe corn inissioners were anxious to have the charges investigated at once some aaying that if the charges were substantiated the accused should be dismissed from the force; if innnoccnt they should be so de? clared. Mayor Simpson gave a resume ofthe Burnett-Wrenn case, as well as the part the difl'erent ollicers took in the matter. Olficer Smith was called inand he an swcred certaiu queries propounded him by the Mayor and commissioners.

Mr. Sniiih denied that there were factional lights among members of the police lorce, as stated by Mr. Moncure, counsel for Wrenn, during the trial iu the Cor noration Court. It was finally decided to aummon witnesses and iuvestigate tbe matter at au adjourned meeting tonight. During the meeting W.

H. Travera appeared before the board and made formal charges ofassault against Lieu tenaut Smith. The assault took place at the Old Dominiou Glass Works on the 29th of last month, The case was set for tonight. Before adjournment Mr. Lawler aaid be desired to call the atteution of tbe board to the fact that about one-half of the pdiccmen virtually do uoth ing but appear at the City Treasurer's office once a month and draw their salaries.

The iawsconcerni were ignorrd, Ightl OOCOnon and the participants were not arrested, torpedoes were placed on railway tracks and dis lurbances were olten reported in vanous quartera of the city. He cited news paper items in corroboration of his statements. If, he aaid, there were dronea the force tbe board should be appns ed of the fact, and in order to obtain "'is information be offered a resolution rerpjires the chief to make monthly the board of the number of arrests and by wbom; tbe nuiaanceii ordisturbances reported and by ahortan exhibit which will show what i each ui. niber of the force is doing. Mayor Siuipson said thatMr.

Lawler'a observations correct in regard to some members ol the force. Mr. Lawler, amoug other thinga, aaid chronic nuisance had been tolerated aitbin a stone's tbrow of ihe police sta? tion. He refeired to the condition of affairs in tbe yard adjoining the Brad dock House on ihe east. Mayor Simpson said tbe officers had notified tbe agent of the property of the nuisance complained of.

Tbe resolution was adopted and the board adjourned. Pentonal. Miaaes Mary and Catberine Bergin are visiting friende at Occoquan, Mr. J. M.

Johnaoii aud lamily have gone to Sweet Springs to spend the sum? mer. Mr. Bernard Smith and Miss Kate Rogan were married on Tuesday at St. Mary's Church by Rev. II.

J. Cutler. Miss Gentry, of Alexandria, is a puest at the hospitable home of Mrs. Bruin, at Alden. Mr.

and Mra. Robt. Merchant and two children, of Alexan? dria, are visiting in town. Miss Erelina Benson, of Alexandria, ia the guest of Miss Evelvn Underwood. Mr.

and Mra. Frank Downham, of Alexandria, with their three intereating little children, are spendiug a Iwo weeks' vacation from the citv at the hoapitable home ot Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

Plaaier, near Leesburg Mirror. Judge J. K. M. Norton and Mr G.

L. Boothe will leave here thia eveuing for New York and on Saturday will sail for Europe where they will spend the next six weeka in travel. Their many friends wish them a delightful trip. Mr. and Mra.

W. H. Murphy bave returned from a pleaaant visit to Buffalo and Canada. Narrow Eaeape. Mr.

Bilisoly Hudgins, a young man of Portsmoutb, and Miss Bessie Jones, daughter of Dr. T. M. Jones, of this city, who is the gueet of Mra. W.

S. Langhorne, in Portsmoutb, had a nar? row escape from drowning at Willough by Spit on Tuesday evening. While attempting to teach Miss Jones how to swim Mr. Hudgins auddenly atepped off a saud bar into deep water. The young lady, whose suit he had hold of, was al? so carried beneath the water.

Mr. Morgan Hudgins, hearing the young lady's scrcams as she rose to the surfaee, rushed to the scene and held the couple above water uutil a fisherman, who happened to be nearby, came up in his boat and carried all three ashore. They were taken at once to tho Hampton Roads Y'acht Club, nearby, where in a short time they were brought around all right. No serious results have followed the accident. Charter.

A charter was granted by the corpo? ration commission yesterday to The Central Mutual Telephone Company; principal office, Alexandria, capiisl atock, $500 to $5,000 president, Wil? liam M. Wheeler; B. F. A. Myers, secretary A.

Conner, Ireasurer. Police Court. There waa but two cases before tbe Police Court this morning, those of a colored woman, who was charged with indeceut conduct, and a boy who had aasaulteda companion. The former was fined and the latter $2.50. Woretof'all Experiencea.

Can anvlhing MM than le fee' thal every niinute will be your last I Such the experieneeof S. II. Newiton, Pecatur, Ala. "For three she "I en dured iiiNufl'erublc imiii from, st inaeh aml bowel tr.uihle. Death BB00BM inevitable when and all failed.

At length I was indueed to trv He. Iric Bittcrs an.l the 1 improved at ouee and now l'ui reeovered." For Liver, Kidnyy, Sto i and Bowel troubles Kleelrie Bittera is the" inedicine. Only 50e. hv.K. Leadbeatcr A Soiih, Pevile.l Cral.s are made twitf- daily at five o'clock the afternoon and eight o'clock in the even? ing.

Both DRY GOODS l. C. Sliiy iiiiikcr 429 KING STREET. SALE. Desiring to make some improvemenls, we will CLOSE OUT OUR SUMMER STOCK of White and Colored Madras, Lawns, Striped Muslina, Ac, AtandBelowCost Percalea, Galicoaa, at a Oreat Bedoction.

A few pieees of BLACK STRIPED LAWN, usual price 10c to 15c, to be clcaed outat.K" A few ramnnnU of 40-inch wide INDIA LINEN reduced from to. Good Heavy 1 yard wide UNBLEACHFD COTTON toronat. 5c "HILL" BLEACHED COTTON re duned to. MONAKCH SHIRTS, $1 to be run off ofl UMBRELLAS, warranted to torn water and fast color. tlentleman's size.

$L00 Lady's A. C. Slaymaker, KING STREET. NOTICE TO 8UB8CKIBKKS. The regular collector for the Gazette being eonfined to his home by aickneas, the col.

lections will be made for the present by other employeea of offiee. are re queated to make prompt upon the preaentatiou of their Pt Hl.lsHKK lUWH I CONFEPER ATE BADGE with uaiik af emtmf marked lhaaaaa. Tbe finler will pleaite return it to offiee. It tomy on Sun? day. July 17, a RED HEIFER.

The owner can have ihe auimal by proving erty and paying expenses. J. H. CATT9, Weat jy30 3t SEED few buahela choice potatoea for aale. Cannan No.

3 and Sir Walter Raleigh, bushel. T. W. BLCNT. jyl8 Va.

LAUNDRY FOR SALE CHEAP. Best of maehinery; do ing a good buvineat- or will aell cootrolling intereat. J. Gaxette offiee. FAT MACKEREL or at 5c 16 and 30c each by J.

C. MILBURN LOCAL BKEVITIES. J. W. Davis, living near Annandale, died this morning.

PeopJe from Fairfax county report an abuudaut wheat crop. Several freight cara were derai'ed near tbe eaat end of tbe Wilkes atreet tunm I thia morniug. The temperature waa it latt uight. Tbe weatber today, Nn v-r, has been warm and sultry. Tbe W.

C. T. U. will meet at the Children's Homeon Dukestreet, Fridsy afternoon at 4 o'clock. Tbe steamer Dennia Simmona, from Williamston, N.

with lumber to Smoot Co. anu H. K. arrived yesterday. The Lexington volunteer firetnen bave clected delegates to the annual meeting of theStatr firemen's convention whith meets here next month.

North Carolina watermelona of a cboice variety were plentiful in market this morning. Home-grown melons have appeared in market yet. The luneral of the late Mra. Mary E. Craven took place thia alternooti from Trinity M.

E. Church. The aervices were conducted by Rev. Mr. Jetfera.

The achoonera Sidonia Curley and Bertha May, recently repaired at the shipyard, have been launcbed, and another big barge built there for the Po tomac Dredging Company was put over board this evening. Tbe schooner Samuel Wood is uow on the ways for re pairs. The Alexandria Hospital ambulance waa summoned to the Fayttte atreet depot thia morning tomeet a northbound train. It was Bupposed tbat a railroad man had been hurt, but when tbe train arrived it bore an lulian workman who had been taken ill near Accotink. He was carried to the hospital.

New York and Little Neck on half shell. Kammel- Thrown From a Wajjon. Mr. George K. Bab.wck was thrown from his wagon aud aeverely bruised.

He applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely ard says it is the best liniment be ever used. Mr. Babcock is a well citizen of North Plain, Conn. There is nothing equal to Pain Balm for sprains and bruiaes. It will effect a cure in one-tbird the time required by any other treatment.

For sale by Richatd Gibson and W. F. Creighton A Co. Steamed Hard Shell Crubs, Pevilc.l Craba andUalad, prepured flnBaataMBod araoa otowo own pieking, are relished by every one. Ranimel's Home 'phone 6.1.

Bell 'phone 189. CHINA, GLASS AND HOUSEFURN I8H Elliott's. ON Mraise. Oil Stoves, The 75c kind at. SheetSteelOvens, Tin lined, worth 25, cut to.

$1.50 Stone Water Coolers, Wilh filter atones; only four left. (No boiling of water necessary.) and $3.98 sizes cut to. Ice Cream Freezers, Now isyouropportunity to buy a freczer cheap. The cut is deep 3qusrt White Mountain Freczers, cut Irom $2.69 to $1.98. 4 quart White Mountain cut from $3.00 to $2.25.

4 quart Gem or Lightning rceaew, cut 2 Stcaiu Cookers, heavy hlock tin, price $1.00, cut to flto Qarden Hose. Six lengths of Kuhber Hose, twenty f-et long luding lioizle and bardwood rack) worth $3.00, cut to $2.25. Window Screeis and Sereen Doors. Landscape Window worth 75c, cut to Sereen plain, rcady to hatig. cut Sereen funcy.

worth cut ta 98c. Fruit Jars, Jelly Maaon's taaea 4 gallons. Wide Mouth Mason, pints. fltl doieu gallon. 7.K-dofen Jelly Glaaaes, pinU.

21c doien for Miuon (packed in boxea). 5c doien Window Display, Take a look at our and the uaeful that can be purchaaed for 5c and 10c each. Suiuuier for the children. Also a fine line of Statinhery and Box Paper at10c. Twentyfour of Mounnng Paper and for 10c, worth 25c, and never aold for c.

s. ELLiirrr, China, Glass and Silverware, 428-430 King Street. Loans On Real Estate. The best are thoae aecured by first deeds of trust on in Alexandna city and TEBEST. I make a of loaning mooey on good real estate carity.

JOHN D. NORMQYLB Baal Eitatfl, Loans and Insq act. Room Alex. Nat'l Bank Building, N. E.

Corner King and Boyal Capital City 'Phone 124, apr7 tf DRY GOODS Rorswu siifl A Mifchty Avalanche of Midsummer Bargains A veritable July feaat of tplendid bargain you at D. Bendheini A It price reduetions alooe that will make thia sale an event long to be remembered, but the quality and merit of our saperior of fering muit add inrreaacd interest to this wotuierful aelling of seasooable and wanted uierchundiae. Colored aold for 8c and 10c, now 6c. Colored Lawns, aold for 1.4c and LSa, now Ma, Mercerized White Goods and FiguredWhitc for IPo and Be. now 121c.

Colored and Silk Mulls, sold for 121c, now 8Jc. Kemnants White Goods, 8c value. now No. of HemnanUof White worth 19c 2.5c, now 10c. One more of 8now Flake White worth 10c, now 5c.

White Oiford with black aud col? ored dots, for 19c, now 10c. rtolid Color Oxford Madras, evening shad.s, black and navy, for 19e, now 10c. White and Faney Colors Corded Wash for 39c and 49c, now 29c. All wool Blue Flannel. for bathing 25c.

Mohair, for hathinsr 39o and 49c. Yard wide Percaie, sold for 121c, now 71c Lot of DrcssGingham worth 10c, now 5c. Lot of Silk Ginghani, worth 15c, now Yard wide Colored Madras, for sold for 25c, now 10c. 50 pieces of Seersucker Ginghaaw, worth Be, now 5c. Indigo Prints, worth lie, now Faney worth 19c, now

Fine 40-inch Brown Cotton, worth 8c, now 6c. Heavy Brown Cotton. worth 5c, now 3Jc. AmlroMcoggin Rleached Cotton, yard wide, worth 10c. now Yard wide Heavy Brown Cotton, worth now 5c.

Shaker Flannel, worth rJic uow 5c. Infaota' White Flannel, worth 19c, now 121c 6-inch Mouaelin Riobons, white and black, worth 25c, uow 12Jc. Short aold for 50c, now 39c Ladiea' kild for 50c, now 39c. sold for $1.00, now 75c. Ladies" for $1.60 to now $1.00.

Boys' Blouae for He, now 16c sold for 59c, now 49c. Muslin Chimese, worth 39c, now 25c. Muslin UndenikirU, short embroidery ruf fle, 50c Cambric Coraeta Covers, Cornet 39c value, now 25 Gauze Lisle Hose, 19c value, now 121c. DropstiU-hed Hose, for 121c, now 9c. Men's Fine Gauze 9c, or 3 pai's for 25c All $1.25 lawn Wrappers, now 89c.

All $1.00 Calico now 69c Lot of Ladiea'Lace Neckwtar, worlh IV, now 9c Lot of sold for now le. Lot of Turki-h Buth sold for 121c, now 9c Lot of All Linen Napkiiis, worlh He, 25c While Madras Shirls, worth now 49c Working Shirts, now 23c Heavy Jnintless Matting, worth 20c, now 15c. 15c J.iintleis Matting, now 121c 'I 316 Kinjr Street REAL KSTATE AND INSURANCK. Sevcn six-room frame dwellings on West side of ColnmbiiH street, between Wythe aml Madison occupied by prompt-pay ing tenants, Price, $4,000. For Sale.

FIVE CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ON the east of Columbus, between Pendle ton aud Wythe at the very low price of 30e per foot. it one of the best reaidential of the city, and is iinproving more rapidly than any other. ONE OF THE FINEST BUILDING LOTS in the city within a distance of Christ Church. 45x110. M.

B. HlflBW Real Estate, Loan and In surance Brokers, Harlow Building, 119 8. Fairfax St. Bell, 2-B. Home, 175.

i VKKHUS Tlie Staff of Life. Why will people buy common flour when for a few centa more they can get the best Senator Flour THE BEST MADE, SCI8SOBS, KNIVES AND RAZORS round; rasors hooed; lawn mowers sbarp ened; aod repaired; fitted and door repaired. F. D. CRA1N.

104 north Pitt rtraet. DRY OOODS. Swan Bros 424-426 KINQ STREET. ANNUAL REDUCTION SALE OF Summer Goods. Our big niinual rcduction sale of Suromer UooJs is now in Yoit should not miss this ereat of buying the moat desirabie summer goods at gretitly reduced priees.

We will have many weeks yet of hot vaatk. aud now is the time to provide, when you can suve from twenty tivc to ihirtv per cent. on nll summer Many lots are small and should be tnken tmge of earlv. Uead cnrefully the list ofgood bargains for this week. Colored Ijiwns reduced to.

lOo l'jc Colond to, IHJ Bh-arhcd Tahle Linen nduicd to, Wm 30c Bleached Twill Sheeting. yards wide, reduced to, yard. 9ti Me Paaaol Bliaeatd Sheeting, 2j ynrds wide. 29c 10c Friiit ofthe I-oom Bleached Mus? lin, yard 8e Be Heavv Unbleuehed Cotton, yani. 4Jc llmvy Cannon Clolh reduced to, yanl.

10c Fine Colored reduced to, yanl. Wkt ldcTan, White and Black Noilea re? duced to. yard 12l? 18c Colored Wide Allsilk Ribbou re? duced to, yanl. 3,000 spools Brooka' Bluck Machine Cotton reduced to. lc Ladks' 15c aad Bl Fancy Collars re? duced to, each.

10c Twenty dozen Ladies' Fine Muslin Pants. speeial price, pair. 21c 258, and Bte Lcaiher Side SutcheN reduced to, each. 19c 50c, 75c and $1 Lace Door Pauels re? duced to. each.

Ladies' 2oe Fancy Iloao reduced to, pair. SOe K. A 0. Corseta reduced to, pair. LiaVa'flOaaad Bust Paraai re? duced to, pair.

2oc Ladies' 75c R. Oray Coreets re? duced tO, pair. 40c Ladies' 15c Baa Bonnets reduced to, 10c f'hildren's Good Black Hose, all sires. pair Be Three piecea 15c Furniture Covering reduced to, yard. 10c Wash UnderskirU reduc? ed to, each.

49c One lot Ladies' Silk Waists reduced to, each. 10c Bleached Muslin Lufies' $1.50 Faney reiiuced to. Hb Ladies' $2 50 Faney Parasols rediee.l to.caeh. $1 Ladies' nnd 7.V Colored Waists reduced to, each.' 60.

Corm-ts reduced pair, Duekun.l Ijhii Wash Skirts reduced to, ench. JStt Dark Calieo WaUts reduced to, each. 18 One pieee Blue all WOol, re? duced to, yard. 3 $2.25 White reduced to. each.

$1.50 White Waists each. $1.19 All the 5c Blue reduced to. 411 The 7c Apron Gingliaiu reduced to. yard. Fine 25c White reduced to, yard.

18c Fine 18c White Madras reduced to, yard. lie Fine White Madras reduced to, yard. 10c 121c Faney and Light reduced to, yard. 10c Boys' Colored reduced lo, each. lv One lot 2.5c Pillow Tops reduced to, each.

18c Small lot 15o White Allsilk Kibbou reduced to, yard. 10c 18c China Matting reduced to, yard. Ui 12.0 China Matting reduced to, yjc Ladies' 75c Light Wrappers reduced to, each. 59c 1,000 Ladiee' 5c Ribbed reduced to, each. 4c Fine White Pereian Lawn reduc? ed to, yard.

10c One lot White and Colored Satin bon, all widtha, reduced to, yard. 5c One gross 5c Medieated Soap reduced to, eake. Remnants of Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Yelvets, Lavvns, Gingliams, Pereales, Calieoes, it Very Low Prifes. Men's Furni-shingaS. One lot Men's tSa Ties reduced to.

10c Blue IJnderwear redaeed Men's to, each. Men's Colored Negligee Shirts two Baaarata eollara reduced to, eoefa Mea'aSOe Workiag BMrtawMi collar iittiiehed reduced each. One lot llaa'aOdd Boita 18e 25c K'c One lot Linen reduced dozen. 10c Men's Faney Hose reduc? ed to, pair. 9c fine 60e Faney Lace re? duced to, yard.

35o Men line MO Coloreil Negligee reduced to, each. $1.00 Colored Negligee reduced to. 69c OBOOERIES. jWRamsay thr Bent. Qood Real French 15c.

Q. Wm. Ramsay. New Nos. 1 and 2 lackerel, Just Received.

Q. Wm. Ramsay. Cantrell Cochran's Imported Ginger Ale. Cryatal Sjpring do, Uosman's do, U.

S. Club do, V. S. Club Ora'ade, Mountain Birch and Sarsaparilla. Imperial Lime Juice.

Navelade. G. Wm. Ramsay. Roe Herring.

Price's Pncking. 38 Barrcls. 56 Half do. 25 Quarter do. 50 Kits.

AII EarlyCaught Branch Herring. 25 Buckets Herring Roe. O. Wn. RAHSAY.

WATCHES AND DIDIT EVER Occur To You TO DM to keep your sil bright an.l A trial l.oitle will c.xi vince you. 25 Cents. C. ACTON SON, JEWELERS AND SILVER8MITHS. GROCERIES.

Plenty of Thinfcs For w1 We bave many different things to you lix up a dainty and nourishing picnic lunch. A special 'inc of nice potted nieats, biscnita, jelliea and janis. Sclect the raake-up of your lunch from our and see how enjoyableyour picnic will be voted. Potted Ham or Tongue, 1 lh IrflOJi Potted Chicken, 1 lb. 15e can Domektic aud Imported 5c to 20c lOc, 12Jc, 15c, Shriinp.

2is-can Boile.1 Ha.n. hipped Beef, Bo logua Saunagr, Veal I.oef, Ham Loaf Ac. Bananas, and other fruite? tlie lie st to be had and at loweat Twrntylive kinds of cakea, and dainty eookiee reeeived daily, from the ovt-n's nHMith, an.l al i. es all way from 10c to 25c lb. C.

V.4TES Ci, Oroceriea and Proyiaiona, No itOO South Hircel BF.LL TELEPIIONE 196. P)R FRAME HWELLINO, No. 1013 tjueen streel, between Palriek and Henry 30 feet 5-ineh front with side alley. feet deep to a 14 fuot alley. Apply to W.

R. CKCMP, 125 8. Fairiai Try a caae of sij balf-gulloo bottlnt er a of MICO WAXKil. Onee used you will no other. Eador.e* huudredi of our kading ritiasB-k lin MUTUAL ICE CO.

MICO WATttK abeelutely free from ORGAXIC MATTKR, ao boi ing, delieioualy palatable and dear as KOK LEE COAL at the lowest market priees. W. A. SMOOT ACO..

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