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The Buffalo Times from Buffalo, New York • 7

The Buffalo Timesi
Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BUFFALO VEKING TIME MONDAY, MARCH 30. 1903, i i GROOM BOY WAS SHOT PROSPECTIVE CAPTAIN AND! 12 MEN FIRE ON ATTY. GpNERAL ROW 1 A.0EINEI& Ynnderbllt WUI Entertain His. Cho- Expedition Of th Zelvler Arctic jivier Vlernaekl Who Annoyed Jok CUNNEEN IS A His Sw- akera Rorsllr nt Have AirlTed at Krwar FROG ISLAND FATALLY FELDMAN 8 iport Home vi s. -i I WlstniewslU Sliot la the Right Lev-Sot Serloasly Injured.

I CaMe. By Associated Press OFFICE INJURED By Associated Press. HUMORIST WRITES AMI'SING LETTER ACCEPT- ii, re larvrrATioN -to ambsb $3,000 FIRE LIGHTED UP AM- j-rAlfred O. NEW TpRK: March 30. TROMSOE, yor! way, iMajrcb Coffin men, who will take part in Zeigler Arctic expedition, have arrived here.

The rppairs to the expedition steamship America are com Michael WItucki, Xavier Viernacki ERICAN SHORE LAST NIGHT. Vanderbllt Robert L. Gferry. J. B.


CLl'B dixserJ pleted. The whole of her stores will ibe FRED LERK'S HOTEL DESTROYED. purchased In the Tjnited $tates. REGAN; PROBABLY WILL- and Robert Clark, who are to act as ushers at the wedding of Reginald Van-derbllt to Miss Cathleen Neilson, will leave New York today, for Newport OVER BY THE CARS AT THE CLINTON STREET claied Press. By Ass HIS KESIGNA- HAND IN where they will be entertained by the arch 30.

Between 3C0 NEW TORK. BURGLARY A saloon aaq ice house on Frog Islaao), and 400 CROSSING. brethren, of "The Amen Cor- prospective onaegrooni finm ne gives I Vifo Kanhnlnr'a Rinnan all rhnUill Tn TION TODAY. directly opposite the Grand Island ferry ner" have announced Ibelr intention -v and another young Pole went into John Wisiniewskl's saloon at Ni. 357 Love-Joy Street last night and became boisterous.

They were ordered out of the saloon and for; revenge threw stones at the place. Wlsiniewski procured a revolver and fired three shots. One of the bullets struck Xavier Viernacki in the right thigh. He was removed to the Emergency The saloonkeeper was arrested. WItucki was ar-rested as a witness.

BESSIE HAS BEEN ASLEEP 28 PAYS dock, was destroyed by Ore at 10:30 clock last sight. Til "biase 'wasja spectacnlar AT LA SALLE I SULLIVAN MAY SUCCEED HIM srh of attending thfe dinnei at the Ffthl Mr. vanderbilt has arranged a series Avenue I Hote) oin April; i7th. Among'of entertainments that Will outrank in the, guests are Senator Piatt, Senator brilliancy anything seen in, Newport Depew, Ex-Governor Black, Senator for some tlme- Men from Georce Floss place set out ifor the island, in boats an-d itttemnted to UepibSLicaV CANDI EXPLOSIVES USD POSTOF the buildings, but the fire bad gained too much headTvar- aad totally (destroyed tha Charles F. Murphy, John C.

LAST YEAR'S Adolf Geineig, aji jnspeclbr at the Clinton' yards of the; George W. Shepard Lumber Was fun down by i.n engine kit the Clinton Street crossing of the New Tork Central Railroad at 8 o'clock this mornihg and so bady margled that his death occurred shortty arter being, removed to the hos SheehanJ Mayor Low, District Attorney smiefures. FICE LOOTED -BIG, HAUL Tne saloon was elosm for the wmtwf and Jerome, the Rev. Dr. Parkhurst, Senator COMMISSION APPOINTED DATE FOB MEHBER OF ASSEM-' BLY Vt HIRST DISTRICT A LEADER FOR THE iLACE.

is useu in uie ior sihr parties. The building, It Is beli ved, was set anre by tramps, who ninkje It A tielr headquarters.1 The loss is estimated at S3.000. It Is not IVIAIjE NO pL.UE, Ireland, Judge Alton B. Parker, Gen. Chaffee and Secretary siiaw and Secre covered by insurance.

Fred: Lux was tha owner of the buHdingsJ- He, lives in Genesee tary Cortelyou. Attorney-Generjal Cunneen. in accept to THE! TIMES. pital. i Geineig had just come from the lum- ber yards, and as 'an Engine was back-1 oi rre-i urar ae pen Ijine crossing.

Eajriy NIAGARA If ALLS, March ing an wrote 'as follows: RAISES HER EYELIDS OCCASION-; ALLY BIT NEVER OPENS THEM. A row has been started in the official this morning burglars broke into jthe "Alter considering tne syllabus descriptive of this corporation I feel thac iing down on the west-bound track, he MAYOR NAMES COMMITTEE TO CONSIDER QUESTION OF MUNICIPAL EXHIBIT AT ST. LOUIS. BIDS EXCEED family of Corporation Counsel Feldman La. Salle postofflce, forcing the front I must, in view of my official obi Iks ions to the State, attend tnig dinner, ana it pos to which will result in the resignation of door open a jimipy.

Previous is said tq have run in aavance 01 stepping put on the east-bound track just in time to be caughti by engine APPROPRIATIONS slble get an intimate knowledge of this corporation which imust be a veritable trust this they nad: broken open the black Edward M. Regin. the present manag-Ing'clerk In the Jffice." It is rumored to-j 2994, tvhich was running tie and: existing in violation of the Donnelly Trust laws. 1 regret that I must come after day that John the waniDer of a pollcemnn seeking Inform Sullivan of the Twen-; recently ran for Mem- smith shop," JpecUring; aj sledge, a chisel and a brace. The combination on the safawas pulled out and the large safe door was lilowh joff by either a charge of dynamite orj nitro-glycerine, the door being blown to atoms.

The 'p i NO IMMEDIATE PROSPECTS OF OB tleth Ward, whoi tion rather than as a friend favorable to the purposes; of this monster trust which monopolizes! all the I ordinary I occupations of TAINING NECESSARY IMPROVE. in the. First District, is ber of Assembly MENTS AT PI MPINO I to be named to pucceea but. negan. was knocked beneath the wheels and his left atm and left leg sejvered.

His body was otherwise cut i ujpi It 'vj'as thought alt first that he was dead and Medical Examiner! Danser was summoned, in a few I minutes he showed signs of reviving ahd was taken to the Emergency Hospital. i i il Geineig I was 32 years (old land married. He Jived at NO. 146 Bats Avenbe. p.t- Associated Press SALT LAKE, Utah, March 30.

Physicians here are at a loss to account xor the condition of Bessie Knecht, 22 yearj old, who has been asleep 28 days. During that time the young woman has not spoken a word, nor had, to all appearance, a waking moment She breathes naturally and at long intervals, raising here eyelide a trifle, but never opens them. Life is sustained with liquid food's but she is gradually wasting away, I make this statement that my motives pay be distinctly understood, and that I may not "subsequently be "garded as having gained! this Information upon STATION. iaise pretences. f- The big of keleer of "vVilliamjh JURY ORDERED Mayor Knight has appointed Horace A.

Noble, Walter J. Shepard, Richmond C. Hill. F. C.

M. Lautz and Alfred H. Burt as a committee to consider the question of a municipal exhibit at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis in 1904, pursuant to the resolution adopted by the Comnion Council requesting theMayor to appoint a committee of five representative citizens to act with the president of the Board of Aldeimen and the president of the Board of Councilmen. The committee will consider the whole question and report to th4 Mayor the desirability of such an exhibit, its char SHERIFF'S port, of $27,300 for boilers foil the.

WATER RATS -1 Damages In a Promise Salt It Willi Assess OOO Breach I Brought The. Republican organization leaders inner uuWSspM uiwuu. It is-said, have hothing to do with the. The bursters worked; leisurely, 'change and havJ not been consulted re- noise of. the two explosions failing; to garding it.

MrJ Feldman made hi awaken the; inhabitants. The safe was original selections without any advice rifled in 7fa thorough manner the from Mr Warrejn and it is understood month's pfwtdfflce receipts, amoiiirtinig that he will matte the present change to about the receipts of the gteneral If it is finally (decided upon without store of Kijnisey Bennett for the past consultation witi the machine men. week, aboit -to about IJOOj and the re-It is known that the friends of Mr.lceipts frorilithe sale ofl trolley tickets Sullivan have bten very active during for the ipast! month, amounting to about the past few dasls in an effort to secure 2hp, being I I the appointment for their candidat i a large' ibundlfe of I trolley tickets, Sullivan was orfeinally a candidate for- amountinglo about $100, and the money the place and lad strong backing order box Jwhich was jtaken from the that time. He yas beaten out for the safe, was fjund in an orchard' near the appointment by Mr. Regan, who has not postofflce tllis morning.

been on the best (of terms with the mar- There is too clUe to the burglars. This aging influencess in the office, and the is the second successful attempt to rob AND SCORCHES water works jstation was certified by Commissioner Ward to) the Aldermen today to be the lowest, and that of the Green Engineering Company of i which is $12,421. is the lowest for the new stokers, The O'Hanan Company METAL TRADES CONVENTION by Mary Mass. HARBOR POLICE AND BICYCLE A special Sheriffs Jury to assess dam of Canton is the lowlest bidder foc con-i SQAAD READY FOR RAIDS MADE acter and cost, ahd the means wnereDy ages in the suit of Mary Mass against Adelber Neuschwanger was ordered by Justice White today in Special I. THE GOOD OLD SIM- A communi- EXECITIVE COMMITTEE tS SESSION TODAY PREPARING FOR BIG MEETING WEDNESDAY.

sent to the the expenses can be met. cation to this effect was Aldermen' today. MER TIME. Term. It is a breach of promise suit, difficulty, it is said, will terminate in the La Salle postofflce within a year, the plaintiff demanding $20,000 dam veyers at thei Water Works tation.f Thjeir bid was $33,350.

The John Danforth Company of Buff alo put 1 in the dlowest bll for steam mains at $10, 700. and the Buffalo Company jor induced draft at $5,1766. j- The total Jf the (lowest! bids was. $89,537, which lis in excess of the 'appropriation. Col.

Ward Suggested that All bids be referred 'tOi the proper com-i mittee to see if any portion "of the work The pairol boat, Gov. Norton, will bis resignation. and an unsuccessful effort was made Ort account of the failure of the defendant to piit In an answer the snon he but info commission for the to blow open the safe a year ago, the burglars btjjng frightened away. Alderman Johh Martin, J. J.

Donovan, District tjommitteeman Garrett Laughlin and a iumber of others called plaintiff gets judgment by default and the jury is appointed to fix the dam summer. jCharles Pritchard will agjain be captaliji of the yessel'. At the met-ing of the Police Commissioners today, David O'Connor, H.j Dillingham QnH Charles H. Dav were appointed as ages. on Corporation Counsel Feldman on Saturday and hail a long talk, with him The Executive Committee of the National Metal Trades' Association is in session today at the Iroquois Hotel preparatory to holding! a convention here April ist, which will be one of the most important meetings of its kind ever "WAS ROBBED can be done 6r whether he be directed" RICH JT IN NEED regarding the

It is not known when the change will be made, but to reject all bids and readvertise. CASE OF TOO MUCH MOTHER-IN-LAW Switchman Schroeder Replies to His Wife's Allegations of druelty in reparation Suit. On allegations of cruelty, inhuman treatment and abandonment Kather-ine Schroeder Is seeking legal separation from her husband. Louis A. IN CANFIELD'S" pno-inpprsJ -The men appointed to act Commisisoner Ward reported about 75 rumor has it that it will go into effect as pilots kre Joseph Cole, Fjred R.

Cole on April 1st. streets in such bad condition that Emory (i. Taylor Wants to Get Tield in this country. Members of the prompt- action A number of the organization men should be taken at oncei toi I OOO from His Father's Half- committee expect it will take today and stated this morrjing that they did not nEafARK Vas MADE BV Ax IXSA.E iney are ail Deyond re- repave them pair. tomorrow to get rid of a lot of minor Million Dollar Estate.

details Know mat anyone naa oeen'agreea up- a. on for Mr. Regjin's place. They say IN FXT OF BELLEVLE Supt. Emeifson askd permission to spend $700 in that they understand there will be a obtainiri gapparatua for Most of the following-named, who compose the Executive Committee of supplying the schools, wth boiled watfer- jvacancy but thqy do not believe that lanyone has beert agreed upon for the the association, arrived here this, Bv Associated Press.

Application ws madie Jo Surrogate Marcus today by Attorneys Clinton and Wflliam J. tiyae. ine crew tins not been appointed! as yet, but will be in a day or two. 1 i i 1 Patrolmen Edbert W. Austin f.nd Joseph Giacinger of the Fifth Predict were sentenced, to be reprimanded Ifor failing to make hourly reports from the patrol boxes.

The bicycle patrolmen Will mount their wiry steeds in a few days, probably April 1st. if the weather is favbr-able. The personnel of the squad will be given out by Supt. Bull in a few days. DISC0URAGING place.

Some on the prominent sub leaders deny then report that Mr. War President, S. W. Watkins, the Chris- Schroeder. The husband is a switchman and until March 10th last he lived with his wife and four small children on Jefferson near William.

The wife alleges that on each pay day her husband goes off on a prolonged spree and that during these times his conduct is such as to endanger ren is not to be Iconsulted in the mat Thomas, representing Emory G. Taylor, for an order directing the Fidelity Trust Company, as executor of fche estate of NEW YORK, March 130. Almost unremitting application to his studies is believed to be responsible for- the meii-tal condition of Samuel Arnstein, a Columbia University student, who has been placed in the insane pavilion at FROM FLOOD DISTRICTS tensen Engineering Company, Milwaukee, vice-president and commissioner, E. F. DuBrul, the Miller.

Du-Bruel Peters Manufacturing Company, Cincinnati, second vice-president, A. H. Bullard, the Bullard Ma ter and maintain that when the new appointee is seleted it will not be until after Mr. Warren has approved of 'his candidacy, i the petitioner's fjather, llascal L. Taylor, to p'ay Him from the estate.

The young man irlaims that he requires Cribbing: Swept Away by the Terrifto Current Running Through Gap. chine Tool Company, Bridgeport, the money to meet his expenses treasurer, N. B. Payne, the Payne Com SALARY SHAVERS BILL TOMORROW By Associated Press. (Representative of the bank asked for an adjournment of the rrtotion on the her life.

On March 10th last, she says that he abandoned her. An application for counsel fees and alimony on the part of the plaintiff was made to Justice White in Special Term this morning, by her attorney, Guy B. Moore. It was opposed by Attorney William Hutchinson, who represented pany, No. 141 Broadway, New York City; secretary, Robert Wuest, Union Trust Building, Cincinnati, coun MR.

R02AN 18 A L0YAL DEMOCRAT ground that the bank was to make an accounting on- April 15th, and it would be well to have I both matters decided i cillors, M. M. Barker, American Tool at once. Surrogate Marcus denied this IT MR. BURKE EXPECTS TO GET Ol'T OF COMMITTEE AT THAT the husband.

Mr. Hutchinson declared that the charges were frivolous and that this was simply "a case of too motion and said he would not delay the motion of Clinton Thdmas any longer Machine Company, Boston, H. N. Covell, the Lidgerwood Manufacturing Company, Brooklyn, N. V.

P. Eagan, F. W. Wolf Company, Chicago, NEW ORLEANS, March couraging neWs comes today-from the scene of the break in he levee at HV-mela. During the.

eary morning more of the cribbing was jswept away by the terrific jiurrent tjhat lis running through th gap, and tie ends are J'apt idly crumblinlg away. Lumber is aW riving in aburidaijcej tut the "crevasini apparently I lis beyond control. Tha land for -miles) around iB a Vast sheet ff water and tht tracks' of the Texas Pa than tottiorrow. much mother-in-law." TIME. order grant Justice White made an Proceedings halve been instituted by heirs of the estate to compel the trust ing the plaintiff $50 a month alimony "I SEVER WILp ALLOW MY PERSONAL POLItcAL A.VBLTIO.S OR DISAPPOIXT3BBNTS TO JEOPAR Company, Chicago, F.

B. the Polsom Iron Works, Toronto, G. JT, Steedman, the Curtis Com-pany. Manufacturing Company, St. Louis, Lewis Searing, the Denver and her attorney $30 counsel fees.

company to show where some "of the accounts have gone. Th4y claim the to THE TlMlES. The suit was then referred to Attorney ALBANY, March 30, Assemblyman estate has been mismanaged. Hascal E. C.

Hard for trial SLCCESS OF MV Burke expects to get his salary-shavers Engineering Works Company, Denver, L. Taylor left pifoperty valued at over DIZE THE PARTY." one-half a million dollars, CHINAMEN HAVE NO RIGHTS icific are now icovered. While the South KING AND QUEEN DEPART Bellevue Hospital for He is 18 years' pld and lived with father, Sigmund' Arnstein, a wealthy diamond merchant of (his city. It was observed by his family two weeks ago that overstudy had apparently undermined his. health.

Every effort was made to keep him from his books; He "was taken by his1 father to the family physician yesterday who advised that he, sent -to Bellevue. was necessary to! summon tlwo policemen before the ypling man ccbuld be induced to return home. I When they got in front of the hoMse he refused Id enter. "No, I won't go into, there. That's Canfleld's, nd I was robbed there oncfe.

I am not going back again." He ran down Madison Avenue for three blocks he was overtaken. Then he was placed in a cab and taken to the hospital. NEW $60,000 CONCERN C. Roaster Mannfactaring; Company Organltvd to Make Automobiles and Carrlnftes. The C.

Rossler Manufacturing Company, capitalized at $60,000, has filed: lis certificate, of incorporation in the County Clerk's office this morning. The company will manufacture automobiles and carriages arid will start business with $25,000 capital. The directors are Charles Rossfer, Stanislaus S. Nowacki Stanislaus! S. Lipowlcz.

Charles Newton and Arrihie Editor Buffalo TIltES: In yesterday's etjiloa of THE TIMES I bill as amended, out of committee to- u. in. n.innara, tne ivinnara-morrow aid between the Assembly ls -Company. Minneapolis ji (honorary, W. H.

Pfahler. Abram Cox The measure provides that no person Stove Company Philadelphia. Pa. or corporation shall loan mdneyon ski- the purpose of this committee to aries or Other securities without fllSng' cause the organization of central bodies a detailed statement of the amount i employers, corresponding to those of loaned anjd the interest charged, the "union laborers, thus meeting the Poor Chack and His Are Chucked Into Jail While the Fees Pile I' p. Edward Goes to Lisbon And Alexan noticed au article quiltled "Kozaii Fighting tlie dra, to See and) Visit Her Father.

As a rule I do not answer newsoaper comment, hut for rnne time my name an been eoufweU so ofiin with different pollti- with the County UierK, also oetorei a i There Is some talk of the Manufactur cal happenings tha in iluc respect to my loan is made the money shaver must consult the employer giving the state Br Assorlatted Press Cnble. LONDON, Marjch 30. King Edward, friends, the peopie I represent and to uiy- ern racinc ia in dangpr from hae'lt water. i .1 n. GREENVILLE, March 1I0.U water is now stationary and coveis nearly all the city.

Many negro nsfilH gees are arriving and 'there is son) difficulty in providing for their imme diate wants but has been no real suffering. Relief boats continue scour the: overflowed district south of here and ard picking up all perdort who desire to leave their homes. 1 1 i ADVANCE FOR MACHIXE HINKBlS. .1 By Associated4 Press. JOHNSTOWJJ.

March 80. The Ber-wind White Company of Windber, employe lug niinei-Si has posted a -notice- of an advance of wages- to machine miners of 1a ers' Club all over the country acting in conjunction with this movement. deem it uacpssarj- to answer the self, I almre. ment of the amount wanted by the em with a puite consisting of half a dozen ploye. nave worked mostly for the Demo- the success of Its candi era tic party and for dates lor nearly lit i( years, and in view of The report of St.

Mary's; Deaf Mate Institute, dn Edward Street may be presented jthe Assembly tonight by As PITTSBURG FIHE.MAN KILLED. Br Associated Press. PITTSBURG. March answering a Are rail last night one fire Ung Tai Hlng and t'ng Tai Chuck, the Chinamen having what are known as Me-Get trick certiflcates and to testify to the validity of which Felix W. McGettrick, former United States Commissioner of Ver-ment.

was brought here several weeks ago, were Irralgned again before I'nited States Commissioner Keating t'his afternoon. The two Chinamen have spent their time in the jail while awaiting dual action in their cases. S3TH WARD, At a meeting held in North Buffalo Hall. persons started 'or Lisbon this afternoon, having a few hours previously seen Queen Alexandria off for Copenhagen, i The Portuguese Minister to Great Britain, the Marquis De Soveral, accompanied, the King. semblyman Burke.

taose services 1 tlnik 1 am entitled to better treatment froiii my party press and party leaders than fclurs and ridicule. Mr. t'Jtzpatrick and myiself are under do obligations one to the other, neither is there man was killed and three others badly in RY GIVES-HIS DECISION jured. PILLSBl The; were on the hose carriage going at uuy controversy uctMecu us. I Br Associated Press Chhle.

a high rate of speed when a wagon turned Once for all I nisii to that I never LONDON March 30. Pillsbfiry hds He- a cornier into the street ahead. Robert II. per Mo tollmen recejlve an increase of from 24 to 30 cents 'an hour; spraggets from 20 to 29 cents; and laborers lo pir oave and never wiiraHow my personal International eided the lxtn came tne Wilson! was unable to check his team In political amliitliius lor disappointments to university. i Niagara and Hamilton streets, hint Satur uess-niafch 1 favoij of- Kugland time to prevent a collision, and all of the day evening, the Twenty-nfth Ward Per- firemen were thrown to the ground.

The H. Newton. I mameut Republican Club was organized. wheelsl DEATH ROLL TOOPS COJtFIXEDj ijjf- BARRACKS. of the carriage went over Wilson, him.

were elected umcers ior ine ensuing year killing WILL GET AN INCREASE. jeopardize the welfare and success of my party. Tery truly yours, JAMES M. March 30, 100ft. fcUT BY THE MAYOR'S ORDER Hk-hard Humphrey: Philadelphia; March so.J-wniiam as follows: President secretary.

Edward ('. Guenther; treasurer. MeKean, who for nearly 30 years was efeli GIFTS TO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charles Lelb; Sviee-presidents MADRib. March 80.4-Jt is reported that serious Republican outrages bare ocenrred at Valencia.

The troops are confined jonn hi i) st, MRS. ROOSEVELT STARTS. Bv Associated Tress. WASHINGTON. March 30.

The yacht Mayflower, having on board Mrs. Roosevelt and her children, left the navy yard this moraing for a wefk's cruise, which may extend along the South Atlantic coast If weather conditions lare favorable. Otherwise the time will be speut along the Chesapeake Ulver and Delawanj Bay. SILT AN AND CHIEFS FLED Bv Associated Press Cable. LONDON, March 30.

Gen. Sir. Frederick Lngard, high commissioner of Northern Nigeria, at the hes(fl of a British force occupied Sokoto Mari-h 15th. After a feeWe resistance the Sulkon of Sokoto and his tor-iu-chief of the l'ublle Ledger, at his Edward C. Guenther, Henri' Fritz, Fred nome a ere, at the age or 8j years.

The Buffalo Historical Society has re-j By Associated Press. ASHLAND, Maiieh 30. The employes of the Schuyler Traction Lakeside Railway have been notified that their wages will be increased 10 cents a day from April 13th: Thdy are now paid ldVt cents Kussen, nr. n. n.

uingnam oarracKg ana street meetings at Valencia Ql liBKC March i 30. L. Z. are iui itiuufu, 1 celved an old Are engine from the Pratt Letohvirorrh Company which the firm has had for 40 year. It has also been pre- To Relieve the vineiai snpermteuaeut or eame and dsn Flood Situation In TAXPAYERS 1 1'RGB HASTE.

the Greenville), Diatrlct. soiueu w-irn an iDKsriinu ny C. Letsonj which was used by Millard Fillmore. an hour pr lo aours work. i 1 1 1 SPECIAL RIVER BULLETIN.

By Associated Press. The South Buflfalo Taxpayers' Association has adopted resolutions urmnir th nr.i LONG HOLDS THE FORT. Although the town board of! Grand island has" appointed a successor toi Charles W. Long, 'he former highway commissioner, the latter has served notice thatl he will continue to hold office until next January, and a legal contest for the place js assured. diarort Press.

GEORGE W. VOSS IS DEAD. George W. Voss, formerly of the con Rr Asr GREENVILLE. ficiais to do all In their power to hasten iie 1 formalities required before the work of abating the flood iniisance can be begun.

1 WASHINGTON. March 30. The weather March 30. chiefs fled. Bureau today issued the following special tracting nrm or ismitn oss.

died yes The protection le fee in the northern The deeased was well and favorably known among all ihe United States sportsmen. -DENVERl i March 30. Frederick Boscovitz, an eminent Hungarian pianist, here, of general debility. He was the last living pupil of Chopin. He tvas born in Budapest.

und had been in America 23 years. CHICAGO, MaVch 30. Gustavus Franklin Swift, brtsident Of the Swift racking Company, at his home here, of internal hemorrhages resulting from a I surgical operation performed several days ago. lie was 63 yeajs iof age. river bulletin: terday at his home.

No. 1284 Main Street. part of the city There ha been little Change In the lower was cut early today ard 4 Mr. Voss was a prominent Mason. He is survived by a widow and MlsslsslDiil River sinice.

Saturday. At by order of the Mayor. The crevasse was made with a yiew of relieving the two children. George H. and Jeannette Vicksburg the river this morning was Sl.o feet, a fall of 0.i? feet sinoe Saturday morning and at New Orleans 20.3 lect, a rise of oss.

ine runerai win be held on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family situation wumn the town limits, the hope being that the cut will let the water now standing in the city flow into the bayou. I 9.2 feet. LONDON TIMES1 PRINTS MARCONI aiarca 30. isews or tpe uouie. PEOPLE WERE PANICSTRICKEN.

By Associated Press Cable. death of rather Ildepbonsus, Superior gen era i or tne uraer ot 1'assionlsts In spa PRAY FOR RAINSTORM nas oeen received i in tats city. He wtas JERUSALEM, March 30. An earthquake II II LODO'', March 30. The Times this morning jiublislies rtwo despatches from New York.

Which it announces, were trans well known in this as he couducqed suoik oi unprccenemen violence ws ex missions in several 1 cities: when he was at 1 1 All mitted bv tihe Marconi svsteni of wlreiesss perienced here at a quarter to one this morning. The entire population was panlc- tached to the monastertes-of the order I in The 'despatches contain about Plttsourg, and Dunkirk, NL 150 words. uui me uumage was siignt. un tirpos TO QUENCH FLAMES By Asoc.if ed 'Press, CUMBERLAND, March 30. A ffre has been raging for iome daj-s In Mt.

Pisgah in Clay County. W.I and la assuming such a threatening iature that the people are praying for rain. It Is feared the village of Clay will be destroyed. GERMAN EMPRESS IMPROVING By I Associated Press Cable. (Ml I WARDS AND EMPLOYES BERLIN, March 3U, the Herman empress, who broke1 she of hones of her left foreajm through being thrown from her 4-- horse last irittar, is ma King good progress.

The In-er-seal in whicn Uneeda Biscuit are packed, was not an accident It was made for a Tnere is: no local evrauug or pain. CABOOSE AND CARSBVRNED fiv Assoclnted Press OF STATE UNDERFED THHER STl5flTS UROWXED By Assodateu Press. HAXOVEll. N. H.J March 30.

Robert M. Baker of Worcester) and John B. Kenerson of Roxbur.i, both freshmen at Dartmouth Colleae. and members of the purpose FTICA; X- March So. In a rear-end collision between freights on the New York Central Bailroad in East1 Home em-lv this tent so that many of the attendants Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, were drowned Your Purpose Dl 1.

1 1 were forced to either go hungry or to une tauoemK morning. a caooose ana tnree cars were In toe Connecticut Sunday. SERIOUS CHARGES MADE BY I1TII sena out or the institution for food. It was made that you might buy biscuit just Diaries have been kept by some of the employes in which were jotted down -Li ATTENDANTS AT BUFFALO STATE HOSPITAL FOOD as they left tne oven; tnat you could always depend on getting them fresh and oo4r the kind of food furnlsnea from day to day and these memoranda tell a story of neglect and victuals unfit to eat. The potatoes, it is declared, were hardly Are you Bilious? I SUPPLIED DAILY IS UNFIT TO Our Purpos ever wasnea, were of poor quality and seldom properly cooked.

Pork and beans were frequently served practic 1 Are you Fagged? 1 ally uncooKea. AAl It was made that could preserve ana de Mucli complaint is made of the eggs Kiinployes of the Buffalo State Hqs Are yoii Constipated liver to you tne Dest biscuit in tne best con pital for the Insane located on Forejst Avenue are again threatening open re supplied. Attendants to the number of 30 and: 40 have been known to leaye the table because of the odor from a rotten egg which had been opened. Onei entry bellion on account of the inferior char acter of the food furnished them by eecham's Pilis irom a aiary under date of February dition; protecting them against moisture, 'dust and germs; so they Will reach your table in their original, clean, wholesome and nutritious form. How well it has answered, all purposes is -shown by the sale of more than 200,000,000 packages.

zutn, reaas: the Odell administration. There was! a strike lastl October among the attend I i 1 "February 20th Had eggs for breakfast, which were very strong when If you aioBSIIou9 opened, second table Had baked i po IVk i 1 ants for tljie same reason, but the men kvere pacified by Supt. Arthur Hurd, Who, because of the impending election. tatoes, but first had none, as they tt Interfere wftt work, plauois sad hspplnesi ervrsodr Is so iu times; ta many rm it ukea Ufa Inrrien Um fsalt vttb be uomseh, liver slid kidneys. action at Maham'l py Is is prompt and certain sad TrtU la a short Urn ismovs Ut evlL nas no doubt anxious to remedy the jvil.

Since that however, there fias been little or no improvement in the rations und the big Insti- When you ana 1 I I- were not -ready, suppose. General complaint about 'the breakfast. Dinner: Potatoes, half done. Supper: Milk was short. Potatoes Warmed up and not inviting.

Fish mixed with potatoes, and whole burned. Much complaint" It is charged that beefsteak, is such a luxury that it has been supplied to the attendants only two, or three times a month, and that pie of any kind is ution 13 qm the verge of, insurrection. That roadowo jfeellng is earned by your overworked: digestlva organs not doing their work properly. Beercham'a Pills will set them, right, reUrrUoraU the aritera and rectors awnd lhe grievances are enumerated by the en atr follows: 1 i i Serving leggs that have reached a If GonstlpatBd tate iof over-maturity long before they I Til LHfJvviUiJ ere nrougni to ine tame. r.

Permitting half-cooKed meats and naraiy ever seen. The employes further allege that the patients, of "whom there are over 200 in the hospital, are half -starved and that they hungrily devour the scraps "left is important Ito know that OBratipatioa eansat mors than half the siekiicst is to world, sepedaUyol It can all be prerented If Beeoham's Pllfs an taken whenever nature seems to call for Comf ort'sad-haspiBeM si sure to follow tha naa" of tuh. mm. ege tables to be served day after day without any -attempt to stop the puis. 7 II II i.

viA-ri OKAX BISCUIT COMPANY bractlce. 1 I Favoring the table of the physicians on me taoies or attendants. Dr. thei superintendent, made! v. Vi i i i jv Sold Everywhere in Doxeo, 10c.

and 25c. genera denial of the charges, saying at the expense of that of the attendants-. Cutting off -supplies to euci an ex ma.i me cuomns was supervised bv an expert in mat unet i 'j 1 If.

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