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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 2

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Issue Date:
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TEST SHOWS CAR SERVICE FAILS TO SATISFY DEMANDS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) 3 and Main at. were Jammed to the eaten and there were scores of pros- pectlve passengtrb who could not rrowd on. while earn going south from that corner were only half rilled. Thlt situation, officials of the com- pany assert, will remedied as soon as It It humanly possible. F.

L. Ilut- ler, the new general superintendent from Chicago, and his staff are now rj encaged on plans for re-routing the Within two or three weeks Mr. Butler expects to have all the new routings perfected, so that the cars will be more evenly distributed, the heavy traffic lines getting more and 1 lines serving more sparsely popu- lated districts having their supply Taa Tribune Investigators were sta- Moned at Portage and Main, Portage and Donald and other corners on Mortage, and at the car barns. CROWDS WAIT ON POFITACE AVE. ISLANDS Largo crowds were to be aeet on he platforms at I'ortage ave.

and bbbbB Main Rt. nnrl Pnrtflflrn rva. and Donald st. waiting for service con-H tlnuouely between 5.25 and 6.45 o'clock, This, although cars passed Portage ave. and Main st.

inter- LH i section, headed In three directions, on HH an average of one in every 15 seconds. The car routing which makes this congestion nt one point necessary ap- peared largely responsible. Most of he time the cars had to watt their turn to make the Intersection, while passengers waited at every street -corner west and north. There were no street cars in good condition standing idle In either car barn during those hours. At Intervals, however, cars for a particular direction failed to appear at Portage ave.

and Main st. for per- lods of as much as two minutes, when Jio crossing was cloar and patrons were waiting, Two hundred and thirty-six street ars passed that intersection during he hour, Of these, 89 were headed lorth. 79 were headed west, and 68 headed south. Too many turned south for the umber of passengers waiting, taking nto consideration the few lmportanr senger stops on the lines in that direction, -r here never were enough cars to ndle the crowds going north on Jnln st, and west on Portage ave. Many cars were crowded to capac- PBVJ Itv with Portage ave.

and Main st. PBVJ passengers. Before they reached PBVJ Donald st on Portage where HBV as heavy as at the other cor- aaaBaaH ner waited, they were Jammed to the 1 Tho figures gathered on the number of cars which passed the Portage aVe. and Main st intersection appear to joint to only one solution, now the jltneyn are gone cars must be ro-H routed to come in on Portage ave. and Main st, without having to ps fl busy corner of those streets.

ONLY 4 OBSOLETE CARS LEFT AT NORTH BARNS Every car, except four, of the North barns. Main st. and Inkster was in use between 6 and 6 o'clock. 1 Of the remaining cars, three were 'dlnklea" or the original typo of one-IH Tuctt, "see-saw" cars, and the fourth IH was a double-ender. which was the second type introduced in Winnipeg.

These cars, an Inspector explained, in t'ie barns to be cleaned, and keep the staff engaged. TV tpur tracks, running off from daln nt, were empty. 0 Occasionally there was congestion as cars arrived at the terminus from downtown, but they were regulated aftr-rdlng to schedule when they (itartei on their trip to town again. Occasionally, talso, there were lapses levcral minutes betwen the arrival of cars but usually these intervals 'ollowed a congestion. The Inspector In charge of the barn miDrted that all trafflo was being andled satisfactorily.

MAIN BARN CARS OUT TO HELP HANDLE "SWAMP" The main barn, on Main st. at As-unlbolne supplied two during the rush hour. There were but 7 cars in tho barn between 5 and 6 o'clock and these were being repaired. Five bodies of what' will in two weeks be used as 'trailers" were also stored at the barn. According to the chief mechanic, bam houid between ,15 and 20 cars during the rush hours In the past hree year.

Wednesday, orderB were received from tho "chief that all available ijars and the old type "dlnkles" were to be rushed out of the barn to handle the "swamp," as the morning, noon and evening rush traffic Is known to barn men. Three cars were dispatched for the Broadway route, two for Corydon ave, 2 for KUdonan, 2 for Portage and 1 for St. Boniface. There were but four dlnkles in the barn and were sent to the William, Arl-jngton and Sutherland ave. routes.

12 Lose Lives In' Fire on Steamship A.V ATLANTIC PORT, May 2 f'wo men lost their lives nnd another Is In a serious condition af a hospital as the result of a fire aboard tWe bay steamor Newahore-ia at her dock here early today. Nine other men on board escaped or were rescued. I Italians Observe Quiet May Day ROME, May 2 May Day passed in ranqulllty throughout Italy. Many workmen, especially those employed by the smaller companies, remained at their work. The day did not wear the aspect of a holiday, except In some of the large towns, where tho rtrect car service was suspended.

3 Deserters Given Suspended Sentence Two brothers were charged in police court today with desertion from the array. They, together with a third man who pleaded guilty to a similar charge, Jtvere released under suspended sentence conditional upon their re-enllstment Tho brothers are William A. Smith, and Thos. C. Smith, of the 107th battalion.

They Buld they deserted because they were not able to get passes. Hardy, the third man, deserted from the 100th battalion, but re-enlisted In the Fort Garry Horse. George Iieauchamy, charged with being military absentee, was banded to military authorities. HUNS PREPARE ANOTHER DRIVE ON WEST FRONT (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) Wednesday before the positions held by the British and French troops, especially those in the hands of the British which it had teea tho ambition of the Germans to capture, separate the British and French armies, and open the way for a rush the channel ports. SInco Monday, what activity there has been In this region was carried 't by the British and French; both of whom havo materially bettered their positions the French near Iocre and the British at Meteren.

On both sectors ground was captured and prisoners wero taken. Offensive Not Over The pause in the offensive, however, apparently Is not to be taken an meaning the end of tho German attempts to crack the allied line. All along tho front, the Wg guns are roaring and shells of all calibre are ploughing the terrain and the areas far behind them, and fresh German reserves are being hurried to tho front. Indeed, advices from the British front in Flanders are to the effect that another furious drive by Von Arnim la in Immediate prospect. Emperor William has been at tho front delivering flamboyant speechtes to the troops in an endeavor to spur on to victory.

Meanwhile British and French artillery are sending a veritable rain of shells on Mont Kemmel. the chief" point of vantage gained by the Germans in the Ypres sector. Thus far the allied guns have held back all attempts by the enemy to reinforce his men on the Mil, and if the good work is kept up, the hill top Is likely soon to prove to be a death tran for Its oaDtors. trap ior us captors. Confidence in Foch Nothing as yet has been vouchsafed regarding "the lnter-allled war council which is holding sessions at Versailles which are expected to bring forth decisions of great moment.

Representatives of all thb allies are in attendance. Great faith In the ability of Gen. Foch and the allied commanders on the west front again has been expressed by M. Clemenceau, tho French rremler. The fighting on all the other fronts, except in Palestine and Mesopotamia, continues of a minor character.

In both the latter theatres, However, the British have returned to tho attack and gained important successes over the Turks. Progress has been made north of Bagdad, along tho Tigris river, and In Palestine; several positions have been captured and' prisoners taken. 5,000 HUN PRISONERS TAKEN BY BRITISH LONDON, May 2 "The enemj's artillery was active Wednesday against tho hack areas In tho neighborhood of Bethune and has heavily shelled French positions on the Locre sector," says Field-Marshal Hale's communication Issued Wednesday. "On the remainder of the front there is" nothing to report beyond the usual artillery activity and local encounters on both sides." The numtsr of German prisoners captured by the British armies in Franco during March was 1,061, Including 69 officers. In April, a further 6,241 prisoners, including 136 officers, wero captured.

Thef? figures are excluulvo of the prlsoner.8 taken by tho French. GAVE HER DELICATE CHILD 101 It Built Him Up and Mad Him Strong Newivfo, MicL "Mr little boy a In a delicate, weak, emaciated condition and had a coogh to we hd 10 keep him out of fchool for a year. I Nothing seemed to help him until" Vino! was recommended, and tha change it made In him was remark. ible. It hat built him up and mado i him ttrone so his tough is almost wtlrelr gone.

We can rot recommend Vlnol too Mri. E. N4 11 anion. Mothers of weak, delicate, ailing children ire asked to try this famous eod Urtr snd iron tonic on our guar totce. Children late to take it.

McCullough's Drug Stores, Brook-Ing's Drug Stores, O. W. Campbell, Dunlop Drug Depot, Arthur J. Roberts, H. D.

Campbell, McLellan's Drug Stores, T. Eaton W. F. C. Bralthwaite, F.

L. Brown, Balph It. Mageo, J. 1C Urown, Winnipeg; C. Hunter, Norwood.

Also at the best druggists In all Manitoba towns, Advt. gjurw immnrmni urn iMiiiraraiixiramn una am in in rai i in 1:1 1 rm i.n 1:1 rirrn I 1 Vacuum Cleaner Specials i3 3 5 For Clean-up Week only we offer tho following exceptional 5 prices: j. Cadillac Model 0 Regular $32.50 $25.00 Cadillao Model Regular $37.50 $20,50 Cadillao Model Regular $42.50 $34.00 These machines are all guaranteed by tho manufacturer. 3 Shop Earlytho number is limited. I I Lush-Burke Electric, Limited I I PHONE MAIN 6009.

315 DONALD ST. immimmmimmmvmnmmmmm pi iii.imr,ri;i wtiitiwrrni mimM i Bt w. h. Mcpherson BAILIFF SALE Ford Roadster On the Premises, 264 Smith on FRIDAY, MAY 3rd, AT 2 P.M. Instructed by Messrs.

Willis Bailiffs, I will sell tho above car un der a Lien Note Warrant and a Garago Lien. Terms Cash. W. H. McPHERSON, Auctioneer Main 1781 264 Smith Street WILLIS Bailiffs, M.

2127 By Hartley Watchorn 181-185 James Av. May 3rd PUBLIC AUCTION SALE 60 HEAD MARES AND GELDINGS Auction' Sales Every Tuesday and Friday. Private Sales Daily. Hartley Watchorn: Live Stock Auctioneers and Commission Asrents, Phone Main 2753, 185 James St East "The place to buy them worth the money," FIFTEEN YEARS USE OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS Thousands of mothers keep a box of Ilabrs Own Tablets In the house as long as there are little ones about. Among them is -Mrs.

Marcel D. Le-Hlanc. Memramcook West, N.U., who savs- "For the past fifteen years I have' never been without Itaby's Own Tablets. Whenever any of my children are ailing the Tablets promptly relieve them. I have such faith in them that I never hesitate in recommending them to any of my fl friends who have little ones in the home.

The Tablets are sold by medicine lealeTs or by mall at 25 cent, a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine UrockvWe. Ont. Advt. Auction BY W.

If. McPHERSOI Bailiffs7 Sale or Fine Household Furnishing: 2 FHACTICALLY NEW MANOS, 6I.NGCI SnUNfl 51ACHINK Instructed by Willie A tn( J. Clark, Bon Taylor, wa will bj public auctloa on Friday, May 3rd AT P.M. at the eaWoom 2(11 SMITH HTKKKT the follow Inn hlsri-claaa, including practically new plnnix, "Slier. tock Manning and i fumcil nak dlnliur-rooni aulln, funml oak drrMifi 6 all brats double and alntie Deri complete, 3 trj line mahiifanjr parlor mna all" oak aldrbnard, fine kltflien cabinet, I'ook atotf, linn kitchen range, upholstered rNj rlialrH, almont new riateiictte In fumed nak, 4 davenport, 3 Toronto ronrhew, inualo cabinet, 4 oak buffetta, 10 mahogany and oak dreaaera, almoat new American organ, mahogany and oak centre tablift.

roll top deaka, numoroua beda, drumera. chalra, rockera, dreaaer, waah-atand, davenport, carpet, kitchen table, bed and clock, plllowa, china ami utenaila, kitchen arm chair, dlahea, 4 dining chalra. chalra, tahjea, clocxn. Toronto couch, mattreaa, carpet, aheeta, blanki ta, spreada, plllowa, cushions, bedding, clothing, WILLIS CO. nallltTa, 433 Main St.

J. CLARK SOX TAYLOIt, 813 Main St. IV. II. McI'HKRMOX, Auctioneer I 201 Sin illi Nt.

TlionaM. 1781 McMillan Avenue Very compact 6-'toomcd house, with sleeping balcony, overlooking Crescent, $5,000. Easy terms. For further particulars, apply to BLACK ARMSTRONG Garry Building. Phone M.

5120 1 1 ii i i 1 9 I SALE I II and Saturday Selling I A special purchase oi' (300 pair Boys' and iWhs' Boots go on sale in I I our Juvenile Department Friday and Saturday. Tins is an exceptional opportunity and parents should be on hqnd early. Boys' JfTY Youths' throughout Keg. $3.75. W' Style KeGular Sale Price ff Jr-roAjJ Special Sale Pried 1 1 $2.65 $2.45 Yale Shoe Store.

LM Phone Main 7348 321 Portage Avej 744 ALEXANDER AVENUE, WINNIPEG jj I I ALL CONFECTIONERS AND QIlOCErtS opposed to tho closing of stores at 6 p.m. are requested to attend a meeting In the 'ard room, Oddfellows' Temple. Kennedy Thursday evening, Ma 2, 8 o'clock Electric Wash ex With Swinging Reversible Wringer IN A CLASS BY ITSELF a Another car load just received Those heavy blankets and other win-1 tcr goods must be washed. Do it right arid the easiest way by using A Maytag Electric i Washer Hundreds in use in Winnipeg huj and all more than pleased. Cash or monthly payments suit yourself.

Pliono for parficu- lars, Garry 13G0. Cot. Arlington and Logan jj CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY i Chins 6f Time Effective Tuday May 7, 1918 Katt Selkirk, (Jrand Beach, I torla Beach Leave Winnipeg 5Ion day. Wednesday oj.d Vlda' rcfu' i same days. Same running time at present.

R. Creelman, Oen. Pass Wlnnlpes. -Advt. Tributes 1 I Statesmen and Military I Authorities Unanimous I in Tributes of Appreci- 0 I 0 ation of T.M.C.A.

Ser- I vice to Men and Morale I From His Majesty the King 0 down to the humblest private, I there is wonderful tribute to I the Y.M.C.A. for its service on I behalf of the mental, physical and wj spiritual welfare of the soldiers. By SI statesmen and highest military au- 21 thorities its grea.t inspiration to the" 0 "morale" of the Canadian Army is gs fretly acknowledged morale (fight- ing spirit) the stuff of which victories are made Ml The Kin: I 65 "His Majesty congratulates the ra kS Y.M.C.A." The Daho of Devonshire: "In every quarter, both overseas and at home, the war-work of the 2m Y.M.C.A. is spoken of in terms of 3 the highest and most well-deserved jg Pi praise." Premier LloydGeorge: 1 "Wherever I go I hear nothing but good of the work. We owe them a gj very deep debt of gratitude." Ex-Premier Aaqnith: "It is the finest thing in Europe." 8 Premier Borden: Wfi "Canadians must be grateful i hope and believe that they will re- gj 3 spond generously to the appeal for 3 support which is to be made for the IS Red Triangle Fund." Sir Douglas Commandtr-lnchlef of British Arnuee In France EgJ 5 "Send more Y.M.C.A.

Secretaries to the Front." Maj.Gen. Turner: Commander of Canadian Fercee In Ens-land EI I eaaaaaaal 3 avish you a full measure of sue- VH iH cess in the campaign to raise a largeV jH sum of money to carry on and still 'B further extend the valuable help iH 5 afforded by your association to all ranks here." 5 3 Maj.General Mcwburn: 0 "WM Mlnlatsr of Militia jji Telegraphed his heartiest appreci- jj 5 ation of the magnificent service ren- 3 dered the Canadian forces on active -service. Ej Sir A. E. Kemp, Minister of Militia far Oterseea, wriL.i IH "Please convey my best wishes for success in the forthcoming E2 Dominion-wide Campaign." President Wilson: 1 "May I not express the very high a value I have attached to the work accomplished." 1- Ex'Presideni Roosevelt: 0 I 'Wbat the Y.M.C.A.

has been doing in Europe has been really re- I markable, and our citizens should Ej aid them." Lord Northcliffc: tH I "I do not think the war can be i fought without the Y.M.C.A." From a Canadian Officer: "It has been found that all games which result in physical contact have 13 a tendency to increase the 'spirit of 'fighting spirit' and 'regir mental Efforts on your part fi will bd ot National Service." GC3D nDnnn uuuuuuudquuuwou WINNIPEG fllll IS AWARDED V.G. FPU HEROIC FEAT (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) Major Wilfrid Snow, II.A.F.. France. In the letter Major Snow told ois that Allan had performed a wonderful feat and that he had been rocommonded for decoration, but we had no Idea that ho would receive a Victoria Cross." "Allan is such a boy." the mother continued. "He left Winnipeg Just three days after he had celebrated his eighteenth birthday.

Ke had Just finished his studies on the Stonewall Collegiate school and was preparing to enter the University of Manitoba when he decided to enlist In the Royal Flying corps. "He left here the middle of last August and arrived In England the first of September. He went to France In November." Official Story of Deed The official story of Lieut. Mc-Ixsod's feat follows: "The Victoria Cross has been awarded to Second Lieut Alan A. McLeod, who, whilst flying with an observer, Lieut.

W. Hammond, In a bombing machine, gunning a hostile formation, was attacked at a height of 6,000 feet by eight enemy trl-planes. By skilful manoeuvring he enabled his observer to shoot down three of these out of control. Lieut. McLeod was by this time wounded five times.

A bullet penetrated the petrol tank and set fire to his machine. 1U then climbed out to the left bottom plane, controlling tho machine from the sldo of the fuse lage and by side-slipping steeply kept tho flames to one side, enabling the observer to continue firing until the ground was reached. The observer had been wounded six times; and when the machine crashed In No Man's Land, Lieut. McLeod. despite his own wounds, dragged him away from the burning wreckage at great personal risk from heavy enemy machine-gun fire.

Although again wounded by a bomb, Lieut. MoLcod managed to place Lieut. Hammond In comparative safety before he fell himself from exhaustion and loss of blood." It Is understood Lieut. McLeod Is In a London hospital and that his condition is serious. Another V.C.

Awarded The Victoria Cross has also been awarded to Llc-ut. Allen Oerrard, for displaying unusual daring. Gerrard, when on an offensive patrol, with two other officers, attacked five enemy airplanes, shooting one down in flames. Ho then- attacked an enemy airdrome, engaging single-handed some 19 machines, which either were landing or starting off. and crashed one of them against the airdrome.

A large number of machines then attacked Gerrard. hut seeing one of his companions In difficulty he went to his assistance and destroyed a third enemy -machine. Fresh enemy machines were arising from the airdrome, and he attacked them one after another, and only retreated when ordered to do so. Five machines pursued him, but ho turned, although apparently wounded, and repeatedly attacked them until, overwhelmed by numbers, he was driven down. Chinese Troops To Attack Rebels AMOT, China, May 2 Heavy reinforcements of government troops are moving toward the Fukierf Kwang Tung border, concentrating chiefly at Tung Phan and Chacan, An offensive operation against the southern rebels is imminent.

Fine Farm Hand For Breaking Contract i Hliiiking farm work after a contract has been signed is a costly busttefB, Julius Goltz found out today when fined J5 and costs in provincial police court for deserting employment. He had agreed to work as a farm hand for Peter McKInnon, at Little Ilritton, for the summer. Conditions did not suit him when got there, and he left after working live da-s. NEW ANTI-IDLING LAW II APPLY TO CITY STRIKERS (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) magazine canvasser, and William Falrbank, who claimed he could not work because he had rheumatism. Hnat rich.

Sam Joselvich and Fred Hepner wero remanded for Investigation. Question "Star Gazers" Approximately 100 men were questioned when a police squad, headed by Deputy Chief Chris. H. Newton, rushed into the crowd of "star gazers" In front of the employment offices on Faclflc ave. Of these, six were taken to cells at police headquarters and will bo charged Friday morning with a breach of the Idleness act, according to the police.

Chief Macpherson said raids on pool rooms, hotels and other public places suspected cf being "hangouts" for won't works will continue until Winnipeg Is rid completely of loafers. Telephone calls and anonymous letterfi, directing police where to find uncmployec mep who are alleged to be dodging employment, are being received In large numbers. The new law. the chief remarked, is an aid to the vagrancy law, which was on the statuto books before the loafing law. WORKMEN GET INCREASES HALIFAX, May 2 Wage Increases have been granted to Halifax workmen in the building trades, effective today.

Plasterers will receive 60 cents an hour, painters 55 cents and carpenters 60 cents. All qther building trades arc to be paid in proportion 1 William Moffat Is Dead At Souris William Moffat, formerly of the OnWn Growers' Grain company, Winnipeg, Is dead at Hourls, according to word received In Winnipeg today. II Is survived by A widow and six children. The eldest eon, Athol, is on active service The funeral will be held from Gardiner's undertaking rooms to Hi James cemetery. Friday afternoon ut 4 o'clock.

oFjpwp RE LANE OPENING jr Xotlce la htrtbr liven that the Tounoll of tbs City i'l Wlnnlprit, baa dtded to maka and inaki-, unleaa wllhln cue month from the publication of thla notice tha ownera rctrcacntliiK at laaat three- flftha of the value of tho real properties benefited thereby (namely the real pro- pertlea fronting or abutting on the aald propoaed Improvement, the lane propoaed to bo opened) petition the Council aialnat the aamo, and will aaaoaa the coat thef of acttlnat tha properties benefited aa afore. aald. In caae thxre ia no adverse petition aa aforeaald the City will proceed without 72 further nottro to acquire the lands and take all other neceaaary proceedings for tho opening and eatabllahine of the aald if lane, and will pata a by-law or by-lawa levying; a rate therefore pursuant to the provlalons of the Winnipeg charter, Fuch assessment by-law will paased when the total coat of the lane, including the landa necessary to be purchased, the ct- (f penae of opening tho lane, the discount fc and collection charge and all oth' coals In connection therewith have been iv lalnod, PI Tho debt created by thla by-law will be ufrirlent to pay the costs of the Improve- ment and provide for Intereat on the prln- eu clpal at 4 4 per cent, per annum, and on fl sinking fund at 4 4 cent. p'r annum, tho payments to be inado In accordance r. with and at the time atated In the said assessment by-lawa respectively, the as-sesament to eitend over a perlud of three years.

jrl la casa the lane la opened and eitab- r-llshed as aforesaid the by-law providing fp for the' opening of same will be duly reg tU latered at the Land Titles Office and upon the aspiration of lg months from the date l-1 of such registration all the property there In mentioned as required for tho lane will hi become and remain vested in tho Cily of Winnipeg free from all encumbrances. mi The City Clerk will give to each cane- fr) of the property taken for the lano aa aforesaid, a proper notice In accordance with prorlslona of the Winnipeg char- ter, and all clalma made by any of tho owners will be dealt with In due coilraa by the Board ct Valuation and Ilevlslon whoao decision will be final and binding. mj In caaea where the owner of any lot iff donatea to tho City the part thereof usees- ssry for the lane, the city may in Jrh ing the cost of such Improvement esempt eti such owner from the or any portion sr of the cost nf purchasing any othsr Isnda KJ taken or acquired for such lane opening Si (eii'-pt In rase of nutleisl and mar Lji chargo tho whole or any portions of said 'tn coats againat tho landa from which tho aald purchased landa were taken In au' far manner and in sueh proportions as the kj r'ounoll may deem most equitable, having 3rv regard to the lands given and purehtsed ti and the respective advantages accruing SZ to the owners of the various landa beno- 12 flted by the aald Improvement, CZ In casHithe lano la deflented for Its exit from the middle line on tho block or where It runs along the side, instead of serosa or along rear cf a lot, such lot Vt, shall be aaseasad upon Ita width or true CV frontage Instead of the flankage or length thereof. t3 The opening of the lane propoaed la aa its follows: In the block bounded by I'ellg and Lawn Avenues, rlpruce and Tine Streets, under t3 Dy-Law No. 7II.

Hatlmated coat ff3 William and llannatyne Avenues, Sher- 3 brook and Olivia streets, under Ily-Law EJ No. flit. Estimated cost ttUO.00. CJ Ily Order, C. J.

JWOWN, ZJ Ol'v i''erk. XZ City Cleric's Office, tj Winnipeg, May tnd, itl, MISSICN TO BRAZIL nlo JANEIRO. 3iay 2-The foreign office ha lieen informed by the British nmbaiaiuior that the arrival may bo expected shortly of a British mls Blon udder Sir Maurice De llunsea..

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