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Hamilton Evening Journal from Hamilton, Ohio • Page 3

Hamilton, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THEJH11-Y 100CRAT. 'A Y. the I I hi rue' LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Auditor Brown was loday allowed ftoO part pay. Sew flow Jug and Halls are being 1 down in tbe Third ward engine The infirmary bOf.n' will meet at the institution tomorrow in regular session.

Mrs. John Hycaumre street, died last evening of contmu.ption, aged about 30 years. 'Squire Meebley in bis hi: deliiquent tax list of the Fourth wards. Tbe circuit com', allowed for hit services the SI ark. in the circuit cour'.

Tbe entry the common pleas conrt the Sharkey case was filed this mo'-nint'. Several pistol shots fired in rapid succession were beard by early risers this morning on East avenue. Reserved state for the concert at Ihe Opeia bcuse will lie on sale at Hibner's commencing tomorrow morning. The impression is steadily growing tlat a tig -mistake has been made in tbe census enumera-ion of the First ward. Supervisor of the Census Lot Wright the ratio of the vote to the population shorn one vote to every of population.

Tbe Cincinnati ice dealers yesterday shoved np tbe price of ice from $9 to $11 per ton; 75 cents per 100 pounds and 1 cent a pound for less than that amount. The commissioners have allowed J. H. Brede for appraising the Fourth ward of Middletown; Owen Carney, Third ward. $220; John Erb, Second ward, 1225 84.

In the sick reports from Camp Campbell appear the Argedioe, Sergeant Sallee, Privates Simon acd Long, of this city. None of them are at all serious. Representative Morey has- bad Dr. Jas. McKeady, who was recomiLended by the Middletown Grand Army Post, appointed a member of the Hamilton pension examining boaid, vice Dr.

McXeely, deceased. The Twos cow have their stable rearranged. The situated alongside of the ree: and ladder wagon. When in thf prrn'ni of H. 1'.

who look cunrxe ol the propcily January W. 1WHI. I'lHlntitt tiHVB acki to pay hiui the few bf claims to lie due, but they have and mill refuse to pay the tame. Twenty-five applicants from Middletown were down thin morning to make affidavit before the county clerk iu support-Jf their claims for peiisi'ji; I under the law recently passed. A young marrkd woman, living 011 Heaton street, whose name ooulr.

not asi-eruir ed, fell this uiorniug in front of Oberecht's grocery, presumably overcome by the heat. Sbo had just OiiiMix, nyi'd HOII Chrm Hmmi, "ni- druwiifd ill Erie canal, ill Middlntowu, at 7 oVIork cveiiiiiK. He, with other were on the fool-bridge where the Koitr switch accidentally fell otl. His body WB- recovered a short distance wherii fell in. JiKtlrlKl oim'ttllon At a of tbe nf committees of mis district yunerday, a it.

sued for a convention to be iu Dayion (September 2uJ, democratic- Ihe grocery and had purchased a package nominate of corn meal. Although she lived Imt a I date for common judge. short distance had to be hauled i county is to have delegates, home. fiat The consumption of tte city gas is assumiiiL' each proportions! tha- another beech of five retorts ha been fired and is in operation. Tbe elevator is rapidly being placed in position at the gps building.

A latg? number of connections to private houses are being made. Accident George Bowden, a Dridge carpenter, while working at the water tank near Vine street on the H. D. railroad this morning, received an ugly injury. A track guage had been placed on top a pile driver Tinder which Bowden was at work.

This guage was thrown oft and thrown down striking the workman in its fall. A deep gash three inches long wan cut in Bowden's chefk. He was taken to bis residence and Dr. Talbott summoned. While the wound isa painful and severe one, it is not dangerous.

an alarm conies in sriirjjiils can take one or two stei'b forward ard be under the harness. Shoitiy after 8 o'clock last evening an alarm of fire caaie hi from liox 31. A defective flue caused a small blaze on the roof of the Hamilton house building, which was exti: tuished and uo damage to speak of. There was paid out of the county fund last month, 28 which leaves a balance of 03, all that is left of the $40,000 received by tbe issuing of bonds to that amount. Next month's distribution will put about JIT.WKj in this fund again.

A postal card was received from Germany recently by Philip Conboy from Jchn Getz. The card is a curious specimen, diliereiit from those in use here. On the card is a picture of a bar maid waiting on a customer seateu at a table iu a tavern. Ephraim Sparks, of Cincinnati, thf father Mrs. K.

A. Smith, of Day.m. street, died yesterdav of asthuip. of the heart. Deceased will be buried al Greenwood cemetery, this city, tomorrow -I p.

m. Friends fruui Hamilton will meet funeral at H. it D. depot. The cellar has been excavated on the proposed site for the plant beine put in by the Hamilton Electric Light Co.

Thi stone is on the ground and the fouiula tion will soon be comiieoced. The nee essary machinery has arrived aud is at the Pan Handle freight office. The commissioners this morning passed a resolution authorizing the Four Mile bridge contractor to substitute red oak or any other hard timber for Ihe timber foundations, ins'ead of the white oak called for in tne specifications. why the specifications are not lived up to does not appear. Mr.

Beck voted no on this proposition, as he has on every action taken relative to this brid COOLER WEATHER probably thunder storms, and cooler weather are likely during today. The warmest weather is now east of the Mississippi valley, and the great bent ex tends to the Atlantic coast. In the Mississippi valley tbe heat is broken up and numeious local showers have occurred from the lakes to the tulf. Occasional showers have also fallen in the Missouri valley and the lake regions. Temperature has fallen considerably in Wisconsin, Minnesota, the Dakotas and Iowa The warmest at Springfield, 111., and Indianapolis yesterday when a rain fell reducing the temperature at both places to while at the same hour Louisville was and Cincinnati Very likely we will get some such change here today.

Wm. N. Hunter has brought suit against Belle R. McNeeley and Jamea Sutherland, claiming $000. He says in bis petition that in June '89 defendants agreed and contracted with him to pay him if be would rind a purchaser for the Sutherland corner at Front and High, at $600 a front foot, there being 49,7 feet frontage.

Plaintiff says that In December, he found a party who waa willing to pay that amount cashs that be BO notified dotmdantfl when tbey declined to make tbe Bale. Subneqnont- ly they agraed to lease the property nn- dei certain conditions and agreed to pay him If he found a party who the name. Thin ho did after tbe expenditure of much time and money, A rariomi Some days ago two well known attorneys began proceedings against the C. H. D.

railroad for $10,000 damages, on behalf of John Royd, who was their client. The petition, sworn to by Boyd, depicted how he had been injured while repairing cars on the C. H. D. tracks at Winton Place, immediately following the Strong locomotive collisioB, Boyd said he bad worked for the H.

A D. ten years. When the summons was served on the company that corporation began to look about to see who Boyd was and under whom he had worked. His name could not be found on the pay roll in any department, although the books were searched several years back. I', finally discovered that Boyd was and had been for several years an em- ploye of the C.

B. it and had been injured while in their employ near the C. H. D. tracks at the Winton Place junction.

Tbe suit against the C. H. i D. will be dismissed. Hutier thirty-eight, 1'rebie fifteen and Montgomery sixty-five.

fire HI mniKi'1 Maiton Sparks from a passing locomotive set tire ui the depot at Maud's Station between 9 aud 10 o'clock yesterday moru- ing. The building was a frame, and, there being uo means witb which fi fight the names, all the could do was to remove the office fixtures and other goods from the various rooms. The flames spread to the large water- tank, the capacity of which was about gallons, and in a short time both structures were reduced to athes. The loss is placed at J2.500, which is covered by insurance. HOLBROCK REILY BLOCK, OPPOSITE BECKETT'S HALL, Continues to be the great center of attraction to all parties in search of genuine bargains in all seasonable goods.

This summer's trade has eclipsed our most sanguine hopes. We attribute our success to the values we offer. today present to our readers a pyramid of matchless bargains. I'K HLAL'K Draping Nets and Are better valuta than can he Imil elsewhere. A Branhcu Driver.

As the 6:30 train north on the H. D. neared the Vine street crossing last evening, a man and woman seated in a buggy were driving east on Vine. It was evident to the spectators who were on the street that the man was considerably under the influence of liquor. The tram carne rushing on its way and the drunken fellow drove recklessly on.

The woman grabbed the reins and jerked hard, succeeding in turning the horse on another course. The animal crossed the track only a few feet in front of tte engine. The woman jninped out Hastily and just in time, leaving the man to drive on alone. The parties' Dames could not be learned. Amazona.

CHALLIES Are tfce Nrbbifst iu tbe city Tor DIP price. Sun Umbrellas worth $1 1 a Fischues AT 91.50, And Upward. SATINES UREAT KEblTTIONH. 20 Pieces French Designs at 15c To) ruer pricf BELTS CHEAPEST IN TOWN 5c 80e 4Oc and Bed Spreads. SPECIAL 'J BAKQAINH 78c.

99c. IWKEE THEM. tXTRA (JESTS' VALUKH IN WHITE AND Flannelette Shirts At so Cents. Lace Curtains Worth double what we for them. Dress Ginghams Oae Lot at ODB Lot at 10c.

One Lot at VERY CBEM'. We have just received a line of nobby patterns in Black Lawns which were delayed in shipment; these will be marked low. HOLBROCK LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. SQQ1CTY GOSSIP. Miss Moxie Hurm and Lon Black have gone to Louisville.

Miss Caroline Bosch is visiting relatives in Franklin. Miss Rose Cook, of near Somerville, spent the day here. Miss Emma Pater is ill at her home on South Second street. Mrs Lou Pfau and little daughter were in Cincinnati today. Mrs.

Elizabeth J' nes, of Middletown, lued 80 years, is dead. Nnrah Gallagher, of Mt. Gilead. is here visiting relatives. Kat.e Lntz is spending a few days with friends in the country.

Mrs. C. is visiting Miss Tillie Sawyer, of Mi.lclleton-n. Miss Dora Holbruek left today to visit friends at Toledo and Findlay. Misss Lizzie Line is spending a few- weeks with relatives in Dayton.

Mr. and Mrs. lUrry Frye have returned from a visit to friends at Piqua. Mrs. Doellman, of North Third street, is visiting friends in Cincinnati.

Miss Nora McKeon, of Millville, is visiting relatives in the First ward. Miss Cora Beasley, o' Dayton, is the guest of friends on Fourth street. Miss Bercaw, of the First ward, is visiting relatives in the country. Mrs. William Shuler and are visiting Bartlett, near Venice.

Mrs. O. P. Crume and family are visiting friends at Cottage Grove, Ind. Miss Carrie Mabis is the guest of Mrs.

David Friscb, of near Middletown. Tbe Misses Benjamin are the guests of Miss Hattie Mooney, of Middletown. Miss Amy Woodford. of Cincinnati, is visiting in the Fourth ward. An amusing state of affaire exists on Dayton street.

It seems that two domestics reside on this thoroughfare, one of whom is named Emma and the other Rose. Emma has a "young mau" who has for some time past been keeping regular company with her. However, being fickle like all men are said to be, he cast his eyes across the street and became enamored with the damsel Hose Emma saw her recreant lover slipping along under the foliage of the trees in the evening going to call on Rose. Tnii made her as mad as a hornet and one evening not long ago she went to the house where her rival worked and posing as John Sullhan sbe dared Rose out of the house. Rose thinking that discretion in this case was the better part of valor refused to accept the challenge.

However, the two girls met finally aud a hair pulling match of gigantic propotions was the result. Emma was triumphant, and she knocke 1 out Rise, according to the most approved style Marquis of Qaeensbury rules. Monument to Prof. rroposed The funeral of rTof Robt. H.

Bishop, took place at 5 o'clock last evening frouj his late residence iii Oxford- It was quiet and unostentatious. Rev. Mr Xcsbitt delivered an el' quer.t fureral discourse in which ho eulogized the work of the venerable old professor as as educator, scholar and a Chrisiisu muri. The pall beaiprs were tlie tlireo sous of Mr. Bisuop and a w.

His body was laid away in tbe Oxford cemetery. Among alumni pre'ent frnm abroad were James and F. Hunt, of Glendaie: Mr. Wui. Beckett, of Hamilton; Mr.

John Smith, of Tex is, and Mr. E. F. Kicinstbinidt, of Cincinnati. The received Setters From many alumni who were unable to be present.

There an informal resolution by alumni present to call upon their brethren for contributions to erect a suitable monument over the professor's grave. It seems quite well assured that an active movement for this purpose will be set on foot within a few days. Two Outing. Captain Milispangb aud Ofli -er D.tve McMechac, two ojhjers on council's black list, have A four days' leave of absence and lefi this morning for Put-in- Bay. Dave ordered new coat and tdo tailor Hgreed to have It done last niguti but failed.

Not to be kept out of bis best suit of clothes, McMechan went Three Yenrs Behind. Said a prominent attorney this morning: "The DEMOCRAT last night showed the true condition of affairs in this county in relation to our court business. We are in a very bad shape. We are more than six hundred cases in number and three years in time, behind the docket. The Cincinnati courts, slow and eaev going as they are, cannot show any poorer record than this." A Pnslor lor Hnmillon.

The Uniyersalist congregation are a present negotiating th Rev C. Con ner, who is at present pastoi at Mt Gilead, Newton and Mt. Carmel, to ac cept a call to this city. Although it is not yet a sure thing thatMr. Conner will the proposition tendered him, there is a strong probability that he will come.

Mr. Conner stands in tbe rank in the Universalist ministry in Ohio, and besides being a rine speaker and conversationlaist is an earnest work erand a thoroughly good man. In age he is about 35 years. The foundation for the new Universa list church near the corner of Seventh and High streets, is now being laid, the excavatiug having been completed Work will be pushed on tho erection the church. Mr.

and Mrs. John Conboy are home ar0 uud and sat up all night with the fojm a rive weeks' sojourn in Illinois. Mrs, H. Garner has returned from a week's visit to friends in College Corner. Miss Nina Dodds has returned to Millville, after a visit to friend-i in this city.

Mrs. Volla Kaston is visiting Wm. Anderson and family, of Ross township. Miss Kate Cole has returned from a three months' visit to relatives in Dayton. Miss Julia Mercer left this morning on a month's visit to relatives near Detroit, Mich.

Miss Maggie McNaughton, of Chicago, Is visiting Mise Bessie Schell, of Third street. Miss Effle Dick, of near Mlllville, huh returned home after a visit to friends in this city. Frank Coddinglon, of Wyoming, was last evening tbe guest of Miss Bertha Sheehan. John C. Jtffriw and Kmraa L.

Daw son, both of Okeana, have been licensed to mnrry, Kttoiut Pngt.) tailor aud compelled him to fulfill his contract. The boys at tbe station house say that the two officers, not having received any pay for several months, were in a hard row of stumps, but finally managed to put themselves in shape. The last seen of the two men, Captain Millspaugh waa in the lead, headed towards the C. H. A D.

station, with McMechan, in his smile and wabble trudging along behind, wiping the perspiration from his excited brow. A report reached headquarters at noon that the two men had missed the train and started across the county afoot to make another on the Bee Line, but this report lacks confirmation. The only baggage they carried was a copy ot the resolution of council discharging them from the force and a copy of the DEMOCRAT containing the decision of the circuit court in the mandamus case. dihptheria, nia. or any other severe Ultima, there Is no bettor tonic than Hood's Sarsaparilla.

Our whiskey has the endorsement of all Hamilton phyniclanH for purity and excellence. None but the handled ,1 KiusrmMKii A Co. Police Henry Wallen, a farm hand win works for John Aniisperger, came town last evening and put himself into a state of intoxication. This morning be was lined and and as he was taken back to the cooler, he remarked to His Honor that it was a "leetle John won't assist in the harvesting thi- week. John Kelly, a Hamilton man, got on a plain unvarnished and costs Henry Ashbrook is locked up in the station house, and from all accounts he ought to bo compelled to spend severa" heated terms in Tonim'e Smith's Mim mer resort.

Mrs, Ashbrook came up yes lerday and lodged complaint against her companion. Mrs. Asbbrook says she ha four small children to support and take in washing for that purpose. Lwt week she washed for nine different familiei Henry was working on the street for whilo, but told his wife that a da was not enough. So he quit ami di nothing, which fora man of his disiioM tion was easier.

In addition to loatinir the notorious gang growler rushers in the lower Secon ward alley and came hniim every nigh drunk and abusive. He would repre sent to his wife that he was wonting and borrow of her, hard-earned money in order to help pay for the growler, al ways promising to return it when he was paid. Finally Mrs. Asbbrook be came tired of his conduct and conlinuec dram upon her purse for money to keef up his bumming and she complained tr the police telling them where sh thought he could be found. The patro was sent down and Ashbrook to escape.

He was caught. morn ing he wanted to fix things up. He ask ed that an officer be permitted to accoin pany him to his mother's for the money which to liquidate his fine. But whei the mayor said $10 nd costs and thlrtj days, Henry went back to his cell with a sad and melancholy expression and dejected heart. Such men as he, dcserv little sympathy.

Mike Scully, found guilty of pet larceny was bound over to jaii in dcfau of $100 bail. The best salve in the world for Cut Bruises, Hoi-en, Ulcers. Suit Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Clmpped Hand Chilblain, Corns Mid all Skin Eruption cures Piles, or no pa TO RENT Houses for Employes of Macneale Urban Safe Works. Persons having any for rent call at once at James R. OfHce, 244 HIGH STREET.


A 8UPERB CO AT OPERA HOUSE, Friday Evening, July 11 Excellent program of Solos, Soprano, Piano, Clarinet, Fhlte and Piccolo. Nothing of the kind on the concert stage. ADMISSION 25 and 35 Cents. A Tribute lo Rev Iliiliolx. WHKREAS, The Rev.

G. W. Dubois has for live years last past served most fatth- ully and acceptably as pastor of this ohurch, and has by bis earnest sermons, manly conduct and Christian life endeared himself to the hearts of his congregation, and WHKRKAS, The law of our church a longer continuance of his minis- at this place; 'liexalveil. That wo hereby place on record our appreciation of the character of Brother Dubois and express our row at parting from him and his estimable family; further Rctiotvcil, That remembering his past success with gratitude and pride, we will hope and pray that his future career may be blessed with abundant tokens of GoiVs grace and favor. It is very important in this age o( vast material progress that a remedy be pleasing to the taste and to the eye, easily taken, acceptable to tbe stomach and healthy In Its nature and efleuts.

Possessing these qualities, Syrup of Kigs is one perfect laxative and most gentle diuretic known. Mill boi. KOI wOe by A LADY IN TKXAS VVRITKS. My case of long standing; has baf- Hed many physicians; have tried every remedy I ooiild hear of. but Hradllcild's Keg.

Atlanta, forfurther particulars. Hold by all ao TO HIBNER For Hats and Furnishings. 1,171 IKK LIST SO. -JO. HAMILTON, Ohio, July It Hover Mrs Albert 1.

Mulvey Wllllnm Phillips Speer Sirs Holier Kee Oheln Teln Kailnr-Mra l.lnzle Loug Miller Mrs Hpeer Airs Srallh BroH Wiilker MraOUlierlne WftlliriK Alfred Willis Fred HATT1ST odsdate spend a Friday, July llth, at Wo Everybody invited to go day of recreation at this beautiful resort. under such pleasant circumstances, with Its varied attractions, coolshiido, refreshing river and splendid ace-mimo- dations for picnic parties. Special train leaves I'. II. A ilo()ol at o'clock a.

leaves Wooilsdald Park, at p. in. The train will stop at the fair ground platform for people residing in the Hftlx ward. The only direct of M.mtiol Oarcla-UavaiiA Kelly, Msrtlnea, Y'lmr, Citilemina, 1 ami other Standard Key West KII.SHKIMKK A Co..

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